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Writer's pictureImAcogInDewheel


Updated: Jun 23, 2021


when adults are not STANDING against evil, what chance do children have?

"The people are speaking out, we are fortified in strength knowledge and Love. You cannot Hide Truth but you can Disguise Lies in Fear." imacogindewheeloflife


you must watch this extremely important video

THE PUSHBACK | Oracle Films | The Day the World Stood Together #DareToThink



check out the -

Private Criminal Prosecution against Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Ferguson for pandemic fraud

COVID-1984 PCP Update | Final Review of Statement of Case


article by

Rhiannon Bosi / Chief of Staff

Australia One (WARNING: THIS IS A BIG ONE… but worth it if FACTS mean more than OPINION) It is with the greatest sadness that we must tell you… TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISIONS! You can no longer trust those who you once did, unchallenged, respected and who hold and/or once held an honoured position in our society. EVIDENCE? If COVID-19:

why, WE ASK, is this vitally important information not in every mainstream newspaper and on every mainstream news channel in Australia? BECAUSE THIS IS NOT THE ‘NARRATIVE’ THEY ARE ALLOWED TO PROMOTE. I refer YOU to the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence Report ‘The New International Economic Order, Implications for Australia’; dated 19 February 1980… yes that’s right, 1980. Read it for yourself here -, And have a look at all the party representatives who participated – Liberal, Labor and National Country Party (now the Nationals). EVER WONDERED WHY ALL THE PARTIES SOUND THE SAME (OBVIOUSLY NOW)? Page 1… “When the Committee received the reference for this report in April 1976 the resolutions for a new international economic order were less than two years old Page 2… “The principal and most visible contribution has been development assistance and while this remains an important element in the NIEO proposals the overall involvement required from Australia will be more extensive. This inquiry made it obvious that there is a limited awareness of NIEO issues throughout the community. The public perception of what the NIEO means generally and to Australians specifically should be promoted not only by the Government and its instrumentalities but by the media, unions, organisations, academic bodies and informed individuals.” Have you ever thought that you were the idiot because, well, you just didn’t know what others (who you were convinced were ‘better’ than you) did? Have you ever been convinced by an ideology or perspective because the media, actors, politicians, professionals and teachers in schools all rattled off the same thing? There’s a reason, and its name is simple… …PLANNED AND COORDINATED M.A.N.I.P.U.L.A.T.I.O.N. The media personalities are allowed to tell you about USA COVID19 Advisor Dr Anthony Fauci’s contradictory and deceptive emails, but do they tell you that:

Have you heard from ANY ONE in the Australian media, politicians, bureaucracy or medical profession regarding the info and stats of the irreversible effects of these untested, experimental MRNA gene therapy treatments that are being experienced throughout the World? Have YOU heard FROM ANYONE THAT YOU PAY with your taxes that even the CDC is changing their test thresholds to eliminate the recording of new COVID cases among those who have received the vaccine? (See here - What does it mean for us, We the People, if our politicians, doctors, nurses and specialists DO KNOW all of the above and more, but that they and the media have chosen to keep YOU uninformed and believing that all ‘negative press’ is a conspiracy?


Why are they continuing to use fear and creating fake ‘evidence’ to convince you that you or others must get the Emergency Vaccine for your survival or even for the right to travel in your own country?

‘The Australian’, in an article written by Anthony Piovesan (9 June 2021), has reported Acting Victorian Premier James Merlino as saying “Victorian authorities are not ruling out another lockdown, saying the only way to avoid the harsh measure depends on the success of the commonwealth’s vaccine rollout and a purpose-built facility for hotel quarantine.” breaking-news/victorian-chief-health-officer-brett-sutton-says-covid19-situation-remains-volatile-despite-easing-of-restrictions/news


FYI: ‘A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.’ – John Hopkins University and Medicine. And yet these Experimental Vaccines are out within a year and tested ON YOU. Why are politicians and big tech frightened of you knowing what they aren’t telling you? Have you forgotten that our politicians, Big Tech and many media and social media providers (Google, Twitter, Facebook) restricted what you could know? And



Have you been told that the Emergency Vaccines are illegal under The Nuremberg Code (1947)? Read it for yourself -

Have you heard about the United Nations 'Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction’ (also known as BWS) that Australia signed in 1974 and ratified in 1976/77? And that such ‘Emergency Vaccines’ fall straight into this definition: Read it for yourself -

Have you heard about international lawyers and doctors seeking to charge the USA's CDC, WHO and the Davos group with crimes against humanity? Watch: Experts Call For Nuremberg 2.0 Following COVID Crimes Against Humanity (

Have you even heard about the Davos group? Or the Davos Agenda? Read it for yourself - Have you heard about Klaus Schwab – the founder AND Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum since 1971? Watch both of these videos:, And if you think the second video is ‘crazy’ re the idea of microchipping the World’s population… then why are YOUR politicians discussing how it can be mandated?:

Has any Australian current or former politician, bureaucrat, media personality, medical professional or lawyer told you about any of this? – Not One. THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL LISTENING TO THEM?

To those ladies and gentlemen, sitting back, doing and saying nothing, hoping it will all go away or simply saying ‘a change in leadership in the majors is going to make it all better’ we have one question in the venerable words of TV psychologist Dr Phil…


And while you’ve been sleeping, Australian children… YOUR CHILDREN… are being told in schools, on social media, on TV, in newspapers and magazines:

  1. That there are no longer ‘boys’ and ‘girls’:

  2. That as a male of all ages, YOU are responsible for others’ ‘systemic sexism’:

  3. That being ‘white’ means you are oppressing others:

  4. Claims that having separate elections for Australia’s Indigenous peoples is more ‘inclusive’ than having one vote for all (which is currently available):

  5. That from Kindergarten, teachers are the only source of knowledge regarding discriminatory behaviour, ‘sexting’, respectful ways to end a relationship et al:

  6. That Jesus Christ is bisexual and non-binary. Why? Because ‘he wore a dress’. I’m not kidding, watch the video for yourself:

And when will ‘they’ be including Mohammad, Buddha, Ghandi? Do you think they are safe?


Let me remind you (because no one else is) that YOU are the parentso why are YOU silent? What are YOU doing to stop this happening to YOUR children, YOUR nation? What are your morals?


Well, there are many reasons and many players, but you could always ask your friendly local politician, you know, that YOU voted for, that is YOUR representative, whom YOU pay.

But we don’t think they’ll tell you the truth, hell, we don’t think that they even know the truth, (if they even bother to answer your queries at all).

So, WE recommend YOU inform YOURSELF… read for yourselfThe Naked Communist’ by FBI Agent Cleon Skousen and summarised in the ‘45 Goals of Communism’ here:

Specifically, from item 10, and tell me what’s left for them to destroy.

Amongst all the doom and gloom of both what is manufactured and what is reality, we are pleased to tell you that, while we’ve been quiet, we have been very busy:

  • Our website has and is continuing to be updated with FACTS not opinion:

  • Our support in the community is growing (and we thank our many brave, inspired and even angry supporters for this),

  • That more Australians are waking up,

  • Our ‘network’ is expanding and creating the AustraliaOne as a legal entity and registered party is on track, and

  • We have many new videos coming your way – from both Riccardo and people just like YOU… you know, those who actually give a damn about what happens to you, yours and the many - irrespective of culture, creed or gender.

