The TIME is NOW!!!
Join the
People In Victoria are Planning an event x 500,000
Schedule · Saturday, September 5, 2020 (in UTC+10)
12:00 PM - 10:00 PM TO BE CONFIRMED
500,000 to End the Vic Lockdown. We Demand Sustainable Policies.
RISE UP AUSTRALIANS - ON this DATE support your fellow Victorians go ALL States!
I have had to add some very IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Video content.and information from various news sites. some gathered from Fox news - seems to be one of the very few media outlets calling out the truth. there is a lot of information posted in this blog page. I recommend you look at all to be informed of The Corruption that is and has been perpetrated against ALL Australians. We have to learn what is transpiring, these are critical times..please share the information to your family and friends.. Great people are doing their best to educate everyone. We can WIN and Restore the Country to the people. IGNORANCE is now no excuse!!!
Do your own research.. They don't want a society of informed and intelligent people.. continue to the IMPORTANT video content.. thank you #AWAKE AUSTRALIANS #WWG1WGA #SAVEOURCHILDREN # NOMORESUICIDES #GRANDJURY #MAGNACARTA #CHALLENGETOAUSTRALIA President TRUMP is on all humanities side but for Australia we have to stand and fight. One man cannot do this alone He is showing us the way.. Mark Meadows responds to secret Trump family tapes https://youtu.be/esMgGeq-_9o
please continue to scroll down as there is very good content
Seriously OUR Country has been infiltrated we must UNITE
CUSTODIANS OF TRUTH - Media release Jacquie Dundee
Jacquie has an extremely important message to All Victorians and Australia go to link for video message
New Earth Project was live. link Australia: In the Grip of Treason with Warriors in the Trenches
Host:Imani Mamalution & GUEST HOST: Sacha Stone
Australian Speakers: Fanos Panayides and Rene Mechelle
WOW! If this doesn't get you Marching. Should be enough for Victorians and the rest of Australia...as they say follow the money trail....
If you want to know what is truly happening in Melbourne/Victoria then you should read this investigation.
- link
MINDEROO got an extra $320 (US$230) million from the Australian Government for procurement.
MINDEROO is a virulent Deep State Trump-hating company.
Pathologically so.
This particular deal made massive profits for BGI – all paid for by Australian taxpayers.
The BGI testing kits were flown into Tullamarine Airport (Melbourne) on Chinese Airlines for delivery to Private Pathology Practices in Victoria.
Recommend viewing - Video
Plandemic II
Awakening FOR PROOF
Event 201
MAX Egan ***
Debunking the Narrative With Prof Dolores Cahill
Vic govt could face ‘largest class action
Important message see video.....Stuart Coffey
Topher Field
Facts about suicide in Australia
Do Not Be Afraid
#INTERNATIONAL WARNING!!! They are coming for the CHILDREN (last post)
Must Reads
Prime minister & State GOVERNMENT
Open letter - All Premiers and Ministers of all states and territories; and The police and the military; and The Main Stream Media and newspapers
*They are coming for your children
open letter David James Anning
Chef Pete Evans
‘Overbearing rules’ and a government ‘wanting more power’ inflicted on Victorians
listen to - Jeff kennett speaks out - fox news report
Sky News host Chris Kenny says Australians cannot accept the job losses, social chaos, suicides, poor medical care for other conditions, inhibited personal freedoms and mounting debt for future generations, without question, for any longer. On Monday, Premier Daniel Andrews announced Victoria’s state of emergency will be extended for 12 months beyond the scheduled September 13 finish date.
New Style Of Policing - No where to run no where to hide - where your business is the governments business
Eye in the sky
Police are preparing to launch their aerial arsenal as part of a crackdown on COVID rule breakers. High powered drones will be used to find people not wearing masks, and cars too far from home.
Great Britain and Important To Australians and all Common Wealth Nations
The Antidote To COVID-1984 is Magna Carta 2020, a new Declaration of Rights. Please watch, like and share this video far and wide.
The Antidote To COVID-1984 is Magna Carta 2020, a new Declaration of Rights. Please watch, love and share this video far and wide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TGaYOdWNZ4
Today, a Common law Grand Jury unanimously agreed that both Parliament and the government nullified all claims to legitimacy by breaching articles 1 and 2 of the declaration of Rights 1688 and the Bill of Rights 1689.
A Unilateral Declaration is therefore being prepared which will declare that, in the absence of a legitimate Parliament or government, Magna Carta 2020 will comprise the restoration of the Common law, in the event it is duly executed, for and on behalf of the People.
Magna Carta 2020 - Declaration of Rights was then signed by twenty two Britons, in front of 22 witnesses, on the 22nd day of August 2020, by and for the People of Britain, for the singular purpose of restoring the rights, freedoms and protections guaranteed by the Common Law.
What You CAN DO
Add your name to our "Challenge to Australia" calling on your signature to co-joining Brian Shaw in his 32 year quest for justice for all Australians. support is required by all Australians!
MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA 2014 - a truthful and Important message see video.....Stuart Coffey
My thoughts first, then watch and listen to this very important message...
Out of the shadows and into the light
With the ARMOUR of GOD we MUST ALL Unite in LOVE and PEACE again. #WWG1WGA No greater time has come in our history, Totalitarianism Must be defeated BY The People
no one else is coming to save us. It is your duty to #RISEUP and restore Justice Peace and Prosperity. Australians our country was built on the strength of it's people our ancestors did it tough but were very determined to forge a life for themselves and for future generations of self determination for peace and a society that would be of value for all her inhabitants no matter what colour, religion or origins. That is what has made Australia great. Over time we have embraced all cultures into our eclectic society. We have grown into a society that has enjoyed the cultures of many lands who come with their families to enjoy the freedom that is and does belong to all . So why are we letting these Evil, greedy few take it from us.#RISEUPAUSTRALIA
The time has come. Do not let these few deny your Freedom, Future and right to a wonderful life free from tyranny. These liers must also be held accountable for their treason against our nation.
Video narrated by Stuart Coffey
A message for ALL Humanity... as explained by Charlie Chaplin -
other - 15 Things You Didn't Know About Charlie Chaplin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG0Qwx0ruQs
@Aussie for Trump 5 Correct.The so-called hotel quarantine fiasco is a red herring. The real problem is treason, including the way the States have usurped a Federal power (namely quarantine, see Section 69 below): https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Senate/Powers_practice_n_procedures/Constitution Specifically, look at Sections 51 (xxiiiA) (no civil conscription, so no masks, mandatory vaccines, giving your name to eat in a cafe etc) , 68 (Governor General is Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces), 69 (quarantine a Federal responsibility), 92 ( essentially, freedom of travel on roads within Australia), 108 (religious freedom so no limits on congregation size etc), 109 (State law can't conflict with Federal law), 116 (freedom of religion so can't restrict church services, funerals etc)and 117 (can't discriminate against people from other States). In case you're wondering, they can't move the goal posts by saying "unprecedented crisis" or some other crap. The Annotated Constitution (the big red book-not the green one, it's corrupted) is replete with warnings about this, eg p346 "What is not given to the Commonwealth is denied to the Commonwealth" (including the right to give powers to the States), p785 "A law passed in excess of the Constitution is no law at all". Literally nothing a politician or police officer can do is able to override the Constitution. The High Court ruling HCA 44 (2010) affirmed this t be the case-the Constitution is all still in effect everywhere in Australia. As you can see, closing borders is HIGHLY illegal. It's being done on the pretense that it IS legal but it's really treason. Considering that politicians still talk about the Constitution when it suits them, people should call them out on it. Contact your MP's and a few other pollies
David E Martin, PHD. National Intelligent analyst
Daniel Andrews
Listen carefully he says RULES....BUT! RULES are NOT LAW, get it through your heads. RUBBISH! listen to the experts there are enough here on this blog. spend a day like reading a good book, educate yourself to TRUTH not Tyranny!!!! There is only one wicked virus and he is speaking Bullshit!RULES = slavery- big difference is, he doesn't mention the loss of businesses, jobs and lives of those who are suiciding. There is only one virus and it is those who are implementing this agenda of death and destruction against the people of Australia
Victoria state of emergency extended by 12 months. WICKEDNESS has cast it's veil across our land . I actually feel sorry for this thing of a person he has lost his mind - agree to agree or disagree it's my opinion . Words are just words . Truth cannot be denied, in factual evidence. Denying the truth doesn't change the facts - plenty on this blog who extol factual evidence
My little ditty song lol! YOUR MASK is not Mine
Documentation for you to present to the authorities for refusal to take a vaccine
3 million people die every year in the world from Lower respiratory infections (flu) cause of death pneumonia
1.4 million die every year from Tuberculosis cause of death pneumonia
That’s 4.4 million people die and that is with vaccines and medicines like antibiotics
MAN MADE IN A LABORATORY Covid 19 deaths: 810.884 people have die so far from it ( if the numbers are correct??) cause of death from Covid 19 is pneumonia!!
