Todays blog is a bit of this and a bit of that.a patchwork of ideas and observations sewn in with the yarn of truth.... I look across the vast networks of social media and the tangled web of main stream news and find myself settling into the interesting articles on youtube,
This blog is a sharing of what I read and see and research. I don't always agree with the content but share because, unlike mainstream media, I don't want to tell you what to think but rather HOW I think. I like to think that I have an open mind and look at many different views and issues going on around me. Otherwise life would be very bloody boring..
I receive a large amount of intel, some questionable, which is why I always ask you to do your own research and share your findings. life is a BIG! learning curve and as long as we listen we will learn.
Humanity, I believe learns and expands its diversity, knowledge and future by looking, listening, learning and sharing. This is the basis of intelligence.. Wisdom is having to desipher through the bullshit! to get it right..the difference between Intelligence and Wisdom is knowing that tomato is a fruit...but not putting it in a fruit salad :-)
We are living right now through some very trying and interesting times of Bullshit! and Deceptions, and Amazing new ideas,but guess what? its happened in the past and no doubt will happen again. Let's hope and I pray that we can learn and Grow from history so we can take control of our future. we can only do this together and by helping each other.
For if we don't help each other, who will?
So sharing is caring and most ideas are a way to the future reality of life. the ony maxim is
Australian construction workers are the back bone of this country and are now very angry as you will see in the protest this Monday. The crowd said they will continue everyday until they get Melbourne back into the hands of the people.
more huge news get this out to all your loved ones now
I have already known about this for some years as have many that I talk with and whom have been awake
This must now awaken all Australians to the truth of How our Country has been stolen by the so called elitists
First we must ALERT! the Construction workers in Melbourne as thay are falling into these criminals trap
The Corporation that owns everything in Australia.
Now that we have the names, their phone numbers, address and ABN, they can be personally held to account and be sued in a court of law !!!!
Understand the state governments are corporations have you consented to contract with that entity and follow their edicts?
Joshua-daniel Vi Coactus
We've just found one private corporation that owns nearly every related agency of the Australia Government. It is also masquerading as the Queen of Australia and the King Of Australia. Now remember, to register, which finds its root in regis (King), means to give to the King. This is important, because we don't own anything anymore (we gave it to a private corporation, unknowingly).
This company below, owns everything we've registered (inc our estates, homes, cars... even our children through birth certificates!) and also dictate to us our "rights", because we're under its jurisdiction, like employees, through registration of a unilateral agreement (one sided) and it has the same authority as Bunnings and McDonalds.
We've all been hoodwinked. The Queen of Australia is not a woman, it is a corporation. (See evidence below). And these oaths in parliament are to a corporation, not a protector of a realm.
It appears it is all owned by two people,
Stephenie Charlton & Stephen Shanks basically own you under this company - Pecker Maroo Pty Ltd (ABN 93000576492)
This website shows the contact information for the alleged owners.
S A Charlton (stephenie), born 1963, phone number (02) 9571 7990, (02) 9518 9581 Address: Unit 630, 8 Point St, Pyrmont, NSW.
Address U 630 8 POINT ST PYRMONT, NEW SOUTH WALES, 2009 AustraliaSee other locations
Phone +61-285701111
Company Description PECKER MAROO PTY LTD is located in PYRMONT, NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia and is part of the Other Support Activities for Transportation Industry. PECKER MAROO PTY LTD has 4 employees at this location and generates $351,201 in sales (USD). (Employees figure is estimated, Sales figure is modelled). There are 2 companies in the PECKER MAROO PTY LTD corporate family.
If you can see through the illusion, you are part of the solution
The greatest Deception and Fraud on the Men, Women and families of Victoria.
Protected: Who is Pecker Maroo ~ Friend or Foe? ~ The Complete Company Extracts 82 pages…
Information I had saved last April 2020
sorry this is a long list... there are 2 ABN numbers at the end of the list.
Ive not checked them..
We've just found one private corporation that owns nearly every related agency of the Australia Government. It is also masquerading as the Queen of Australia and the King Of Australia.
Now remember, to register, which finds its root in Regis (King), means to give to the King.
