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Aussie Roll Call, United FREEDOM March - 24th July 2021 MEDICAL FRAUD UNCOVERED

"There are but two mistakes one can make along the road to truth;

not going all the way, and not starting."

imacogindewheeloflife sharing links to content FYI

always do your own research

“The entire population and economy have suffered from unnecessary lockdowns due to false-positive RT-qPCR test results. Both false-positive and false-negative RT-qPCR test results contributed to the current Coronavirus pandemic”

This is, in effect, a genetic medical experiment on humanity.”

We all want freedom and truth, we are all more alike than the media and Politicians

would have you believe.

Just like most Aussies I know, I never thought about your color, I never cared what political party you were in, I never thought about what religion you were, I never cared what your sexual preference was. I only saw you as an Australian, a very big part of what makes our country great and diversified. One big family who love this country and contribute to make it vibrant and welcoming to those from far away countries, who want a happy care free life for themselves and their children. Australia is a colony and in the begining it began with people from England Ireland wales, Italy, Germany, China and other countries. A harsh land, but our ancestors worked extremely hard and fought some great wars Overseas and within it's shores for our freedoms and workers rights, battling the establishment for a fair go.

They toiled hard to make this a free and diversified society. Of course, It wasn't and hasn't been without its' problems but we have matured and will continue to. Nothing is perfect but as a whole we have done pretty good so far to co-exist and to experience the diversity that different communities bring, empowerment and the advancement we share has many benefits and also responsibilities in a diverse society.

The reality is, we can appreciate one another's cultures, maintain our personal identities, while still being equal and just being a collective group of Australian people.


Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory1

by David Crowe

and read article about

“Replace bogus PCR tests to avoid unnecessary Coronavirus lockdowns,” Urges Milford Molecular Diagnostics

Director Dr. Sin Hang Lee

“The entire population and economy have suffered from unnecessary lockdowns due to false-positive RT-qPCR test results. Both false-positive and false-negative RT-qPCR test results contributed to the current Coronavirus pandemic”

READ Full Document

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Lord Acton.

Red Edge 72 (@RedEdge722) tweeted at 1:17 pm on Thu, Jul 29, 2021:

Huge about AUSTRALIA

On Dave's X22 report




You think it's only these poorer areas this applies too. Wait till the more affluent areas are invaded stop smelling roses because this shit! is real!!!


The army is to be used to defend it's people not to be used against it's people TREASON!

go to my previous blog and listen too A WAR GAME AGAINST THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE

The Australian city of Sydney will draft in the army on Monday to enforce its toughest lockdown since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Local authorities have ordered 5 million people to stay at home amid a surge in cases of the delta variant, first discovered in India.

Mask-wearing is mandatory outdoors and residents can only travel 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from their home for shopping or exercise, according to the New South Wales government website.

These measures are not needed! It is getting scary.

Sydney Mayor: ‘The Army’s supposed to defend its people and not be used against them’
August 01, 2021 - 16:46PM
see press video @ link

Cumberland City Council Mayor Steve Christou says Premier Gladys Berejiklian has just “lost all control” as his community will have “the army rolling in” from tomorrow to maintain COVID compliance.
“We’re just trying to come to a conclusion as to how the state government comes up with these moronic decisions,” he told Sky News.
“Our people are one of the most poorest demographics in New South Wales.
“They’ve suffered lockdown, mounted horseback police, and if that wasn’t enough then they get the army rolling in as of tomorrow I’m informed.
“So we’re not happy and it’s not a way you treat a vulnerable community and Glady’s has just lost all control – the army’s there to defend its people not to be used against its own people.”

The premier, Gladys Berejiklian, refused to speculate on how long the lockdown would run, brushing aside questions about modelling by the University of Melbourne which said the NSW lockdown, based on current restrictions, could run until September.

  1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

  2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association

Definitions of the right to freedom of assembly and association
The right to freedom of association and assembly is enshrined in
Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The right is enshrined in Articles 21 and 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Article 21
The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Article 22
1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
2. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those which are prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. This article shall not prevent the imposition of lawful restrictions on members of the armed forces and of the police in their exercise of this right.
3. Nothing in this article shall authorize States Parties to the International Labour Organisation Convention of 1948 concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize to take legislative measures which would prejudice, or to apply the law in such a manner as to prejudice, the guarantees provided for in that Convention.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child contains this right in Article 15:
1. States Parties recognize the rights of the child to freedom of association and to freedom of peaceful assembly.
2. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of these rights other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
The right is also contained in Articles 10 and 11 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights:
Article 10
1. Every individual shall have the right to free association provided that he abides by the law.
2. Subject to the obligation of solidarity provided for in 29 no one may be compelled to join an association.
Article 11
Every individual shall have the right to assemble freely with others. The exercise of this right shall be subject only to necessary restrictions provided for by law in particular those enacted in the interest of national security, the safety, health, ethics and rights and freedoms of others.

Instruments for individual human rights complaints
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948 signalled the beginning of a progressive deepening of the global human rights regime. Through a sequence of human rights conventions at the global and regional scale, is has become ever more clear, which human rights apply to all human beings - and which need to be cast with even more care for vulnerable groups such as children or persons with disabilitities.

At the same time, the UN as well as regional organizations have established concrete procedures for individuals, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and human rights defenders to claim human rights in cases where they have been violated. In general, the procedures are similar: They may only be invoked in cases where national means of legal remedy have been exploited, they may not be anonymous, they must present sound factual information etc.
read full section @

Right to equality before the law

The right to equality before the law (subsumed in the right to fair trial) is enshrined in Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In cases of violations of this human right (explained here),

All persons may turn to the these organs/institutions:

Human Rights Committee (if the optional protocol is ratified by the state) Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers

Right to freedom of movement

The right to freedom of movement is enshrined in Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Definitions of the right to freedom of movement
The right to freedom of movement is enshrined in
Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The right is enshrined in Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
1. Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence.
2. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own.

3. The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant.

4. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country.

In its General Comment No 27 of 1999, the Human Rights Committee comments on the freedom of movement:

In cases of violations of this human right (explained here),

All persons may turn to the these organs/institutions:

Human Rights Committee (if the optional protocol is ratified by the state)

Children under 18 years may turn to:

Migrants may turn to:

Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants

Migrant workers may turn to:

Indigenous people may turn to:

Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people

Persons being in an African country may turn to:

African Commission or Court on Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights

UN Treaty bodies



International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)	"The Government of Australia ... declares that Australia is not at present in a position specifically to treat as offences all the matters covered by article 4 (a) of the Convention. Acts of the kind there mentioned are punishable only to the extent provided by the existing criminal law dealing with such matters as the maintenance of public order, public mischief, assault, riot, criminal libel, conspiracy and attempts. It is the intention of the Australian Government, at the first suitable moment, to seek from Parliament legislation specifically implementing the terms of article 4 (a)." 28 January 1993
"The Government of Australia hereby declares that it recognises, for and on behalf of Australia, the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from individuals or groups of individuals within its jurisdiction claiming to be victims of a violation by Australia of any of the rights set forth in the aforesaid Convention."

