The time is coming when you will understand the magnitude of the activities and events leading up to today. All I am is a messenger trying to prepare you for the things to come.
This is #TheGreatAwakening, this time #GoodWins!
And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” And as he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished?” And Jesus began to say to them, “See that no one leads you astray. ...
Fellow Australians - This is world wide and Australia has it's high ranking Pedophile / Child trafficking that's been going on for centuries.
New content added 26/09/2020
Information Mirrored from
How come we live in 21 Century and so many children go missing?? And what is President of the United States doing to stop this? Why did he go to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Vatican as soon as he was elected? What on Earth is going on? Watch the ACTIONS. It's by the Fruit that you know the Tree!! Enjoy!!!
How come we live in 21 Century and so many children go missing?? And what is President of the United States doing to stop this? Why did he go to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Vatican as soon as he was elected? What on Earth is going on? Watch the ACTIONS. It's by the Fruit that you know the Tree!! Enjoy!!!
Learn How President Trump took on the World Governments to save the Children and more
link to website Ashtar Command Crew
Naval Station Guantanamo Bay | MilitaryINSTALLATIONS https://installations.militaryonesource.mil/.../naval-station-guantanamo-bay Naval Station Guantanamo Bay is the forward, ready, and irreplaceable U.S. sea power platform in the Caribbean. We host and enable all branches of the U.S. military, plus several interagency and international partner organizations. We also provide an exceptional quality of life for our residents: Benefits for Naval Station Guantanamo Bay servicemembers, civilian employees, and their families ... Location: Building 2144, Box 25, Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, 09593-0001 Phone: (757) 458-4090
Source: Before Its News | By Judy Byington Trump Heads Rescue of Thousands of Tortured Children from Underground Tunnels Since April 2019
I will start here with this Comment by Mary W Maxwell, LLB from her article further down
Here Comes the Avalanche, Part 1: Bodies of the Beaumont Children
Being a crime reporter is not my job, but in the last month three separate people in
South Australia came to me asking me to tell their stories. I am now going to act as
reporter for one of them, Rachel McIntyre.
I also wish to announce that the avalanche is now happening. The silly little cabal
overplayed its hand bigtime and the world of its members is crashing down on them.
They believed it was sufficient for them to control our institutions. They knew how to rely
on mafia hit men if whistle blowers got out of hand. OK, they were fantastically successful
using such means as that, but now the jig is up.
Oh Cabaliers, you would be wise to come out with your hands up. Believe me you cannot
hide your activities any longer. And, while you brainwashed an impressive percentage of
the population, and you had police, judges, and media all cozy in your employ, whistle
blowers will be whistle blowers. You are up that famous creek, and in a paddle-less
I advise you to face reality and plead for mercy.
No Longer Slaves (Official Lyric Video) - Jonathan David and Melissa Helser | We Will Not Be Shaken
May This song enlighten to all the travesty and tragedy of all those lives enslaved on earth by an evil too awful to comprehend. The light is now exposing the evil deeds and we must all stand together for humanity and call an end to the slave trade and sexual predators of which has destroyed millions of lives around the world. We must leave no stone unturned, till this cult of evil is extinguished for eternity. let us all bring our collective thoughts together and bring into our hearts a great love for all those who have suffered embrace them and heal them .Amen
Love is eternal and has no boundaries -
" To have a child is a gift from God, To know a child Is a blessing of love"
Matthew 19:14 King James Version (KJV)
14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, 14 but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19:13-14, ESV)
Did Trump and Pence get their "Suffer the Little Children" out of the Bible?
Oh? Trump and Pence, you say? The guys who ended the Clinton-era child separation policy with an executive order? Tell me, where were the goddamned Democrats when the following photos were taken in 2014? Maybe you can show me the quotes.
I didn’t hear any bleeding-heart liberals complaining about Concentration Camps or “suffering the little children” when Obama was caging them for eight years straight.
So, yeah - maybe Trump did get that executive order from the Bible. So where did the self-righteous Democrats get the moral authority to do this (and hide it from their dumber-than-dirt, uninformed base):
Trump signs Executive Order 13903 of January 31, 2020 executive order expanding efforts to combat human trafficking 'monsters'
"My administration is putting unprecedented pressure on traffickers," he said.
"My administration is putting unprecedented pressure on traffickers at home and abroad," Trump said during the event, adding "we have signed more legislation on human trafficking than any other administration has ever even thought about."
President Donald Trump arrives to speak during an event on human trafficking in the East Room of the White House on Jan. 31, 2020 in Washington, followed by Vice President Mike Pence,... more President Donald Trump arrives to speak during an event on human trafficking in the East Room of the White House on Jan. 31, 2020 in Washington, followed by Vice President Mike Pence, right, and senior adviser to the President, Ivanka Trump. Evan Vucci/AP
"Human trafficking is worse than it ever has been before," Trump said. "And that's because of the
President Trump
He added, “My administration is fighting these monsters, persecuting and prosecuting them.”
extracts from article ; https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/anti-human-trafficking-groups-boycotting-ivanka-trumps-white/story?id=68615924
There are many Tunnels situated around the country. Especially the local Downs , Melbourne City, Warburton many In South Australia and Sydney and around the country Many Children and women are being trafficked in Our Country FACT !
Transparency and Prosecution will be delivered! There is no other way.
I SUGGEST - WATCH this Video before continuing
Victoria’s underground tunnel pedophile rings -
Uncovering the truth about Adelaide's 'secret' tunnel network (Part One)
Underground myths (and facts):
An abandoned subway near North Terrace
Tunnels connecting CBD government buildings
Underground tunnel access to Parliament
A CBD network of large sewers and drains
An underground stream in Adelaide's East End
WWII bunkers and secret tunnels
PDF o news story
Curious Adelaide: Descending into the darkness of Adelaide's stormwater network (Part Two)
PDF file
Blog on - Tunnels and Technology we don't know about? What the fuck is happening in Australia? Part 4.
Link ... Many Tunnels You might be alarmed to know there are cities and tunnels all over the world. It is a massive scale system and Trump and Co. have been using military operations to blow them up and destroy them.
Australian Satanism – Australia’s Global Satanic Legacy And Future By Frater 616 – Alpha Lodges Do Exist
Deathbed confessions of an unrepentant Australian satanist. Read it in it's entirety & learn how they have infiltrated the highest echelons of Government & the seats of power globally. CONFESSIONS OF A SATANIST
website Battleground Earth
by Wes Penre of WesPenre.com
THE AUTHOR “The Wes Penre Papers” are telling this entire story in detail. They are divided into five “Levels of Learning,” where the reader can learn about the true nature of our past and what future these ET beings have in mind for us. The papers are based on real evidence, which is often taken directly from the ancient texts from different cultures around the world. These ancient texts are all telling the same story; they are just using different names for the same “gods.” This goes for the Bible as well.
Link to the 7. Learning Levels 1-6 in PDF
Research this web site thoroughly to access full details. This is only one site which contains proof. Look carefully and you will discover the rest yourselves. Stay vigilant & aware - particularly leading up to October 31st. Some of this information WILL shock you
To date, Eyes Wide Open has been downloaded over 130,000 times from Fiona's blog sites alone.
