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Writer's pictureImAcogInDewheel


Updated: Sep 10, 2021

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."- Ephesians 6:12, KJV

Put on the whole armor of GOD and stand not in our own power, but in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.



scroll to -read

The complete removal of the Certificate Of Titles.


Cracks already appearing ! IGA stores WILL NOT require mandatory Vaxs for STAFF or CUSTOMERS ! Lets start supporting IGA now !


The government is not your friend and is no longer there to “protect” your best interest—it is now there to control you and protect the best interests of the global elites.

Edward Snowden has consistently asserted that the governments around the world (including the US) are using the coronavirus to build an “architecture of oppression.”

As part of this emerging architecture, they are using contract tracing as the perfect excuse to go beyond anonymized (aggregated) data and justify the broad and extensive targeting of citizens at the individual level (i.e., personally identifiable data), as well as the integration of forthcoming social scores—following in the footsteps of China—that will be predicated on the NWO religion of wokeness.


Quantas career pilot of 32 years speaks out!

The most honourable straight talking truth from a gentleman Aussie. Here!here!

Its got me fired up even more.

Last night I spoke with another young man. Who had his first C0v1d shot. 2 weeks in and his health is deteriorating, Not doing well and Scared of the unknown. He said he Didnt want to get it! but pressured because he would loose his job.

I hate these evil people. Hanging is too good for them. Tar and feathered then a shot of their own evil medicine.

To the majority of Australians those who have been afraid or in denial or because of their ignorance (lack of knowledge) from the truth, its time to question everything, stop listening to the Main stream news and Gov.

Research there are thousands of world renowned doctors and front line health professionals with credible knowledge telling you why these experimental injections are dangerous.

Stand as one along side the fearless patriots who have been standing up to tyranny and showing you the way from the very beginning of this plandemic shit show!......


Modern Bioweapon futuristic slavery thats what is being thrust upon us. We not only have our lives and fortunes at stake here, but the rest of the worlds. We are the testing ground for the New World Order and their one world government plans. Get off your soft back sides and stand up tall and walk to freedom from tyranny, evil, and a well constructed scamdemic.

Show yourselves what you are capable of, through adversity, knowledge, love and power. ..

The trumpet has played its warning call, the hour is now!!!!

Life and liberty or enslavement and swift death from a biological chemical warefare shot! . Your choice, die on bended knees or stand with truth and the will to take back your stolen lives and country.


Its our turn to rewrite history and bring us back to the land of the living in a paradise we call home, Australia. a Common Wealth Nation of the people for the people guaranteed long ago by our beloved ANZACS. LEST WE FORGET! (c)



Senior Constable Belinda Hocroft, who is attached the Dog and Mounted Police unit, has filed a legal action against NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard arguing she is not an anti-vaxxer but she is concerned about the long term effects of the vaccine and does not want to receive it.

Ms Hocroft’s lawyer Charly Tannous from Sage Solicitors said the action challenges the Minister’s right to require people in the affected LGAs to be vaccinated before they can leave the area and the test case is likely to affect thousands of workers.

“This case will consider the extent to which the Government may coerce its citizens to have themselves injected with a drug they object to taking, especially when there is a less intrusive alternative of having the unvaccinated citizens tested to ensure that they are not carrying the virus.”

Ms Hocroft, who has been a police officer for 14 years said she has been told she cannot return to work unless she has the first jab because she is from a hot spot zone.

Why the “Police Lockdown Powers” are Unlawful


Since 26 June 2021, New South Wales has been subject to the longest and harshest lockdown the State has experienced since the start of the Pandemic.

While the restrictions and conditions have increased substantially with time, surprisingly, so have the powers that have purportedly been given to the NSW Police Force.

The QLD “State of Emergency” ends on September 27th, which would mean they would not have the power to use vaccines under the guise of a “State of Emergency” after that date, so they need new “cases” to cause hysteria and extend the SOE and their barbaric vaccine rollout… that’s how 🤡

A Wave is About to Break | The Crowhouse

Information about your legal rights in this country

downloads @link

NSW Class Action -False Emergency NSW False Emergency | Advocate Me

The State of New South Wales is issuing orders and directions to its residents under the guise there is a State of Emergency. However, no State of Emergency has been declared for New South Wales.

Negligent Misrepresentations about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 & influenza vaccines, masks, RT-PCR tests, hotel detention & lockdowns


Truth Day question announced each Tuesday. This is where you get to ask your MPs about this question and let them know how you feel about it.

The Australian Immunisation Handbook states that for consent to be legally valid, “it must be given by a person with legal capacity, and of sufficient intellectual capacity to understand the implications of receiving a vaccine

Mr Hazzard, if the vaccinated can spread the virus as much, if not more, than the unvaccinated, how are the unvaccinated being “selfish and self-entitled”? How exactly are vaccinated protecting their community when they can transmit the virus?

Dr Zelenko Interview with Craig Kelly - How can Australia Get it so Wrong


Great entertainment , Gladys intimidation Squad!

Aussie Cossack 50.6K subscribers JOIN

Journalists, activists and opposition leaders are being arrested, intimidated and targeted in a terror campaign unleashed by the Australian Government against its own citizens. This raw POV footage is being published exclusively to expose the NSW Police intimidation tactics

Even main stream news is waking up o the false narratives

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth Will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”

- Dresden James


On Freedom

The side that is locking people up for the crime of being healthy, arresting protesters, pepper spraying kids, beating up grannies, banning books and electronic messages, censoring social media, sending threatening letters, forcing small businesses to close, urging people to dob in dissenters and banning safe drugs that have worked for 60 years are all on the wrong side of history. Transcript:

Vaccine Passports and Compensation Malcolm Roberts


I questioned the Government about vaccines, the indemnities it has provided to vaccine manufacturers and whether the government actually has a plan to stop restrictive lockdowns. These are common sense questions about liability and informed consent, let's see if the tech-censors agree. Transcript:




📝 Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) - ceasing correspondence and release of information form (IM017) 👇🏽

Part of the new world order plan a Totalitarian Future

How will South Australia's home quarantine trial work?


The state of South Australia is using a facial recognition and geolocation application at the end of August to ensure that people who are quarantined are not leaving their homes.

