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EMERGENCY REPORT: COVER UP - Secret video of HEAD OF TGA AUSTRALIA Brendan Murphy - killer V8x

Updated: Jul 22, 2021

Australians share this worldwide- Download VIDEO before it's taken down.

Huge news Aus. government house of cards collapsing... send this to all your loved ones keep this message going viral..

Australian Government Dictators Exposed!

Truth Always Wins 'Namaste"

Liberty Quote A society that does not recognize that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom. Friedrich von Hayek

TGA Brendan Murphy telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup and that the vaccine kills people

To all those who think I'm a conspiracist, thanks I still love you...

To David

and the many others, You know who you are. Thank you for standing in truth through adversity

This has made me quite emotional. thank you for informing me and others and keeping up with exposing the lies of the liers .

love to you and your family

I will of course put this information out on my blog


Any public officer who, in the exercise or under colour of exercising his office, wilfully and unlawfully inflicts upon any person any bodily harm, imprisonment, or other injury is guilty of a crime. Charge: Oppression.

The decievers of this plandemic have now been exposed.

We can now go back to normality while the crooks in government and Health Industry, are made to answer for their crimes against the Australian people and the rest of the actors in this World scamdemic.

Take off Your masks, open businesses and go back to work and a normal life.

For the many who have recieved this experimental mRna, These people who have had the vaccine and suffered from adverse affects, they must be fully compensated and their health issues looked after with the best possible care available.

I am not a doctor or health professional but I do wonder if these new Med beds may be the answer to restoring these peoples health.. For those who have died already R.I.P

To all those as I, who have lost their jobs/careers/businesses during this "plandemic" we also must be acknowledged and compensated for our losses.

Secret video of senate meeting with head of TGA Brendan Murphy telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup and that the vaccine kills people

and they have no recourse from it because the government granted big pharma immunity

from prosecution and compensation payouts!

The following content was forwarded and shared refer all legal documents to

Glenn Floyd Senate Candidate 2022

How many cases, vaccinations and deaths

Have you lost a loved one or know of someone who is suffering an adverse event from the Government induced vaccination program

Currently 11,000 adverse events reported

Read the reports below...

Perhaps it may be FANTASTIC NEWS! the Lie revealed but not for those who already have had the vaccine I have said in prior blogs - Why would you play russian roullette with your lives and your families...

It appears thankfully that, 18 million Australians so far are smart enough to refuse the deadly Covid jab. But extremely worrying that 11,000 reportedly that have had, are suffering adverse reactions to both experimental mRNA injectables.

This reveal-all population culling video from a 2009 interview with a doctor forecast the Covid scamdemic we are under today. Today's events predicted 12 years ago are just too much of a coincidence

A stunning interview with high profile Doctor Rima Labow filmed in 2009 could have been made yesterday. The Covid scamdemic has been meticulously planned by the Deep State and the UN since the 1970's and today is in full flight.

Send this video to your member of parliament and tell him or her to shut down the Covid scam immediately.

Jackie Lambie FB

I think Jackie deserves our appreciation in standing up for the Australian Public in truth and honour...

Jackie Lambie, questions

Brett Sutton Chief Health Victoria Australia

Now Under Formal Investigation for Indictable Crimes

the following content is shared information

Brett Sutton Chief Health Victoria Australia Now Under Formal Investigation for Indictable Crimes

excerpt of


Vincent Rizzo Detective Senior Constable 40491 Moreland Crime Investigation Unit Victoria Police Australia

Mr. Rizzo;

Pursuant to the message under, I draw your attention to new material evidence that there is ONLY one (1) statement of fact required for Criminal Indictment in this Criminal Fraud by Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton.

MATERIAL STATEMENT OF FACT: QUOTE: “For ‘ANY; Pandemic, A virologist MUST provide evidence of a new-novel virus existing and MUST demonstrate this virus causes disease” : ENDQUOTE

Under 59 Freedom Of Information responses from Global Chief Health Officers, (including Tasmania attached); there is no global scientificvirology-medical-scientific paper produced ‘WHATSOEVER’, describing the Isolation and Purification and Characterisation of ‘ANY’ SARSCOV2 Virus from ANY human being anywhere in the world with an ALLEGED Covid-19 infection.

Brett Sutton, has lied, (prima facie perjured Coate Inquiry), committed criminal acts of False and Misleading Reports and Information, Interference with the exercise or performance of an Australian democratic or political right or duty; and the Constitution or a law of the Commonwealth and Misfeasance In Public Office.

FDA Admission doc.

excerpt - read fully in download

TO: Governor in Council the Hon. Linda Dessau AC. CC: The Honourable Justice Jennifer Coate AO

Board of Inquiry COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Program. Governor Linda Dessau, today’s imminent 20th October 2020 2pm announcement by Jennifer Coate AO, to examine gravest matters arising; have now case most solemn and serious doubt on the Inquiry’s judicial integrity. Most of these revelations arise from the insightful and new damning exposé by political journalist Pete Credlin, whose work now puts damning material evidence before you that requires your immediate investigation into the Inquiry’s integrity, see breaking evidence

It is clear to ALL Victorians, this Board Of Inquiry has now failed it’s Order In Council and Terms Of Reference, which are now shown as inadequate; as its work has now uncovered potential massive breaches of its governance you oversee on our behalf. Accordingly, Jennifer Coate now MUST now abandon this inquiry & you must Establish a Royal Commission by letters patent under Vic. INQUIRIES ACT 2014 - SECT 5, now that evidence has shown the following potential of perjury and misfeasance or subverting the course of justice or appearance or apprehension of bias and False and Misleading information which seems may have occurred.


• Prima facie CHO Sutton may now have been shown to have perjured himself on private security knowledge

Prima facie Minister Pakula Minister may now have been shown to have perjured himself on private security knowledge

• Prima facie Emergency Services Crisp may now have been shown to have perjured himself on private security knowledge

• Prima facie DPC Eccles may now have been shown to have perjured himself on private security knowledge

• Prima facie Premier Andrews may now have been shown to have perjured himself on private security knowledge

• Prima facie Appearance of Bias by Quarantine Inquiry Senior Counsel Tony Neal who submits '

ACCORDING TO THE MELBOURNE AGE REPORT' QUOTE: "there's no evidence of bad faith or corruption" in Victoria's governance. On the contrary, everyone had done their best" ENDQUOTE!