3RD Edition -Up Date
Fiona Barnett:
Fiona Barnett w/ Nathan Stolpman
I reiterate: Child trafficking is run as a single integrated WORLD operation. This operation is coordinated by the CIA.
Hill Song
Why Is there a 90 year Supression Order - Naming High Profile members of the Australian community,of which there is a Prime Minister and Judicary
Malcolm Turnbull urged to investigate former Prime Minister paedophile claims
Melbourne - names have been changed in this article
Australian Pedophile Ring
by DR REINA MICHAELSON - TWO documents EVERY Australian must read.
The disturbing article below was written in 2005 by Dr. Reina Michaelson, founder of
Australia's Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program. She describes her harrowing
experience of trying to bring a pedophile teacher to justice, only the find the man had
extensive protection from key elements of the police and many others at high levels. Her
valiant efforts to expose a major pedophile ring leading to high levels of
government and the media were eventually shut down.
This is the pebble that starts the avalanche in Australia... Lets get these corporate BAR member political party parasites out of our Parliament, courts, & media & into prison where they belong.... This is how they control these bastards worldwide, think Epstein, Clinton Foundation etc...
Karen Brewer Exposing The Parliamentary Pedophilia Network Australia. This is NOT a coincidence ... exposing the Pedophilia Networked Schools and Parliamentary Pedophilia Protecting Suppression Orders. Why don't politicians do the right thing? Why are the Courts so corrupt? Why doesn't the media tell the truth? Why are we being sold out? This is why, the cabal/controllers/banksters/UN/BAR have dirt on all the major players in the media, the politicians & the courts in this country & worldwide...The Australian Constitution restoration & common law, (do no harm) is the remedy to all of this corporate admiralty law corruption & filth that infects our land. All her documents can be found here:Facebook docs
Watch "The Secret Tunnels Of Sydney
In the first of a two part update, paedophile ring survivor Fiona Barnettshares her experiences since testifying before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, including involvement in a documentary, the discovery of key abusers and her ongoing fight to have authorities investigate her allegations.
I LEFT my 2013 Royal Commission hearing with dashed hopes and a reignited need for trauma counselling. So I applied for counselling through NSW Victim Services, who allocated a psychologist at Living Well Psychology and Counselling.
Following my initial consultation and the disclosure of my Royal Commission statement, the psychologist wrote in a report to Victim Services that police investigated me for murdering the relative who abused me as a child — my step-grandfather and Nazi war criminal Peter Holowczak. (This paedophile actually committed suicide in Sydney whilst I was residing in Brisbane.) The psychologist’s bizarre allegation contradicted everything I said during our initial meeting, plus the content of the Royal Commission statement I had shared. My subsequent complaint resulted in the psychologist appearing before a professional conduct panel.
NSW Victim Services subsequently approved a replacement psychologist.
Soon after commencing therapy with me, Nerida Saunders was allegedly stalked by thugs who followed her home one night from her clinic to her remote property and circled her car. Saunders consequently provided a formal witness statement about the incident to Detective Terry Frost of the Tweed Heads police. The same men simultaneously stalked my two friends who also reported their experiences to police. The thugs then tailgated me to my daughter’s primary school, but I cut their car off and photographed its number plate. continue....
Editor's note: Fiona Barnett has submitted a statutory declaration to IA to support all the statements and allegation she has made in this piece. Most names have been redacted for legal and privacy reasons. Trapped inside Australia’s vast child abuse network (Part 1). Chilling exposé by victim Fiona Barnett.
More articles https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/trapped-inside-australias-vast-child-abuse-network-part-1,6460
WAKE UP! Australia - Its time to stop this evil amongst us!!! We have a Former Prime Minister named
Fiona Barrett, right, with her family. Pedophiles Running Rampant Down Under
Fiona proclaims that Australia is a pedophile haven. She explains how Australia took in a large number of Nazi war criminals, including her own step-grandparents. She was introduced by her own family to an international child trafficking pedophile ring based in Sydney. Some victims are kidnapped off the street, some are “bred” for it (without ever getting birth certificates – more on this later) and some are brought into it through multi-generational abuse. These latter ones are trained and expected to become the perpetrators and future administrators of it.
Fiona has had flashbacks to being abused as young as the age of 2. Later on, when she was still a little girl, she was dropped off at VIP parties, instructed to say “the starchild is here”, then watch as famous politicians, actors and celebrities snorted cocaine, raped her, had sex with each other, then pretended to drown her in a pool. She wasn’t just sexually abused and raped; she also suffered Satanic ritual abuse in the form of torture (e.g. suffering cattle prodding electroshock to cause disassociation). She reveals how this pedophile ring goes to the highest levels, and included orgies at Parliament House (in Canberra) itself. ... Naming the Names
Fiona names the names of the people who sexually assaulted, raped and tortured her:
– Antony Kidman (actress Nicole Kidman’s father) (Nicole Kidman is a victim of the ring too, but was nasty towards fellow victim Fiona);
– Dr. John Gittinger (Lithuanian Nazi concentration camp guard and CIA agent);
– Actor Bruce Spence;
– Former US President Richard Nixon;
– Former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam;
– Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke;
– Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating;
– Former Australian Minister of Education Kim Beazley Sr.;
– Former NSW Premier Bob Carr;
– Former Australian cricketer Richie Benaud;
– US Evangelist Pastor Billy Graham;
– Ted Turner (CNN).
Barrett also mentions the brave Aussie politician Franca Arena, who got up in Parliament under parliamentary privilege and said there is a large pedophile ring involving politicians, judges, doctors and media moguls. He named Kerry Packer, Bob Carr, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Robert Menzies, Alan Jones (radio announcer), Bernard King (cook), Molly Meldrum (TV presenter), Elton John (musician), John Kerr (Whitlam and Kerr were homosexual lovers) and Justice Lionel Murphy.
Fiona has drawn her abuse pictures here.
She also recalls being at Bohemian Grove. On one occasion she was in a pink bubble room and raped. On another occasion she had to participate in “Teddy Bear’s Picnic” a child rape hunt party, where children were hunted like animals and raped (as also happened to Kathy Collins and Cathy O’Brien).
Dr Antony Kidman had strong connections to the man behind the CIA’s torture program
and his Learned Helplessness Theory.
Fiona Barnett The 'Candy Girl' Documentary FULL
A FORMER Kings Cross sex worker has opened his little black book containing the names and details of high profile clients he claims were a part of a “sick” and elaborate paedophile ring.
Dave*, 47, told news.com.au that high profile judges, lawyers, navy captains, a prominent lord mayor and business executives were among hundreds of clients who prowled the Sydney red light district and the “Darlinghurst Wall” pick-up spot to lure underage boys into their hotels and penthouses for sex in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Dave, aged 18 at the time, said a pimp forced him into prostitution and a “seedy” underworld where he was abused, sodomised, threatened and taken advantage of by “hundreds” of men in Sydney over four years.story here
Pedophiles down under, also very prevalent in the Shire
"The people involved in elite paedophile rings included high-ranking politicians, police and judiciary."