Australia, we cannot say this enough… strength ONLY comes in numbers and if YOU’RE willing to say ‘no more’ STAND UP AND JOIN THE FIGHT. While our supporter numbers are impressive, Riccardo has always said… “If an A1 rally can only muster:1,000 people – WE have a problem;

  • 10,000 people – The Police have a problem;

  • 100,000 people – The Politicians have a problem; but with

  • 1 million people – ‘We The People’ WIN.”

Don’t be like Lenin’s ‘Useful Idiots’ - be brave and stand by your fellow Australians and fight... Fight against what our politicians are doing to you, to your community and especially to your children at ‘seemingly’ the behest of someone else THEY won’t tell you about.

If you don’t, then it won’t be long before our nation is ‘gone’… and all you will be left with is their promoted divisions, complaints and your family’s ‘slavery’ to a foreign entity you will never be able to vote for or against.


For those who choose not to do anything…

  • Why are you even here?

  • Do you know any real history?

  • Do you really believe you will survive this?

Here’s the answer: When you have outlived your ‘USEFULNESS’ to ‘them’ all of you WILL be discarded too – it always happens. It’s happening now with Dr Fauci.


Aren’t you tired of losing:

  • To the politicians,

  • To the corruption,

  • To the criminals, and

  • To the sickos


Follow us:

  • on @AustraliaOneParty

  • on Bitchute: @AustraliaOne Party -

  • as a supporter on


Thanks for waking up.

Rhiannon Bosi / Chief of Staff

Australia One

disclaimer. imacogindewheeloflife has np affiliation with political parties




Echoing this reality is the Great Barrington Declaration, co-authored by three professors from Oxford, Harvard and Stanford universities — dismissed as ‘emphatically false’ by UK politicians, yet signed by more then 44,000 scientists, public health experts, and clinicians so far, including Nobel Prize winner Dr Michael Levitt.


To all Australians

The people of this nation have the ability to put a stop to the government fraud being perpertrated against every man and women. Stand together for we are the sovereign and hold the power, YOU just need to educate yourself that we Have Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK / 1901 (Cth) as proclaimed and gazetted.. We are their bosses they are our servents. Their only position is to administer this country for the well being of it's people

The exercise of any authority throughout the New Commonwealth is by authority granted by Our Covenant without exception.

As the Colonies ceased to exist by way of Clause 7 on the Proclamation of the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 UK there were no authorities exerciseable at Federation under Section 51 sub section 38 as claimed by the Australia Act 1986.

That Act is a Fraud

everyone granted authority by the Constitution as a Politicians, Judges, Magistrates, Police Officers, Public Servants or Legal Practitioners before swearing an oath of Office must swear the Lawful Oath. There are no exceptions.

That oath binds all of them through the British Accreditation Registrar, to the Coronation Oath of the Queen.

The oath is to uphold, the Faith, the Church of England and the Common Law.

The Common Law is:

  • – Magna Carta

  • – Habeas Corpus

  • – 1688 Bill of Rights including;

    • – The Statute of Monopolies,

    • – The Act of Settlement and

    • – The King James Bible.

Every member of the Bar (judges, barristers, lawyers, etc) is required to Comply with the Common Law subject only to the Covenant Constitution.

Non Compliance Means No Authority Whatsoever !!!

excerpts,from an excellent website. So to start your journey Learn Your Common Law Rights as a people of the Commonwealth Of Australia


Ever since Gough Whitlam all leaders of political parties who automatically became Prime Minister we’re and are fake, as is the Governor General. Neither of them are authorized under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 and the British Crown. Therefore, Australia has become a rogue nation ruled by liars, thieves, criminals and TRAITORS!

The States were created by Sections 107, 108 and 109 of the New Constitution and derive their authority from it. Ref HCA 48 of 1996 at Paragraph 17. “The State Constitutions only continue subject to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act with only the authority to Alter not Amend, Change or Repeal”.


"Rome showed us to not take civilization for granted. It also showed us to not ignore structural problems before they become too large to tackle".The Market Ticker ® - Commentary on The Capital Markets

Border Controls -Queenland and Western Australia

Western Australia has reintroduced "strict" new border controls with New South Wales, as the number of people infected with COVID-19 in the Bondi cluster grows to six.

  • All new NSW arrivals to WA must self-quarantine immediately

  • They must isolate until returning a negative COVID-19 test

  • NSW arrivals since June 11 must also get tested if they feel unwell


Australians we have had our Commonwealth stolen and sold to foreign interests

Shared thanks -Jeff K - the corruption is layers deep - Australians we have had our Commonwealth stolen and sold to foreign interes t - our treasonous Government rife with protected paedophiles has sold us out on every level .....

Here's just the tip of the iceberg Scott Morrison and co are thieving off the Australians

Shocking list of LNP's organised crime's.......

1trillion DEBT-cost every Australian a$50,000 bill.

##$190,000 to RICHARD FORBES from BUSH FIRE RECOVERY FUND advertising of the bushfire recovery!!



##$128million in 2019-2020 on GOVT advertising


##$541,746 JIM REED for LNP PARTY advertising strategy.


##$46million to HILLSONG bestmate LEIGH COLEMAN

##$4,000per hour CORMANN+8 staffers jeting around Europe for an OECD JOB,

##$1.2Billion class action payout ROBO-DEBT PAYOUT.


##LNP STACKING National DIsability Appeal tribunal. ##$13.5million appealing disability decisions.

##$30million FLETCHERrort to LNP DONOR.

##TAXHIKE for millions of Australian workers-FRYDENBERG intends ripping $1,000.00 off every low income worker pa.

##$1million payment to ACare executive GARY BARNIER.

#Dutton's$39million fraud n thief payment to AUSTRAL.




#MORRISON spent $1.1million from taxes to 1)gain community attitudes to COVID19 n 2) $500,000 market research- $15MILLION economic recovery funded advertising campaign.

##MORRISION paid $29.8million for land valued $3million-pathetic waste of taxes.

##MORRISON/FORREST INDUE CARD SCAM doubting the cost of welfare payments for all recipients.

##MORRISON govt approved CHINA BUYING A $9.7BILLIONport n rail project in


##$650million Arts Fund-Morrison failed to deliver.

##$42million Hillsong mate alleged fraud/bribery Leigh Coleman

##$10million failed new australian logo

#stolen 2trillion litres murray darling water #watergate scandel JOYCE/LITTLEPROUD/

#TAYLOR ##$79.8million JOYCE/TAYLOR water payment.

#QLD $12million Urannah DAM fraud to an LNP FIRM.

#$4million Shine energy grant.

#$138million+ for a COVID failed tracking app+$70million its promotion.

#$166million arts sector funding-no money allocated.


#LNP NSW GLADYS $800K funding for the Palm Beach Golf club ran by a FORMER LNP STAFFER???

#Abbott's $500million cuts to our First Nations Funding.

#$500,000 job JOHN REED-LNP STAFFER.

#$688million home builder package criteria for the wealthy.

#AFP MAFIA-STYLE corruption.

#$60billion job KEEPER miscalculation.

#$2.5BILLION Community Grants Development.

#MORRISON/Gaetjens scam marginal electoral seats.

#$94millionVisa Processing scam

#$3million BMWcars.


#SERCO/Govt money laundering enterprise-PARAKEELIA.

#$8.1BILLION secretly used 'Delegated Regulations' to avoid scrutiny of our Senate or the lower house-83% spent on marginal seats.

**$102.5MILLION Sports Infrastructure program.

**$50million regional swimming pools incl **$10million nth Sydney pool.

**$272million regional growth fund.

**$841.6million building better regions fund over 4years.

#$200million GOVT ADVERTISING before election.

#$2BILLION Climate Solutions Fund.

