Australia's greatest trials, our greatest dangers in a planed declining and depleted world. Has this one great chance to unite, to restore our Great southern lands Terra Australis, and to assure all it's culture of diversified peoples a safer future than it has had in the past.
The Importance of Unity, Leadership is paramount in these apocalyptic times of uncertainty. we must all work together with our First Nations people
We cannot restore our country with out these incredible people who have pure knowledge of ancient laws. Let's walk together and find our way home We can beat this Together We can restore our nation back into the hands of the people.
There is a lot of important content on this blog today, I hope you read and take action on some of the points. A pen is mightier than a sword and it is up to all of us to do our part to help restore our Rights, Freedom and Country. lets stand united and peacefully. Please take a look at documents and petitions and send the Government a message that they are our public servants and to abide by our will. #I STAND WITH VICTORIANS
An URGENT message. It must be shared, it's two hours long but extremely important -
This woman speaks the absolute truth and everyone needs to heed her warnings
Direct link
CLAIRE EDWARDS - shares a Ground Breaking document containing information of major revelations about what is really going on our planet right now
Claire Edwards is a former United Nations Staffer in Vienna and Editor and Co-author of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space.
WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON? includes a self-help manual for a situation unprecedented in human history
Download Document
sourced from
. For further contact:
I have been researching and putting content on this blog to get the information out, in the hope of alerting and waking people up to the enormous problems we are facing wether, some may think it a conspiracy you would have to be really sleep walking through life to not see the reality, of which is happening to our country right now. You only have to do your own research to find how much of this has been planned for many years it is time to awaken our population .This woman speaks the absolute truth and everyone needs to heed her warnings. people need to reassess their spare time and not listen to main stream media a propaganda tool, to fool the masses into being compliant, research the reason why it is detrimental to your health...stop wearing your mask.It's nothing but a training process so when a vaccine comes out people will rush to get vaccinated just so they can take their mask off.
This is exactly what they are counting on being in control of your health, they make the choices for you.They are doing PCR tests,which are looking for chromosome 8 which has DNA to do with intelligence and resistance to cancer.
They will build this vaccine just for the purpose of destroying this chromosome 8, so we'd be nothing more than compliant dummies and destroy our immune system so we are susceptible more open to not only cancer but many other diseases and live much shorter lives.
About 8% of its genes are involved in brain development and function, and about 16% are involved in cancer.
Please push back now and don't stop pushing back until we win and take back our country.
read here chromosone 8
URGENT INFORMATION from Australian Jannene Howse
_The GLOSSA channel_ presents the COVID-1984 Sessions, featuring Jannene Howse - Part 1.mp4
The GLOSSA channel_ presents the COVID-1984 Sessions, featuring Jannene Howse - Part 2.mp4
Add your name to the list of Victorians who have no confidence in Daniel Andrews and Labor.
Andrews has lost the support of Victorians who are fed up with the lies, mistakes and cover-ups.

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Article 7
Crimes Against Humanity
For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanity’ means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;
Enforced disappearance of persons;
The crime of apartheid;
Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
For the purpose of paragraph 1:
‘Attack directed against any civilian population’ means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack;
A message - re shared
I Stand With Victoria.
I stand with Victoria. No more fear. I made this short video like a modern bumper sticker: "I don't stand with Dan. I stand with Victoria". Spread it in love - it was never designed to attack the government. It was designed to give us hope because the government is just the government. WE are Victoria. Feel free to chop up the animation at the end if you want this digital 'bumper sticker'.
Gerard Donohue
for more information go to
Go To
Where the decisions are made by the will of the people
Brief Of Evidence
The Constitution and Law of Treason - Julia Gillard attained with Treason
They plan on keeping up the hoax until 2025!
The World Bank’s COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program documents, marked “For Official Use Only,” identify the Bank’s COVID-19 program as ending in March 2025, more than four years away from our current date.