HAS ANYTHING CHANGED - UNTIL DECENT AUSTRALIANS make it happen many innocent children will continue to be abused by the evil perpetrators.
Pedophilia in high places
Looking at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Ian Kirkwood has one question, when is someone going to step forward and say ‘‘Franca Arena, you were right.’’
For those whose memories do not extend back to the mid-1990s, Arena was a Labor politician in the NSW upper house, who gained national attention in 1996 when she named two people – retired judge David Yeldham and former state MP Frank Arkell – as potential paedophiles.
At the time, a royal commission into the NSW Police Service headed by Justice James Wood was in full swing, but Arena and others believed it was not doing enough to look at people in high places. Along with fellow Labor MP Deirdre Grusovin, Arena promised to name at least two Sydney men in a parliamentary speech, and the next day asked why the commission had not investigated Yeldham or Arkell. Article
David Yeldham, one of Australia's most respected former judges, committed suicide he had confessed, hours before he died, to a secret life of paying men for sex in Sydney's public lavatories.
Yeldham was revealed to have lived a double life as a homosexual, and he took his own life on November 4, 1996.
Arkell was horrifically murdered on June 26, 1998, a fortnight after another Illawarra man, David O’Hearn, was killed in equally brutal fashion in his Albion Park home.
The perpetrator in both cases was a 19-year-old, Mark Valera, who claimed that both men had propositioned him sexually, and that he had been abused by his own father. Article
Liberal Senator Bill Heffernan told a parliamentary inquiry he had a list of 28 prominent paedophiles, which allegedly included a former prime minister and members of the judiciary. Speaking under the protection of parliamentary privilege in a Senate estimates hearing on Tuesday, Senator Heffernan claimed the list was uncovered during the Wood Royal Commission into the NSW Police Force.
VIP Pedophile Ring Victim Comes Forward
GORDON MYERS (dob 19/3/1965) born Sutherland Hospital.
Indigenous Victim of Stolen Generation
Sparked the Wood Royal Commission
Testified to the current Child Abuse Royal Commission
Franca Arena’s key witness
Bill Heffernan referred to his police statements on 20 Oct 2015
Prostituted / witnessed child prostitution at:
‘THE WALL’ Darlinghurst
COSTELLOS Boy brothel club in Kings Cross run by Trimboli
The BOULEVARD HOTEL Kings Cross / Darlinghurst
The boys were prostituted and sex trafficked to these locations by staff at CHARLTON ANGLICAN BOYS’ HOME, Ashfield (aka ‘Milleewa’ & ‘Robinson House’). They were taken there by Father BRIAN PECKOVER who has retired to Carindale, Brisbane.
VIP paedophiles Gordon Myers was prostituted to / witnessed at these venues:
BOB CARR – politician
STUART WAGSTAFF – entertainer
KIM BEAZLEY Snr – Politician
MARCUS EINFELD – Federal judge
GOUGH WHITLAM – Prime Minister
JOE HASHAM – entertainer
GRAEME BLUNDELL (‘Alvin Purple’) – entertainer
GRAHAM KENNEDY – entertainer
BERT NEWTON – entertainer
BOB HAWKE – Prime Minister
ROBERT MENZIES – Prime Minister
JOHN KERR – Governor General
ALAN JONES – 2GB radio host
BERNARD KING – celebrity chef
BERT NEWTON prostituted his 6 year old son MATHEW NEWTON to GRAHAM KENNEDY at The Boulevard Hotel
Article URL Link
Rachael Vaughan and her brother Andrew McIntyre have reported their abuse at the hands of their pedophile father and the murder of their sister by the father. Also the evidence of their late father participation in the deaths of the Beaumont children - They have told the authorities of where the children are buried but to date the authorities have ignored their testimony.
Come on Australia ~ Beaumont children - I'm Mad as hell how long are you going to take this??
Rachel Vaughan’s Effort To Tell Police about Murders. Vital! Help! story by Mary W Maxwell, LLB 2 gumshoe news
Gumshoe has associated Rachel with her brother Andrew McIntyre interviewed in September, 2018 about the case of the three Beaumont children (who all disappeared one day in 1966). But there is another famous Adelaide disappearance of a child, Louise Bell, in 1983.
In her testimony to ITNJ, Rachel Vaughan (now age 45) states that she was an eyewitness to the murder of her age-mate Louise Bell and that the person who killed Louise was Rachel’s father, Max McIntyre. The the man convicted of it, Dieter Pfennig is in life imprisonment. Why is an innocent man convicted for the murder of Louise Bell? is this a cover up?
Rachel Vaughan has also mentioned of underground tunnels that connect to pedophile houses.
April 2006: STATUTORY DECLARATION to SAPOL re: 1) Max’s assault on me with knife, at 30 months of age; 2) in 1977 saw a mutilated child in Macklin Street bathroom.
June 2007: Letter to many MPs re lack of investigation by SAPOL, naming Max as the body boy for ‘the Family,’ also to Doug Barr, Major Crime and Det. Supt. Phillip Hoff.
8 Aug 2007: RESPONSE: letter from Paul Holloway, then Minister for Police. Declares that Major Crime Detectives “show there is no evidence linking Allan McIntyre” to this.
21 Aug 2007: INTERVIEW with Annette Burden and Scott Barker, SCIB, detailing abuse of me and witness child’s dismembered body as well as a man’s right foot, 1977.
5 Sept 2007: Second letter to politicians re SAPOL, to MPs:
Paul Holloway, Jane Lomax-Smith, Michael Atkinson, Jay Weatherill, Carmel Zollo, Nick Xenophon, Kris Hannah.
20 Sept 2007: RESPONSE from Wainwright, Police Complaint Authority: “cannot justify commitment of personnel and resources.”
8 Feb 2008: 4th letter sent to officials re 1) SAPOL refusal to act on our allegations; 2. Beaumont kids seen deceased in boot of car by my siblings in 1966.
23 Sept 2009: I rang Paul Llewendowski SCIB to say that a child (age 11) is living on same property as Max, and is in danger. Llewendowski tells me he won’t take the report.
Sept 2009: My Stat Dec that I saw a young girl being killed under my house in 1983, and that Max filmed us together.
19 Jan 2012: Told Crimestoppers’ David Sheridan: 2) Max is the body boy for a group who have conducted murders of kids for decades; 3) Louise Bell being buried at 8 Macklin St., Edwardstown, under a slab of concrete..
23 Feb 2012: My letter to SCIB asks why my deceased sister Clare’s psychiatrist wasn’t questioned re her allegations.
Here Comes the Avalanche, Part 1: Bodies of the
Beaumont Children
Adelaide's Edwards Town Tunnels
This article writes about gold storage, and that one underground space was used for “a rather
nasty thing called an initiation ceremony for new public servants. Young male recruits would
be dragged down here, undressed and hit with wet towels.”