#$4billion Urban Congestion Fund incl #$500million commuter Carpark fund.

#$300million Drought Communities Program.

#$200million Regional Jobs Investments Package.

#$22.65million Stronger Communities Program.

#$22.65million Communities Environment Program.

#$50k for each program in each of our 151 electorates.

#$3billion ripped out of TAFE.

#$3.9MILLION MORRISON granted on eve of the election-unknown recipient?



#$15million MORRISON paid a MAJOR DONOR?

#NIGEL SCUILLION handed FORREST $3.82MILLION of Aboriginal Funding, 6mths before the election.


##MASSIVE TAFE Apprenticeship Jobs cuts.

#Paid PENTECOSTAL HILLSONG grants of around $1BILLION to administer grants programs for our first nation ppl-HILLSONG spent most money on their staff salaries-few grants awarded to aboriginal recipients.

#QAnon paying LYNELLE Stewart $86,000pa companion for JENNY MORRISON?

-#Brian Houston mentoring for MORRISON?

#$250million on SHARK 1.

#$33million to fight our veterans in our courts.

#$377,000 for ScottCam n Tina Arena GOVT ADVERTS

##$190,000 for an empathy consultant.

##$300Million to SKYTV for a MUNDINE aboriginal show prior election.

#HELLOWORLD travel rort.


##$40million WA CHURCHES.


-In our Court system;


-AFP hence why TAYLOR's charges dropped;

-the ROC.

All while Australian ppl are experiencing

Stagnant wages growth,


-Low productivity,

-high homelessness,

-high household debt,

-low NEWSTART funding,

-increasing powej op


Slip of De Tongue

Australia Health Minister calls Covid the NEW WORLD ORDER

During a public speech the Health Minister of Australia had a revealing slip of tongue, where he called Covid the 'New World Order.' To learn about the New World Order and how you can help stop it, visit:

It seems very likely that the vaxxt are shreading the spike protein. Now more documentation is coming to light supporting it to be fact not just theory.

There seems to be some remedy available:

Read this Aussies

Official figures from the TGA, 209 deaths after recieving the jabbb.




It is a felony to restrain trade, attempt to monopolize or fix prices among people who are supposed to be competing. The medical industry does it every single day. Why not when the example set is that if you're rich or powerful (and they are both) you could even spy for a foreign nation and get away with it. We could literally dispose of the entire federal budget deficit, all of the Federal debt, all of the state and local pension problems and cut property taxes in half or more if we put a stop to this crap. They do it because despite the law they have no fear of prosecution. Why should they?


The Christchurch shooter, obviously nuts, wrote a "manifesto" which governments are actively trying to suppress your ability to read. In it he pointed out an inconvenient truth -- that there is no nation with a material white population percentage in which white women are reproducing at a replacement or better rate. That is, unless this changes white people will eventually go extinct.

We bemoan a little fish, frog or bird disappearing but there is literally not one word in the media about the most-productive and innovative differentiated group of human beings ever to walk the planet heading directly for extinction by their own voluntary decision. Why are white women choosing not to bear children? Maybe it's because a goodly number of them have come to the same conclusion I have -- that there is no rule of law -- and thus unless they're so rich they can cheat like those who did so to get their kids into college their offspring have no chance of success on a merit basis and they thus make the entirely reasonable decision not to create children at all. After all why would you willingly and intentionally bring a child into this world if you believe they are going to be enslaved and mercilessly robbed for their entire lives?

Rather than correct that problem governments instead are importing people who have not yet made that determination or worse, believe and are explicitly promised that they can simply put their hand out and force others to provide whatever they want and need -- and thus those people make the entirely reasonable decision to breed like rabbits!


We have in fact become so depraved that our own government is giving cats diseases on purpose to study them and even though those diseases are easily curable and the animals could then be adopted out that takes a bit of effort and more than a a nickel in cost so they kill them instead. That would be bad enough but our government is also importing cats and dogs from nations around the world for the purpose of meat to feed said study subjects, practicing animal cannibalism. We can't be bothered to use byproducts of human food production; you see, that might cost a bit more money


The Market Ticker ® - Commentary on The Capital Markets


Why NSW Has Always Been ahead of Victoria

Thursday, 17 June 2021 Wollongong, Australia By Greg Canavan Twitter: @RumRebellionAus

[9 min read]

Dear Reader,

The Australian political system has failed the people.

I guess it’s really just catching up with the rest of the world. In the same way as the RBA caught up with the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of England.

They’ve all gone ‘QE’, and are happily destroying the purchasing power of their respective national currencies.

It probably shouldn’t be surprising, then, to see this insanity permeate into all levels of society, especially politics.

Before I talk specifics though, let’s put things into context. Then you can ask yourself; how far have we come? How much have we ‘progressed’?

You see, the Constitution of the country that is now under constant abuse from elected and unelected bureaucrats took a long time to draft and agree on. Henry Parkes first envisaged a unified Australia as early as the 1850s.

Federation, as it become known, would have perhaps occurred years earlier but for the animosities between the NSW free traders and the protectionist Victorians. See, the Vics have always had a leftist bent!

The first Constitutional Convention occurred in Sydney in 1891. As David Kemp writes in A Free Country, Australians’ Search for Utopia, Duncan Gillies, Premier of Victoria, spoke at the first session:

There have been no peoples in these colonies who have not enjoyed the most perfect freedom to express their opinions in public, and through their representatives in parliament, on any public question of importance. There has never been any occasion when such an opportunity has not been given to every man in this country, and so free and liberal are our laws and public institutions that it has never been suggested by any mortal upon this continent that that right should in any way be restricted. On the contrary, we all feel proud of the freedom which everyone in this country enjoys. It is a freedom not surpassed in any state of the world, not even in the boasted republic of America.’

Kemp added:

Those who had women or the Aboriginal people in mind would have questioned Gilles’ generalization, but no one questioned its truth as it applied to British and “native-born” Australian men.’

I bring this up, because 130 years later, I reckon our founding fathers would be horrified at the lack of freedom we now have. Moreover, they would be appalled at the liberties being taken from us by health bureaucrats.

In their time, a health bureaucrat wasn’t even a thing. There was this crazy antiquated notion that you were generally responsible for your own health. Weird, huh?

But now, we are all subject to the whims of these bureaucratic tyrants.

What about the story of the couple who were denied access to their newborn baby in QLD for eight days so they could complete their quarantine…despite being vaccinated and testing negative multiple times?

Stay safe!

Or this:

The Queensland government has refused travel permits for Mark Kilian and Anneli Gericke, despite the couple being fully vaccinated. They flew to Australia from the US to visit Mr Kilian’s 80-year-old father, who is dying with pancreatic cancer. After the couple arrived in Sydney on Tuesday morning, they were prevented from boarding a private charter flight to Coolangatta. Mr Kilian said his father was “really holding on” for the couple to see him, but the “disappointment” of being unable to see them is a “shock for him”.

But hey everyone, get jabbed with an experimental vaccine and you’ll be able to travel again, we promise! Not after the first jab though. Maybe after the second. Or perhaps when you get the booster. (Despite the vaccine not protecting you from getting the virus OR from passing it on!)

Of course, state governments can only legally get away with this under the cover of a ‘state of emergency’. Operating under this state of emergency allows governments to impinge on personal freedoms and trash the Constitution.

And in Victoria, they want to make it permanent. 130 years ago, NSW and Victoria offered stark contrasts in the way they wanted to develop economically. NSW, under the guidance of one of its great premiers, George Reid, believed passionately in free trade between the states.

