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Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

Updated: Nov 30, 2021

SYDNEY PROTEST! Waltzing Matilda!

World Wide Rally For Freedom: SYDNEY - LIVE

Live from Sydney- signal was jammed by NSW Police resulting in inferior quality

Sydney CBD gridlocked with Beautiful Aussies

Sydney: Lieutenant Colonel Ricardo Bosi recites the Lord's prayer with 100,000 protesters..

An amazing moment at yesterdays' freedom rally in Sydney

Sydney Protests: MSM media changing their tune ?

My Protest View!!!

We are almost there. Aussies be proud our time has come to tare down the halls of corruption and tyranny

At last the people have stepped out of their fear and the story unfolds.

we will not have our inalienable rights taken by tyrannical government and bureaucrats.

I personally have called this a scam from the very beginning, ridiculed and ostricised by some for trying to warn and educate family and friends for years about the NWO and this scamdemic, sending information via email or social media and sharing from this blog, of course so many wouldn't listen and sadly took the jab. I can finally hold my head up high knowing that everything I researched I was right in standing by for truth and my convictions. Thank you to all who are a part of this journey with me. It has been a team effort and I have made many wonderful friends on this journey. My strongest belief has always been that Australia would be the country to lead the world to a wonderful time of peace and prosperity. I know that her people have the strength and conviction to do this. We will be held in the highest esteem because we know how to prove our worth and to stand with our fellow countrymen when the battle cry calls us to fight for all we are as a nation. To the world we are but one, to all nations we are family.

From small beginnings of fearless protestors in so few numbers over the start of covid 2019. The crowd of people has grown and have finally seen that the poison injections are just that and more. We must continue to rally towards change. Unite in Victory and restore our country to it's people.

The Lion has woken. Hear it's Roar....

To all the heroes in Victoria thank you for holding the line.

To Sydney warriors thank you for uniting as one indissoluble people and to all the little towns, States and territories of this great nation God Bless! and thank you for making this a momentous march to victory and freedom from the shackles of hell.

We all must continue. Next week in the Millions march - show your loved ones and friends what we can achieve and ask them to join us all next saturday.

From this weekend till Christmas I'll be there. Give up your weekends or give up your freedoms!

20th November - World Wide Rally

27th November - Millions March

12th December - #ReclaimTheLine


In every town and suburb if you cannot make it to your capital city then create your own circle of patriots. Make your placards and take videos and stream it onto your own social media posts and create a circle of unity across this great Southern land.

This is our Victory March to a new and amazing future.

What has been done cannot be undone. But we are strong and we will help all those who have been coerced and lied to and we will heal this land.

Right now we need and must help our beloved first nation people as they are being genocided, right under our noses.


They are being forced/coerced to take the poison and being denied and medical assistance..

SOS to all caring Australians


I am so proud of my countrymen today Namaste'


SOS to all caring Australians - please go to link to read full story and how you can help

Call out for food and water in Boggabilla

Reports from families outside Boggabilla have come in informing us mob cant leave unless they are double jabbed and lot of em against it too

We are calling on all humanitarian groups, black organisations and allies to rally together to get essentials to this community as quickly as we can.

Please share this message as far and wide as possible

For those being bribed to get the jab just to have access to essentials, here is a stat dec and notice of non consent. Sign the stat dec in front of a JP and try to use these documents to access essentials.

I tried to go gundy yesterday but wasn’t allowed to , no proper food here gotta go servo for hot chips and gravy all time it’s fucked.

Drop off point for food and water is the Primary School South Street Boggabilla NSW

Important documents by

I am adding this important message from a lady On social media of whom I am friends.

As above urgent call - This is what is happening in the Pilbara region.