Project Approval Date: 02 April 2020 Project Closing Date: 31 March 2025
VICTORIA'S Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton and Victoria Police Commissioner Shane Patton have denied requesting the night-time curfew over the state of Victorians. Speaking On 3AW radio Commissioner Patton admitted ''I was never consulted,'' he said.
Journalists have repeatedly questioned Daniel Andrews, on the night-time curfew over the Victorian state, but Mr Andrews has stuck with the decision, "We're not removing it because it works," Mr Andrews said and insisted it would not be revoked.
So What REALLY might be behind this decision? for Premier Daniel Andrews to declare his roadmap as the only way out of Victoria’s draconian coronavirus lockdown.
For Whom and How will The ‘Lock down’ Benefit.?
The Victorian Government has released modelling that suggests mid-September is too early to start opening up. Why not keep moving the goal post - Victorians all but destroyed,
as Victorians suffer, suppression, depression, social unrest what will happen to an already devastated economy by draconian measures in months ahead with these dictatorial actions.
These “directives” .. are something that have been highly questionable as to the real motives behind the government's decisions. The people have, “walked around”, and struggled with at times questionable rules of law or health measures .Today more than ever, the increasing
need for transparency is necessary,due to being able to witness the implementation of Inconsistent directives, draconian lock downs and inconsistent rules has only served effectively in our World of escalating division.
From march 2020, Practically the entire global economy was shut down in stages to fight the pandemic. Mass unemployment everywhere. Bankruptcies everywhere.
Banks will buckle under the weight of bad debts.Deflation,and debt will wreck any chance of recovery, as social disorder will follow closely on the heels of this plandemic.
‘If you think your home, your savings account, your retirement assets are safe, think again.
‘Are the “elites” using this crisis for their own ends?’
An Economic reset where they bring in a cashless system with contact tracing, facial recognition and social scoring. Forced vaccinations, if you don't comply you are then denied Human basic rights to buy and sell. "Beast System" don't comply you Die.
A New World Order system run for the few global elite who think they know whats best for humanity. They want to rule over humanity as a GOD - Demi God's of a satanic cult
So Is this really what is behind the COVID 19 from start to finish.
The Elites plans to moving humanity in a new direction, a direction it has planned for centuries to move into a One World New World order - satanic in it's very nature.
For the world has changed, and humanity is facing a Great Calamity—a great change, a great threshold , a time of immense upheaval and uncertainty, a dangerous time for the human family, a time that is currently moving out of the peoples control with events unfolding quickly.
Over hundreds of years, many have come forward to share their knowledge to expose what is coming. treated as idiots,or conspiracists their truth has become the reality they forewarned about.
ONE MILLION dollar Challenge, that the media and Government are lying.
Author Jamie McIntyre
SHOCKING! Our Elderly are Being Denied Their Basic Human Dignity There was no share option for this tragic story on my friends post,so I have copied it. this is the disgusting,disgraceful action that is being done to the elderly to perpetuate this covid hoax. CHECK on YOUR ELDERLY - If safety concerns - Get your elderly out of the age homes. TAKE THE ‘MASKS’ OFF YOUR EYES AND READ BELOW! ELDERLY ARE NOT DYING FROM CORONA! THEY ARE DYING FROM PURE NEGLECT UNDER HORRIFIC CONDITIONS! DO YOU SEE THIS ON THE MEDIA ********** Who wants to hear a REAL Covid story? On 27 July, my 87 year old Nonna, Francesca, a resident at an #agedcare facility in Sunshine North tested "positive" for Covid 19. This was after one of the other residents in the facility had passed away and Covid was "detected" at the time of death. The facility had previously notified families on the 25th that a staff member had tested positive, but told them not to worry as the staff member was not working at the time. They tested the residents and threw them into isolation, without notifying their families. My Nonna called my mum crying, saying they were throwing all her things into bags and taking her out of her room and she didn't know why. The daughter of the man who passed away sent an email notifying the other families about her father. My mum had to call the facility to find out what was going on. It took them two days to answer the phone and give us an answer. This here only skims the surface of the absolute neglect and abuse the residents in this hell hole have suffered. For 5 weeks my Nonna and the other "positive" residents haven't had a shower or a bath, they haven't even been outside of