The hour is here be prepared for the storm to hit our shores. Secure your families, your loved ones keep them close to you. We are in a war for our souls , our freedoms, our futures.
Pray to our GOD almighty for salvation, Pray for the good men and women who are going into battle.

Indictment of Antony Fauci, Germany and Denmark lifting restrictions, FDA approving clot shot, Trudeau getting attacked, Aussies & French Protests, Afghanistan situation analysis
Great news for the collective as Antony Fauci will be indicted. Germany and Denmark to life Co(n)vid restrictions. Romania to close down vax places. FDA moving fast to approve the clot shot. Trudeau rallying but getting attacked by Canadians. Aussies are stepping up and fighting back the government. And then I will be speaking about the Afghanistan situation.

I am the messenger use it as you wish
word has it that TRUMP is returning to the WHITE HOUSE
very soon
Lock downs may entail more reason than we know

From the Archives: Nationwide truck blockades cripple Australia's roads
40 years ago
The Sydney Morning Herald (https://www.smh.com.au/national/from-the-archives-nationwide-truck-blockades-cripple-australia-s-roads-20190403-p51ah5.html?fbclid=IwAR2cKJVFJdfAv4cfwWsxjvfFBjhtASvZatuj0wE36nnTtmJdMQjXScq25ss)
From the Archives: Nationwide truck blockades cripple Australia's roads
40 years ago, a strike by truck drivers saw blockades set up across Australia's highways and roads. Cities and towns were under siege

We got more truckers stepping up to help these kids.
You know what’s going to get this Government to stop dead its track? It’s when all of those truckers transporting fuel around the country stop transporting fuel.
I know what a fuel strike does to a country. I have lived in it. I know how effective and how fast it this government will drop everything once those truckers goes on strike.
Park those trucks transporting fuel in front of those disgusting pedophile protectors stations. Block those rabid dogs in that serve forces of Darkness, coming after our kids. Block them all in so they know who is in charge.
Enough is enough.
Just because they don’t allow Aussies to have weapons, it doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to fight back.
We are going to show them. The world is watching. When you mess with one of us, you mess with ALL of us.
Please Forward this message and participate
[Forwarded from 🇦🇺Dan🇦🇺]
Hello Australia and TRUCK DRIVERS,
Please start passing this around to your contacts and get them to pass it on. There is a Silent Protest on Tuesday 31st August 2021.
Tell your friends a proper protest must be done on a weekday and not on a weekend. Also this is a silent and strategic protest. There will be No screaming, No signs and No speeches. We ALL MUST stand together. Do not be scared of a fine because if we don’t stand up, what will come after will be much worse than a fine. We will lose everything. Our freedom will go.
A protest was done like this in 1932 and 1975 and we WON! And we CAN do it again and we WILL WIN AGAIN IN 2021!
It starts at 9am sharp and by 12pm our request is for Parliament members to STEP DOWN! “This is to force a dissolution of parliament and call new elections”.
Also the other request we want is for them to hand over the documents unredacted that Senator Bill Heffernan spoke about in parliament. He has all the names and evidence of our politicians, judges and prime ministers that were guilty of paedophilia.
In addition, this is a peaceful protest. This means we stand in silence. You are asked to bring a scarf and a whistle with you. The reason is if a policeman was to pull you out of a crowd, the crowd will immediately circle the police and you by creating a ring around him and use your scarfs tying them together and the crowd will chant, “RELEASE HIM, RELEASE HIM”, over and over until he does. AND HE WILL BE released by the police. Because with thousands standing their coordinated and in synch the police will listen to you. Then one person within that group will drop one end of the scarf and create a pathway for the police to leave and exit the ring and only by the exit you have offered him. For him to do this you will need to all chant, “LEAVE, LEAVE”, until he does. When they start to call for back-up, that is when whistles are used as they cannot hear.
The Statistics are in our favour. At every protest site there will be thousands of us and only 126 police officers at each site if we are to cover them all.
You need to be at one of these location:
There are 128 Local Councils
1 x State Parliament
1 x State Governor (Margaret Beazley: and she has the power to eliminate parliament)
Police are: 21,455
130 locations
126 per location (average) Verse 62,815 people in NSW at each location.
There isn’t enough police!
GOOD PART! They ALL KNOW WE ARE COMING. A letter was sent to all parliamentary representatives, Senates and the Governor General advising them that we Kim will ALL STAND TOGETHER ON 31st AUGUST 2021. They ARE scared. THEY WILL STEP DOWN….but we need you ALL THERE.
In the case of communications going down, no telephone and no TV etc. Do not let that stop you. We Stand no matter what!
My fellow friends, if we all Stand together we will be free and the truth will come out.
TOLL TRUCK DRIVER STRIKE | 7000 truckies to stop work today | 7NEWS
Food, fuel and other deliveries will be disrupted today, with thousands of truck drivers on strike. The drivers work for one of Australia's biggest transport operators, Toll Group, which delivers to major supermarkets like Woolworths and Coles. The industrial action was triggered after crisis talks over a new enterprise bargaining agreement collapsed. Truckies are demanding Toll provide them with job security.. and abandon plans to hire lower-paid contractors.
