* “Vitiates” in a legal context means negates, quashes, annuls, invalidates, revokes and abrogates .
Precisely under what circumstances constitutional rights can be voluntarily surrendered by the human beings protected by it.
* Fraud vitiates contracts. An election is essentially a binding contract between the electorate and the elected. This indispensable social contract is irreparably broken through voter fraud as the public trust is profoundly violated. -
Let us remember, that 'if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.' It is a very serious consideration, which should deeply impress our minds, that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers in the event. — Samuel Adams
"Australian Election theft of 2022 has rent asunder the sacred covenant between the elected and the electors"
"There are but two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting."
BREAKING NEWS the most riveting news of
There is no Democracy in Australia
The Government asked you to vote to save their jobs and what did they do to you these past Three years? and now they just couldn't help themselves, will you continue to be the frog in the slow pot of boiling water -
My Australian election outcome thought
The Scorpion and the Frog - a moral story
The Scorpion And The Frog is a fable about a scorpion that stings and kills a frog that was trying to help it and dies in the process. The scorpion is often interpreted as representing the nature of humans to go against their best interests, and the frog our willingness to be too trusting.
The Fable:
The scorpion climbed on the frog's back and off they went to cross the river. About halfway across the river, the scorpion raised its tail and stung the frog. The frog was both astounded and disconsolate. "Why did you sting me? Now I will die and you will surely drown and die also." The scorpion replied, "I can't help it. It's who I am.
WAKE UP and Smell the Burning of Our Election - Country and freedoms
There is some good out of all this fraud - more people are waking up as the election fraud is unfolding before our eyes, so spread the news like wild fire we must educate each other to save our nation and it's future for all,
Those sadly that voted, got what they deserved. Truth might hurt! How could you not know that this election would be Fraudulent. People must now change their thinking as it is fraud that you the voter took part in. You accepted the fraud with liberal and labour. You perhaps thought by placing the majors last and preferencing independants you could make a difference....We have lost some amazing Politicians this election. Same Old same there has not been a legitimate Election 21st May 2022 and many elections, years prior. If anything good has come of this is that we can now see the Proven Fraud and Good people are taking Action. The AEC served with papers to the summons of the State Manager of Victorian, ASIC and his division returning officer.IMPORTANT See Derek Balough's message We now must build the freedom movement and educate our friends, neighbors and people on the street keep the momentum going...Important listen to this The Interview - with Darren Bergwerf
Please share this information I am posting as much as I can for those who are not on some of the social media sites ----
make sure you view the three interviews with Darren Bergwerf.
please share this blog to all your family and friends we need to open the eyes of the Australian public to this fraud against we the people.
This is our time to save our nation - all truths of corruption are revealed
Follow Derick Balough
see more video evidence in imacogindewheeloflife.com blog
educateforprotection.au EFP Update - Fraudulent Federal Election 21st May, 2022 #westernaustralia #southaustralia #victoria #tasmania #newsouthwales #queensland #northernterritory #australiancapitalterritory #humanrights #elections #democracy #smallbusinessaustralia
Andi Ryan
Legal Name, Royal Assent and Queen of Australia information please share and educate others thanks
18 U.S.C. § 1341 - Frauds and swindles
Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretences, representations, or promises, or to sell, dispose of, loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute, supply, or furnish or procure for unlawful use any counterfeit or spurious coin, obligation, security, or other article, or anything represented to be or intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article, for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice or attempting so to do, places in any post office or authorised depository for mail matter, any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the Postal Service, or deposits or causes to be deposited any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by any private or commercial interstate carrier, or takes or receives therefrom, any such matter or thing, or knowingly causes to be delivered by mail or such carrier according to the direction thereon, or at the place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, any such matter or thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the violation occurs in relation to, or involving any benefit authorised, transported, transmitted, transferred, disbursed, or paid in connection with, a presidentially declared major disaster or emergency (as those terms are defined in section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122)), or affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
18 U.S.C. § 1342 - Fictitious name or address
Whoever, for the purpose of conducting, promoting, or carrying on by means of the Postal Service, any scheme or device mentioned in section § 1341 of this title or any other unlawful business, uses or assumes, or requests to be addressed by, any fictitious, false, or assumed title, name, or address or name other than his own proper name, or takes or receives from any post office or authorised depository of mail matter, any letter, postal card, package, or other mail matter addressed to any such fictitious, false, or assumed title, name, or address, or name other than his own proper name, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
18 U.S.C. § 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television
Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretences, representations, or promises, transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the violation occurs in relation to, or involving any benefit authorised, transported, transmitted, transferred, disbursed, or paid in connection with, a presidentially declared major disaster or emergency (as those terms are defined in section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122)), or affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
When we are dealing with corporations they fall under the CORPORATIONS ACT 2001.