Conditional Acceptance doc.
WATCH Debunking the Narrative With Prof Dolores Cahill
Scientific explanation for the layman, why Gates and his cronies are demanding a vaccine is used for Covid when it is not needed ! or indeed even if it exists.....
Vic govt could face ‘largest class action in Australian history’ for quarantine fiasco
sky news https://youtu.be/D15Ztq-voLAhttps://youtu.be/D15Ztq-voLAhttps://youtu.be/D15Ztq-voLA A growing number of experts believe the Victorian hotel quarantine fiasco will result in major legal proceedings being initiated against the state Labor government, Sky News host Rowan Dean says. “When I suggested on this show that Dan Andrews and his chief medical bureaucrats could be charged under Victoria's own recently-introduced workplace manslaughter laws … Labor and the luvvies all squealed from the rafters and the ABC even fact-checked the claim and said there was ‘zero chance’,” Mr Dean said. However, he pointed out Robert Gottliebsen wrote a detailed article for the Australian Business Review about why the political class are themselves liable under the industrial manslaughter law and concludes as that Dan Andrews and his top public servants could be charged for their negligence. Dean of Swinburne Law School Mirko Bagaric arrived at similar conclusions saying, “the hotel quarantine fiasco is likely to lead to the largest class action in Australian history, one that effectively could bankrupt the state of Victoria”. “The test for negligence is an objective one; it is irrelevant how pure or sanctimonious were the intentions or motivations of those individuals involved,” he said. Mr Dean said “sanctimonious intentions and motivations also known as identity politics and virtue-signaling are insidious forces that are destroying and corrupting so many of our once prized businesses and institutions”.
Challenging Disproportionate Response to SARS-COV-2 - the National State of Emergency & Victorian State of Disaster
ADVOCATE ME - Serena Teffaha
Attention: All Premiers and Ministers of all states and territories; and The police and the military; and The Main Stream Media and newspapers spreading disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression of information and censorship; and Medical: Spreading medical disinformation, misinformation, lies, omissions, exaggerations, suppression and censorship with no alternative except vaccines; and In conjunction with threats, intimidation, heavy fines and possible gaol against: "WE the people” from the Commonwealth of Australia and not the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA which includes all of you above You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud to enforce your unlawful directives; and You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud to enforce the unenforceable; and You are using unwarranted and excessive Force and Fraud in “social distancing” which has never been implemented in any country for their Public Health Policy; and You are using Force and Fraud in mandatory mask wearing which is unscientific, unsound, unwarranted, unreasonable, unsubstantiated and unhealthy; and You are using unprecedented draconian powers which is an Abuse of Process, Malfeasance and a deliberate breach of the Australian Constitution and Human Rights; and You are deliberately ignoring the correct protocol of the Bio-Security Act legislation: Trampling on our rights and privileges by blatantly disregarding the legal Bio-Security Act and is using the police and the military which is unlawful to enforce, intimidate using threats, physical abuse and heavy fines to stop genuine dissent, protests and demonstrations of our welfare and wellbeing of free will choice. The military and the police need to 'stand down' and refuse these unlawful orders of their deliberate misguided freemason politicians acting in malice with aggression against "We the People" in which they too are part of. They are not abiding by the Bio-Security Act and they are misusing the police and the military for their own sinister agenda which is Crimes Against Humanity for all the destruction they have created in his country at present in which will continue for years to come. They are clearly not following and obeying the legislation and a Class action will take place against the government, the police and the military for lack of Duty of Care, Malfeasance in Office, Vicarious Liability Medical Negligence, Abuse of Office, Crimes Against Humanity, Not being “Fully Informed” and number of other appropriate charges. We have been in a 'state of lawlessness' and it will come to and end with respecting the Australian Constitution and respecting the thoughtful appropriation of lawful legislation for the rule of law which does not hinder or harm its inhabitants. What part has the ‘intelligence agencies' also played in this medical lockdown hoax? Spreading Medical misinformation and disinformation is prohibited as a criminal offence with false advertising and false claims in addition of not “Fully Informing” is Medical Negligence, Lack of Duty of Care, Due Diligence and breaching the Oath of “First do No Harm" In conjunction with Sedition and Treason not acted upon: Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason a) The Australia Act 1986 Section-6. Manner and Form “means Referendums” In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. b) The Australia Act 1986 Section-13. Amendment of Constitution of Queensland. Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1867-1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. c) The Australia Act 1986 Section-14. Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia. Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1889 in the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principle Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. d) The Commonwealth Constitution Section-128. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. e) The State of South Australia Constitution-Section-34. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. f) The South Australia Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 No. 95 – Section 51. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. g) The 1999 6th November Referendum 63% said No. The Criminal Offence of Fraud. Working Against the instructions of the Australian people in that Referendum and the operation of your Fraudulent Grant of Power. h) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003, Enacted 1st January 2004. Part 8 Amendments about the Crown. (61 Amendments) Crown x 42, Her Majesty x 7 Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors x 5, Council for the Crown x 4, Queen x 1, Subjects x 1. Royal Arms x 1 (Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia) And By deleting “Crown” and inserting instead “State or the Commonwealth” at sections 121(4), and,123(5) and (6b) and (7). In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. i) The Election Writs, Senate and House of representatives, spread this Criminal Activity throughout Australia. Criminal Offence of Fraud. Referendums omitted – operating your fraudulent Grant of Power. j) Allegedly, the Swearing of a Foreign Oath to Freemasonry. “Conceal and Never Reveal.” The Warrant for Freemasonry came out from the United Kingdom, “Sue v Hill” Illegally declared the United Kingdom a Foreign Power, but, in so doing actually declared that the Masonic Warrant to form Masonic Lodges within Australia did make this particular Warrant, the Warrant of a Foreign Power, it breaches PART IV – Both Houses of the Parliament, Section 44 Disqualification, subsection 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution in relation to Commonwealth politicians. This Offence is to be Discovered by either a Jury trial or Grand Jury trial. All Rights Reserved & None Waived Without Prejudice No Liability Accepted In conjunction with Sedition and Treason not acted upon: Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason a) The Australia Act 1986 Section-6. Manner and Form “means Referendums” In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. b) The Australia Act 1986 Section-13. Amendment of Constitution of Queensland. Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1867-1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. c) The Australia Act 1986 Section-14. Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia. Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1889 in the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principle Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. d) The Commonwealth Constitution Section-128. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. e) The State of South Australia Constitution-Section-34. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. f) The South Australia Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 No. 95 – Section 51. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. g) The 1999 6th November Referendum 63% said No. The Criminal Offence of Fraud. Working Against the instructions of the Australian people in that Referendum and the operation of your Fraudulent Grant of Power. h) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003, Enacted 1st January 2004. Part 8 Amendments about the Crown. (61 Amendments)
please go here to #AUSTRALIACHALLENGE
The day is set Saturday the 5th of September Australia wide. Locations will be disclosed at later dates. Delete all other posts this is official.Fanos Panayides
Facts about suicide in Australia
Suicide has a devastating impact on families, friends and whole communities.
