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Convoy to Canberra 2022 - Freedom from Corruption - AXIS OF EVIL- HOLD The Line -12th Feb. & Beyond

Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

The Pilgrim has arrived enmass, from every state and country town, the Australian people are awakening, arriving to the axis of evil by any kind of transport possible in numbers never seen in this country before.

The hard cold truth and facts are no longer an evil we can ignore, Our very lives depend on all of the people uniting and calling the corrupt to show their faces and get out of our Parliament and lives.

The people have suffered for too long and we will not stop until every criminal has been stood down and charged.

How dare they think that we will walk to the slaughter houses, they have waiting, with out a courageous fight for humanity.

Convoy to Canberra - March to Parliament

I did my best to livestream in Canberra today, but as many of you know the network coverage was congested and it was near impossible for anyone to do anything. For a developed nation such as Australia this is a piss poor effort from our largest mobile carriers and government in the nations capital. This is just a small highlight of the people at the march from the hours of footage I continued to film on my cameras! Thank you to all the people that stopped to have a chat and share their stories with me!

The New World Order wants to take over the role of God so we
must pray in
Acknowledgement of our God Almighty
and ask for a divine blessing, the people must agree to unite in the Federal Commonwealth as our forefathers once did
Humbly relying on the Blessing of Almighty God!
in an unsectarian acknowledgement

With Our creators blessing. we have steadily arrived at the centre of Evil, to expose their corruption to turn their evil plans upside down and expose them to all those who are still sadly sleeping walking in ignorance or fear.

You criminals in office, have awakened a giant and the freight train of Australians will leave no stone unturned until you leave our Great Southern land. naked , shamed and facing the full force of Justice for all of us who have suffered unspeakable crimes of sickness and cruelty at the hands of criminals,

GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE - YOU ARE ALL AGENTS OF EVIL - Pedophiles, murderers, treasonous

scum of the earth - BEGONE from our lives and future - You will not have our children you will not have our loved ones You will not Win for we have arrived without fear of our enemy but with Justice and salvation. The people have united and you will pay for your abominations.

It's Our Duty to stand against these crimes being unleashed against humanity!

The Epic numbers of freedom loving people peacefully descended on the

Australian capitol Canberra

The number of vehicles that arrived according to the AFP (Australian Federal Police) and relayed to Riccardo Bosi, was

1.4 million. Times that as an average of two per vehicle 2.8 million loving souls and more as they continually arrived throughout the days and nights via planes and vehicles from all corners of this great Country. There was a call for 1million people and we weren't let down, when duty calls the Aussies came. We are in a third world war ( a war versus globalists against we the people) and a third generation of ANZACS stood for their country, Every one came in love and peace, the camaraderie amongst the people was of love and respect for each other and an acknowledgement that we had a huge event ahead of us.

The Great Australian Revolution Won't Be Televised by msm -

thank you to all the independant media streamers for their visual content

Still brings tears to my eyes. The most amazing coming together of a united people all under the same magic spell of unity, love and respect for each other. We came we marched we spoke.We continue, nothing will stop us!

Drone Footage of Canberra's HISTORIC Crowd

💯 “We’re not gonna take it” 🔥 Drone Footage Parliament House Canberra, Australia




Video by Natalie Childs


Convoy To Canberra 2022

This was an EPIC event and so aptly named. Where the majority of Freedom Fighters pulled up camp at EPIC Showground, an awe inspiring congregation of true blue Aussies.hundreds of thousands manifesting their love and friendship for each other to prepare for the great coming rally of a peaceful and united people to showcase their authority against tyranny. See this following compilation by Katie Chakra

Hi guys, I made this movie to show the beautiful people so full of LOVE at the protests, and encourage more people to come and join our quest for FREEDOM I hope you like it PM me for a copy. Please share with people who are still afraid to protest ( hope it's OK to post here. )

GIANT Rally For Freedom Against Australia's Regime Of Terror & Forced Drugging In Canberra

Incredible scenes as Aussies unite outside Parliament House in Canberra Part 3

Feb 10th 2022 - High Court Canberra shows where they stand on Children's Jab mandates

The Men From Mt Isa


The camp said they are a Court recognized Refugee camp in Canberra ACT. Answering the questions and our local community. This is Australia is it the Australia we want?


24HRS In Canberra looks at my first trip to the first freedom camp in Canberra on the 03.02.22-04.02.22 to report on the Convoy to Canberra. Full livestreams are available via Facebook.

