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Writer's pictureImAcogInDewheel


Updated: Jul 1, 2021

When we need light to block out the darkness - I just discovered Mei-Ian,

Ethereal, Angelic and heavenly Sounds, May you all find peace and love for your inner self


Raise Your Frequency

Release lower vibrations and attune yourself to love, peace, and calm.   I am honored to share these sacred sounds and ancient tones with you. I invite you to relax and open to receive Source love through this transmission.  If you enjoy this transmission, I created an album around this intention called Within:  When you raise your vibration and re-connect to your soul, you will experience deep healing — it also helps heal humanity and Mother Earth.  Thank you for feeling called to be a part of this sacred moment and this offering from the Divine.  From my heart to yours, ~ Mei-lan

“The Great Awakening is very real. As is The Great Divide. With Great Change, often comes Great Chaos. You cannot Grow, without experiencing Growing Pains and Aches. As is Growth in the Collective. All that we See going on out “there” is literally just the falling apart and a falling together of all that is Conflicted, Projected, Angry and Self Victimised and of all that is in Authentic Alignment within individuals, within institutions, corporations, and within the Collective. The Great Divide, is The Great Awakening l They are flip sides of the same coin. Growth is often confusing, chaotic and even painful. Ego wants to be ‘“Right” Let and allow your Inner Heart to Guide you, in all that you think and do. Judgement and condemnation from all “Sides” is how the Great Divide works, until individually and collectively, I / We begin to step back and question our thoughts and actions. Our Thoughts and Emotions have Tremendous Power and Effect Very Real Change, within ourselves and out “there”. What are you manifesting today? Is it Centred in Peace, Acceptance, Self Compassion and Conflict Resolution? Or is it based in Fear, Hate, Panic, and Separation? The Choice is All-Ways yours, in Every Moment. 💜🔥💜” Roo.





Why are they recommending isolation at home if your vaccinated?

Isn’t that a contradiction?

Keep in mind the word “ proposal”

Peoples thoughts on draconian directives

"this is communism, if they bring this in they might just as well hand over government to communist china and be done with it as that is the direction they are taking us, I will never vote liberal or Labor and definately not the greens. It will be one nation from here on in."

The big Vax, it is a thing we need to get...we already say that internationally it's sort of ok or normal or kind of acceptable...their real goal is exactly where they are leadiing the people

THE ONE WORLD AGENDA...SCOMO just hired experts to do they gradually do it domestically state by state WILLING TO MAIME OR KILL MILLIONS OF AUSTRALIANS,THOSE ARE THE MOST


"When the truth eventually comes out we need to take down all the people and organisations involved in this scam because they will try this genocide on the population again if we don't this must be dismantled from the top down and we need to follow the constitution not the corporation laws just saying"

What a lot of poppy cock - STUPID is as STUPID does!

Total lies.. people that don’t show symptoms are not contagious at all. Fact!


Perspectives on the Pandemic | "The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine" | Episode 13 Remastered

Journeyman Pictures As much of the world rushes to receive a lightly-tested pharmaceutical product, we thought it was high time to look again at the (very) big business of medicine. Leemon McHenry, PhD, guides us to the fraudulent core of ghostwritten studies, captured legislators, revolving-door regulatory agencies, pay-to-play medical journals, and the "key opinion leaders" who lend their academic credentials to giant corporations...for a price. With every stage in the process seemingly structured for corruption, we can only wonder along with Professor McHenry: "Who's looking out for scientific integrity?" By the time you finish this episode of Perspectives, you might just roll down your sleeve for a rethink.


Tasmania police's largest illicit drug probe uncovers millions of dollars in drugs and cash

Tasmania Police has seized more than $5.5 million in illicit drugs and cash after targeting a Queensland-based drug syndicate in raids across two states.

Key points:

  • Six people were arrested after police raided properties in two states

  • More than $4 million in cocaine and methylamphetamine has been seized

  • Tasmania Police believe it to be the largest illicit drug investigation in its history




I encourage anyone who comes on here and calls us anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists or ignorant people — PLEASE GET THE COVID-19 VACCINE! Your masters say it's great for you, it will free you, it will make you happy and well from an evil dead virus and we can still make you self isolate.. be good for daddy little munchkins, we have your best interests at heart...



