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For there are many Truths Hidden from the people

Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

Updated: Aug 17, 2020


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2008 Gaza Israel War Full Documentary


Dimona - Irael's Secret Nuclear Bomb Factory

Israel wants the U.S. to go to war with Iran for them.  However, the U.S has no real reason to go to war with Iran other than that, and Iran poses no credible threat to the U.S. whatsoever. 

The supposed justifications for such a war, hinge upon the Israeli allegation that Iran is building nuclear weapons. 

The IAEA concludes from its many, many inspections over a span of many years, that there is NO evidence that Iran has continued its early program concerning nuclear weapons.  They show in fact, that Iran has scrupulously abided by every term of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (which Israel has refused even to become part of).  In addition to this, the documents show that Iran has also abided to the letter, with the even tighter restrictions and inspections of the JCPOA agreement, signed by John Kerry as a representative of the United States (see archived signature image).


Israel, on the other hand, has had a clandestine nuclear program for decades, started with nuclear materials stolen from the United States.   Israel has a clandestine nuclear weapons production and storage facility as well, for which there has never been a single international inspection.  They are estimated to possess well over 200 nuclear weapons, which they claim no one has any right to control or inspect. 

Why Israel - a country which regularly bombs, attacks, and occupies its neighbors with no provocation - claims exemption from all international norms in the nuclear realm, is a mystery to all but the criminals who infest our government.

Israel has had a clandestine nuclear program for decades, started with nuclear materials stolen from the United States.   Israel has a clandestine nuclear weapons production and storage facility as well, for which there has never been a single international inspection.  They are estimated to possess well over 200 nuclear weapons, which they claim no one has any right to control or inspect. 

These facts were fully brought to light by the fearless Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at the secret facility.

Why Israel - a country which regularly bombs, attacks, and occupies its neighbors with no provocation - claims exemption from all international norms in the nuclear realm, is a mystery to all but the criminals who infest our government.


In an act of supreme hypocrisy, Israel continuously complains of the supposed possibility that Iran has secretly continued their long abandoned nuclear weapon program.

However, anyone can see that this is not the case.  Rather, it seems to be a way for corrupt Israeli officials, to goad the United States into attacking Iran for them - even though an unprovoked Iran poses no credible threat to the US whatsoever. 


The Deep State Coup Against Trump - 3 Oct. 2018 Blackstone Intelligence

Trump was elected in large part because of campaign promises, that he would be a nationalist, non-interventionist president, similarly respectful of the rights of other nations.

What went wrong?  Now some say that we have foreign policy very similar to what we might have had with his rival, Hillary Clinton.  (Except that we are not YET picking through radioactive ashes.)  The explanation some put forth, is that there was a quiet coup enacted, to control Trump's foreign policy.  The culprits, seem to be the "deep state" - a diverse cabal of powerful influential people, determined to get what they want in spite of Constitutional restrictions, or the desires of the American People.

deep state, BiBi Netanyahu, IAEA, JCPOA, treaty, Donald Trump, IAEA, sanctions, trade, embargo, international law, corruption, congress, senate, U, Pu, U235, American, USS Liberty, Ron Paul, deception, agreement, Balfour declaration, yellowcake, Haaretz, Khazars, USA, politics, Barack Obama, Israel, Mossad, espionage, sabotage, stuxnet, virus, security, Iran, Iranian, Iranian nuclear, Dimona, power plant, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, atomic, atomic bomb, missiles, EU, banking, negotiations, Ayatollah Khomeny, conspiracy, cabal, reactor, centrifuges, hidden, secret agents, spies, spycraft, enrichment, uranium, plutonium, Israeli terrorism, assassination, murder, israeli nuclear weapons, samson option, NPT, nuclear proliferation, Zionism, Great Britain, CIA, John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Pompeo, Syria, Syrian war, Iranian presence, cruise missiles, anti-aircraft, denfenses, media blackout, secrecy, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, media control, balfour, nazi, revolution, fahey, rulers, fabian, kleptocracy, ologarchy, oligarchs, revolution, two-party, zion, constitution, grass roots, republican, democrat, media, fox, cnn, abc, nbc, cbs, news, jewish lobby, bankers, rotschild, CFR, trilateral, Bilderberg, commitee of 300, black nobility


Military Mind Control, Yemen War Bill, Venezuela (Not) Regime Change, Fluoride Truth & Vet Suicide