Stand together and support each other we must win back our country
World shipping crisis brings warning for Aussie shoppers | 7NEWS
We're being warned to expect higher prices and product shortages in the lead up to Christmas. A world shipping crisis is hitting supply chains for everything from coffee makers to cars.
Aussie Truck Drivers are leading the charge and they need our help! Men! The women of Australia are calling upon you to rise up and answer your country's call of duty! For the Australian people! For our families! For our future! In honour of the ANZACs!
Why Pauline Hanson Says #IStandWithTruckies, and Slams Sneering Labor Snob
the truck drivers are being forced to vax despite their working conditions. Concerns of blood clots for which these vaccines are famous for triggering.
see also
Vaccine passports are unconstitutional section 92
Trade within the Commonwealth to be free
On the imposition of uniform duties of customs, trade, commerce, and intercourse among the States, whether by means of internal carriage or ocean navigation, shall be absolutely free.
But notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, goods imported before the imposition of uniform duties of customs into any State, or into any Colony which, whilst the goods remain therein, becomes a State, shall, on thence passing into another State within two years after the imposition of such duties, be liable to any duty chargeable on the importation of such goods into the Commonwealth, less any duty paid in respect of the goods on their importation.
Rights of residents in States
A subject of the Queen, resident in any State, shall not be subject in any other State to any disability or discrimination which would not be equally applicable to him if he were a subject of the Queen resident in such other State.
Petition Link: https://www.onenation.org.au/vaccine-... Scott Morrison has announced plans to implement an interstate travel ban for Australians who have not received a vaccine passport. This push by the Prime Minister represents an unacceptable erosion of the rights and civil liberties of law-abiding Australians and must not be allowed to proceed. One Nation has announced it opposes the Prime Minister’s vaccine passport push and will work to see it scrapped, will you join the call? Add your name to the petition and demand the Government abandon its vaccine passport push.
Add your name to the petition and demand the Government abandon its vaccine passport push.
64,525 signatures
One Nation Australia Retweeted
Earlier in the pandemic, Premiers let Black Lives Matter protests happen without a whisper of criticism. Now that protests criticise lockdown, they crack down. Banning protests has been a hallmark of dictators. Let's not follow down that path. Full speech https://bit.ly/2XVJjxt
Melbourne, Australia. 31st August 2021. Police question a truck driver at a failed 'truckie strike' oragnised by anti-lockdown protesters at Government House. Credit: Jay Kogler/Alamy Live News
- Image ID: 2GGCNK1

Do not let this opportunity to go past - the moment is now no time to waste our future is important, the globalists and crooked government must be stopped!!!
Jamie McIntyre shares this news
Rockefeller Chief placed in Melbourne for the last 5 years planning the “Resilience City” as part of the Dan Andrews led Globalist Coup
read the full story @ https://www.australiannationalreview.com/state-of-affairs/rockefeller-chief-placed-in-melbourne-for-the-last-5-years-planning-the-resilience-city-as-part-of-the-dan-andrews-led-globalist-coup/
"Conspiracy Theorists" in Australia are being validated:
My Apologies, I am adding some very Important NEWS!
PAC - Pandemic Hearing - 10 August 2021
Take note @ around the timeline 1:17:55
Hon Brad Hazzard MP, Minister for Health and Medical Research
The very arrogant, Brad Hazzard MP, In part of his comment (I FIND QUITE INTERESTING) he says
source https://youtu.be/X0AvqnvZ_VM
Public Accountability Committee - Inquiry into the NSW Government’s management of the COVID-19 pandemic - hearing - 10 August 2021 Members present:
• Mr David Shoebridge MLC (Chair) • Hon Robert Borsak MLC • Ms Cate Faehrmann MLC • Hon Scott Farlow MLC • Hon Courtney Houssos MLC • Hon Trevor Khan MLC • Hon Peter Poulos MLC • Hon Penny Sharpe MLC Witnesses: • Hon Brad Hazzard MP, Minister for Health and Medical Research • Dr Kerry Chant PSM, Chief Health Officer and Deputy Secretary, Population and Public Health, NSW Health • Dr Nigel Lyons, Deputy Secretary, Health System Strategy and Planning • Prof Peter Collignon, Professor, ANU Medical School, and Infectious Diseases Physician & Microbiologist, Canberra Hospital • Prof Tony Blakely, Professorial Fellow in Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine Specialist, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health • Adjunct Prof Terry Slevin, Chief Executive Officer, Public Health Association of Australia Further information about this inquiry is available on the Parliament's website: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/com...
Sharing this petition is as powerful as signing it. If you agree with its contents, feel free to do both.
We are requesting that Brad Hazzard be removed as NSW Health Minister.
*Edit – the video of the inquiry is back up. The link below will take you to a point towards the end to provide an example of Minister Hazzard's behaviour.*
As millions of people in various areas of NSW (including Sydney) are currently under Government lockdown orders, every decision our Government makes is crucial. These decisions need to be explained and justified to the NSW population in order to ensure social cohesion and effectiveness of the orders.