ABC NEWS reported , the use of this type of control and tracking system implementing it's use begins with people returning from trips to the states of Victoria and New South Wales. The premier of South Australia, Steven Marshall, wants to also implement it for those returning from trips not only internal travel but International travel.

Those in home-based quarantine will need to download an app, developed by the South Australian Government, to prove they are staying home while required to.

People wanting to return to South Australia and home quarantine will have to apply to SA Health

Intrastate travel within Australia is also severely restricted. And the government of South Australia, one of the country’s six states, developed and is now testing an app as Orwellian as any in the free world to enforce its quarantine rules. People in South Australia will be forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will text them at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they are supposed to be. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person. “We don’t tell them how often or when, on a random basis they have to reply within 15 minutes,” Premier Steven Marshall explained. “I think every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home-based quarantine app.”

"The very first person using the home-based quarantine app is now in place,' Mr Marshall said.

"This is part of a pilot of around 50 people.

"I think every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home-based quarantine app."

The Premier said South Australia will report results back to National Cabinet in the coming weeks.


More news on track and trace of the Australian human race -

Australian police are using the Clearview AI facial recognition system with no accountability

Australian police agencies initially denied they were using the service. The denial held until a list of Clearview AI’s customers was stolen and disseminated, revealing users from the Australian Federal Police as well as the state police in Queensland, Victoria and South Australia.

Lack of accountability

This development is particularly concerning as the Department of Home Affairs, which oversees the federal police, is seeking to increase the use of facial recognition and other biometric identity systems. (An attempt to introduce new legislation was knocked back last year for not being adequately transparent or privacy-protecting.)

Gaining trust in the proper use of biometric surveillance technology ought to be important for Home Affairs. And being deceptive about the use of these tools is a bad look.


Now! some huge information that will make Australians shake in their boots, the complete removal of their Certificate Of Titles.

‘The Great Reset’ is an idea put forward by the World Economic Forum to fundamentally restructure the global economy in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. David Ansara of the CRA speaks with author, Douglas Kruger, about the ideological underpinnings of the 'Davos agenda' and the risk it poses to property rights.

“You Will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY” | Douglas Kruger


Read and share this information -

TIME OF COMMENCEMENT - 11th October 2021

On 11 October 2021, new changes to the land titles system in NSW will be introduced that will transition NSW away from paper-based processes.

The Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 makes several changes to legislation, importantly allowing for the cancellation of certificates of title (CTs) and progressing NSW to 100% electronic lodgment of land transactions.

There are two significant changes from 11 October 2021:

After this date the CT will no longer be a legal document. Landowners with a CT who plan to deal with their land in the next six months should hold onto the CT, even after 11 October 2021. This is because a transaction may begin before this date, but not yet be finalised. In this case, the CT may be needed to satisfy requisitions or other administrative notices that were issued before 11 October 2021. Those who own unencumbered land, but have someone else holding or storing their CT, may wish to request to have it back. From 11 October 2021 there will no longer be a remedy under the Real Property Act 1900 to get a CT back from others, given it has no legal effect.

Changes to the land title system

On 11 October 2021, new changes to the land titles system in NSW will be introduced that will transition NSW away from paper-based processes.

The Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 makes several changes to legislation, importantly allowing for the cancellation of certificates of title (CTs) and progressing NSW to 100% electronic lodgment of land transactions.

.There are two significant changes from 11 October 2021:

  • the cancellation of CTs and the control of the right to deal (CoRD) framework; and

  • all land dealings must be lodged electronically. This is referred to as ‘100% eConveyancing’.

Key changes from 11 October 2021

The Registrar General of NSW has declared that 11 October 2021 is the day on which all certificates of title (CTs) will be abolished, known as ‘cessation day’.

By order under section 33AAA of the Real Property Act 1900, from cessation day all current CTs will have no legal effect and the Registrar General will no longer issue CTs for any reason.

The Torrens Title Register remains and has always been the single source of truth as to a person’s ownership or interest in land. View the

Real Property Act 1900 
IN pursuance to the provisions of section 33AAA of the Real Property Act 1900, the Registrar General declares that it will cease to issue certificates of title under the Act on 11 October 2021. 

Danusia Cameron 
Acting Registrar-General
 Explanatory note
The object of this Order is to remove the requirement for the Registrar-General to issue certificates of title for real property. This order is made under section 33AAA of the Real Property Act 1900.

I’d add that there should be a guarantee by the government for compensation against fraudulent activity using electronic certificates. Imagine the system is hacked and they use your “deeds” to acquire a loan. The financial institution will now have an illegal mortgage over your property and correcting that will be (a) expensive legally (b) resisted by the bank (c) subject to repossession by lender.

Many of us should send a letter to Office of Registrar General NSW.

Forwarding a letter drafted by someone: and posted to the telegram channel of

Hi KYR group.

I know we are all busy with covid and vaxx stuff, but,.....

I am also concerned about the cancellation of CT in nsw on 11 Oct and have started writing to the Office of Registrar General.

Any suggestions to add to the below. Thanks N

'Dear ORG,
I request clarification of the following points after receiving advice on the cancellation of legal status of certificates of title (CT) on 11 Oct 2021
1. Why is it necessary to remove the legal status of certificates of title on this date?
2. Will there be any physical evidence that a property holder can hold to show proof of ownership of a property?
3. Will there be a free access for owners to access the online database without resorting to an intermediary?
4. Will the access give full access to any owner regardless of race, sex, age, medical status, nationality, religious belief or other items referenced in the Commonwealth Anti Discrimation Act.
5. As this cancellation of Certificates of Title is the equivalent of cancelling legal tender status of a banknote, cash or currency, have the following effects been modeled or considered:
      a) Loss of confidence in the security of property held by overseas buyers?
      b) Loss of confidence in the security of property held by domestic buyers?
      c) Loss of confidence in the security of property held by mortgage holders?
      d) The loss of confidence in the above holders of deeds leading to capital flight and 
           steep decline in real estate values?
6. Have the risks of hacking, altering, disrupting, spoofing or other interference of the database by internal personnel been considered?
7. Have the risks of hacking, altering, disrupting, spoofing or other interference of the database by external actors such as domestic and foreign hackers, the AFP, or other local or domestic state actors been considered?
While I appreciate the 'convenience' of online access, I do not see the need to remove legal status of a CT. This removes a 'receipt' from the owner, effectively denying them proof of ownership. Why? The NSW government has a poor record in keeping data 'safe'. Data is hacked often and false details can be generated. Every IT manager will say, 'nothing is unhackable'. 
I respectfully ask the Registrar General to reconsider cancelling the legal status of CTs. It is unnecessary and too risky for all owners and the property sector in general. Please leave them as physical legal recognition of ownership.
Yours Faithfully'

Can you trust any Australian Government to have your best interest at heart?