World Health Organisation representative for Australia, Professor Mary-Louise McClure wants the Victorian Government to lockdown the stage for AT LEAST 3 days. -

Already warning Victorians another three day lockdown soon..









"If you don't like lockdowns, get vaccinated. If you don't like border closures, get vaccinated. If you want to travel internationally, go and get vaccinated."

Today my father had to sign-in to buy a newspaper in Victoria. Not even in Melbourne. They made him SIGN. IN. TO BUY THE PAPER. Yet still people cannot see freedoms being stripped away, bit by bit, day by day. #melbournelockdown Ben Mitchell

"It doesn't look like a pandemic. It looks like a coup. Whatever Victoria is today it is not a free state."

Covid mRNA jab causes 210 deaths Australia, 12,184 in Europe, 5165 in US

In Australia between January 1st and May 23rd 2021, there have been 210 deaths and 22,031 adverse reactions reported. And we cannot be certain that all adverse events are being reported.

Reports of death following vaccination, particularly in the elderly

The TGA uses its adverse event reporting system to closely monitor reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination. During the early stages of the vaccine rollout in Australia and many other countries, deaths were reported following vaccination in older people living in aged care as this is where the vaccine rollout started. Many of these deaths were in frail elderly people and were coincidental with vaccination. This was confirmed following review by the TGA and medicine regulators in the UK, Europe and the US which found no specific safety concerns from use of the vaccines in older people. However, it is possible in frail older people that even relatively mild and expected adverse reactions following the vaccination may contribute to deterioration of an underlying illness. For this reason, the Product Information documents for both the Pfizer and the AstraZeneca vaccines provide advice about vaccinating frail elderly people (over 85 years old) and warn that the potential benefits of vaccination must be weighed against the potential risks for each individual person. To 23 May 2021, 3.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given in Australia. In this period, the TGA has received 210 reports of deaths following immunisation – 109 have been reported for the Pfizer vaccine, 94 for the AstraZeneca vaccine and seven where the vaccine was not specified. Most of these reports (93%) were for people 65 years of age and over, and over three quarters were 75 years of age and over. Many of the deaths relate to elderly aged-care residents.

( I don't know about you, but my grandmothers lived into their nineties, one in a nursing home..

I'd be pretty pissed off! if they were still here today and die from an enforced unproven vaccine..)

“The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever, and we will have enormous amounts of data.”

As you have publicly admitted, these injections are still in clinical trials, and anyone who gets the shot is now part of an experiment.

Why haven’t you given instructions to health professionals to inform every person receiving the shot that they are participating in an experiment? Informed consent is essential for any medical procedure as per the Australian Immunisation Handbook and the Nuremberg Code.

read the open letter here

The best things in life aren’t always free...

FREEDOM OF CHOICE - WAS ONCE .... just got Vaxxed ....


We continue to receive reports of side effects to the AstraZeneca vaccine as it becomes more widely available in Australia. The reports are generally consistent with what is being observed internationally.

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) is a rare event involving serious blood clots with a low blood platelet count. TTS is triggered by the immune system’s response to the AstraZeneca vaccine and is different from other clotting conditions. The TGA and other medicines regulators around the world continue to monitor and investigate this issue.

What happened to the fact the jabs don't protect people from acquiring the 'virus' and only purport to lessen the 'symptoms' (yet proven)? Why is this basic, vital fact overlooked by mainstream media? It's almost as if they want people to get jabbed with poisons that don't cure.

Posted onJune 7, 2021AuthorDarren

Australian Govt’s OWN WEBSITE admits Covid tests are totally unreliable


WOW! Came across this interesting Reading..

[Coronavirus | Population control | Swine Flu 1976 | Vaccines]: The Great Swine Flu Massacre by Eustace Mullins.

12 page article on the swine flu vaccine in 1976, which caused 1600 immediate deaths after injection according to this article. I hadn't heard about this before and thought many of you probably haven't either. (see download)

The Great Swine Flu Massacre 1976 Murder By Injection Sixteen Hundred Dead

by Eustace Mullins

Christian Vanguard Official Publication of the NEW CHRISTIAN CRUSADE CHURCH A Publication Compiled For the Elect No. 68 August 1977

Vaccine Passports: THIS Is Where It Leads

ProfessorMary-LouiseMcClure suggested that Melbourne, Victoria requires 14 days of 0 community transmission of COVID-19 before restrictions are eased. DO NOT take this as gospel, but her advice has been consistently considered by the Victorian Government as she plays a key role within the World Health ...