The Letters Patent of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, provides for the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia to represent the authority of the Crown for use by the Governor-General in the Commonwealth;
The Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia has been defaced, in 1973, by means otherwise than that of the Crown;
The Great Seal of Australia, struck for substitution in 1973, is not the authoritative seal for the Commonwealth of Australia, which means No Royal Coat of Arms, No Royal Assent, No Authority, No Contract;
The Commonwealth of Australia has an ABN 122 104 616 and registered with the United States American Securities and Exchange Commission : CIK No. 000 080 5157;
The title/office, 'Queen of Australia', has no basis in law and is not the lawful reference to 'the Queen' in the Constitution;
'Queen of Australia' is not recognized to exercise executive, legislative and judicial power provided for in the Constitution.
The Federal and State governments continue the use of the invalid title, 'Queen of Australia'.
Sir Harry Gibbs former High Court Member clearly stated in his letter that our political and legal system has no basis in law in Australia.
Royal Style and Titles Act 1953 an act to allow the Crown take up role of Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Queen Elizabeth 2 signed under that seal. Contract under seal.
Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 to allow Queen Elizabeth II a de-facto Queen of de-facto Parliament where Queen Elizabeth 2 signed above the seal so she has no contract under that seal
De facto private company Australian Government it is a PRIVATE POLITICAL PARTY.
That financial burden, they cannot impose any income tax or other taxes or private charges, such as land rates, land tax, or any form of income tax, and further no fees to be charged in pursuit of Justice and lodgment of documents of in any format in any Court of the Crown in Queensland, for lodgment of Court matters or otherwise in Pounds Sterling, as access to the Judges in Courts of Law of the Crown, is free and unconditional to every subject of the Crown not only in Queensland but across the whole of the Queen’s dominions.
No land can be sold in any deed of grant or any fee to any private individual in the Australian Capital Territory, the land is in fact what may be termed as neutral ground, as it is the meeting place of the elected and sworn representatives of the Company to sit in the Parliament of the People and make laws for peace welfare and good government.
Information about the proper Royal Assent
In 1973 after the refusal by Her Majesty the Queen, to grant the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 for the creation of the creation of the Parliament of Australia all Acts of the Commonwealth of Australia were reprinted to statutory law and the last Act passed under the authority and royal assent of the Crown was in 1972.
The last election of us the sovereign people of the Commonwealth of Australia as held to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 with the Queen in Parliament as held to the Royal Style and Titles Act 1953 and to the Satute of Westminster 1931 was in 1972.
In 1974 the then Governor-General, appointed by the Crown Sir John Kerr resigned his position as the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and signed a private partnership agreement with an unknown Member of the “Australian Government,” and was paid in Australian Currency A$, not being the legal tender of the Commonwealth of Australia.
No Royal Assent of the Governor - General personally appointed by Elizabeth II, commencing 1974 as held to GOVERNOR - GENERAL ACT 16 of 1974, a document with writing only, not sealed and No Royal Assent of ELIZABETH II.
Since 1972 the commercial contracts the sovereign people held for their real property, the legal tender of the Commonwealth of Australia, the laws previously given the royal assent of the Crown and held to the common law of England and the laws of church and state for the protection of the rights and property of the sovereign people and the Constitution of the people, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed and Gazetted have become worthless under the evolutionary process employed by the 'foreign government' of AUSTRALIA.
Note: Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 2 a private person, and in any capacity as the present holder of the Crown, did not grant Her Royal Assent to a STATUTORY INSTRUMENT to allow the creation of a Parliament containing no private people inside the The House of Commons and inside The House of Lords which uphold the Imperial Laws of the Crown throughout The Commonwealth of Nations which includes Australia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland held to the common law of England and the laws of church and state – The Church of England and held to the Holy See.
Crown In Right Of New South Wales registration in USA with SEC CIK #0000071545
Registration Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended: U (fara.gov)
1. Pro Se In Vivus - translate shall mean : “for one’s own behalf in one’s own flesh and blood”.
2. Pro Se In Triforms - translate shall mean : “ for ones own behalf in three forms/persons”.
3. Private Person - shall mean : Pro Se In Vivus and Pro Se In Triforms .
4. The Queen -shall mean : Queen Elizabeth, The Second By the Grace of God. Queen of England.
5. The Crown - shall mean : The Queen
6. NSW Police Officer - shall mean : Officer of the Crown.
7. Governor - shall mean - The Queen Personal Representative.
8. Commission - shall mean : A role given to a person or group of official body with authority to something on behalf of the Queen.
9. Commissioner - shall mean : Commission
10. Writ of Commission - shall mean : Verified Commission.
11. Warrant Card - shall mean : Proof of Writ of Commission.
12. Person -shall mean : Private Person
13. Plain Simple - English - shall mean : Common English meaning excluding legalese (Ref; Australian Oxford Pocket Dictionary seven Edition.). —
What REALLY happened on the weekend…. 21st May 2022 Federal Election
Pat Mesiti
Why Scott Morrison self destructed and showed his true colours, green yellow and beige! Pat discusses all the events from the weekend! Plus some exciting news about the future!