These facts can be confronting, however, suicide can be prevented.
Current facts
Every year:
Over 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt
More than 3,000 Australians died by suicide in 2017 (1)
Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between 15 and 44 years of age (2)
Young Australians are more likely to take their own life than die in motor vehicle accidents
In 2017, about 75% of people who died by suicide were males and 25% were females (1)
In 2017, the suicide rate among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people was approximately twice that of non-Indigenous Australians (1)
We can all take action to prevent suicide with some understanding and simple steps
The four steps for suicide prevention
read full article at link
Get help
If someone’s life is in danger:
Call Emergency on 000
OR: Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
OR: Take them straight to Emergency at a hospital
If you can get in immediately, see a GP or psychologist.
Paul Murray
There are many articles and videos in this newsletter, Some I highly recommend you don't skip.
we must research and find the truth. There are many Australians doing that and thus I have loaded this page FY I. please share if the content resonates with you, not just on social media sights but email out as well not everyone is on facebook or twitter. I hope you find the content of value and educational. thank you to all the concerned patriots who share a lot of info. There is something deeply wrong in the Political landscape and many of us have an understanding of what that is and so it is up to us to make sure that our fellow Australians are shown why our country is in such turmoil. We need to fix it for the next generations, they deserve the freedoms that we have past enjoyed and only thanks to our forefathers and ANZACS.
please scroll down as you will find very good content
************************** FANTASTIC NEWS***************************
Serena Teffaha ADVOCATE ME LAWER https://www.facebook.com/advocatemelawyers/photos/a.3271357109590776/3292342444158909
Prime minister & State GOVERNMENT
shared by Paulo Montague
This letter was sent to the Prime minister and every Australian Premier today. It is written by Victorian lawyer Serene Teffaha and in my opinion, its potency and inquisition may just make it one of the most significant letters to ever be sent in Australia.
If you are wondering what all the hoo haa has been about, you will find every single problem laid out in black and white with respect to the Australian Government's management of Covid19.
Serene's firm will be commencing immediate legal action should the recipients fail to constructively respond before COB 27 August 2020.
Full version here:
Interesting times.
(It’s a 25 page letter FYI. Destroys the govts actions, top down, state by state !!!)
Scroll down - read and sign documents - join the planned EVENT calling for 500,000 to End the lockdown
The Video That Broke the Australian Internet'
The LIBERTY MAN - A Special Report,I have Questions
Presented by JAY ROSS
RIVETING Viewing - We Demand To Know - I Have Questions
Jacquie Dundee Muller - CUSTODIAN OF TRUTH - warrior
COVID vaccine likely to be mandatory in Australia, Scott Morrison says after signing deal with Oxford University
By political correspondent Brett Worthington
Mandatory vaccinations led by a pedophile protecting government? Australia says NO!!!
During a round of morning media, Mr Morrison repeatedly said he expected pushback from anti-vaccination campaigners.
But he repeatedly said he was the minister who introduced a "no jab, no play" rule, and his stance on vaccinations was clear and would not change.
Australians are you sick of being controlled and fed propaganda for generations. It is up to us common folk to connect and share information exposing the truth within Australia and globally.
Buckingham Palace surrounded by large crowd screaming, “PEDOPHILES! PEDOPHILES!” The people are coming for every sicko out there who has tortured and enslaved humanity!
Rukaya Jabs was live in Millions Rise For Australia.
CV I9 Vaccine manufacturer CSL linked to 1400 deaths
The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It – HARVEY A. RISCH, MD, PHD https://youtu.be/aJfsouDXvSQ Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows COVID-19 Drugs: Queensland University of Technology and Oxford University Exploring Budesonide Inhaler Therapy For Early COVID-19 Patients In New Trial #FinallySomeGoodCornonaNews
Trump unveils coronavirus therapeutic 'breakthrough'
article by Arlyn
This needs to be uploaded before they remove it like they have all others. It is removing evidence!
There is only a few methods for testing Covid-19: Numbers - testing People were being tested by 'symptoms only’ the precise presentation of the seasonal flu are the symptoms that created this phenomena that has brought the world to halt
The second way of testing for Covid-19 is anti-bodies test by blood. Big problem with this and not accurate! Medicine has turned this around 180 degrees compared to what it should be. Remember medicine keeps changing the terms of diseases to confuse and confound the public. The same with testing as they did not differentiate between viral or bacteria for start. Any sort of debris was counted as positive which is not science The PCR test which is completely unverifiable test Next the test kits came out by CDC (who else) was sent to hundreds of hospital and clinics across the US to ‘supposedly' screen out people for Covid-19 The problems is when you look on the CDC website “For experimental use only not for diagnostic purposes.
The CDC is making no claims of their validity” So false spikes were recorded! Next is the Onsite test kits are ‘supposedly' able to screen Covid-19 in 5 minutes. The good doctor says this is completely ludicrous as its impossible and scientifically untenable. They will not work at all. No one even claims that they can validly differentiate anything let alone Covid-19. They are completely unapproved and untested. Ye the positive results from these unreliable tests are being included in the running total of Covid-19 cases being reported everyday on the news. These are the main tests used in this country today to count the number of positive cases we see enumerated on the daily scoreboard. Not for diagnostic purposes These are the only tests that are driving the daily numbers. The fact remains that none of these tests are scientifically verifiable and reproducible as a valid differentiation for Covid-19 specifically. They are all flawed just estimates.
Polymerase Chain Reaction Test aka PCR was created by Dr. Kary Mullis in the 1980’s and he received a Nobel prize for it in Berkeley California. It is touted by the medical profession then and now as the "gold standard for disease” for diagnosis microbial diseases in patients. They ‘claim’ it can differentiate any viral disease by sequencing the RNA and DNA. This claim is constantly made even today which is completely insupportable and untrue. No one was more critical of the PCR test than its inventor Dr. Kary Mullis. It was disavowed from the very first. This is what he said, “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron. PCR…by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. A common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. Tests can detect particles of viruses, but not the viruses themselves.” He was embarrassed and exasperated for decades of the ‘claims’ that organised medicine was making (I say corrupt and criminal as racketeering of organised crime. Just a bunch of gangsters) for his test. It does not do what they claim. The amazing thing is no improvement for 40 years! Such extravagant claims have been made over the last 40 years by the PCR test by organised medicine. No other technology has been devoped over the last 40 years of claims to make any improvement on the ability of the PCR test to identify to sequence viruses and bacteria. He has since died and the doctor wanted to interview him. Lets ask this question where is the science?
Is it closer to science or science fiction? the claims are that it can identify the exact RNA sequence of a disease virus of 'any virus’ and they can print that sequence out then compare sequence viral samples from patients with that master sequence looking for an exact match up. The exact match up would determine if it is appositive test. Did this patients sample have the exact same disease out of the master sample. That is what they have been claiming all these years a little research we find out i does nothing of the sort. The PCR test does nothing of the sort.
Everybody is making these same false claims about this magic golden box of the PCR test. It is the epitome of junk science. And yet this is the pitch used today test: Doctors Hospitals Everyday media Medical literatureTV news Bureaucrats
This is how the PCR test works by getting a DNA cleaved or separated and you keep doubling the strands exponentially on and on…Coronavirus is RNA so that is converted to DNA by reverse transcriptase: RT -PCR. Each doubling is a cycle. The best counts how many cycles until RNA is detected, and how many before it disappears. It just gives you a range of numbers the tis all the PCR test does.