Well, now for Rachel’s article:
by Rachel Vaughn
Petition and Supporter comment from Rachel Vaughan
and Andrew McIntyre
Missing Beaumont Children: SAPOL To Dig The Sink Hole at McIntyre Road, Stansbury
In January 1966 Jane, Arna, and Grant Beaumont disappeared from Glenelg Beach South Australia . Despite multiple leads and millions of dollars spent on the investigation police have never uncovered any evidence of what happened to the Beaumont children. Now there is evidence that should be investigated.
Andrew McIntyre has provided a statement to S.A police naming his father, Max McIntyre and a family friend Anthony Munro as having detailed knowledge of what happened to the Beaumont children. Andrew McIntyre states that he was supposed to go to Glenelg Beach with his father and Munro on the day the children disappeared but he was told to stay at home at the last minute . Andrew McIntyre says that several hours later his father Max McIntyre and Anthony Munro drove back to the house , both agitated and visibly upset. Andrew says that he saw blood and sand in Munro's car . Andrews sister Ruth Collins provided a statement to police stating that she saw bodies of children in the boot of the car.
Andrew states that a couple of weeks after the disappearance a sinkhole on Max McIntyre's property at Stansbury in South Australia was filled in. Aerial footage actually confirms that this occurred at around this time.
In June 2017 Anthony Munro was convicted of serial sex offending against Andrew McIntyre dating back to the mid 1960s. This prosecution was based on a further statement provided by Andrew McIntyre. Anthony Munro pleaded guilty to the charges without challenging Andrew McIntyre's version of events . Andrew McIntyre's evidence was accepted by the South Australian District Court as truthful and factual.
Adding further credibility to Andrew McIntyre's recollection of that time is the recent discovery of a diary titled "Marine Salvage and Exploration Group " detailing the trips that the author of the diary and Andrew McIntyre took with Munro around the time The Beaumont Children went missing. The diary corroborates statements made by Andrew McIntyre detailing the abuse he suffered by Munro. More importantly, it places Anthony Munro, a well known pedophile who has recently been convicted of sex crimes dating back to the 1960s as a regular at Glenelg Beach around the time the Beaumont children went missing.
Andrew McIntyre believes that the bodies of the Beaumont children are buried in the sinkhole on his fathers property at Stansbury South Australia. This belief is not only based on the timing of the filling in of the sinkhole, but other information that has been provided to SAPOL.
Max McIntyre died in June 2017. Before his death he stated, on recorded video, that he had knowledge of what had happened to the Beaumont children . The South Australian Police have to date shown no interest in excavating the sinkhole to pursue what is the most compelling evidence to have emerged in the 50 year old investigation.
We call on the South Australian Police to follow up on the evidence provided by Andrew McIntyre and to dig up the sinkhole on Max McIntyre's property in Stansbury in South Australia . Andrew McIntyre's statement to police has found to be truthful and credible by the South Australian District Court. His statement on the Beaumont children should be properly investigated.
We ask you to please sign this petition to have the South Australian Police commence digging and excavating the location of this sinkhole on Max McIntyre's property at Stansbury. Andrew McIntyre can identify the location on the property.
In over 50 years South Australian Police have not uncovered any new evidence . The corroborated statements of Andrew McIntyre are the biggest lead so far in the investigation. The disappearance of the Beaumont children is an Australian tragedy . SAPOL should be following up every lead to try to solve this case and commence digging immediately.
We ask you to sign our petition and share it in the hope we can find these 3 children and return them to their loving family.
Rachel Vaughan
I am the youngest daughter of Allan Maxwell McIntyre, whose former Stansbury property
is the subject of this petition. This petition is invaluable. Carol Levey you are a legend. It
was suggested to me by one of the posters on the Facebook 'In Memory of the
Beaumont children' site that I get a petition like this one together. I just didn't have the
knowledge or where withal to do so. Thank you Carol, on behalf of myself, and my
brother Andrew McIntyre and sister Ruth Collins as well. Ruth, Andrew and I have
already ticked every box with authorities to try to have the site excavated earlier, but the
Major Crime department refused to do so. In fact, certain members of the Major Crime
department became increasingly antagonistic towards myself, Ruth and Andrew when
we continued to make allegations officially that our father Allan Maxwell McIntyre was a
murderer and an incestuous paedophile. We've been officially making these allegations
against our father since 2006. The more allegations we made, the nastier those Major
Crime detectives became. I was told by one such officer in 2012 to never call the Major
Crime department or Crimestoppers again. This detective made this statement in front
of my lawyer. He also declared that he thought that I must be mentally unwell. This was
immediately after my mother made allegations against my father which backed up one
of my most heinous allegations against him! This was also despite my provision of a
report from a well-known and respected Adelaide psychiatrist which deemed me sane.
This detective also had the gall to call me up, late on a Saturday night, to try to convince
me that the child whose murder I had witnessed in the 1980's was not the child I had
identified. Within a very short period of my 2012 discussions with this detective in which I
had identified this murdered child, and given the location of their interment (which I also
witnessed) another site was investigated for this child's remains. I think the detective in
question had a vested interest in investigating this property, so much so that he ignored
the substantiated and corroborating allegations of myself and mother. My allegations
about this murder were substantiated by the fact that I knew several important details
about the case which had not been aired in the media previously. First, I gave this child's
real first name. Second, I told this detective that at the time of the disappearance the
child's hair cut was shorter, and sun bleached in comparison to the picture always aired
of them in the media. Third, I knew the child had been interred under concrete. I was
born in the 1970's, so I was not alive when the Beaumont children disappeared.
However, I was witness to my father sadistically sexually abusing, torturing and
murdering children between 1975 and 1990. My brother Andrew was also witness to our
father torturing children. My sister Ruth saw the dead Beaumont children in the boot of
a car in 1966, and saw five cadavers in our Edwardstown home in 1977. In signing this
petition it is hoped that the South Australian Major Crime department (or hopefully a
different department altogether!) will be forced to dig for the remains of the three
Beaumont children at my father’s former Stansbury property. Signatures on this petition
will also help us understand what motivated members of the Major Crime department to
ignore and malign myself and siblings for over a decade rather than investigate our
allegations. Given my brother Andrew’s allegations have been pivotal in securing a
conviction against Anthony Munro, I believe that some members of SAPOL’s Major Crime
department have been criminally negligent in their dealings with us regarding these
allegations. Please sign!!
Was Evidence being removed
There is much more to the story, but I will make a note that as a ten-year-old Rachel went
to a call box three times back in 1983 to try alert authorities that her father had a girl under
the house. It came to naught. Her father, Max, had powerful friends.
by Dee McLachlan https://gumshoenews.com/2019/11/24/removing-a-crime-scene-skip-by-skip/?fbclid=IwAR3CGj5yIi1gkpcQIZGx23-9BZQF51TgoTCTS32sNdm8k3eA2aoEYf2CdGs
Cathy O'Brien - A shocking and eye-opening life story about her experience as a CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon level trauma-based Mind Control slave.
On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O'Brien was subjected to an occult ritual named "The Rite to Remain Silent" that involves the Catholic Church as well. This is her own very shocking and eye-opening life story about her experience as a CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon level trauma-based Mind Control slave. She speaks out to expose those who abused, who go right up to presidents and congressmen and women and to give voice to the many mind control victims out there who can't think to speak out.