WOW! An expert in hand hygiene

McLaws is a professor at UNSW, an expert in hand hygiene, and an advisor to the World Health Organisation on COVID-19. When Lisa Wilkinson asked her who the “real heroes of this pandemic” are she didn’t even need a moment to think.

“I’ve educated and trained many nursers in epidemiology and infection control, I’ve seen them at work,” she said, holding back tears.

“They’re at the patients’ side for hours, they’re at risk… they’re amazing.”

"she likes to push the boundaries"

Hand Hygiene has saved countless lives

"The sterilisation and depopulation agenda. Get your poison needle away from me thx"

Acting Chief Medical Officer interview on ABC Radio National RN Breakfast on 1 July 2020 Read the transcript of

Acting Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly's interview on ABC Radio National RN Breakfast on 1 July 2020 about coronavirus (COVID-19).

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Date published: 1 July 2020 Media type: Transcript

Victoria is taking dramatic steps to tackle the corona surge in Melbourne after the city had its 14th straight day of double digit growth in new cases. From midnight tonight, 36 Melbourne suburbs will go back into lockdown. A short time ago the Prime Minister was asked whether it would set back the national recovery.
That is always a risk, but it's also important to keep it in perspective. We've got to keep our economy open because if we don't do that that will cost jobs. We've got to keep opening that economy. We deal with the outbreaks — you keep the testing, you keep the tracing, you keep the social distance, you download the COVIDSafe app, you do all of this, they're the protections against coronavirus and that's what we need to keep being diligent about.
[End of excerpt]
That's the Prime Minister speaking on Channel 9 just a short time ago. Well, Professor Paul Kelly is Australia's Acting Chief Medical Officer. Paul Kelly, welcome back to Breakfast.
Good morning, Fran.
Paul, about 300,000 residents will be quarantined in Melbourne from the rest of the city. How confident are you that this will do the trick? And arrest that surge in infections?
Well look, I think it's a very appropriate and strong message that was put out by the Victorian authorities and led by the premier and Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, yesterday. It's a proportionate response to the situation in Melbourne. It's something we hoped wouldn't happen but we've always said that this is how we would handle this situation if it occurred. Very similar in some ways to the north west Tasmania issue that happened earlier on, but quite different of course in a urban environment. So, those measures have been put in place, very clearly they will be expanded if necessary and, importantly, they will be enforced.
Okay. And are you— do you presume or is it your hunch that other suburbs might also have to go into lockdown? Or do you think this will be enough?
Well as has happened since the beginning of this pandemic response in Australia, Fran, it's being led by the science. And so we've got the epidemiology in terms of where those cases are occurring. We've got that extraordinarily large testing regime going on, including door-to-door testing and mobile teams, and so forth. So we will know whether these cases are increasing or not. And we'll be very much on the lookout, that eternal vigilance issue that we need for this virus popping up in other suburbs. It's extremely infectious and so we just need to keep an eye on that.
It's a learning curve for the whole country. You say, we knew this would happen, we know how to respond. Well, we're learning how to respond. Tasmania first, this is an even more extreme response that we're seeing in Victoria. Is one of the lessons learned that Victoria didn't lock down quickly enough? There's been 233 new cases in Melbourne since last Thursday. Should this lockdown have happened before now?
Well look it happened yesterday, Fran, and I think rather than looking back let's look forward. So, we've got certainty now about what's required and that's being rolled out now. This is a national effort; it's always been a national effort. And so while Victoria has made those decisions we are very strongly supporting them from the federal level, and other states and territories are donating staff and expertise. We're continuing to meet daily in the AHHPC which I'm chairing now, so that will be our major discussion point for today as it has been over the last few days.
And, Paul Kelly, when we went for suppression not elimination, you know as you said, and as you said again today there will be outbreaks. But does this indicate we should have gone harder for elimination? Should we have sat the virus out before we reopened the economy? Is that what this is showing us?
Well, certainly reopening the economy and increasing movement of people around cities and mixing of people does increase the risk, that's true. But it's a balancing act, Fran. We can't, as I think the Prime Minister said, stay underneath the doona forever.
We do have to have an economy. Having mass unemployment is also bad for health. And so we needed to open up, it was a timing thing which is always difficult. As was reported yesterday by Brett Sutton and the Premier, we're pretty sure we know where most of these cases have come from, and that was a particular issue. And so they're looking at that, and again, a really strong learning lesson about how important infection control is when faced with this virus — and that's included in the quarantine hotels.
Yeah just on that, I mean, your predecessor in that job, Brendan Murphy, says hotel quarantine has been, quote: one of our most successful public health measures during this pandemic. Something's obviously gone very wrong in Victoria. Are we clear where the failure is? Was it a failure of leadership, in terms of departmental failure? Or a failure of individuals just not doing the right thing? Not following the protocols?
Look, firstly I'd totally agree with Brendan's comments on that. We've had over 60,000 people go into hotel quarantines across the nation since they were introduced, and these are Australians coming home so we need to welcome them in a way that it also creates safety for the rest of the population. So out of 60,000, we've had 2; in multiple hotels we've had these 2 breaches. There was also a similar but much less dramatic breach in Western Australia earlier on. There's a judicial review which will be looking at that, and I really look forward to seeing what they find. It's again a lesson that we absolutely have to learn.