What will the abolition of physical CTs mean for Certificates held as security.pdf





About educating for our protection and our Human Rights, Constitutional Rights and our Lawful Rights.

We don't have a mortgage, we are renting.

Derek Balogh walks you through what is currently happening with the banks and your ability (or inability) to access a copy of your mortgage contract and the fraud they are committing.

You think you have a mortgage

Australia is a party to the seven core international human rights treaties: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) ... the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Article 9 1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention. No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law. 2. Anyone who is arrested shall be informed, at the time of arrest, of the reasons for his arrest and shall be promptly informed of any charges against him. 3. Anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release. It shall not be the general rule that persons awaiting trial shall be detained in custody, but release may be subject to guarantees to appear for trial, at any other stage of the judicial proceedings, and, should occasion arise, for execution of the judgement. 4. Anyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a court, in order that that court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his detention and order his release if the detention is not lawful. 5. Anyone who has been the victim of unlawful arrest or detention shall have an enforceable right to compensation.

Right to protection from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment

Section 10 of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities (the Charter) protects Victorians from torture and any treatment or punishment that is cruel, inhuman or degrading. The Charter applies to public authorities in Victoria, such as state and local government departments and agencies, and people delivering services on behalf of government.

THE LEGISLATURE Historical details for ABN 89 288 775 026 _ ABN Lookup.pdf

STATE OF VICTORIA Historical details for ABN 57 505 521 939 _ ABN Lookup.pdf


What else should you know

Take a look at what Brian Shaw has been doing for the past 30 years to charge and hold accountable the Politicians and the corrupt system we call Australian Politics.

Learn about the Great Australian Robbery and what was uncovered @ Brians website packed with important documents and court actions

The Great Australian Robbery, details when the Governor and Attorney General for the then existing State of Western Australia enacted an Act on the 1st January 2004 the largest robbery in the history of Australia occurred. Essentially two men gained the land and resources inclusive of the entire coastline of Western Australia for themselves and others.

How did this happen?

Participate to save our Nation,


The Declaration of War

Upon All Australians

Out of The State Of Western Australia

In Written Agreement


The Commonwealth

Activated 1st January 2004


The Criminal Element for the offence of Treason is “Breach of Allegiance”

The Overt Act of Treason mentioned herein did “Breach The Allegiance”

Brian Shaw



Police State Contagion: US Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time

What Is the World Economic Forum Great Reset?

A quote from the Holocaust Museum:First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. ** If you think this doesn't apply, maybe think about it a little bit longer.

WEF Great Reset—A Glimpse into the New World Order Psyche

Remember one of the the most evil man in the world - Klaus Martin Schwab is a German engineer and economist best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum

The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

He further asserts that “incremental measures and ad hoc fixes will not suffice to prevent this scenario,” adding, “We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems.”

To accomplish this New World Order, Klaus posits that a three-prong approach is required:

  • A One-World (Global) Government

  • A One-World Economy (and Currency)

  • A Harnessing of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e., Tech and AI)

I highly recommend you read


an extract

We frequently hear about "they " doing this, that or the other. "They" seem literally to be able to get away with murder. "They" increase taxes, send our sons and daughters to die in wars that do not benefit our country. "They" seem above our reach, out of sight, frustratingly nebulous when it comes to taking action against "them." No one seems able to clearly identify who "they" are. It is a situation that has pertained for decades. During the course of this book, we shall identify the mysterious "they" and then, after that, it is up to the people to remedy their situation.

FOREWORD In my career as a professional intelligence officer, I had many occasions to access highly classified documents, but during service as a political science officer in the field in Angola, West Africa, I had the opportunity to view a series of top secret classified documents which were unusually explicit. What I saw filled me with anger and resentment and launched me on a course from which I have not deviated, namely to uncover what power it is that controls and manages the British and United States governments. I was thoroughly familiar with all of the well known secret societies such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergers, Trilaterals, the Zionists, Freemasonry, BolshevismRosicrucianism and all of the spinoffs of these secret societies. As an intelligence officer, and even before that as a young student in the course of my studies at the British Museum in London, I had cut my eye teeth on all of them, plus a good number of others with whom I imagined Americans were familiar. But when I came to the United States in 1969, I found that names like the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Club of Rome the German Marshall Fund, the Cini Foundation, the Round Table, the Fabianists, the Venetian Black Nobility, the Mont Pelerin Society, Hellfire Clubs, and many others were at best totally unknown here, or else their true functions were at best but poorly understood, if at all. In 1969-1970 I set about remedying the situation in a series of monographs and cassette tapes. Much to my surprise I soon found plenty of people willing to quote these names as if they had known of them all of their writing careers, but who were not in the least bit knowledgeable about the subjects, yet quite unwilling to state the source of their lately acquired information. I consoled myself with the thought that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I pursued my investigations, pressing on in the face of severe risks, attacks on myself and my wife, financial losses, continual harassment, threats and calumny, all part of a carefully-crafted and orchestrated program to discredit me, run by government agents and informers, embedded in the so-called Christian rightwing, the "Identity Movement" and rightwing "patriotic" groups. These agents operated, and still operate, under cover of strong and fearless outspoken opposition to Judaism their main enemy, they would have us believe. These agent-informers are led and controlled by a group of homosexuals who are wellliked and well-respected by political and religious conservatives all across the United States. Their program of calumny, lies and hatred, disinformation about my work, even lately attributing it to other writers, contin-ues unabated but it has not had the desired effect. I shall carry on with my task until I have finally ripped off the mask of the entire secret upper-level parallel government that runs Britain and the U.S. This book is a part of that ongoing effort. Dr. John Coleman, November 1991 


Sky News Australia Listen to Rowan Dean criticize the Australian government and warns the Australians about the clear and present danger posed by the WEF Great Reset and the “Davos” agenda—well worth a watch (starts slowly but then really amps up):

WEF & Hilary Sutcliffe—New World Order Psyche Exposed


Vaccination Noncompliance Registries (a.k.a. Enemies of Humanity Hit Lists)


Let history record that on 2nd September 2021, both the Liberal and Labor parties voted in favour of Domestic Covid Vaccine Passports in the Australian Federal Parliament. Only the Member for Dawson, George Christensen cross the Floor to vote for Craig Kelly, Leader of the United Australia Party.

