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Wake the HELL UP Australia!The Time Is now we are at WAR!

Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

Updated: May 12, 2021


Very little time, so listen to these wonderful people telling you of the storm that is going to hit every Australian in the face very hard... Then do as they say to save you and your family from unjust heartache. If we stand together nothing can be lost. Our time to be as one is Now!

there are also some very uplifting news content - so make sure you watch these and other videos

please share this article to all, email, social media,mobile. we need to educate the people the lies are being torn down love and peace to all. WWG1WGA

DO NOT GO PAST THIS VIDEO IMPORTANT MESSAGE *******************************************

when you finish here scroll down to this video WOW! WOW! Incredible news LF MEETING 8/23/2020 -MEGA, COVID SOLUTION, & FDA BUSTED!

IMPORTANT scroll down to Freedom day message

A Video warning message from Jacquie Dundee

watch all videos and learn the truth



*WARNING* Banks. Security frauds. Foreclosures coming. Band together for class action.

26th august 2020

Office of General Executor

five videos at link

David (Derick Valogh) *Producer apologizes* shares a little about a plethora of years of experiences he has had dealing with fraudulent banks for the people, trying to defend their life long investments. This is the biggest Security Fraud to which is alleged to be coming this year. Terri CLC N.S.W Zteven CLC Australia Informative Q & A. Document's spoke about are the two (2) below links. For entertainment purposes of-course. Bank Document;

August 14, 2020 – Derek supplies damning document against Andrews and all governments

learn a lot here,some good information you all need to be aware of...

Bank Template letter download link

The Death of Andrews The greatest Deception and Fraud on the Men, Women and families of Victoria PDF below;


Help for you to Reclaim your Rights & Lawful Remedy

CIRNow information:

The Bloody Aussie Battler:

and YouTube Battler channel:

Carry copies of this letter all times to give to police:

Print out and keep the advice below in your car at all times…

go to this website for a very good education

thank you Mike Holt

what a My Will Letter can do for you

This is your opportunity to help take back our government from the corrupt political party corporate government.



forget your differences embrace your family and neighbours we must UNITE and take back our country by IMACOGINDEWHEEL

Read here ABN numbers


READ THIS - Don't think! it's not planned here for us.

Breaking News from Canada scroll down page to video message


The Age (Victorian Police Are not Government) Link;

Police are out of control and the government doesn't seem to care

How to better deal with pesky trading companies acting through acts in deception in thy theater one would know as thy world. The worlds a stage and you're about to get an idea on how to strongly opt out of acting and just be, all you are. Serene: Teffaha Class Action; Website:


Serene Teffaha - Class Action Against Mandatory Medication


ATO accused of systemic abuse of power

Article in pdf;




We cover Serene Teffaha's open letter to government, an important message to police and some powerful new steps that people can now take to put an end to this on-going insanity!


Justinian Deception channel

Useful links; Reading

Class action Inquiries here; Sign up to register.

Contact; We're only getting started.


credits for this information video and links @

Office of General Executor

David (Derick Valogh) *Producer apologizes* shares a little about a plethora of years of experiences he has had dealing with fraudulent banks for the people, trying to defend their life long investments. This is the biggest Security Fraud to which is alleged to be coming this year.


The Battler's Open Mic Chat August 23



In response to the increasingly repressive COVID regulations and the threat of mandatory vaccinations, a citizens' Common Law Assembly on Canada's west coast has passed a Bylaw that outlaws and nullifies all COVID restrictions, masking, distancing, medical testing and vaccinations. Anyone forcing these measures on the people of Parksville and Qualicum Beach can now face fines and imprisonment in a local Common Law Court. See and and contact for a copy of the Bylaw. Posted August 25, 2020.

Yes, I just found out about the Republic of Kanata, I am going to reach out. I live in Langley, I want to find out what we can do in the Fraser Valley. I have been doing a ton of research on this MAN-MADE "novel" virus, and the AI digital tattoo coming soon, and this is a full-out emergency, and lines up with biblical prophecy too. I have a background as a GMO activist, and to make a vaccine this quickly, they would have to use a genetically modified virus. Also, experts have spoken out and stated that what we are dealing with did in fact come from a lab, and is a genetically engineered coronavirus. These sick globalists think they can seize control of the Earth, patent life. They are attempting to usurp God the Creator, and fraudulently declare that they own/ control every living thing on this planet, and now they are getting ready to do the same to humans. There can be no greater assault on liberty and our GOD-GIVEN rights, and they will not succeed.


MORE BREAKING NEWS - watch this Video and wow wait until you hear about the Clintons

plus some wonderful technology coming our way. First we need to Stand Up against the tyranny

watch all video content of which are all important messages



WOW! WOW! Incredible news

Kim, drops some incredible news

1. Quantum Bio Feed back Devices - The future of healing technology.( FDA Caught out on lies)

2. Clinton,Rothschild, Pedophile and trafficking system permanently taken down

3. Fauci and Bill gates work for a division of the C.I.A called CODICE. Black Sun Highest level agency - They have been profiting off the sale of the virus from a company in Virginia, where the Chinese got from the same place. Kim says, Mandatory vaccinations will not be acceptable

4. Bank blocking funds to be released -money missing from bank Of America and other accounts. President Trump has tried to sack MANUCHAN, Manuchan doesn't work for President Trump, but someone higher,(Even higher than the President). President Trump

has tried to sack them.... but are members of the same organisations.

Wow! my question is who is this higher entity??

In a quick search I came across this book, haven't read it yet but very interesting.