Such a remark by an Inquiry Officer potentially prejudices the outcome of this parliamentary commissioned Board Of Inquiry. This entire fiasco is underpinned by the FACT there was NEVER a pandemic & Never a virulent death risk (as The Contagion Myth shows) and that the Ultra Vires overreach has killed and financially and societally destroyed on an unprecedented mass-scale.

You as our Governor (Crown in right of Victoria), and the Inquiry itself and the parliament are ALL guided by our Inquiries Act, which sets out ALL potential Inquiries types , including a Royal Commission and the current Board Of Inquiry under SECT 1 of the INQUIRIES ACT 2014; that has now demonstrably failed both its Order In Council and Terms Of Reference.

So this inquiry MUST be now abandoned and a Royal Commission established, because the evidence of this inquiry has produced prima facie perjury and misfeasance or subverting the course of justice or appearance or apprehension of bias as well as potential of criminal false and misleading information.

The plethora of potential criminality now uncovered, to a reasonable observer, demonstrates

the arch-villain who is at the seat of the mayhem may well be CHO Sutton; because it appears he has NEVER produced ANY written evidence whatsoever a PANDEMIC existed OR a catastrophic death-risk existed; this is at the crux of the fraud and catastrophic harms being perpetrated upon ALL Victorians.

In addition, Premier Andrews MUST also be deeply examined for this CONTAGION FRAUD, because HE fathered ALL the ultra vires destructive measures, and it appears having done this WITH NO WRITTEN EVIDENCE from Sutton of a Pandemic or Catastrophic death risk.

Therefore, he potentially has ALSO committed inter alia, False and Misleading Information CRIMINAL ACTS.

As our Governor, it is incumbent of you on our behalf, to immediately confer with Jennifer Coate and the Premier and abandon this Inquiry that has potentially shown criminal collusion and misfeasance and for you to now formally establish a Royal Commission with widest and deepest judicial powers to uncover facts, truth, law and prima facie violations and criminality having taken place outside and inside this failed Inquiry by a wide range of actors involved. (read more in document..)

WA CV Adverse Events

What the content says - see downloadable doc.

This is getting to be ridiculous, on top of which the "Delta" (InDian) strain is meant to

be more contagious and Dictator McGowan (WA) called it Deadly.  WA

had 0 cases in 24 hours and 0 have died!!! (14,771 tests!)

Maybe people will start waking up as many are becoming very frustrated at the

arbitrary nature of it all.

The Vax death rate here is officially about 130 per month (at least 1,300 per

month in reality), now.

The Vax injury rate here is officially about 13,000 per month (at least 130,000 per

month in reality)



Admissions by Dr Mark Veitch, Director of Public Health, and Michael Casey, Senior Consultant Right to Information, at or for Department of Health, Tasmania Re COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2

Summary of Admissions.doc

The public health authorities of all the other States and Territories and of the Federal Government have made false or misleading representations for the very same reasons as those of Tasmania. For example, for the Federal Government, Dr. Nick Coatsworth, a recent Deputy Chief Medical Officer, in television and radio announcements and commercials;

Complied by Stephen Crothers: Adv.Cert.Com.Tech., Cert.IV OH&S, Cert.IV Assessment & Workplace Training, Cert.III Investigative Services, BA, Grad.Cert.Eng., Grad.Dip.Sc (Pure Mathematics), Grad.Dip. Tech. (Occ. Hygiene), MSc(Astronomy).


Internal Review Right to Information Decision Right to Information No.: RTI20221-005 Applicant: Stephen Crothers Date of Application: 05 January 2021 Date of Decision: 12 May 2021 Information Requested

Glenn Floyd U.N. Observer-Advocate

Glenn Floyd Senate Candidate 2022

The Liberty Party of Australia Is An ASSOCIATION (Not a Party), Of Federal Senate Candidates, (Totally Independent In Each State), Exposing ALL Medical-Mafia COVID-HOAX Lies.

SEE pdf information;


Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Reece Kershaw. Attention: Client Liaison Team:


Read the following link, read and weep what is being said is very real Time to learn the truth people.

Glenn Floyd of Australia, a TRUE HERO



Glenn Floyd youtube channel


listen to this video people- Does it resonate to you of the here and now!!!!

Studies on Covid-19 Lethality

NOTHING that has a 99% RECOVERY RATE can EVER be called an eipdemic, let alone a pandemic!!!!

28th June 2021

An IMOP Investigation into claims that vaccines undergo stringent assessments by TGA

We are told by our government representatives that all vaccines in use in Australia must undergo “stringent” or “rigorous” assessments by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). However our investigations show that the TGA assessments are somewhat less than “stringent” or “rigorous” by any reasonable measure. Our evidence based findings listed @


Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING:

by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News

In an effort to combat Big Pharma Corporate Media and Big Tech censorship, doctors around the world are frantically trying to warn the masses of the devastating effects of the experimental COVID vaccines about to be mass injected into the unsuspecting public assisted by military forces around the world.

What could possibly motivate these doctors, nurses, scientists, and other health professionals to make such an impassioned plea? What do they have to gain by taking the time to educate the public on the hidden dangers of a new class of vaccine about to be inflicted upon the citizens of countries around the world?

They have NOTHING TO GAIN, and much to lose, including their careers, and possibly even their lives.

So why are they doing this? Why are these doctors and professionals being censored so much if the new COVID vaccines are in fact “safe and effective”? What is it that the media and the government are hiding that they don’t want the public to know?

See Also:

See Also:


listen to what this doctor is saying

and he mentions common law - he is spot on...

Dr. Samuel White, General Practitioner and physician for nearly 2 decades ends his career over the lies surrounding the CV-19 plandemic and it’s gene-altering injections. In this video he explains the reasons behind his resignation and speaks about genetic manipulation, the fraudulent misuse of PCR tests, the validity of treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the lack of education given to aspiring doctors in medical school concerning proper nutrition - which is actual healthcare - and the serious need for people to bring back COMMON LAW to deal with what is going on.

from Natural News

New research finds that "fully vaccinated" individuals are suffering an eight times higher mortality rate than the non-vaccinated. And a stunning report out of the UK finds that 62 percent of those dying from covid are people who have been vaccinated.