Creating an Australian Vaccine passport system a “register”

On Friday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that 70% of Aussies will need to be vaccinated before we enter Phase B of the roadmap out of lockdown and reopen the economy. Morrison also said during that stage, those that have been vaccinated, will be placed under fewer instructions.

So what if you are one of those who refuse the Covid vaccination

The future could possibly be vastly different than you expect

By refusing to vaccinate , You could perhaps be banned from Restaurants who request your vax passport and Social outings in pubs and clubs.

Not Vaccinated, which will find you targeted for any noncompliance or “unacceptable” behavior

It will initially lead to travel restrictions but will ultimately be used to persecute noncompliant “resistors” to the New World Order agenda by the coming one-world government (a totalitarian technocracy).

Your name on a most wanted list—a target list of enemies of the state.

It will be a simple act for the Department of Health and Human Services to be enabling your medical history to be integrated into your vaccine dossier… and shared with the AFP, DHHS and myGovID portal (A Government account ,lets you link to government services online in one place.linking Social and health payments and services, including Centrelink, Medicare, child support.,taxation, and vaccination record)

And what of future expansion of not only including surveillance but arrests for crimes against humanity ( not complying with vaccination directives). And, when arrested, you won’t be headed to a court of law with your family lawyer… you will be tried in front of a military style tribunals conducted in secret and without any Constitutional protections or self-appointed legal counsel. Sent to quaranteen camps never to be heard of again unless you re- educate and comply then you may be deemed fit to participate in their Orweillian society

We’re not going back folksthis is how it ends.

1. You told us to stay home for 2 weeks to 'flatten the curve' and so we did what you asked and 18 months later we are still locked in our homes 2. You kept brothels open but closed churches and cemeteries 3. You kept alcohol & fast food stores open but closed the gyms and parks 4. You tell us you are "following the science" whilst subjecting us to arbitrary restrictions with zero basis in science and refuse to make the health advice public 5. You said "we're all in this together" while we lost our jobs and needed to home school while you got pay rises 6. You made us quarantine in small hotel rooms while making special rules for Hollywood stars to enter our country 7. You keep Australian citizens from returning home to be with family while allowing Caitlyn Jenner into the country to film Big Brother 8. You refuse individuals the ability to visit relatives interstate but give special exemptions to entire football teams to move into different states 9. You tell us that masks are unsafe and that there have been no cases of outdoor transmission, but yet you punish people who don't wear masks and ban outdoor activities 10. You first tell us AZ is unsafe for under 60s, then only unsafe for under 50s and now urge us all to get it, sneering at us if we hesitate to follow your ever-changing advice, despite our Chief Health Officer saying no one under 40 should be injected with it 11. You said we can't go overseas but our QLD Premier was allowed to go to the Olympics with our request to host knowing truly that the games have been uncontested since Feb 2021, it was already our games 12. You tell us that last year's BLM march was safe but that our protest for freedom is a super spreader event Is it any wonder that hundreds of thousands of people question everything you say? People have reached breaking point and we are seeing alarming rates of anxiety, depression, suicide, obesity, unemployment etc … This is taking its toll on the Australian population and severely impacting our children and their future Share this far and wide Australia, enough is enough, it’s time to wake up and stand up !! 🇦🇺


URGENT ALERT ! MUST ACT QUICKLY ! The (AVN ) Australian Vaccination Network has just discovered that there are plans to use the data from the Australian Immunisation Register to inform State Governments of who is and is not vaccinated for the purposes of bringing in a vaccine passport within the next 2 months.

What we were not aware of is the fact that we can opt-out of allowing the government to share our data with any third party including sharing it with whomever will win the tender to operate the passport system. Time is short since the federal government has already said they have everything ready to go for the vaccine passports and are only waiting on the States to complete their end. Please visit this website - and fill in the form IM017. It cannot be done online but must be printed out and mailed - we recommend you do this by express post and also if you don’t mind spending a few dollars, paying for the proof of delivery so you have the signature of who has received it should they claim they never got it.

Please share this as widely as possible since it is urgent that we opt out now while we still can.

Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) - ceasing correspondence and release of information form (IM017)

also form attached

Download and complete


The plan to take Australia back by retired QLD police officer

Retired Queensland police officer discusses plan to take Australia back using legal notices to criminally charge individuals and take away their possessions. Confirms death of 2 Sydney students in mass vaccination campaign and the TGA covering up deaths and injuries. Uniting all the groups to bring down NWO globalist plan


recent statements of Dr. Fauci, who, immediately following the release of the Phase III results, made it crystal clear that masks and social distancing aren’t going away after the vaccine is distributed.

He told CNN anchor Jake Tapper that both are here to stay indefinitely:

It’s not going to be a light switch… I would recommend to people to not to abandon all public health measures just because you’ve been vaccinated. Because even though for the general population it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you don’t necessarily know for you how effective it is. I can feel more relaxed in essentially not having the stringency that we have right now. But I think abandoning it completely would not be a good idea.”

The vaccines are not the great hope of humanity—they are just a tool or mechanism to be leveraged by the elitists for control.