Brad Hazzard has displayed a dangerous lack of interest in doing this both to the media and also to a parliamentary inquiry. His unwillingness to appreciate the importance of transparency of decision-making during this inquiry sitting is evidence enough that he is unable to fulfil the requirements of a Health Minister during a pandemic.
Secondly, the irate, hysterical and bullying nature of his communications to the media and to a parliamentary inquiry (and therefore to the people of NSW), have made those who have signed this petition believe that he is not in a fit state to make rational decisions regarding the health of the NSW population during a pandemic.
Many thanks.
Hayden Williams was walking to his car in Alice Springs on a Friday in JULY 2021, when police confronted him about not wearing a mask while drinking a coffee.
Once again A gang of Of Police officers, Surrounded, a peaceful Australian man in Alice Springs,. there was no need for these police officers to intimidate this man drinking his coffee this is just ridiculous. Police ARRESTED, Jailed and FINED him $5,056 for not wearing a mask while drinking a coffee.
see video
.and more REBEL NEWS videos
Apperently MIKE LINDELL has said the following
Keep a close eye on events in Australia. The enemy plans to bring those events to a city near you in the foreseeable future.
But while you should keep alert and look around at events in other parts of the world, STAY FOCUSED on demanding and obtaining full forensic audits of the 2020 election in every state!!!
I haven't had time to research this so do be vigilant and do your own thanks IMACOGINDEWHEELOFLIFE.COM
Pauline Hanson Speaks Out On Border Closures, Lockdown Laws And Support for Protests
25 Aug 2021
see also
Pauline Explains Why She Opposes Scott Morrison's Interstate Vaccine Passport Push
WE THE PEOPLE MUST REGAIN OUR INHERITED FREEDOMS by Reg. A. Watson, ACM CONVENOR TASMANIA Even before the present virus outbreak, our freedoms were being eroded.
Democracy we have seen is not a guarantee for freedom, ending up what could be termed, electoral dictatorship, meaning for the electorate there’s little choice.
We have witnessed dreadful decisions enforced throughout Australia, without any compassion.
A recent example has been the drowning of a small boy with the authorities not allowing a proper funeral. Freedoms do not come easy; they are not given; they are fought for and won. We must be eternally vigilant otherwise they will be taken away. We are familiar of those who went to war to ensure that our way of life and freedoms are protected from a brutal enemy. Freedom, however, has to also be won through the corridors of powers, such as our parliaments and institutions. We cannot be free unless we have freedom of movement, (which is being denied at the moment by State governments) freedom of expression and freedom of thought. We must have a free media. We must be protected by unbiased laws, but we have seen throughout, Australia being governed by the executive and not by parliament. The freedoms which we have enjoyed have been inherited from Great Britain. Millions have been attracted to our shores because of the freedom we offer. Long before the Norman Conquest (1066), King Alfred, the only British king to be called “Great”, implemented laws which laid foundation of the rights of the common man. Then in 1215 we had the Magna Carta when King John was forced to sign the Charter forcing the King to be subject to the same laws as any other person. It influenced the United States Bill of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Both these latter peoples’ right were also influenced by the British Bill of Rights of 1688 which set out the basic laws of parliamentary rule and again the rights of the common man, while putting a brake on the powers of the Monarch, the then government. Then we have the Australian Constitution, with sections 92 and 117 guaranteeing the freedom of movement backed up by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, with Article 13 guaranteeing the free movement in and out of a country, with Article 20 guaranteeing the right for peaceful assembly and association. Australia signed this, but what is the point of signing something that we are NOT going to honour? Or Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1986) which refers to “right of liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence”? Any internal passport as proposed by the Federal Government, based on discriminatory policies, goes against these basic human rights. We also operate under English Common Law and among other aspects, state that we are innocent until we are proven guilty, not the other way around. Indeed, technically, any spot fine or ticket written goes against the principle of Common Law. By writing a ticket you are automatically determined guilty before you can prove your innocence. Governments exist to serve us, we the people are not here to serve the government. We have seen State Governments act in a dictatorial way, especially in Victoria and New South Wales. We have seen police acting on behalf of the various State Governments, brutally victimising their own citizens. There have been multiple breaches of human rights in this regard. When Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews was questioned on this during a media conference, he replied “THIS IS NOT ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS”. How come we have got to this stage? Simply because of the continual message of fear espoused by governments, politicians, sections of the media and the medical fraternity. Remember? We were told that up to 150,000 people were predicted to die from corvid-19 as stated by the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Paul Kelly? The total nationally is less than 900, less, may I say, those dying annually of the flu. Leading QC (Queen’s Counsel), Michael Wyles, has stated lock downs are illegal. They have not only destroyed the economic life of people, but too, their mental and social life. The rate of suicide is far higher than the death rate of this current virus, much of which could have been avoided if the vulnerable were instantly protected and those who had the virus were adequately quarantined. A certain percentage (and it is quite high) of people like to be told what to do. It brings security and they don’t have to make decisions for themselves. I have been staggered how easy and how quickly we have been willing to give our freedoms away and let us not be fooled, governments have learnt from this. The Digital Certificate now available online by the Federal Government would be welcomed in Red China similar that country’s social credit policy. Do the right thing as proposed by the government and you will be rewarded. COVID – Certificate of Vaccination I.D.. Once our freedoms have gone, they will not be voluntarily given back to us by those in charge. We have our own mind which can make up its own decision for our own selves. Do we really need governments to do this for us? We can exercise our own choice and if we make the wrong choice we have to accept the consequences. We must question everything, rather than accepting without question what is being told to us. I personally start on a position of cynicism which is a safety valve. For example, how do I know I am being told the truth? What is the motive of those telling me? It is human nature to work from a position of self-interest and that includes government, its agencies and certainly big business, like Big Pharma
EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE! Kids Dead After Jab in Australia, Eye-Popping Interview With Aussie Veteran

Police call in military to help enforce Covid lockdown in Sydney after cases rise unabated
29 Jul, 2021 10:02

Army personnel stand guard at Sydney Airport on April 23, 2020 in Sydney, Australia. © Brook Mitchell/Getty Images
Sydney authorities have been blasted for “militarizing a public health crisis,” after the New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller requested the support of 300 soldiers to ensure greater compliance with Covid restrictions.