This is important, because we don't own anything anymore (we gave it to a private corporation, unknowingly).

Government Fraud, please share the truth.
The Australian Government and their attempt to fool the people. The government in the Constitution is not the government or parliament we vote for.
it's a Crime to promote propaganda for a false Pandemic.
my understanding is that you separate yourself from it and carry on life as a living woman. You don't re-register somewhere else. Your birth certificate doesn't belong to you anyway. It belongs to the corporate government. They used it to securitise your life. So you just "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's". Once you are under oath you don't go into their courts. If you are forced to, you make sure it's known that you are doing so under duress.
This is the information that I have been shown in year 2020
We've just found one private corporation that appears to own nearly every related agency of the Australia Government. It is also masquerading as the Queen of Australia and the King Of Australia. Now remember, to register, which finds its root in regis (King), means to give to the King. This is important, because we don't own anything anymore (we gave it to a private corporation, unknowingly).
This company below appears to own everything we've registered (inc our estates, homes, cars... even our children through birth certificates!) and also dictate to us our "rights", because we're under its jurisdiction, like employees, through registration of a unilateral agreement (one sided) and it has the same authority as Bunnings and McDonalds.
We've all been hoodwinked. The Queen of Australia is not a woman, it is a corporation. (See evidence below). And these oaths in parliament are to a corporation, not a protector of a realm.
It appears it is all owned by two people,
Stephenie Charlton & Stephen Shanks basically own you under this company - Pecker Maroo Pty Ltd (ABN 93000576492)
This website shows the contact information for the alleged owners.
S A Charlton (stephenie), born 1963, phone number (02) 9571 7990, (02) 9518 9581 Address: Unit 630, 8 Point St, Pyrmont, NSW.
and these are the entities hidden under this corporation:
King Of Australia
Queen Of Australia
Australian Labour Party
Births Deaths & Marriages Office
Check Mate Empire
Liberal Party Of Australia
Registrar General
Registrar General Nsw
The Australian Labor Party
Treasuries Office
The Liberal Party Of Australia
Australian Labor Party
Nsw Office Of Fines And Penalties
The Registrar Generals Office
Stamp Duties Office
Registrar Generals Office
Property Registry Team
Property Registry Nsw
Office Of Sydney Water
Office Of Stamp Duty
Office Of Leichhardt Service Centre
Office Of Fines And Penalties
Office Of Canterbury Bankstown
Nsw Revenue Office
Nsw Property Registry
Nsw Office Of State Revenue
Nsw Fines And Penalties
Leichhardt Service Centre
Office Of Revenue
Office Of Nsw Transport Roads & Maritime Services
Office Of Penalties Enforcement Registry
Office Of Personal Property Securities Register
Office Of Register General
Office Of Service Nsw
Office Of Transport Roads & Maritime Services
Office Of Fair Trading Nsw
Office Of Land And Titles
Office Of Australian Taxation
Nsw Duties Requisition
Land Titles Registry Nsw
Land Titles Office Nsw
Land Titles Office Australia
Land And Titles Registry Australia
Office Of Land And Titles Australia
Office Of Land And Titles Nsw
Office Of Nsw Duties Requisition
Office Of Nsw Revenue
Suellyn Nature's Skincare
All Charm Properties
Pecker Maroo Enterprise
Sunrise 28
Pecker Maroo Services
Ok, so it gets even deeper... Law enforcement, Medicare, Justice and health care.... all these private corporations apear to be under this trust and have nothing to do with the Commonwealth of Australia 1900.
The trustee for Pecker Maroo No. 2 Trust. ABN: 82304752741
owns the following businesses.
Seriously, this changes everything... It could mean that every fee and fine and Authority of this government is... Voluntary, Negotiable and operating under the legal maxims of Contract Law.
Now, another question to ask, When the police swear an oath to serve our sovereign lady... could they be serving this sovereign lady:
Sovereign Lady Pty Ltd - ABN 65621715115
this is the final addition of information to this blog today. Please share this extremely important information. Lets get our Lives and country back to we the people. Love to all.