Does Coronavirus 19 exist? "The coronavirus test is based on PCR, a manufacturing technique. When used as a test it does not produce a positive/negative result, but simply the number of cycles required to detect genetic material.” No new virus was ever purified (isolate sequenced) by the Wuhan scientist. The same is true in America no novel virus for Covid-19 has never been purified by any scientist in the US. The PCR doesn’t isolate and indemnify viruses. It doesn’t provide RNA sequences of pathogens. It offers no baseline for comparison with patient samples. It cannot determine an infected from non-infected sample. We are looking at a device for marketing and promotion of testing
Crowe’s conclusion “The coronavirus panic is just that, an irrational panic, based on an unproven RNA test, that has never been connected to a virus And which won’t be connected to virus unless the virus is purified. There is very little science happening.” (It’s no science) So this is the best kept secret that you will ever be hearing of this in the media. This is just an introduction with the problems of the PCR test and is much worse than I am describing here. So the other test that we mentioned here are less reliable as: Symptoms only Blood tests unreliable Hospital test kits experimental only, not for diagnostic purposes On-site 5 minute kits these are less scientific
Best kept secret The symptoms of Covid-19 are symptoms of the flu You can find no research, no evidence, no description of how these test kits are ‘supposed ‘ to work.
Its a forbidden topic of discussion - corporate media Emergency USE Authorization (EUA) from FDA allow use of all the unproven experimental test kits which are UNLICENSED, UNTESTED and UNPROVEN But it allows the use of the experimental test kits
"No time to see if they work"
Schedule · Saturday, September 5, 2020 (in UTC+10)
campaign - To: The Government of Australia.
open link:
This has never happened on earth before
post by Bill Jelley
Operation Pandemic: Checkmate Attempt On World Population
5 very very important links
What you see here will 100% change the world now. It is in full progress right now.
13,000 biological warfare scientists in the USA developing.
The virus came
The first person to be infected by corona did not get symptoms until 24 days later confirmed. As told by natural news weeks ago
Australia you are one part the cause of corona, yes sell it to the Chinese,
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We wish to give a voice to the oppressed and neglected, and stand in solidarity with those who are calling for a fairer future. Every readers contribution, however big or small, is very much appreciated . During these covid times this blogger no longer has employment. On the bright side I have freedom to share information from different resources and Hope the reader finds them of interest. It was only early this year that I was blocked for three months from posting on two social media sights and decided to beat them at their own game. By posting content on this blog. So far it has been successful.
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Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose
Unfortunately, Kary Mullis passed away last year at the age of 74, but there is no doubt that the biochemist regarded the PCR as inappropriate to detect a viral infection.
The reason is that the intended use of the PCR was, and still is, to apply it as a manufacturing technique, being able to replicate DNA sequences millions and billions of times, and not as a diagnostic tool to detect viruses.
This plandemic is the largest and most damaging hoax in human history
Lets hope that every move these New World order actors make wakes up another million Aussies to expose their
plandemic against humanity
Nothing Here Adds Up
1- WHO recently stated that a symptomatic people rarely pass on covid-19
2 - The author of the PCR test stated in his original paper; it is NOT to be used for testing infectious disease.
Kary Mullis himself, the inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology,the biochemist regarded the PCR as inappropriate to detect a viral infection
It was the start of a bizarre episode at the medical center: the story of the epidemic that wasn’t.
3 - The reason for both false positive and negative is because all they are doing is taking a genetic swab which has all kinds of material, one of many MAY be covid-19.
4 - Doctors are instructed to record anything and everything as a 'COVID-related' death
5 - Most vaccines take years to develop and are isolation tested so they know it causes infectious illness. COVID-19 has NOT been isolation tested yet we will have a vaccine soon?
6 - Dr Fauci explained in 2017 that there would be an 'epidemic' during Trumps presidential term!
‘There will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases.’ — Watch Dr. Anthony Fauci predict a pandemic under the Trump admin back in 2017.
re sharing...Researched Compiled by a US patriot ... Australia has 26 million people. To date, just over 19,000 cases of the virus. Total COVID deaths in the entire country, from January 22nd to date : 255 . In ALL of Australia, in the past 6 months. 255 total deaths. In a 24 hour period, they administered 80,008 tests. 483 tested positive. And yet THEY are locked down, so they can vaccinate every man, woman, and child. . No choices, mandatory. With vaccines being flown in from China, on Chinese planes. For a virus that has taken 6 months to kill 255 people, most with preexisting health conditions. Never in the history of ANY country has anything like this been done, and CERTAINLY not for numbers like those. This is NOT about PREVENTION . This is NOT about Public Safety This is NOT about Damage Control. This IS about HUMANITY Control. It IS about injecting EVERYONE with at least these 3 things, because it's already been proven, An identifying set if tracking devices. So they can determine the whereabouts of any one at any time . Included is all the personal financial info For, among other things, buying and selling anything. And the Nanobots. Complete with Artificial Intelligence upgrades and everything needed to alter, iland / or change YOUR DNA with their idea of what it SHOULD be. This IS about POPULATION Control. The company's prediction of Australian collateral fatalities due to vaccination complications: 3,000,000 Eliminate 3,000,000 people inoculating against a virus that killed 255 people. Over a 6 month period. This isn't a pandemic. It's genocide.
So well explained and researched, really worth a watch.
By Topher Field
Pauline Hanson says no to Scott Morrison's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination
MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINATION FOR AUSTRALIANS I'm not an anti-vaxxer - I am pro choice, but I won't be forced by the Prime Minister to have an inadequately tested vaccine for COVID-19. If Scott Morrison is looking for a fight, he's got one. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Vaccine #COVID19 #Test #Vaccination #Mandatory #Australia #ScottMorrison #Government
They don't want you to know this information - share it wide..
Why does soap work so well on SARS-CoV-2?
Schedule · Saturday, September 5, 2020 (in UTC+10)
podcast with Dr. Andrew Kaufman
We need to start treating it as the lie it is. Seriously our whole way of life is at stake, and they have plans to make it much worse now introducing it as "the grand reset", "the beginning of the 4th revolution" (ie a surveillance state of control, where everyone lives in what is essentially a strict open air prison where you are tracked, nothing is private, and everything is decided for you, and you have no rights whatsoever, and there can be no resistance.Welcome to their "new world order".
What You CAN DO
Add your name to our "Challenge to Australia" calling on your signature to co-joining Brian Shaw in his 32 year quest for justice for all Australians. support is required by all Australians!
David Limbrick MP posted a video to playlist Accountability. AnuigorsuemsttSl 1t8cpon aimts 5Shorrel:0SSgh0 hdrPM ·
What information are police collecting with drones? I tried to find out today in Parliament. I also found out during PAEC hearings in May that police drones weren't marked, so how are we to know if they are police drones or just regular voyeurs?
PAEC Public Hearing Education Minister 25-8-20
I questioned the Education Minister this morning about the harms caused to children by the Government's response to the pandemic.
You can probably tell I wasn't happy.
Lockdowns Livestream
Professor Gigi Foster, Dr Simon Thornley and David Limbrick have all been demonised in some quarters for daring to ask this question. This Facebook event is a rare chance to hear their arguments in full and to consider the true costs of taking away our civil liberties. Liberal Democrats MP for Victoria’s South East Metropolitan region David Limbrick will be joined by special guests Professor Gigi Foster
video conference downloaded for your convienience
Covid-19 Emergency Response Act 2020: Enough is enough! I want everyone to read and share this document with their friends and family. This document states a child can be forcibly removed from any premises, place, vehicle or vessel and placed into a quarantine facility or hospital if the authorised officer sees fit.
post by Michael Grant
This is a Legal Document and has been downloaded directly from the government website. https://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/C/A/COVID-19%20EMERGENCY%20RESPONSE%20ACT%202020/CURRENT/2020.7.AUTH.PDF
Go to page 33 and you'll see this clause.