Sunday May 2022 to Saturday May 28th
The WHO will meet to discuss a “pandemic accord” that would greatly expand its powers
Are you still happy to comply to a slow death of Fear Pain and loss as the government keeps to it's world health ordered plans against it's own people. Whilst they were rigging the elections they had representatives sent to the Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Assembly to sign over this countries sovereignty, on the same weekend of a Federal Election.
The World Health Organisation (W.H.O) is planning to discuss a set of proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (I.H.R) as it seeks to improve its preparedness for future pandemics
Australian Senator Alex Antic said: “Many of those provisions are draconian but the Biden administration proposed a draft of amendments only a few months ago through trying to sneak them under the carpet in record time.”
Senator Antic believes the W.H.O has had a taste for global control.
“The World Health Organisation is now trying to break that position in where it can basically tell, or at least instruct countries across the world that sign up how to deal with a pandemic,” he added.
There are reports this proposed draft to be finalised in 2024 includes mandates, sanctions and lock downs not dissimilar to Shanghai and Melbourne, Victoria circa 2021
Aus. Sen. Alex Antic on the International Ceding of Sovereignty to WHO
view -
James Roguski – WHO Pandemic Treaty & What We Can Do About It - interview with Maria Zee Media
Your sovereignty is about to be stolen from you. It is appropriate to scream at this moment. Our freedoms are about to be given away.
Attempted coup world wide
James has a wealth of information and resources on his Substack. including an Activist Toolbox with templates that can be sent to officials:
https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/sound-the-alarm?s=r https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/wake-up-and-smell-the-burning-of?s=r

Ralph Fucetola
In March 2021 NTI ran a GLOBAL simulation on a MonkeyPox outbreak from the fictitious country of Brinia. It resulted in 270 million deaths.
Guess when the outbreak was fictitiously predicted?
May 15…. 5 DAYS AGO.
They simulated COVID-19 in Oct 2019 at Event 201.
You couldn’t make this shit up. WOW.
Must see three interviews exposing the greatest crime of the 2022 Australian Federal Election
The Interview Derick Balough- with Darren Bergwerf
In Australia, writs for election are issued by the governor-general for the House of Representatives within 10 days of the dissolution or expiration of the House and by the state governors for the election of senators for their respective states, while writs for the election of territory senators are issued by the Governor-General.[3]
State governors also issue the writs for elections in the state legislatures. In some states and territories of Australia, such as New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory, it is normally required by law that the parliament must run its full term before writs are issued. Early dissolutions are allowed by the governor in those states and by the federal minister for territories for the Australian Capital Territory, but only if certain objective criteria are met—in particular, if the parliament is unable to agree on the annual budget.
The writs are issued to the relevant electoral officer or returning officer, as the case may be, who returns them after the election has been held within a fixed period.[4]
Part 2 Interview with Darren Bergwerf - The Fraudulent Federal Election
Part 3 Interview with Darren Bergwerf -
The Fraudulent Federal Election
"Illicitly declared victory is illegitimate and therefore MUST BE annulled forthwith"
Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the Commonwealth Of Australia 1901/UK
"What is the individual man with all the good or evil that may betide him, in comparison with the good and evil which may befall a great country, and in the midst of great transactions which concern that country's fate? Let the consequences be what they will, I am careless, No man can suffer too much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffer or if he fall, in the defense of the liberties and Constitution of his country". — Daniel Webster
Electoral triumph Is sealed by the will of a great majority of the Australian people.
As more details of this Australian Federal Election 2022, of vote fraud and election theft are brought to light, the people must have remedy by proof, and Justice,
Justice must not be denied the people, for Crimes of fraud must be prosecuted by the appropriate laws, of Fraud Treason and Malfeasance. Otherwise the wicked simply prosper and the people suffer under the hands of tyranny by a powerful criminal and evil enterprise.
It is evident that the Australian Government has continually betrayed the citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia and have deliberately failed to accomplish their constitutional and sovereign duty. There is a plethora of evidence to illustrate where the government has vandalized the constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and it continues to actively engage in repositioning itself against the will of its citizens who instinctively elected them to office.
Based upon what the people now realize they view this as deceptive untrustworthy and treasonous behaviour
Consequently, the fake queen of Australia has no authority over the people.
This ‘fake’ queen established by political dissenters holds no land, has no collateral, and gives no authority. It is simply a statutory mythical patron of the Political Parties Australian Government. Further to this our politicians have taken a false and offensive oath to a mystical patron, ‘The queen of Australia’ who has no address and is only a title on a piece of paper.