You're listening to RN Breakfast, it's 18 to 8. Our guest is the Acting Chief Medical Officer for the Commonwealth, Paul Kelly. Important now is the testing, and the tracing, and the social distancing, as you say. The Victorian Premier, Dan Andrews, says: more than 900 people, in 2 suburbs, have refused to be tested in this recent testing blitz. Do we know why people are refusing a test? Do you understand that? Is it a failure to communicate the benefits of it? Is it some kind of personal belief? What is it?
Look, that's certainly something that we need to get on top of it. It's a complex thing. I was thinking about it myself last night; if someone turned up and knocked on my door and I hadn't heard that they were coming and offering me a test, how would I respond? I think I would say yes but, you know, it needs very careful explanation. We've done a lot of work with multicultural communities and it's a very multicultural part of Melbourne. So, you know, we've translated all of our stuff into 22 languages, there's 63 [indistinct].
[Interrupts] Sure. But still, 1,000 people nearly saying no, it's not good enough. It's not safe, is it?
Well, we'd like to see that improve. So, I guess the point I'm making is we've done a lot of work with multicultural communities, but we need to redouble those efforts. So, there's 500 staff from the Commonwealth that have been asked for, in Victoria, to assist with that community engagement as we go forward there.
Yes, but if people are saying no are we're going to come to a crunch time where testing should be mandatory?
Well, testing can be mandatory. All of the states and territory chief health officers have powers under the Public Health Act that can make testing and other mechanisms mandatory, but it's a last resort. I think explaining to people and getting cooperation is the first way and I know that the Victorian authorities are absolutely committed to that.
I'm sorry to keep hammering this; but, if nearly 1,000 people have said no so far, is it time the Victorian considered, you know, accessing those powers? And making it mandatory for people to take tests?
I think 100,000 have said yes, Fran, so let's concentrate on the positives.
What about wearing masks? Is it time to mandate the wearing of face masks in the cluster suburbs?
Yeah, so masks is an interesting thing. It's come up again. I would reiterate our national view that masks are not necessary in most circumstances, but all the way through we have said there are exceptions to that. Masks are not 100 per cent effective, and there are other ways of avoiding the virus, but sometimes that can't be done.
One of the key areas where that advice may change, and we've always said that from the beginning, is that if the local epidemiology shows that there's a large outbreak, that it might be part of the solution. And so, I know the Victorian authorities are looking at that very carefully and we'll back them in on that as they as they develop that for those suburbs.
So, just some clarity around that. Obviously, we've got a large outbreak in these 10 postcode areas. Are you saying that the advice, where there's a large outbreak, is likely to come to wearing face masks in public?
It could come to that, Fran, but I'll— I know that the Victorians are looking at that carefully and—
[Interrupts] Are you recommending it to them? You're the Chief Medical Officer, what do you think?
Well, it may be part of the solution. So, I think the clear things that were put forward today — and we've all heard these things before, but let's reiterate them — if you're sick stay at home, is the first absolutely important thing; the hygiene measures that we've talked about; and also hand washing and all of the rest, as well as social distancing. These are the important things and in those suburbs that's going to be enforced. So, stay at home orders are there for that reason. But if people are in that setting and cannot avoid large groups of people, masks may be part of the option — it's not the only solution.
Okay. Can I just go to borders before we leave you today? The New South Wales border with Victoria remains open. The Prime Minister has criticised states like South Australia and Queensland, which remain closed to Victorians. He says: you can't just shut Australia up every time there's an outbreak. But, given this alarming outbreak in Melbourne, can we afford to elevate the economy in this way? I know you spoke earlier we can't stay under the doona forever, but there are moments when the equation has to change, aren't there?
Yes. And I think the issue there, Fran, is we, you know, I know people uncertainty and that's very difficult to give in these circumstances. We'd need to be nimble and flexible in relation to how we respond to this virus now. And so things will change as time goes by and that's what's happening in that localised area. And if you can think about it, it's kind of like a border within northern parts of Melbourne. So, in terms of state borders, that's a matter for the states and Queensland has to make their own decisions for their own public and I respect that. Let's look at a glass half full — they opened the border to everywhere else yesterday, so that's, I'm sure, warming the hearts of many people who want to head north over the next few weeks.
You want warm bodies as well as warm hearts. Just one final question. Yesterday, here on the program, Mary Louise — Professor Mary Louise McClure — she's with you in SW, a member of the WHO's Health Emergency Experts Advisory Panel for COVID-19 — told us that Australia's response to the virus is relying too much on modelling and is playing the management of the virus against the economics of the pandemic. What's your response to that?
Well, modelling is important — we've used it all the way through. There was a good modelling paper published yesterday that showed how important and useful the app can be. In certain circumstances, for example, we used it to decide how we should get equipment for our intensive care and so forth early on. So, modelling is useful and has been from the beginning, and will remain so. It's not the only thing we're using to craft our response. This response in north— in Melbourne is not based on modelling. It's based on real data, real time data and good public health practice.
Paul Kelly, thank you very much for joining us on Breakfast. We appreciate your time.
You’re welcome, Fran.
Professor Paul Kelly is the Commonwealth Acting Chief Medical Officer.