SOS -Pilbara

Happening in the Pilbara 22nd Nov tomorrow. Original Sovereign Tribal Federation - OSTF shared a post. Admin · 4m · "I have some pretty bad news. A friend of mine who is on leave from Army said they are bit broken. They was part of a large deployment up far Nth to surround an aboriginal community. They said multiple units were ordered to surround aboriginal village to stop any escaping. They said a lot of colleagues, were disgusted as they had to watch the indingenous being forced down and held and jabbed by the medical millitary. A lot of them were disgusted at the orders given to them. I ask why didn't you stand down. Millitary are suppose to protect the people not harm them against their will. This is treason. So fkn angry. This person is suffering PTSD. On leave from it. They have been warned that if the disobey ,ramifications will be implimented. Some millitary are breaking down. I was so absolutely angry. I asked why are you disclosing this. They said because they are going to start with indigenous first and it will be covered up and silenced . I said that they and those commanders and cunts above them are committing treason. At first I thought they was taking the piss out of me. But they weren't. They confided because it is messing with some of their heads. Some are on leave as they rotate for stress. Absolutely fkn disgusted. Treason . They can get themself in a lot of trouble now for telling me this. I am sick to the stomach. If they are doing this to indigenous by force what the fk are they going to do with suburbians. I am very deeply disurbed and stressed out."


We are One, but we are Many, And from all the lands on Earth we come, We share a dream and sing with One Voice, I am, you are, we are Australian.


towards the end of this blog is some extra information..

this must be heard as distressing as it is. The people must here these testimonies

Imagine...our doctors have to hide their faces to tell us the truth about adverse COVID-19 vaccine reactions... 4 Health care professionals are features and 1 patient who experienced adverse reactions.


More n Pictures of the Sydney People Rally.

The Australian people assembled in Hyde Park before spilling into the Streest and walking towards Martin Place where various speakers fronted the rally. Crowds swelled as they held placards and sang to the national anthem. waltzing Matilda and chanted various grievances and freedom calls. A happy mix of all Australians joining together in their freedom day march.




VIDEOS of Freedom Rally around our great country

November 20th 2021

compilation of crowds in each state

Sydney November 20th 2021



Protest summary!!!

TRUE PATRIOTS LOOK LIKE . Australia leading the Way!!!! TRUE WARRIORS!!!! So PROUD of the ANZACS

“I don’t even know what they are protesting” -


By David Hiscox - November 20, 2021

To give an idea of the ridiculous number of people who turned up in.Melbourne, this XYZ reporter met someone who watched the crowd march down Bourke Street from the vantage point of the Elephant and the Wheelbarrow on the corner of Bourke and Exhibition. The crowd took nearly a full hour before it had finally gone past.

It snaked down Bourke Street from Spring Street to Elizabeth, and then up to Lonsdale. The.crowd marched to Flagstaff Gardens and absolutely packed it out.

Go to website above link...for more up dates around the state capitols

The Awakening is happening ! Revolution is coming ViVa La OZ


Fantastic turnout Townsville, over 2000 people


500k stood up again today and will continue they will not stop! until government submits to the people







‘I am Australian’Song Lyrics

I came from the dream-time
From the dusty red-soil plains
I am the ancient heart
The keeper of the flame
I stood upon the rocky shores
I watched the tall ships come
For forty thousand years I've been
The first Australian
I'm the daughter of a digger
Who sought the mother lode
The girl became a woman
On the long and dusty road
I'm a child of the Depression
I saw the good times come
I'm a bushie, I'm a battler
I am Australian
We are one, but we are many
And from all the lands on earth we come
We'll share a dream and sing with one voice
I am, you are, we are Australian
I'm a teller of stories
I'm a singer of songs
I am Albert Namatjira
And I paint the ghostly gums
I'm Clancy on his horse
I'm Ned Kelly on the run
I'm the one who waltzed Matilda
I am Australian
We are one, but we are many
And from all the lands on earth we come
We'll share a dream and sing with one voice
I am, you are, we are Australian
We are one, but we are many
And from all the lands on earth we come
We'll share a dream and sing with one voice
I am, you are, we are Australian
I am, you are, we are Australian

Australians all let us rejoice, 
For we are one and free; 
We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; 
Our home is girt by sea; 
Our land abounds in nature’s gifts 
Of beauty rich and rare; 
In history’s page, let every stage 
Advance Australia Fair. 
In joyful strains then let us sing, 
Advance Australia Fair. 
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross 
We’ll toil with hearts and hands; 
To make this Commonwealth of ours 
Renowned of all the lands; 
For those who’ve come across the seas 
We’ve boundless plains to share; 
With courage let us all combine 
To Advance Australia Fair. 
In joyful strains then let us sing, 
Advance Australia Fair.