Vaccines-The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction


 Dr.Rebecca Carley. ADVERSE REACTIONS to immunizations are more common than many people realize. Please visit her website:  Dr. Rebecca (Roczen) Carley received her Bachelor's degree in Diagnostic Ultrasound, attended medical school (and received the Samuel L. Kountz award for clinical excellence in surgery at graduation), and trained to be a general surgeon at State University of New York at Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn. Dr. Carley also worked as an attending Emergency Room physician at Kings County Medical Center in Brooklyn (which is the primary training affiliate for Downstate students), and is the largest hospital (and busiest trauma center) in the United States.  Dr. Carley left the practice of General Surgery and "allopathic" medicine after realizing that no one was actually being healed of their diseases, and she started researching "alternative" medicine while taking time off to start a family.  After Dr. Carley's only child was brain damaged as a result of inoculations he received, Dr. Carley learned how to reverse the damage with homeopathy and other natural supplements, and subsequently realized that inoculations of disease are causing the corruption in the immune system which leads to all autoimmune diseases and cancer. Dr. Carley has developed the Hippocrates Protocol which has successfully reversed all autoimmune diseases (including autism) and cancer in over 2,000 clients (including pets) over the past 9 years. She has written the definitive paper explaining the mechanism whereby inoculations with disease are causing VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases), which has been featured in multiple publications all over the world and is available under the title "Inoculations: the True Weapons of Mass Destruction" on her website at She has offered a $10,000 reward for any vaccine promoter to come on her internet radio show and refute the documents she has authored. No one has stepped forward to do so. Dr. Carley has been qualified in court as an expert witness in VIDS, Legal Abuse Syndrome, Vaccinology, and child abuse.  Dr. Carley no longer "practices medicine", but instead teaches clients nationally and internationally how to reverse their diseases using the Hippocrates protocol she developed. She also goes into the hospital as a patient advocate for clients who are not satisfied with the care their loved ones are receiving.  Besides being a guest on over 200 radio and television shows, for over 9 years Dr. Carley had her own weekly public access television show in Long Island, followed by a weekly internet radio show now on (Station 2) on Thursdays at 8:30 PM EST and on on Wednesdays at 12 noon EST, all entitled "What's Ailing America" (archives are also available for both internet shows). Dr. Carley is also available to give talks to interested groups to teach what she has learned about vaccine induced diseases, and how they can be reversed; and has developed a course through the "Hippocrates Academy" where interested students can learn and be certified how to do the Hippocrates Protocol developed by Dr. Carley, which reverses all autoimmune diseases and cancer in people and in pets using natural therapies.


A legal challenge against mandatory COVID-19 vaccines and extended police powers has been launched in the NSW Supreme Court this morning.

Sydney solicitor Tony Nikolic filed the suit against Health Minister Brad Hazzard and Chief Health Officer Dr. Kerry Chant in the NSW Supreme Court earlier this week.

The matter was heard for the first time during an introduction session today (in full below).

The Law firm, Ashley, Francina, Leonard & Associates — of whom Nikolic is Managing Director – argues that the public health orders requiring “a broad class of workers” to be vaccinated are illegal and unconstitutional, as are the extra powers granted to police to enforce public health orders.

The suit will seek a declaration that NSW public health orders are invalid and a ban on any further orders made by Mr Hazzard and Dr Chant.

“We have received thousands of inquiries from front-line workers – police, paramedics, nurses, aged care (staff), doctors, firefighters – construction workers, teachers, airline staff, miners, truck drivers, university students, mums, and dads and, importantly, employers,” a release by the group reads.

It is our view that vaccine compulsion strips citizens of their basic human rights, including their right to work, their right to bodily integrity, and their right to informed consent to medical treatment without coercion.
No one is above the law, including ministers and public health officers.”

Al-Munir Kassam v Bradley Ronald Hazzard

19,000 people tuned into the live-streamed hearing

as the court heard over 300 pages of written statements have been tendered with the statement of claim.

The first seating began at 10am this morning, and this session can be viewed in full below:


Highly recommend watching

Covid "Vaccines"; How Dangerous are They? - Dr. Trozzi

A thorough investigation of the science behind the Covid "vaccines" used in the Western World.

This is a current comprehensive explanation and understanding of the vaccines

and what they do.

It begins after a 3 minute introduction.

shared from bitchute

Dr. Trozzi has spent hundreds of hours investigating the so called “covid vaccines”. On June 4th, published his report entitled: ‘Covid “Vaccines”; How Dangerous Are They?’, which described the science of the injections, the relevant physiology, and the manner in which these injections cause harm:

Based on the science within this article, we immediately began work on a video documentary version, and this is the first public announcement of its imminent release. We hope this trailer captures your interest in the full video’s release Tuesday July 13th, 2021.

Your word of mouth is the lifeblood of this mission. You have our blessing and gratitude to send, share, download, repost, reupload, and embed this trailer, and the coming documentary, wherever you may.

This is Not a Vaccine

Dr. Steve Hotzie decrees the Covid “vaccines” are not vaccines , but are dangerous experimental gene therapies:

I urge you to read Dr . Trozzi personal testimony


Following the Science

In this latest documentary on the pandemic response, we hear from experts around the globe who are qualified to address the pandemic (not anonymous “fact-checkers” defending a narrative):

Listen to what they have to say based on their knowledge, experience, and expertise in the fields of immunology, virology, and microbiology…

A MUST Watch:

What people are saying

“Prize winning journalism. Wow, absolutely outstanding!
“Brilliant documentary… the whole COVID crisis, and the “vaccination”
drive enabled by it, can only be explained as a worldwide attack
on all humanity, by an evil few who would be God, and worship
their own power. So dark are their designs, so catastrophic their
success (so far), and so apocalyptic is this moment, that those
intrepid scientists and doctors feel compelled to speak in frankly
moral terms, with some seeing this unprecedented crisis as a
spiritual war, in which they find they’re on the other side: the
long-embattled side of God and science, against the would-be
gods of the elite, and the death cult based on their eugenicist
religion. One needn’t be a Christian, or any kind of theist, to see
which side is right. Be sure to watch this film right to the very end…”
—Dr. Mark Crispin Miller, PhD
“WOW! You have put all the best people in one video!!Powerful! Moving!
— J.W.
“Following the Science!!!! It says it all.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, with all my heart for doing this video…
I have seen most of those presentations
but you put it together in a very profound way.”
—D. O.
“Masterfully done!”
Following the Science? was absolutely brilliant. 
You are one of the heroes of our day, whose voice is so important.
—D. P.
…a masterpiece! I am almost speechless…


Covid this is a scam - get your vitamin D and C

check out the videos and great content @ The Seignalet Diet PLUS

(pronounce it "Saynyalay")

91 so called "incurable diseases" put into remission with diet

The covid scam could always have been over in 5 minutes


  1. A high enough level of serum vitamin d as first defence will prevent infection in the first place

  2. A high enough dose of vitamin c will kill any virus.

The Rockefelllers and Gates are so powerful that they have managed to suppress this information which if it was widely known would have ended the scam in five minutes!