Imacogindewheel telegram channel
can you now see why they are doing this-
They are forcing our indiginous people to be jabbed. Australians unite now and stop this planned genocide
I have just recieved this information as well
OSTF Certificate of Protection.pdf Robert Maes-Tomioka <>
Hi all, Read carefully and if you agree to its explanation of the contents then give your full name all in lowercase. Carry this documents with you at all times when outside of your place of work or your home.. Please pass this onto all the people that you know. If you have any questions regarding this information please call or email me. Sincerely Rob
07 September 2021 To:
Any and all Federal, State or Territorial Governments and any and all of their Agents and heirs, successors, assign, executors or administrators.
From: The Original Sovereign Tribal Federation (OSTF) Subject: Certificate of Protection for Full name: To Whom It May Concern The Original Sovereign Tribal Federation (OSTF),
Hereby certify that the bearer of this Certificate, (herein the Protected Woman/Man/Child), is the Living Flesh and Blood Woman/Man/Child and he/she as the bearer of this
instrument is afforded the protection of the terms of the OSTF Discretionary Trust (herein the Trust) as recognized and
Apostilled by the Crown in the Right of THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA on the 6th Day of May 2019 [Crown ID No: HFAF-JN-1722] This Certificate of Protection is registered within the OSTF data base and the Holders’ identification details are also held for future reference and legal reasons.
Anyone wanting to engage the Protected Woman/Man/Child, without the written consent of the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation (OSTF) Trust will incur the following currency charges:
to read full content
download and print attached letter
The government of Washington State has stealth edited a public jobs listing that called for hiring "strike team consultants" for an isolation and quarantine facility located in Centralia, WA (see link below). After news about the job listing went viral, the job listing was altered to remove the term "strike team" from the job title as well as the "duties" section of the job description.
The purpose of the "strike team" is to raid the homes of unvaccinated people and force them into quarantine / death camps at gunpoint, after which many will likely be exterminated. Their deaths, of course, will be blamed on "covid."
It's clear that rogue governments in Australia, New Zealand, France, the UK and other countries are gearing up for the planned mass extermination of their own populations, with covid death camps under construction and being celebrated as a kind of "final solution" to the pandemic.
get ready to watch this investigative documentary
Do not Miss this revealing information, that has caused all the heartache across the world a Planned Pandemic of massive proportions
Fauci was ‘up to his neck’ funding coronavirus research in Wuhan
Dr Anthony Fauci was “up to his neck” funding coronavirus research in Wuhan, which “just shows how incredibly stupid” he is, says Sky News host Sharri Markson. Ms Markson has been investigating Anthony Fauci’s involvement in funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology and discovered his agency “had funded 60 projects at the Wuhan laboratory”. “Then he wrote a paper where he said gain of function research was worth the risk of a pandemic, and that he had even funded coronavirus research in conjunction with the Chinese military,” Ms Markson said. Mr Fauci, who has been the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, apparently stayed silent during Oval Office meetings at the start of the pandemic about the “risky research that was underway at the Wuhan Institute of Virology”. “He never mentioned that his agency was funding this, and he actually knew a whole lot about it.” Sharri Markson explores this in a documentary premiering on Monday night, ‘What Really Happened in Wuhan’, including exclusive interviews with former US President Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo. Watch at 8pm Monday on Sky News Australia.
Beyond doubt’ there was an ‘incident’ at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Sky News host Sharri Markson says there is so much evidence that it is “beyond doubt” there was an incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Ms Markson spent over a year investigating the possibility COVID-19 was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
'What Really Happened in Wuhan': Chinese defector speaks out
can only be viewd at this link
Donald Trump has detailed explosive claims surrounding COVID-19 in an exclusive interview with Sky News host Sharri Markson as part of the documentary 'What Really Happened in Wuhan'. The former US President alleged intelligence he saw convinced him coronavirus escaped from a lab.
