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Australians Proof and Truth why you are locked in your Prison Island YOU MAY NEVER LEAVE unless?

Updated: Sep 15, 2021

YOU MUST WAKE UP FROM YOUR SLUMBER - This nightmare cannot continue. Grow Up people you are being played into a tyranny of slavery. ARE YOU! a Man or Woman Or a bloody ZOMBIE?


Only we aussies, collectively can push back a violent tyrannical Threat upon our NATION



You might find some interesting information in this document . It was actioned in 2016/2017 by the WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION) . It involves all the state premiers being told that the public health dept will be planning to vaccinate 95% of the population , gather up all our DNA , and hook us all up to a Biometric Digital ID pass system : with all that personal data to be handed over to WHO.

It was signed off in 2018. Its set for completion in 2023 ; which means none of us will be allowed out of our homes until every single one of us has been poisoned. Its part of the IHR agreement that was signed in 2005 that activated the pan-corona measures.

The IHR is a public private partnership deal with 196 nations that agrees to ensure that International trade and commerce traffic is not disrupted during a WHO declared emergency.

This is why we are locked in our homes . Its to keep us out of Mr Globalists way .

Its looks like the IHR has been hijacked and corrupted by the Globalists and is why we are being driven into the ground by unlawfull activity and stealth.

It's being used as a weapon of mass destruction using a pen. All the people have to do to stop the abuse is call on the PM ScoMo to withdraw from the IHR agreement and corona will cease to exist for Australia. Corona pandemic was declared to facilitate the nations to implement their NAPHS plan thats all . There is no real pandemic Perse’


Australian patent 2009 for corona virus vaccine manufacture

Download this document 834 pages. The first 10 pages are of interest.


Talking Common sense - Mike from Know Your Rights Group


On tonight’s video, we addressed the extended lockdowns in Victoria, as well as the contradictory, completely impossible, hollow promises being made in NSW as opposed to Vic.

We also discussed exactly what you can do to fight back, if you’ve finally had enough, and why it is so important for people to start doing so.

We also addressed some of the blatant lies that the government and media are telling people and we quickly covered the latest TGA figures and statistics.

Finally, we finished off with some more great memes to get others really thinking again.

As always, we covered some very powerful, and timely, information so please be sure to share this around as far and as wide as possible.


when all the brain dead idiots STOP!!!! going in to have a PCR TEST. THIS LOCKDOWN INSANITY WILL STOP!!! DEAD in it's TRACKS!!! ONLY FOOLS TREAD WHERE THE WISE FEAR!



Stop playing their game. Stop contact tracing with your phone. They use that information to lock us down. The more contact tracing, the more bullshit lockdowns.



““Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” –Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction

Mullis often spoke out against using his test for diagnosing illnesses. So-called experts ignored the warning. But now, many independent scientists and medical professionals are coming forward to denounce the idiocy of governments, the media and NGO’s for pushing the number of novel coronavirus “cases” (not deaths) premised on spurious results from this problematic PCR test.

READ THIS and learn something of reality for a change instead of listening to the bullshit "emenating" from the Mouths of - LIES , LIAR , LIERS = FILTH

Weisbecker poses the key question we should ask ourselves:

What do we mean when we say somebody has ‘tested positive’ for the Corona Virus? We’ve been hijacked by our technologies, but left illiterate about what they actually mean. In this case, I am in the rare position of having known, spent time with, and interviewed the inventor of the method used in the presently available Covid-19 tests, which is called PCR, (Polymerase Chain Reaction.)”

Mullis and others correctly called out the idiocy of groupthink – the reliance on ill-informed and misguided ‘experts’ who direct government health policy. A key culprit among prominent world bodies is the World Health Organization (WHO) loudly telling is to “test, test, test!”

“I’m skeptical that a PCR test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine,” warns Dr. David Rasnick, biochemist and protease developer.

As Delgado’s research discovered:

“The PCR test is so well known for giving inaccurate results that the CDC warns not to give the test to asymptomatic persons “because of the increased likelihood of false-positive results.” In fact, there is a famous Chinese paper that stated if you’re testing asymptomatic people with PCR, up to 80% of positives could be false positives. But the numbers aren’t just skewed by false positives, they are also skewed by how many people are offered the test and what condition they are in. For example, during the first few weeks of the ‘pandemic’ tests were scarce. As they became more widely available of course the number of infections accounted for increased as well, and false-positive results further increased those numbers.”