their rooms let alone outdoors! They have been left in their beds to rot in their piss and shit. My Nonna was left for 3 days in a soiled nappy with urine dripping on to the carpet, and in the same dirty clothes. My Nonna has organised pneumonia and my family had to threaten the facility with taking them to the media, in order to get her antibiotics and access to a doctor! A staff member yelled abuse at my Nonna because my mum got upset at the staff member for not allowing her to drop off food and clean clothes for my Nonna, after they lost all her clothes! My Nonna lost 4kg over this period. A 92 year old man was left to starve for 4 days because the DHHS, who replaced the original staff, refused to help him eat because they said they can't handle the Covid residents. One of the female residents who died, was left with a dislocated shoulder and the facility has denied any knowledge of how it happened. These people aren't dying of Covid! They are dying of outright neglect! Of dehydration, malnutrition, lack of provision of essential medical care and depression. My Nonna still hasn't had a single symptom of Covid, neither have any of the other residents that we know of. And as for the 5 residents who have passed away, neither of their families believe they died of Covid, they believe the facility and the DHHS are responsible for their deaths. Last week (5 weeks after her positive test) we had my Nonna tested again for Covid. Her result came back as not detected. On Tuesday 1st September, we took her out of that shit hole and she is home. When my mum informed the facility that we were taking her, they said that we needed to phone DHHS (despite them being in the facility) and get clearance to be able to remove her. My mum phoned DHHS, gave them my Nonna's name and their response was that they had no individual of that name having Covid on their system and that we don't need clearance to remove her as that is not even a policy. Another aged care facility in Delehay....One of their residents was found with ANTS in her bed sores. When Covid broke out at this facility at the beginning of stage 4, all of their staff were ordered into isolation. They had TWO staff looking after over 100 residents! The Ukrainian community asked the Victorian government, DHHS and even the ADF for help. They were turned away. They ended up having to put out a call out on Facebook for volunteers from the public to go in and help. DHHS has since finally taken over. Over 44 residents have died in that facility... listed at Covid. Ask yourselves, where are our resources, when the most vulnerable members of the community, are the most hard hit by this "virus". Because our resources aren't in the aged care facilities protecting the vulnerable, that's for sure! They never were from the begging, and they still aren't. They're out in parks and public spaces, dressed like the gestapo, issuing fines to people not wearing masks and complying, whilst saying "It's for your safety". author unknown facebook post
by staff writers Relatives of the many hundreds of aged care home residents who have died across Australia with Coronavirus comorbidities or the small number from it should launch a criminal class action against each state’s chief health officer and their federal counterparts for not administering the inexpensive, proven Covid preventatives, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. Every state Premier and Health Minister should be joined in the action as a co-perpetrator of genocide.
Australians is this what you want a totalatarian future where the people are pawns in a NEW WORLD ORDER
currently being implemented by the,World Health Organisation (incidentally whose CEO is an avowed communist terrorist), and governments worldwide medical mafia, politicians and the bureaucracy.
satire, would be funny if it wasn't so true.
"PC John Smith has been called to a young girl's birthday party where 8 people are in attendance. An 80 year old is in possession of a knife to cut the cake. Flames have also been spotted"

Socialists are using 'hysteria over COVID as a weapon of economic destruction'
Sky News contributor Cory Bernardi says the panic surrounding the health pandemic is being used as a weapon by socialists wanting to bring about economic destruction to usher in the introduction of the Green New Deal. More:
Cori Bernadi
Source: Sky News
Justin Haskins reported for Fox Business…
‘Powerful officials from nonprofits, government, business, academia, labor unions and activist groups announced their plan for a “Great Reset” of global capitalism. ‘It’s a proposal they acknowledged has only been made possible because of the “opportunity” provided by the economic destruction caused by the novel coronavirus.’
an article published on the World Economic Forum’s website, the WEF wrote of the Great Reset:
‘Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.’ those in power all over the world have seen just how EASY it is to radically transform policy in the midst of a global crisis.