Please take note of the correct Oath: see next - Brian Tucker petition -
Important election and Oath of Allegiance information with Darren Dixon. 22 May 2022. On tonight’s video, we interviewed Darren Dixon, who runs the www.ConstitutionWatch.com.au website and, like Darryl O’Bryan - who we interviewed on Thursday night - has also worked closely with Rod Culleton over the last 7 years. Darren again touched on the validity of the election writs and the Governor-General’s role in issuing those writs. He also explained how voting preferences were being used against the express intentions of the voters and what kind of impact that actually had on the outcome of the election. Finally, he also covered the Oath of Allegiance that Albanese and his ministers will need to swear next week and why they will almost certainly not be doing as they are required. This is a vitally important video for ALL Aussies to watch, especially given the election results yesterday, so please be sure to share this around as far and as wide as possible. Www.ConstitutionWatch.com.au Www.KnowYourRightsGroup.com.au Www.AussieSpeedingFines.com Www.BankSecretsRevealed.com.au
There has already been reports of wrongful counting in Townsville, AEC manager abusive towards scrutiny called out
FOUND on a FB feed
Edit...This comment is copied

Note : there was no officially signed writ at the Entrance high school that I was at yesterday which renders the polling booth there illegal
Listen to
Rodney Culleton, on a letter he received regarding mail in posting votes and the concerning of the Scrutineering process
Authorised by Ian Nelson for the Great Australian Party, Level 1, 226 Beaufort St Perth WA, 6000
MUST see evidence https://www.greataustralianparty.com.au/
Tempers start to fray as AEC staff members still don't know how to do their job. There are too many instances of fraud being perpetrated for the legitimacy of this election not to be called into question. I think the AEC know it and that's why they are threatening me for posting their repeated failures.
The satanic levels of corruption at the AEC continue to reveal themselves.
Communities of Aussies, are exposing fraud in the electorates - the following are from Fb feeds

Peter Rogers INDEPENDANT candidate -
Apparently there’s only two piles liberal and Labour doesn’t matter whether they’re number seven or number eight looks like they’re not counting the preference votes
Anthony J Marano Peter Rogers last night here in perth I was a scrutineer, in a booth about 1300 voted at this booth the vote was Labor 571 then liberal 372 so they took 240 green and all the rest and put them where people voted liberal or Labor. On there card. Sadly other then them 3 party's the highest 4th was UAP 28 vote, 5th 1 nation 23 then another 4 party's got less then 20 each. They then told us they would take a day or so to count senate so all scrutineers left the booth at 8pm who watching the senate papers now. I watched the count for the seat of Swan it was genuine, my mate had 2000 how to vote uap he only handed out 100, people mocked him and 1 nation

has been going on for years. I have scrutinized many a poll locally and have even gone to Brisbane to scrutinize at an AEC counting centre. Instructions come directly from AEC to tell the head of the polling booths and counting centres how to and what to count. Preferences are NOT counted properly. If they were, it would take weeks to get a result.
unfortunately it IS true. I have witnessed it personally over many elections, state and federal. The outcomes of elections are predetermined by those dictating rule from outside Australia.
I have personally witnessed the corruption of the voting system by the AEC and when I questioned what was going on (on numerous occasions), I was ejected from the counting centre.
When I wrote to the AEC and complained, I wasn't even given a response.
the AEC tells all polling booths who the two parties are to be that ALL "preferences" are to be given to, whether those "preferences" are numbered 5 or 8 on a paper. Preferences are NOT counted correctly and if you dare challenge it you are either ridiculed, threatened with being expelled from the centre or both.
I have written to the AEC expressing my concerns about these tactics but, to date (almost 9 years later), still have not got a response.
Jason Miles. Senate Candidate. Great Australian Party I was appalled at the people not knowing why the boxes had no party next to the boxes which yes you were correct in pointing that out.. I noticed so many people voting didn’t know what they were doing and too many didn’t give a shit … I was there a while as it took me longer to fill out as I put 25 votes under the line .. I ask the person at the box what if you make a mistake , he told me to just cross it out and keep going.. I also asked if you could get another ballot paper , which I found out yes you can , never knew any of that before but glad , but what do they do with the ones they have that were wrong … hmmm… all the people there didn’t bring a black pen I did and so too my family.. I don’t trust the system and I didn’t like the way the people behind the table marking you off were just rude when I told them nicely that I knew how to fill it in and not to keep telling me what I should do .. omg.. I told her I won’t be voting above the line .. but this one person kept telling me I didn’t have to fill it all in .. so my response was - well I am as I’ve done my research and will fill out below the line./ really really pissed me off , I felt like I was been interrogated by the Gestapo..Not at all happy by the way they were pushy and people were allowing it .. shocking.. they didn’t appreciate that I went from my que when I got the paper to my partners que to wait with him to get his papers .. omg.. what I can’t stand with my partner … I stayed with him until he got his papers and we went to the booth together and I can tell you they didn’t like that as I didn’t do as I was told … is this Australia or Auschwitz.. I voted in Pialba Hervey Bay.