Victoria, on the other hand, supported tariffs to protect their industries. Reid knew that the result of protection was higher-priced goods, paid for by the people.

NSW won that argument.

Today, the two states offer another stark contrast in the way this virus is managed. Victoria’s health system is completely incompetent. They try to mask this by maximum fearmongering. NSW, on the other hand, calmly manages a few sick people without going into meltdown (or lockdown).

One state (mostly) respects the liberal tradition of freedom of movement, association, and speech, while the other has turned full soviet.

As The Age reported earlier this week:

The Andrews government is secretly negotiating with three crossbenchers to introduce specific pandemic laws that would permanently replace controversial state of emergency powers and significantly change the way the state manages COVID-19 this year. State of emergency laws have been active in Victoria since last March as the legal instrument that allows authorities to enforce a range of public health commands, including lockdowns, mandatory mask wearing and 14-day quarantine. The Age can reveal the government is designing the new laws to cover all future pandemics, not just the coronavirus pandemic. It is intended that they will be in place by December, when the current state of emergency provisions expire, and a first draft is expected within the next two months. The pandemic legislation will be permanently shaped by the demands of three upper-house crossbenchers: Animal Justice Party MP Andy Meddick, Reason Party MP Fiona Patten and Greens leader Samantha Ratnam. In an unconventional move that has infuriated the Coalition and other crossbenchers, the Health Department is negotiating the new legislation with only Mr Meddick, Ms Patten and the Greens, and has held a series of meetings with them behind closed doors in recent weeks.

The ideals behind our famous Constitution, which we fought two World Wars for, are nowhere to be seen in Victorian politics (or politics anywhere in this country, to be honest). This is a naked power grab under the guise of ‘health’ and ‘keeping us safe’, using fear as an instrument of coercion.

It’s a good time to remind you that this virus is only dangerous to a small segment of society. The elderly and those with ‘comorbidities’. And with the elderly, the average age of death from COVID (or with COVID, I can’t keep up with their definitions) is OLDER than the average age of death in general!

A responsible government should do everything to protect this group while doing everything to maintain the rights and freedoms of everyone else.

But instead we have insane hysteria (fully fuelled by a compliant media) when there is ONE case.

All to promote enough fear to get you to take an experimental vaccine that won’t stop you getting or passing on the virus, and for many age groups is potentially more harmful than the virus itself.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that someone was conducting an experiment on us. But nah, that’s just a conspiracy theory.

A conspiracy theory?

Yeah. Something that everyone laughs at as crazy talk (because the media and government couldn’t possibly be lying to us), until a year or two later when all of a sudden, the official narrative emerges with holes all over the place.

Let me leave you with the words of Alfred Deakin (who went on to become Australia’s second prime minister) speaking at the conclusion to the second Constitutional Convention in 1898:

What a charter of liberty that is embraced within this bill — of political liberty and religious liberty — the liberty and the means to achieve all the which mean in these days can reasonably aspire. A charter of liberty is enshrined in this Constitution, which is also a charter of peace peace order and good government for the whole of the peoples whom it will embrace and unite

If only it were so.


Greg Canavan, Editor, The Rum Rebellion


and in the UK


New 4-Page Memo Sent Out by Neil M. Ferguson

from the Imperial College London Purportedly

to Key Covid Crime Spree Co-Conspirators

Spells Out Secret Plot to Effectuate the

“Permanent Lockdown of the UK”

"Terrorism is being unleashed upon humanity " - IMACOGINDEWHEELOFLIFE

“From the beginning Covid has been a conspiracy against health and life. Covid is a profit-making agenda and an agenda for increasing arbitrary government power over people. There should be massive law suits and massive arrests of those who block effective Covid cures and impose a deadly vaccine.” – Paul Craig Roberts, Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan

"WE HAVE been exposed to many misleading statements aimed at getting as many of us as possible vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus. These have included inflated ways of reporting cases and deaths, unvalidated measures such as enforced mask-wearing to increase fear of contagion, and false assurances from medical authorities and supposed ‘fact-checkers’ about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines." The Conservative Women....

"A slave is not allowed weapons because he might use them to become free"

Last week, Britain’s regulators approved the Pfizer jab for 12-15-year-olds, concluding it is ‘safe and effective in this age group and that the benefits of this vaccine outweigh any risk’. As Sally Beck wrote in TCW here, several high-profile experts questioned the ethics of the decision, which came even as 93 doctors in Israel – a testing ground for the same vaccine – wrote to their government begging them not to use it on children.

Tomorrow: Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing some possible unintended consequences of the mRNA vaccines against Covid-19

read here

read excerpt

Introduction Unprecedented. This word has defined so much about 2020 and the pandemic related to SARS-CoV-2. In addition to an unprecedented disease and its global response, COVID-19 also initiated an unprecedented process of vaccine research, production, testing, and public distribution (Shaw, 

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research2(1), May 10, 2021 Page | 392021). The sense of urgency around combatting the virus led to the creation, in March 2020, of Operation Warp Speed (OWS), then-President Donald Trump’s program to bring a vaccine against COVID-19 to market as quickly as possible(Jacobs and Armstrong, 2020). OWS established a few more unprecedented aspects of COVID-19. First, it brought the US Department of Defense into direct collaboration with US health departments with respect to vaccine distribution (Bonsell, 2021). Second, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) collaborated with the biotechnology company Moderna in bringing an unprecedented type of vaccine against infectious disease to market, one utilizing a technology based on messenger RNA (mRNA) (National Institutes of Health, 2020).The confluence of these unprecedented events has rapidly brought to public awareness the promise and potential of mRNA vaccines as a new weapon against infectious diseases into the future. At the same time, events without precedent are, by definition, without a history and context against which to fully assess risks, hoped-for benefits, safety, and long-term viability as a positive contribution to public health. In this paper we will be briefly reviewing oneparticular aspect of these unprecedented events, namely the development and deployment of mRNA vaccines against the targeted class of infectious diseases under the umbrella of “SARS-CoV-2.”We believe many of the issues we raise here will be applicable toany future mRNA vaccine that might be produced against other infectious agents, or in applications related to cancer and genetic diseases, while others seem specifically relevant to mRNA vaccines currently being implemented against the subclass of corona viruses. While the promises of this technology have been widely heralded, the objectively assessed risks and safety concerns have received far less detailed attention. It is our intention to review several highly concerning molecular aspects of infectious disease-related mRNA technology, and to correlate these with both documented and potential pathological effects

Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in ‘High Concentrations’ in Ovaries • Children's Health Defense


site shared by David M.

On this page you can download dozens of scientific studies and investigative reports that confirm Dr Reiner Fuellmich's claim jhat the pandemic is a crime against humanity. Share this scientific evidence with your own family practitioner, school teachers, medical staff, law enforcement, local authorities, etc. Stop World Control has also created several in-depth reports that prove how the pandemic has been planned for decades.

Would you like to know the truth

about what's happening in our world?

just one of the many reports-


60 page report by the World Doctors Alliance and the Extra Parliamentary Corona Investigation Committee explains why there is no pandemic.



The Kovid Kure Kontinues To Kollect Kolateral


A family member I recently spoke with said a friend of theirs, who knows quite a few nurses at this hospital, told him that their local hospital in Maitland had recorded 48 people who had had the vakks with adverse side affects from blood clotting.There was also six to seven others of whom were not recorded which had blood clots and also that two had died from adverse events from the Vakks...

I have no real factual proof but do believe what I was told may have occured.