They’ve been planning this for years. They just needed a crisis for cover.
remake the rules so the elites STAY elite.
Meanwhile In Victoria
Daniel Andrews says human rights considerations are not the first considerations made under state of disaster powers.
Watch John Murphy, A man exercising his rights as he walks through a Victorian park wearing a mask. Mounted Police question him. John tells mounted Police he has rights, confirmed by Daniel Andrews "that the rights of Victorians is not infringed by Victorian Legislation. Police continue to request his Identity and address, telling him they believe he is outside his 5km radius and that they are not infringing on his rights. Good on John as he stands up for his right to exercise and refuse to contract by taking their offer for a fine. "SEE you all in court"
The now heavily politicised police force are choosing which laws it enforces, and which laws to ignore. It's totally ignoring Div 1 Sec 111
Public Health and Wellbeing Act, the law is not being followed by police and force is the first resort, and not the last. If the police adhered to the law of minimum restrictions on a person's rights, we wouldn't be seeing the encounters we've been seeing and the Chief Health Officer would pull in his head.
Divison 1, Section 111 of the above Act guarantees us supreme protection to expect minimal rights restrictions.
Review of concurrent Powers and
or go here for
Important Document by Brian Shaw

You can help by downloading, signing and mailing back the Grand Dury Challenge document, please help to increase the numbers.
Documents here
What You CAN Do!
Add your name to our "Challenge to Australia" calling on your signature to co-joining Brian Shaw in his 32 year quest for justice for all Australians. support is required by all Australians! Thank you once again for all that you do.
Deep State Victoria - A NWO Guinea Pig
Daniel Andrews has sold out Victoria to the Strong Cities Network (SCN) with PRIVATISED POLICE 'Dig a little deeper and it becomes obvious as to what's happening in Victoria. Daniel Andrews has also sold out Victoria to the Strong Cities Network (SCN). What is Strong Cities Network? The privatisation of a Police Force governed by global NGO's. And Victoria is the only state in Australia to sign on. Why do you think the Police at Melbourne's Freedom Day Rally acted like goons, were dressed in black and didn't have the Australian logo on their uniforms?  SCN is an initiative London based think tank ISD. Their mission statement is to "Power Solutions to Extremism and Polarisation" But it's the link to the Partners and Funders that gives everything away. Of course George Soros is involved with his Open Society Foundation. And Big Tech is involved with Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft amongst others. Amongst NGO's and Think Tanks, the dubious Brookings Institute sticks out - and I'm sure a deep dive into some of these would connect Bill & Melinda Gates and the Rockerfeller Foundations everywhere. What struck me really odd are the connections to Australian Universities such as Curtin and Victoria Universities and various Australian government departments - including our very own asshole, Dicktator Dan. So as you find out today that the curfews in Victoria are not based on the Chief Health Officer's advice, and rather Dicktator Dan has put this in place, remember that From Sent1nel. Dicktator Dan even hosted the Strong Cities Global summit in 1998. Sofource :
Sky News host Alan Jones says he has warned time and time again the political leaders who are the architects of this coronavirus response will not be able to escape the criticism that is now finding its way into the public place. It comes as an economist in the Victorian Department of Finance and Treasury, Sanjeev Sabhlok, on Wednesday penned an article in the Australian Financial Review announcing his resignation from his position.
Source; Sky News
Australian police force Exposed
MUST WATCH! The Esoteric Agenda Documentary
These elitists, globalists are going after everything. The environment, social relations, healthcare, leisure, technology, political structures and plenty more a redesign of your freedom and future. While you adhere to their directives of social distancing and ritual face mask wearing.
Esoteric Agenda - HERE! All in plain sight in clear vision 2020!
The sad part about it is everyone thinks they don't have time to watch a 2 hour video but if they did their whole perception of reality would change.