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"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

BiBi Netanyahu, IAEA, JCPOA, treaty, Donald Trump, IAEA, sanctions, trade, embargo, international law, corruption, congress, senate, U, Pu, U235, American, USS Liberty, Ron Paul, deception, agreement, Balfour declaration, yellowcake, Haaretz, Khazars, USA, politics, Barack Obama, Israel, Mossad, espionage, sabotage, stuxnet, virus, security, Iran, Iranian, Iranian nuclear, Dimona, power plant, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, atomic, atomic bomb, missiles, EU, banking, negotiations, Ayatollah Khomeny, Shah, reactor, centrifuges, hidden, secret agents, spies, spycraft, enrichment, uranium, plutonium, Israeli terrorism, asassination, murder, israeli nuclear weapons, samson option, NPT, nuclear proliferation, Zionism, Great Britain, CIA, John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Pompeo, Syria, Syrian war, Iranian presence, cruise missiles, anti-aircraft, denfenses, media blackout, secrecy, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, media control, balfour, nazi, zionism, revolution, fahey, rulers, fabian, kleptocracy, ologarchy, oligarchs, revolution, two-party, zion, constitution, grass roots, republican, democrat, media, fox, cnn, abc, nbc, cbs, news, jewish lobby, bankers, rotschild, CFR, trilateral, Bilderberg, commitee of 300, black nobility


Netanyahu’s "Turquzabad Nuke" Claim Ridiculed In Social Media

Apparently, Iranian security services decided to pull one over on Israel, telling Mossad agents that yes, Iranian "secret nuke facilities" they were looking for, were in "Turquzabad."

Turquzabad evidently refers to a mythological place in their culture, like Shangri-La, or something like "the boonies."

Now that Netyanyahu has made a fool of himself in front of the whole world, it's hard to see how he (or the Mossad) will ever live it down. 


Iran is NOT Building Nukes - The Actual IAEA Inspection Reports 2013 to Sept. 2018

Israel wants the U.S. to go to war with Iran for them.  However, the U.S has no real reason to go to war with Iran other than that, and Iran poses no credible threat to the U.S. whatsoever.  

The supposed justifications for such a war, hinge upon the Israeli allegation that Iran is building nuclear weapons.  Setting aside the dazzling hypocrisy of Israel making such an allegation about Iran, is there any real evidence against Iran for this?  Anyone can see within these archived documents for themselves.

In summary, the IAEA concludes from its many, many inspections over a span of many years, that there is NO evidence that Iran has continued its early program concerning nuclear weapons.  They show in fact, that Iran has scrupulously abided by every term of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (which Israel has refused even to become part of).  In addition to this, the documents show that Iran has also abided to the letter, with the even tighter restrictions and inspections of the JCPOA agreement, signed by John Kerry as a representative of the United States (see archived signature image).


Israel, on the other hand, has had a clandestine nuclear program for decades, started with nuclear materials stolen from the United States.   Israel has a clandestine nuclear weapons production and storage facility as well, for which there has never been a single international inspection.  They are estimated to possess well over 200 nuclear weapons, which they claim no one has any right to control or inspect.  Why Israel - a country which regularly bombs, attacks, and occupies its neighbors with no provocation - claims exemption from all international norms in the nuclear realm, is a mystery to all but the criminals who infest our government.

BiBi Netanyahu, IAEA, JCPOA, treaty, Donald Trump, IAEA, sanctions, trade, embargo, international law, agreement, Barack Obama, Israel, Mossad, espionage, sabotage, stuxnet, virus, security, Iran, Iranian, Iranian nuclear, Dimona, power plant, nuclear power, nuclear weapons, atomic, atomic bomb, missiles, EU, banking, negotiations, Ayatollah Khomeny, Shah, reactor, centrifuges, hidden, secret agents, spies, spycraft, enrichment, uranium, plutonium, Israeli terrorism, asassination, murder, israeli nuclear weapons, samson option, NPT, nuclear proliferation, Zionism, Great Britain, CIA, John Bolton, Nikki Haley, Pompeo, Syria, Syrian war, Iranian presence, cruise missiles, anti-aircraft, denfenses, media blackout, secrecy, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, media control, balfour, nazi, zionism, revolution, fahey, rulers, fabian, kleptocracy, ologarchy, oligarchs, revolution, two-party, zion, constitution, grass roots, republican, democrat, media, fox, cnn, abc, nbc, cbs, news, jewish lobby, bankers, rotschild, CFR, trilateral, Bilderberg, commitee of 300, black nobility, corruption, congress, senate, U, Pu, U235, American, USS Liberty, Ron Paul, deception, Balfour declaration, yellowcake, Haaretz, Khazars, USA, politics