Former US President Donald Trump has made the explosive claim there were bodies dumped outside the Wuhan lab which he believes is responsible for the coronavirus outbreak. The allegation was part of a documentary aired exclusively on Sky News Australia titled 'What Really Happened in Wuhan' by journalist and Sky News host Sharri Markson. Donald Trump made the explosive claim he was told bodies were being dumped outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In the documentary, Sharri Markson went on to say the lab made a series of strange purchases between September and November: Buying a COVID PCR testing machine, beeping up their security and also replacing ventilators. It has been suggested the first case of the coronavirus outbreak may have come as early as July or August 2019 – five months before China admitted to the WHO there was an outbreak and serious problem.
Under the Wire Episode 2, July 27 2019
West Australian Government passes No Jab No Play legislation From the Public Health Act 2016, WA AVN President, Aneeta Hafemeister and founder, Meryl Dorey bring RFK Jr Documentary to Fremantle and Albany, Wa
This website relates to the discussion about the link between technology and the injections. ***MUST SEE*** PLEASE SHARE*** Have a look at the list of companies who have invested in 'Transhumanism Australia' Notably Pfizer Biotec and Moderna.
Transhumanism Australia is a community that educates and invests in scientific research and technologies that enhance the human condition.
These are the companies involved in this technology

REsharing this information:
I have been warning people close to me for sometime about our properties going to be stolen well look at this.... and a warning if YOU sit back and do NOTHING, then you deserve nothing we are in a war even the bloody Politicians have dropped that subliminal message on national TV -- We will not take this lying down and for those who stand up to this tyranny - YOU must support them for what is coming Australians have never seen since WW2 in our own country well it just might be around the corner........ This Is the Framework, of How Your Land Will Be Removed and How We Transition as a Nation Into the Headquarters for the New World Order
Sharing this message
A Letter to You to Stand Firm |

A Letter to You to Stand Firm
Written by:
Reignite Democracy Australia
I’m not a highly credentialled doctor or scientist. I’m not a frontline health care worker. I’m not a politician. I’m just an ordinary citizen living in extraordinary times but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a voice. I may not be loud. I may feel unheard. But I will not be silent.
Do you feel the same? Or do you remain silent, afraid your voice will have no impact? Then hear this – if you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.
I’m deeply concerned by those with the loudest voices – the rhetoric from politicians and the propaganda on mainstream media that has created a nation of fear. The story they want you to believe is this – A deadly pandemic sweeps the world. In a race against time, governments and scientists strive to create a vaccine before the population is decimated.
In reality, the deadly virus has a survival rate of over 99%. Instead of trying to save humanity, world governments unleash a reign of terror with medical censorship, Big Pharma technocracy, experimental vaccines, enforced vaccinations, health-destroying restrictions, lockdowns, police brutality, Orwellian surveillance and quarantine detention camps. Parents lose the power to protect their children. Vaccine passports segregate the community with the unvaxxed set to lose all freedoms. Those same loud politicians and media vilify the unvaxxed as super-spreaders and incite discrimination and violence between neighbours. The same politicians who bandy the mantra of ‘we’re all in it together’ set themselves above the common people, incredibly taking pay rises while many hard-working citizens lose their jobs, their businesses, their finances, their sanity and their freedoms.
This is not the Australia I know. When devastating bushfires raged through NSW and Victoria, people banded together to help one another. The level of compassion and kindness that embraced the nation was extraordinary. It was awe-inspiring to witness the heartfelt core of Australian mateship that always prevails in times of crisis. I felt proud to be an Australian.
We are in crisis again. We need to stand together again because this time the danger lies in a country divided. My fellow Australians, I’ve seen how you band together to overcome adversity. Now is the time to unite again. Oppose the vaccine passports. Support everyone’s right to choose what goes into their own body. Resist the mandates from politicians and health officials who continually show they have no integrity and can’t be trusted. Don’t let the governments destroy the mateship our ANZACs fought and died for. Don’t let our nation be divided.
I know that by now people have made up their minds. There has been plenty of time to sift through the overwhelming mountain of information – both fake and real data. Your family or your friends may have chosen to believe the government narrative. Love them but let them be. This message is not for them.