O'Brien claims to have been abused since she was a toddler by her own family. Forced to partake in satanic sadomasochistic child pornography movies produced for Gerald Ford, she was eventually sold to the CIA, which was looking for traumatized children for their mind-control program ... U.S. Presidents Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bill Clinton; Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney; Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid; Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier; Panamanian President Manuel Noriega; and King Fahd of Saudi Arabia all sexually brutalized her. She recounts in graphic detail how the elder George Bush raped her thirteen year old daughter and how she was forced to have oral sex with Illuminati witch Hillary Clinton ... While being sodomized, whipped, bound and raped, O'Brien overheard the globalist elite planning a military coup in the United States and conspiring to usher in the satanic New World Order
Cathy O'Brien talks about the rigged elections and the mind manipulation through the media and a few of the senators that are involved in setting up America to the NWO, Globalist agenda.
Cathy O'Brien: "Our Media is Controlled by Criminals in our Government"
More testimonies from other female children on the CIA MK-ULTRA Brain Washing techniques
Beaumont Children Testimony by Andrew McIntyre
Andrew McIntyre’s testimony highlights the 1966 “Disappearance of the Beaumont Children” case in South Australia, unresolved after half a century. It corroborates his Sister’s testimony, Rachel Vaughan, who also gave her testimony to the ITNJ on August 1st, 2018. Andrew and his siblings have put their life on the line to expose multiple murders and mutilations perpetrated by her father, whose organised pedo-criminal ring is allegedly still in operation today. His testimony was heard via a virtual sitting of the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse on 6th August, 2018.
Andrew McIntyre - Testimony
'Beaumont children were in the boot'
Max McIntyre’s son Andrew McIntyre said he knows his father is part of the mystery.
"My father was involved in the abduction and murder of the Beaumont children,”
Andrew said
Was Evidence being destroyed
I think he may be getting rid of my father’s personal belonging which could implicate him,” Andrew said. The property belonged to his father Max McIntyre, who died aged 89. In the day’s since his death, Max’s other son Danny McIntyre had had fires burning day and night.
The UN Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your Children
The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is sanctioning a sexual revolution that will culminate in the legalization and whole-hearted support of transgenderism but will also support the legalization of pedophilia.
As the Deep State is further exposed for their role in Pedogate, we can expect more counterattacks such as the legalization of pedophilia.
Safe Schools Not So Safe
An indepth look at what the 'Safe Schools' program in Queensland entails. The paedophile and marxist roots. The history behind it, and the people behind it. Allowed to continue it will indoctrinate YOUR children. This is destroying the family unit and the values, ethics and morals our country was built on. This started in our Universities in the mid 1970's, and is now entrenched in every university in every state and territory of Australia.
Gay Men relate to children as parents and teachers, friends and lovers. What are the political, as well as emotional dimensions of these relationships? Do they need to be radically transformed? Currently Dr Dowsett (for a doctor he has become) is professor in the Sex, Health and Society Department at La Trobe University in Melbourne. This is the same organisation which is responsible for the controversial Safe Schools program aimed at preventing bullying but with a wider agenda — although Gary Dowsett is not directly involved in this work. Despite Ms Carabine’s agitation, Mr Christensen did not need parliamentary privilege to quote from Mr Dowsett’s essay of a quarter of a century ago. After all, a person cannot successfully sue for defamation simply because his/her previous work is quoted. There is a link to the Dowsett paper in yesterday’s Crikey. MWD readers can form their own conclusions — but here is MWD’s interpretation of the article in question in so far as it is controversial. Quote by quote:
I also have a friend, a paedophile, who is working very hard on making sense out of his relations with boys. These relations consist of, among other things, a large amount of nurture and support for these boys, a real caring for their welfare and growth…. …a new political position is needed for there are significant political struggles at stake. First, we have three legal/social questions to win: custody rights for gay men and lesbians; the legal right of paedophiles and their young lovers; and finally the sexual rights of children as a whole …. Many mothers and some fathers will agree that children are sexual and generate sexual responses in their parents. Cuddling, breast feeding, bathing together, playing, kissing and fondling kids are immensely pleasurable activities for them and for us. And it is not uncommon to feel sexually aroused by that closeness, that touch of that love. How different then is that gentle, tentative sexuality between parent and child from the love of a paedophile and his/her lover? From all their accounts and from many academic studies (some worse than others), that kind of love, warmth, support and nurture is an important part of the paedophilic relationship. I’m not saying that mothering/fathering is paedophilic; but I am saying that they are not mutually exclusive. Nor is the social parent so different from the child-lover ….
The current paedophilia debate then is crucial to the political processes of the gay movement: paedophiles need our support, and we need to construct the child/adult sex issue on our terms The publicity over Gary Dowsett’s 1982 article serves as a useful reminder as to how attitudes to pedophilia have changed over the past quarter of a century. It is most unlikely that such an article would be written — and published — today in a journal of opinion.
Yet the likes of Alison Carabine and Fran Kelly — who expressed concern that a backbench LNP MP has drawn attention toGary Dowsett’s 1982 comments — do not acknowledge that, four decades ago, the chairman of the ABC called on Australians to “understand” the urge of pederasts. Professor Richard Downing (for it was he) was speaking in his official position as ABC chairman.
La Trobe University has about 1,500 academic staff. The attempt to use something written by one of them to attack a program he had nothing to do with is seriously reaching.