The five million residents in Sydney are currently in the fifth week of a city-wide lockdown that has been extended until the end of August but, so far, with sketchy compliance, it has failed to reduce new daily infections to zero. To help New South Wales (NSW) police enforce the measures, the regional commissioner has asked the Australian Defense Force to deploy 300 troops to the streets “to boost its operational footprint” and ensure that residents there comply with the restrictions. “With an increase in enforcement activity over the coming week, I have now made a formal request to the Prime Minister for ADF personnel to assist with [the Covid compliance] operation,” Fuller confirmed, in a statement released by NSW police. Amnesty International Australia blasted the move in its statement on the matter, accusing the NSW police commissioner of “militarizing a public health crisis,” rather than making its Covid guidelines public and working with residents to ensure individuals are aware of how to comply with the necessary restrictions.
read more@ RT NEWS
Urging you to not go past this message to all Australians
sent from a friend
Another Policemans wife speaks out - Listen to her message
The Pen is mightier than the sword and “ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Psalm 94:1-3 and used by JFK in 1961, but best and widely known historically from Edmund Burke (1729-97) Irish statesman born in Dublin, as well as an author, orator, political theorist and philosopher; after moving to London in 1750 served as a member of parliament (1766-94) in the House of Commons with the Whig Party
The MSM is lying about the FDA approval and haven’t done their research.
Listen & Share
Must Listen
They are pushing pediatric vaccines through the Emergency Use Authorization even though children don’t need it.
It’s all about [their] mandates
Listening to more clarification on the "Pfizer approval" from yesterday - thanks to Dr. Robert Malone.
Key notes. A COVID-19 vaccine has been approved. Which is allowing governments and businesses to push through mandates. However, how it has been announced and how it has been pushed by the news outlets is highly misleading and manipulative. Here are my cliff notes, this all seems to align with what I gathered reading through all of the information last night:
The approval is NOT for Pfizer. It is for BioNTech, and it only kicks in when the BioNTech Comirnaty vaccine becomes available. The currently circulating Pfizer vaccine is NOT approved, it is still still under an EUA. So if your employer is coersing you into vaccination, hold off until at least the Comirnaty product becomes available.
In addition, even the approval proves that they did not have the appropriate data to push through this approval because they had no evidence of safety or efficacy. (What happens due to this, no one knows yet, but this also matches with what many were reading and finding)
Never the less, a covid vaccine was indeed approved so things are going to get real ugly. Stay guarded. Do not quit. Do not get the vaccine unless you've prayed and have ABSOLUTE peace from God about that decision. If you do not have absolute peace, do not get it. It's that simple. Let them fire you. You'll figure the rest out
In addition, many keep talking about the legal liability and legal protections when taking an "authorized" vaccine vs. an EUA vaccine. I want to clarify this:
- The National Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 gave legal immunity to ALL vaccine manufacturers in the United States. You cannot sue the manufacturers if injured. There is a government fund set up in those situations supplied by the tax revenue off of vaccines, but it is very hard to get anything from that.
- The protection that is being granted with an approved covid vaccine specifically falls on the liability an employer has if they choose to require vaccination as a term of employment. They are unlawfully able to require an EUA vaccine. However, once approved, they are legally able to require an FDA approved vaccine. Once they do so, if you get the vaccine because your employment depended on it, and you are injured in any way, it falls under a work related injury and your employer now becomes fully liable and prosecutable.
Here is the video from Dr. Malone: https://t.me/MistyG17/16325
Thank you Mary for sending this over you research warrior, you
Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel is a CLOSE FRIEND of Jesus, he DESCRIBES Jesus Appearance in DETAIL, he walks with Jesus his CLOSE FRIEND! How he Describes The Saviour of The World- 13:44mins 🙏🏻 Jesus a CLOSE FRIEND of Ours!

The Freedom Rally Darwin NT (extended footage)
Very powerful demonstration by the the sovereign tribal people.
