How They Pulled Off The ‘Pandemic’ – An Animated Film Explanation By David Icke
A free copyright to share, download and post wherever you can. Let’s make this go globally viral.
An Animated Film Explanation By David Icke - Link to Video
Victorians locked down with six weeks of curfews
Dramatic new legislation for Police and emergency services have been given much broader powers to enforce new coronavirus restrictions, including the Melbourne-wide curfews every night.
It also gives authorities the ability to suspend Acts of Parliament and take possession of properties.
*SHARED* Content POLICE STATE VACCINE ENFORCED RETURN TO NORMALITY It is with a heavy heart that I bring you the news that this Victorian stage 4 lockdown marks the end of life as we know it. I have been informed today on good authority, third hand from a government source, that the very scenario we have been fearing and trying to warn others about is on its way - very soon. This news comes from a trusted friend whose acquaintance was told by a person who works for government and is in the know about the plans to return to 'normal' life after the current lockdown. In 6 weeks when this lockdown is lifted, nobody will be leaving their homes without the vaccine! As expected, this vaccine will have microchip technology (probably nano-chip) for tracking and tracing and be administered with a scannable barcode (I'm assuming quantum dot technology) to check vaccination status. This is all technology that has been patented, planned and trialled and is headed by Bill Gates and Gavi through the organisation ID2020. This will be a rushed and experimental RNA vaccine that should not be trusted! This is the second source I have heard this information from, but I was unsure whether to trust the first leak of information due to lack of transparency regarding the original source. I trust this one, and will provide more details once I hear. This is all enabled through the declaration of 'state of disaster' which ultimately gives police the absolute power to enforce any means necessary to get things 'under control' - voiding any previous contradictory Acts of parliament, and essentially stripping all residents of any of their constitutional rights. We are officially now living in a police state! Other states please get ready, because this will be coming to you soon as well. This may be what they have planned, but together we can stop it and create a different reality for ourselves! Let's stay positive and live in hope rather than fear! ❤ ❤ ❤ PLEASE SHARE!!!
Authorities want the state of disaster in place to ensure police can enforce the new restrictions.(ABC News: Daniel Fermer)
Call Out the Troops: an examination of the legal basis for Australian Defence Force involvement in 'non-defence' matters Gov. Link
Some serious questions. I would legitimately like your answers: When the government decides that you now need to wear gloves to go on public transport and in supermarkets, are you going to comply? When the government decides that you now need to wear goggles to go on public transport and in supermarkets, are you going to comply? When the government decides that you now need to wear a face mask, gloves AND goggles, not only on public transport and in supermarkets, but in ALL public spaces, are you going to comply? When the government decides that you now need to wear a face mask, gloves AND goggles, not only in public spaces, but in your own home as well, are you going to comply? When the government decides that you now need to prove that you're not an "asymptomatic carrier" (by being tested), in order to access public spaces (including public transport and supermarkets), are you going to comply? When the government decides that you now need an "immunity passport", in order to access public spaces (including public transport and supermarkets), are you going to comply? When the government decides that you now need "proof of vaccination", in order to access public spaces (including public transport and supermarkets), are you going to comply? When the government decides that you now need a microchip in your arm, in order to access public spaces (including public transport and supermarkets), are you going to comply? I guess the real question is: Is there ANY point at which you're going to stop doing what the government tells you to do? Because until large enough numbers of people stop complying with all this nonsense, the government mandates are only going to keep getting more intrusive, more authoritarian and harder to roll back. The "new normal" was never meant to be temporary, Right from the very beginning of this manufactured crisis, it was always intended to go on indefinitely, as a means of stripping you of your freedom, privacy and autonomy, increment by increment. Fear is the currency of control, and as long as people can be kept in a state of perpetual fear, they will keep surrendering power and control over their own lives to those who seek power and control over others, in return for the illusion of "safety". PLEASE wake up.
Agenda 21/ESD The Betrayal Of Australians Sovereignty
Betrayal of the Australian People on an Unprecedented Scale as Australia Moves Away from Democracy How Successive Governments Have Deceived the People, Usurped the Constitution, & Subverted Democracy, for More than 20 Years
Author Graham Williamson April 2014
The United Nations Demands AG21 Compliance From Strong Independent Nations to ‘Fragile’ Interdependent Nations – the UN gets their way
PART 2 The Australian Government Successive Australian Governments, State Governments, & Councils, Rush to Surrender Control to the UN
Australia Invites UN to Take Control & Subvert Democracy
IGAE & COAG Enable Bypassing of Constitution and Avoidance of Democracy
Trump Signs Order — Vaccines No Longer Required for Children
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