Be kind to one another - we have all been lied to - They create illusions and deceptions - fiction co-joined with fact a confusion of a fractal reality (pictures of Chaos, distortions of confusing the mind - to Truth.. Life is an illusion of the mind - Are you ready to see how deep the rabbit hole goes?
There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations. This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people.
‘And they are shamelessly using the subterfuge and distraction of present instabilities to foist their Orwellian dreams (aka nightmares) on you.’
The Authoritarian Power has exposed its Armour clad army to the people. ARE YOU AWAKE or still asleep little lamb's to the slaughter.
The Government acting under a foreign Crown is not only controlling foreign forces against the people, they also control the courts.
The United Nations has a desire to have a One World Government and one Global Religion, Have you not noticed the Australian Government panders to the will of the UN? If the people really had a choice, this would never become a reality.
Storm troopers, helicopters and over 500 police at Vic Market - what has happened to our country! We are under the UN so it seems!
Melbourne,historic Victoria Markets – 74 arrested - Sunday 13 th September

A reminder that the Commonwealth Federal Constitution denies the States the Authority to maintain a force.
yet the government has Authorised the Armed Forces to stand along side Police in domestic disturbances on the streets against the Australian People, with shoot to kill Authority
back up file
It is now advised to stop watching propaganda news outlets,Main Stream News - Find the real truth on independent networks. Educate your self to the reality. We are now in serious troubled times - unite with your families and neighbours - the hour is near when we will have to stand united collectively - Our strength is a collective family of a human chain of God's people of a great Christian nation built on the Common Wealth of nations begun by our ancestors of whom many sacrificed their lives to give us freedom not slavery to a despotic cabal of self serving oligarchs intent on stealing everything God has created for man.
Are VICTORIA POLICE commissioned officers of the crown or employees of a trading company? Enitity name POLICE DEPARTMENT (VIC) Trading name VICTORIA POLICE since 28th March 2000 ABN 63 446 481 493
If VICTORIA POLICE OFFICERS are employees of a trading company obedient to the corporate administrator, then how can they also serve the Crown, one can not serve two masters. If they are not Commissioned officers of the Crown and present to be Commissioned Officer's of the Crown by wearing and holding badges of authority that have the Commonwealth Saint Edwards Crown on them. Then is not not a crime of personation? Queensland (research your state legislation)
CRIMINAL CODE 1899 - SECT 514 Personation in general 514 Personation in general (1) Any person who, with intent to defraud any person, falsely represents himself or herself to be some other person, living or dead, real or fictitious, is guilty of an offence which, unless otherwise stated, is a misdemeanour, and the person is liable to imprisonment for 3 years. (2) If the representation is that the offender is a person entitled by will or operation of law to any specific property, and the person commits the offence with intent to obtain such property or possession thereof, the person is guilty of a crime, and is liable to imprisonment for 14 years.
researched,by Paul Kirchner
Shocking! Communist Dans forces are accused of hitting the 32-year-old with a car before stomping on his head. The 32-year-old is in an induced coma!
Victorian Premier Dan Andrews increases his police violence using his privatised global police force he didn’t disclose, and pushes Victoria closer to a violent uprising.
The Prime Minister must remove Dan Andrews even with Military force if necessary to prevent violence against innocent Victorians escalating.
“You need to understand that you now have a UN global police force in Victoria, this was aligned with Victoria becoming a part of the ‘Strong Cities’ global network which is seeking to bring about Agenda 2030. Victoria is the only Australian state that has signed to this agreement.”
CDC there is no Pandemic
Download GLOBAL COVID Report:
WA doctor tells the truth about the virus reaction by the establishment to 2000 people at Perth Freedom Rally.
For your freedom Your family and children = Step Up and be a part of the push back for restoration of Our nation...
Brief explanation on exposing BANKs and a tutorial of how to fill out THE FIRST LETTER, provided by Derek Balogh
If you want to be part of the class action please send your completed forms to
August 14, 2020 – Derek supplies damning document against Andrews and all governments
Download Word Template Request to Bank for Complete Set of Loan Documents:
Click on the link to download the template, then fill it in with your details, and give it to the bank that has given you your home loan:
Go here; be a part of COMMON LAW ASSEMBLY - a lawful community group able to pass laws, bylaws, and to govern the community.