All please watch this BRILLIANT INFORMATION! How Australian Government and entities are interconnected in this scamdemic.......the Interconnections of Political entities and their families

The Scum in the Evil Pot of corruption


Why are Australia's governments desperate to enforce experimental inoculations on citizens?

An interconnected web of relationships, family ties, government grants, funding from sponsors, DNA harvesting, security risks, foreign powers and criminal corporations with billions to spend.

Who is paying who?

Who is related to whom?

Who is acting in whose interest?

Could there be a conflict of interest amongst some politicians, bureaucrats, academic institutions, business owners and others?

Why shouldn't Australians demand answers?

BitChute (

Conflict Of Interest Covid in Australia

Why are Australia's governments desperate to enforce experimental inoculations on citizens?

An interconnected web of relationships, family ties, government grants, funding from sponsors, DNA harvesting, security risks, foreign powers and criminal c…

The biggest crime in history with its connections.


Andrew Twiggy Forrest has been making more money from his Pharmaceutical Empire then Mining yet most people have no clue about this and his links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Greg Hunt's brother runs a Graphene company in Sth Australia


Thank you Kingsta for your information regarding SPARC Technologies. We were aware prior to final video edit that the name of the CEO of SPARC Technologies is Stephen Hunt, as is the name of the health minister Greg Hunt’s brother. This may be coincidental. We are not certain whether Greg Hunt's brother's name is spelled 'Stephen' or 'Steven'. If you or anyone has evidence that Stephen Hunt of SPARC and the health minister’s brother are one and the same person, we would much appreciate you providing this proof, as we were unable to do so. If done soon enough we would edit the video accordingly. (We note SPARC Technologies has a 'Whistleblower' policy.) Some online news publications have made similar allegations suggesting that other brothers of Greg Hunt are involved in graphene technology, animal testing of graphene technology or connected to pharmaceutical companies or academic institutions, posing potential conflicts of interest. One such allegation we were able to eliminate conclusively, as the Peter Hunt named was not born in Australia. If we cannot satisfactorily substantiate any reports we choose to not echo rumor. There is more than enough false information circulating to have ourselves add to it through lack of investigation. However, we thank you for genuine contribution and appreciate all assistance as we have not sought nor received funding to research and present this information



Thank you John. The information provided by leading global patents lawyers may endorse your sentiment regarding ‘existence’ of Covid.The reason/excuse provided to Australian’s for drastic emergency measures introducing reduction of freedoms was attributed to the alleged existence of such a virus.The number of those supposedly ‘infected’ has been based on PCR ‘testing’.Without statistics based on PCR, the case for emergency measures is baseless.This may cause some to demand of all and any promoting their validity, to present evidence of the absolute reliability of such PCR tests in this application.If as you suggest ‘Covid does not exist’, whatever the true source of infection/s known as SARS-CoV-2 (Covid -19) that compromised public health through 2020-21, the resultant deleterious effects of the true cause have been reduced dramatically using known drugs and especially through early preventative measures.Regrettably, this information has been subjected to censorship by those delegated or authorized to broadcast it.That censorship itself has been accused as contributing to high rates of mortality.If therapies exist that reduce the minimal risk to people not health compromised are acknowledged as available, it means emergency health measures to promote mRNA experimental invasive procedures cannot be justified.According to data, such therapies to treat whatever is causing the public health threat, do exist.Amongst them are those that are safe, inexpensive, efficacious and decades old.Such information is readily available to those in Australia and around the world entrusted with acting in behalf of public health.If refusing to discuss such data, are they not demonstrating they have a conflict of interest?The video was based on questioning the ‘logic’ of official narrative as above, not the veracity of Covid-19 or advocacy of treatment protocols.Therefore, may I ask you to consider the following scenario?A manager receives payment to work exclusively in the best interest of one employer, then because he holds this position, is approached to accept payment in exchange for spending time and energy working for a second employer, specifically to undermine their own work on behalf of the first employer.In such a case, what should the first employer do?Are not ‘public servants’, paid servants of the public?If they are compromised, can they still be called, ‘public servants’?Once a conflict of interest is established, should its continuation be tolerated?