Widespread reliance on the PCR for COVID19 testing is beyond stupid. It is criminal because it is pushed as justification for maintaining ‘lockdown’ measures and compounding the fear and misery (including economic) much of the world is still suffering as a consequence of this gigantic science fraud.



What business in their right mind would push a medical procedure onto their employees when they will be held liable for any adverse reactions to an employees health and life.

Public Health Amendment (Vaccination Compensation) Bill 2021 Non-Government Bill - introduced by Revd the Hon Fred Nile, MLC Status: In Parliament


BACKGROUND The Bill amends various pieces of legislation to change the repeal clause that would otherwise expire on 26 March 2021, and to extend it for a six month period until 26 September 2021, or until 26 March 2022 if prescribed by the regulations. In the second reading speech to the Bill, the Attorney General stated that the Bill seeks to temporarily extend a number of emergency measures already implemented as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Attorney General noted that while NSW had recorded 31 days of no transmission as at the date the Bill was introduced, the recent Northern Beaches and Greater Sydney outbreaks, as well as the Victorian outbreak, highlighted that the risk of outbreak remains and there is still a need for COVID-safe practices. He further stated that: The COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Stronger Communities and Health) Bill 2021 seeks to extend temporarily a number of emergency measures already implemented as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic until September 2021, with an option of a further six-month extension by regulation. In particular, this is to allow court, tribunal and correctional services to continue to provide services safely during the pandemic.

In March and May 2020, the New South Wales Parliament passed emergency legislation to adopt temporary measures to help manage the COVID-19 pandemic, including, in March 2020, the

COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Act 2020; and later in May 2020, the COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures—Attorney General) Act 2020 and the COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures—Miscellaneous) Act 2020.

The majority of the provisions were temporary and included sunset dates to ensure they only remained operational for as long as they needed to be. Without legislative amendment to extend them, many of these measures will sunset on 26 March 2021.

The Committee previously reported on the Bill that initially introduced these measures, contained in the COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020, the COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures-Attorney General) Bill 2020, and the COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures-Miscellaneous) Bill 2020.

The reports for these bills are contained in Digest No 12 /57 and Digest No 15/57.2 To the extent that the Bill seeks to extend the repeal clause of the existing provisions, and does not substantially amend the operative provisions, the Committee will not comment further on issues already reported in prior digests

In the second reading speech, the Attorney General noted that the bill does not propose any new COVID-19 measures and aligns with the timeline for the planned vaccine rollout:

This bill proposes to extend temporarily the operation of certain COVID-19 legislative provisions for a further six months to 26 September 2021, with an option to extend by up to a further six months by regulation. This extension coincides with projected vaccination rollout time frames, incorporating some flexibility in light of the unpredictable nature of the pandemic.

The bill does not extend any extraordinary regulation-making powers, colloquially known as

King Henry VIII clauses, introduced as part of the COVID-19 emergency response, that allowed government to make regulations altering some legislative provisions if needed urgently due to COVID-19, for example, if Parliament were not sitting. …

Parliament has continued to sit throughout the pandemic, and we are now in a different phase of our response. The bill does not propose any new COVID-19 emergency provisions. All provisions proposed for temporary extension were previously passed by Parliament.

A Henry VIII clause is the term given to a provision in a primary Act which gives the power for secondary legislation (regulations) to include provisions which amend, repeal or are inconsistent with the primary legislation. The effect of a Henry VIII clause is that whoever who makes the regulations has been delegated legislative power by the Parliament. In other words, the executive arm of government would have the power to make regulations which can modify the application of the primary statute.

The original Henry VIII clause was contained in the Statute of Sewers in 1531, which gave the Commissioner of Sewers powers to make rules which had the force of legislation (legislative power), powers to impose taxation rates and powers to impose penalties for non-compliance. A later Statute of Proclamations (1539) allowed the King to issue proclamations which had the force of an Act of Parliament. Both these were passed during the time of Henry VIII

Rule of law issues 1. Are Henry VIII clauses an unconstitutional abdication of power?

The High Court has held that they are not, as long as Parliament retains the right to repeal or amend the primary statute – per Mason CJ, Dawson and McHugh JJ in Capital Duplicators Pty Ltd v ACT. 1 2. Regulations made under Henry VIII clauses, are not automatically subject to parliamentary scrutiny and debate, yet they are law, unless they are disallowable regulations, as in the example of the Australia Card, discussed below

RULE OF LAW INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA 2 3. Henry VIII clauses can give rise to uncertainty and frustration in application when all the law is not contained in the primary statute. 4. Henry VIII Clauses are considered unpopular in the courts, but that does not make them invalid, and they are often held valid despite there being often very little guidance in the clause providing the power to make the regulations on what those regulations might be.