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

Reservations: Article 10 "In relation to paragraph 2 (a) the principle of segregation is accepted as an objective to be achieved progressively. In relation to paragraph 2 (b) and 3 (second sentence) the obligation to segregate is accepted only to the extent that such segregation is considered by the responsible authorities to be beneficial to the juveniles or adults concerned". Article 14 "Australia makes the reservation that the provision of compensation for miscarriage of justice in the circumstances contemplated in paragraph 6 of article 14 may be by administrative procedures rather than pursuant to specific legal provision." Article 20 "Australia interprets the rights provided for by articles 19, 21 and 22 as consistent with article 20; accordingly, the Common wealth and the constituent States, having legislated with respect to the subject matter of the article in matters of practical concern in the interest of public order ( ordre public ), the right is reserved not to introduce any further legislative provision on these matters." Declaration: "Australia has a federal constitutional system in which legislative, executive and judicial powers are shared or distributed between the Commonwealth and the constituent States. The implementation of the treaty throughout Australia will be effected by the Commonwealth, State and Territory authorities having regard to their respective constitutional powers and arrangements concerning their exercise." 28 January 1993
"The Government of Australia declares that it recognizes, for and on behalf of Australia, the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications to the effect that a State Party claims that another State Party is not fulfilling its obligations under the aforesaid Convention."

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

On 14 December 2018, the Government of Australia notified the Secretary-General of the following: “Whereas on 28 July 1983, the Government of Australia ratified, for and on behalf of Australia and subject to certain reservations, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, done at New York on 18 December 1979; The Government of Australia having considered the reservations, hereby withdraws that part of the reservations which states: The Government of Australia advises that it does not accept the application of the Convention in so far as it would require alteration of Defence Force policy which excludes women from combat duties.” See depositary notification C.N.592.2018.TREATIES-IV.8 of 14 December 2018. The complete text of the reservations is published in United Nations, Treaty Series , vol. 1325, p. 378. Reservations: "The Government of Australia states that maternity leave with pay is provided in respect of most women employed by the Commonwealth Government and the Governments of New South Wales and Victoria. Unpaid maternity leave is provided in respect of all other women employed in the State of New South Wales and elsewhere to women employed under Federal and some State industrial awards. Social Security benefits subject to income tests are available to women who are sole parents. "The Government of Australia advises that it is not at present in a position to take the measures required by article 11 (2) to introduce maternity leave with pay or with comparable social benefits throughout Australia. ..... Declaration: "Australia has a Federal Constitutional System in which Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers are shared or distributed between the Commonwealth and the Constituent States. The implementation of the Treaty throughout Australia will be effected by the Commonwealth State and Territory Authorities having regard to their respective constitutional powers and arrangements concerning their exercise." 30 August 2000 Reservation: The Government of Australia advises that it does not accept the application of the Convention in so far as it would require alteration of Defence Force policy which excludes women from combat duties.”

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) 28 January 1993

"The Government of Australia hereby declares that it recognises, for and on behalf of Australia, the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications to the effect that a State Party claims that another State Party is not fulfilling its obligations under the aforesaid Convention; and
The Government of Australia hereby declares that it recognises, for and on behalf of Australia, the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from or on behalf of individuals subject to Australia's jurisdiction who claim to be victims of a violation by a State Party of the provisions of the aforesaid Convention."

Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OP-CAT)

Declaration: “In accordance with Article 24 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Australia declares the postponement of the implementation of Australia's obligations under Part IV of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, for three years.”
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)	Reservation: "Australia accepts the general principles of article 37. In relation to the second sentence of paragraph (c), the obligation to separate children from adults in prison is accepted only to the extent that such imprisonment is considered by the responsible authorities to be feasible and consistent with the obligation that children be able to maintain contact with their families, having regard to the geography and demography of Australia. Australia, therefore, ratifies the Convention to the extent that it is unable to comply with the obligation imposed by article 37 (c)."
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (OP-CRC-AC)	Declaration: "The Australian Defence Force (ADF) shall continue to observe a minimum voluntary recruitment age of 17 years. Pursuant to Article 3 (5) of the Optional Protocol, age limitations do not apply to military schools. A list of authorised establishments, both military and civilian (including those used to train apprentices), to which this age exemption applies is held by the Service Director-General Career Management. Age limitations also do not apply to cadet schemes, members of which are not recruited into, and are therefore not members of, the ADF. Persons wishing to join the ADF must present an original certified copy of their birth certificate to their recruiting officer. Before their enlistment or appointment, all ADF applicants who are less than 18 years of age must present the written informed consent of their parents or guardians. All applicants wishing to join the ADF must be fully informed of the nature of their future duties and responsibilities. Recruiting officers must be satisfied that an application for membership by a person less than 18 years of age is made on a genuinely voluntary basis."

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Declaration: “Australia recognizes that persons with disability enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life. Australia declares its understanding that the Convention allows for fully supported or substituted decision-making arrangements, which provide for decisions to be made on behalf of a person, only where such arrangements are necessary, as a last resort and subject to safeguards; Australia recognizes that every person with disability has a right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity on an equal basis with others. Australia further declares its understanding that the Convention allows for compulsory assistance or treatment of persons, including measures taken for the treatment of mental disability, where such treatment is necessary, as a last resort and subject to safeguards; Australia recognizes the rights of persons with disability to liberty of movement, to freedom to choose their residence and to a nationality, on an equal basis with others. Australia further declares its understanding that the Convention does not create a right for a person to enter or remain in a country of which he or she is not a national, nor impact on Australia’s health requirements for non-nationals seeking to enter or remain in Australia, where these requirements are based on legitimate, objective and reasonable criteria.”

Human Rights Committee General comment No. 35 Article 9 (Liberty and security of person) * I. General remarks 1. The present general comment replaces general comment No. 8 (sixteenth session), adopted in 1982. 2. Article 9 recognizes and protects both liberty of person and security of person. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 3 proclaims that everyone has the right to life ...


Article 12 states that everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own. These rights shall not be subject to any restrictions except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order, public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of other, and are consistent with the other rights recognized in the Covenant. The article also states that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country.



Australia is under communist rule -

let's just start with a few things

1) banned from leaving the country

2) banned from returning

3) banned from protesting

4) indefinite lockdowns

5) vaccine mandatory

extended again... and again... and again... when will it end... I think not until you concede to your new masters. Vaccinate!Vaccinate!vaccinate!

Friday 24th July FREEDOM DAY.

Protesters march through Sydney streets holding "Freedom" posters. (AP Photo)

Millions of People Around The World Took To The Streets To Protest FREEDOM from Covid

Anti-vaccine protesters take part in a demonstration outside the parliament building after the government announced mandatory vaccinations for certain sectors, in Athens, Greece, July 14, 2021. REUTERS/Vassilis Triandafyllou

Shouting "take your vaccines and get out of here!" and calling on Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to resign, the protesters gathered outside parliament under heavy police presence.

Thousands protest against COVID-19 health pass in France

About 200,000 people demonstrated in France

The Republican Guard, a security detail established to protect the President of France, have ALL resigned, and will no longer protect President Macron!

The mass resignation comes on the heels of his Presidential Decree requiring French citizens to have and use a “Sanitary Passport” (i.e. Vaccine Certificate) or be denied access to stores, bars, even DENIED VOTING!

Citizens are taking to the streets in almost every major city, literally battling with police over enforcement of these new Presidential Decrees. Mass-Media is mostly IGNORING the civil uprising, reporting almost nothing as the country erupts in protest.

