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LEGITIMATE STUDIES ON PUBMED VaccineResearch2019 huge list blog1

This is all of the research collected on vaccinations. ALL OF THESE STUDIES ARE PUBLISHED, LEGITIMATE STUDIES ON PUBMED which is a government database.

Vaccines and Autism

Causal relationship between vaccine induced immunity and autism

Subtle DNA changes and the overuse of vaccines in autism

Mercury toxic encephalopathy manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders.

Relation of mercury to high autism rates in boys

Elevated levels of measles in children with Autism

Abnormal MMR antibodies in children with autism

Tylenol, MMR and Autism - A parent survey study

Peer reviewed study on fetal cell contamination with retro virus associated with autism and cancer

Autism and mercury poisoning

Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders

Rise in autism coincides with rise in vaccines

A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States

Elevated levels of measles antibodies in children with autism. - PubMed - NCBI Pediatr Neurol. 2003 Apr;28(4):292-4. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

•••••••••••••••• A study published in the Journal of Biomedical Sciences determined that the autoimmunity to the central nervous system may play a causal role in autism. Researchers discovered that because many autistic children harbour elevated levels of measles antibodies, they should conduct a serological study of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and myelin basic protein (MBP) autoantibodies. They used serum samples of 125 autistic children and 92 controlled children. Their analysis showed a significant increase in the level of MMR antibodies in autistic children. The study concludes that the autistic children had an inappropriate or abnormal antibody response to MMR. The study determined that autism could be a result from an atypical measles infection that produces neurological symptoms in some children. The source of this virus could be a variant of MV, or it could be the MMR vaccine.


  • People who should not be vaccinated:

  • Lawsuit determines that federally required safety studies have not been performed in 30 years:

Fetal Cells & Vaccine Contaminates-

  • WALVAX2 (fetal cells):

  • Ethics behind WALVAX2:

  • PBS on how vital fetal cells are for vaccine development:

Vaccine Failure & Shedding-

  • Mutant strains of polio vaccine now causing more paralysis than wild polio:

  • Polio vaccine causing polio again:

  • Polio vaccine contaminated with HFM virus:


  • Two, one year olds die immediately after MMR:

  • Krystle’s 13.5 month old son passed away the day he received his flu vaccine:


Adverse Reactions/Death-

  • DTaP, HIB, & chicken pox vaccines all list otitis media or parotitis on their inserts. This is what causes ear infections. You can find the inserts here:


  • 2009 Spain halts batch of Merck's Gardasil:

Other Resources-


  • Vaccine Guide


Herd Immunity The term, ‘herd immunity’, was coined by researcher, A W Hedrich, after he’d studied the epidemiology of measles in USA between 1900-1931. His study published in the May, 1933 American Journal of Epidemiology concluded that when 68% of children younger than 15 yrs old had become immune to measles via infection, measles epidemics ceased. For several reasons, this natural, pre-vaccine herd immunity differed greatly from today’s vaccine ‘herd immunity’.1,2 When immunity was derived from natural infection, a much smaller proportion of the population needed to become immune to show the herd effect; compare the 68% measles immunity required for natural herd immunity to the very high percentages of vaccine uptake deemed necessary for measles vaccine ‘herd immunity’. In his ‘Vaccine Safety Manual’, Neil Z Miller cites research which concluded increasing vaccine uptake necessary for ‘herd immunity’ ranging from “70 to 80 percent of two year olds in inner cities” in 1991 to “‘close to 100 percent coverage’…with a vaccine that is 90 to 98 percent effective.” in 1997. Miller notes that, “When the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, officials were confident that they could eradicate the disease by 1967.” Subsequently, new dates for eradication were pronounced as 1982, 2000 and 2010. Meanwhile, “In 1990, after examining 320 scientific works from around the world, 180 European medical doctors concluded that ‘the eradication of measles…would today appear to be an unrealistic goal.’” And in 1984, Professor D. Levy of Johns Hopkins University had already “concluded that if current practices [of suppressing natural immunity] continue, by the year 2050 a large part of the population will be at risk and ‘there could in theory be over 25,000 fatal cases of measles in the U.S.A.’” Disease-conferred immunity usually lasted a lifetime. As each new generation of children contracted the infection, the immunity of those previously infected was renewed due to their continual cyclical re-exposure to the disease; except for newly-infected children and the few individuals who’d never had the disease or been exposed to it, the ‘herd immunity’ of the entire population was maintained at all times. Vaccine ‘herd immunity’ is hit-and-miss; outbreaks of disease sometimes erupt in those who follow recommended vaccine schedules. If they do actually “immunize”, vaccines provide only short-term immunity so, in an attempt to maintain ‘herd immunity’, health authorities hold ‘cattle drives’ to round up older members of the ‘herd’ for administration of booster shots. And on it goes, to the point that, now, it’s recommended we accept cradle-to-grave shots of vaccine against pertussis, a disease which still persists after more than sixty years of widespread use of the vaccine. Russell Blaylock, MD remarks, “One of the grand lies of the vaccine program is the concept of “herd immunity”. In fact, vaccines for most Americans declined to non-protective levels within 5 to 10 years of the vaccines. This means that for the vast majority of Americans, as well as others in the developed world, herd immunity doesn’t exist and hasn’t for over 60 years.”3 In the pre-vaccine era, newborns could receive antibodies against infectious diseases from their mothers who had themselves been infected as children and re-exposed to the diseases later in life. Today’s babies born to mothers who were vaccinated and never exposed to these diseases do not receive these antibodies. In direct contrast to fear mongering disease “facts” and ‘herd immunity’ theories related by Public Health, most of today’s babies are more vulnerable than babies of the pre-vaccine era. References: 1. “Monthly estimates of the child population ‘susceptible’ to measles, 1900-1931, Baltimore, Maryland”; A W Hedrich; American Journal of Epidemiology; May 1933 – Oxford University Press. 2. ‘Vaccine Safety Manual’ by Neil Z Miller; New Atlantean Press; 2008, 2009; pg 152. 3. Ibid; pgs 16-17.