See my video on the 2 natural “vaccines” Jump to running order which kill covid-19 and any other virus and which are being suppressed by the evil mafia who orchestrated this scam. Banned on youtube because the evil mafia has a controlling stake

How to get the Frankenstein/pharma white coats and their globalist masters off our backs

What happens now is that we do not wait to be told what to do anymore. We all take 5,000 i.u.’s of vitamin d (healthy adults) 10,000 i.u.’s for the obese, over 60’s and those with existing conditions. This will a) make us immune to covid-19 and any future virus pandemic hoaxes b) go a long way to putting most chronic diseases into remission or close to it. We can then tell the WHO, the CDC, the NIH, the FDA, the NHS, our “leaders” who are corrupt puppets, the Rockefellers, Gates and tutti quanti to F…. OFF!

Why Coronavirus is a scam

Coronavirus is a scam. We are all vitamin d deficient. We have all been brainwashed to believe that if we go out in the afternoon sun in summer and 3 rays of UVB light hit our skin we will instantly develop melanoma and die a horrible death. It’s garbage. Propaganda to keep us dependent on the Rockefeller drugs and vaccines.

At least 10 ways to kill coronavirus

There are at least 10 natural ways to kill the coronavirus without side effects. Vitamin d and vitamin c are the most obvious. I give you full substantiation for these in my video. See underneath for why the Japanese are hardly affected by it.

another great article packed with great source of information is

Can Reiner Fullmiich Pull It Off?

TL:DR version

Can Reiner Fuelmich pull it off? So called “Scientific Medicine” is really Frankenstein medicine controlled by the New York banks and Wall Street. All practising allopathic doctors, even the covid dissidents, are franchisees of this corrupt paradigm. But Reiner will have to rely on doctors as expert witnesses and “For every Phd there is an equal and opposite Phd”


SHOCKING! The Two Vaccines that already exist for covid19 being supressed

Go to 2:05:39 for directions on how to treat CV19.

video article

There are 2 vaccines which already exist to kill Covid-19 and any other viral disease. One will prevent infection in the first place and the other is fast acting & can be used in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU)to avoid the need for for you to be sedated, intubated, have catheters pushed into your private parts, have multiple drugs used on you etc. etc. and generally be treated like a rag doll with a 50% chance of survival.

Our institutions have been corrupted and our politicians are corrupt puppets. The Covid-19 crisis is a hoax. I show you why it's a hoax in this video.

How can we stop the medical profession killing the elderly and the black population with useless and dangerous interventions that will bankrupt your family? Our only hope is the legal profession. Will they rise to the challenge? Or are they also corrupt? In this video I make the case that not using these vaccines is medical negligence and I aim to give your lawyer the ammunition she needs to a) prevent your local Intensive Care Unit from using the wrong protocol on you b) to sue them for medical negligence if they do and you die and c) to dispute the huge bill ($70,000 for use of an ECMO for example!) if you have been treated without this vaccine.

Of necessity this video is long because I have aimed to give your lawyer all the facts she needs. Contact your lawyer right away and give them the link to this video so they can take the necessary steps to protect your or you family members from being killed by the medical profession and/or being bankrupted by a huge hospital bill

NOTE. I can see from my analytics that viewers are dropping out 1 hour 20 minutes in when one part of the video comes to an end. But a an equally important part starts just after that. So please come back and watch the second half of the video when you have time. I promise it will be rewarding.

Vitamin C The Miracle Swine Flu Cure - 60 Minutes Living Proof

Doctors treating Aukland farmer Alan Smith had decided it was time to turn his life support machine off until a timely intervention by his family and Vitamin C saved his life.


Recommend reading


Pfizer Bait and Switch

Comirnaty CV19 Vax Approval is Actually Fraudulent – Chris Martenson

By Greg Hunter’s

Dr. Chris Martenson holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University and is a futurist and economic researcher. Martenson says the FDA just approved a Pfizer CV19 vaccine named Comirnaty, but the public is not getting it. This is classic bait and switch because the public is still getting the same Pfizer jab they have been getting all along. It’s still experimental (Emergency Use Authorization or EUA), and it still gives Pfizer total immunity from liability.


There is NO Pandemic Here are the facts:


Check out this hard hitting COVID TRUTH blog

Dr. Reizer notes astutely that this COVID PCR test lies at the center of the Casedemic of false-cases Psy Op which has been run on the entire world population, it is the tangible physical fulcrum around which the entire Psy Op revolves.

Cracks already appearing ! IGA stores WILL NOT require mandatory Vaxs for STAFF or CUSTOMERS ! Lets start supporting IGA now !


Italian prosecutor seizes batch of AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs ‘as a precaution,’ launches manslaughter investigation after death

The prosecutor of Biella, Italy has ordered the seizure of nearly 400,000 AstraZeneca vaccines and opened a manslaughter investigation following the death of a 57-year-old man hours after being inoculated.

On Monday, the prosecutor of Biella, a town in the northern Italian region of Piedmont, ordered the preventive seizure of the country’s entire ‘ABV5811’ batch of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines. Prosecutor Teresa Angela Camelio’s order affects nearly 400,000 doses of the Anglo-Swedish jab. Camelio said the decision to seize the batch was made pending the outcome of an investigation by the Judicial Authority and the Medicines Supervision Commission into the death of Sandro Tognatti, a music teacher who died on Saturday night a few hours after the administration of the Covid-19 vaccine produced by AstraZeneca. The seizure activity… for which at present there is no direct correlation with the reported cases of deaths, is carried out as a precaution in order to proceed with the appropriate clinical analyses to refute the danger of the drug. The prosecutor also opened a criminal case against unknown persons for manslaughter following Tognatti’s death.The investigation and seizure order came after the Piedmont region had earlier decided to temporarily suspend the use of the doses in lot ABV5811. Italy's national drugs regulator announced on Monday it was suspending the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the country.

read more @article source

Read article from

Scott Morrison at his absolute incompetent best. There is simply no equal to this clot, month ago he was saying mandatory vaccinations would not happen now he is saying there will be. Oh yes, in October 2021 Astra Zenica vaccine will be phased right out because of the dangers. Up until September therefore it is perfectly safe. Total bullshit.


Evidence is that last Saturday (22/8/21) rubber bullets were fired into people. Let us get one fact very clear, this was premeditated and under orders


Police brutalising the public



The Damage this Young Disabled women sustained at the hands of Police brutality

A message from the Victim

Hey everyone thankyou for your kindness.