Satan is on his last reign of terror. GOD will not let him and his followers destroy his

creation. If you think you can find the answer to who is higher than president Trump, would make interesting news and answer a lot of humanities questions, one would think!

book download


A warning message from Jacquie Dundee


N.B.document read from Dr Matteo Arena - info also From American Dr Carrie Madej research her information and Dr John Martin - expert in stealth adapted viruses.


"THEIR NEXT STEP" narrated by Max Igan


This Is Something You Won't Believe - Dennis Prager


About the only good thing this PM has done, but at least it is an important thing he is reversing!

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has unveiled an Australian foreign relations bill that will allow the government to cancel and prohibit arrangements, memoranda and partnerships that are "not consistent with Australia's foreign relations". "This is an important day for sovereignty in Australia. It's an important day for ensuring that Australia's national interest is protected and promoted," he said.


Day 1 of the Republican National Convention — 8/24/2020


RNC Day 2 | Featuring President Trump, Melania Trump, Mike Pompeo and others


FULL COVERAGE: Republican National Convention Night Three


A Message For All Of Humanity - Charlie Chaplin


My Rant

Well I don't care this is my blog and my space.. facebook censorship is totalitarianism and fascist agenda 2020.

so if you don't like what I say, your free to escape...

It is time all normal people woke up. destroy your fears because what is coming is far worse, than your fear of the boogie man right now, telling you how your life should be.. If you are willing to sacrifice your freedom for slavery for totalitarianism rules that don't make sense that destroy your health and that of your families. then your welcome to your self absorbed censorship of leftist paradigm. I would rather look at and live in a realm of truth and free will of common law and a family of humanity that has respect for the human family not mamon..or satanists

So further you will see the absurdity the unrealistic narratives of a dictatorship unfolding In Australia.. YES! we are the guinea pigs, roll out these slave rules, participate by breathing in your own stale breath, Stick your mask.. I will enjoy sunshine and my free will to breath in and enjoy the fruits of mother nature. Enjoy the darkness if you so wish. but DO NOT think that I as a free sovereign human being have to comply to your insanity. GOD is my Judge and I will not comply to mans oppression.

I have many reading my blog, and thank you all very much. Because it gives me strength knowing that I am not alone in this fight for Liberty and justice for the right of self determination, for the power to know that we are a huge family of people who realise that Evil is spreading it's tentacles and must be defeated at all cost.

Australians we have been here before. That is why our forefathers stood up. Our Anzacs gave their lives knowing that generations after them would reap the rewards of a free and prosperous life. What A SACRIFICE to give one's life for the benefit of future generations..

We have come to a fork in the road and it is now time to grow a big heart and fight these satanists in GOD's Armour , we will show the world that we as a human family are entitled to exist as a Just and free society. There has been so many lies in books and all kinds of media. Propaganda has brain washed the populations of the world. But truth cannot and will never be hidden. Seek and you will learn..The devil/satan was hurled from heaven as he wanted to be the one and same as GOD but he had an agenda that was very selfish. a Totalitarian rule of a heart of vengeance. Not of love as God and Christ our saviour.

Do your own research I am just the messenger, Don't shoot the messenger..



What You CAN DO


Add your name to our "Challenge to Australia" calling on your signature to co-joining Brian Shaw in his 32 year quest for justice for all Australians. support is required by all Australians!


Reminder A MUST - save your HOMES

Help for you to Reclaim your Rights & Lawful Remedy

Don't forget to go to MY PREVIOUS POSTs


Don't forget to Join for future content and kindly

Donate ; If you like Imacogindewheel blog and want to support the sharing of knowledge and content, then please donate by completing the donation to my paypal link provided. I will repay you in the best way I know how: by working my hardest to make Imacogindewheel a truthful and informative platform for up to date intel! any amount is appreciative. *A single donation even as much as One dollar only takes a minute or Make a recurring monthly donation by clicking here. Thank you again



The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft was on the Alex Jones Show at InfoWars on Tuesday.  The topic of the discussion was almost exclusively related to the China coronavirus and actions in the US and worldwide. 

The title of the interview on InfoWars was: “Meet The Man who First Exposed the Covid-19 Hoax”


By Joe Hoft Published July 16, 2020 at 7:15am


EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Shows Director General of World Health Organization Severely Overstated the Fatality Rate of the Coronavirus Leading to the Greatest Global Panic in History



Article Deno Budimir

Ok so I went looking for the “official” meaning of the black & white flags with thin blue line running horizontally across the middle on police uniforms, and came up with this.

I guess it’s the state forces (no longer police) version of the eureka stockade flag - a rebel flag of their own. It’s a reminder to each other to cover up their own corruption.

This is not your police or a service you can trust anymore.

This is coming from their own wiki page


What are the POLICE doing wearing a Black Australia flag

The "thin blue line" is a term for the police that is used to assert that they are the line which keeps society from descending into violent chaos. Colloquially, the term also refers to the idea of a code of silence among police officers used to cover up police misconduct.[1]

Thin blue line

Don't forget to download and Carry copies of the letter as above, at all times and give to police:

So IF your Still watching main stream media and believing in their rhetoric,I will leave you with this.

There is the link to the article, but as I find over time some articles tend to disappear I have

included a download page for your convienience.

download article

Channel Seven is a zombie — controlled by banks

and running out of time

653 views1 comment

1 Comment

Unknown member
Aug 29, 2020

Hi can you please send me your contact details. On Today’s recorded webinar It was mentioned a link would be provided. Cannot find this link. It would be great to speak with someone in regards to my situation. Thanks! Helen

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