Morrison Doesn’t know how to tell the truth

Australians would be dismayed to see Mr Morrison just lying about national security, just making things up. Mr Morrison is always about the politics. He doesn’t care about national security. He just cares about the political games.

Scott Morrison says Operation Ironside struck a 'heavy blow' against organised crime.

More than 200 members of Australia's mafia and bikie underworld have been charged in the nation's largest-ever crime sting, police say. Key points:

  • Police say more than 200 arrests have been made in connection with Operation Ironside

  • AFP officers tracked criminal underworld figures using an encrypted messaging app

  • The first arrest from the operation occurred on November 8, 2019

As part of a three-year collaboration between the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), underworld figures were tricked into communicating via an encrypted app designed by police, authorities say. The app, known as AN0M, was used by organised crime gangs around the world to plan executions, mass drug importations and money laundering. Authorities say they were able to read up to 25 million messages in real time. Police said they uncovered 21 murder plots and seized more than 3,000 kilograms of drugs and $45 million in cash and assets.

John Howard saw multiculturalism as a project for demeaning the achievements of the British settlers and turning Australia into a nation of tribes This is also scott morrison's belief Refer to two attachments 1. John Howard / 2. Scott Morrison

Little America


Approval has been given for the first phase of the $500 million redevelopment of the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

The National Capital Authority has given the nod for early works including the demolition of Anzac Hall.

Disgusting act of depriving the people of a sacred memorial in the name of our beloved

ANZACS.Why would anyone want to demolish a 'memorial', dedicated to past wars and sacrifice.


A letter from Bob Hawke to mark the creation of Medicare.


Something very odd on Christmas Island, we are paying for 5 Health Service Provider staff, but no action for 10 Days Medical staff on Xmas Island 1* GP 1* Clinical Team Leader 1* Registered Nurse 1* Mental Health Nurse 1* Screening Nurse and 1* ABF officer

So $12,900 a night to keep the Biloela family in detention for about 18 months. As they say, just for the government to prove a point. And on top of that, they deny one of the children urgent medical help. Shameful.


Some Trivia

Did not know that Australia's PM

descended from a First Fleet convict (and a Cornishman!) FDCO protocol dept will have some good inspo for the welcome gift now.

Looks like they kept passing the batton Through the family - Scotty from marketing


What Is Going on, [18.05.21 17:57]

NZ Herald Covid-19-coronavirus Govt. makes urgent law cgange after High Court ruling on legality of vaccine rollout

New Zealand is Stuffed

So the judge found it was illegal, the NZ government changed the law to make it better.