5. The Court can declare a Henry VIII clause invalid, they must consider that to be valid the clause must be within the boundaries of legislative power of the Parliament, though even if it is within legislative power it must come under a head of legislative power - Dixon J in Dignan: 2 “I, therefore, retain the opinion which I expressed in the earlier case that Roche v. Kronheimer did decide that a statute conferring upon the Executive a power to legislate upon some matter contained within one of the subjects of the legislative power of the Parliament is a law with respect to that subject, and that the distribution of legislative, executive and judicial powers in the Constitution does not operate to restrain the power of the Parliament to make such a law.

This does not mean that a law confiding authority to the Executive will be valid, however extensive or vague the subject matter may be, if it does not fall outside the boundaries of Federal power. There may be such a width or such an uncertainty of the subject matter to be handed over that the enactment attempting it is not a law with respect to any particular head or heads of legislative power. Nor does it mean that the distribution of powers can supply no considerations of weight affecting the validity of an Act creating a legislative authority.”

6. Responsible government and the incomplete separation of powers between executive and legislature in Australia is potentially a problem, with the Executive being given some of the Legislature’s rule making power. The High Court in R v Kirby; ex parte Boilermakers’ Society of Australia3 confirmed it is a doctrine of the court that there is strict separation of judicial and legislative power. There was no comment on the amount of delegation of legislative power possible.

Operation The main justification for creating a Henry VIII clause is that when an Act is put into operation it may require minor amendments for it to work effectively in practice. The Donoughmore Committee of the UK in 1932 set out several principles of use including the following: 

The clauses should only be used exceptionally, not routinely. 2 Victorian Stevedoring & General Contracting Co Pty Ltd & Meakes v Dignan (Dignan’s Case) (1931) 46 CLR 73. 3 R v Kirby; Ex parte Boilermakers Society of Australia (1955-56) 94 CLR 254; (1956-57) 95 CLR 529; (1957) AC 288.

A sunset provision should be included to mean the regulations created are repealed after a certain period of time and the Henry VIII clause should also be subject to a sunset. Scrutiny The Senate and the House of Representatives can disallow regulations. Regulations must be laid before houses within 14 sitting days and they must also be gazetted. The Senate Regulations & Ordinances Committee provides the following information: source:


2. COVID-19 LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (STRONGER COMMUNITIES AND HEALTH) BILL 2021 Inappropriately delegates legislative powers: s 8A(1)(b)(iv) of the LRA Matters deferred to regulations The Bill amend a number of acts and regulations to extend the repeal clause by six months or until a later date, up to 12 months, as prescribed by the regulations. The Committee notes that this allows the regulation to amend the Act in respect of the repeal date. Unlike primary legislation, regulations are subordinate legislation and not required to be passed by Parliament and the Parliament does not control when it commences. This means that while either House of Parliament can pass a resolution disallowing a statutory rule (under section 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987), the statutory rule may have already been in operation for some time before disallowance occurs. However, the Committee notes that the Bill only seeks to extend the repeal date of existing measures that are part of the Government response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and does not seek to implement new measures. The Committee also recognises that a flexible repeal date for these provisions may be desirable, as the Attorney General noted that these measures are in place with the intent of protecting public health and public safety during a time where there is an ongoing risk of a COVID-19 outbreak. In these circumstances, the Committee makes no further comment.


Makes rights, liberties or obligations unduly dependent upon insufficiently defined administrative powers: s 8A(1)(b)(ii) of the LRA Broad liability clause and definitions

The Bill creates a liability upon a relevant body to pay compensation to a worker for any injury, loss or damage suffered by a worker as a result of a vaccine that the relevant body has required the worker to take. The Bill defines a relevant body as a person or body that employs or otherwise engages the worker.

The Bill also contains a broad definition of worker as a person engaged by, or on behalf of, the relevant body under a contract for services, but does not include a volunteer.

The Committee notes that the definition of 'worker' is an inclusive definition, which means that it may be defined by the definition under the Bill, or may include a broader definition not stated within the Bill's provisions. There are no further eligibility requirements for the definition of worker under the Bill. This means that the Bill may impose a liability on a person that engages another person for services, and this liability may extend until the person's death. These are broad definitions that permit an individual to be imposed with a significant liability. It also does not include any defence or moderating clause where it may be reasonable in the circumstances for an employer to require that a worker be vaccinated, such as in a health or aged care facility.