Morrison, Andrews and Halton in big, dirty vaccine deal (Part 2)

read @ Channel 7 reported on government threats to coerce the public into getting COVID-19 vax



[Forwarded from Covid Vaccine Injuries]


from: Emma McArthur Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 at 16:39 Subject: Josh Teague MP reports doctor to the police for writing emails To: Cc: , Pauline (Senator) , Craig (MP) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Augusto Zimmermann , Nick Hudson, Peter McCullough, , , Allen Cheng , , , , , Larry (Executive, Black Mountain) , , , , , Elizabeth Hart For The attention of: Josh Teague MP Member for Heysen South Australia Dear Mr Teague After 20 months of ‘life’ under the emergency management directions of Police Commissioner Stevens, it seems South Australia’s descent into a police state is complete. Citizens are now being targeted by South Australia Police for the non-crime of letter writing. As you must be aware, South Australian doctor Bruce Paix, was recently visited by SAPOL and admonished for his emails to none other than yourself, the ‘Hon’ Josh Teague MP. In case you have not seen the video of the ‘visit’, I refer you to the following article in Gateway Pundit: [1] Dr Paix is a doctor with vast experience and expertise, as highlighted by the following biography: ‘I am a senior Dr in the South Australian Government system, having some 32 years in service as both a Rescue Dr and Anaesthesiologist. I also have experience in managing health threats (as a senior military Dr. – indeed I was the Senior Australian Military Dr in the Middle East when MERS was an issue) and hold a first-class honors degree in a public health field, as well as specialist training in Anaesthesia.’ [see attached article] In the video, the police officer states that Dr Paix has committed no crime. Therefore, on what authority are SAPOL officers warning Dr Paix about these emails? If there is no crime, there appears to be no lawful reason for this disgraceful action, other than an attempt to intimidate Dr Paix into silence. Mr Teague, why do you want to silence Dr Paix? Why were police sent to reprimand a medical professional for voicing his concerns about the Covid-19 response and the safety of Covid-19 vaccines? Are you afraid of scrutiny Mr Teague, and if so, why? Surely, if you are confident in the Marshall Government’s handling of Covid-19, you would openly address the very serious concerns raised by your constituent, instead of reporting him to the police? It seems we inhabit a dystopian world where medical professionals are being silenced and intimidated, from all angles, for challenging the government narrative on Covid-19. Doctors such as Dr Mark Hobart are being hunted by the professional regulator (AHPRA) and the Victorian Department of Health, for upholding his Hippocratic Oath and respecting his patients’ right to medical privacy, as well as their right to give free and informed consent regarding treatment and vaccination for Covid-19.[2] Dr Robert Brennan suffered a similar fate at the hands of AHPRA and has been suspended from practice.[3] This is tyrannical state intervention in the doctor-patient relationship, and it needs to be stopped. Now we see Dr Bruce Paix threatened by police, for exercising a fundamental democratic right to petition his local representative about government policy. What a disgraceful mess Australian democracy is in. It is noteworthy that, according to the police officer in the video, one of Dr Paix’s non-crimes was mentioning the Nuremberg Trials in his emails – the irony of this was clearly lost on the officer in question. It would appear at first glance that the irony of this was also lost on you, because had you understood it, you would never have reported Dr Paix to the police in the first place… Or is it perhaps, that you understood only too well, the point Dr Paix was making by referring to the Nuremberg trials; that you felt afraid because you know we will ultimately be judged for our own actions, not the actions of other people, and ignorance is no defence? This situation clearly has nothing to do with protecting public health because otherwise why would a government allow medical professionals to be targeted for upholding their professional code of conduct, and stood down during a pandemic? Thousands of health workers also cannot work because they have refused to be coerced into receiving an experimental medical intervention to keep their job. As I said in my letter to Scott Morrison on 16 July 2021, according to the Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza (AHMPPI), one of the responsibilities of government during a pandemic is to ‘minimise disruption to the community’ [see attached letter]. This includes maintaining the health care system, as highlighted by one of the strategic objectives of the AHMPPI: ‘Minimise the burden on/ support health systems’[4] And yet, for the past 20 months, you and your colleagues have done the precise opposite – you’ve disrupted society through lockdowns, border closures, contact tracing, mass testing and quarantine, and now you are preventing highly skilled and experienced doctors such as Dr Paix, from working because they will not submit to Covid-19 vaccination. This would almost be farcical were it not for