This message is for those who are confused, who may have had a vaccination but aren’t quite convinced it was necessary or safe, or who think the government’s heavy-handedness has gone too far. I urge you to look through the information again. Scratch beneath the surface of the mainstream propaganda machine. You don’t need to dive deep to find a completely different perspective from leading doctors, scientists and investigative journalists.
Do your research. Ask questions. Take a stand. If you don’t make a decision, if you do nothing and allow the situation to unfold without your input, you are condoning the outcome. What will it take for you to say ‘enough’? When brother is pitted against brother? As a wise man once said, “Evil prevails when good people do nothing.”
This message is especially for those who choose not to be vaccinated, who hear the inconsistencies mouthed by our politicians, fear their draconian rules and question the one-sided media narrative. You are warriors. Yes, you. You chose to be here at this exact time in history. Stand firm. Shine the light. Fight for your freedom, your children’s freedom, and even the freedom of those still asleep. You are the last hope for humanity.
No matter how dark the days ahead, be the flame that shines in the dark. When enough people are aligned, a major shift in consciousness will sweep the world. The truth will be revealed. The tyrants will be exposed. Now is the time for warriors to keep fighting the good fight.
I’m just an ordinary citizen living in extraordinary times but I have a voice. As do you. One voice is a whisper. Two is a murmur. But multiply that by thousands and our voices are a roar for freedom. Speak up. Stand firm.
Friend, be a mosquito!
Our prayers are with Monica Smit as she is still incacerated for being a Truther in these plandemic times of deceptions from the Political tyranny that has shut off Australia from the world and each other. May her hearing and bail be successful. GOD speed.
RDA Family Monica will be appearing before the Supreme Court of Victoria tomorrow 22nd September at 10:00 am As promised, we have included the link so that you can log in and listen to the proceedings live! We would love for as many people as possible to join the link, to show just how much community support there is behind Monica. Let's bring her home!
go here; The Supreme Court of Victoria retains copyright in this footage.
Lockdown protests turn chaotic in Melbourne and Brisbane
when the people tuurn against tyranny and enslavement
A message from
scroll to more on melbourne throughout blog
FDA experts reveal the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life they save as they vote 16 – 2 against the approval of booster shots
In a live broadcast conducted on the 17th September the Food and Drug Administration vaccine advisory committee met to debate and vote on Pfizer and BioNTech’s application to offer booster shots to the general public. The meeting lasted over 8 hours and contained some shocking revelations.
Dr Joseph Fraiman, an emergency medicine physician in New Orleans, spoke for several minutes during the meeting and revealed that no clinical evidence exists to disprove claims that the Covid-19 vaccines are harming more people than they save.
“We need your help on the front lines, to stop vaccine hesitancy. Demand the booster trials are large enough to find a reduction in hospitalisations.
“Without this data we the medical establishment cannot confidently call out anti-Covid-vaccine activists who publicly claim the vaccines harm more than they save especially in the young and healthy.
“The fact we do not have the clinical evidence to say these activists are wrong should terrify us all”.
Dr Joseph Fraiman was then followed by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund, who revealed that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing more people than they are saving.
“I’m going to focus my remarks today on the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about, that the vaccines kill more than they save.
Listen Now
go to article link and listen to podcast and read more
Scientists have concluded that the Covid-19 vaccines have killed at least 150,000 people in the USA alone after conducting in-depth scientific research on publicly available data, and are now calling for the medical community to oppose mandatory Covid-19 vaccination as their findings prove that it is not justifiable
Australia - The Head of the Snake (why its being hit so hard)
Telegram - Dale H
Instagram Dale.Holmes1985
Petition EN3179 - Immediately release all TGA submission documents for publicly funded vaccines
Can everyone pls sign. THIS HAS BEEN INITIATED BY AFL Solicitors who currently have a court case regarding mandate
Hi this is an important Petition initiated by AFL Solicitors to request the TGA to disclose the information regarding the Covid vaccinations to the public. Please see below for the full information on this.