This says it all and the hounding of normal Aussies has not stopped. Thanks Rukshan

After Marching in Canberra, a WELL DESERVED Break

Do not become complacent people, this isn't over by a long shot!

EMERGENCY: Doctor Exposes WHO Blueprint For Global Healthcare Control

BREAKING: Doctor Peter Breggin exposes WHO Blueprint For Global Healthcare Control. While some restrictions are being pulled back right now, documents show plans are in the works to create a New World HEALTH order. He warns what this would mean for our civil liberties and the future of our health. Dr. Breggin is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and has been approved as a medical expert in over 100 legal cases in state and federal courts on issues relating to adverse drug effects, drug approval, the pharmaceutical industry, and the FDA. He is the author of two dozen medical, scientific, and best-selling popular books, (including COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey) as well as dozens of scientific articles


For those holding the line in Canberra, stay up to date with Information @


Brian Shaw speaks to

RiverR Table


February 2022

The people are not leaving Canberra, the crowds keep putting on the pressure the politicians are still in hiding. I had to return home as money ran out and I also fell ill, on the mend and will return by the first weekend of March. Debra

· Independant Press

Joe Jammel

Give this a share everyone

An Australian Senior Doctor, goes to Canberra to send a message to the Prime Minister,

and gets locked up in solitary confinement for sixteen days, offered parole on the grounds that he stops protesting

Dr Paix Is released and is taken on an Epic victory lap of Epic camp.

Sixteen days of solitary confinement for speaking out for the children

Michael, Cafe Lockdown speaks reality

As the narrative crumbles

PROOF: U.S. Lasers Burn Australians Alive, NSA Sonic Wave Assassins, Embalmed Death Conspiracy

The Stew Peters Show

By Stew Peters Show February 18, 2022

I never once fell for the COVID lie, from the beginning I said, it was bull shit!

Family and friends I am so sorry that you fell hook line and sinker. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

You were lied to on a grand scale and so we all suffered for your lack of questioning the narrative pumped out by the crooked politicians, health officials and main stream media

When you repeat a lie often enough , people believe it as the truth for lack of knowledge and questioning.

The smart people of this country are fighting for truth and freedom, now wake yourselves up and join us in Canberra as we rally to expose the truth and stop the criminals from poisoning the countries children. Join us as we make history in restoring our country back to the people.

End of restrictions exposes senseless Covid ‘scare-mongering’

The hysterical headlines have receded and all the catastrophic predictions were wrong. The results could not be any clearer.

OPINION Where are they now? The hysterical headlines have receded. Hospitalisations and intensive care numbers are less than half of what they were, having never reached predicted thresholds. QR check-ins are being abolished because nobody has been monitoring them for months. Mass testing of healthy children is set to follow because it is so obviously pointless a third of parents aren’t even doing it. Of course this last measure was put in place because of predictions that reopening schools would cause an explosion in cases and put teachers and children at risk. It never happened. And now we have formal confirmation from the Australian Bureau of Statistics that not only did so-called “Covid deaths” account for just one per cent of fatalities during the pandemic, but 92 per cent of that one per cent were people with pre-existing health problems ranging from pneumonia to heart disease. All the scare-mongering was wrong, all the catastrophic predictions were wrong, all the fear and fury at lifting of restrictions was wrong, wrong, wrong. NSW briefly eased restrictions, Victoria didn’t. Both states had the same result and are now easing restrictions again in lockstep with one another. It literally could not be clearer. So where are they now?

Where are all the doomsaying experts, online warriors and outraged finger-pointers who struck fear into the heart of ordinary Australians and tried to paint level-headed policy-makers as bloody-handed monsters?

They’re certainly much quieter than usual, especially after their deity (Victorian Premier) Dan Andrews announced he would be easing restrictions in the exact same way as Covid bogeyman (and NSW Premier) Dominic Perrottet.

Sadly for them the disaster never came. Surely they could have at least the grace to publicly admit they were wrong? Or at least that they’re disappointed?

But they won’t. This is the same political class that endlessly demands apologies from others for even the mildest transgression and yet when they get caught out, provably wrong — and wrong for so long — on the greatest single issue facing the world over the past two years there is an eternal silence.