The Committee refers this provision to the Parliament for its consideration of whether the broad definitions and liability clause are reasonable in the circumstances. Inappropriately delegates legislative powers: s 8A(1)(b)(iv) of the LRA Matters that should be contained in the primary legislation

The Bill provides that the section applies if a relevant body requires a worker to be vaccinated against a disease prescribed by the regulations.

The Bill does not provide further clarity about what vaccines the section applies to, and whether this is intended to apply beyond the COVID19 vaccine as noted in the second reading speech. In these circumstances, the Committee refers LEGISLATION REVIEW COMMITTEE viii DIGEST 27/57 this provision to the Parliament for its consideration of whether clarity on the vaccine to which the section applies should be contained in the primary legislation rather than the regulations.

3. PUBLIC HEALTH AMENDMENT (COVID-19 MANDATORY FACE COVERINGS) REGULATION 2021 The regulation trespasses unduly on personal rights and liberties: s 9(1)(b)(i) of the LRA Personal liberty The regulation amends the Public Health Regulation 2012 to provide that penalty notices may be issued for contravening a public health order requiring the wearing of fitted face coverings in certain circumstances.

This may impact a person's physical bodily integrity by requiring them to wear an item of clothing that covers their nose and mouth or may impact their breathing. However, the Committee recognises that the intent of the regulation is to protect public health and safety and is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the recent outbreaks in the northern beaches and greater Sydney.

The Committee also notes that the regulation provides exceptions to wearing fitted face coverings in circumstances where the person is under 12 years old, where it is not suitable due to a disability or physical or mental illness, or for a temporary period such as when eating or drinking or during an emergency. In these circumstances, the Committee makes no further comment.

The regulation may have an adverse impact on the business community: s 9(1)(b)(ii) of the LRA The regulation provides that penalty notices may be issued for not complying with a public health order requiring the wearing of fitted face coverings in certain circumstances, including a wide range of retail, entertainment and hospitality venues. This may have an adverse impact on the business community that may comply with the order during trading and business hours, and may impact or restrict the way their business is conducted while the order is in place.

The Committee also notes that the regulation contains a higher penalty for operators of hospitality venues that contravene the Order than individuals, and requires that the operators ensure that all persons working at the venue comply with the Order. This places an onus on the operator of hospitality venues to ensure that their staff comply with the Order. However, the Committee recognises that the intent of the regulation is to protect public health and safety in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the recent outbreaks in the northern beaches and Greater Sydney.

The wearing of face masks may allow businesses to continue to operate in certain circumstances while also providing a safety measure to those staff and customers. The Committee also recognises that since this regulation was published that some COVID-19 restrictions have been scaled back, including the requirement for customers to LEGISLATION REVIEW DIGEST 16 MARCH 2021 xi wear face masks in retail venues and other businesses. In these circumstances, the Committee makes no further comment.



In a preceding article and video, we have identified that the injections being promoted,

and even forced on people, are not vaccines:

Additionally, we have discussed that the injection campaign is criminal and violates the

Nuremberg code for ethics of medical experimentation:

more here:



Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD,independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at

GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaton.

To all authorites, scientsts and experts around the world, to whom this concerns: the entre world



Why mass vaccinaton amidst a pandemic creates an irrepressible monster


THIS ISN"T AUSTRALIA ANYMORE It's an INHUMANE PRISON CAMP These Police are a Disgrace to their profession....

POLICE BRUTALITY: Sydney Mother begs, "Remove the handcuffs from dying son!" as RIOT Police Converge

The man in the handcuffs was arrested for "not wearing a mask". This is a shocking display of Police intimidation tactics in Australia. More evidence that the Police are deliberately targeting and attacking the religious and multicultural family-orientated communities of western Sydney! Thanks to our supporters and followers! With your support we will continue the struggle: 1. PayPal 2. Patreon: 3. Direct to BSB 082278 Account: 500365866 4. Consider joining the channel as a member for perks and free merchandise! 5. Join my Telegram channel 6. Pay ID 0412080035 (in Australia) 7. BTC Address: 3MssztrZwUzSsU4Z6mkEQR2EnQ5mSW6iNq 8. Cardano (ADA) addr1v8gpl4m6qt0suj9wwmd29z5jjvq8fu2gkrvv4xxq2cr5ujqklnqqy

I found this video very distressing and couldn't help but cry for this man and his family.

No one should have to deal with these made up Rules that have been mandated as Covid laws.