The fighting is getting bloody, fast:

London -

Germany rises against Covid IDs.

“Thought is an infection. In the case of

certain thoughts, it becomes an epidemic.”

— Wallace Stevens


The Australian Govt select committee on COVID-19

Over 11,000 Adverse Event Reports are sitting with the TGA for review


Will you have the COVID VACCINE? During trials, people suffered ADVERSE EFFECTS - transverse myelitis/paralysis, Bells Palsy/drooping side of face, neurological problems, brain swelling, autoimmune problems; Bill Gates admits after a second dose of Moderna vax, 80% had side effects.

The trial in the matter of Kerry Cotterill v Finn Romanes and Brett Sutton will be live streamed.


The trial in the matter of Kerry Cotterill v Finn Romanes (in his capacity as the Deputy Public Health Commander) and Brett Sutton (in his capacity as Chief Health Officer) (S ECI 2020 03946) will be live streamed.

The trial will be heard before the Honourable Justice Richard Niall of the Supreme Court of Victoria from Thursday, July 29 and is estimated to run for three days.

The plaintiff (Ms Cotterill) was issued with an infringement under the Stay at Home Directions (Restricted Areas) (No 14). This matter concerns an application by Ms Cotterill that the Stay at Home Directions (Restricted Areas) (No 14) were outside the powers granted under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic) on the basis they infringe the implied freedom of political communication in the Australian Constitution.


The live stream will begin from 10.30am on Thursday 29, July 2021

Live stream of Cotterill v Romanes trial | The Supreme Court of Victoria (

Live stream of Cotterill v Romanes trial | The Supreme Court of Victoria

The trial in the matter of Kerry Cotterill v Finn Romanes and Brett Sutton will be live streamed.


Peter Williams Discussing 2x Pfizer Deaths in NZ

"The Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring (CARM) told us that there were 551 new Adverse Events after Immunisation (AEFI) in the week ending May 8, 2021 -which is the most up to date information. Of those 551, 12 were serious. And interestingly, they also reported the deaths of what they called “two elderly individuals.”

“There were also two reports of breastfed infants becoming unwell after their mother received the vaccine. One of the infants had an allergic reaction and the other had flu-like symptoms."

"Why also is the possibility of a heart inflammation condition called myocarditis, which has been identified by the MOH deep in its website, also not widely reported?"

The article ( of the above recording was pulled down from Magic's website and social media within 4 hours of being released.

The full recording includes the interview with Dr. Matt Shelton from Doctors Speaking Out With Science (

What adverse reactions are caused by this Gene Therapy…or a Bioweapon Injection

The Importance Of your DNA

The Value of Your DNA • Your DNA is the most valuable thing you own. It holds the most intimate details of your past, present and potential future—whether you are prone to addiction or high-risk for cancer. It is your unique genetic code and can enable tailored healthcare delivery to you. • Losing your DNA is not like losing a credit card. You can order a new credit card, but you cannot replace your DNA. The loss of your DNA not only affects you, but your relatives and, potentially, generations to come.

COVID-19 can indeed be a terrible disease for a segment of the population but if news headlines are your only source of information, you may be surprised to discover that most have little to fear from the virus itself. Despite the frightening reports, experts in the field of epidemiology, microbiology and virology have enough evidence to come up with these key facts.

official data and referenced information from widely respected sources around the world.


Friday 24th July FREEDOM DAY.

It finally showed on Friday 24th July FREEDOM DAY.

Since the beginning of this Pland- emic there have been small numbers and increasing in time, of Aussies standing up for the rights of all Australians, the numbers have been growing slowly It's been a gradual process, and understandibly so. As people have been concerned for the health and wellbeing of their families as the media and politicians have pushed out the fear campaign of a rougue virus killing millions around the world including thousand of Australians.

Lockdowns and continual directives of distancing,face masks, contact tracing which seemed an innocent and logical thing to participate for preventing the spread of a fearful virus.

It has given many the time to start researching and questioning as week after week for the past 18 months we are still being locked down and our freedoms strangled. Job losses, Businesses bankrupted, Suicides.People shockingly man handled and given ridiculous fines or Jail terms.

These measures have been a terrible cost to the well being of this nation and nothing has improved. The State Premiers are now shutting off communities/ in our western suburbs, Our borders unconstitutionaly closed. segregating states and families who cannot see loved ones in fear of reprisals and continually threatening to extend the lock downs, They are continually harrasing the people, on the main stream media daily, with the same repetitive cycle of directives and ORDERS.Censoring social media, so that we cannot express our views, wether that view is right or wrong, it means freedom of speech thought, ideas are being crushed. seperating the people by cutting us off from each other to weaken our strength in numbers

Now we will soon see the military roll out to jab every adult and some of the younger age bracket

with an experimental injection. That was unsuccessful in tests on animal trials of which most of the animals died. World wide these injections are causing serious side affects and death.

These Injections are officialy classed as a poison.

The People, Must Refuse To Comply With These Tyrannical Fascist Rules, Orders to stay home, Wear a Mask ,Track and Trace - Which Are NOT Laws!! VACCINATE TO EXTERMINATE!


For all whom attended Friday 24th July FREEDOM DAY, they can be very proud as they stood in Strength and Peace for freedom , not Fear in Tyranny. United we are The rock of this nation. The only way that we will end this shady tyranny is to unite

They want us to fight amongst ourselves, so that we do not fight the real enemy - which is them.

We are all better than this. Stand in peace and honour and so it is we must stand as a whole nation of people we cannot allow the heirachy to create their vision for a Global United Nations Government.








HEALTH Beaurocrats




where we will never know freedom as we have been living and we will own nothing and be happy.

The only way that we will end this shadow of tyranny is to UNITE.

The elites understand that once we recognize their intentions, they will lose control and power, being outnumbered by a very large population.

We must continue to stand in solidarity to preserve our values and to make sure that our children have a freedom and a better life than we could ever imagine.

The only way that we will end this shadow of tyranny is to unite, not as seperate communities, but as a nation of Commonwealth People, indisoluable no compromise.

We must have each others back, support those communities that are being pummeled hard by

a lot of illegal demands. WE have rights! that are being ignored.

TURN OFF YOUR TEL LIE VISIONS - This is their weapon of mass propagander


DO YOUR RESEARCH and seek the TRUTH. TRUTH will always win

Read what Julian Assange says, Very sadly Julian is paying a very hard price for his fearless and relentless reporting on WikiLeaks, the facts in truth,to bring people the news, but also to prove it is true.

The Truth Will Always Win

By Julian Assange

07 December, 2010 The Australian

In 1958 a young Rupert Murdoch, then owner and editor of Adelaide's The News, wrote: "In the race between secrecy and truth, it seems inevitable that truth will always win."


Julian is a fearless warrior who stands for truth. We as Australians Must stand In truth and caste out fear as we go into battle for FREEDOM from Tyranny. We must save the future for the children and generations beyond. It is our Moral duty.




Covid-19 is being used as a diversionary tactic by big business and political “elites” TO shift market shares and wealth from small and medium-sized businesses to global platforms and multinational corporations.