A CANADIANS Pilots message to Canadians -

Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers

Carlo Maria Viganò is an archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. Archbishop Viganò has spoken out against The Great Reset and the Globalist Agenda 2030 publicly many times. He now gives his full support to the Canadian truckers and the worldwide Freedom movement. ▹ Special Thanks to Eaglevision Production for allowing us to use their video footage. Learn more about Eaglevision 👉🏽 👉🏽

A warning to young Australians

A new level of police pressure this hour in Ottawa as heavily armed officers push protestors back to Wellington and Metcalfe St. We’re live at the heart of the “freedom convoys” stronghold in the capital. Pepper spray was deployed.


Jason Miles senate candidate for GAP

Vaccinated people in NSW are 2.2x more like to catch the virus than unvaccinated according to Government data. But that’s not the main problem.

Worldwide Data suggests Fully Vaccinated Americans, Australians, Brits, Canadians, & Germans are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Official Government data from around the world now suggests that all double and triple vaccinated people are developing some new

Interview with retired Barrister Jullian Gillespie

Judicial review update with Julian Gillespie (deleted from Facebook)



Morgan C Jonas

Quote from the Liberal Party website: "We believe In the inalienable rights and freedoms of all peoples; and we work towards a lean government that minimises interference in our daily lives; and maximises individual and private sector initiative" This has to be the biggest load of b/s on the internet. I'll break it down. 1) "freedoms of all peoples" - The Liberal party, including Scott Morrison, Gladys Berejiklian and Dominic Perrottet have trampled all over Australians basic rights by enforcing and/or standing by idle whilst millions of Australians were subjected to inhumane and coercive lockdowns and mandates. 2) "Lean government" The government is now involved in every area of our lives. There's 2,500,000 government workers in this country, layers upon layers of useless bureaucracies and unspeakable amounts wasteful government spending. 3) "Maximises individual and private sector initiative" - Australia has among the most abundant resources in the world yet has among the highest energy prices. Our fuel excise plus GST is crippling. Our industries are overregulated, overseen by bureaucracies that are overpaid and have no clue. Our farmers are strangled by pseudo-environmental policies that deprive them of water. We're over taxed. Disastrous trade deals have destroyed, and continue to destroy Australian industries. Instead of incentivising innovation the government incentives property investment. Instead of investing in the industries of tomorrow the government sells our precious assets to foreign corporations. Liberal, Labor, Nationals and the Greens have destroyed Australia. It's time to sack them all.




Her Majesty the Queen Eliz.2

Windsor Castle,

Windsor, Berkshire,

SL4 1NJ United Kingdom

Your Majesty,

The Petition of Right [1627] 1627 CHAPTER 1 3 of David John Walter.


The Whitlam, Raid on the Commonwealth, 1973. 1973 witnessed the raid on the Commonwealth, both government and parliament, whereby the authority of the Australian people, in effect for application of national law and government for 73 years, was raided by the Whitlam Government and unceremoniously dismantled by stealth, where it granted unto themselves our power that they were not entitled to. That exercise of stolen and unchecked power, in contravention of our Commonwealth, extends to this day. This lawlessness is now more apparent for which silence by the current administration and the courts admits complicity. May the people of this Commonwealth hold those in federal office, and those of the States, to account going forward from here. Together United we are strong!.


Malcolm Roberts exposed!!

Please share far and wide !!!they are running Australia as a republic without the permission of a referendum of the people. Malcolm Roberts admits it!!! here is a supporting document that has all legal references That shows you how it's supposed to be run and what they have done

The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution


Local Council Constitutional Recognition


This document is in 5 parts. Each designed to build your understanding of our political, legal and constitutional structure and where you

fit in. The reader may be tempted to over look some of these sections, but without understanding each of them, the understanding of our

Constitution structure of law will not be clear.

Section 1 is a brief History of the creation of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution – the People’s rules.

Section 2 explains to the reader, the difference between the private natural living man or woman and their legal entities, their legal


Section 3 explains to the reader what a contract is.

Section 4 details the history of our Constitutional structure of law, the elements of that and where and how the People, the Queen, the

Parliament and the Judiciary are to operate. It details the way our laws are supposed to operate.

Section 5 details the structure of law the Australian government and the states now operate under, since 1972, as well as the details of

what and who Local Government are constitutionally.

At all times, the reader must remember, the People are not the landmass. The People are the Commonwealth of Australia, the landmass is

Australia. The Commonwealth, which is the People, resides and trades ON Australia. Hence it is the People, at all times, who hold the


This document is focused solely on the legal English structure involving the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution and the government

in place at the present.It will not discuss the Aboriginal issue of land ownership; it is not meant however, to dismiss their grievances.