Let me be clear, if you don't give this any attention or don't take this seriously, you are apart of the problem!
This is about our kids and we need to protect them.
We need to unite as a collective and do so with swift urgency.
This post is set to public. Share away
Already taking children from their parents. NO WAY!!!
I have been in direct contact with Lowanna and her family, she has given me permission to share this on my page. She lives in Victoria.
Lowanna’s sister took her son to see a doctor in regards to an ear appointment. While their the doctor noticed her daughter who is 4 had a cold and discussed performing a covid test, as they believed she had symptoms. The mum declined the test as her daughter only had a mild head cold and was completely fine. She told the doctor she would look into it. The doctor discussed the option of a 14 day isolation period as she had declined the testing. She was ok with this as they’d all be at home together anyway.
A taxi arrived along with people from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Police officers, who put her 4 kids into the taxi. Their ages are 4,3,1 and 3 months old. The mother went to get into the taxi and was forcibly removed by the Victorian Police and separated from her children. Its been over 48 hours and she still has no information on what grounds her kids have been taken away from her. This matter is under investigation and lawyers are involved. The family are very distressed as you can imagine. This is absolutely disgraceful, no mother or father anywhere should be put through something like this!
Copy this text and paste before sharing.
Looking for a Family Lawyer ASAP in regards to dhhs and removal of childrens for having symptoms for COVID-19.
This is happening now in Melbourne/Victoria Forcibly removed off mother to isolate children from her. All children under 5 and youngest a newborn! We need support ASAP to get kids back to mum And to let it be known they are removing kids for symptoms of covid with no testing.
Please if any one has any legal eagle mates or legal advise on how to help would be greatly appreciated
IMACOGINDEWHEEL, has recommended a lawyer that may be able to assist. lets pray
Urgent Information About Your Future
http://thecrowhouse.com TheCrowhouse YouTube Archive on AltCensored: https://www.altcensored.com/channel/U... BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/TheC... LBRY: https://lbry.tv/@thecrowhouse:2 MeWe: https://mewe.com/group/5aa84d353016dd... Twitter: @maxigan LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/max-igan Minds: https://www.minds.com/maxiganscrowhouse/ BrandNewTube https://brandnewtube.com/@thecrowhouse Surviving The Matrix Podcast on I-Heart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-su... The Crowhouse Community Forums: https://thecrowhouse.community/ Support The Crowhouse: https://www.patreon.com/maxigan
Another Brick in the wall
Schedule · Saturday, September 5, 2020 (in UTC+10)
“Premier Daniel Andrews is working with the States solicitor-general to introduce new legislation and amendments to allow authorities to extend the State of emergency for as long as is necessary.”
This means the continued suspension of parliament, complete power with no accountability and no specified sunset clause. This is unprecedented. He is working with the Attorney General Jill Hennessy to remove the final safeguards. EVERYONE needs to follow the instructions below, re-write it in their own words and email the AG, we cannot let our state be destroyed without a fight. The pace of government overreach since March-April is unrelenting. Please pray, send and forward to all your contacts. Send email to: attorney-general@justice.vic.gov.au
Attention: The Hon Jill Hennessy MP – Attorney General- Dear Ms Hennessy, I understand that Law Reform has been requested by the Victorian Premier, Mr Daniel Andrews, to extend the six month period of the State of Emergency declared on 13 March 2020 to beyond 13 September 2020. I oppose and do not support any reform to this law.
This is the video he doesn't want you to see WATCH what happened when a journalist confronted Dan Andrews at today's press conference: He tried to LIE his way out of it. But The Yemini Report has compiled the proof for you to SHARE!
I just finished speaking to my brother, Fraser Anning. He is in California and I am in Spain. We both look back at our homeland, Australia, in shock and disbelief at the way our country has rapidly descended from a free and easy 'lucky country' into a heavily regulated, bureaucratic, socialist nightmare! Just look at Victoria! Now all privately owned businesses have been shut down; The population have been ordered to stay at home; They have a curfew between the hours of eight P.M. to seven A.M. where people can not leave their homes; People are being fined thousands of dollars for walking alone on the beach! And now there are DRONES checking parks and kiddies playgrounds to catch anyone breaking the distancing laws! They arrest Victorians for not wearing masks and now are considering ankle bracelets for those suspected of carrying the corona virus!! A virus that has a 99.8% recovery rate! One of the least dangerous viruses in human history! Those Australians who have not yet woken up to the greatest scam the world has seen, should immediately throw their television sets into the dumpster because that's where the lies and fear are coming from... right into your living rooms! The Main Stream Media is controlling your minds to the point where you actually believe there is a deadly virus stalking you. There is not! Grow up! Stand up! And reject the lies of this, rehashed, 'New Socialist Movement.' It has never worked in the past and will never work today! The only people who will profit from this lie are the politicians like Daniel Andrews, Anastasia Palishae, their Labor mates and the bureaucrats backing them.
The Purge: The Natural Progression Of “Awoke” Censorship Is Tyranny. read here: excellent article
TOPICS: Brandon Smith
DO NOT Get Tested ~ Worse Than You Can Possibly Imagine ~ Ms. Celeste Solum Validated...Again
Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons | CGSR Seminar
Deep State Panic, Arrests & Military Tribunals Around The Corner:Robert David Steele
Video Mirrored -X22Report Spotlight
The end of the Deep State
by Andrea Pea
There’s way more than CV going on! Wake up people. Are you aware, there’s a current filing in the UK High Court, that there’s people fighting to get true Australia back? (This is just the beginning, served first on WA govt, Governor & attorney general in February 2020) Outlining the treasonous 1986 Australia act that WE never had a referendum on...that our 1901 Commonwealth Constitution was hijacked & the Crown removed? That ALL current (& past for decades) pollies, state & federal are sitting in treason? As ZERO pollies swear the true oath of allegiance to the Crown, nor adhere to OUR Constitution. Treason has been committed for decades! Our govts are being taken to court‼️ MSM will not tell you‼️ Filed by Rod Culleton/GAP(great Australian party) & crew. The case will resume when the UK ‘virus’ allows courts to reopen
To: The Government of Australia
.The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists
Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine. Cuts Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows COVID-19 Drugs: Queensland University of Technology and Oxford University Exploring Budesonide Inhaler Therapy For Early COVID-19 Patients In New Trial.
Schedule · Saturday, September 5, 2020 (in UTC+10)
COVID death toll not real
Brett Sutton , Victoria, ChiefHealth Officer, openly admits they've been falsifying the Coronavirus deaths. I feel gravely misinformed and manipulated by my current Government. Why would they do this? What do they have to gain by having larger death tolls from COVID?
People In Victoria are Planning events , They have had enough of lockdowns and want answers
This group is calling for 500,000 to End the lockdown
Patriot Glenn Floyd of Victoria
Again, I want to reiterate, consent was given by the officer to record this phone call.
Share this video
Schedule · Saturday, September 5, 2020 (in UTC+10)
12:00 PM - 10:00 PM TO BE CONFIRMED
500,000 to End the Vic Lockdown. We Demand Sustainable Policies.
Parliament of Victoria
The Andrews government must be made accountable for overseeing the biggest public health disaster in Australian history.
On Sunday, September 13 — from 12pm onwards, at the steps of the Parliament of Victoria — 500,000 Australians shall declare the END of the state of emergency, DEMAND a SUSTAINABLE solution from our leaders and ANSWERS to these questions:
- How many businesses are bankrupt? - How many mortgages can't be paid? - How many people are homeless? - How many people are suffering from domestic violence? - How many people are experiencing marriage breakdowns? - How many people have committed suicide?