The covid vaccine, it turns out, doesn't really work.

Only those with natural immunity has real, long-term protection against covid mutations. Those who unwisely took vaccine shots must now subject themselves to endless "booster shots" that will obviously become increasingly toxic as the globalists ramp up their anti-human depopulation schemes.

Today's feature story and podcast reveal why natural immunity is the answer, and why covid tyrants will never voluntarily release their grip on humanity. They'll use endless "variant" scare stories to keep demanding masks, lockdowns and vaccines... forever.

Get your good doctor to sign this,,I bet they hesitate


you might have to subscribe for this one

CV19 Crisis is a Global Fraud. (18) International Network of Lawyers, the CV19 crisis is a Fraud and those Responsible will be sued (Part 18/18)

Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam

Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.

“The hearings of around 100 internationally renowned scientists, doctors, economists and lawyers, which have been conducted by the Berlin Commission of Inquiry into the Covid-19 affair since 10.07.2020, have in the meantime shown with a probability close to certainty that the Covid- 19 scandal was at no time a health issue. Rather, it was about solidifying the illegitimate power (illegitimate because it was obtained by criminal methods) of the corrupt “Davos clique” by transferring the wealth of the people to the members of the Davos clique, destroying, among other things, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, etc. could thus appropriate their market share and wealth.”

Status of the Covid-19 Committee investigation a. Covid-19 as a diversionary tactic by corporate and political “elites” in order to shift market share and wealth from small and medium enterprises to global platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, etc. b. Contribution of the Audiovisual Tax to the reconstruction of a new media landscape that offers truly independent information c. Making regional agricultural structures secure d. Making a secure regional currency to prevent a new currency from coming “from above” to be allocated in the event of good behaviour. e. Psychological considerations of the situation: how did it come about? Actions for annulment of the approval of a vaccination, filed against the European Commission, trial in New York of the status of PCR tests, German trials, Canadian trials, Australian trials, Austrian trials, trials at the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. “We have seen what has been confirmed time and time again: the degree of danger posed by the virus is about the same as that of seasonal flu, regardless of whether it is a new virus (wholly or partially manufactured) or whether we are simply dealing with a flu renamed “Covid-19 pandemic”. In the meantime, Drosten’s PCR tests cannot even tell us anything about contagious infections. To make matters worse, the health and economic damage caused by anti-covid measures has been so devastating that we have to speak of a level of destruction that is historically unique. » “The fact that health has never been an issue is particularly obvious, except that injections of genetically experimental substances disguised as “vaccinations” are now cauing serious damage, including fatal consequences, on a mass scale. The world population has been used as guinea pigs for these experimental gene injections both gradually and extremely rapidly. In order to plunge the population into panic, dangerous and harmful containment measures (even according to the WHO) of compulsory, unnecessary and dangerous mask-wearing and social distancing, unnecessary and counterproductive, were introduced. The population was thus “ready” for the injections.” “In the meantime, more and more people, not just lawyers – and rightly so – are demanding, in addition to an immediate end to these murderous measures, a judicial review by a truly independent international tribunal on the model of the Nuremberg trials. An example of such a demand and a moving excerpt from a speech by the English doctor Dr. Vernon Coleman can be found at the following link: see source link and video

In addition, an interview with a whistleblower at a Berlin nursing home shows that out of 31 people vaccinated there, some of them by force, in the presence of Bundeswehr soldiers, and who tested negative before the vaccination, 8 have now died and 11 are subject to serious side effects.” ( Extraordinary meeting of the Berlin Covid Committee Wednesday 17/02/2021 “In this context, an extraordinary meeting of the Berlin Covid Committee will take place on Wednesday 17.02.2021, live and with many guests participating via Zoom. From 14:00 onwards, the state of play will be summarised. In addition, it will be discussed how the contributions from the Audiovisual Licence Fee Tax can be kept and used for the reconstruction of a new media landscape that truly serves freedom of expression, and how the contributions already paid for the senseless propaganda of the last 11 months can be recovered through a formal notice. There will be contributions and discussions on how the food supply can be secured, in particular by strengthening regional agriculture; but also by creating regional currencies, if necessary with the return of the EU to the EEC, on how to ensure that the policy of the “Davos clique”, based on printing money out of nothing, can be stopped and a return to stable currencies can be achieved. Above all, experts will explain how it could happen that we find ourselves in this blackmail situation unimaginable even a year ago. In the second part of the session, starting at 7 p.m., world-renowned and high-level personalities will comment on the state of current international legal disputes, including the various collective actions, as summarised above. But it will also be discussed how the main perpetrators, in particular political perpetrators, of the crimes against humanity committed here can and must be held accountable under civil and criminal law in the framework of a new International Court of Justice to be established in accordance with the guidelines of the Nuremberg trials with international distribution.” The link to the special session of the Covid Committee announced here will be available on 17.02.2021 via the Committee’s website ( Commentary : To fully understand what is at stake with this new Nuremberg tribunal to judge the biggest tort case of all time, it is by pulling the thread of Dr. Drosten’s lie for falsifying the PCR testing protocol on behalf of the Davos clique, that everything will come to pass: the sponsors of the financial oligarchy, Klaus Schwab, the great architect of this gigantic hostage-taking, the politicians at the head of the EU, the armed arm of the execution of Drosten’s and WHO directives that led all Western governments yesterday to take the devastating decisions of containment, curfews, compulsory mask-wearing and social distancing, and today of lethal vaccines for the oldest among us. “It is these truths that will bring down the masks of those responsible for the crimes committed. To the politicians who have had faith in these corrupt figures,” says Dr. Fuellmich, “the facts presented here are the lifeline that will help them to set the record straight and begin the much- needed scientific debate to avoid going down with these criminal charlatans. Secondly, in the light of this latest communication by Dr Fuellmich, two proposals from the extraordinary meeting of the Covid Committee in Berlin are of particular interest: Firstly, the way in which the food supply can be secured, which seems somewhat surreal given the current situation. According to Klaus Schwab’s planning for the Davos Forum, this is not the case. He has predicted a break in the food chain from the end of the second half of 2021 ( Secondly, the creation of regional currencies. There, it is clear that the Covid Committee of Berlin already anticipates the world stock market crash which is coming and which the financial oligarchy of the Davos Forum intends to take advantage of to set up the European digital currency in the expectation of a world currency to create a Chinese-style social credit on which the middle class of all the peoples ruined by the closure of their businesses, small and medium-sized industries and enterprises, cultural and tourist industries, sports facilities, etc. will become dependent. These two aspects alone of the hostage-taking 2.0 of which the Western world has been a victim for almost a year should logically be sufficiently motivating to make us understand definitively that we are faced with a “populicide” that only asks to crush us if we remain inert, arms dangling without doing anything. This is why each of us should do everything we can now to ensure that this international legal coalition can become operational as soon as possible. To this end, all those of us who wish to join the collective action of French lawyers to participate in this reconquest of our freedoms should already get in touch with the collective action by 21 February ( ). Our survival is at this price as well as the future of our children.