Reports in NSW

Two NSW men die after receiving COVID-19 vaccination as TGA begins review

Two men have died days after receiving a coronavirus vaccination in New South Wales, with reviews underway to determine whether the jab contributed to their deaths.

One man, reportedly in his 50s, died at a hospital in Tamworth in the state’s northwest. The other man, believed to be in his 70s, died in Sydney

  • One of the men's next-of-kin said he was "otherwise healthy"

  • The family member said the man died "of a massive blood clot"

  • The TGA will look at the patients' medical histories, risk factors and medications

Earlier this month, 48-year-old Genene Norris, from the state's Central Coast, suffered fatal blood clotting after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

She had underlying health conditions, but the TGA confirmed the clotting was likely to be linked to the vaccine.

Rest In Peace

My sincerest condolences to the families loosing their loved ones , IMACOGINDEWHEELOFLIFE


Because COVID vaccines are so new, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has requested every reaction suspected to be from one of the jabs be reported.

For doctors and nurses administering COVID vaccines, reporting adverse events is mandatory. Of course, many adverse events only occur after a person has left the clinic, so patients are advised to self-report any symptoms or side effects that concern them

Australia's vaccination plan

The Australian Government is leading the COVID-19 vaccine rollout across Australia.

It has developed a national strategy so that everyone can access a free COVID-19 vaccine.

Data from John Hopkins on Deaths coincident with vaccine rollouts: The failure of applied solutions : Massive vaccination

3 countries that had brutal massive vaccination campaigns witnessed their worst epidemic mortality peak and their longest deadliest phase (figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) in conjunction with vaccination campaign initiation.

In 2 of these cases, their covid mortality exceeded that for all the preceding 10 months of the epidemic. These countries are Israel, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and United Kingdom (UK). Israel used mRNA Pfizer, UK used mRNA Pfizer, Moderna and Astrazeneca, UAE used mRNA Pfizer, Sputnik and Sinopharm.

It is interesting to note that this deadly episode coinciding with vaccination happened in Israel and the UK under strict lockdown including non essential business closure and stay home mandates.

“There is no justification for taking away individuals’ freedom in the guise of public safety.” – Thomas Jefferson

The CDC's VAERS system now shows more reports of deaths than ALL other vaccines put together for the last 29 years despite having given about 1/10th the amount so far of vaccinations?

COVID Post-Vaccination Adverse Events & Deaths. Coincidences?

Warning: Do NOT get COVID vaccinated if you had a symptomatic case of COVID and recovered and still have antibodies in your system because that puts you at higher risk for serious vaccine adverse events. See medical recommendations.

listen to the face of evil

Bill Gates – We can Reduce the World’s population with new vaccines.



Hold them, love them and WARN them before it's too late


HUGE .... 3 British Airways pilots have DIED of the COxxVID vaxxine in the past 7-days, and BA are now in crisis talks with the UK Government about whether or not their vaxxinated pilots should be allowed to fly.

85% of all British Airways pilots have already been vaxxinated.

British Airways confirmed the deaths in response to inquiries on social media, but denied there was a connection to the vaccine

US, Israël, Canada and Germany: Health-officials are warning for heart inflammation due to Covid-vaccines, especially under young people. Israël concluded: 25x higher rate of these incidents since vaccinating younger citizens:

Stakeholders have expressed condolences after the TGA confirmed a second Australian death likely to be linked to AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine


In its weekly update discussing adverse events from the use of COVID-19 vaccines, the Therapeutic Goods Administration confirmed seven additional cases of blood clots with low blood platelets.

These have been assessed as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) likely to be linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“Sadly, in one of these cases the patient has died, and we extend our sincerest condolences to her family,” the TGA said.

“This brings the total number of confirmed and probable TTS cases in Australia to 48. When assessed using the United Kingdom case definition, 35 cases were confirmed and 13 were deemed probable TTS.”

The TGA had confirmed that the woman was a 52-year-old from NSW who developed a severe form of TTS “with a blood clot in the brain, known as a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis”.

AstraZeneca also made a statement about the case.

“We are sad to hear of the passing of a woman who recently received Covid-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, and our thoughts are with her family and friends,” the company said.

“Patient safety remains AstraZeneca’s highest priority, and we continue to work closely with the TGA and other regulators around the world as they investigate these very rare cases.”

The TGA also noted that to 6 June 2021, it had received 272 reports of death following vaccination for COVID-19 vaccines.

However, this did not mean the two events were linked in most cases, it source


Were COVID-19 Vaccines Made To “Self-Spread” To Non-Vaccinated People?

Johns Hopkins promoted the idea and Pfizer mentioned potential risks during trials

By Kelen McBreen | INFOWARS.COM Thursday, April 29, 2021

Documents from Pfizer, Johns Hopkins and others discuss the potential for COVID-19 vaccines to “self-spread” to non-vaccinated individuals coming in contact with a recently vaccinated person.



He is not a Doctor nor medical scientists but a billionare who sells microsoft operating systems and Vaccines


It appears that the Globalists Gates and Soros are indeed tied in with the Chinese on both the virus release (remember, the UN/Gates pre-planning conference on October 18, in NYC last year) as well as being part owners of the Fauci-approved cure—Remdesivir—that sells for $1,000 a pop read

Remdesivir: George Soros & Bill Gates Partner with China on Coronavirus Drug!

view other posts

  • Confidential Pfizer Document Exposed! Vaccine is Toxic!

  • Oversight For Human Pathogens and Toxins Act, Quarantine Act Removed, Slipped Into Budget Bill

  • Eric Clapton’s COVID19 Vaccine Testimony.

  • “Comedian” Jon Stewart continues his career of telling half truths, this time selling “Wuhan lab leak” narrative.

  • Klaus Schwab, in short… “we need a Great reset!”, and we’re using China to do it.


IMACOGINDEWHEEL, agrees with Jeff Dornik's sTatement.....

The Left has used the fact that Conservatives do not comply with the mainstream narrative as claims that we are nothing more than a bunch of tin foil hat conspiracy theorists, no better than the likes of Alex Jones or Coast-to-Coast. We’ve called out the Left’s lies repeatedly, but have been discredit to the masses because we don’t control the Mainstream Media, Big Tech or any of the other ways of getting our message out there.
This is extremely dangerous, especially in light of COVID-19. Many of us have been sounding the alarm about the constant lies that have been spread about this “pandemic.” The Left destroyed us for saying it was made in a lab… now that turns out to be true. They said we want to kill grandma because we didn’t think cloth masks worked… turns out that was true too. We are labeled as anti-vaxxers because we point out the serious side effects and the science behind the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines… now it’s coming out that our claims are being verified and validated. And yet, the masses continue to trust the very government and media that is lying to us on a daily basis.



1. Multiple global and local news websites are down; currently there is no confirmation as to what is causing the mass outages. The New York Times, CNN and the BBC are down, while several Australian news websites have also been affected., News Video Alan Jones Sky News Australia

Alan Jones - Sky News Australia

2. ARE YOU PREPARED TO PLAY RUSSIIAN ROULLETTE? With yours and your childrens lives.

CDC "Emergency Meeting" Set to Discuss Worldwide Epidemic of Blood Clots Caused by Covid Vaccines

(S.D. Wells) How will the insidious vaccine industrial complex “stop the bleeding” from this already epidemic-sized atrocity of mRNA technology in inoculations that’s proving to cause human blood to clot in the brain and lungs? The mass media (fake news) that’s been teamed up with Big Pharma for decades, is playing “catch and release” with the blood clot epidemic, covering the carnage with a very light, informative tone and then reiterating the LIE that catching Covid is “much more dangerous” and has a higher likelihood of death than getting the vaccines. Sure.