Israel Banned Documentary - Secret Atomic Bombs

Israel has had a clandestine nuclear program for decades, started with nuclear materials stolen from the United States.   Israel has a clandestine nuclear weapons production and storage facility as well, for which there has never been a single international inspection.  They are estimated to possess well over 200 nuclear weapons, which they claim no one has any right to control or inspect.  These facts were fully brought to light by the fearless Mordechai Vanunu, a technician at the secret facility. Why Israel - a country which regularly bombs, attacks, and occupies its neighbors with no provocation - claims exemption from all international norms in the nuclear realm, is a mystery to all but the criminals who infest our government. ================= In an act of supreme hypocrisy, Israel continuously complains of the supposed possibility that Iran has secretly continued their long abandoned nuclear weapon program. However, anyone can see that this is not the case.  Rather, it seems to be a way for corrupt Israeli officials, to goad the United States into attacking Iran for them - even though an unprovoked Iran poses no credible threat to the US whatsoever.


The 1946 Baruch Plan - World Government Through Nuclear Blackmail

An analysis very relevant today, as Israel blackmails the United States into pursuing a self-destructive and hostile foreign policy against Iran, Russian Federation, China, Syria, and others. 

Just as Israel today has the advantage of a monopoly of nuclear weapons in the middle east, so the Baruch Plan sought to maintain a US monopoly of nuclear arms by essentially threatening the world.  This plan ultimately sought to blackmail the world into submission, as described in the PDF.

Israel even now seeks to maintain perpetual regional superpower status by constantly intimidating, harassing, and outright attacking its neighbors to keep them all shattered and destabilized.  This is actually consciously planned;


Exposed: The Zionist Master Master Plan for the Middle East aka Oden Yinon Plan

Exposed: The Zionist Master Master Plan for the Middle East aka Oden Yinon Plan by the Zurich Times.

The Zionist Plot to Stop Ron Paul - Christopher Bollyn

The Zionist Plot to Stop Ron Paul - Christopher Bollyn

Christopher Bollyn's amazing research into the unprecedented coalition formed to stop Ron Paul. Who is behind it? What were the methods used by the same backers used to skew, and ultimately steal, the primary results?

Contains examples of documentary evidence and first-hand testimony revealing what really happened in the Iowa Caucus of 2012.

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Zionist Eugenics Program Revealed - Haaretz News

Zionist Eugenics Program Revealed - Haaretz News Revelation about the eugenics programs for early Israel that would make a Nazi blush. Khazar Zionists intended to base the state of Israel on a fascist totalitarian model, and were being assisted through a secret agreement with the German government to do so. Zionists Sign a Deal with Hitler to Create Israel - The Transfer Agreement

Reviewer:obamadocuments - favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - August 28, 2012

Subject: Learn More


The Hidden Tyranny - 'Our God is Lucifer'

The Hidden Tyranny - 'Our God is Lucifer' "The Hidden Tyrrany" is the confession of an insider to the globalist - Zionist elite. This classic interview is one of the "must have" pieces for the library of the NWO investigator. Also for your library: How Britains Biggest Racists and Financiers Created Zionism - by Mark Burdman


Free receipt, possession, dissemination, discussion and transmission of this document (or documents contained in this collection or archive) are all hereby claimed and maintained as under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; including (but not limited to) those following: From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article Twelve of the Universal Declaration 1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. 2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Article Eighteen of the Universal Declaration Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article Nineteen of the Universal Declaration Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics (1996)