How much are we going to have to pay for all of this destruction Dan Andrews has caused?
Dan Andrews - Get out of our lives. We can manage our own well-being.
"On 16 March 2020, the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced a State of Emergency had been declared across Victoria to combat the spread of COVID-19."
"This State of Emergency was extended on 19 July, and ends at 11.59pm on 16 August 2020. Further State of Emergency declarations may be made for further periods of four weeks, up to a maximum total period of six months."
"Mr Andrews said the extension of the state of emergency until September 13 would ensure authorities could enforce restrictions."
Daniel Andrews - by then, you would have had 181 days to figure this out.
Times up...
Daniel Andrews has a bad habit of shirking responsibility. The Labor Premier introduced a COVID-19 curfew for all of Victoria.
He shows NO REMORSE for what he and his team of incompetent ministers have done.
There is NO PUBLIC APOLOGY for the outbreak of COVID-19 in Victoria. There is NO ADMISSION FOR ERROR in the hotel quarantine disaster, its failure to conduct rigorous testing or its rejection of ADF help that could have prevented the pandemic’s second wave.
The ARROGANCE of Andrews and his team has resulted in PREVENTABLE DEATHS, the DESTRUCTION of small businesses and BILLIONS more in DEBT.
Dan Andrews said -- “I would not let my mum be in some of these places. I just wouldn’t.”
As families loved ones are left dying in aged-care are feeling hopeless — Andrews uploads an image posing with his son in a bid to win some votes back.
The government's job is to look after those that cannot look after themselves. He couldn’t even do that.
A $3 million, taxpayer funded “arms-length inquiry” will not hold anyone accountable.
AND THE CHERRY ON TOP! — Daniel Andrews is working with the state’s solicitor-general to introduce new legislation and amendments to allow authorities to extend the state of emergency indefinitely!
The chief medical officer was granted emergency powers for an additional four weeks, until September 13, pushing it to the six-month legal limit.
All of Australia will pay for Daniel Andrews’ failure in Victoria, but many Victorians seem reluctant to hold their government accountable.
----------- Schedule · Saturday, September 5, 2020 (in UTC+10)
12:00 PM - 10:00 PM TO BE CONFIRMED
12:00 PM Meet at Parliament of Victoria steps. 1:00 PM Introduction 1:30 PM Why 500,000? 2:00 PM Ending this Plandemic 2:30 PM - 10:00 PM 'Stamina' - We remain vigilant until we get answers
Contact Victorian Parliamentarians
to refuse Daniel Andrews an
extensions to the Emergency power
of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act
1. There are two letters from which you can choose. A short or long form letter depending who strong your feel about the issue.
2. Cut and paste the message below or use the DOC of PDF files as a template.
3. Email the letter to all members of parliament. Use the emails listed below or the CSV Excel file also below. The email format uses, first name and surname separated buy a dot.
4. It is better if you use each Parliamentary member's name in your salutation. Date the letter. Type your name at the bottom of the letter.
5. If you're also sending emails for a spouse or friend, please use a different email address from your own..
liink to
This needs to be done urgently as Daniel Andrews is going to try and ram this through the parliament.
For information go to website link download
Review of concurrent Powers and
scope of Commonwealth and State Public Health and Biosecurity Acts
Barrister's brief of questions
Barrister's Memorandum of Advice
Legislation & Resources
Australian Constitution 1901
(Commonwealth) Biosecurity Act 2015
(Vic) Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008
(Vic) Emergency Management Act 1986
Criminal Code Act 1995
Health Insurance Act 1973
Therapeutic Goods Act 1989
Guide to COVID19 Pandemic Declarations, Directives, and Determinations for Victoria
Victorian BAR - COVID-19 Legislative response Human Biosecurity Emergency Declaration Explainer
The justification for Victoria's lockdown is 'built on very, very loose sand'
On Sky News.
Paul Murray tonight, Paul exposes the truth of the Victorian lockdown.
Dictator Dan kept telling us how bad our compliance with isolation has been, and, as a result, he imposed a 6 week lockdown as punishment for us being so very naughty. In reality however, Rick Nugent, a member of the police force, stated that community compliance "has been outstanding." Throughout the whole time of the "pandemic" there have been a total of 297,770 police compliance checks. There has been a total of just 42 people who were not at home and were issued with a fine!
View Here https://bit.ly/2YgrshR
Scott Morrison this morning TOLD us all on 3AW Radio that vaccinations are going to be mandatory!!!
then changes his mind
Following public backlash, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has wound back comments about making the COVID-19 vaccine "as mandatory as possible".
A small win when ScoMo winds back his words and retracts the word “mandatory” for Covid Vaccines
Do You Trust A Politician to keep their Word
Scomo has announced on August 19 that the Government will make the Covid vaccine as mandatory as is possible, as early as end of 2020 or early 2021. Please donate to this legal campaign by G & B Lawyers to stop this from happening. Please let's make this campaign spread like wildfire. #nojabnoway
"Enough is enough. It's time to tell the State and Commonwealth Governments NO WAY to the no jab no job laws that have been introduced. We must also stand up to the beauracracy and say NO to any mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. The State and Commonwealth Governments have introduced legislation which compel people to have flu vaccinations. Soon enough they will try and force and or coerce people to have a COVID-19 vaccination. Scomo announced on 19 August 2020 that he intends to make it mandatory for all Australians to have the COVID-19 vaccination to be made available by the end of 2020 / early 2021. This legislation is in breach of various provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and section 51(xxiiiA) of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act."
No Deal with AstraZeneca
The Prime Minister says Australia has a COVID vaccine agreement with AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca says we don’t. Tip for Scott Morrison: you can’t do a victory lap if you haven’t even finished the race.
Pandemic/Plandemic no matter how you look at it
When they create the laws to protect themselves. it must take the People to hold them accountable for their Evil Deeds
The Dishonorable PEDO
for more
Senator Bill Heffernan - Legal & Constitutional Affairs 20th October 2015 *Full speech*
Senator Bill Heffernan uses parliamentary privilege to accuse a former PM of being alleged paedophile and 28 others
This was just sent to me. Please read in full and share to everyone you feel that needs to wake up. SCOTT MORRISON & JANE HALTONS TIES TO GATES FOUNDATION & OXFORD VACCINE. THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT DIDN'T ACT ON THE INFORMATION THEY HAD ABOUT COVID BEFORE IT HIT. IT WAS ALL ABOUT THE VACCINE. BOARD ROOM DOCUMENTS WITH GATES & OUR GOVERNMENT LINKED. CEPI - Coalition Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. ( Vaccines for pandemics) Founded by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. The Australian Government investors. UK Government investors. Jane Halton - Advisor Scott Morrison Covid Task Force, Board Member of CEPI, Board of Crown Casino Resorts. Board ANZ bank. December - 2019 Australian Government sign Agreement. Total Proposed funding to CEPI 750mil USD till 2022. https://docdro.id/NaKvNSj
16 January - 2020 CEPI investigation team finds evidence of human to human transmission. Evidence of under detection & under reporting cases in China. WHO Global Risk Moderate in report to CEPI CEPI has four contracted developers working on vaccine constructs including The University of Queensland. https://docdro.id/NaKvNSj Government action taken. None. 25 January - Australia has its first confirmed cases a man from Wuhan China. 30 January - CEPI launched a Call to Proposal for "large scale" manufacturing for rapid response against novel coronavirus. https://ibb.co/sCg2wD0
Government action taken. None. 31 January - Virus is asymptotic for several days, spill over into 19 countries. Evidence Covid19 is neutralized by SARS hyperimmune immune serum. University of Queensland, Moderna, Innovio, Curevac signed. https://docdro.id/DF7eU9w
Jane Halton (a former Australian public servant) who is now Commissioner of the National COVID-19 Commission. Government action taken. None. 5 February - Jane Halton opens CEPI meeting, Helen Rees states Covid19 is Disease X (Disease X WHO's name for pandemic of unknown origins). Board members & investors will be updated frequently on developments. https://docdro.id/SSqXM9O
Government action taken. None.