Standing in truth and Integrity
Lumpa Lumpa Knows his sovereign rights. " You are corporate agents impersonating public officers!!"
Watch and share!
Lurnpa Lurnpa youtube channel
Our freedom and our liberty is at stake. Worst of all so are our lives and those of our families. And fellow humans we must stand in unity, it is the key, unity. The sovereign tribal people of these lands extend our hands to all residing on this continent to stand with us in Unity. And together we can erode the sickness governing our lives and build a healthy future for all Australian people in partnership with the true sovereigns of these lands and through the only law that holds any validity on this continent we urge that all protective services to stand with the people not with the corporate agents harming us all. A Barrister once told me “if you witness a crime you must report it, you must do something about it”. Well this is a crime that we must all expose and stand together United as one and seek justice for all, and ensure we do all we can to afford the people of Australia and the world their right to freedom, liberty and our basic human rights. Anything less is giving in on our current and future generations. I leave you with this, the power is not in the corporate agents harming us all, The power is in the people. When we stand United for the freedom of us all, only then can we overcome this tyranny and fraud that threatens our very existence.
Cat Got Your Tongue? Silenced by AHPRA
GP can't even answer my question on lockdowns. There are a handful more who will talk to me off camera, but not on camera for fear of disciplinary action by their regulator: AHPRA.
Feeling 'safer' already from all that ugly 'misinformation' out there. Thanks AHPRA. I am reminded again how nice it is to be free of my career in medicine.

and more
Dr Vladimir Velenko
Dr Yeadon and others warn the world
Joseph Mercola
March 5th, 2021
This article was originally published by Joseph Mercola at Lew Rockwell.
Did you know that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines aren’t vaccines in the medical and legal definition of a vaccine? They do not prevent you from getting the infection, nor do they prevent its spread. They’re really experimental gene therapies.
I discussed this troubling fact in a recent interview with molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. While the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots are labeled as “vaccines,” and news agencies and health policy leaders call them that, the actual patents for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s injections more truthfully describe them as “gene therapy,” not vaccines.
Definition of ‘Vaccine’
Neither Moderna nor Pfizer claims this to be the case for their COVID-19 “vaccines.” In fact, in their clinical trials, they specify that they will not even test for immunity.
Unlike real vaccines, which use an antigen of the disease you’re trying to prevent, the COVID-19 injections contain synthetic RNA fragments encapsulated in a nano lipid carrier compound, the sole purpose of which is to lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein, not the actual virus.
They do not actually impart immunity or inhibit the transmissibility of the disease. In other words, they are not designed to keep you from getting sick with SARS-CoV-2; they only are supposed to lessen your infection symptoms if or when you do get infected.
As such, these products do not meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine, and as noted by David Martin, Ph.D., in the video above, “The legal ramifications of this deception are immense.”
15 U.S. Code Section 41
As explained by Martin, 15 U.S. Code Section 41 of the Federal Trade Commission Act2 is the law that governs advertising of medical practices. This law, which dictates what you may and may not do in terms of promotion, has for many years been routinely used to shut down alternative health practitioners and companies.
“If this law can be used to shut down people of good will, who are trying to help others,” Martin says, “it certainly should be equally applied when we know deceptive medical practices are being done in the name of public health.”
Per this law, it is unlawful to advertise:
“… that a product or service can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time they are made.”3
What Constitutes ‘The Greater Good’?
Martin points to the 1905 Supreme Court ruling in Jacobson vs. Massachusetts,4 which essentially established that collective benefit supersedes individual benefit. To put it bluntly, it argued that it’s acceptable for individuals to be harmed by public health directives provided it benefits the collective.
Now, if vaccination is a public health measure that is supposed to protect and benefit the collective, then it would need to a) ensure that the individual who is vaccinated is rendered immune from the disease in question; and b) that the vaccine inhibits transmission of the disease.
Only if these two outcomes can be scientifically proven can you say that vaccination protects and benefits the collective — the population as a whole. This is where we run into problems with the mRNA “vaccines.”
Moderna’s SEC filings, which Martin claims to have carefully reviewed, specifies and stresses that its technology is a “gene therapy technology.” Originally, its technology was set up to be a cancer treatment, so more specifically, it’s a chemotherapy gene therapy technology.
As noted by Martin, who would raise their hand to receive prophylactic chemotherapy gene therapy for cancer you do not have and may never be at risk for? In all likelihood, few would jump at such an offer, and for good reason.
Moreover, states and employers would not be able to mandate individuals to receive chemotherapy gene therapy for cancer they do not have. It simply would not be legal. Yet, they’re proposing that all of humanity be forced to get gene therapy for COVID-19.
COVID-19 Vaccines — A Case of False Advertising
Now, if the COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine, why are they calling it that? While the CDC provides a definition of “vaccine,” the CDC is not the actual law. It’s an agency empowered by the law, but it does not create law itself. Interestingly enough, it’s more difficult to find a legal definition of “vaccine,” but there have been a few cases. Martin provides the following examples:
•Iowa code — “Vaccine means a specially prepared antigen administered to a person for the purpose of providing immunity.” Again, the COVID-19 vaccines make no claim of providing immunity. They are only designed to lessen symptoms if and when you get infected.