The editor would suggest each reader get a copy of the original Commonwealth of Australia Constitution1and a copy of all the

referendum decisions2which signify any change to the Constitution since 1900. The Constitution is a brief document written in lay-man’s

English. Every home should have a copy and have read it because it contains the contract details that protect our civil and political rights

and ownership rights (equity).



Our Constitution is not a codified constitution contained within a single document. It is based on the Common Law established by very special statutes, which in some cases predate our Australian ancestry in the 700 year-old British Parliament and in all cases remain above it in respect of prerogative acts or acts of those in power.


Commentary on Malcolm Roberts revelation that we are a republic. Authorised by Ian Nelson for the Great Australian Party, 65 Cardinal Cct, Caboolture, 4510

This is the video where Malcom Roberts admits it!!

The power must be given back to the people instead of being controlled by an unlawful corporation.

The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act of 1901

versus The Australian Constitution.

The Australia Act. ~

The 1901 Lawful Constitution V The Australia Act, 3rd of March 1986 which is fraudulent, as there was no referendum or vote by We the People.

That is what has been failing us all along. The only way forward is restoring The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act of 1901, for if this had not been pushed aside by The Australia Act, we wouldn't be in this situation.


McDougall Grant A reminder to you is the 1999 referendum to become a Republic FAILED, it would of made Australia a Sovereign Independent Nation, again it FAILED to Carry and Australia remains a Self Governing colony under a Constitutional Monarchy


Cheryl King shared a live video.

· ·

Malcolm Roberts revelation that we are a republic It was hard to understand so I wrote down what he said 9.20 into GAPS post Malcolm Roberts Commentary Malcolm Roberts revelation that we are a republic. What He said Let me answer those questions. I have a Barrister in my office who used to teach Constitution Law in Universities in Queans land. This stuff This Stuff about the international common law court is bullshit. Go and Google it. Go and find out the (Offices?) of it, there aren’t any. Who Appointed them who appointed the people who went to Yarralumla Government House as sheriffs they appointed themselves. They Fabricated this the international court of common law they fabricated (questions?) essentially That is why I do not include Gap in the top 6 You can vote for whoever you want but I do not trust GAP at all. And I won’t be trusting them I have had personal experience with them the number one thing for me as with Pauline is integrity GAP doesn’t have it. There conning people and the constitution is still valid still real. The queen is [could not answer] were basically I interviewed professor David Flint last Saturday on my show on TNT radio . Live. He confirmed that the constitution is real it is solid were effectively a REPUBLIC with the president in the form of a queen that is appointed by our PARLIAMENT. The Royal Seal was not removed. The royal seal the seal was recently changed was due to the fact that the provisions in terms of the identification of various forms.


Professor David Flint last Saturday on my show (CK) on TNT radio . Live. He confirmed that the constitution is real it is solid were effectively a REPUBLIC with the president in the form of a queen that is appointed by our PARLIAMENT. The Royal Seal was not removed. The royal seal the seal was recently changed was due to the fact that the provisions in terms of the identification of various forms.

How Australia Voted in 1999

We voted NO! but Hawke had it already in place Treason

Republic Question

The question on the republic put to electors at the 1999 referendum was whether they approved of:

A proposed law: To alter the Constitution to establish the Commonwealth of Australia as a republic with the Queen and Governor-General being replaced by a President appointed by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Commonwealth Parliament.

Preamble question

Electors were also asked to vote on a second question at the 1999 referendum which asked whether they approved of:

A proposed law: To alter the Constitution to insert a preamble.

It proposed that the Queen and Governor-General be replaced by a President who would exercise the same powers, and be appointed and dismissed in a similar manner to the Governor-General.


Copy of Letter from Sir Harry Talbot Gibbs

Copy of Letter From Sir Harry Talbot Gibbs

By TrueBlue Observer

Explanatory Statement

I am a former member of the High Court and I wish to take this unusual method of informing you about a matter that is going to deeply affect us all. Unfortunately, a document such as this is too easily “lost” in the bureaucratic jungle in which we operate.

A group of Australian Citizens have taken it upon themselves to test the validity of our current political and judicial system. Like you, I have lived my entire legal career with the assumption that the basis for our legal and political system, state and federal, was written in stone. This group has undertaken to present this paper when they test the legal system.