A Charter to Establish and Maintain a Sovereign Peoples’ Assembly
Let it be known and acknowledged that under the Natural Law, it is the Inalienable Right of the People as sovereign men and women to covenant into self-governing bodies to enact laws and provide for the safety and liberty of their families and communities;
Common Law means the Law of the Land as the people decide.

For some great Information
Have Fun Now Prep Aussie - Its worth a view
Watch "WOW!!!! Federal Reserve Bank Has Bought up 1 Trillion $'s of Mortgages Since CV because Global Reset" on YouTube
Australian Secret Detention Camp with Member of Parliament.
Ann Bressington In 2013 ,forwarned,COVID 19 Agenda 21 now.
Virus designed to remove rights and freedoms globally. The NWO New world order agenda 21 2020-2030. Corrupt government members seeking one world government, against the people wishes. Anne Bressington a formerSA Independent MP Ann Bressington Exposed Agenda 21, Club of Rome
Pauline Hanson - Parliament on Agenda 21
QC says curfew invalid. Lawyer says State Government usurping federal Act with State Act. MP’s say Andrews is a dictator. Doctors come out with medical facts saying this whole covid 19 is an overreaction. Doctors say there is a cheap medicine for covid 19. Doctors say no need for vaccine. Economists say governments have destroyed economies overnight all for nothing. Banks threaten they are coming after their money for unpaid mortgages. Millions of unemployed people. Millions lost their businesses. Police follow orders with no moral or ethical thought of their own. Police violently and financially harming citizens. Oppression by State Governments. Federal Government abandoned its citizens. Citizens forced to wear masks. Facts come out claiming masks are useless against a virus. Scientists come out saying there’s never been a cure for any virus throughout history.
All this and a whole lot more, yet the sheep ignore all this and continue supporting their State Government! Are you thinking that maybe, just maybe the sheep do not want to wake up?
Having had experience with AusLaw group on the Reddit web site and knowing the situation in Australia, AusLaw was pestered with information relative to the Usufruct Agreement that Australia entered into in 1907 Hague Conventions installed into Australia on the 26th of January 1910.
This image was posted to AusLaw and the group questioned on its knowledge of Foreign Military Occupation of the Commonwealth of Australia as per the lowering of the White Ensign on the 1st of March 1967.
Go To Steven Spiers Blog for Important Information on USUFRUCTUS -
Administration and occupation.
My first attempt to try to help you understand that we are under administration by a foreign crown and a blue flag as citizens. Showing some other things going on on covid times, and introducing you to our line of Authority on an International stage Lest We Forget. Sorry if it's not perfect, I'm working on it.
Leaked: Chinese files reveal 2.4M Aussies targeted in 'sinister' surveillance program
ASPI Director of Defence and National Security Michael Shoebridge says many more Australians may be added to a list of people targeted by Chinese surveillance after a fragment of leaked reports were deciphered. Leaked files revealed 2.4 million Australians and 650,000 organisations were the targets of open-source surveillance by a Chinese company linked to Chinese intelligence. “Apparently [about] 2.5 million records were leaked and only about 10 per cent of them have been understood so far, and that a 2.5 million person database is probably a subset of bigger data holdings that Chinese companies have,” Mr Shoebridge told Sky News. “So we’re seeing this elephant through a straw but the bit of an elephant we can see says 35,000 Australians are being spied on at a scale and a depth that people just find hard to understand." The leaks indicated intelligence assessments were carried out on senior Australian politicians - including Scott Morrison, Joe Hockey and Andrew Hastie - and their families. "The fact that it’s about children as well, it’s like a longitudinal database of people that might be influential in the future and it also about being able to blackmail people because of things that their family, children and contacts have done," Mr Shoebridge said. “It’s got a very sinister aspect to it. “Everybody leaves a digital snail trail behind them as we go about our daily life now … it’s about picking up all those trails and then looking at the pattern about individuals and relationships. “So it’s really seeing a woven rug about lots of fragments that have been put together.”