Want to beat the COVID-19 Plandemic? Martial Law? Depression? We locally beat "Swine Flu" last time and we can beat this today! When the media makes a topic okay for everyone to talk about? Your neighbors will take your info to talk better with each other!

We may save thousands from "The Flu" and kill millions with "The Depression". Or...

* Global 2020 COVID-19 Plandemic Response Plan *


Donald trump promised to Drain The Swamp!

The greatest swamp is lying Medical-Mafia drug-vaccine pushers!

links to files

This ScamDemic is NOT a novel Corona virus, it's in the normal seasonal Flu, Common Cold, SARS family & has a 99% RECOVERY RATE !

Official 22 September 2020 Australian Federal Police Report:

Official Hotel Quarantine Inquiry Report:

Official Hotel Quarantine Inquiry CHO:



Dr. Peter McCullough lays down the scamdemic and intuits the forces behind it. (16 min 36 seconds) This video is gaining viral traction across the Internet. Great insight.




Reported vaccine side effects

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)

The TGA and other medicines regulators around the world continue to closely monitor and investigate thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS). This is a rare event involving serious blood clots with a low blood platelet count. TTS is triggered by the immune system’s response to the AstraZeneca vaccine and is different from other clotting conditions. As previously reported, the TGA determines whether a report is likely to represent TTS by assessing cases against a consistent set of criteria, based on the case definitions established by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Since last week’s report, a further 12 reports of blood clots and low blood platelets have been assessed as confirmed or probable TTS likely to be linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine (Table 1). Table 1: Newly confirmed and probable TTS cases for the week of 11-17 June 2021

Most cases have occurred in people aged over 50 years because the AstraZeneca vaccine has been used almost exclusively in this age group since the recommendation from ATAGI on 8 April 2021

following are excerpts only go to the periodic/covid-19-vaccine-weekly-safety-report for full information

The US CDC classification is defined as:
Tier 1 = clots in an unusual location (such as the brain or abdomen) and a low platelet count with or without antibodies that activate platelets (anti-PF4 antibodies)
Tier 2 = clots found in common locations (such as the leg or lungs) and a low platelet count and anti-PF4 antibodies
Not classified = case does not meet the criteria for Tier 1 or Tier 2 (for example clots in common locations with low platelet count but no evidence of anti-PF4 antibodies).
Cases have most often occurred about two weeks after vaccination, although the time to onset (or diagnosis) has ranged from two days to 52 days (Table 3). In some cases with a longer time to diagnosis, patients had experienced symptoms at an earlier stage but complicating factors, including symptoms from comorbidities, may have delayed a clear diagnosis. Approximately one in four TTS cases has required Intensive Care Unit (ICU) treatment, although all but four patients have since been released from ICU

Anyone who has been vaccinated should seek immediate medical attention if they develop any of the following symptoms after vaccination:

severe or persistent headache or blurred vision
shortness of breath, chest pain, leg swelling or persistent abdominal pain
unusual skin bruising and/or pinpoint round spots beyond the site of vaccination.
The most common time period for onset of TTS symptoms is 4-30 days after vaccination.

Capillary leak syndrome
Capillary leak syndrome following immunisation with the AstraZeneca vaccine has been observed overseas(link is external). The TGA continues to monitor for this following vaccination. A causal link between capillary leak syndrome and the vaccine has not been established.
Capillary leak syndrome is a very rare but severe condition where fluid from small blood vessels (capillaries) leaks into surrounding tissues. This causes swelling, usually in the arms or legs, and a drop in blood pressure. The blood also becomes thicker and has reduced amounts of a protein called albumin. 
The TGA has received one case of a patient who died from multi-organ failure but had signs of capillary leakage. Although there was a temporal link with the vaccine, an expert Vaccine Safety Investigation Group was unable to establish a causal link as other causes could not be ruled out.  
Capillary leak syndrome has been under investigation by the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee in Europe since April this year. The Committee analysed six cases in the context of 78 million vaccine doses given in Europe. One of the individuals died. Most of the cases were in women and occurred within four days of receiving the vaccine. Three of the patients had had capillary leak syndrome previously. At a meeting on 7–10 June 2021(link is external), the Committee concluded that the AstraZeneca vaccine should not be given to people who have a history of capillary leak syndrome and that the product information for the vaccine should contain a warning about this. 

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
A recent article(link is external) based on data from Scotland’s COVID-19 vaccination program suggests there may be a small increase in the risk of a bleeding disorder called immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) following immunisation with the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine
Side effects to the Comirnaty vaccine continue to be reported to the TGA and are consistent with what has been observed internationally. Most are expected side effects that we know occur after vaccination and resolve within a few days.
Myocarditis and pericarditis
The TGA continues to monitor reports of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart) following reports of a signal for a possible safety concern in the US and Israel. These conditions often occur following a viral infection and most cases are mild with no long-term effects. Severe cases may cause damage to the heart muscle although this is very rare.
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in the US has reported a higher than usual number of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with Comirnaty(link is external). These cases were mainly in teenage boys after the second vaccine dose and symptoms typically started within a week of vaccination. Most individuals responded to treatment and rest. A similar pattern of cases has also been reported in Israel(link is external). Almost all were considered mild and resolved within a few days. A causal link to the vaccine has not yet been established but international regulators are investigating this.