This is the closest I got to scrutinising tonight. No suprise to you all with all the misinformation that Australian Electoral Commission has provided over the last two weeks regarding voting for independents in the senate. Their staff are an absolute disgrace. They don’t even know the rules themselves! I confirmed twice today with the man in charge that I will be coming to scrutinise at 7pm, 1hr after voting closes and he said that as long as I had my paperwork I could come in. 7pm I arrive and this other supervisor, who happens to be first in charge said I missed the 6pm deadline, and he was mistaken. Twice! Good bye. More volunteers are needed to scrutinise votes!! There are none at this centre. Let’s see what happens now.

Uninformed, untrained AEC staff, giving out incorrect information that will affect votes
AEC (Australian Electoral Commission)
I Debra Ann, women of flesh and blood,
Sovereign under God’s laws of this land Terra Australis
in this day of SACRIFICE OF the Living Dead.
I pray that their lost souls are forgiven
for they know not what they do
participating in the most fraudulent times
in Australia's history
- There is no one to vote for my will
- Justice is coming AMEN
Brian Tucker started this petition to The Attorney General Hon Sue Braverman UK Parliament. and
I, Brian Malcolm Tucker lawfully sworn Commonwealth Public Official, do formally make complaint against the company known as the Australian Government and its subsidiary companies known as the State Governments of the Australian Government.
I respectfully petition that the Attorney General, The Hon. Suella Braveman of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to proceed with indictments against
‘The Ostensible Governor General David Hurley’ and ‘The Ostensible Prime Minister Scott Morrison’ including all sitting members of the State and Federal Parliaments of the Commonwealth of Australia for their heinous and insidious Crimes against Her Majesties subjects and Her Majesty.
These offences in question pertain to, Treason, Misprision of Treason, Theft of Her Majesties Realm, Treachery to overturn the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 UK, Treachery to overturn the Commonwealth Constitution 1901, Personate Officers of the Crown, Overturn Royal Letters Patents, Theft of Property belonging to Her Majesties subjects and numerous other violations to be revealed in due course.
This demand I make pursuant with the Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth, Common-Law rights of the living man, woman and child and the Human Rights Charter which includes but is not limited to, the right to equality & freedom, the right to personal security, the right from degrading treatment and torture, the right to equality before the law, a right to a fair trial, the recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family being the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world and the will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
The Rome Statute of International Criminal Law that all people are united by a common bond and it is the duty of the state to exercise criminal jurisdiction over those responsible for international crimes.
It is evident that the Australian Government has continually betrayed the citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia and have deliberately failed to accomplish their constitutional and sovereign duty. There is a plethora of evidence to illustrate where the government has vandalized the constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and it continues to actively engage in repositioning itself against the will of its citizens who instinctively elected them to office.
Based upon what the people now realize they view this as deceptive untrustworthy and treasonous behaviour.
Consequently, the fake queen of Australia has no authority over the people.
This ‘fake’ queen established by political dissenters holds no land, has no collateral, and gives no authority. It is simply a statutory mythical patron of the Political Parties Australian Government. Further to this our politicians have taken a false and offensive oath to a mystical patron, ‘The queen of Australia’ who has no address and is only a title on a piece of paper.
Please take note of the correct Oath:
Elizabeth the Second, By Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her Other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
On the 5th December 1972 to 16th September 1975 Prime Minister Gough Whitlam removes the people from the Commonwealth of Australia in the Act Interpretations Act 1973.
He removes Queen Elizabeth II and creates his own statutory queen of Australia in the Royal Styles and titles Act.
On the 11th November 1975 to 5th March 1983, Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser created his own High Court of Australia with the unlawful Corporate Seal enacted by a statutory queen.
On the 11th March 1983 to 15th April 1991 Prime Minister Bob Hawke brings the Australian States into conformity with the Foreign Parliament of Australia and its patron inherited queen.
This is a direct breach of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia at section 44(i) swearing allegiance to a foreign power.
Justice cannot work under the veil of secrecy and treachery and it certainly cannot be written into legislation nor can it operate within a system that has its hands bound by self-interest. Absolute corruption corrupts absolutely.
Taking the rightful Monarch out of our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is ‘High Treason, punishable by life imprisonment.’ according to the crimes Act.
The Australian Government is not De jure! The Australian Government is an unlawful Foreign Corporation and has absolutely NO AUTHORITY over the citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia. A private corporation cannot be a government. That is a fact.
Our politicians are diligently working their treasonous best to ensure our poverty and hopelessness continues under the UN. So far, they have managed to achieve:
The destruction of our sovereignty.
The destruction of our Nation.
The destruction of our economy.
The destruction of Government Agencies.
The destruction of our relationship - Pacific Islands.