Israel is a land of contradictions. It is a sort of religious "Disneyland", but it is a racist and totalitarian secular state. It is a "Democracy", but most people are not allowed to vote. They say they've returned there from a "Diaspora", but most of the people there today never had an ancestor near the place. They say they believe in the Torah (Bible), but Judaism is actually based on a Babylonian "Talmud" which overturns the Bible. They say thet are "Anti-Nazi", but the Nazi government actually trained Israel's first army and signed an agreement to populate Palestine with Khazar Jews. In short, nothing about Israel is what it seems. Part I: Theological Myths 1. The Myth of the "Promise": Promised Land or Conquered Land? a. In Contemporary Christian Exegesis b. In the Prophetic Jewish Exegesis 2. The Myth of the "Chosen People" 3. The Myth of Joshua: Ethnic Purification Part II: The Myths of the 20th Century 1. The Myth of Zionist Antifascism 2. The Myth of the Justice of Nuremberg 3. The Myth of the Holocaust 4. The Myth of "A Land Without a People for a People Without a Land" Part III: The Political Use of the Myth 1. The Israeli-Zionist Lobby in the United States 2. The Israeli-Zionist Lobby in France 3. The Myth of the Israeli Miracle: The External Financing of Israel Zionists Sign a Deal with Hitler to Create Israel - The Transfer Agreement

Tomorrow's Children (1934) - Eugenics in America

Tomorrow's Children' (1934) which was also called 'The Unborn' in the UK. This video is in the public domain.

Please note the date of this movie. It is BEFORE the eugenics movement of Germany under Adolph Hitler, 1936 onward. That is because the eugenics movement started in America, and remains blight upon our history, and upon our present as well. Eugenics had its srongest hold in California, where forced sterilization was practiced with disturbing frequency. It was the eugenics practices of the US that inspired and encouraged Hitler to do the same. The shock and horror of Auschwitz and the Holocaust and of the hospital sanctioned murder of the "mentally defective", forced eugenics mostly underground. Planned Parenthood is the only open manifestation of eugenics in the US today. But as one can see from the "Georgia Guidestones" and the statemnets of certain British royalty, dedicated elitist adherents of eugenics are still quite alive and secretly active today.

If this movie seems a little tentative in its treatment of the subject of eugenics, remember when it was made. Unlike us, the writers and actors here did not have in hindsight the movie reels of emaciated bodies being bulldozed into trenches, or of the hastily abandomed crematoria surrounded fields full of ashes. The makers of this movie had foresight to warn us the best way they could, and the courage to go ahead with it. I'm sure many of them would live to witness the above described horrors that lay in their future, and wished with regret that more would have listened.


Thanks To:: reptilicus from Vancouver, Canada

"Alice Mason (Diane Sinclair) sure has her share of problems. She's the only one in her family who has a job; mom and dad spend the day guzzling cheap hootch and Dad won't even help clean the house because, he says, "That's no job for a man." Alice would like to marry her truck driver boyfriend Jim (Donald Douglas) but that would mean leaving her family alone. A well meaning but misguided doctor reports to the court that Alice's family is made up of "drunks, cripples and idiots" and suggests that the whole family be ordered by the court to be sterilised to prevent them for siring any more societal misfits like themselves."

"Science fiction? A look into a possible Orwellian future? A warning against a Totalitarian government? Sorry but this is all true! When this movie was made 28 states had laws allowing mandatory sterilisation of criminals and people the courts deemed "unfit"."

"Okay now back to the review. As always the government is far from perfect. A drooling, hollow eyed psychotic is spared having to go under the knife even after he nearly assaults a nurse. Why? Because his dad is rich and slips the judge a big role of bills! Sadly Alice has no one to intercede for her except her boyfriend. Lucikly Jim learns an important clue about Alice from her drunken mother. Ah, but will he be in time to save her from the operation? For cryin' out loud Jim, drive faster!"

"Director Crane Wilbur was the brave hero in the action serial THE PERILS OF PAULINE (1914). He began to divide his time between acting and directing and this Poverty Row short is one of his efforts. He also went on to direct the 1959 remake of THE BAT; this one, starring Vincent Price, is the best remembered of all the versions."

"Comedian Sterling Holloway pops up in a supporting role as an overworked intern whose efforts to take a much needed nap are constantly being spoiled. A year earlier Mr. Holloway had appeared in a musical number in the multi-starred comedy INTERNATIONAL HOUSE. He would go on to be the voice of Winnie The Pooh in several made for TV cartoons."

"Sure TOMORROW'S CHILDREN is exploitation at its scariest but it's also a look into a dark aspect of past society."


If you want to know more about the true and very creepy history of the (ongoing) American eugenics movement I recommend the Alex Jones movie ENDGAME, which I believe is available on Internet Archive as well as on YouTube. Also see the ENGAME Free Companion Library, which has thorough documentation of this issue and of the ENDGAME movie's othe related subjects as well. This library can be downloaded at:

archives videos



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