Three additional Australian cases of TTS likely linked to vaccine
23 April 2021
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) convened a Vaccine Safety Investigation Group (VSIG) meeting to review three newly reported cases of suspected thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) following vaccination with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. The cases were in a 35 year old NSW woman, a 49 year old QLD man and an 80 year old Victorian man. Symptom onset ranged from 9 to 26 days after vaccination. TTS is a rare specific syndrome that occurs when a person has blood clots (thrombosis) as well as low blood platelet counts (thrombocytopenia). VSIG assessed the cases using an internationally accepted method(link is external) to rate the level of certainty of a link between the event and vaccine.
The VSIG concluded that all three of the cases were likely linked to vaccination. 
One case included venous sinus thrombosis (a blood clot in one of the sinuses in the brain, which prevents blood from draining from the brain) and presented as headache, nosebleed, nausea and vomiting. The other two cases involved more common sites for blood clots: in one case a deep vein thrombosis in the calf, which presented as leg pain 9 days after vaccination, and in the other case a deep vein thrombosis in the upper leg, but with thromboembolism in lungs and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis detected on further investigation.

The VSIG concluded that the events were TTS very likely linked to vaccination because of the consistency of the cases with the current working case definition for TTS, and the absence of known alternative risk factors and causes for the events. However, further follow-up of some remaining details, including information about the patient's medical histories, and some imaging and blood test results, is still being completed. Any significant information that arises from this follow-up will be referred to the VSIG for consideration.

FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test

results; insanity reigns

FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns

by Jon Rappoport (To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed

After untold numbers of people have been given antibody tests to determine their COVID status, the FDA now states:

“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a safety communication informing the public that results from SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time, and especially after the person received a COVID-19 vaccination.”

Boom. I’m imagining just a small sample of people-- perhaps 5000 -- marching in unison into a hospital, saying, “We tested positive for COVID on an antibody test…and then we had to isolate, and some of us were treated with toxic drugs…and NOW we learn that the antibody test is useless…” The FDA document, dated May 19, 2021, is titled: “FDA In Brief: FDA Advises Against Use of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test Results to Evaluate Immunity or Protection From COVID-19, Including After Vaccination. Digging a little deeper in the document, we have a statement referring to the COVID vaccine: “The authorized vaccines for prevention of COVID-19 induce antibodies to specific viral protein targets; post-vaccination antibody test results will be negative in individuals without a history of previous natural infection if the test used does not detect the type of antibodies induced by the vaccine.”In other words, the FDA is saying, “Look, the vaccine creates specific antibodies against the spike protein, not the virus.

or dowload 258 FDA Admission.doc

This latest foray shows the FDA is both criminal and insane. ~~~ (The link to this article posted on my blog is here -- with sources.) (Follow me on Gab at @jonrappoport


Australians must know the truth - this virus is not a pandemic': Alan Jones

Sky News host Alan Jones says he has warned time and time again the political leaders who are the architects of this coronavirus response will not be able to escape the criticism that is now finding its way into the public place.   It comes as an economist in the Victorian Department of Finance and Treasury, Sanjeev Sabhlok, on Wednesday penned an article in the Australian Financial Review announcing his resignation from his position.   Mr Sabhlok wrote he resigned "so that I would be able to speak out against the state's management of the COVID-19 infection".   "I made a number of criticisms of the state government on social media. The head of human relations at Treasury asked me to remove them.   "I resigned on the same day, the only honourable course for a free citizen of Australia," Mr Sabhlok wrote.   Mr Sabhlok continued to note a number of his other criticisms over the response to the virus.   "One question remains, how many others have been silenced across all arms of government, including in Canberra," Mr Jones said.   Mr Jones also reiterated his call for a national advertising campaign to "tell the public the truth about the fact this virus is not a pandemic"

Most of these revelations arise from the insightful and new damning exposé by political journalist Peta Credlin, whose work now puts damning material evidence before you that requires your immediate investigation into the Inquiry’s integrity, see breaking evidence

Coate Inquiry

Sky News has proven time and again to report Honest News, People stop listening to the Lying networks.

SPECIAL REPORT: Hotel quarantine ‘cover-up’ buries the truth: Credlin

Sky News host Peta Credlin says there has been an attempt to cover up the truth of who ordered the use of private security in the bungled hotel quarantine inquiry.

State premiers are 'starting to crack': Paul Murray

The Lunatics are starting to crack

Th Liars are Now caught out.. What makes you SICK!!!

The only suppression we need is these mongrels mouths glued shut!!!


THe BFD POSTED IN COVID-19, FEATURED, GENERAL, LAW, NEWS, NZ, NZ POLITICS, POLITICSLEAKED: Crown Law Advice to Police by Cam Slater May 7, 2020 5:05 pm


published emails leaked to us that showed that the Police had sought and obtained a Crown Law legal opinion on precisely what they could and could not do under the Governments pandemic lockdown edicts.

The emails showed that Police believed, on the advice from Crown Law that there was very little they could do, other than ask people nicely to comply with the edicts.

We have now been leaked the Crown Law advice that Attorney General David Parker, Police Commissioner Andy Coster and former Police Commissioner Mike Bush all refused to release to the public, nor to the Epidemic Response Committee chaired by Simon Bridges.

That advice shows that definitely for the first nine days of the lockdown, the Police and the Government acted ultra vires, acting or done beyond one’s legal power or authority.

The letter dated 27 March 2020, sent to Bill Peoples – Police National Manager – Legal Services from Bronagh McKenna the Crown Counsel is explicit in its advice regarding enforcement of the lockdown. [The Crown Law reference for those wanting to OIA is POL055/2475]

The letter confirms that Police sought advice “on the extent of Police powers to enforce the government’s COVID-19 home isolation campaign that commenced at midnight on 25 March 2020 (isolation campaign)”

The summary in the letter states precisely what powers the Police had at the date of writing the letter:

3. As at today’s date, Police have the following powers to enforce the isolation campaign: 3.1 non-coercive community policing powers; 3.2 following the 25 March 2020 order issued by the medical officer of health (MedOH) under s 70(1)(m) of the Health Act 1956 (Health Act), the power, under s 71A of the Health Act, to do anything reasonably necessary to assist in ensuring compliance with the MedOH order; and 3.3 the power, under s 71A of the Health Act, to enforce individualised directions issued by a MedOH’s under s 70(1)(f) of the Health Act. 4. In situations not covered by the s 70(1)(m) order or an individualised s 70(1)(f) direction, Police do not have the power to detain individuals, stop vehicles, enter property, search individuals or property, in order to enforce the isolation campaign. 5. As a state of emergency has been declared, and for its duration, Police also have the potential to have recourse to certain enforcement powers under the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Act 2002 (CDEMA). However the threshold for the use of these powers is very high. Enforcing general compliance with the isolation campaign is unlikely to meet the high statutory threshold for the exercise of these powers. The CDEMA powers are powers of the last resort, and we recommend that legal advice be sought before their use. 6. Standard Police powers of stop, search and surveillance must be exercised for their statutory purpose, and may not be used to assist Police in the enforcement of the isolation campaign. 7. To minimise legal risk, we recommend that Police’s non-coercive community policing powers be used to the greatest extent possible in encouraging compliance with the isolation campaign, and that resort be made to the s 71A powers only when necessary.

In layman’s terms, the initial nine days of the lockdown was likely illegal and any Police action breached the law.

or read here


Topic and other videos of interest

watch, share, save lives.

People all over the world are dying and being severely injured by these toxic, rushed Covid vaccines and platforms like YouTube and Facebook are deleting these videos and banning their owners. Please share these heart-wrenching videos with any family and friends that are considering taking these dangerous CoronaVirus vaccines.

A new study is shining a light on Myocarditis- inflammation of the heart muscle- caused by Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

This new study published Tuesday reported a “higher than expected” number of myocarditis cases in males.

The cases include male military members after their second dose of the experimental mRNA vaccine.

The 19 military members affected were young, between the ages 20-51.


More adverse problem revealed

Urgent Announcement: COVID-19 is caused by Graphene Oxide

introduced by several ways into the body - ORWELL CITY

Hereafter La Quinta Columna shall provide you with information vital to your health, physical integrity and that of your environment. The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles. The COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This has been the result of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used by various public universities in our country. The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm. Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs generates bilateral pneumonias by uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste. Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you now. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and partial or total loss of smell. Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties inside the organism. This is the explanation for the magnetic phenomenon that billions of people around the world have already experienced after various routes of administration of graphene oxide. Among them the vaccine. In short, graphene oxide is the supposed SARS-CoV-2, the supposed new coronvirus provoked before the disease called COVID-19. Therefore, we never had real isolation and purification of a new coronvirus, as recognized by most health institutions at the highest level and in different countries when they were questioned about it. COVID-19 disease is the result of introducing graphene oxide by various routes of administration. Graphene oxide is extremely potent and strong in aerosols, as is the alleged SARS-CoV-2. Like any material, graphene oxide has what we call an 'electronic absorption band'. This means a certain frequency above which the material is excited and oxidizes very rapidly, thus breaking the equilibrium with the proliferation in the organism of the toxicant against our natural antioxidant glutathione reserves. Precisely this frequency band is emitted in the new emission bandwidths of the new 5G wireless technology. That is why the deployment of these antennas never stopped during the pandemic. In fact, they were among the few services that were maintained, apart from a special surveillance by the State Security Forces and Corps to these antennas. We suspect in that the 2019 anti-flu campaign graphene oxide was introduced in these vials, since it was already used as an adjuvant. With subsequent 5G technology trials in different parts of the world, COVID-19 disease developed in interaction of external electromagnetic fields and graphene oxide now in their bodies. Remember that it all started in Wuhan, and this was the first pilot sample city in the world to do the 5G technology trial in late November 2019. It's a coincidence in space and time. Both the pangolin and bat soup versions were simply distracting elements. The purpose of the introduction of graphene oxide is even more obscure than you might imagine. Therefore, it is more than enough for you to assimilate this information and 'reset' the knowledge you had of the disease up to now from the highest governmental institutions telling the population to protect themselves and even forcing them with that which will potentially make them sick with the disease itself. Logically, now that we know that the cause or etiological agent of the disease is precisely a chemical toxicant and not a biological agent, we know how to attenuate it: by increasing glutathione levels. Glutathione is a natural antioxidant that we present in reserves in the organism. A few details will help you to understand perfectly everything that has been reported in the media. Glutathione is extremely high in children. Therefore, the disease has hardly any impact on the child population. Glutathione drops very considerably after 65 years of age. Therefore, COVID-19 is especially prevalent in the senile population. Glutathione is at very high levels in the intensive sports population. This is why only 0.22% of athletes had the disease. You will now understand why countless studies in practice have shown that treatment with N-acetylcysteine (which is a precursor of glutathione in the body), or glutathione administered directly, cured COVID-19 disease very quickly in patients. Plain and simple because the glutathione levels were raised to cope with the administered toxicant called graphene oxide. The discovery made here by La Quinta Columna is a full-fledged attack of State bioterrorism, or at least with the complicity of governments to the entire world population, now constituting crimes against humanity. It is therefore absolutely essential and vital that you make this information available to your medical community. General practitioners, nursing and health services in general, but also local and regional media and press, as well as all your environment. La Quinta Columna estimates that tens of thousands of people will die every day. In our country alone when they make the new and upcoming 5G technological switch-on. Bearing in mind that now it is not only the elderly in nursing homes who are vaccinated in that flu vaccine with graphene oxide, but, as you know, a large part of the population has been vaccinated, or graphenated, with gradual doses of graphene oxide. The body has a natural capacity to eliminate this toxicant, which is why we propose you up to a third dose per year for all the years to keep the graphene in your bodies. We have each and every one of the proofs of what has been manifested here. Meanwhile justice is trying to act, people will continue to be pushed off a bottomless cliff. If you are watching this audiovisual material, you will understand that for more than a year you have been totally and naively deceived from the highest institutions. Only now will you understand all the incongruities that you observed on your television news. To complement this valuable information you can access or our Telegram channel: La Quinta Columna TV, where more than 100,000 people are already aware of the truth and are not part of the massive deception to which they were subjected. Please make this video viral all around you and let's stop among all of us. The destiny that is in store for us, fruit of the Agenda 20/30 roadmap, depends only on us. Thank you for your attention. —La Quinta Columna.