Although he is assistant director of La Trobe’s Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, out of which SSC operates, he has never been involved in the program. According to the centre’s website, the ARCSHS is involved in more than 50 research programs on a wide range of sexual health issues, including Safe Schools. Some of the research is on hepatitis, rapid STI-testing services and street harassment. One project Dowsett has worked on is research on the mental and sexual health recovery for men who have had prostate cancer. The Safe Schools program is headed up by Roz Ward, the main subject of attacks from The Australian and Coalition MPs in the last month. The closest link Dowsett appears to have to the program is signing a petition in support of the program following the attacks on it. Safe Schools is nothing more than a recruitment campaign for people like this. Safe Schools. Like I've said before. Warmly supported and funded by the ALP/ Greens, ref Bill Shortens latest announcement re fully funding the program, also ref Disco Dan in Victoria. The support and promise of funding for this program by the Alp/ Greens, clearly shows their alliance with someone who thinks being a Pedo is fine and just the norm. Sad, sad country we live in. Pro gay adoption and pro pedophilia. Interesting combination. But he's probably got various PhDs in gender-fluidity so its OK. How can people like this pass a police check to work with children ? This guy has been writing gay papers for years https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?hl=en&user=QUB3zOAAAAAJ&view_op=list_works This guy thinks adult men can and should have sexual relationships with children. Currently we regard this as illegal, but the leftie progressive progressions suggests that within 10 years we'll see this as perfectly reasonable and enriching for society. 20 years ago South Park was joking about NAMBLA - the north american man boy love association - now, it would probably be considered hate-speech to joke about it. That's called progress. "Currently we regard this as illegal, but the leftie progressive progressions suggests that within 10 years we'll see this as perfectly reasonable and enriching for society." If this is in reference to my post, then it's an utterly offensive distortion. I've said multiple times now that I'm not defending the guy nor supporting his views (I have children myself and am utterly against the concept of pedophilia as something "good" for kids). My post was just explaining the tenure system and why it exists. It's far from perfect (what system is perfect), and it's not unusual to end up with some tenured academics using their position to spout kooky, crazy or downright abhorrent views. But to revoke their tenure for those views would set a very dangerous precedent, which if taken to its logical extreme leads to a system in which no academic anywhere is game to espouse a contrarian view on any contentious subject. That's why it's so silly to blame La Trobe for still having the guy on their payroll. To demand they sack him is to demand they stop being a university. Back in 1982 I was in a bar in Newcastle when a uni history professor proudly said he was a pedophile and he had his "student" with him. In 1980 there was a group called "the Children's Liberation Movement". The pedophile was active, visible and on the move. So what made these creeps so confident that they came out of the woodwork? I believe that many of them evolved out of the hippey movement. Irresponsible and in many cases degenerates were demanding no rules on "me". This loose grouping also got into politics, law,health and especially education. I called them "the Fagotery". Someone mentioned Fran Kelly. I find it hard to listen to her as she is a blatant, bare-faced Green advocate imo of course. Now in 2016 the Fagotery are making a move to isolate children and to get access to them so they can be told "you are gay". If a child has a same sex mate then they will be told that they are gay, it is coming. You should have a look at the Judiciary. They are not without some history in this area. And they sit in judgement on those brought before them that commit crimes against children. Work that one out These people are confident to express themselves because they do it behind a veil of intellectualism. They make out that to them paedophilia is much more than just putting your hand down a kiddie's pants. I can be a loving, caring, beautiful, non-dominant relationship where all a man is doing is having sex with children, with full consent of the child's parents living within the commune this is an article found online any reader is entitled to their views
Bonus Quote No.10 (Special March ’16 Mardi Gras
Edition): Gary Dowsett, Gay Information Quarterly
Journal (1982)
Save the Children
BBC film - This school teachers at an early age about LGBT relationships and gay marriage
Elly barnes - Educate and Celebrate transforming schools into LGBT friendly places
Uncovering the Hidden
How one of WA's worst child sex abuse rings, linked to
swingers parties, was exposed by a memory card
WARNING: This story contains graphic content that some readers may find upsetting
WORLD WIDE - Pedophile Rings
Politicians A Scandel In the United Kingdom
Bob Hawke's Daughter sues -Told to Hide her rapes for fathers reputation
Four Corners - Inside Queensland, brisbane watch House kids as young as Ten can be confined for weeks at a time.
SHOCKING! A Conspiracy Of Silence
The movie Conspiracy of Silence is an excellent documentary exposing the global child sex trafficking rings.
Survivor Cheryl Hersha Interview, VL
Please watch: "My 15 Day Testimonial Results From Somaderm Gel From NewULife"
WARNING - Extremely Graphic Discussion, Viewer Discretion advised. MKUltra/Monarch Program in 1965, as her paternal step-grandfather was OSS as it morphed into the CIA, was her father's "Handler", and had him sign the two girls up for the program. Details of some of their harrowing ordeals under MKUltra were documented in the book, Secret Weapons: Two Sisters' Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage, by Cheryl and Lynn Hersha, with Dale Griffis, PhD and Ted Schwarz. New Horizon Press. 2001.
link to Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7GQmn6KwcA&feature=youtu.be
True to known programming breakdown, the siblings began remembering a sinister and evil upbringing in 1996, as memories and alters holding memories began to surface. The more they talked to each other, the more they remembered. Cheryl is now fully integrated and healed from the psychological, emotional and spiritual, wounds from the first traumatic 18 yrs of her life. However, the physical damage has left her permanently disabled and 5 years past her prognosis with a rare neurological disorder. Cheryl is a born-again Christian, was married for 28 years, is a mother of four adult children, and is now a forcibly retired (disabled) RN, who lives in the Southwest with her beloved dog. Cheryl was active in the survivor communities of both MKUltra and Satanic Ritual Abuse, until her health plummeted; she has written under her pen name: C.A.Beck for decades. Cheryl has been compelled to speak out once again "for the innocents who cannot speak", since Wikileaks broke the Pedogate story; the same life she lived in the 1960s and 70s, when trafficked by both her Family and the CIA. Due to security sensitive careers some of her children have, she regrets she cannot show her face for interviews, as requested by their employers.
WARNING - very graphic
The Most Incredible Military Operation In History Under The Cover of Covid, A Recorded Interview
Pizzagate Phase III - Verified Underground Tunnels, Secret Servers, Censorship, and Possible Connections to Confirmed Pedeophile Rings
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets cont...
Trump Executive Order of Seizing Assets and blocking property of persons involved in serious Human Rights Abuse. This is HUGE! Weinstein's home is valued at $16M; Epstein's mansions in the hundreds of millions; NXIVM Claire Bronfman an heir to the Seagram's fortune...staggering amount of wealth; Clinton, Soros, Rothchild's fortunes....I could go on but you get the point. If we add all of this up...it exceeds the trillions and more than likely is in the quadrillions!
Article LINK
Trump Saves Sex Slave Children And Frees Humans Locked in Underground Cages (and Even Fetuses)!!! PizzaGate, Planned Parenthood and Others Cult-Related Slave Activities, Are Now Basically “National Emergencies”, Thanks to Donald Trump’s Dec. 20th Executive Order!
1. Read the executive order!
2. Past administrations have been involved in several human rights and trafficking conspiracies… even perhaps Obama, but surely the Bushes, and such…
3. Pizzagate and it’s connections that lead to the white house, are now considered national emergencies.
4. Planned Parenthood, and it’s trading of body parts… perhaps internationally even… is now a national emergency.
5. We will see many US government officials go down for their own crimes against their own species.
6. The world is a safer place today for the born and the unborn.
7. This news paves the way for NESARA…. economic reform.
8. Also… this obviously means no conspiracies related to this subject, now tolerated in mainstream media… obviously there is an organized mainstream media war against Trump and the people.
Child Sex Rings: The Inner Workings – Amazing Interview
this is one of the best video about pedophilia problem.
the interview is with a researcher who has spent 10 years uncovering the collusion of cia,police,state department and the Florida attorney general office and others. as a consequence he has been thrown in jail, his financial assets seized(he currently can[t work or pay rent) and threatened by police ,threaten to lose his children etc.
but he has records and copies of some of these official threats and recorded phone threats which in public files with a state courts.
a somber interview at the depth of the pedophilia selling and satanic murder carried on by state,federal and private "adoption agencies. the reason it is so hard to adopt in this country is that the available children are being sold for 10 of thousands of dollars.
You are about to be shocked and set free. You are about to realize how wrong you were when you got upset or freaked out when you were hearing people talk about satanic pedophilia, corrupt politicians, and President Trump draining the swamp. And how wrong you were when you bitched, cursed, or hated Trump without even taking the time to think about it a bit in case it was true. Anyways I hope the non-believer can live with themselves after they realize that somebody else could be right beside them. God Bless!