Covid 19 coronavirus: Govt makes urgent law change after High Court ruling on legality of vaccine rollout - NZ Herald

'The law has for some time now, lacked clarity.'


GLOBAL PEACE UPDATES ☮️ [Formally Global Freedom Updates], [18.05.21 13:57]

[Forwarded from Dismantling The Cabal]

[ Video ]

This 1956 clip predicted everything we are going through now. It even knew the year it would happen... 2020. It's like they planned it!

@DigitalNukes ☢️

@CallingASpadeASpade ♠️

Perspectives on the Pandemic | "Blood Clots and Beyond" | Episode 15

In February, 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections. Since then, two of the four injections have been suspended or recalled in Europe and the United States for just that reason. In this episode of Perspectives, Professor Bhakdi explains the science behind the problem, why it is not just limited to the products already suspended, and why in the long term we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unwitting subjects.


How the COVID lab leak theory went from panned to seriously considered

Exactly a year ago this month, as the pandemic raged, one of the government's top biological threat experts gave a rare interview revealing the United States had been preparing for a decade for the dual possibility that a deadly novel virus would emerge either in nature or manufactured by an enemy.

"The primary focus was being able to respond rapidly to biological threats as they appeared," explained Dr. David Rakestraw, a top scientist who was coordinating the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's response to COVID-19.

In the journal Science this month, eighteen prestigious scientists urged further investigation to determine the origin of the virus that has killed 3.4 million people globally. "Theories of accidental release from a lab and zoonotic spillover both remain viable," they wrote.

Investigate the origins of COVID-19


Did you know?

The PCR tests do not detect SARS-CoV-2 partcles, but partcles from any number of viruses you might have contracted in the past, and that a lawsuit for crimes against humanity is being launched by a German attorney for this fraud.

Even Fauci admits PCR tests don't work. The WHO backs him up. In this CDC document, testng guidelines state that false negatves and positves are possible - page 39. The PCR test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens - page 40

• 1. The FDA did not approve Moderna or Pfizer mRNA gene therapeutics they dubbed "vaccines". It simply authorized them. Fauci confirms. 19 doctors warned the world of the dangers. The animal trials had to be stopped because the animals kept dying....


WHAT ARE WE NOT BEING TOLD? Do they, Don't they exist? UFO's Hidden Technology

Is it another pysop a plan to scare the masses into submission for a Totalatarian One World Government...