Petition ReasonThe Australian public has so far funded covid vaccine manufacturers to the tune of $5bn, and this may rise. At the same time the government is attempting to mandate these novel therapies on the public using public health orders, the media and calls for "mandatory vaccination". The TGA who are tasked with ensuring the safety of drugs provided to the public have established that they have abrogated their responsibility to do so by refusing to disclose information regarding these drugs despite freedom of information requests. It is now time that the right of the public to inspect any documents for vaccines that are funded by them is restored. The TGA must no longer be the sole arbiter of what documents should be considered confidential if the public is paying pharma companies for their products. The public should have the right to access that information. All animal and and clinical studies should be available to open inspection in the interests of safety and transparency. If pharma companies wish to maintain confidentiality of their products or the studies that they conduct they should be allowed to do so but only for drugs that do not attract public funding (e.g. PBS)
Petition Request
We therefore ask the House to pass legislation, effective immediately, to release all documents held by the TGA in relation to any vaccines that have been approved (provisionally or fully) by them for products that have been paid for using public funds. This should start urgently with the release of all covid vaccine documents.
1 Hour of TRUTH: Politics, Police tactics, Counter-terrorism, Bikies and the future of Australia!
Local independent Australian Freedom journalists take to the air sharing the truth! @izakdavid13_live, @maria.zee, @mariomalik, @Aussie Cossack
Benjamin Fulford states that the Joe Biden administration has surrendered to China, and that there is a powerful Asian Secret Society that is trying to stop him. Original source:…
The source and copyright of this video is
Justin Trudeau says that vaccine passports are "all about" rewarding certain freedoms to people who have "done the right thing"— and that those who "still resist" simply won't get to enjoy those same freedoms.
It's not difficult to extrapolate how tyrannical governments will eventually tie these freedom passes to digital identifications representing carbon footprint scores, social media scores, and other technocratic pipe dreams.
This is the greatest human rights fight of our lives and it is against a power-hungry tyrannical global establishment.
WEll! Well! Was This a false flag set up by Vic Gov. and Police?
Victorian Government & Police staged false-flag event at Melbourne protest (18th Sept 2021)
FALSE FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scary Times
I would like to bring it to your attention, that this apparent crime against a 70 year old is looking like it may have been a possible staged set up by the Victorian Police and Victorian Government please take a look at these videos and judge for yourself.
link3. talking to someone via ear piece
MUTTON dressed up as LAMB?

larger view
Plastic bag covering face

should have pinned the wig on


more footage it appears He or she is talking to themselves?
‘F**k the jab!’
CONSTRUCTION WORKERS - protest against mandatory Covid-19 vaccination .
Protesting outside of the Melbourne trade union office on Monday, after it was announced that construction workers would have to be vaccinated to continue to work.
Strongly Protesting and wearing high-vis construction clothing some smashed windows of the union office, while the protestors chanted “We are union!” and “F**k the jab,” and some in the crowd threw projectiles at the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) headquarters. Union officials attempted to barricade the doors to protect themselves and used a fire extinguisher to spray demonstrators from inside.
check out G&B lawyers facebook page, they've served Dan Andrews papers , they' have combined with AFL lawyers to take on the forced injection, they're looking for more plantiffs and for backing.
G&B Lawyers 40K like this · Lawyer & Law Firm 15 Sep · · A lot has happened in 30 days. The most important thing that happened was we commenced proceedings against Brad Hazzard, the NSW Minister for Health, to challenge the validity of his public health orders that make COVID-19 jabs mandatory for people to go to work. The matter is known as Natasha Henry & Ors v Bradley Ronald Hazzard (Supreme Court

There are 3 separate matters. The Henry matter is run by G&B Lawyers.
AFL solicitors are running the Kassam matter.
Sage Lawyers are running the Hocroft matter.
The 3 cases are back on for directions on 28 September
other news
There is a bill in the parliament seeking amendments to the Biosecurity Act 2015, Part 2
There is more. The judge last Thursday indicated that come October, we may be looking at a totally different landscape
Anyone wants to donate to help qld health take the mandate court, here is the link -
Queensland Health (QHealth) has issued a directive to all workers (whether directly employed
by QHealth or not) who deliver clinical care, or other services to a hospital, must be vaccinated
by the 30th Sept and 31st October (1st and 2nd doses). Unvaccinated workers on the 1st
October will not be allowed on site until fully vaccinated. Workers are stood down without pay if
they have no rec or long service leave owing, and because there is no separation certificate,
workers cannot access unemployment benefits. If workers resign, they cannot claim unfair
dismissal. Workers who are vaccinated or unvaccinated can join the legal fight here:
We are initially raising $50,000 to oppose this mandate for all Queenslanders. If the government
cannot impose this on us, no business can impose it on anyone.