Second Nuremberg tribunal

The summary translation of Dr Fuellmich's last communication of 02/15/2021

"The hearings of a hundred scientists, doctors, economists, jurists of international renown which have been carried out by the Berlin commission of inquiry into the Covid-19 affair since 10.07.2020, have meanwhile shown with a probability close to the certainty that the Covid-19 scandal was at no time a health matter. It was rather a question of cementing the power - illegitimate, because obtained by criminal methods - of the corrupt “Davos clique”, by transferring the wealth of the populations to the members of the Davos clique, by destroying, among others, the small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Platforms like Amazon, Google, Uber, etc. could thus appropriate their market shares and their wealth. "

Status of the Covid-19 Committee investigation

  • To. Covid-19 as a diversionary tactic by corporate and political “elites” with the aim of shifting market share and wealth from small and medium-sized businesses to global platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, etc.

  • b. Contribution of the audiovisual tax for the reconstruction of a new media landscape which offers genuine independent information

  • vs. Securing regional agricultural structures

  • d. Securing a regional currency to prevent a new currency from coming "from above" to be allocated in the event of good behavior

  • e. Psychological Considerations of the Situation: How Did We Get Here?

Appeal for annulment of the approval of a vaccination, filed against the European Commission, lawsuit in New York on the statute of PCR tests, German lawsuits, Canadian lawsuits, Australian lawsuits, Austrian lawsuits, lawsuits at the International Court of Justice and at the European court of human rights.

“We have seen what has been confirmed over and over again: the dangerousness of the virus is about the same as that of seasonal flu, regardless of whether it is a new virus (fully or partially manufactured) or that we are simply dealing with an influenza renamed “Covid-19 pandemic”. Meanwhile, Drosten's PCR tests aren't even able to tell us anything about contagious infections. To make matters worse,  the health and economic damage caused by the anticovid measures has been so devastating that it is necessary to speak of a historically unique level of destruction. "
" The fact that health was never discussed is particularly evident , other than that injections of genetically experimental substances disguised as 'vaccinations' are now causing serious damage, including  fatal consequences, on a mass scale. The world's population served as a guinea pig for these experimental injections of genes both gradually and extremely rapidly. In order to plunge the population into panic, dangerous and harmful containment measures (even according to the WHO) of compulsory, unnecessary and dangerous wearing of the mask, and of social distancing, unnecessary and counterproductive, have been introduced. The population was thus “ready” for the injections. "
"In the meantime, more and more people, and not just lawyers - and rightly so - are demanding, in addition to  the immediate end of these deadly measures, a judicial review by a truly independent international tribunal, on the model of the Nuremberg trials. . An example of such a request and a moving excerpt from an address by English physician Dr Vernon Coleman can be found at the following link: (1)
In addition, an interview with a whistleblower from a Berlin retirement home, testifies that out of 31 people vaccinated there, some by force, in the presence of Bundeswehr soldiers, and whose test was negative prior to vaccination, 8 have now died and 11 are prone to serious side effects. " (2)

Extraordinary meeting of the Berlin Covid Committee Wednesday 02/17/2021

“In this context, an extraordinary meeting of the Berlin Covid Committee will take place on Wednesday 17.02.2021 live and with many guests who will participate via Zoom.
From 2 p.m., the inventory will be summarized. In addition, it will be a question of how the contributions of the audiovisual license tax can be preserved and used for  the reconstruction of a new media landscape which really serves freedom of expression , and how the contributions already paid for the Insane propaganda from the past 11 months can be recovered through a formal notice.
There will be contributions and discussions on  how the food supply can be secured , in particular by strengthening regional agriculture; but also by creating regional currencies, if necessary with the return of the EU to the EEC, on how we can ensure that the “Davos clique” policy, based on printing money from nothing can be stopped and a return to stable currencies  can be achieved.
But above all, experts will explain to us how it happened that we found ourselves in this situation of unimaginable blackmail only a year ago.
In the second part of the session, which will begin at 7:00 p.m., world-renowned and high-level personalities will comment on the state of ongoing international legal disputes, including the various class actions, as summarized above. But it will also be a question of how  those principally responsible, in particular political ones, for crimes against humanity committed here can and must be held accountable in civil and criminal law within the framework of a new International Court of Justice which will be held. created under the guidelines of the Nuremberg trials with international distribution. "

" To fully understand what is at stake with this new Nuremberg tribunal to try the biggest tort case of all time, it is by pulling on the thread of the lie of Dr. Drosten for having distorted the protocol of the PCR tests on behalf of the Davos clique, that everything will come with: the sponsors of the financial oligarchy, Klaus Schwab, the great architect of this gigantic hostage-taking, the politicians at the head of the EU, arms armed with the execution of the directives of Drosten and the WHO which led all Western governments to make the devastating decisions yesterday of containment, curfew, compulsory mask wearing and social distancing and today vaccines deadly for the oldest among us.

“These are the truths that will bring down the masks of those responsible for the crimes committed. To the politicians who had faith in these corrupt figures, " says Dr Fuellmich ," The facts presented here are the lifeline that can help them put things right and start the long-awaited scientific debate of the public, in order to avoid to sink at the same time as these criminal charlatans ”.

Then, in light of this latest communication from Dr Fuellmich, two proposals from the extraordinary meeting of the Covid Committee in Berlin attract attention:

  • First of all, the way in which the food supply can be ensured, which seems somewhat surreal in view of the situation today. If we refer to the planning of the Davos Forum of Klaus Schwab, it is not. This has indeed foreseen a break in the food chain at the end of the second half of 2021. (4)

  • Then, the creation of regional currencies. There, it is clear that the Covid Committee in Berlin is already anticipating the looming global stock market crash and which the financial oligarchy of the Davos Forum in the maneuver intends to take advantage of to set up the European digital currency while waiting for 'a world currency to create a Chinese-style social credit on which the middle class of all the peoples ruined by the closure of their businesses, SMIs — SMEs, cultural and tourist industries, sports facilities, etc. will become dependent.

Just these two aspects of the hostage taking 2.0 of which the Western world has been a victim for almost a year should logically be sufficiently motivating to make us understand definitively that we are facing a “populicide” which asks only of us. crush if we remain inert, arms dangling without doing anything. That is why it is appropriate for each of us to do everything possible now so that this international legal coalition can be operational as soon as possible. To do this, that all those of us who wish to join the collective action of French lawyers to participate in this reconquest of our freedoms already get in touch by February 21 with the collective action (5 ) . Our survival is at this price as well as the future of our children. .

article from french site see link. to read in english use google translate

By Jean-Michel Grau


Australian Network of Lawyers who are concerned about how laws are improperly used against Australians

: Concerned Lawyers Network

TO: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton, Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Federal Chief Health Officer Paul Kelly AND TO: others named in the schedule attached AND COPIES TO: others named in the scheduled attached. FROM: Concerned Lawyers Network \\


As experienced lawyers, we are evidence based. From expert and other evidence that is publicly available in Australia and worldwide, there appears to be strong evidence that there can no longer be a reliance on the premise that the Covid19 pandemic exists. Further it appears evident that the state and federal governments have:

1. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of sufficient relevant and independent evidence of a pandemic to justify the declarations of state of emergency and state of disaster; and

2. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians, (or take into account in their decision making relevant and independent evidence), of Covid19 being confirmed as an isolated virus or how effective the testing for it actually is; and

3. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of, or take into account in their decision making, the evidence of effective treatment for Covid19 such as Invermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and any good reasons why such medications were banned all of a sudden. This is especially contradictory, since Hydroxychloroquine has been used for decades safely all around the world both as an oral vaccine and treatment to many diseases including Lupus and Malaria and doctors and evidence worldwide reveals reports of up to 100% cure rate for Covid19 when treated early; and

4. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of, or take into account in their decision making relevant and independent evidence of the serious side effects of vaccines in general including death, and the need for years of successful research before releasing medications in general; and

Continue to full statement and letter




Covid-19 scandal the biggest health fraud of the century

Those involved will all come tumbling down

PCR test involving Davos - the Lie of Drosten and the Corman-Drosten paper on the PCR test …

The Davos Agenda is a pioneering mobilization of global leaders to shape the principles, policies and partnerships needed in this challenging new context. It is essential for leaders from all walks of life to work together virtually for a more inclusive, cohesive and sustainable future as soon as possible in 2021


A WHO memo states that using a high CT value to test for the presence of Sars-Cov-2 will result in false-positive results.