Letter to the Editor Regardless how is a “vaccine” supposed to know how old one is? And if you go to websites like or blood clots are NOT rare at all. I’m getting a bit fed up with SkyNews au commentary b/c they always seem to not fully tell the truth themselves. Yes, they may be a lot better than say 9 or 7 or whatever but they still talk about “cases”, talk about the virus as if it is in existence, when you know its not. The fact is we have entered a twilight zone of Stalinist’s Russia, QR codes, which sit between the person, the grocery store, and that nights’ meal. All for a bare-faced lie, power-tripping premiers, a useless PM who is in bed with the jews/Zionists, and Daniel Andrews who seems to love giving Victoria’s assets away at bargain basement prices, ie the Agricultural College affiliated (or used to be) with Melbourne Uni. sold for just under 5 million. when it was worth at least triple the amount according to Credlin’s commentary last night. And Port Melbourne belongs soley to the Chines.. CCP. Victoria is basically a vassal state of China. All to do with Klaus Schwabb whose a bloody jew and his effin cohorts ie Prince Charles who should just drop dead. from Monarchofangels

Millions of Queenslanders, including in Townsville, Magnetic Island, and Palm Island, were plunged into a shock lockdown on Tuesday after a COVID-19-positive case from Brisbane travelled through the North.

Small businesses in Townsville are already reporting shocking losses as a result of the forced lock-down and strict restrictions on those businesses still allowed to open. [1]

Sky News June 30 2021 view host Andrew Bolt says Annastacia Palaszczuk is the "perfect example today of the idiotic, paranoid, fact-free, fearmongering" that is making Australia an "international laughing stock".

"There are two outbreaks in Queensland, both caused by government bungling," he said

Please Aussies wake up! Don't be


informal : people who are docile, compliant, or easily influenced : people likened to sheepJames Nichols, who ran the family farm here, stamped dollar bills with red ink in protest against currency and told his neighbors that they were "sheeple" for obeying authority like livestock.

Date published: 
17 March 2021
Media type: 
General public
LISA MILLAR:                                
Let's return to Australia's vaccine rollout now. And the Therapeutic Goods Administration is standing firm on its decision to give the AstraZeneca vaccine the full approval despite a list of European countries suspending their rollout over concerns of blood clotting. The head of the TGA, Dr John Skerritt joins us now from Canberra.
Good morning, Dr Skerritt, welcome to News Breakfast.
JOHN SKERRITT:                          
Good morning.
LISA MILLAR:                                
Anything that you have heard over the last 24 hours that has made you change your mind about Australia's approach to AstraZeneca at the moment?
JOHN SKERRITT:                          
No, it hasn't. In fact, we were on several- several of us were on video conferences until almost midnight last night with about 15 or 16 countries. And it's quite clear that the largest countries this have rolled out the vaccine - the UK with 11 million doses where they haven't seen any problems, and even some left-field countries such as Saudi Arabia who have rolled out a million doses and have quite a sophisticated monitoring system - have not seen any problems. The problems seem to have been limited to reports in Denmark, Germany and perhaps Norway, and it's important to emphasise that Europe as a whole, the European medicines regulator, is still strongly promoting that the rollout should continue.
LISA MILLAR:                                
But isn't the European Medicines Agency the one we're waiting for, for this emergency report? They actually haven't delivered that yet, have they?
JOHN SKERRITT:                          
So we talk with them last night and, yes, there is a committee meeting tomorrow night Australian time, tomorrow European time, which is looking at more of the evidence. We did a preliminary look at the evidence last night, and while we are working very closely on this, we don't have any signals that would tell us it's appropriate to stop vaccinating in Australia.
LISA MILLAR:                                
All right. And the- what do you think is behind them being so cautious? Because the different reports, I mean, I've just been reading just in the last couple of hours, we're getting reports from France that they're concerned now about another wave of coronavirus. So the pressure on them to be vaccinating people must be enormous. Therefore, you would read into that that the decision to pause the vaccinations is a big one for them to take.
JOHN SKERRITT:                          
It is a big one for them to take, and I guess the question is best posed to them. Individual countries in Europe can make their sovereign decisions to pause a vaccination program, notwithstanding there are large numbers of cases. But again it's important that countries that have the most experience with these vaccines - and of course the UK stands out here - have not seen these cases and have found this vaccine to be very safe and efficacious. And so the overwhelming majority of evidence, we're not talking about a vaccine that has only gone into a thousand or 10,000 people, it's gone into almost 20 million people by now, at least 17 million and perhaps up to 20. And so these are a few small users of the vaccine in the scheme of things.
LISA MILLAR:                                
Can I ask you about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is just the one shot vaccine?
JOHN SKERRITT:                          
LISA MILLAR:                                
We don't have a deal with Johnson & Johnson, but I know the TGA is looking into it because you're checking it out in case a deal might be done in the future. How is progress being made on that and what are your thoughts about that vaccine as a possible one for Australia?
JOHN SKERRITT:                          
Well, again as you mentioned, it will be up to commercial negotiations between J&J and the Government on whether or not the Government purchases it. Our role is to look at safety, efficacy and how well it's manufactured. We're working very closely on data we're getting from Johnson & Johnson. It's looking pretty good so far. We hope that before the end of April, we'd be able to make a decision. Why so long? Because we still don't have data from J&J. We may not get some of it until around about Easter, but we are quite confident that by the end of April we'll be able to make a regulatory decision on it. It's looking positive, but, of course, we got to wait until we have all the data and make a decision on all the data.
LISA MILLAR:                                
And the benefit of that one, of course, it is the single shot.
I just want to finish with a question on another issue, Dr Skerritt, which is the growing push to get psychedelic drugs cleared for mental health treatment. I know the TGA last month put out an interim decision on this, and the answer was no. What might change the TGA's mind about this? Are you considering it still?
JOHN SKERRITT:                          
We are still considering it because there's a second round of consultation. Now, I want to emphasise that in a number of states, such as Victoria, psychedelic drugs can be used under supervision in clinical trials and in experimental trials. So, it's not that there's a ban on their use in Australia. What we don't have in Australia yet, as for any other medicine, is the complete package of evidence that shows that they're safe and effective. There's some really promising early data, as there are for a lot of medicines, but in being a responsible regulator, we've got to wait until we got the overwhelming evidence that these products are safe and effective. And I'm really hopeful that in the coming months or perhaps the coming year or so, we will get that data and then as soon as we get that data, we'll be delighted to look at it and make a decision. So it's not a case that we believe that these things don't work, it's just that the trials are still underway.
LISA MILLAR:                                
All right. Dr John Skerritt, from the TGA, thank you for your time this morning.
Thanks very much.