Related CDC Claims Covid-19 Kills ‘healthy Young Children’ as Doctors Push Back on Vaccinating Kids


3.To say that the spike protein is merely “dangerous”, is a vast understatement. It is a potentially-lethal pathogen that has already killed tens of thousands of people.

So, why did the vaccine manufacturers settle on the spike protein as an antigen that would induce an immune response in the body?

That’s the million-dollar question, after all, for all practical purposes, the spike protein is a poison. We know that now due to research that was conducted at the Salk Institute. Here’s a summary of what they found: READ @

“Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease…. SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system (aka–The circulatory system) on a cellular level… scientists studying other coronaviruses have long suspected that the spike protein contributed to damaging vascular endothelial cells, but this is the first time the process has been documented…. the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls. The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2…“If you remove the replicating capabilities of the virus, it still has a major damaging effect on the vascular cells, simply by virtue of its ability to bind to this ACE2 receptor, the S protein receptor, now famous thanks to COVID.” (“COVID-19 Is a Vascular Disease: Coronavirus’ Spike Protein Attacks Vascular System on a Cellular Level”,

Remember how everyone laughed at Trump when he said injecting household bleach would cure Covid? How is this any different?

4.This should make things clear about what the vaccine truly is. There are two different types of the COVID vaccine. One is the mRNA which is messenger RNA. His personal belief is this is the more likely candidate to be the MARK.

The video on the website has been wiped from youtube, but you can read the summary at this link

Your body is the actual Temple of God for the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17, King James Version

16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

In the 12-minute video shown below, an unnamed doctor is asked what happens to an unvaccinated person when they come into contact with a vaccinated person.

go to video @ link

5. Listen to Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D

Perspectives on the Pandemic | "Blood Clots and Beyond" | Episode 15

In February, 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections.


“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now… We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.” (“Vaccine scientist: ‘We’ve made a big mistake’”, Conservative Woman)

7.Every reason to doubt the vaccine makers’ reassurances

excerpt. go to link read full report

We are all living in an oppressive society in which if we refuse vaccinations we will be subjected to social and governmental pressure, as well as extreme fear tactics.

‘Even worse, many institutions, such as schools and public events, are already announcing that they will not admit individuals who lack vaccine passes. People in the government are warning about vaccine passes being used to control domestic and international travel. Vaccine passports are weapons of social control.

‘I am not against vaccines in principle, but the Covid-19 vaccinations must be stopped. The vaccines are unprecedented in their mechanism, dangerous and very experimental, and the reported deaths are mounting. There is insufficient information for anyone to give informed consent.

8.Doctors and Scientists Write to the European Medicines Agency, Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers for a Third Time



The European Medicines Agency and those persons who work for that regulatory body, of which body you are Executive Director, were put on notice by Doctors for Covid Ethics on 1 April 2021. We note your iterations to the press since that date.



Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, he was once CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta, and for the past 20 years has held the position as Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company based in North Carolina currently tasked with selling a COVID-19 test. He is a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology, who trained at Cambridge University in the UK — he is perfectly positioned to speak on this topic.



Sharing this message from

freedom Day/MMAMV

If you’re a disability support worker who doesn’t want the vaccine or if you’re a client or guardian of someone receiving NDIS funding and you want carers who are unvaccinated please send us a message immediately.

Together, we have some hope to beat the upcoming mandates.


share this info

At a recent public expo, I was shocked to discover that the National Disability Services (NDS), a peak body for over 1100 disability providers across Australia, issued a policy statement in February 2021 calling on all Government to implement a nation-wide policy of MANDATORY VACCINATIONS FOR EVERY AUSTRALIAN – without exceptions!

People who might dissent or wish to exercise conscientious objection or informed consent will be met with opposition by service providers who will “manage the risks of any exemptions to vaccination may pose to their clients and other employees”. In other words, you will be denied NDIS services.

By natural consequence & implication, NDIS participants, their families and carers will be forbidden to access gardeners, cleaners, transport drivers, therapists or other service providers unless they have all been vaccinated.

This was the promise of Event 201 and Operation Lockstep and, as promised, they have FLOODED THE ZONE with just one directive of GLOBAL VACCINATION. Now we are ordered to get vaccinated, or else No Jab/No NDIS services!

At the opposite end of the vaccine debate, NDIS Support Coordinator, Matilda Bawden, was recently put under investigation by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NQSC) after she complied with NDIS & Department of Health policies giving NDIS participants vaccination choices, including whether or not participants must be forced to use vaccinated staff in their personal homes whilst at risk of transmission or contagion. As yet, NDIS still claims vaccinations are VOLUNTARY for participants. However, the NQSC has now ordered Ms. Bawden to retract her emailed instructions to colleagues and staff, honouring her immune-compromised client’s wishes to refuse vaccinated staff in her home. NQSC also wants Ms. Bawden to apologise and retract from the NDIS policy giving her client the right to “choice and control” & to concede an “error in judgement”. Ms. Bawden has declined to do so and she is standing by her client. For more information, see the attached Media Release, “Clarify COVID Vaccination Rights for NDIS Participants Now”.

If these issues concern you or your loved ones, whether persons with a disability or industry workers alike, we are urgently asking you to do all of the following:

1) DEMAND that the NQSC INVESTIGATE the NDS policy statement and DEMAND that the NDS issues an apology and RETRACTS the policy directive as a gross breach of the human rights of ALL Australians to exercise bodily autonomy, informed consent and CHOICE AND CONTROL.

2) Email and Phone:

• NQSC Commissioner Robert Griew at and

• Senior Complaints Handling Officer, Joseph Hall on 08 8318 2740 & (

3) Please keep a copy of your email and get a receipt number for your complaint & don’t let them bury your complaint. You can even cc me or Matilda Bawden at or message to 0412 836 685.

4) Share this to all family, friends and networks via emails and social media including Facebook, Telegram or other forums.

If you need help, please contact me at Severina Burner, 0433 393 298, or at .


Australian Vaccination-risks Network Inc.

The AVN puts Minister Hunt and the Australian Government on notice of potential legal action | Australian Vaccination-risks Network Inc.

The following letter has been sent to Minister Greg Hunt and the Shadow Minister for Health, The Hon Mark Butler, MP today. The

The following letter has been sent to Minister Greg Hunt and the Shadow Minister for Health, The Hon Mark Butler, MP today. The AVN has also issued a media release to inform the press of our demands. If you are able to help by supporting these demands with letters of your own, that would be very much appreciated!




Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology.

Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.

Dr. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist.

Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines.

Should you get vaccinated?

Steve's paper on COVID vaccine reactions: I recently learned that these vaccines have likely killed over 25,800 Americans (which I confirmed 3 different ways) and disabled at least 1,000,000 more. And we’re only halfway to the finish line. We need to PAUSE these vaccines NOW before more people are killed.