This family was put in needless stress by Cops who couldn't give a damn about the emergency they had brought on due to this poor mans Health issues. To attack a man who couldn't wear a mask due to his heart condition. is a vile act of agression against an innocent man and his family just doing their weekly shopping.

There is no human kindness in the hearts of these agressors, who enforce these unnecessary rules. Calling an ambulance should have been number one priority. They can enjoy this power trip for now, but Nuremberg2 is in motion and No matter wether you are the Police commissioner or all those ranks below, All will pay for their crimes against the Australian people.

as one commentor says - Almost murdering a human in public in broad daylight for not having a piece of cloth on their face and having medical reasons for it. This is absolutely disgusting, terrifying and shameful! Australia has fallen!

You're doing amazing work Aussie Cossack

Please share this far and wide - The Australian People are In distress....

Lets pray for the man and his family, I hope we hear good news of his recovery, and wish him and his family the best.



Please UNITE!

Australia needs your help NOW!

The plan is simple,Australia is being taken down by lawless politicians and unelected bureaucrats . There is a Supreme court hearing tomorrow and a media blackout. Not many know about this and this is our only hope.

We have AFL soliciltors and G and B laywers as well as Senator Craig Kelly who are heroes to all who know what they are doing .What we need is for the link below to go viral and get as many hits as possible,so the Supreme Court is aware that the World is watching and it may keep them honest.

This is the last stand.The Case starts at 9.30 am in Sydney please watch or at least hit the link at 9.30-9.45 AM Sydney NSW Australian time.please share link and pray.its all about the numbers.Pass it on!

Thank you from Australia xx

Directions: Kassam; Henry; Hocroft v Hazzard; Naumenko



The Australian Government Department of Health in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, state and territory governments and other partners Implementation of the recommendations from the Joint External Evaluation of IHR Core Capacities DECEMBER 2018

This document, Australia’s National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS), represents a commitment to take action to strengthen our defences against acute public health threats. It was developed in response to the recommendations from Australia’s Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) conducted from 24 November to 1 December 2017. The WHO-led international team of experts that assessed our country’s capabilities took a great amount of time and careful consideration to supply us with suitable recommendations to further strengthen our already strong capacities. These recommendations are now prioritised for action across the five year time period of the NAPHS



Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) - ceasing correspondence and release of information form (IM017)

"nsw parliament vaccine exemption"


EXPOSED! FDA, CDC & WHO is hiding this from you? | Dr Paul Marik FLCCC - Vijaya Viswanathan

1,082,694 views 6 Sept 2021 Dr. Paul E. Marik, founding member of FLCCC, in conversation with Vijaya Viswanathan, discusses the role of compromised medical & governmental institutions in manipulating medical data to make quick money. He exposes Big Pharma and its lobbies who invest millions to suppress data that can hinder their profits. While the big pharma makes millions out of the pandemic the poor continue to suffer. While the virus rages, people find themselves not only lacking in options but also a voice. Dr. Marik discusses in detail the inner mechanizations of the so-called people's representatives, who have put people's health on the line for short-term profits.


This is the 4th pandemic orchestrated by the Rockefellers

Don’t drink the kool aid

  • The 1918 Spanish Flu: killed, worldwide – between 50 and 120 million people according to who you believe. It was started by an experimental Rockefeller meningitis vaccine given on an American army base.

  • The 1976 “Swine Flu Fiasco”. The evidence for an epidemic was not just flimsy. It was non-existent. The frenzy was whipped up by corrupt insiders at the CDC. Nelson Rockefeller was unelected vice president. Coincidence?

  • The 2008 Swine Flu Hoax. Orchestrated by corrupt insiders at the CDC and the WHO. It was a mild flu.

See more details and links to my videos about these “pandemics” further on.

The Rockefellers have always owned your ass. Gates wants to take over like he did with IBM.

Now Gates has stage managed the covid-19 plandemic. He has spent the last few years getting his ducks lined up. Am I going to prove it in this article? I don’t need to. He has done everything in plain sight. Reiner Fuelmich is slowly and meticulously gathering evidence for the prosecution. See my articleCan Reiner pull it off

Does covid-19 actually exist?

The covid scam could always have been over in 5 minutes


go to this blog and see what the author has shared



Thanks to a FOIA request by The Intercept, we now have smoking gun proof that Anthony Fauci directed NIH funding for bioweapons research on SARS-CoV-2 (via "gain-of-function" experiments) under the cover of the Chinese Communist Party. The 900+ pages of once-secret documents also confirm that the United States government originated the bioweapons research and funded it to completion. After Trump banned biological weapons programs in the United States, Fauci and others conspired to criminally conduct illegal research by shifting the technology to China (and laundering US taxpayer money through the EcoHealth Alliance to fund it).