No matter where we are ,we are all humanity and this is a war against us world wide

by Gerrit Hendrik Schorel-Hlavka Date Apr 24, 2021

Description:WARNING infected FACE MASKS with ASBESTOS, FIBERGLASS, WORMS ALIVE, etc and this document details how to combat the deception and genocide and amend the constitution to ensure that those res…

read the pdf file here for larger print and information on

Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!

This is from a reddit post by u/centurion0742 on r/nonewnormal (archive link:
I would like to highlight the number of COVID cases relative to the mandating of mask-wearing in the state of New Mexico. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham of NM ordered masks to be worn outside around May 17th (2). Exceptions were allowed for eating and exercising. Exercise exemptions were removed in early July (5). Please go to the graph listed in the references labeled 3. This site shows a graph of the reported cases in New Mexico.
Now the graph clearly shows that peak cases happened AFTER the mask mandate was given.
What does this mean? One conclusion that can be made is that masks do not in fact slow the spread of repertory illnesses.
If you are still not convinced by the case-number evidence, there are plenty other sources stating the same thing. Take the New England Journal of Medicine. " Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza " (Klompas et al., paragraph 1). Or take a paper published in the CDC EID Journal, Volume 26, Number 5; published in May of 2020. " Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza." (Xiao et al., paragraph 14).
There needs to be a distinction made between mechanistic studies and randomized control trials. Mechanistic studies do not remove bias, Randomized control trial studies on the other hand do. When removing bias there is NO evidence showing masks stop the transmission of respiratory illnesses.
Why governments, despite the evidence, are ordering mandatory mask wearing is beyond me to know why.
1: Klompas, M., Al., E., Author AffiliationsFrom the Department of Population Medicine, A. B. Cavalcanti and Others, K. S. Corbett and Others, & D. R. Boulware and Others. (2020, July 09). Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era: NEJM. Retrieved August 07, 2020, from
2: New Mexico governor orders face masks worn in public. (2020, May 17). Retrieved August 07, 2020, from
3: The New York Times. (2020, April 01). New Mexico Coronavirus Map and Case Count. Retrieved August 07, 2020, from
4: Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings-Personal Protective and Environmental Measures - Volume 26, Number 5-May 2020 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC. (n.d.). Retrieved August 07, 2020, from
5: Staff, K. (2020, July 10). Mask mandate now includes exercising even inside gyms. Retrieved August 07, 2020, from
This is a great and quite telling discussion from a panel of scientists, including Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who has been a vocal proponent of sanity since day 1 (see other videos with him here: and here:
It raises the critical question of what exactly do these rt-PCR tests do, what do the results mean, what are we doing? You definitely won't hear Flip Flop Fauci asking or answering anything of the sort.

ZERO Evidence that COVID-19 Fulfills Koch's 4 Germ Theory Postulates - Dr. Andrew Kaufman

The Truth about CONvid-1984 - Covid-19 Has Never Been Isolated (Andrew Kaufman and Del Bigtree)

more links

I have over 130 blogs now, that all have information regarding the planned scamdemic, The political malfeance and crimes against the Australian people. It has been a long learning journey for myself and I hope by collecting and putting this information here will help to open your eyes to the truth. So that we can all be aware of the scam and come together to make this a free and wonderful country for all. A new begining now and for future generations.

Our forefathers paved the way and especially our beloved ANZACS, it is now time to grow up and become real adults to stop being complacent expecting others to do the work - we can no longer trust in the governments of the day who have decieved the Australian public.

Not only recently but for centuries, we have been lied to.

It's time that we take a look at ourselves in somewhat disgust, that we have become so self centred to let these circumstances be swept under the rug for so long.

NO EXCUSES - "I'm too busy", It doesn't affect me " I'm not interested in Politics" etc. etc.

It's time that we thank all those men and women who have done their due diligence and exposed the crooks for whom they are. For all the work they have done to try and save this country from complete destruction. The Hour is here . Stand together not in fear but for your fellow patriots, your country and grandchildren stand by these wonderful people and give them your whole support as they go into battle to have these abominable characters answer for their crimes against


always do your research list of the many blogs. some content mainly of videos may not be available due to the heavy censorship via the main stream media and big corporations who hate TRUTH.

These blogs have a lot of content , so always scroll through before leaving as it is no set order.

I started on this path when I was censored by facebook, my answer to continue to share articles and video content that spread the truth..

Please share todays blog and

Take off your masks..and stand up for your right to be Free from tyranny.

Thank you to the many Doctors, Frontline workers and Truth seekers, bloggers, actors, famous identities and my fellow Australians across the country who have never stopped trying to open humanities eyes to the plan so Evil, THE DESTRUCTION OF FREEDOM and DEPOPULATION PLAN that has spread it's tentacles to take us into the depths of hell. The corner has turned the truth exposed the criminals can no longer Hide.


THE REALITY IS IN THE DANCE - YOUR LIFE YOUR CHOICE but collectively, I'ts our freedoms that's at stake. I WANT OUR COUNTRY and LIFE BACK - Do YOU?

As Alan Jones

Sky News host Alan Jones says the willingness of politicians to become followers, not leaders, from day one has damaged this country badly - and "we are now paying the price". "People are suspicious of vaccinations because they don't believe, up until now, that they have been told the truth," Mr Jones said. The PM said in a press conference in March last year that the coronavirus was a "far more serious virus" for older and more vulnerable Australians and the government's aim was to "protect the most vulnerable" and at risk. "The Prime Minister said we'd look after the vulnerable, but aged care is a Commonwealth responsibility. Not only were they not looked after, many died; and the vast majority still aren't vaccinated. "But because everybody was treated as if they were about to die, money has been thrown everywhere. Our grandkids will have to pay off the debt. "I have never witnessed such incompetence in my lifetime, nor have I seen such an abuse of the truth." video link


search some of the many other blogs IMACOGINDEWHEELOFLIFE.COM/BLOG


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