To quote their own words [our emphasis]:

Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the IFU carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is necessary to account for any background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result.

They go on to explain [again, our emphasis]:

The design principle of RT-PCR means that for patients with high levels of circulating virus (viral load), relatively few cycles will be needed to detect virus and so the Ct value will be low. Conversely, when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.



Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory1

David Crowe

Version 8.5. June 6, 2020


The world is suffering from a massive delusion based on the belief that a test for

RNA2is a test for a deadlynew virus, a virus that has emerged from wild bats or

other animals in China, supported by the western assumption that Chinese people

will eat anything that moves.

If the virus exists, then it should be possible to purify viral particles. From these

particles RNA can be extracted and should match the RNA used in this test. Until this

is done it is possible that the RNA comes from another source, which could be the

cells of the patient, bacteria, fungi etc. There might be an association with elevated

levelsof this RNA and illness, but that is not proof that the RNA is from a virus.

Without purification and characterization of virus particles, it cannot be accepted

that an RNA test is proof that a virus is present.

Definitions of important diseases are surprisingly loose, perhaps embarrassingly so.

A couple of symptoms, maybe contact with a previous patient, and a test of

unknown accuracy, is all you often need. While the definition of SARS, an earlier

coronavirus panic, was self-limiting, the definition of COVID-19disease is open-

ended, allowing the imaginary epidemic to grow. Putting aside the existence of the

virus, if the COVID-19test has a problem with false positives (as all biological tests

do) then testing an uninfected population will produce only false-positive tests, and

the definition of the disease will allow the epidemic to go onforever.

This strange new disease, officially named COVID-19, has none of its own symptoms.

Fever and cough, previously blamed on uncountable viruses and bacteria, as well as

environmental contaminants, are most common, as well as abnormal lung images,

despite those being found in healthy people. Yet, despite the fact that only a

minority of people tested will test positive (often less than 5%), it is assumed that

this disease is easily recognized. If that weretruly the case, the majority of people

selected for testing by doctors should be positive.

The COVID-19test is based on PCR, a DNA manufacturing technique. When used as a

test it does not produce a positive/negative result, but simply the number of cycles

1Officially the virus is called SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it is believed to caused, COVID-19. We will

just refer to COVID-19 for the current virus panic, and SARS for the 2003 panic.2Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) is chemically very similar to DNA, except that one of the four bases,

Thymine, is replaced by Uracil. In function it is very different, being created from DNA for a

temporary use such as creating a protein molecule. It is also found in a single strand rather than a double-helix.

required to detect sufficient material to beat the arbitrary cutoff between positive

and negative. If positive means infected and negative means uninfected, then there

are cases of people going from infected to uninfected and back to infected again in a

couple of days.

A lot of people say it is better to be safe than sorry. Better that some people are

quarantined who are uninfected than risk a pandemic. But once people test positive,

they are likely to be treated,with treatments similar to SARS. Doctors faced with

what they believe is a deadly virus treat for the future, for anticipated symptoms,

not for what they see today. This leads to the use of invasive oxygenation, high dose

corticosteroids, antiviral drugs and more. In this case, some populations of those

diagnosed (e.g. in China) are older and sicker than the general population and much

less able to withstand aggressive treatment. After the SARS panic had subsided

doctors reviewed the evidence, and it showed that these treatments were often

ineffective, and all had serious side effects, such as persistent neurologic deficit,

joint replacements, scarring, pain and liver disease. As well as higher mortality.


The COVID-19scare thatemanated from Wuhan, China in December of 2019 is an

epidemic of testing, as the graph below with test statistics from Austria shows.

There is no proof that a virus is being detected by the testand, while there should

be, there is absolutely no concernabout whether there are a significant number of

false positiveson the test. What is being published inmedical journals is not science,

every paper has thegoal of enhancing the panic by interpreting the data only in

ways that benefit the viral theory, even when the data is confusing or contradictory.

In other words, the medical papers are propaganda.

read further pdf


What I learned from studyingSARS, the previous big coronavirus scare, after the

2003 epidemic, was that nobody had proved a coronavirus existed, let alone was

pathogenic. There was evidence against transmission, and afterwards,negative

assessments ofthe extreme treatments that patients were subjected to, the

nucleoside analog antiviral drug Ribavirin, high dose corticosteroids, invasive

respiratory assistance, and sometimes oseltamivir (Tamiflu). This is documentedin

my draft book chapter (mostly complete) that you can find here:

Now read This

Chapter 1: SARS

- Steroid and

Ribavirin Scandal

The Infectious Myth is a book project by David Crowe that is

currently under development. It examines the lack of evidence for viral

causes of disease or, in the case of Mad Cow and related diseases, the

evidence for and against prions. It also examines the evidence that all

of these diseases have environmental causes, if our environment is

broadly defined to include the water we drink the air we breath, the

food we eat, and the chemicals we consume as drugs, or expose

ourselves to as cosmetics, pesticides, pharmaceutical drugs,

recreational drugs and more.

This chapter is a draft dated January 31, 2020, it is not the final version.

From the family of David Crowe, we are sorry to share with everyone that David passed away on July 12th, 2020

The Infectious Myth A Book Project by David Crowe The Infectious Myth

The book “The Infectious Myth” will investigate provide the scientific evidence that the normally accepted infectious cause is not, in fact, valid and, in will identify more plausible environmental causes.

The book will be written by David Crowe.

Antibody Testing for COVID-19

Isolation versus Purification

1.What is COVID-19 Isolation?

2.What is Purification?

Scientific Information on Masks Against COVID-19

The Incredible and Scary Truth about COVID-19 Tests

RAQ–Rarely Asked Questions on Coronavirus

5G is Not the Cause of COVID-19

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology

The Infectious Myth A Book Project by David Crowe SARS Timeline

Under the Wire presents an Interview with David Crowe of the Infectious Myth Podcast

David is co-host and co-founder of the podcast, How Positive Are You?, and the host of The Infectious Myth on the Progressive Radio Network ( His paper, Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory, is a must-read. We will be discussing problems with testing for COVID-19 and why we can't necessarily believe what we hear when it comes to statistics on the situation with coronavirus.