16 February - Australian Government bans China travel, leaves all other international travel open. Even with knowledge of 19 countries being infected.
Government action taken. None
March - CEPI contracts University of Oxford.
March - 18 First Restrictions. a limit of no more than 100 people for non-essential indoor gatherings a limit of no more than 500 people for outdoor gatherings cancellation of ANZAC day ceremonies restrictions on visitors to aged care facilities restrictions on Australians travelling overseas Opposition asks why Crown Casino averaging 50,000 patrons a day is still open. Jane? 19 March - Princess Ruby docks. Australian officers fail to carry out health checks. Linked to 1000 cases. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-53820585 23 March - Crown Casino closes, Scott Morrison begins lockdowns. 1,879 cases. https://ibb.co/tHZWfsD 30 April - University of Oxford collaborates with Astrazeneca, Australias largest pharmaceutical exporter. https://www.astrazeneca.com/media-centre/press-releases/2020/astrazeneca-and-oxford-university-announce-landmark-agreement-for-covid-19-vaccine.html 18 May - Jane Halton makes statement no jab no play should be implemented for covid vaccine. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/top-adviser-to-scott-morrison-backs-no-jab-no-play-for-all/news-story/cfb96c6a687a8ace707c857cbd5e1b58
If a coronavirus vaccine became available, which was a “reasonable chance”, Ms Halton predicted there would be a “stampede” in Australia to get immunised
21 August - Unemployment 10%. Suicide estimations 4,500. Public health system burdened. Economy loss 12 billion. Domestic Violence rates high. Mental health system unindated. Victoria Curfew & Stage 4 restrictions. Second Wave 99 % from botched Quarantine programme. Federal, State & private mismanagement of Aged Care facilities, State Hospitals refusing hospitalisation to & heavily sedating Covid patients in facilities.
24, 236 cases. 463 deaths, 285 in aged care.
Scott Morrison announces agreement for 25 million tax payer funded CEPI contracted University of Oxford Vaccines. Scott Morrison has invested 256 million dollars in vaccines.
Schedule · Saturday, September 5, 2020 (in UTC+10)
Saturday, September 5, 2020 at 12 PM – 10 PM
Public · Hosted by 500,000 people to end the Victorian lockdown
The Andrews government must be made accountable for overseeing the biggest public health disaster in Australian history. 500,000 Australians shall declare the END of the state of emergency, DEMAND a SUSTAINABLE solution from our leaders and ANSWERS to these questions: - How many businesses are bankrupt? - How many mortgages can't be paid? - How many people are homeless? - How many people are suffering from domestic violence? - How many people are experiencing marriage breakdowns? - How many people have committed suicide? How much are we going to have to pay for all of this destruction Dan Andrews has caused? Dan Andrews - Get out of our lives. We can manage our own well-being. --------------------- "On 16 March 2020, the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced a State of Emergency had been declared across Victoria to combat the spread of COVID-19." "This State of Emergency was extended on 19 July, and ends at 11.59pm on 16 August 2020. Further State of Emergency declarations may be made for further periods of four weeks, up to a maximum total period of six months." "Mr Andrews said the extension of the state of emergency until September 13 would ensure authorities could enforce restrictions." Daniel Andrews... Times up...! --------------------- Daniel Andrews has a bad habit of shirking responsibility. The Labor Premier introduced a COVID-19 curfew for all of Victoria. He shows NO REMORSE for what he and his team of incompetent ministers have done. There is NO PUBLIC APOLOGY for the outbreak of COVID-19 in Victoria. There is NO ADMISSION FOR ERROR in the hotel quarantine disaster, its failure to conduct rigorous testing or its rejection of ADF help that could have prevented the pandemic’s second wave. The ARROGANCE of Andrews and his team has resulted in PREVENTABLE DEATHS, the DESTRUCTION of small businesses and BILLIONS more in DEBT. Dan Andrews said -- “I would not let my mum be in some of these places. I just wouldn’t.” As families loved ones are left dying in aged-care are feeling hopeless — Andrews uploads an image posing with his son in a bid to win some votes back. The government's job is to look after those that cannot look after themselves. He couldn’t even do that. A $3 million, taxpayer funded “arms-length inquiry” will not hold anyone accountable. AND THE CHERRY ON TOP! — Daniel Andrews is working with the state’s solicitor-general to introduce new legislation and amendments to allow authorities to extend the state of emergency indefinitely! The chief medical officer was granted emergency powers for an additional four weeks, until September 13, pushing it to the six-month legal limit. All of Australia will pay for Daniel Andrews’ failure in Victoria, but many Victorians seem reluctant to hold their government accountable. UNTIL NOW! --------------------- DM only for serious enquiries or questions. ---------------------
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
we sign the United Nations Charter of Human Rights defining Freedom of Movement, Freedom to Gather and Freedom of Speech as IMMUTABLE and INALIENABLE Human Rights?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights articulates fundamental rights and freedoms for all. The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Declaration on 10 December 1948.
Australia played an important role in the development of the Universal Declaration.
Link to Find out more
Hague IV article 45
It is forbidden to force the inhabitants of occupied territory to swear allegiance to a hostile Power (they can't force us into citizenship)
Article 45
In order to enable the United Nations to take urgent military measures, Members shall hold immediately available national air-force contingents for combined international enforcement action. The strength and degree of readiness of these contingents and plans for their combined action shall be determined within the limits laid down in the special agreement or agreements referred to in Article 43, by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee
Hague IV article 55
universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. The occupying State shall be regarded only as administrator and usufructuary of public buildings, landed property, forests and agricultural undertakings belonging to the hostile State, and situated in the occupied country. It must safeguard the capital of such properties, and administer them in accordance with the rules of usufruct
Find out why Beirut was attacked, which was linked to the FBI raid. an update Melbourne Australia
Update on the Melbourne/Victoria situation and giving solutions on how to handle the Reptilian government down there. Australians must take control no reliance on America must stand up and take control. Assassination attacks heating up on Trump
Katie Hopkins - The Terror from New Zealand Tyranny
How long before Victoria falls under this tyranny? There is a mighty power grab happening against the people
NOW! Testing positive for Covid in New Zealand means your family can be taken from your home under guard, held in compulsory quarantine, and separated from your children. It is happening right now
“Dr Askley Bloomfield says the mandatory quarantine will apply to both new cases and, if necessary, close family members who might be at risk,” reports Great Game India. “New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in a Facebook live video explained in detail how each and every activity will be monitored in these camps and those that refuse to be tested would be forced to stay in the camps for a longer duration.”Ardern explains that if you refuse to be tested, you will be indefinitely imprisoned and never allowed to leave the quarantine camp:"We are quarantining everyone. Now we are also mandating testing. That makes us the most stringent in the world. There are countries that are requiring self-isolation; we’re taking it a bit further.If anyone moves into a common area or is getting some fresh air, which is all monitored no one can do that on their own. They can only leave or be in a space to get a little bit of fresh air if they are supervised, because of course it’s a quarantine facility.We have put in millions of dollars into supporting that to happen.I have a number of questions about people refusing – what do we do if someone refuses to be tested. Well they can’t now. If someone refuses in our facilities to be tested, they have to keep staying. So they won’t be allowed to leave after 14 days. They have to stay on for another 14 days."