•Washington state code — “Vaccine means a preparation of a killed or attenuated living microorganism, or fraction thereof …” Since Moderna and Pfizer are using synthetic RNA, they clearly do not meet this definition.
Being a manmade synthetic, the RNA used is not derived from anything that has at one point been alive, be it a whole microorganism or a fraction thereof. The statute continues to specify that a vaccine “upon immunization stimulates immunity that protects us against disease …”
So, in summary, “vaccine” and “immunity” are well-defined terms that do not match the endpoints specified in COVID-19 vaccine trials. The primary endpoint in these trials is: “Prevention of symptomatic COVID-19 disease.” Is that the same as “immunity”? No, it is not.
There Are More Problems Than One
But there’s another problem. Martin points out that “COVID-19 disease” has been defined as a series of clinical symptoms. Moreover, there’s no causal link between SARS-CoV-2, the virus, and the set of symptoms known as COVID-19.
How is that, you might ask? It’s simple, really. Since a vast majority of people who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms at all, they’ve not been able to establish a causal link between the virus and the clinical disease.
Here’s yet another problem: The primary endpoint in the COVID-19 vaccine trials is not an actual vaccine trial endpoint because, again, vaccine trial endpoints have to do with immunity and transmission reduction. Neither of those was measured.
What’s more, key secondary endpoints in Moderna’s trial include “Prevention of severe COVID-19 disease and prevention of infection by SARS-CoV-2.” However, by its own admission, Moderna did not actually measure infection, stating that it was too “impractical” to do so.
That means there’s no evidence of this gene therapy having an impact on infection, for better or worse. And, if you have no evidence, you cannot fulfill the U.S. Code requirement that states you must have “competent and reliable scientific evidence … substantiating that the claims are true.”
Why Are They Calling Them Vaccines?
As noted by Martin, you cannot have a vaccine that does not meet a single definition of a vaccine. So, again, what would motivate these companies, U.S. health agencies, and public health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci to lie and claim that these gene therapies are in fact vaccines when, clearly, they are not?
If they actually called it what it is, namely “gene therapy chemotherapy,” most people would — wisely — refuse to take it. Perhaps that’s one reason for their false categorization as vaccines. But there may be other reasons as well.
Here, Martin strays into conjecture, as we have no proof of their intentions. He speculates that the reason they’re calling this experimental gene therapy technology a “vaccine” is because by doing so, they can circumvent liability for damages.
You’re being lied to. Your own government is violating its own laws. They have shut down practitioners around the country, time and time again, for violating what are called ‘deceptive practices in medical claims.’ Guess what? They’re doing exactly that thing. ~ David Martin, Ph.D.
As long as the U.S. is under a state of emergency, things like PCR tests and COVID-19 “vaccines” are allowed under emergency use authorization. And as long as the emergency use authorization is in effect, the makers of these experimental gene therapies are not financially liable for any harm that comes from their use.
That is, provided they’re “vaccines.” If these injections are NOT vaccines, then the liability shield falls away, because there is no liability shield for a medical emergency countermeasure that is gene therapy.
So, by maintaining the illusion that COVID-19 is a state of emergency when in reality it is not, government leaders are providing cover for these gene therapy companies so that they can get immunity from liability.
Under the Cover of ‘Emergency’
As noted by Martin, if state governors were to lift the state of emergency, all of a sudden the use of RT PCR testing would be in violation of 15 U.S. Code FTC Act, as PCR tests are not an approved diagnostic test.
“You cannot diagnose a thing [with something] that cannot diagnose a thing,” Martin says. “That a misrepresentation. That is a deceptive practice under the Federal Trade Commission Act. And they’re liable for deceptive practices.”
Importantly, there’s no waiver of liability under deceptive practices — even under a state of emergency. This would also apply to experimental gene therapies. The only way for these gene therapies to enjoy liability shielding is if they are vaccines developed in response to a public health emergency. There is no such thing as immunity from liability for gene therapies.
Propaganda and Vaccine Rollout Run by Same Company
Martin brings up yet another curious point. The middleman in Operation Warp Speed is a North Carolina defense contractor called ATI. It controls the rollout of the vaccine. But ATI also has another type of contract with the Department of Defense, namely managing propaganda and combating misinformation.
So, the same company in charge of manipulating the media to propagate government propaganda and censor counterviews is the same company in charge of the rollout of “vaccines” that are being unlawfully promoted.
“Listen,” Martin says. “This is a pretty straight-forward situation. You’re being lied to. Your own government is violating its own laws … They have thrown this book [15 U.S. Code Section 41] on more people than we can count.
They have shut down practitioners around the country, time and time again, for violating what are called ‘deceptive practices in medical claims’ … Guess what? They’re doing exactly that thing.”
Martin urges listeners to forward his video to your state attorney, governor, representatives and anyone else that might be in a position to take affirmative action to address and correct this fraud.