The CDC, FDA, and NIH aren’t disclosing how many people have been killed or disabled from the COVID vaccines. The mainstream media isn’t asking any questions; they are playing along. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others are all censoring content that goes against the “perfectly safe” narrative so nobody is the wiser. Tony Fauci, the “father of COVID,” is still in his job even though all of this is his fault. Cliff Lane, who reports to Tony, is still sandbagging early treatments so that people will falsely believe that the vaccine is the only option. The Democrats are still asleep at the wheel by refusing to request Fauci’s unredacted emails from the NIH which will prove he covered up the fact he created the virus in the first place. Biden is clueless urging Americans to vaccinate their kids with a deadly vaccine that has likely killed more than 25,000 Americans so far. Academics in the medical community are nearly all clueless, urging people to get the safe and effective vaccine. When I tried to bring this to the attention of leading academics they told me I was wrong and not to contact them ever again. Sound too hard to believe? I don’t blame you. But there is a reason that this article is the most popular article that has ever been on TrialSiteNews with over 1M views so far. It’s because everything I’ve said is true. And nobody will debate me live about it. They all refuse.

Based on what I now know about the miniscule vaccine benefits (less than a .5% reduction in absolute risk), side effects (including death), current COVID rates, and the success rate of early treatment protocols, the answer I would give today to anyone asking me for advice as to whether to take any of the current vaccines would be, I always get vaccinated. I have been fully vaccinated with the Moderna COVID vaccine. My three daughters have all been vaccinated.

I recently learned that these vaccines have likely killed over 25,800 Americans (which I confirmed 3 different ways) and disabled at least 1,000,000 more. And we’re only halfway to the finish line. We need to PAUSE these vaccines NOW before more people are killed.

The CDC, FDA, and NIH aren’t disclosing how many people have been killed or disabled from the COVID vaccines. The mainstream media isn’t asking any questions; they are playing along. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others are all censoring content that goes against the “perfectly safe” narrative so nobody is the wiser. Tony Fauci, the “father of COVID,” is still in his job even though all of this is his fault. Cliff Lane, who reports to Tony, is still sandbagging early treatments so that people will falsely believe that the vaccine is the only option. The Democrats are still asleep at the wheel by refusing to request Fauci’s unredacted emails from the NIH which will prove he covered up the fact he created the virus in the first place. Biden is clueless urging Americans to vaccinate their kids with a deadly vaccine that has likely killed more than 25,000 Americans so far. Academics in the medical community are nearly all clueless, urging people to get the safe and effective vaccine. When I tried to bring this to the attention of leading academics they told me I was wrong and not to contact them ever again. Sound too hard to believe? I don’t blame you. But there is a reason that this article is the most popular article that has ever been on TrialSiteNews with over 1M views so far. It’s because everything I’ve said is true. And nobody will debate me live about it. They all refuse.

Based on what I now know about the miniscule vaccine benefits (less than a .5% reduction in absolute risk), side effects (including death), current COVID rates, and the success rate of early treatment protocols, the answer I would give today to anyone asking me for advice as to whether to take any of the current vaccines would be, “Just say NO.” Waiting for Novavax (and other traditional vaccines) is a much safer option. If you get COVID in the meantime, treating with early treatment protocols that incorporate fluvoxamine and ivermectin is vastly superior to getting the most dangerous vaccine in the last 30 years.

Vaccines are particularly contraindicated if you have already been infected with COVID or are under age 20. For these people, I would say “NO! NO! NO!

The death rate from this vaccine is off the charts, more than all 70 vaccines over the past 30 years combined

But this is just the beginning of our story. We have a lot of ground to cover. I’ll talk about Fauci, NIAID, CDC, Congress, academia, Cliff Lane, and more. I will close with action items you can take and how to treat vaccine victims.

Before we jump into the details, here are some key points:read more here

Steve's Twitter: HTTPS:// COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund:

The True Story of How mRNA Vaccination was Invented


Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines (and DNA vaccines). He also discovered lipid mediated and naked RNA transfection technologies. It all started when he was at the Salk Institute in 1987 and 1988. There, he pioneered in-vitro RNA transfection and also in-vivo RNA transfection (in frog embryos, as well as mice). This resulted in his seminal paper: Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection RW Malone, PL Felgner, IM Verma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 86 (16), 6077-6081

His filed patent and disclosures from the Salk included in-vivo RNA transfection and also methods for mRNA stabilization - now being claimed as invented by others. These are available for review. Read the full story

For the full backstory on the discovery of mRNA vaccination, as written by Dr. Malone’s partner and wife, please download the PDF

Dr Peter McCullough on the rush to vaccinate the entire population.

ASIA PACIFIC TODAYPublished June 5, 2021

RumbleDr Peter McCullough is Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine, Baylor Dallas Campus.

He an internationally recognized authority on the evaluation of medical evidence in contemporary issues in medicine and has published widely. He has lectured on a broad range of health topics around the world and brings his experience into clinical focus for his patients on a daily basis.

Concerns have been raised about the Victorian Government’s paper called Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies.

Dr Peter McCullough is profoundly disturbed about the Government rush to vaccinate the entire population, including those who are immune and not at high risk. Dr McCullough has stated publicly that he cannot recommend the Covid19 vaccines based on all current safety data.

It's interesting that MSM, Big Tech and Govt love to rubbish and discredit people who don't agree with the current narrative. Obviously they know more than Dr McCullough, MD, MPH, FACC, FACP, FAHA, FASN, FNKF, FCRSA Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine, Baylor Dallas Campus President, Cardiorenal Society of America Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology

COVID19 Vaccine Deaths & Risks

After a 48 hour period, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine will have the highest concentration in the ovaries and bone marrow (which still appears to be increasing); read Japan FOIA request document here. To add onto that, on December 1, 2020 we had two pronate scientists attempt to slow the vaccine rollout in the EU, claiming the vaccine could lead to infertility; read document petition to the European Medicines Agency.

Based on the data, there does appear to be potential risks related to autoimmune conditions and cancer (concentrations bone marrow) and infertility and genetic defects (concentrations in ovaries)



The documentary below, “The Pushback,” details the day the world stood together against government overreach and the destruction of human rights — and why we must unite, every day, and push back.

Chances are, you didn’t hear about this global rallying cry for freedom, as the mainstream media have near-universally censored any news of it.

What Was The Pandemic Really About?

In my best-selling book, “The Truth About COVID-19 — Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports and the New Normal,” I detail the backstory of how the COVID-19 pandemic was created and, more importantly, why.

If you do not understand the geopolitical landscape we’re in right now, you will struggle to understand why anyone would possibly lie about a virus and create a pandemic out of smoke and mirrors.


The masks are a psyop clearly and when she says it demeans people as human beings, I understood right away why people get so mad when you don't wear one. It's a reflexion of their own weakness and fear and conformity. Free spirits have always been hard to understand for the average man


Anyone who receives the leading media on a daily basis could get the impression that the vast majority of the global population is behind the tough Corona measures. When there is talk of the demonstrations against this policy, they are mostly marginalized. But reality looks different. Everyone who has taken part in such an event at least once knows that. The biggest spectacle to date took place on March 21, when people from 40 countries in over 100 cities took to the streets to demonstrate for their freedom rights and against the lockdown.

The documentary "The Puschback" captured the most beautiful moments of this worldwide protest . The film already indicates in the title that the resistance to the universal corona policy has grown so much within a year that it can no longer be ignored. But because the leading media are still trying, he impressively shows everyone the size of the snowball of general dissatisfaction. Whether Australia, Canada, Croatia, Germany or South Africa, the partially shaky images testify to the force of those mass protests.

Images of kilometers of elevators alternate with recordings of rousing speeches. In between, experts from health care, sociology or psychology have their say, as usual. They also include Wolfgang Wodarg and Reiner Fuellmich, two well-known faces from Germany. Most, however, come from the Anglo-Saxon region. In sometimes short, sometimes longer interviews, they present their view of the corona policy and address the numerous misconduct. Some point to the unreliability of the PCR test, others to the dubious numbers and statistics that have been stirring up fears for a year.