go to link at end of article from Stop World Control .Com

Dear Friends, many of you haven’t heard from me for a while, so I want to quickly send an encouragement. This is from my phone because ATT (which is owned and part of the criminals behind the NWO and PlanDemic) has simultaneously cancelled millions of SIM cards that are specifically for internet nationwide. This is an aggressive attack on countless schools, businesses, freelancers and families who depend on this service for their operations and income. These kinds of actions against the American people have been announced by the globalists and we have been warned they would occur by the military intelligence officers who go by the name Q. Full blown assaults on America and its people, not only through the lockdowns that murdered millions and wiped out tens of thousands of businesses, but they are also launching all kinds of other attacks to destroy the people and nation of America. Why? Because a strong America is the main obstacle against a New World Order. That’s why America has to go down. It’s also why they have been trying for decades to incite a nuclear war with Russia. If America and Europe would wage war against Russia, especially a nuclear war, it would severely weaken that great nation, which is also necessary for the globalist plan of a one world superstate under their control. The coming months and years they plan to launch a wide variety of assaults, not only on America, but on all of humanity. This planned pandemic is just their first rocket. They have many other missiles ready to be shot at the world. Climate change is on its way, to be the greatest hoax in all of history, with imposed climate lockdowns to further destroy the nations. A faked alien invasion is also brewing in their pots. That’s why they are now suddenly ‘revealing’ UFO footage. They want to fool the world into believing we are threatened by aliens, so humanity would accept a one world army to protect us against this fake alien threat. They are also preparing fake asteroid impacts. And there are new pandemics in the making. Besides that they are already unleashing several cyber attacks on humanity. The purpose of all this is simple: Weakening the world and frightening humanity, so everyone would accept their ‘salvation’: a one world government that will ‘protect’ everyone from all this. See the strategy? Creating fake crisises (pandemics, climate change, cyber attacks, natural disasters, economic collapse, alien invasion, asteroid threats, ...) so the world would be increasingly terrified. Then they offer totalitarian control by a tiny group of super rich criminals who will claim to be the only solution for all this. It’s the same old mafia tactic: you will only be safe if we protect you. Oh yeah, and of course we are the ones who will kill you if you don’t accept our ‘protection’. Of course being ‘protected’ by us will cost you. It costs you everything! That’s how the mafia works in Italy, and worldwide. Isn’t it interesting that several of the highest people in the worldwide globalist circles come from Italy and Sicily? What we are seeing applied worldwide is ancient basic mafia practices. What can we do? First of all we must finally wake up to this strategy of creating threats and fear, and then offering ‘protection’ if we accept their tyranny. Once we acknowledge what they are doing, it’s our job to inform the people around us. Please do not sit around doing nothing. Please rise up and do something. It’s up to you and me, the people with hearts of love for our fellow humans, to shout and shake others awake. It doesn’t matter that they deny everything and close their eyes and ears. Listen to me: the time will come, for some very soon, that they will wake up in great horror, when they are suffering under the cruelty of what they have chosen for. They may now reject your words. But then they will remember them and understand that you were right all along. All who warn humanity in this hour have a profoundly prophetic task. We warn the world for what they cannot hear or see yet. But the time comes soon when they will see... So don’t loose heart or hope. Your voice may be ignored now, but it will burn like fire in the hearts of many, and they will be thankful later on. Now we have to be courageous and not give up. So speak truth. My heart breaks when I see people say it’s useless. Because it’s not true. How many of us were ignorant and unwilling to listen ourselves for so many years? Yet now we are aware and awake. So we prove it’s not useless to speak truth. What others told us, did have its effect in the end! I believe the future is beautiful because we are seeing the greatest turn around in all of history. We will see amazing changes in our world. Now we see the first light starting to emerge as a red glow on a dark horizon. Some may say: it’s night! Everything is dark! And you are right. But I also see a new day dawning way at the horizon. The glow may be distant still and it’s light doesn’t reach a large area yet. But... it’s real, it’s there and it’s increasing. So people of truth, be courageous and focus on this light. Don’t look around at the darkness but focus on the increasing light in the distance. We are the ones awakening the world to a new day, that has broken and even though everyone is still asleep, the day is breaking. Remember every new day begins when all is still dark! As time progresses, we will see the light of this day begin to reach over the mountains and hills, through the dense forests and into the windows of the houses. But we need to be the heralds of this new day. May we all have this hope, that this world wasn’t created to be doomed or destroyed, but to be redeemed and restored. We are not destined to be slaves of corrupt criminals and satanists, but all of us have divinity and royalty deep inside of us and the world is waiting for this to come forth. We are not born to be slaves, but to be kings who serve humanity with our gifting, resources and love. So rise up out of the pit and let your light shine; in the countless different ways that all of us together can do. David Sörensen Ps: keep supporting our work please, so we can shine the bright light of truth, awakening and hope to the world in need. Click here: Https:// . . . . . . .

UFOs have gone from conspiracy to “very interesting” in Toronto local news

Pentagon poised to release UFO report

The Pentagon is set to release its long-awaited UFO report. Plus, astronaut Chris Hadfield has some choice words for those who equate UFOs with aliens. Richard Southern and Erica Natividad discuss.


Former Pentagon official discusses UFO sightings in Canada and the United States

Joy Malbon speaks with former Pentagon official Chris Mellon about sightings of unidentified flying objects, including some in Canada.

UFOs: Retired Navy Commander Describes His Sighting In 2004 | The Overview | NBC News

Gadi Schwartz’s full interview with Retired Navy Commander David Fravor on the unidentified object he saw flying in the sky during a training mission in 2004. Full episode:


US has been tracking UFOs for 70 years, Tucker reacts

Former Pentagon official Lue Elizondo discusses federal government's UFO report on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'.