We also therefore know that the vaccine is an extension of the bioweapons program funded by Fauci, since the spike protein incorporated into covid vaccines was developed through Fauci-funded gain-of-function research.

This is a real turning point in the battle to expose the truth about covid origins. From here, the deep state gets even more desperate to cover up their crimes.



Australian health chief Dr. Kerry Chant

Who is going to blink first liberty are tyranny


viral video “People Have No Idea What's Coming- PREPARE NOW!!!” just released by world renowned futurist David Icke, wherein he warns and documents the “cradle to crave” enslavement of the Western world being planned by socialist forces, and for those foolishly believing the media will tell them the truth about what’s coming, this video sees Icke reminding them of the past terrifying statements made by CIA Directors, to include:

“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”

~ William Colby (1920-1996) former Director of the CIA in Derailing Democracy: The America the Media Don’t Want You to See (2000), by Dave McGowan

"People Have No Idea What's Coming" - [ PREPARE NOW!!! ] (2021)

"It Will Happen To Us Soon!!!"


‘Brave new world’ of vaccine passports set to begin in Australia

12,953 views 10 Sept 2021

Sky News host Nicholas Reece says the “brave new world” of vaccine passports is about to begin in Australia. “From tomorrow, the NSW Government has announced regional businesses outside of hotspot areas will be able to choose to refuse unvaccinated patrons as they reopen,” Mr Reece said. “Earlier this week, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced freedoms for fully vaccinated people once the 70% double dosed target is reached. “These include being able to go to hospitality venues, hairdressers and gyms, and have five people at your home. “Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has said that Victoria is going to do something similar – freedoms for the double vaxxed, lockouts for the unvaxxed. “This is what is coming.”

video link;


Informed Consent and Vaccine Passports - Department of Health Part 2

Malcolm Roberts 10K subscribers

After failing to get some of the answers we were seeking on vaccines, I went back to the Department of Health and Dr Murphy to ask some more questions about informed consent and vaccination by coercion with a vaccine passport. I think you'll find their answers in this part 2 just as interesting as part 1. Full transcript: Part 1:


TGA Full Report of COVID Vaccine Adverse Reactions and Deaths –

Download report link 73 pages


Mandatory Vaccines - What about s109 of the Constitution?

Malcolm Roberts 10K subscribers I oppose vaccines being made mandatory and so do many Australians. There are some incorrect claims being made about sections 109 and 51 of the Constitution, the Biosecurity Act and the Nuremberg code. Some people may not like the information I’m about to tell you, but I assure you it is accurate. I wish it wasn’t, but there is nothing to gain in misleading you and giving you false hope. Please watch this video or read the transcript in full on my website. Transcript:

What letting the government enforce vaccines means

There are far-reaching consequences of letting the government get away with their new enforcement of vaccines in aged care workers. We must fight against it. Transcript:


Morrison Announces Nationwide "Certificates of Vaccination" Scheme to Limit Unvaccinated Aussies' Freedoms

Under the new Liberal/National scheme outlined by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Australians without "certificates of vaccination" will have their freedom to travel, shop, and attend events greatly restricted. When asked point-blank if this scheme is effectively a vaccine passport system the PM responded weakly with, "that's not how I refer to them... people have certificates of vaccination". However, the PM can rebrand vaccine passports all he wants, the intent is clear. Under the PM's plan, in his own words, "any venue, any venue, any pub, any café, any restaurant, any shop" will have the right to deny entry to Australians who are unvaccinated. Morrison has also announced he wants to expand the power of QR code readers used by the states so they can show whether you're vaccinated to make enforcing the limitation of freedoms easier. This Liberal/National vaccine passport plan is an unprecedented move to restrict freedoms of healthy Australians and has huge privacy implications—every Australian should have concerns. The Liberals and Nationals can spin the roll-out of vaccine passports all they want. The government might be claiming that it’s not making these vaccines mandatory, but One Nation trusts the people of Australia to see the truth. Shutting people out of society is an abuse of fundamental human rights and this might as well be the mandate the PM denied would ever be introduced. One Nation will keep working to oppose vaccine passports and expose the Government’s lies, and with your support we will soon have the chance to send the Government a strong message at the next election and take our freedoms back. You can see a transcript of the Prime Minister’s full interview by clicking the link

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Simpson Garcia
Simpson Garcia
Dec 23, 2021

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