THE PUSHBACK | Oracle Films | The Day the World Stood Together #DareToThink


OTHER INFORMATION. - PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH FOR VALIDATION ON ANYTHING HERE ON THIS SITE.. I am only the messenger, it's up to you to do your due dilligence to increase your power in knowledge and truth. I share all these articles to help those who have that niggling feeling that this Covid narrative smells a bit fishy and to also awaken my fellow Australians to the real facts so that they can make an informed descion for themselves and their families safety. I am not a Lawyer, medical practioner or any other expert. So please read these articles and do your research to be informed by truth not misinformation.



comments found on various sites

LOOKUP2 shared

The bat flu was more deadly that is the reason they engineered it for man with our tax $$$(population control and to causeth all to take the mark.)Revelation 13:16King James Version16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:Cause CAUSE, noun s as z.1. A suit or action in court; any legal process which a party institutes to obtain his demand, or by which he seeks his right or his supposed right. This is a legal, scriptural and popular use of the word, coinciding nearly with case from cado, and action from ago, to urge or drive.The cause of both parties shall come before the judges. 
Exodus 22:5.2. That which produces an effect; that which impels into existence, or by its agency or operation produces what did not before exist; that by virtue of which any thing is done; that from which any thing proceeds, and without which it would not exist.CAUSE is a substance exerting its power into act, to make a thing begin to be.3. The reason or motive that urges, moves, or impels the mind to act or decide.(A Covid 19 Vaccine) counts to 666 in English gematria.Mankind was made in the image of YHWH. We have His name written upon our very DNA. Scientists have proved that His name is stamped upon every soul.Jan 3, 2015Your DNA is encoded with God's name. Yod=10 Hey=5 Vav=6 Hey=5---YHVH or YHWH. mRNA mark of the beast renames ones DNA!!!Revelation 13:17 Kjv17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the MARK, or the NAME of the beast, or the NUMBER of his name.
Galatians 3King James Version3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
Acts 4:12King James Version 12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.1. LIGHT or CORONA or CROWN will shine no more in thee.2. Voice of the bridegroom(Jesus Christ) will be heard no more in thee.3. All Nations deceived by her SORCERIES or PHARMAKEIA.“The fact that the genetic code can simultaneously write two kinds of information means that many DNA changes that appear to alter protein sequences may actually cause disease by disrupting gene control programs or even both mechanisms simultaneously,” said Stamatoyannopoulos.University of Washington News.UW scientists were stunned to discover that genomes use the genetic code to write two separate languages.
 One describes how proteins are made, and the other instructs the cell on how genes are controlled. One language is written on top of the other, which is why the second language remained hidden for so long.mRNA is "married" to a nano lipid to sneak it into ones cells.(C)ertificate (O)f (V)accination (ID) by AI or (19)Patent of the beast renaming ones DNA using mRNA.Mankind was made in the image of YHWH. We have His name written upon our very DNA. Scientists have proved that His name is stamped upon every soul.Jan 3, 2015 Your DNA is encoded with God's name. Yod=10 Hey=5 Vav=6 Hey=5---YHVH or YHWH. mRNA mark of the beast renames ones DNA!!!MONKEY KIDNEY TISSUE is used to support the growth of certain viruses for making vaccines; for example, it was used to support the growth of the weakened polio virus that went into the oral polio vaccine. Multiple purification steps ensure that no KIDNEY CELLS are present in the final product.......if you believe that.
 Vaccines for varicella (chickenpox), rubella (the “R” in the MMR vaccine), hepatitis A, rabies (one version) and COVID-19 (one U.S.-approved version) are all made by growing the viruses in FETAL CELLS. All of these, except the COVID-19 vaccine, are made using fibroblast cells. 
 The COVID-19 vaccine (Johnson & Johnson (J&J)/Janssen) is made using FETAL RETINAL CELLS.In test tubes Scientists found our cells can accidentally convert fragments of RNA into DNA and can save that genetic code into the affected cells hard drive chromosomes.Whose feeling lucky? Wanna roll the dice on scribble scrabble DNA on the roulette wheel whose numbers ironically when added up equal 666.All of these count to 666 in English gematria.See a pattern yet or better yet a message?:ENCODING DECODEDVACCINATION (A COVID 19 VACCINE)HIDDEN GOD KEYMANKINDS GODMARK OF THE BEASTA SATANIC MARKCALCULATE NAMEDECODE LORD GODHUGE PROOFTHERE IS A GODBEAST IS REALHELL A REAL PLACETRUE BEASTCOMPUTERANCIENT GODS HEY BE CAREFUL The inoculation of devastation being delivered by the sword/needle has deceived many! The stings were literally loaded up in military planes and flown to the 179 Countries that sold their souls to the beast and it's system all over the earth.(A Covid 19 Vaccine) counts to 666 in English gematria.The (Antahkarana symbol) was used as the logo on Operation Warp Speed and it's a witchcraft symbol used to open chakra or portals. The mRNA mark of the beast was touted as a medical miracle by the antichrist trump.
 Revelation 9:11King James Version11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
 Product DescriptionSM-102 is an ionizable amino lipid that has been used in combination with other lipids in the formation of lipid nanoparticles.1 Administration of luciferase mRNA in SM-102-containing lipid nanoparticles induces hepatic luciferase expression in mice. Formulations containing SM-102 have been used in the development of lipid nanoparticles for delivery of mRNA-based vaccines.Read our statement on SM-102 for research use only WARNING This product is not for human or veterinary use.
 Revelation 6:2King James Version2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a BOW(TOXON); and a CROWN(CORONA)was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.The ancient Greek archer's tool of war was the toxon, a word for both bow and arrow. To make their weapon deadlier, archers dipped their arrow tips in poison.
 Sherlock Biosciences In line with GSK’s commitment to CRISPR, Sherlock Biosciences, a CRISPR-based diagnostics company, recently developed the first CRISPR-based SARS-CoV-2 test kit authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.Atomwise Atomwise relies on AI to assist in structure-based small-molecule drug discovery for its partners Eli Lilly and Bridge Biotherapeutics. In mid-2020, Atomwise expanded a strategic partnership with Chinese biopharm company Hansoh Pharma to develop new oncology therapies. The company also has advanced a project with Bayer to produce novel products that protect crops.10X Genomics Hardware and software company 10X Genomics develops products for single-cell analytics to help researchers detect changes in tissues or tumors at the cellular level. The company had around 250 patents issued in 2020 and approximately 500 waiting in the queue.FIND(SHERLOCK) ADAM(ATOM) THROUGH GENE SEQUENCING(change Adams DNA) using AI(the beast)
 2 Thessalonians 2:3King James Version3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
 2 Peter 3:3-4King James Version3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.


Fear Is Contagious and Used to Control You

As explained by psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, by layering confusion and uncertainty on top of fear, you can bring an individual to a state in which they can no longer think rationally. Once driven into an illogical state, they are easily manipulated. I have no doubt driving people into a state where logic and reason no longer registers is the whole point behind much of the conflicting information we’re given.


Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom,

the power,

and the glory are yours

now and for ever.


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Daniela Ruegg
Daniela Ruegg
24 jun 2021

The Australian people are silent because we have been poisoned by fluoride , chlorine, convenience foods full of additives and neurotoxins, antibiotics that destroys the gut biome, glyphosate (ever wondered how cancer of the stomach and colon cancer are rising exponentially by the use of glyphosate?) , vaccines! We have been poisoned for decades of assault to our bodies.

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