the fact that you are destroying lives and livelihoods in the process. You are also using the police to target doctors who speak out, Mr Teague. As this is clearly not about public health, then what is it about? I put it to you that this is about control, and the silencing of dissent, to facilitate the mass-vaccination of the Australian people. It is about getting a Covid-19 vaccine into the arm of every Australian, at any cost, and hooking people onto these shots for the foreseeable future. Why else would the Australian Government have bought 280 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines for a population of 25.7 million people (at the cost of eight billion dollars to the taxpayer)? What other reason is there for the rapidly expanding apartheid within our country, if it is not intended to force people into submission? Australians have endured 20 months of this authoritarianism via draconian emergency powers and gross fearmongering from ‘the authorities.’ However, this juggernaut of vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, and the looming threat of repeated booster shots, is waking people up… and many have had enough. They are taking to the streets in protest and the numbers are growing. There are also signs that the tide is turning in Federal politics, with several politicians, including liberal senators Gerard Rennick and Alex Antic, standing up against the coercive vaccination policies that are invalidating informed consent across the country. In an ideal world, instead of visiting concerned citizens who are exercising their democratic rights, police would be paying a visit to the real criminals – those who are abusing their power in the name of a ‘medical emergency’ called Covid-19. However, in South Australia, the police are making the rules, as well as enforcing them… so to whom do we turn for protection? If citizens can now be visited by police for exercising a fundamental democratic right to petition their elected representative, what are the people to do? How shall we stop these measures that are manifestly destructive to our lives, our health, our rights and our nation? How should we act when there is no political accountability left, and our lives are ruled by diktat? Luckily, we have (for now), important democratic rights still available to us. Those of us who are able, will refuse to comply with this tyrannical coercion and uphold our right to say no to a medical intervention. We will hold hands with those who have been violated by the state (or their employers) and forced to take a Covid-19 vaccination in order to keep a roof over their family’s head. We will hold hands with the doctors and health professionals who are heroically upholding their professional ethics, in the face of a relentless state sanctioned attack. We will hold hands with those who have been injured by Covid-19 vaccination, or whose family members have died because of it. We will hold hands with those whose family members die because they have been denied appropriate early treatment for Covid-19. We will hold hands with those who have been denied their freedom for the past 20 months – who have been separated from loved ones across the world, or even in neighbouring states. We will hold hands with those whose family members have died alone, without the comforting presence of their loved ones at their side. We will hold hands with those whose businesses have been destroyed by lockdowns. We will hold hands with our children and young people whose education has been disrupted for no reason, and who will undoubtedly bear the burden of the response to Covid-19 in the years ahead. Together we are taking to the streets in peaceful protest, and we will do so in ever increasing numbers. This will continue, and it is a pattern repeated across the globe. We will use our vote at the next election. We will support those few brave politicians who are standing against tyranny and believe in our fundamental freedoms, including the right to choose what happens to our body without penalty. I most certainly will not be voting for you, Mr Teague. What’s more, I shall endeavor to tell as many people as possible in your Heysen electorate, how you have proved yourself to be utterly unfit for public office. Lastly, we will also continue to exercise our fundamental right to petition our elected representatives, despite this disgusting intimidation by you and SAPOL. I await my visit from SAPOL with eager anticipation. Yours sincerely Emma McArthur References 1. Hoft J, ‘Former Senior Australian Military Doctor was Visited and Threatened by Police After Contacting MP About COVID Management Policies)’, The Gateway Pundit, 15 November 2021 2. Weisser R, ‘To Vax or not to vax?’, Spectator Australia, 9 October 2021 3. MC Jonas Report, ‘Dr Mark Hobart raided by 'Authorised Officers'’, Morgan C Jonas Facebook page, 11 November 2021 4. Australian Department of Health, Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza(AHMPPI), Department of Health, 21 August 2019

see email in proper format download pdf

Melbourne doctor Dr Mark Hobart has had his clinic raided and confidential medical files of his patients have been seized.

hear. Dr Mark Hobart



This is a war between the people and the corrupt government. I’m backing the people.