James Lyons-Weiler(Dr Jack)

"Ebola", "Cures vs. Profits" and "Genetic and Environmental Causes of Autism" #UnbreakingScience

The Gaeta Institute announces The Cardio Course. I give a lecture on myocarditis falling covid-19 and covid-19 vaccinations.

“Replace bogus PCR tests to avoid unnecessary Coronavirus lockdowns,” Urges Milford Molecular Diagnostics Director Dr. Sin Hang Lee

Nursing home residents in particular at risk

MILFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The current Coronavirus chaos is largely caused by phony PCR tests marketed as RT-qPCR assays, explained Dr. Sin Hang Lee, director of Milford, Connecticut-based Milford Molecular Diagnostics (, in an article titled “qPCR is not PCR, Just as a Straightjacket is not a Jacket - The Truth Revealed by SARS-CoV-2 False-Positive Test Results. (the Article). “The entire population and economy have suffered from unnecessary lockdowns due to false-positive RT-qPCR test results. Both false-positive and false-negative RT-qPCR test results contributed to the current Coronavirus pandemic” Tweet this Now, even the general public is aware that RT-qPCR assays are generating numerable false-positive and false-negative test results, he said. “Big Bio-Tech has used these questionable test results to move the goalposts arbitrarily in defining COVID-19 infections for statistics to cover up various business agendas at the expense of public interest,” said Dr. Lee. Media reports have demonstrated that uninfected nursing home residents who tested false-positive have often been isolated in the same rooms with COVID-19 patients. This practice has led to fatal outcomes . “The entire population and economy have suffered from unnecessary lockdowns due to false-positive RT-qPCR test results. Both false-positive and false-negative RT-qPCR test results contributed to the current Coronavirus pandemic,” said Dr. Lee. Unlike the current pandemic, when the SARS-1 was discovered in Asia in February 2003, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) immediately began its DNA sequencing work and published a set of SARS-CoV specific primers for performing genuine RT-PCR followed by DNA sequencing of a 348-bp amplified product for accurate diagnosis . The World Health Organization (WHO) also issued advice on how to use the recommended PCR primers for accurate detection of SARS virus RNA sequences Neither the WHO nor the CDC promoted RT-qPCR as SARS-1 diagnostics in 2003. With accurate laboratory diagnosis of infected cases for timely isolation, SARS-1 was quickly under control with only 774 deaths worldwide. With quick isolation of properly identified infected cases, the SARS-1 virus had no chance to mutate, as Dr. Lee compared the two SARS outbreaks. In the article, Dr. Lee reiterated that qPCR, which is really a hybridization assay, not PCR, and which is also used for human papillomavirus (HPV) diagnostics, has been known to have “built-in false positives” as other hybridization-based tests do. These false-positive HPV test results have been used knowingly to triage thousands of healthy women to needless colposcopic biopsies every year. The iatrogenic harms induced by these unnecessary invasive uterine cervical biopsies have been conveniently explained away by statistics since fatalities associated with cervical biopsies are rare. “But the exceptionally high death tolls among nursing home residents associated with false-positive SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR test results are hard to gloss over,” Dr. Lee wrote in the article. In recounting Big Bio-Tech’s censorship of scientific discussions, Dr. Lee explained that the article was rejected immediately after initial submission, first, by the editor in chief of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, then, a second time, by the editorial board of the International Journal of Geriatrics and Rehabilitation after the manuscript had already been accepted for publication following two favorable external peer reviews. It was finally published in a third journal after, yet, another round of peer review, he said. On March 22, 2020 Dr. Lee sent an open letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci (, alerting the U.S. government of the flaws of RT-qPCR tests which have been used as the basis for creating public policies in managing the COVID-19 outbreak. In his letter Dr. Lee proposed using RT-PCR followed by DNA sequencing as was recommended by the U.S. CDC for SARS-1 in 2003. The letter was ignored. Now, the U.S. CDC has officially stated, “NAATs for SARS-CoV-2 specifically identify the RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequences that comprise the genetic material of the virus” The European CDC also stated, “Sequencing of (partial) genes and whole genomes (WGS) has been proven as a powerful method to investigate viral pathogen genomes, understand outbreak transmission dynamics and spill-over events and screen for mutations that potentially have an impact on transmissibility, pathogenicity, and/or countermeasures (e.g. diagnostics, antiviral drugs and vaccines). The results are key to informing outbreak control decisions in public health” To prevent unnecessary lockdowns as businesses start to reopen, Dr. Lee urges that all presumptive PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 samples be sequenced for verification of the test results and for detection of variants of concern

Contacts Media: For Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, Milford, Conn. Kevin Moore, 203-788-84


One group of scientistsin Australia tested a commercial RT-qPCR test kit and found its positive

predictive value to be only55.56%. The authors suggested that any positive results derived from one

commercial test kit should be confirmed using another nucleic acid testor nucleotide sequencing[6]

Partial N Gene Sequencing for SARS-CoV-2 Verification and Pathway Tracing

The greek Alphabet

Delta Variant? There Are Others. Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory Routinely Diagnoses Variants of SARS-CoV-2, Including Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Eta, Iota, Kappa and Lambda Variants

MILFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Currently circulating in the United States, the SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern are the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta, and the variants of interest are the Epsilon, Eta, Iota, Kappa and Lambda. The Delta variant makes up 83% of new COVID-19 cases, said Dr. Sin Hang Lee, director of Milford Molecular Diagnostics, summarizing recently published sequence-based surveillance data.

“However,” he added, “there exists no known diagnostic method for these variants in the U.S. for individual patient samples outside of Milford Diagnostics Laboratory. This is because these variants, especially the Delta variant, carry distinctive biological markers that the commercially available COVID tests from academic institutes and medical giants are unable to detect. It requires target specific mutation assays to diagnose these variants in all positive samples.”

Dr. Lee explained the target specific mutation assays developed in his CLIA-certified laboratory as follows:

According to the publications from the CDC and the WHO, the distinctive biological markers for these variants are based on their unique sets of spike protein substitutions. A concise set is summarized below.

Alpha 69del, 70del, 144del, N501Y (B.1.1.7 U.K.)

Beta D80A, K417N, E484K, N501Y (B.1.351 South Africa)

Gamma D138Y, K417T, E484K, N501Y (P.1Japan/Brazil)

Delta T95I, G142D, E156-, F157-, R158G, L452R, T478K (B.1.617.2 India)

Delta plus T95I, G142D, E156-, F157-, R158G, K417N, L452R, T478K (B.1.617.2.1 India)

Epsilon L452R (B.1.427 California)

Epsilon W152C, L452R (B.1.429 California)

Eta A67V, 69del, 70del, 144del, E484K (B.1.525 U. K./Nigeria)

Iota T95I, E484K (B.1.526 New York)

Kappa G142D, E154K, L452R, E484Q (B.1.617.1 India)

Kappa G142D, L452R, E484Q (B.1.617.3 India)

Lambda G75V, T76I, L452Q, F490S (C.37 Peru)

The variants, with their respective WHO labels in boldfaced Greek letter names, are on the left, followed by their distinctive specific amino acid mutations, Pango lineage and locations of first identification. The 8 invariably mutated amino acids of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike (S) protein are underlined. All variants of concern or of interest must have at least one of these 8 mutated amino acids. Mutations of the S protein amino acids without an underline are used to determine the individual variant. For example, to diagnose a Delta variant the laboratory must show at least 7 specific amino acid mutations, including two amino acid deletions and 5 nonsynonymous single nucleotide mutations, causing 5 amino acid changes. To diagnose an Epsilon variant, the laboratory must show a solitary L452R amino acid mutation in the ACE2 RBD with or without a concomitant W152C mutation.

Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is CLIA-certified to perform nested RT-PCR/DNA sequencing for diagnosis of SARS-Co-V-2 and reflex spike protein gene sequencing for variant determination.

Individuals interested in target specific mutation assays for SARS-CoV-2 variant determination may visit the website at or contact Kevin Moore at the number below for more information.


HIV=AIDS - Fauci's First Fraud

"Dr. Vaccine" and a dangerous deceiver"

An Excellent documentary compilation

Note: The creator of this video compilation of public domain content, protected under the Fair Use doctrine, grants free and unrestricted license to anyone who wishes to republish it. We do request that the notes below, including this message, be included in their entirety with the rebroadcast of this video.

Translation: Feel free to republish it, just please included the text notes that accompany the video.

In honor of the memories of Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis (1944-2019), researcher and gay rights activist Hank Wilson (1947-2008), writer and activist Christine Maggiore (1956-2008), journalist Terry Michael (1947-2017), journalist Liam Scheff (d. 2017), and biomedical researcher David Crowe (d. 2020) who worked ceaselessly and courageously to expose the numerous frauds of Anthony Fauci and his fellow conspirators in the HIV=AIDS industry

This is the story they would have us believe.

A deadly new virus is discovered...there's no treatment or's highly contagious...everyone is a potential victim...the world is at risk from asymptomatic super clusters of cases reported daily...

Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable...positive antibody tests are called "infections" and "cases" even when the patient has no symptoms...every politician gets hysteria in high gear...activists demand salvation from government and Big Pharma...

Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research...simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed......presumptive diagnoses...exaggerated death statistics...falsified death certificates...

Covid 2020? No. AIDS in the 1980s

Every single fraud technique being used today to “sell” CoVid hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud.

Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won't be after you see this film.

This is the first and only film to put Fauci where he belongs: squarely in the middle of the AIDS fraud story. Share widely.

Demolishing the AIDS fraud is one of the keys to undermining the CoVid Con and it will save millions of lives here in the US, in Africa and around the world.

Sections: CoVid response's social impact - 00:11 Fauci's Public Face - 04:20 Fauci's Power Base: AIDS - 05:41 Aids: Fauci First Fraud - 09:50 Peter Duesberg challenges HIV = AIDS - 15:24 AZT: The Untold Story - 21:22 Who Ran ACT-UP? - 29:25 Poppers: Fauci Hides the Smoking Gun - 45:47 A Look at Testing - 01:02:26 Summary - 01:28:01 Sources: AIDS - A Second Opinion (2001), Gary Null & Associates AIDS Inc. (2007), Gary Null AIDS: The Unheard Voices (Dispatches series) (1987), Meditel Productions/Joan Shenton AZT: Cause for Concern (Dispatches series) (1991), Meditel Productions/Joan Shenton Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS (2003), Gary Null House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic (2009), Brent W. Leung Perspectives on the Pandemic (Episodes 3, 4, 5) (2020), Journeyman Pictures/Libby Handros & John Kirby The Age of AIDS (Frontline) (2006), PBS/Renata Simone The Other Side of AIDS (2004), Robin Scovill

Rand Paul sends official criminal referral on Anthony Fauci to DOJ

Sen. Paul means business.

By Christian Spencer | July 26, 2021


Channel 4 News Exposes Swine Flu Scandal in 2010

Exactly the same thing is happening now, but on a far larger and more draconian scale. Channel 4's John Snow reports on the Council of Europe's investigation into the manufactured swine flu hoax. The former Chair of the Sub-committee on Health of the Parliamentary Assembly Dr Wolfgan... Channel 4's John Snow reports on the Council of Europe's investigation into the manufactured swine flu hoax. The former Chair of the Sub-committee on Health of the Parliamentary Assembly Dr Wolfgang Wodarg had accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of lowering the definition of a pandemic in order for the pharmaceutical companies and their share holders to rake in massive at the expense of tax payers in targeted countries. This is an educational not for profit production. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.


Second Nuremberg tribunal

Appeal to annul the approval of a vaccination filed against the European Commission, lawsuit in New York on the status of PCR testing, German lawsuits, Canadian lawsuits, Australian lawsuits, Austrian lawsuits, lawsuits at the International Court of Justice and at the European Court of Human Rights.

Dr Reiner Fuelmiich leads the Worlds Second Nuremberg Tribunal backed by 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Having Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code

The hearings of, among others, hundreds of scientists, doctors, economists and lawyers of international repute conducted since October 7, 2020 by the Berlin Commission of Inquiry into the Covid-19 affair have now demonstrated with a probability approaching 100% certainty that the Covid-19 scandal was never a health issueDr. Fuëlmich on February 15, 2020

Take a look at the COURT sessions

Special sessions

Conversation with R. Kennedy Jr.about the Berlin demonstrations and the corona vaccination

The Great Recall - International International Legal Offensive - Part 1

International Legal Offensive - Part 2 International Legal Offensive - Part 3

Take a look at the 62 COURT sessions ( german Language)

See website link to view videos In German language
Session 1
Learning from the swine flu investigative committee - with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Session 2
The situation of the people in the nursing homes - with Adelheid von Stösser
Session 4
The Drosten test, immunity and the second wave
Session 5
The situation of small entrepreneurs and the self-employed
Session 6
The situation of the children
Session 7
Do the masks protect or do they harm?
Session 8
USA - the view from the inside Current situation in Sweden, France, Italy etc.
Session 9
The role of the media

Session 11
Data protection - 1 million genomes, health ID, tracking app Legal system - basis for the measures, encroachments on fundamental rights
Session 12
Disincentives in the system
The role of the media II
Session 13
Middle class in crisis, national debt, pandemic profiteers
Session 14
The rule of law and the Berlin demonstrations
Session 17
The economy in the grip of the pandemic
Session 18
Session 26
PCR test - the dominoes fall

Hazards from the measures, risks from the treatment

BREAKING! International Criminal Court accepts complaint of violation of Nuremberg Code by Israeli government

On March 5, it was announced that the “People of Truth” organization filed a complaint with the Hague Tribunal against the Israeli government for conducting illegal experiments on Israeli citizens through Pfizer.

The organization includes lawyers, doctors, public activists and the general public who have chosen to exercise their democratic right.

The indictment reads: “Violation of the Nuremberg Code by the Israeli government and additional (agencies ed.)”

“We address you in the name of “Anshei Emet”, a brotherhood of doctors, physicists, scientists, lawyers, activists and the people who have made the choice to exercise their democratic right not to participate in the experimental medical treatment against COVID19 and who feel under severe pressure, harsh and illegal, by the government, members of the Knesset, ministers, publicly elected representatives, mayors and superiors.”

read here

Violation Of the Nuremburg code by the Government Of Canada

What is really at stake? China has used Covid-19 testing kits to collect the DNA of a large amount of people from all around the world.

Now China can more easily create diseases that target their enemies specifically while minimizing the effect on their own citizens.