The group is articulate, well educated and counts some of our best legal minds amongst its members. One of Australia’s best known barristers is one of the group’s leading lights. It is far better informed with regard to international law than most members of the judiciary or for that matter, the legal academe. It has better international contacts than I would have thought possible.

After spending some time with the group leader, I was able to elicit its primary intentions. It is the introduction of a totally democratic system of government devoid of party politics operated by the will of the people incorporating a system of debit taxation which should go a long way to eliminating the current unemployment problem and also addressing other pressing social issues. An A.B.S. financial model supports the proposal.

The group has so far concentrated on matters relating to taxation, state and federal, minor industrial and motor traffic while undertaking not to present a criminal defence using their current presentation. I challenged the leader of this group to present any evidence he had with regard to the above defence so I could use my legal expertise to play the part of the devil’s advocate. It should be brought to your attention that the group has access to documentation that we members of the judiciary have little knowledge. I refer to the British Parliamentary Papers for the Colony of Australia for the years 1860 through to 1922.

These are photocopies of all documents, correspondence etc., between the states and later the Commonwealth of Australia, the British Crown and the British Government. They are very revealing documents and indicate the degree of chicanery in which the politicians of all shades were involved and as I can now see, at the expense of the legal academe and the judiciary. I present for your perusal the details of the group’s presentation along with my comment on each major item. The group relies solely upon historical fact and rejects political rhetoric and legal opinion unless based upon historical fact.

“The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) is an act of the parliament of the United Kingdom. It did not contain any substance of sovereignty and was a colonial act centralising self-government of the six Australian Colonies. Australia remained a colony of the United Kingdom.”

1a. Although the late Lionel Murphy attempted to show that there was  an element of sovereignty in this act he failed. The international  definition of sovereignty has been espoused at length and the above act  although important in the development of Australia, did not have the  authority of sovereignty. The historical evidence that Australia  remained a British Colony post 1901 is overwhelming.
2. “Australia made an international declaration of its intention to  become a sovereign nation when Prime Minister Hughes and his deputy; Sir  Joseph Cook signed the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. On its  cognizance of signing this treaty, Australia was granted a “C” class  League of Nations mandate over former German territories in the Pacific.  In effect, Papua New Guinea became a colony of Australia achieving its  own independence on 16 September 1975. The League of Nations became part  of International Law on 10 January 1920 with Article X of the Covenant  of League of Nations guaranteeing the sovereignty of each member,”
2A. The Significance of Australia joining the League of Nations as a  foundation member has never been addressed in Australia before.  Strangely, only one book has ever examined the question of Australian  independence. Written by W. J. Hudson and M. P. Sharp in 1988  “Australian Independence” printed by Melbourne University Press. As both  were members of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade at the time  of authorship and had access to the, British Parliamentary Papers, I  find it most interesting they have avoided any mention of these papers  in their book. Their conclusion that Australia became an independent  nation via. the Statute of Westminster in 1931 flies in the face of  contradictory evidence within the above-mentioned papers and readily  available historical fact.
Prime Minister Hughes’ address to the Commonwealth Parliament on 10  September 1919, “Australia has now entered into a family of nations on a  footing of equality. Australia has been born in a blood sacrifice”  demonstrates the politicians of the day were only too well aware of the  change of status from a colony to that of sovereign nation while  attempting to remain within the Empire. Prime Minister Bruce made this  reply to the British Government in 1922 after a request for troops  against Kernel Ataturk in the Chanak crisis. Bruce’s reply is contained  in the British Parliamentary Papers: “We have to try to ensure there  shall be an Empire foreign policy which if we are to be in any way  responsible for it, must be one to which we agree and have assented. If  we are to take any responsibility for the Empire’s foreign policy, there  must be a better system, so that we may be consulted and have a better  opportunity to express the views of the people of this country. We  cannot blindly submit to any policy which may involve us in war.” This  is a far cry from the declaration of war against Germany made on behalf  of the British Colony of Australia by George V of the United Kingdom in  1914.
I have re-produced Bruce’s reply in full as I believe this reply  contains clear historical evidence of a Prime Minister who was well  aware of the change of status from a. colony to a sovereign nation.
The later Statute of Westminster 1931 was an acknowledgment of that status.
3. “Paragraph 4 of the Statue of Westminster Act 1931 contravenes  Article X of the Covenant of the League of Nations. Paragraph 1 of the  Australia Act 1986 contravenes Article 2 paragraphs 1 and 4 of the  Charter of the United Nations.”
3A Paragraph 4 of the Statute of Westminster reads “No Act of  Parliament of the United. Kingdom passed after the commencement of this  Act shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to a Dominion as part of the  law of that Dominion, unless it is expressly declared in that Act that  Dominion, has requested, and consented to the enactment thereof.”  Paragraph 1 of the Australia Act is very similar: “No Act of the  Parliament of the United Kingdom passed after the commencement of this  Act shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to the Commonwealth, to a  State or Territory as part of the law of the Commonwealth, of the State  or of the Territory.”
I passed this one to the Federal Attorney General and asked him what  was the source of this quite incredible authority that sought to  overturn the authority legislated within the Covenant of the League of  Nations in Article X and the Charter of the United Nations in Article 2  paragraphs 1 and 4.
He is unable to provide any documentation to support these clauses,  Article X of the Covenant of the League of Nations states: “The members  of the League undertake to respect and preserve against external  aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence  of all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case  of any threat or danger of such aggression, the Council shall advise  upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled.”
It is appropriate that I now introduce a statement by Sir Geoffrey  Butler KBE, MA and Fellow, Librarian and Lecturer in International Law  and Diplomacy of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge author of “A Handbook  to-the League of Nations” used as a reference to the League by  virtually all nations at that time. He refers to Article 1 of the  Covenant of the League of Nations.
“It is arguable that this article is the Covenant’s most significant  single measure. By it the British Dominions, namely New Zealand,  Australia, South Africa, and Canada, have their independent nationhood  established for the first time. There may be friction over small matters  in giving effect to this internationally acknowledged fact but the  Dominions will always look to the League of Nations Covenant as their  Declaration of Independence.
Article 2 paragraph 1 of the United Nation’s Charter states “The  Organisation is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all  its Members.” Article 2 paragraph 4 of the Charter states ‘All members  shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of  force against the territorial integrity or political independence of  any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the  United Nations.”
In view of the above, the historical evidence for Australian  Independence by 10 January 1920 when the League of Nations became part  of International Law is overwhelming. When this evidence is reinforced  with the contents of the Charter of the United Nations, the continued  usage of any legislation that owes its very legitimacy to the parliament  of an acknowledged foreign power cannot be supported by either legal  opinion or indeed historical evidence.
Following discussions with members of the British Government relating  to the Letters Patent or the Governor General and State Governors I  find that these documents no longer have any authority.
Indeed, the Queen of the United, Kingdom is excluded from any  position of power in Australia by the United Nations Charter and is  excluded under UK law from the issue of a Letters Patent to other than a  British Subject. A Letters Patent must refer to an action to be taken  with regard to British Citizens.