It went on for another 10 minutes. I ended up having more officers on me and another bunch standing around.

I vomited and had 2 seizures on the pavement and was taken by an ambulance to hospital.

They had no idea how to do first aid on me, too 5 of then to figger out to put me in the recovery position and they stated "this is way above my pay grade this shit", they laughed at me.

It was like Chinese whispers on the story of what happened and the officers allocated to do report/statement cant right at the end of it all and everyone had different stories of what when down. Fucken joke.

Im feeling like absolute shit. In soo much pains all over my body. My head feels very compressed and it's my brain is hurting in different areas struggling to focus and yeah

I have a bad concusion and a googie egg on my forhead, wobbly on my feet and vomiting throughout the day. I've got bruising on half of my face.

Damage to my left wrest.

I have bruising and swelling all over my body.

My left shoulder potentially dislocated. Bad bruising and swelling on back of my neck, head and lower back.

I've got a cracked rip on my right side from him punching me (23secs in video).

My hole body has swelling and marks all over - hole back, neck, throat, shoulders, hips, arms, back of head and face

Bone bruising, treasure damage and getting scans to see if there is any bad with my muscles and ligaments.


'COVID truth' letter to NSW Police Commissioner sparks internal investigation

An officer is under internal investigation over a letter to the New South Wales Police Commissioner that claims the enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions is eroding community trust in the force.

The letter, posted on a website called Cops for Covid Truth, claimed Australians were "having a globalist agenda put upon them" and that police were being used to carry it out.

The six-page letter, which claimed many members of the force were "fed up with the approach to enforce oppressive rules placed upon the population in the name of COVID-19 and the looming mandatory vaccinations", was attributed to a police officer in the Coffs-Clarence Police District.

The letter called on Commissioner Mick Fuller to ensure police had a choice if they wanted to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

It also said NSW Police would not participate in "forcing vaccines on the population", and recommended the Police Association started preparing to defend police employees who chose to not be vaccinated.



dive down the rabbit hole in this information dense report

Globalist Banker Predicted Scamdemic & Genocide of The Useless

Genocide Unleashed
Given that Attali’s mind-blowingly amoral rhetoric echoes that of every other outspoken eugenicist over the past 150 years, the forgoing passages cannot be set aside as either conjecture or conspiracy theory.
However, on the basis that he predicted in 1981 that there would be genocidal culling of the over 60’s, the weak and the stupid, the catalyst for which would be finding or manufacturing a viral pandemic, the following statement is all the more conspicuous: “pandemics could be ready for unleashing at will”.
As is the final sentence quoted, which confirms that the chief weapons of the long-planned war against the People are “the instruments of propaganda, communication and intimidation.” The parallels between Attali’s predictions of such genocides being unleashed in the 21st century and the events of COVID-1984 are chillingly striking.
Nevertheless, without the majority of the public believing blatant government lies about a ‘virus’ which has never been isolated or purified, the censorship of opposing views and the erection of a police state would have proven impossible.
It naturally follows that when the majority rejects the fraudulent narrative, opposing views, censored or not, will become the norm and the police state can then be systematically deconstructed with totalitarian non-compliance to every tyrannical rogue government diktat and the criminal prosecution of all those charged with crimes against humanity.
Read More in Critical Thinking



Description: This report results from two years of part time investigation of recent developments in Australia which appear to indicate that some unusual and urgent preparations are being made to turn Australia into a self sufficient "safe haven." The details mentioned in the report have been kept as concise as possible to enable readers to make up their own minds about the wide ranging evidence which suggests a well organised and developing plan of action aimed at reaching culmination by the end of the present decade. This report can be considered as interim only as the process is ongoing and apparently gaining in momentum. The author intends to continue his investigations and publish additional reports in the future. JUNE 30, 1996 --- THE RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY - This Report was given to the publisher of RMNews the year it was written, 1996. The Source who hand delivered it would not state who the author was. RMNews does not know if this has been published elsewhere. ---


An agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the States and Territories, being: The State of New South Wales The State of Victoria The State of Queensland The State of Western Australia The State of South Australia The State of Tasmania The Australian Capital Territory The Northern Territory of Australia


Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia & World Wide


When A Government Becomes A Corporation, What You Need To Know

There no longer exists any form of representative government under the framework that is the United Nations Charter. The U.N. platform is offered as a contract and is then enforced via the Bilderberg Steering Committee’s influence upon all signatory governments. Today what presents itself as your council or government, or more correctly, the men and women working within the same, defraud you by pretending they represent you and operate according to the parameters of the office they hold after you gave them your vote to hold that office.[A]

What we call government today is in fact an incorporated entity, that means that because they are corporations, [1] they can no longer represent you an Autonomous living man/woman, due to the fact the council/government has changed Jurisdiction, they have shifted from a realm of laws to a realm of commercial legislation, controlled by the UCC and for the movement of the cargo, coming under Shipping, (UPU) this they call the Legal System. However, they enthusiastically keep up an act in which they work very hard to convince you that they represent you while knowing the contrary to be fact.

read on @ link


Commonwealth of Australia States Assembly

First and foremost we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout the landmass known as Australia, and recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and cultural communities. We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

This website is based on the research of Superior Court Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary of occupying corporate AUSTRALIA, INC., James Belcher, the Living Law Firm, and the team of world wide researchers who have been studying, searching for, and uncovering the truth for the last 40 years, bringing us to the forefront of our journey here on the landmass commonly known as Australia… Judge Anna (non BAR member, nor Star Chamber Coram and has The United States of America on track with their American States Assembly and Land Recording System (LRS).