Defense contractors are violating FTC law, and gene therapy companies — not vaccine manufacturers — are conducting experimental trials under deceptive medical practices. They’re making claims of being “vaccines” without clinical proof, and must be held accountable for their deceptive marketing and medical practices.
CDC Owns Coronavirus Patents
On a side note, the CDC appears to be neck-deep in this scam pandemic, and is therefore wholly unsuitable to investigate the side effects of these experimental COVID-19 therapies. As noted by Martin, it’s like having a bank robber investigate its own crime.
Details about this came out in the documentary “Plandemic,” in which Martin explained how the CDC has broken the law — in one way or another — related to its patenting of the 2003 SARS virus.
Martin is a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100 Index, which developed linguistic genomics, a platform capable of determining the intent of communications. In 1999, IBM digitized 1 million U.S. patents, which allowed Martin’s company to conduct a review of all these patents, sending him down a proverbial “rabbit trail” of corruption.
In 2003, Asia experienced an outbreak of SARS. Almost immediately, scientists began racing to patent the virus. Ultimately, the CDC nabbed ownership of SARS-CoV (the virus responsible for SARS) isolated from humans.
So, the CDC actually owns the entire genetic content of that SARS virus. It’s patented under U.S. patent 7776521. They also own patents for detection methods, and for a kit to measure the virus.
U.S. patent 7279327,5 filed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, describes methods for producing recombinant coronaviruses. Ralph Baric, Ph.D., a professor of microbiology and immunology who is famous for his chimeric coronavirus research, is listed as one of the three inventors, along with Kristopher Curtis and Boyd Yount.
According to Martin, Fauci, Baric and the CDC “are at the hub” of the whole COVID-19 story. “In 2002, coronaviruses were recognized as an exploitable mechanism for both good and ill,” Martin says, and “Between 2003 and 2017, they [Fauci, Baric and CDC] controlled 100% of the cash flow to build the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.”
How the CDC Broke the Law
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part extract
BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH August 23, 2021
Attention: Amit Patel
Pfizer Inc.
235 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017
Dear Mr. Patel:
Please refer to your Biologics License Application (BLA) submitted and received on May 18, 2021, under section 351(a) of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) for COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA.
We are issuing Department of Health and Human Services U.S. License No. 2229 to BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH, Mainz, Germany, under the provisions of section 351(a) of the PHS Act controlling the manufacture and sale of biological products. The license authorizes you to introduce or deliver for introduction into interstate commerce, those products for which your company has demonstrated compliance with establishment and product standards.
Under this license, you are authorized to manufacture the product, COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA, which is indicated for active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in individuals 16 years of age and older.
The review of this product was associated with the following National Clinical Trial (NCT) numbers: NCT04368728 and NCT04380701.
Under this license, you are approved to manufacture COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA drug substance at The final formulated product will be manufactured, filled, labeled and packaged at Pfizer . The diluent, 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP, will be manufactured at (b) (4)
redacted contentThe final formulated product will be manufactured, filled, labeled and packaged at Pfizer
(b) (4) redacted contentThe diluent, 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP, will be manufactured at
(b) (4redacted content
Page 2 – STN BL 125742/0 – Elisa Harkins
You may label your product with the proprietary name, COMIRNATY, and market it in 2.0 mL glass vials, in packages of 25 and 195 vials. We did not refer your application to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee because our review of information submitted in your BLA, including the clinical study design and trial results, did not raise concerns or controversial issues that would have benefited from an advisory committee discussion.
The dating period for COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA shall be 9 months from the date of manufacture when stored between -90ºC to -60ºC (-130ºF to -76ºF). The date of manufacture shall be no later than the date of final sterile filtration of the formulated drug product (at (b) (4) redacted content the date of manufacture is defined as the date of sterile filtration for the final drug product; at Pfizer
(b) (4) redacted content, it is defined as the date of the (b) (4) redacted content,
Following the final sterile filtration,(b) (4) redacted content, no reprocessing/reworking is allowed without prior approval from the Agency. The dating period for your drug substance shall be (b) (4) redacted content,when stored at (b) (4) redacted content We have approved the stability protocols in your license application for the purpose of extending the expiration dating period of your drug substance and drug product under 21 CFR 601.12
Please submit final container samples of the product in final containers together with protocols showing results of all applicable tests. You may not distribute any lots of product until you receive a notification of release from the Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).
You must submit reports of biological product deviations under 21 CFR 600.14. You should identify and investigate all manufacturing deviations promptly, including those associated with processing, testing, packaging, labeling, storage, holding and distribution. If the deviation involves a distributed product, may affect the safety, purity, or potency of the product, and meets the other criteria in the regulation, you must submit a report on Form FDA 3486 to the Director, Office of Compliance and Biologics Quality, electronically through the eBPDR web application or at the address below. Links for the instructions on completing the electronic form (eBPDR) may be found on CBER's web site at https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/report-problem-centerbiologics-evaluation-research/biological-product-deviations:
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Document Control Center
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Anti Lockdown Protest 21/08/2021
Explosive Footage of excessive force being used on peaceful protesters, Victorian Police used tear gas, rubber bullets and other completely unnecessary measures, the conduct from cops was disgraceful.