Quote used in Dick Yardley’s Book

Following discussions with members of the British Government relating to the Letters Patent for the Governor General and State Governors I find that these documents no longer have any authority.

Indeed, the Queen of the United, Kingdom is excluded from any position of power in Australia by the United Nations Charter and is excluded under UK law from the issue of a Letters Patent to other than a British Subject. A Letters Patent must refer to an action to be taken with regard to British Citizens.

The Immigration Act. 1972 UK defines Australian Citizen as aliens.

The Governor General’s Letters Patent is a comedy of errors. We are greeted in the name of the Queen of Australia who suddenly becomes the Queen of the United Kingdom in the next paragraph of the Letters Patent. This Queen the gives instructions to the Governor General with reference to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK. Here we have a clear breach of Article 2 paragraph 1 of the United Nation Charter. Under both UK and international law, the Queen is a British Citizen.

State Governors are in a worse position as their authority comes from the late Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. Regardless of the validity of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK, if the authority of Governor General and the State Governors is invalid then so is the entire political and legal system of government.

When advised that the War Crimes Commission was taking an interest, I called them in Geneva. Under the 1947 Geneva Convention, they are empowered to look into eases here in Australia where it is alleged the law of a foreign country was enforced against a citizen of a member state of the United Nations. As they perceive that only the judiciary can actually enforce the law, the judiciary becomes their target. The group has already placed cases before them which they are currently investigating. If found guilty, the penalties are horrific and include the death penalty!

I could go on with more relevant information however I think now is the time for a summary. The group leader, a QC, states the obvious when he asked me how could a colony now acknowledged by all world nations to be a sovereign Nation retain exactly the same legal and political system it enjoyed as a colony without any change whatsoever to the basis for law.