The claims made in the introduction of this Website merit reiteration in virtue of the flagrant fraud, rapaciously perpetrated against Australia’s ANZAC’s and the Australian people as a whole, as such, from this moment on, the “Commonwealth of Australia” and relevant 1901 Constitution, in this particular instance is redefined as de jure and complete protection for Australia, and the Australian people as a whole, publicly declaring total dissociation with regards to all Unconscionable Contracts lacking full disclosure and readily definable English Style Formatting, perpetrated against all Australian’s since original inception. Any debased DOG-LATIN Glossa within, is to be disregarded and redefined as equitable English. To hold real Commonwealth of Australia elections, and not Occupying Corporate Government (Federal, State or Local) elections, we need you to return to dry land and repopulate the de jure Land and Soil Jurisdiction. Unbelievably as an Australian Citizen, you are in the international jurisdiction of the Sea. We are working in with Judge Anna and Teri Kealoha Sahm© ( to get the Commonwealth of Australia People recorded, as Aussies reconveyed back, permanently domiciled on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Australia, unincorporated, restoring the de jure Government of and for the People. The below transcript is from Superior Court Judge, Anna Von Reitz.

read more @ link



Invaluable information and archive

Dive in many links and document downloads pertaining to Australia



If you can see through the illusion, you are part of the solution


Criminal Courts, Criminal Politicians, Rotten from The Top To The Bottom

TimsTruth Published September 6, 2021

Clearfield Doctrine and The 12 Presumptions Of Court.






The New International Economic Order

Implications for Australia

The Parliament of the

Commonwealth of Australia

Brought up and

ordered to be printed 19 February 1980

Parliamentary Paper

No. l/1980t,


Shared thanks -Jeff Kmakze - the corruption is layers deep - Australians we have had our Commonwealth stolen and sold to foreign interes t - our treasonous Government rife with protected paedophiles has sold us out on every level .....

Here's just the tip of the iceberg Scott Morrison and co are thieving off the Australians

Shocking list of LNP's organised crime's.......

1trillion DEBT-cost every Australian a$50,000 bill.

##$190,000 to RICHARD FORBES from BUSH FIRE RECOVERY FUND advertising of the bushfire recovery!!



##$128million in 2019-2020 on GOVT advertising


##$541,746 JIM REED for LNP PARTY advertising strategy.


##$46million to HILLSONG bestmate LEIGH COLEMAN

##$4,000per hour CORMANN+8 staffers jeting around Europe for an OECD JOB,

##$1.2Billion class action payout ROBO-DEBT PAYOUT.


##LNP STACKING National DIsability Appeal tribunal. ##$13.5million appealing disability decisions.

##$30million FLETCHERrort to LNP DONOR.

##TAXHIKE for millions of Australian workers-FRYDENBERG intends ripping $1,000.00 off every low income worker pa.

##$1million payment to ACare executive GARY BARNIER.

#Dutton's$39million fraud n thief payment to AUSTRAL.




#MORRISON spent $1.1million from taxes to 1)gain community attitudes to COVID19 n 2) $500,000 market research- $15MILLION economic recovery funded advertising campaign.

##MORRISION paid $29.8million for land valued $3million-pathetic waste of taxes.

##MORRISON/FORREST INDUE CARD SCAM doubting the cost of welfare payments for all recipients.

##MORRISON govt approved CHINA BUYING A $9.7BILLIONport n rail project in


##$650million Arts Fund-Morrison failed to deliver.

##$42million Hillsong mate alleged fraud/bribery Leigh Coleman

##$10million failed new australian logo

#stolen 2trillion litres murray darling water #watergate scandel JOYCE/LITTLEPROUD/

#TAYLOR ##$79.8million JOYCE/TAYLOR water payment.

#QLD $12million Urannah DAM fraud to an LNP FIRM.

#$4million Shine energy grant.

#$138million+ for a COVID failed tracking app+$70million its promotion.

#$166million arts sector funding-no money allocated.


#LNP NSW GLADYS $800K funding for the Palm Beach Golf club ran by a FORMER LNP STAFFER???

#Abbott's $500million cuts to our First Nations Funding.

#$500,000 job JOHN REED-LNP STAFFER.

#$688million home builder package criteria for the wealthy.

#AFP MAFIA-STYLE corruption.

#$60billion job KEEPER miscalculation.

#$2.5BILLION Community Grants Development.

#MORRISON/Gaetjens scam marginal electoral seats.

#$94millionVisa Processing scam

#$3million BMWcars.


#SERCO/Govt money laundering enterprise-PARAKEELIA.

#$8.1BILLION secretly used 'Delegated Regulations' to avoid scrutiny of our Senate or the lower house-83% spent on marginal seats.

**$102.5MILLION Sports Infrastructure program.

**$50million regional swimming pools incl **$10million nth Sydney pool.

**$272million regional growth fund.

**$841.6million building better regions fund over 4years.

#$200million GOVT ADVERTISING before election.

#$2BILLION Climate Solutions Fund.

#$4billion Urban Congestion Fund incl #$500million commuter Carpark fund.

#$300million Drought Communities Program.

#$200million Regional Jobs Investments Package.

#$22.65million Stronger Communities Program.

#$22.65million Communities Environment Program.

#$50k for each program in each of our 151 electorates.

#$3billion ripped out of TAFE.

#$3.9MILLION MORRISON granted on eve of the election-unknown recipient?



#$15million MORRISON paid a MAJOR DONOR?

#NIGEL SCUILLION handed FORREST $3.82MILLION of Aboriginal Funding, 6mths before the election.


##MASSIVE TAFE Apprenticeship Jobs cuts.

#Paid PENTECOSTAL HILLSONG grants of around $1BILLION to administer grants programs for our first nation ppl-HILLSONG spent most money on their staff salaries-few grants awarded to aboriginal recipients.

#QAnon paying LYNELLE Stewart $86,000pa companion for JENNY MORRISON?

-#Brian Houston mentoring for MORRISON?

#$250million on SHARK 1.

#$33million to fight our veterans in our courts.

#$377,000 for ScottCam n Tina Arena GOVT ADVERTS

##$190,000 for an empathy consultant.

##$300Million to SKYTV for a MUNDINE aboriginal show prior election.

#HELLOWORLD travel rort.


##$40million WA CHURCHES.


-In our Court system;


-AFP hence why TAYLOR's charges dropped;

-the ROC.

All while Australian ppl are experiencing

Stagnant wages growth,


-Low productivity,

-high homelessness,

-high household debt,

-low NEWSTART funding,

-increasing powej op


A mask worn in a shop functions only as a social signifier of virtue and obedience

To Print

by Raph Fernandez


Dr. Malone and Dr. Navarro - The Most Important Conversation of 2021

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology, and Dr. Peter Navarro discuss the CCP virus and the mistakes being made by the 'scientism', NOT THE SCIENCE, involved. More on Peter Navarro:



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