Luis Elizondo, Former Director, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (Full Stream: 6/8)

There is a bipartisan push in Congress to find out once and for all: Are we alone? It isn’t a philosophical query, but a demand to disclose any information the U.S. government has been gathering on unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), also popularly known as UFOs. Last December, as part of the omnibus spending and coronavirus-relief package, Congress stipulated a report conducted by multiple agencies must be handed over this month with detailed analysis of UAP sightings by U.S. military members. Luis “Lue” Elizondo is the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), an unpublicized U.S. government program created in 2007 committed to the investigation of UAPs. Elizondo joins Jacqueline Alemany, author of the “Power Up” newsletter and congressional correspondent, on Tuesday, June 8 at 3:30pm ET. Washington Post Live is the newsroom’s live journalism platform, featuring interviews with top-level government officials, business leaders, cultural influencers and emerging voices on the most pressing issues driving the news cycle nationally and across the globe. From one-on-one, newsmaker interviews to in-depth multi-segment programs, Washington Post Live brings The Post’s newsroom to life on stage. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:


Rand Paul: Fauci emails paint ‘disturbing picture’ of COVID narrative

China 'morally on the hook for trillions of dollars' if COVID-19 came from a lab

Sky News Australia Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the "evidence grows by the day" COVID-19 "first leaked from a laboratory in China and if true, China will be morally on the hook for trillions of dollars" in compensation. "First there's this stunning coincidence the pandemic started outside a lab in Wuhan," he said. "What's more, this virus first appeared already perfectly adapted to killing humans with no sign of earlier strains. "Now even more decisive is a report from two American experts ... that says the amino acids that make up the genome of this virus and make it so dangerous are almost certainly man-made." Mr Bolt spoke to Atossa Therapeutics Founder Dr Steven Quay who told Sky News "there's probably a one-in-a-billion chance" the coronavirus could occur in nature but it's "exactly the sort of thing" you'd expect to see from gain-of-function research.

“They’re Lying To You”: If Science CAUSED COVID - what’s next?

Russell Brand With daily revelations about the COVID origin, Wuhan, and Anthony Fauci, as well as information we already know regarding Big Pharma and its influence on mainstream media, how much can we trust what we've been told so far? #Fauci #Covid #Wuhan #China #Coronavirus Elites are taking over! Our only hope is to form our own. To learn more join my cartel here and get weekly bulletins too incendiary for anything but your private inbox. *not a euphemism Listen to my Luminary Original podcast, Under The Skin, to hear from guests including Edward Snowden, Jonathan Haidt, Jordan Peterson, Naomi Klein, Kehinde Andrews, Adam Curtis and Vandana Shiva. Subscribe to Luminary at


Angels Singing with Orchestra - Soul Healing Music - Fmaj, 698 Hz

SUBSCRIBE Relax and open to receive these angelic tones that will uplift you, and a video full of beautiful images to inspire your heart to rise, create, and be love. We can choose to look around us at life and see darkness and disappointment, or we can tune into the infinite blessings, miracles, and beauty of creation that invigorate our souls with the essence of life itself. The heavenly frequencies shared in this sound healing video will help you connect to your innate nature, which is peace. An incredible well of inner peace lives within you, and when you tap into this source of infinite love, you become a conscious creator of your life; an emissary of healing. The abundant flow of Source love energy wants to move through you and assist you in creating such beauty in this world. Through the sounds and tones in this video, you will become deeply connected to the Source of creation, and become able to channel it through so that we all may create heaven on earth together. You are invited to open, release, and receive these frequencies of healing, love, and abundant creation. With all my heart, ~ Mei-lan Click here to become a Patreon supporter: Follow me on Instagram for motivational content: Follow me on my Facebook page: Mei-lan 1 year ago

Beloved Soul Family, I am overflowing with love to share this BIG announcement with you!I just released my new self-paced course "Soul Sanctuary" to support you in releasing stress, anxiety, and limiting beliefs, and raising your vibration into the frequency of Source love. The intention of this sacred journey of sound healing, guided meditations, affirmations, and action steps is to connect you to your center -- the infinite wisdom of healing, peace, and love that resides within your soul.If you feel a resonance with the intention of raising your vibration to help uplift you and our beloved Mother Earth, I invite you to click the link below.

With all my heart,~ Mei-lan

"You are the fountain of the sun. I'm the shadow of a willow. You fall upon my forehead. I melt. You slip into my heart. It spills open. You surround me with such sweetness. I make it my home." ~ Rumi

Vishanth George If you read this,Know that you are not alone.You are not your bank balance.You are not your failures. You are not the events you been through in your lives. You are love. You were created out of love.Life is a lesson and can be hard on all of us. Let us be the kindness and compassion we seek from others onto each other.I love you all. Hugs.Be pure light.

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