Not conspiracy! New Zealand's own Health-Director General Bloomfield quite clearly spells it out M8: https://off-guardian.org/2020/08/13/watch-new-zealand-to-move-all-covid-cases-to-quarantine-centres/
Frightening Message From New Zealander
Planned from years:
1. Centralized control of information to shape the general narrative.
2. No cash Agenda, and implementation of wide us of digital money to control on their
3. Quarantine Drill and Martial Law.
4. Mandatory vaccine for everybody even adults, anytime, anywhere.
5. ID2020, the Bill Gates initiative for digital identification through a microchip.
Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic.
Rules for the sheeple, Not for the hierarchy.... Sky News host Paul Murray says billionaires who have “sold us out to China” are given exemptions to WA’s strict border closures whilst families of FIFO workers have been shut out since February.
More: Sky News
Don't forget to share to family and friends who aren't following on social media - lets build the resistance against tyranny our Time is short.. WWG1WGA
YOU ARE THE POWER and together we will win because you have rights
In the legal system we have a right to give consent. This is a LAW. and a right to stand up to TYRANNY.
The Magna Carta was the result of the Barons of England standing up to King John and essentially saying “Enough is enough, stop ruining the country!”
REMEMBER - 62,000 thousand ANZACS died for us to have FREEDOM and a Beautiful Future
Please go watch these links
This has never happened on earth before
5 very very important links
What you see here will 100% change the world now. It is in full progress right now.
13,000 biological warefare scientists in the USA developing.
The virus came
The first person to be infected by corona did not get symptoms until 24 days later confirmed. As told by natural news weeks ago
Australia you are one part the cause of corona, yes sell it to the Chinese,
Operation Pandemic: Checkmate Attempt On World Population
Of course we are not the first to talk about this topic. We are also getting a little bit tired of reading,
We now know that besides the deaths counted and reported in the news there is a well studied plan, organized from entities in the financial world, secret societies, think tanks, worldwide political institutions such as, WHO, UN, EU, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Council For Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Aspen, The Tavistock Institute, Royal Institute of International Affairs all related to the Crown (Corona in Latin) using the military structure of USA, Zionists from the intelligence organization of Israel and a small aware group of members of the Vatican, usually the Gesuits linked to all the above entities, present on the world map with the widest territorial network existing on the planet.
CORONAVIRUS: A Globalist Bioweapon Created by DARPA, Big Pharma and Its British Overlords: The CORONAVIRUS patent (from the UK) was approved in 17 months by SERCO (UK) that runs the U.S. Patent Office. CORONAVIRUS was funded and patented by Wellcome Trust (UK, fake sold to GlaxoSmithKline), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, DARPA, DEFRA (UK), World Health Organization, European Commission (EU) via THE PIRBRIGHT INSTUTUTE (UK. U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701. (Nov. 20, 2018). CORONAVIRUS. Assignee: THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (Woking, Pirbright, Great Britain), funded by Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU. U.S. Patent Office.For our regular readers, remember that Burroughs Wellcome & Co. bankrolled the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 and Empire Press Union with British MI6, MI5 and GC&CS (renamed GCHQ in 1946) formed a month later. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. supplied medical kits full of experimental vaccines to the British 2nd Boer War that killed over 60,000 blacks and whites in the world’s first modern concentration camp vaccine experiments.
See AFI. (Oct. 24, 2019). The 200-year Information War: The UK-U.S. Pilgrims Society controls the Press that directs intelligence (spy-lies) to bend words and culture to atheistic social fascism. Americans for Innovation.
The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”: After the pandemic has been officially declared, the next step may be – also at the recommendation either by WHO, or individual countries, “force vaccination”, under police and/or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same). If indeed force-vaccination will happen, another bonanza for Big Pharma, people really don’t know what type of cocktail will be put into the vaccine, maybe a slow killer, that acts-up only in a few years – or a disease that hits only the next generation – or a brain debilitating agent, or a gene that renders women infertile, all is possible – always with the aim of full population control and population reduction. In a few years’ time, one doesn’t know, of course, where the disease comes from. That’s the level of technology our bio-war labs have reached (US, UK, Israel, Canada, Australia). go to full article http://sustainable.media/operation-pandemic-checkmate-attempt-on-world-population/?fbclid=IwAR2wuTLPHjr8agoMoy2Ub16I-ZwqX54E8F4HOULHOoY0BIxzjw8UnhMyU9Y
Coronavirus & Microchip Patents 1984 - 2020 (World)
Please watch and share, make it go viral to make people aware of what is going on... so we have a greater chance of restoring lawful government. Thank you!
QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT CHALLENGED ON THE LEGALITY OF THE COVID-19 DIRECTIVES Exclusive coverage of this significant case brought before the Southport District Court on August 21, 2020.
WATCH: https://youtu.be/5svHQfrWXS8
(Alternative link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/9IB137m6PWbs/)
0:00 - 15:25 My introduction 15:25 - 32:00 Interview with Arjay Martin 32:00 - 37:37 Closing comments
GoFundMe Fundraiser link to support Arjay Martin: https://www.gofundme.com/f/covid-directions-and-lockdown-court-challenge
Original article: https://truthandfreedomreport.com/queensland-government-challenged-on-the-legality-of-the-covid-19-directives/
article, Matt Rosengarten
Council of Small Business Organisations Australia want right to fire anti-vaxxers
Staff who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine could be sacked as a 'business decision'
Council have proposed law changes to protect employers from any legal action
Greg Hunt said the jab will be 'as mandatory as possible' but not illegal to refuse
PM Scott Morrison on Wednesday said he had no power to enforce a vaccine
Mr Hunt said government was not considering making inoculation compulsory
But said authorities would have option of enforcing policies like 'no jab, no pay'
I leave this with you - we have our own huge problem in Australia - it's time to get rid of the rotten fruit. Evil can no longer have it's place in our societies
It's coming, Sweden has laws in place to confine children in schools if there is a #pandemic outbreak of the #fake#virus#covid_19#covid19#corona made by an MP called ERIC OTTOSSON, school starts today and parents are NOT allowed to walk into the schools, which is normally common practice!! Especially when you have a younger child, or a kid starting a new school. Wi-Fi routers have been installed in each classroom, COMPLIMENTARY from the TELE communications companies #tele2sweden#tele2#telenor#telenorsweden, the two named in previous posts, the 2 newspaper articles, stating they are both using radiation frequencies that they have NOT been given permission to use, MILITARY USE ONLY!! THESE ROUTERS ARE REMOTE CONTROLLED AND ARE AT THE HANDS OF THE CHINESE MILITARY!!
Make sure you give your kids a kiss and BIG hug today when you drop them off to #school today and over the next 2 weeks! WATCH the outbreaks in schools and #college here in Sweden, the #2ndwave is upon us👹 @stefanlofven is our PM and their blood is on your hands!!
#INTERNATIONAL WARNING!!! They are coming for the CHILDREN
It's coming, Sweden has laws in place to confine children in schools if there is a #pandemic outbreak of the #fake #virus #covid_19 #covid19 #corona made by an MP called ERIC OTTOSSON, school starts today and parents are NOT allowed to walk into the schools, which is normally common practice!! Especially when you have a younger child, or a kid starting a new school. Wi-Fi routers have been installed in each classroom, COMPLIMENTARY from the TELE communications companies #tele2sweden #tele2 #telenor #telenorsweden, the two named in previous posts, the 2 newspaper articles, stating they are both using radiation frequencies that they have NOT been given permission to use, MILITARY USE ONLY!! THESE ROUTERS ARE REMOTE CONTROLLED AND ARE AT THE HANDS OF THE CHINESE MILITARY!!
Make sure you give your kids a kiss and BIG hug today when you drop them off to #school today and over the next 2 weeks! WATCH the outbreaks in schools and #college here in Sweden, the #2ndwave is upon us👹 @stefanlofven is our PM and their blood is on your hands!!
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