FREE AUSTRALIA: The world needs to witness what police did in Melbourne yesterday
August 2021 6th Melbourne rally. The Police bring out their heavy artillery to use on peaceful protestors
Rebel News "Free Australia" was trending on Twitter as police deployed pepper spray, fired rubber bullets, and tear gas into crowds of unarmed protesters and media in Melbourne. SHARE @Avi Yemini's full report: https://rebelne.ws/3z6UpgQ SIGN UP: http://YeminiReport.com Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. https://www.RebelNews.com for more great Rebel content. YouTube is censoring conservative and independent voices. We don't know how long we have left on YouTube. But you'll always be able to find us at https://www.RebelNews.com Unlike almost all of our mainstream media competitors, Rebel News doesn’t receive any government funding. We rely on our generous audience to help keep us reporting. Please consider supporting Rebel News by making a donation, purchasing a RebelNews+ subscription, shopping in our online store, or any of the other methods below:
Tensions boil over at the Queensland-New South Wales border | 7NEWS
Hundreds protest strict border rules as NSW COVID numbers surge to another record high | 7NEWS
Police prepare for another COVID lockdown protest in Sydney | 7NEWS
ABC NEWS censored this report! "Fairfield's Tomorrow when the war began" #Sydneylockdown
Increased NSW Police powers: Threats, Intimidation, Harassment & Censorship.
Police Stand Down at Freedom Day in Melbourne, Australia
AlexandraBruce Published July 27, 2021 5th Rally by the VIC. People

Australian politicians are accepting bags of money from China. This has been discovered and is a big news story in Oz and subject of a BBC2 documentary airing now. We may presume the same thing is happening in New Zealand. Is it happening here too? #NotSuchAunitedFront#TheBattle
Governments around the world are uncovering secret operations to expand China's influence - the work of a little-known branch of the Chinese Communist Party called the United Front Work Department. President Xi has called it his 'magic weapon'.
Australia has changed its laws to combat foreign interference, and America says eight out of ten industrial espionage cases now involve China. So what is the United Front doing in the UK? Jane Corbin investigates this powerful but shadowy organisation. Has influence become interference as China bids to become the most powerful nation on earth?
For those who want the link to the programme, it is streaming on BBC iPlayer - China's Magic Weapon: http://bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000z2yt… via @bbciplayer
Gladys has an impending ICAC corruption investigation , Whilst Patrliament is closed it cannot be heard
Is this why! she is continuing the Emergency Health Extension on all NSW Voters - to save her pension and arse..ARE WE BEING HELD TO RANSOM???
Send your letters to your local MP and tell them she must resign now!!!
A few hours ago, the Liberal Party died. 😓
Killed by the totalitarians of Gladys & Health Hazzard and the lefties that infiltrated the once great party.
Our diggers would be rolling in their graves tonight, knowing that an Australian government is using blackmail & extortion, to coerce ordinary workers to submit to be injected with an experimental genetic agent, which has ZERO long term safety data -so they can continue to put food on their family’s table.

This policy is contrary to everything it used to mean to be a Liberal.
Sir Robert Menzies founded the party on the 16th October 1944. Tonight it’s all over. 😓
Public Health (COVID-19 Additional Restrictions for Delta Outbreak) Amendment (No 23) Order 2021 PDF
kate-shemirani-planned-food-shortages-depop-agenda-any video capture.com
BY Matthew
So let the penny drop into your thick skulls! If you are pro-vaxx, this is not the science you have been taught. Even vaccines have their appropriate protocols, with the ensuing period of clinical trials and testing and the use of targeted synthetic peptide technology and attenuated viruses. But this beast is different even from a modern scientific view. So if you are rushing to roll up your sleeve, let me share with you those that are regretting it! We will be doing a few interviews and releasing them shortly with those who have lost loved ones to these bioweapons. There is no shaming here. This is an invitation to breakthrough your thick skulls!
That’s right- when you take an untested technology like mRNA or vector based technology merge it with the most criminal pharmaceutical companies (that’s right all the Aussie vaccine companies lost their bid for this vaccine development) and combine it with a spike protein that has gain of function specifications identified by virologists worth their salt- then voila…you have a bioweapon.
I understand that your entitlement makes you shake in your boots about the prospect of everything you have been taught being a lie but Satan’s Claws are coming for your children. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout cause I am telling you…just took on its real meaning. Those sick, twisted songs were not taught to our children for no reason. It is called social engineering and Edward Bernays (if those posing as educated bother to read) knew how to manufacture consent. Please save your kids, keep them home and teach them to do the opposite of those lyrics! Amen!
warning heavy swearing
Channel 4 John Snow, Interviews John Bell ( SAGE )
Mr john bell has played a big part on the manufacturing of the vaccine.
Listen to what this Psychopath says..

Go to my many blogs for more information shared from around the globe and from our beloved warriors, Australian Patriots who fight for our freedoms and expose the corruption to free you from tyranny.
Prayer for our country and it's people so that GOD will answer our call for salvation