"Q: Doesn't herd immunity protect most people? A: Herd immunity (or community immunity) is a situation in which, through vaccination or prior illness, a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease, making its spread from person to person unlikely. Even individuals not vaccinated (such as newborns and those with chronic illnesses) are typically protected because the disease has little opportunity to spread within their community. Since pertussis spreads so easily, vaccine protection decreases over time, and acellular pertussis vaccines may not prevent colonization (carrying the bacteria in your body without getting sick) or spread of the bacteria, we can't rely on herd immunity to protect people from pertussis." <>

Questions to ask your doctor/ped regarding vaccinations:

Question-1: If measles vaccines confer measles immunity, then why do already-vaccinated children have anything to fear from a measles outbreak? Question-2: If vaccines work so well, then why did Merck virologists file a False Claims Act with the U.S. government, describing the astonishing scientific fraud of how Merck faked its vaccine results to trick the FDA? Question-3: If vaccines don’t have any links to autism, then why did a top CDC scientist openly confess to the CDC committing scientific fraud by selectively omitting clinical trial data after the fact in order to obscure an existing link between vaccines and autism? Question-4: If mercury is a neurotoxic chemical, then why is it still being injected into children and pregnant women via vaccines? Why does the vaccine industry refuse to remove all the mercury from vaccines in the interests of protecting children from mercury? Question-5: If vaccines are so incredibly safe, then why does the vaccine industry need absolute legal immunity from all harm caused by its products? Question-6: If vaccines work so well to prevent disease, then why do some vaccines (like the chickenpox vaccine) openly admit that they can cause the spread of chickenpox? Question-7: If vaccines are so great for public health, then why do these historical public health charts show nearly all the declines in infectious disease taking place BEFORE vaccines arrived on the scene? Question-8: If vaccines are perfectly safe, then why did at least 13 people recently die in Italy after being vaccinated? Question-9: If vaccines are so trustworthy, then why did a pro-vaccine group in Africa recently discover — to its shock and horror — that vaccines being given to young African women were secretly laced with abortion chemicals? Question-10: If vaccines are backed by solid science, then why do some vaccine inserts openly admit they are backed by no clinical trials? Question-11: If vaccines are so safe, then why does this vaccine insert admit that the Gardasil vaccine causes “acute respiratory illness” in babies who consume the breast milk of mothers who have been vaccinated? Question-12: If vaccines are so safe, then why does this Gardasil insert sheet admit that the vaccine causes “seizure-like activity, headache, fever, nausea and dizziness” and can even cause those injected with the vaccine to lose consciousness and fall, resulting in injury? Question-13: If vaccines are backed by so much “science” then why do they frequently admit there really aren’t any studies of the vaccine for the very groups of people who are often injected with it? Question-14: If vaccines are so safe to give to pregnant women, then why do the vaccine insert sheets openly admit most of them have never been tested for safety in pregnant women? In fact, this vaccine admits “the effects of the vaccine in foetal development are unknown.”Question-15: If vaccines are so safe to be injected into the bodies of children and pregnant women, then why do their own insert sheets readily admit they are manufactured with a cocktail of toxic chemical ingredients including “foetal bovine serum?” (The blood serum of aborted baby cows.) Question-16: If vaccines achieve absolute immunity, then why are as many as 97 percent of children struck by infectious disease already vaccinated against that disease? Question-17: If vaccines are totally safe and effective, then why did this five-year-old girl recently die from the very strain of flu she was just vaccinated against? Question-18: If the mainstream media claims to report honest, unbiased information about vaccines, then why was there a total nationwide blackout on the news of the CDC whistle-blower admitting vaccines are linked to autism?

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