New York City -underground thousands rescued
The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there.
OUT OF SHADOWS website and Videos
Over 35,000 Malnourished, Caged Children Rescued Out of US Tunnels by Military
Shows Epstein Island
Tom Hanks' Single Lost GLOVE Was Coded.. and it Exposed SINISTER PLANS
Tom Hanks' Single Lost Glove Photo on Twitter Was Coded After All... and it Exposed Something so Sinister the Global takeover using the Crown19? KappiWas Tossed Of Overpass as the story goes... video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxCEu3w7Tj8
Pedogate Part 2
Robert David Steele: Deep State Pedogate Is A Plague On America
High-profile stories of sexual abuse and misconduct have rocked American society in recent weeks. From politics to Hollywood to the news media, it seems no sector of public life is immune. In this week’s episode of ‘The San Francisco Review of Books on Sunday,’ former CIA officer, nonfiction author, top Amazon reviewer, and commentator Robert David Steele speaks about sex abuse and the crises it poses.
Robert David Steele Vivas is an American activist and a former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer known for his promotion of open source intelligence. Steele was a candidate for the Reform Party’s nomination for President of the United States in the 2012 presidential election until February 23, 2012.
RIVETING exposure on the Pedophile System
Chief Counsel Robert David Steele (ITNJ Seating)
video #PIZZAGATE 1989 Washington DC - WHITEHOUSE
Viewer discretion Warning graphic content
Video - Pedophilia, Cannibalism, and the Clinton Government Crime Ring - 2016 Pizzagate Documentaries Collection #1
Video - Pizzagate Comet Ping Pong Download Page Bullet Went Straight Into The Computer [HD, 720p].mp4
Video - The Consequences of Pizza Gate are Real - Meaning of Code Special Pizza - ANONYMOUS Viewer descretion
Videos -
Related in the previous (Phase II) series;
False-flag coverup also documented;
Previous collections on this subject include the following:
Historical background;
The incredible revelations of pedophilia and child sex slavery continue, even as corrupt media pour massive effort into denial and coverup.
The Open Source Investigation sparked by the WikiLeaks release of shocking emails from Clinton's foundation, and her campaign manager Podesta, early December 2016. Comparison of these emails and other facts about the Podestas and related businesses, with FBI information on pedophile communication, along with examples of human trafficking from the Dark Web, reveal that they almost certainly contain many exchanges related with organized pedophilia, torture, and eventual disposal of their victims.
This involves institutionalized pedophilia, torture, and even cannibalism at the highest levels of U.S. government. Such practices have been known before in history and elsewhere in the modern world - used to bribe and then blackmail those occupying high government positions, in order to control them.
These documentaries (and the information they contain) are at high risk of censorship (currently underway), so it is recommended that they be downloaded and distributed via torrent, rather than just viewed.
In this selection, shocking confirmation of a tunnel system beneath Comet Ping Pong, connected to Alefantis by documentation to funding of the tunnel for "art projects" - incredibly describing a sign (see PDF) posted over the entrance reading "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here." This also connects to Germany, and a mysterious "Dr. Pong". More information on the shocking pedophile bands performing at Comet Ping Pong. Possible disturbing connections are explored to the dark web, which is known to be used for communication of pedophiles and child porn traffickers, stemming from the apparent use of highly secured streaming video servers by Comet, possibly for the known "Boum Boum Room" (outside cameras forbidden by the sign posted).
Mel Gibson & Robert Downey Jr. Expose Cannibalism and Pedophilia in Hollywood [English] All Credits go to: TruthSeeker News -
20 Nov 2017) MEL GIBSON CONTEMPLATES WHETHER THE EXPOSURE OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN HOLLYWOOD IS 'A LITTLE LATE' Veteran actors Mel Gibson and John Lithgow have been in the entertainment industry since the 1970's - and speaking in an interview for their latest movie "Daddy's Home 2" - they both agreed that they hadn't seen anything shake
Movie star blows the whistle on entertainment industry pedophile ring
In a shocking exposé, movie star Mel Gibson has blown the whistle on the epidemic of “parasites” who “control Hollywood” that are involved in child sacrifice and pedophilia.The Lethal Weapon star said that “every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent children,” adding that the “most valuable currency is the blood of babies.”
While in London, England promoting his latest role in Daddy’s Home 2, Gibson described entertainment industry elites as an “enemy to mankind” who “feast on the blood of innocent children.”He said key players in the movie business “get their kicks from destroying the sanctuary of children” as they “thrive on breaking every God-given taboo known to man.”
“They have a blatant disregard for the good of the people.”
Destroying people’s lives is just a game to them – the more pain they can cause, the better the thrill.”Children a just sustenance to them.”They feast on the pain and fear, and the younger, the better.”
“These people follow their own religion and use it for moral guidance.”It’s not the sort of religious teachings you folks would ever hear about.”They perform sacred rituals that are sick and totally at odds with the moral fabric that binds most patriotic Americans.”The worst part: It’s an open secret in Hollywood and everyone wants in on it.”
Mel Gibson appeared on British prime-time BBC chatshow, The Graham Norton Show on Friday, where the veteran actor answered questions from shocked guests, in the green room backstage after his appearance, regarding the true nature of Hollywood “elites.”
He explained how he had been blacklisted by Hollywood’s controlling oligarchs in 2006 for voicing his opinions about the industry that clashed with their liberal agenda.He said that since then he has been “working outside of the system” which has given him a fresh perspective, saying:
“It’s difficult to comprehend, I know, and I’m sorry that I am the one to break this to you, but Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring.”They use and abuse kids for their own sick ‘spiritual beliefs,’ if you can even call them that. “I don’t fully understand it myself, but they harvest these kids for their energy and feast on their blood.”
They don’t do it mercifully either, they scare the sh*t out of them before they sacrifice them.
“The more innocent the child, the more terrified they are, the more they thrive on it,” said the Braveheart star. “What does that mean? “They aren’t doing this as some form of artistic expression:
They are harvesting the blood of children and eating their flesh because they think it gives them some sort of ‘life force.’”If the child was mentally and physically suffering when they died, then it gives them ‘extra life force.’”I don’t understand why they do that, but that’s what they do.”Most of us have a moral compass that guides us through life, right?”
These people don’t have that, or if they do, it’s pointing in the opposite direction.”
Gibson, who has spent the last 30 years working inside and outside of the Hollywood regime, says that the industry’s hierarchy “thrives on abuse, pain, torture, stress, and suffering.”According to Gibson, the desire to inflict such abuse isn’t limited to just the elite, but only “those at the top of the food chain can afford such a ‘luxury,’” although, it’s a “goal for most people in the industry.”
“Hollywood is drenched in innocent children’s blood.”The references to pedophilia and cannibalism have always been there, but for years they cryptic or symbolic.”I was introduced to these practices in the early 2000s and was threatened with serious repercussions should I ever speak out.”And, I don’t just mean my career, I mean my life was threatened, my family’s life would be in danger.”I can only talk about it now as those people, those industry executives, they’re all dead now.”They see the blood of a sexually abused infant as the ‘ultimate prize’ and say that it’s ‘highly enriched.’