The destruction of our ship building industry.
The destruction of our manufacturing industry.
The destruction of our automobile-building industry.
The destruction of our fishing industry.
The destruction of our steel making industry.
The destruction of our farming industry.
The destruction of our dairy industry.
The destruction of our assets sold to foreign entities.
The destruction of our defense capability.
The destruction of our food production capacity.
The destruction of our education and welfare system.
The destruction & sale of our water system.
Australia is currently governed by a consortium of white-collar criminals calling themselves Government. Our Politicians have become an unaccountable ruling class. The government cannot give to anybody something that the government does not first take from somebody else as they own nothing. You cannot legislate one class or group of people into prosperity, by legislating another class or group of people out of prosperity.
Man’s laws cannot make moral what God has ordained and declared immoral. Even if a sin is legalized it’s still a sin in the eyes of Almighty God. A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by the majority.
We as a Nation are crying out for leadership. Our politicians are all career politicians and globalists and care little for the people or the nation. The goal of the globalist is the dismantling of our Australian heritage, and thereby the destruction of our identity as a nation. Removing historical statues is the beginning followed by the flag, the anthem, and any reference to Almighty God. Their ultimate goal is the removal of the constitution and the disintegration of society and our rights as we once knew and experienced them

Augusto Zimmermann
On Saturday, Australia is having another federal election. These elections are generally held every three years because the maximum term of a parliament is three years.
Of course, it takes far more than parliamentary elections to make a sound democracy. For example, political accountability is also very critical to the preservation of a truly functional democracy.
However, accountability is not possible in a country where political power is too concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or a group of individuals. This concentration of powers occurs as a natural consequence of a flawed system that works as a negation of the classic doctrine of separation of powers.
Because our present system of government completely blunders the executive-legislative divide, Suri Ratnapala, one of the nation’s leading constitutional law professors, explains that, in Australia,
“The executive government is the master of the legislative agenda, gaining a degree of power over the legislature not enjoyed even by the Tudor monarchs.”
The Baron of Montesquieu, in his classic “The Spirit of the Laws,” commented: “When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistracy, there can be then no liberty, because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner.”
These days, the executive role of the Crown has been entirely reduced to nothing but a mere formality. We know very well that the Queen’s “representative” in Australia has no choice but to assent to every legislation duly laid before them; and that they have no power to hire or fire ministers or judges without the approval of those who command the majority in parliament.
Under the existing concept of “responsible government,” the ministers of state are invariably legislators drawn from the parties which dominate the legislature. This assumption of “ministerial responsibility” is no more than a “laughable fiction,” says Professor Ratnapala. As he authoritatively points out:
“The logic of this view is seriously weakened by the fact that the legislature obeys the executive which is in office precisely because it commands the loyalty of a majority in parliament … Courts and administrative review tribunals remedy individual grievances but cannot address the general problem of the systematic arbitrariness of government.”
Therefore, we should not be surprised by the outcome of cases like Kassam v Hazzard; Henry v Hazzard, whereby Chief Justice Beech-Jones of the New South Wales Supreme Court summarily dismissed the plaintiffs’ argument concerning the unconstitutionality of “public health orders” that violate bodily autonomy and the right to privacy.
Lord Hailsham had an influential career in law, where he was Lord Chancellor in the United Kingdom for 12 years after 1970. What I have mentioned effectively amounts to the institutionalisation of an “elected dictatorship,” to which Lord Hailsham so eloquently referred in his 1976 Dimbleby lecture.
The phrase “elective dictatorship” was coined by him to describe the reality of a parliament that is entirely dominated by the government of the day, so that such government is accountable to no one and its bills virtually always pass the legislature.
Of course, as Albert Venn Dicey once explained, even an “elected dictator” is bonded by one crucial limitation: “The possibility or certainty that his subjects, or a large number of them, will disobey or resist his laws.”
After stating that governmental power is always “limited on every side by the possibility of popular resistance,” Dicey proceed to remind us that this limitation exists “even under the most despotic regimes.” He was a constitutional lawyer and professor of law at Oxford University from 1882 to 1909.
We should therefore be reminded of the words expressed by American abolitionist Wendell Phillips on Jan. 28, 1852: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few.”
You can’t love freedom without loving to learn and know and enforce the constitution.
The growing concern that noncompliance with the Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution1901 has created a crisis of legitimacy, the many changes with out referendum by the people are acts of fraud by those very Elected Parliamentarians over time especially as from, Gough Whitlam years of1973, changes made without the Australian peoples permission and continues to date, that has and is threatening our freedom and inalienable rights.
Federal Law takes precedence over State Law
(covid restrictions/directives are not even law!)
AND Common Law
takes precedence over any Law, Federal OR State, that goes
against our Commonwealth Constitution, which can ONLY be
changed via Referendum.