This point alone requires an answer.

The High Court has already answered with regard to the position held by treaties signed by the Commonwealth Government in the Teoh case of 1994. “Ordinary people have the right to expect government officials to consider Australia’s international obligations even if those obligations are not reflected in specific Acts of Parliament: the rights recognised in international treaties are an implied limit on executive processes.”

Article 36 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice is the correct reference for you to refuse to hear a matter when an international treaty is cited as a defence.

My advice is to adjourn any case “sine die” that that challenges the authority of the Letters Patent. Under no circumstances hear a case that challenges the validity of a State or the Federal Constitution. It is the politicians who are using us as pawns without them having to face the music. These matters are of concern to politicians, let them sort out these problems and accept any inherent risks themselves!


The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution v Local Council - Compiled / edited by Sue Maynes - 33 pages - Feb 2013 –



This document is in 5 parts. Each designed to build your understanding of our political, legal and constitutional structure and where you

fit in. The reader may be tempted to overlook these some sections, but without understanding each of them, the understanding of our

Constitution structure of law will not be clear.

Section 1 is a brief History of the creation of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution – the People’s rules.

Section 2 explains to the reader, the difference between the private natural living man or woman and their legal entities, their legal


Section 3 explains to the reader what a contract is.

Section 4 details the history of our Constitutional structure of law, the elements of that and where and how the People, the Queen, the

Parliament and the Judiciary are to operate. It details the way our laws are supposed to operate.

Section 5 details the structure of law the Australian government and the states now operate under, since 1972, as well as the details of

what and who Local Government are constitutionally.

At all times, the reader must remember, the People are not the landmass. The People are the Commonwealth of Australia, the landmass is

Australia. The Commonwealth, which is the People, resides and trades ON Australia. Hence it is the People, at all times, who hold the


This document is focused solely on the legal English structure involving the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution and the government

in place at the present.It will not discuss the Aboriginal issue of land ownership; it is not meant however, to dismiss their grievances.

The editor would suggest each reader get a copy of the original Commonwealth of Australia Constitution1and a copy of all the

referendum decisions2which signify any change to the Constitution since 1900. The Constitution is a brief document written in lay-man’s

English. Every home should have a copy and have read it because it contains the contract details that protect our civil and political rights

and ownership rights (equity).

A.HISTORY – England

read more HERE:


Message to the people - Mr Wayne Glew

Wayne and Yuliana Glew - there point of view

Yuliana Glew was live.

#StandUp #For #Your #Country #Before #You #Looseit This is from my Husband Wayne Glew

The reason Velvet Revolution system has not been completed is too many people are interested in promoting themselves instead of executing the warrants according to law. Serving documents on people requesting demands does zero. We've been trying to talk to them for years and they have ignored us. The time for talking has finished. Instead of belly aching about others, every single one of you there in Canberra and in every State in this country has the duty to execute these warrants and lock up the offenders. Giving them peace of paper might make you warm and fuzzy, but does nothing to stop them doing what they doing. They are PEDOPHILES and TRAITORS. As are every POLITICIANS in this country. We have work hard for a lot of years, to stop the criminals. The only reason that VR (VELVET REVOLUTION) could fail is you people, believing that a peace of paper will fix your problems, when all it does is prove, you're too weak to do anything. Stand up and be counted.

All POLITICIANS are #TRAITORS #PEDOPHILES AND #MURDERERS You have the right to arrest them without a warrant, so do so instead of handing out peaces of paper to them.

If you arrest the State POLITICIANS The Federal Parliament #Crumbles Time to wake up and get behind your constitution


Calls OUT Craig Kelly

ATTN: Wayne Glew is Arrested with No Lawfully Signed Documentation


we are Not a Nation... We are a self-government colony under a Constitutional Monarchy...

Read Clause 8 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

8. Application of Colonial Boundaries Act.

After the passing of this Act the Colonial Boundaries Act, 1895, shall not apply to any colony which becomes a State of the Commonwealth; but the Commonwealth shall be taken to be a self‑governing colony for the purposes of that Act.

Incredible scenes as Aussies unite outside Parliament House in Canberra Part 3


Many people have complained of some adverse side affects whilst attending the Convoy to Canberra rallies .

Convoy to Canberra-adverse effects reporting page


Message Alert! from Alex Jones



Grand Jury | Day 1 (English)