The Value of Your DNA • Your DNA is the most valuable thing you own. It holds the most intimate details of your past, present and potential future—whether you are prone to addiction or high-risk for cancer. It is your unique genetic code and can enable tailored healthcare delivery to you. • Losing your DNA is not like losing a credit card. You can order a new credit card, but you cannot replace your DNA. The loss of your DNA not only affects you, but your relatives and, potentially, generations to come. China Prioritizes the Collection of Healthcare Data • The PRC views bulk personal data, including healthcare and genomic data, as a strategic commodity to be collected and used for its economic and national security priorities. (Genomic data is a broad term referring to your entire genetic sequence—all your DNA)


No vaccines, no dinner: indoor Greek restaurants accept only inoculated customers

JUST IN - Greece bans access to indoor restaurants, bars and cafes for all unvaccinated people (Reuters)


Reuters (

No vaccines, no dinner: indoor Greek restaurants accept only inoculated customers

Restrictions allowing only people vaccinated against coronavirus to be served at indoor restaurants, bars and cafes went into effect in

The government has launched COVID FREE GR, an application that can scan European digital vaccination certificates to help businesses screen customers and comply with the measure.



It is strongly recommended going through this website before proceeding with the report. The information contained here is 100% fact-checked



This is not just an article, but a unique in depth overview of the globalist's strategy to use Covid-19 as an excuse to create global tyranny.

You will see how they suppress every effective cure for Covid-19, so they can enforce a very dangerous vaccine onto all of humanity. This vaccine will contain nanotechnology that connects us to artificial intelligence and start the process of transhumanism, making us hybrids that lose the ability to think freely. If you think that's insane, you're right. It is pure madness, but it's nevertheless the hidden agenda behind the vaccine for Covid-19.




The Test Governments Are Using Are Not Designed To Test For Infectious Disease!!


Freedom Of Information Request Received From The National Health Service



Attorney Thomas Renz has filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunction on behalf of AFD in the Northern District of Alabama against Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to halt the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out for:

1) Children 18-years-old and younger 2) Adults previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and 3) Until such time as the vaccine companies provide ALL vaccine candidates with “truly voluntary, informed consent,” about what is actually in the vaccines, per FDA law.

The lawsuit claims the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the COVID-19 vaccines is unlawful, because:

1) There is No Emergency 2) There is in Fact no Serious or Life-Threatening Disease or Condition 3) The Vaccines Do Not Diagnose, Treat or Prevent SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 4) The Known and Potential Risks of the Vaccines Outweigh their Known and Potential Benefits 5) There Are Adequate, Approved and Available Alternatives to the Vaccines 6) Healthcare Professionals and Vaccine Candidates are Not Adequately Informed 7) Monitoring and Reporting of Adverse Events is Inadequate.

The case makes use of the testimony of an expert witness, “Jane Doe”, who:

The case slams the “The gross and willful under-reporting of Vaccine-caused deaths, which is substantiated by Jane Doe’s Declaration,” whose evidence “makes it irrefutable that the public will suffer irreparable injury if this Motion is denied.”


Dire Warning from Dr. Charles Hoffe

An important excerpt of an interview with Dr. Charles Hoffe on how the vaccine works and effects your body. Dr. Charles Hoffe by Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson

Doctor: Heart Failure from mRNA Jabs “Will Kill Most People”

Published on July 10, 2021

Written by John O'Sullivan

Dr Hoffe, who practices medicine at Lytton BC Canada explains:

“We now know that only 25 percent of the ‘vaccine’ injected into a person’s arm actually stays in your arm. The other 75 percent is collected by your lymphatic system and literally fed into your circulation so these little packages of messenger RNA, and by the way in a single dose of Moderna ‘vaccine’ there are literally 40 trillion mRNA molecules. These packages are designed to be absorbed into your cells. But the only place they can be absorbed is around your blood vessels and the place where they are absorbed is the capillary networks – the tiniest blood vessels where the blood flow slows right down and where the genes are released. Your body then gets to work reading and then manufacturing trillions and trillions of these spike proteins. Each gene can produce many, many spike proteins. The body then recognises these are foreign bodies so it makes antibodies against it so your are then protected against COVID. That’s the idea.”

But here’s where the problem comes. In a coronavirus that spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule. In other words it becomes part of the cell wall around the virus. But it is not in a virus. It is in your cells. So it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium.

This means that these cells which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly now have these little spikey bits sticking out.

Dr Hoffe continues:

“So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form because your blood platelets circulate round your blood vessels, and the purpose of blood platelets is to identify damaged vessels and stop bleeding. So, when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel.” Therefore, these spike proteins can predictably cause blood clots. They are in your blood vessels (if mRNA ‘vaccinated’) so it is guaranteed. Dr Bahrdi then said to me that the way to prove this is to do a blood test called a D-dimer blood test. “The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.”

Dr Hoffe explains he has been performing D-dimer tests on his mRNA ‘vaccinated’ patients and he has worryingly identified that 62 percent of them had these microscopic blood clots.

“These people have no idea they are even having these microscopic blood clots. The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot re-generate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots they are permanently damaged.”

The result, says Dr Hoffe, is that these patients have what is termed Reduced Effort Tolerance (RET) which means they get out of breath much easily than they used to. It is because the blood vessels in their lungs are now blocked up. In turn, this causes the heart to need to work harder to try to keep up against a much greater resistance trying to get the blood through your lungs.

This is called pulmonary artery hypertension – high blood pressure in the lungs because the blood simply cannot get through effectively. People with this condition usually die of heart failure within a few short years.

In conclusion, Dr Hoffe lamented:

“These shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.”

The Spike Protein Is the Killer – Beware of mRNA “Vaccines”

This is how Josh MIttledorf puts it:

“The spike protein is the part of the virus structure that interfaces with the host cell. SARS 1 and SARS 2 viruses both have spike proteins that bind to a human cell receptor called ACE-2, common in lung cells but also present in other parts of the body. Binding to the cell’s ACE-2 receptor is like the wolf knocking at the door of Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother. “Hello, grandmama. I’m your granddaughter. Please let me in.” The virus is a wolf wearing a red cape and hood, pretends to be an ACE-2 enzyme molecule seeking entrance to the cell.”

read more @ Global Research


In David Goldberg's final video before his death, he reveals two classified projects underway - Project Pogo & Project Zyphr - to stifle American free speech and the chilling plans scheduled for 2020/2021 that will result in the "extermination" of tens of millions of Americans

source; Serguis bitchute channel

In David Goldberg's final video before his death, he reveals two classified projects underway - Project Pogo & Project Zyphr - to stifle American free speech and the chilling plans scheduled for 2020/2021 that will result in the "extermination" of tens of millions of Americans.

On June 8th 2019, David Goldberg passed away in his Brooklyn apartment. No cause of death was given and a cover-up began. Goldberg's friends came together to save his Youtube channel, and were able to access his floor safe and recover audio files, classified documents and other personal items.

Friends of David Goldberg will continue to compile his information and will release it after we receive legal permission to do so. At this time, the release of the classified documents may constitute a crime, so we are looking at all legal avenues to release them. We feel David's audio file should be released in the spirit of truth and free press.

"Murdered for speaking out: Last words of David Goldberg warning of mass murder of Americans"

____ This all could be a Psyop, but we must take everything onboard.___


The treatment was Intentionally Suppressed

and more


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