An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia. WHEREAS the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the Constitution hereby established:
We have a powerful law book -
Sections 16 and 24 in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution. These sections specifically state that ONLY we, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia, may choose our representatives and Senators….not political parties.
Neither does our Constitution say anywhere that political parties may govern. The ONLY authority granted any power is the Governor General representing the Crown, and he has the final say on all laws passed by Parliament.
Unfortunately today, we do not have a Governor General. and neither do we have a lawful government. We have come to be, instead, ruled over by a criminal organisation. which has reverted the people back to our original status as a Penal Colony…and WE the people being it's modern day prisoners.
HM Queen Elizabeth II has stated that only We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia have the power and a duty to resolve our Constitutional Crisis caused by Gough Whitlam who took the Crown out of the Constitution to be recognised by the establishment as Queen of Australia, and Bob Hawke who forced the 1984 Australia Act on the people without a referendum or Queen Elizabeth’s signature.
ALL the political parties, LIBERAL, LABOUR, PHON, GAP, THE GREENS,and the rest are complicit in HIGH TREASON. The Queen has said that it is up to We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to resolve our Constitutional crisis… only we the Australian people can do something to right the wrongs Of the treason, perpetrated against us and hold them accountable.
See Section 61 of the Magna Carta that grants us the power within ourselves to Lawfully Rebel.
see - and download your copy of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901
Only the People of the Commonwealth of Australia are sovereign. Only We have the authority to select and elect our Representatives. We have failed in our duty to our nation, our children, and our future. It’s time to right this wrong. see source Advance Australia.com
The lawful and binding Constitution of Australia is The Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth Act 1901. Australia is a Self Governing Colony under a Constitutional Monarchy, with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second current holder of the Crown as Our Head of State. Claim of Authority must be proved to how their Authority is Granted.
So who the hell is this Paper Queen of Australia? The Political parties of course. Not we the People's.
see commonlaw.earth website download and read, become informed of your Constitution and inalienable rights. We must all Unite as one and bring Our country back into the hands of the people where she belongs.
Tim Hawkins - The Government Can
an American comedian says it well -
His song applies all around the world - it's time to wake up humanity
and so they did the only thing to gain was to exposing the fraud - wake up Aussies
What you should know is that there are a number of actions by freedom groups, constitutional experts and others, who are having a crack at exposing the corrupt and unlawful election process and political system. The Australian Electoral Commission is a prime target for obvious reasons.
WHEREAS the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God
DIVISION 80 -- Treason
Subsection -- B Treason
Please take the attached document with you to your local polling booth,
ask this question.
Please furnish me with the newspapers that published and displays the issued WRITS for the 21st May 2022 Federal Election!!
Maxim of Law
Psalms 106:3 Blessed are they that keep judgment,
and he that doeth righteousness at all times.
written by Gerard Donoghue
Voting in person, on Election Day, was a patriotic Australian
tradition in the beginning of our Commonwealth as a nation.
Over the years, however, Governments have experimented with alternatives to voting at local polling stations including only supplying pencils to mark your vote why not include Pens?. This election you could ring in to Vote??? Excuse me! doesn't that ring alarm bells with people???

After pressure from suffragists and some politicians, the Commonwealth Franchise Act was enacted on 12 June 1902. The Act gave women in Australia over the age of 21 the right to vote in federal elections. The right to vote in federal elections was not granted to First Nations women or men until 1962.
Over the centuries we have come a long way - But one has to ask what happened how did we now end up loosing everything our forefathers fought for - When elections are rigged then we do not have freedom but a tyrannical government Dictatorship.
For valuable insight into the destruction of our Nations Commonwealth Constitution and the peoples sovereignty
go to these sights of constitutional experts and others.
On Wednesday November 3rd, Premier Daniel Andrews was criminally charged and served.
Notice and Knowledge to the Australian Electoral
Commission setting out the reasons for an invalid
election and their Statutory Duty.
per Brian Shaw
Common law in Australia is vested in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 – It is the highest law of the land. This website provides information, explains procedures, and makes available documents for anyone wishing to learn about and use Common Law.
The Chief Legal Officer May 11, 2022
& Electoral Commissioner
Australian Electoral Commission,
Locked Bag 4007
Canberra ACT 2601
CC: Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP)
RE: Formal Complaint under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
Attention: Mr Tom Rogers
For the purposes of this letter, I must presume you are aware of the requirement under the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, that changes to the Constitution must
only be made by referendum. For your convenience the process is summarised below:
The power of the Australian people to make change to the constitution is given to
them by Section 128, 'Mode of altering the Constitution':
For a referendum to be successful and the alteration to the constitution to be
passed, a double majority vote must be achieved, which is:
a majority of voters in a majority of states (at least four of the six states)
a national majority of voters (an overall YES vote of more than a 50 per
If the double majority is achieved and the proposed alteration to the constitution is
approved, ‘it shall be presented to the Governor-General for the Queen’s assent’
(Section 128).