Jeremy Lee. The Plan, how we got here. NWO Australia



Jeremy Lee. 1991, wow! Way ahead of his time. We were warned but few people seem to notice, even fewer seem to care. Listen now and tell me how much you think has come to pass in the last 30 years. If only every Australian had seen this I don't believe we would be where we are today. Absolutely brilliant video. Concise, logical and spelt out in layman's terms so that any, every person can understand this. Pinpoints where, how, when and who. Its actually very sad to think in so many ways we have done this to ourselves. Yes government have orchestrated it and sold us all out BUT it was our apathy as a nation as Australians that allowed it all to happen.


"WHERE is the media coverage of this?" - Ian Wishart


Former UK 🇬🇧 military tells it how it is.


It's hard for many people to see that governments are waging war against their own citizens.



RumbleImagine...our doctors have to hide their faces to tell us the truth about adverse COVID-19 vaccine reactions...

4 Health care professionals are features and 1 patient who experienced adverse reactions.

I found the video was slow to start and have also added the download in case it gets censored by those who hate/hide the truth...

ONE of a number of comments

AudraOnMission, 1 day ago

All this for a cold/flu with over 99% survival rate (for most) and that's without any treatment at all. Our Governments and health regulators KNOW what they're doing - deliberately allowing harm to be done to the people and facilitating mass genocide. Truth always wins and these criminals will be up for the high jump.

More happenings -

RDA is hosting the first of several live streams dedicated to showcasing all the different organisations/groups who are fighting for our Liberties. It's a way for the public to see what each group is up to and support them in any way they can. Reignite Democracy Australia 27.6K subscribers Tonight at 8 pm we are premiering our new series called TOGETHER WE CAN...get our liberties back. The mission of this series is to bring together all the organisations and advocates in Australia who are fighting for our rights. We hope you enjoy the broadcast. Below is a list of guest speakers who will be appearing on tonight's show.

You can tune in here;

Speaker list; - Triccy (The People’s Revolution) - Morgan C Jonas (MCJ Report) - Fanos (Fanos The Voice) - Narelle Fraser (Human Rights Advocates) - Christian Mack (National Education United) - Ursula (Unite Now Australia) - Pearse Casey (SKIP Australia)

Riccardo Bosi talking about the military in the Novotel around the country & the plans to us

Watch till the end for an epic Riccardo rant....

Lastly make sure you are standing up for your country in all major capital cities this weekend!





A copy of a letter you could write

Personal choice and community impacts Submission 475

Objection to compulsory vaccination regime.

Australian Federal and State Governments are surreptitiously circumventing the Australian Constitution by implementing a Defacto Compulsory Vaccination regime.

The Australian constitution States: Section 51. (xxiiiA)

The Parliament shall have power to make laws with respect to medical

and dental services, but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription.

The Australian Constitution is the most profound law this nation has. Any circumvention by government is a violation of the spirit and Integrity of this document. Cultural constitutional ethos is more important to uphold than pursuing legal loopholes and state exemptions. Australian government's talk internationally of the importance of upholding National Constitutions, which are ignored by many countries.

The present day vaccine orthodoxy and technology will change over time, but zealotry and autocracy, from which the constitution protects us all, does not. This circumvention of civil rights is tyrannical and possibly illegal under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act / ICCPR / ICESCR and I call on the Commission and UN to act.

Ultimately, with international sanctions on those Australian politicians responsible. ( a common international practice.)

Yours sincerely



Missing People and Underground Cities, Satanic Rituals, and A History of Lies

This Video Will Connect Some Dots!!

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