We believe:
1. the directive is unlawful. The government cannot enact civil conscription for medical
treatments, nor create or foster situations that create civil conscription under threat of
loss of liberty or livelihood
2. the directive is immoral. It violates informed consent - the very bedrock of clinical care
and contract law
3. 14 working days notice is unreasonable
4. governments or its agencies cannot direct physicians’ advice or treatment - under pain of
de registration. Patients have the right to choose their own treatments, or no treatments,
with the private consultations with their doctors
5. no one should be compelled to participate in a medical trial for experimental treatments
6. no one should be terminated for adhering to their conscience
7. no one should be compelled to reveal medical information to their employer
8. Unions cannot come to agreement with the government without the consent of its
9. coercion and threats, bullying and intimidation are violations of employment law.
10. no one should be terminated for adhering to their conscience where there is no question
of performance or misconduct
11. compelling endless boosters without any long-term safety studies is dangerous, unlawful
and immoral
12. compelling pregnant workers and those with long-term health conditions without efficacy
or safety studies in the short and long term, is reckless and unethical
13. workers should be allowed to show natural immunity instead of a forced vaccine
14. We believe there is a long way to go before vaccine treatment for covid-19 is settled
science and that the government is not taking a balanced position
15. the public support our cause!
Donate now!
Workers (vaccinated or not) join here:
Thank you! And don’t forget to share this!
This isn’t about Covid, it’s about political power.and their not about to relinquish power any time soon. These mandates will continue unless the people take back their country.
Construction Mandate
The construction union have rolled over for their political masters and have turned their backs on the union members who pay their wages
"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty." Thomas Jefferson
"Two weeks. Two weeks to flatten the curve." Just keep moving the goal post... These are crimes against humanity!!
Remember: This is how politicians have wanted to treat you all along. They just never had an excuse before now.
In Canada we reached our "vaccination goals" and now they are going for vaccine passports and mandatory vaccines for health care workers. It is disgusting. They won't stop so keep fighting!
shared information
PT2 Sept 20th Australia Melbourne Construction Workers Protest Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates
PT2 Sept 20th Australia Melbourne Construction Workers Protest Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates MCJ Report Morgan C Jonas Real Rukshan…
CLASH: Protests Break Out Across The Globe Over Vaccine Passports, COVID Restrictions
US Republicans call for sanctions against Australia over police treatment of protesters
“Americans didn't die for Australians in WWII so they could become slaves of a tyrant,” one American commented, while another called on the US to “Liberate Australia.”
Closer to home, Morrison's government was also condemned by former Australian diplomat Bruce Haigh on Monday, who compared the country under Morrison to “Apartheid South Africa.”
“Australia is now as much on the nose as Apartheid South Africa, in Asia and Europe. Doors are closing,” Haigh warned, before calling on the government to release the Sri Lankan Murugappan family, who have been detained in Australia since they sought asylum in 2018.
On Saturday, Haigh warned that Australia was now “isolated in Asia and Europe” due to the AUKUS deal, which was opposed by neighboring countries China, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
“The region is angry with the Morrison/Dutton submarine decision,” Haigh revealed.
WUHAN VIRUS - David Flint and Peter Manuel discuss the rights of people two important reads by
Dr Augusto Zimmermann Constitutionally Inoculated to Resist Coercion Augusto Zimmermann Dr Augusto Zimmermann is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus. Dr Zimmermann was chair and professor of constitutional law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017. He is also a former Law Reform Commissioner in WA (2012-2017) and President of the Western Australian Legal Theory Association (WALTA). and
How Western Australia became an elected dictatorship Professor Augusto Zimmerman at the Freedom Protest in Perth, Western Australia on Sunday 6 December, 2020. absolute must watch video
Video -
This is important right to the end. Show this to anyone who has yet to get one or both mRNA shots. Dr Reimer Fullmiich interviews Dr MuCulloch
THIS Is Why You Can’t Trust Big Pharma
The FDA is funded by the same Big Pharma & Corporations it regulates. What are the issues of the potential conflict of interests within this current system? #FDA #BigPharma #Corruption
MUST WATCH! but do research more into this.