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is our government’s unidirectional
authority that primarily enables and underpins legislation, yet the Commonwealth Electoral
Act 1918 is found to unlawfully contravene the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution
This matter is of grave concern to our Nation as it makes our election related legislation
unacceptably contentious and the Federal Election scheduled for 21 May 2022, potentially
Once Founded on The Christian Faith. A Nation now floundering in its lost sea of Souls
A great lesson in how to keep a straight face when telling blatant lies or is he? Gough Whitlam explaining the role of the Purported Governor General in the registered corporation "Commonwealth of Australia"1973. A sleight of hand, another step in stealing a country. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution act 1901 as proclaimed and Gazetted positions the Governor General Above the politicians, not below. Straight from the mouth of Gough Whitlam the treasonous admission, the politicians have performed a Coup d'état right under the noses of the people. Takeover by definition change

The sin of treason, Gough Whitlam

The people are the power in this country if only we could realise and stand holding the purported Government to account for TREASON.
We have the evidence.
Avoid the distractions and study then stand in your knowledge and power
The Sovereign On 7 February 1952, the then Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with advice of members of the Federal Executive Council, proclaimed Princess Elizabeth Queen Elizabeth the Second,
Queen of this Realm and of all Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, Supreme Liege Lady in and over the Commonwealth of Australia.
The coronation of Her Majesty took place in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.
NOW COMES THE TREASONOUS SEDITIOUS Actions by the sitting alleged Government.
No Governor General From February 1960= no Lawful Government.
By the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973, which Her Majesty(E.G. WHITLAM) assented to in Canberra on 19 October 1973, the Commonwealth Parliament assented to the adoption by
Her Majesty(E.G. WHITLAM),
for use in relation to Australia and its Territories, of the Style and Titles set out in the Schedule to the Act. On the same day, also in Canberra,
Her Majesty(E.G. WHITLAM)
issued a Proclamation, under the Great Seal of Australia, appointing and declaring that
Her Majesty's(E.G. WHITLAM)
Style and Titles should henceforth be, in relation to Australia and its Territories, 'Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God
Queen of Australia(E.G. WHITLAM)
and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth'.
The evidence is there for all to see. Stop complying with a lying fraudulent bunch of self serving criminals and we are free of the theft and purported Government protection of criminal corporations raping the country and impoverishing the people.
LIES, LIES, LIES, unquestionably LIES straight from the horses mouth, Gough Whitlam, more notoriously known as E.G. WHITLAM (corporate fiction)
The term "Prime Minister" is not found in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution act 1901, as proclaimed and gazetted.
post by Stephen Lymbery

Stephen Lymbery is with Mark Andrew Andrew and 5 others.
To the experts claiming The correct title of "Queen of Australia", here is some of the evidence contrary to your claim. It is not to be assumed the people tagged are making the fraudulent treasonous "Queen of Australia" claim. Please share with the PERSONS making the erroneous claim of a legitimate "Queen of Australia" (TREASON) as opposed to the correct non-fraudulent title; Her Most Excellent Majesty, Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms & Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. This Treasonous Political Party abstract Queen of Australia does NOT hold the title Defender of the Faith, Common Law of England, King James Bible, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus etc. Under this Treason we the people as established under Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act have no Rights. “Elizabeth R”. (“R” stands for the Latin Regina, meaning “Queen”.) = Political Party Queen of Australia [Elizabeth R] [19 October 1973]
Rule of Law
Real consent to due process.
Laws binding all people including officials.
Limited discretion of officials.
Public notice.
Clarity and simplicity.
No contradictions.
Not retroactive.
Not beyond the power of people.
Stable and predictable.
Protect real and personal property rights.
1856 Edition
All should comprehend this is our senate politicians discussing the agenda 21-30 and digital currency anyone who are still calling these things conspiracy theories are ignorant to the extreme, when even our politicians are exposing how these thing are being implemented.
It’s IMPORTANT to watch this, they’re both telling you with absolute certainty, that unless we ALL stand against the two parties, foreign controllers will be granted the authority to rule over us indefinitely. I realise the people watching this know this, but you must preach this stuff to your friends and family, or we are fooked! (30 mins)
If you would like to support imacogindewheeloflife blog to continue getting the truth out, you can
CLICK ON THIS NICE CUP OF COFFEE and Don't forget to subscribe or donate here.
view and read all previous IMACOGINDEWHEELOFLIFE blogs
Compiled from research into factual evidence of Treason,Treachery, Sabotage of Commonwealth of Australia .and more
Delusional - Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan has absolutely come out swinging against Peter Dutton.
millions_rise_for_australia Brilliant breakdown of the attack on our society. Remain steadfast and vigilant, keep fighting the good fight, don’t sit back and leave this mess for our kids to clean up!
do your own research