”Babies are like a ‘premium currency’ and hold a higher value of anything else you can think of: Diamonds, drugs, caviar, you name it.”They are literally trading these kids like a currency for favors, movie roles, kickbacks…”
According to Gibson, this perversion isn’t just the latest fad but has been a deep-threaded culture in Hollywood for generations, and is something popular among both men and women. “This isn’t anything new and has been taking place since before Hollywood was even founded.”If you research this phenomenon, you will find lurking in the shadows of every dark era in history.”
These dark, multidimensional occult practices have been used in secret societies for hundreds of years.”Hollywood is being used for social programming and mind control and their message is being projected into the psyche of the American people…”People everywhere.
Comet Pizza
Viewer warning
The Adrenochrome harvesting of Australian Children will be exposed and all harvesting plants around the world will be shut down!
Educate yourself and be ready for the truth.
Warning. The information you are about to learn is not for the faint of heart. It is for Mature audiences Only!! 21yo+
Story here:
PDF file of website in case it goes down
People 12,655
Organizations 9,371
Countries 169
Resignations - for "Australia" (461 Results)
Human Trafficking Arrests
Who’s Who Of Epstein’s Black Book
Case 1:17-cv-00616 Document 1 Filed 01/26/17 Page 1 of 21
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendants for
compensatory damages, attorney's fees, punitive damages and such other and
further relief as this Court deems just and proper. Plaintiff hereby demands trial by
jury on all issues triable as of right by a jury.
Dated: January 26, 2017
Plaintiff Jane Doe 43, by and through her undersigned counsel, for her
claims against Defendants Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Sarah Kellen,
Lesley Groff, and Natalya Malyshev, alleges upon personal knowledge with
respect to her own acts and status and upon information and belief as to all other
matters, as follows:
This cause of action arises under federal statutes and jurisdiction is
proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1331.
Plaintiff files this Complaint under a pseudonym in order to protect
her identity because this Complaint makes allegations of a sensitive sexual nature
and disclosure of Plaintiff's name publicly will cause further harm to her
At all times material to this cause of action, Defendants Jeffrey
Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Sarah Kellen, Lesley Groff, and Natalya Malyshev
owed a duty to Plaintiff to treat her in a non-negligent manner and not to commit
or conspire to commit intentional or tortious illegal acts against her.
At all times material to this cause of action Defendant Jeffrey Epstein
was an adult male over 50 years old. Defendant Epstein is known as a billionaire
who uses his extraordinary wealth to commit illegal sexual crimes in violation of
federal and state statutes and to employ numerous others, including the named
Defendants, to conspire and assist in committing those crimes and additional torts
as well as to protect and conceal his crimes and torts from being discovered.
Defendant Epstein displays his enormous wealth, power and influence
to his employees; to the victims procured for sexual purposes; and to the public in
order to advance and carry out his crimes and torts. At all relevant times,
Defendant Epstein owned and continues to own, directly or through nominee
individuals used to conceal his interests, a fleet of airplanes, motor vehicles, boats
and one or more helicopters. He owned and owns numerous properties and homes,
including a 51,000-square-foot mansion in Manhattan; a $30 Million, 7,500-acre
ranch in New Mexico; a 70-acre private island formerly known as Little St. James
in or near St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands; a mansion in London, England; a home
Case 1:17-cv-00616 Document 1 Filed 01/26/17 Page 3 of 2
Full Allegations and Complaints read here: http://archive.is/mrnTZ
Jean Luc Brunel was accused in legal papers of supplying girls to Jeffrey Epstein, who allegedly ordered a teenager to sleep with the Duke of York.
Video Testimony - Epstein - adjourned
Read the US court statement which names Prince Andrew in sex allegations
Tom Pride here links to the American court documents detailing the allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation against Prince Andrew’s friend, Epstein. Most of the documents are simply descriptions of the actions of Epstein himself. It merely mentions Andrew as one of the prominent men, including politicians, prime ministers and other leading figures, to whom Epstein loaned the girls for abuse. Please be advised that these documents make very grim and disgusting reading, as they give explicit descriptions of what Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell did to them.
In the interests of openness, here is the court document from the US which names Prince Andrew:
And this court document from the same case shows that the girls involved in the allegations were sometimes as young as 12 years old:
THE PRINCE and the PEDO: No, I am not talking about Prince Andrew and his wealthy convicted Pedophile friend, Jeffrey Epstein, I am talking about PRINCE CHARLES and SIR LAURENS Van Der POST.
Prince Andrew sex claims case: Judge orders that allegations against Duke of York be thrown out
Epstein’s Teen Prostitute Dishes Dirt On Dershowitz Amid Denials, Also: Clinton Was Frequent Visitor
Created by OpDeathEaters Epstein: Doe 1 / 2 vs USA, CVRA case 9:08-cv-80736 Thought I already had this folder here. Reloading. Sharing Options Read Now 341-main PLAINTIFF’S NOTICE OF FILING REDACTED PLEADINGS IN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDER DE 324 AND ORDER DE 325 UPLOADED BY OpDeathEaters 2 PagesTotalSave 341-main PLAINTIFF’S NOTICE OF FILING REDACTED PLEADINGS IN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDER DE 324 AND ORDER DE 325 For Later
Read Now Virginia Roberts Affidavit UPLOADED BY OpDeathEaters 20 PagesTotalSave Virginia Roberts Affidavit For Later
Read Now DE339_JudgesOrderRePrivilegeLogThree UPLOADED BY OpDeathEaters 7 PagesTotalSave DE339_JudgesOrderRePrivilegeLogThree For Later
Read Now DE 338-1 Third Supplemental Privilege Log, Box #5 UPLOADED BY OpDeathEaters 7 PagesTotalSave DE 338-1 Third Supplemental Privilege Log, Box #5 For Later
Read Now DE260 AG Interpretation Of CVRA given in order to restrict disclosure UPLOADED BY OpDeathEaters 6 PagesTotalSave DE260 AG Interpretation Of CVRA given in order to restrict disclosure For Later
Read Now DE30_VillafanaRESPONSE in Opposition Re 28 MOTION to Unseal Document Non-Prosecution Agreement UPLOADED BY OpDeathEaters 7 PagesTotalSave DE30_VillafanaRESPONSE in Opposition Re 28 MOTION to Unseal Document Non-Prosecution Agreement For Later
Read Now DE251_Unsealed Sealed Document Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Response in Opposition to Epstein's Motion for Protective Confidentiality Order UPLOADED BY OpDeathEaters 20 PagesTotalSave DE251_Unsealed Sealed Document Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Response in Opposition to Epstein's Motion for Protective Confidentiality Order For Later
Read Now DE100_VillafanaSupportingMotionOfIntervenorAttnysToSupress UPLOADED BY OpDeathEaters 12 PagesTotalSave DE100_VillafanaSupportingMotionOfIntervenorAttnysToSupress For Later
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