Dr Charlie Ward - deep state cabal stole military and police pensions 9-11-21
copyright owned by Dr Charlie Ward
Someone needs to call up all the police stations and tell them their PENSIONS HAVE BEEN LOOTED.
Watch how long it takes for them to join the people against the Rothschild cabal.
more info
sars not a naturally evolved virus..
FRED CORBIN; Pfizer vaccine documents & access to the Wuhan labs "deleted" data
‼ MESSAGE #091421 @MARK
‼ MESSAGE #091321 ES..US
Holocaust in Israel: Leaked Call with Pfizer Scientist Admits Israelis are Lab Rats for COVID Shots
leaked Zoom call with Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist, Dr. Philip Dormitzer, who stated that because Pfizer had an exclusive agreement with the Israeli Minister of Health to use only Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines exclusively, Israel was the laboratory of the world, and that by looking at the high percentage of Israel's population that is now vaccinated, they can predict what will happen in the U.S. a couple of months later.
An Israeli doctor was also interviewed on Israeli TV recently stating that the vaccine is not working, as 90% of the hospitalizations are among those fully vaccinated, and many of them seriously.
What Israel Can Teach the World About COVID-19 Pfizer admits that Israel is their 'laboratory' for learning about the COVID jabs, and because whatever happens in Israel is likely to happen elsewhere in a couple of months, Israel has valuable real-world experience to share. Why do they now have one of the highest infection rates? READ MORE
Project Veritas Receiving "THOUSANDS" of Emails from COVID-19 Vaccine Whistleblowers
Government HHS Nurse Blows the Whistle on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths NOT being Reported
Last week we reported how James O’Keefe of Project Veritas stated that they have received “thousands” of emails (“hundreds a day”) from people wanting to share their stories with Project Veritas as COVID-19 vaccine whistleblowers, and that they are even willing to wear a hidden mic to tell their stories. As promised, Project Veritas released the first video today of what they say will be a series of videos from undercover whistleblowers exposing what the truth is about COVID-19 vaccines. Source:
They want you complient, that's a given.
Possibly it's real but doesn't smell right. So even little me can make mistakes and post news that doesn't add up. But seasoned journalists should have a better handle on where they consume their factual news stories and in these times be more discerning and investigative... shouldn't they.... but as I posted above it all seems like a manufactured psyop.. so who do you trust to bring factual news? BIG QUESTION???? research people and trust few and beware even the best of our Indepenant news outlets can be decieved, Satan is working OVER TIME>>>>>
Massive Police Brutality Recorded in Australia During Rally for Freedom.
Sue Maynes the group: The Commonwealth of Australia.
Folks, I have attached a document you are all free to share anywhere and everywhere. The title is the Commonwealth of Australia v the Australian Government. Too many people think : 1. The Commonwealth is gone, closed down, useless, etc IT IS NOT!!!! 2. The Queen has defrauded us, has ditched us, has resigned, etc THAT IS WRONG!!! 3. We can't do anything but rebel ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!!!! Too many of you want to blame someone else for the situation we find ourselves in, when WE CAN FIX IT EASILY!!!! So this document lays out what we are dealing with as simply as I can make it. I have put the info in chunks under headings, so if you don't read much, you can read it in little bits. I CANNOT make it any simpler - because it is NOT simple. You are getting years of research in one document. You are getting my current research into trust law as simply as I can make it. Do NOT use this post to tell me your own opinion unless it helps me expand THIS research because folks - I am the only person that is giving you this kind of research. I appear to be the only researcher telling you facts about our governance system that can be validated by BOTH constitutional and trust law. Read it all first, then tell me you understand it.