Governments cracking down and removing liberties from the people over corona
With no signs of medical benefits and overwhelming economic damage, the lockdowns have become an inexcusable case of political malfeasance.
As always the government of the day, use the excuse of a perceived threat to create new laws usually for the interim occasion but mostly never rescinded.
Governments cracking down and removing liberties from the people over corona, they do so because of “THE science.” Not because of evidence, but we know who is pushing that Bill Gates and World health Organisation.
with the science narrative comes Greater restrictions on your liberties, greater progressive government control, in all perpetuity.
In the state of Victoria, which is cracking down on deniers. It’s worth thinking about them because this is the direction all progressive governments are going. This will happen wherever progressives take over. Here is the state of crisis in all of Australia, not just Victoria.
If you sit during the corona-free hour in the park, the corona plague will also get you. The just-following-orders police nabbed a pregnant woman for her crime of speaking out, Just-following-orders police should stomp on those violating curfew. They put one man in a coma.
back up file
Intimidating Threats to a peaceful law abiding Society. men in battlefield uniforms have arrived, no plans to leave until the Corrupt government have seen through their NEW WORLD ORDER plans.
At the moment they pick you out of a crowd some rough you up, read you a misdemeanour hand you a fine.
Further - Police in all states are nothing more that armed debt collectors for the States, using threats of force and/or imprisonment.
The proper Law in the Commonwealth of Australia is Imperial Law (Imperial Acts) and the Common Law, which is not only ignored but also broken countless times every day by all Police Officers.
Women dragged from her car at checkpoint
video that shows what happened before this that is absolutely disgusting. Police officer reaching inside her window, unlocking her vehicle and unbuckling her seatbelt to then drag her out by her clothing while she shrieks in fear.
I am shaking and my blood is boiling.
Whilst going through the Wallan checkpoint, as I usually do every single day & product my license and permit, I was stopped before even entering the checkpoint and the police officer told me that it was against the law to have my phone on a car charger mount on my windshield to which I was in disbelief, he then attempted to get into my vehicle at which I started recording.
They called for backup and had 4 police officers grab me by the legs and pull me out of my car and arrested me. While trying to cuff me they had their knees in my back and couldn’t breathe.
Two little old ladies, Sitting Quietly - Until the wolves surround them
Imperial acts application ACT States that there shall be no promise of fine or forfeiture until conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction by a jury of their peers.
20-year OSHA-approved PPE expert Destroys the Mask Narrative
Melbourne 5G suburbs: Telstra lists suburbs including Altona, Brunswick and Parkdale |
Do not take the CV-19 Vaccine.....Must listen
"We the People" are "Kings and Queens" “The people or sovereign are not bound by general word in statutes, restrictive of prerogative right, title or interest, unless expressly named. Acts of limitation do not bind the King or the people. The people have been ceded all the rights of the King, the former sovereign. It is a maxim of the common law, that when an act is made for the common good and to prevent injury, the King shall be bound, though not named, but when a statute is general and prerogative right would be divested or taken from the King (or the people) he shall not be bound.” People v Herkimer, 4 Cowen (NY) 345, 348 (1825) " the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects... with none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty." CHISHOLM v. GEORGIA (US) 2 Dall 419, 454, 1 L Ed 440, 455 @DALL 1793 pp 471-472 "People of a state are entitled to all rights which formerly belong to the King, by his prerogative."
1829 US Supreme Court case Lansing v. Smith: “It will be admitted on all hands that with the exception of the powers granted to the states and the federal government through the Constitutions, the people of the several states are unconditionally sovereign within their respective states.” Lansing v. Smith, 4 Wendell 9, (NY) 6 How 416, 14 L. Ed. 997
"... The governments are but trustees acting under derived authority and have no power to delegate what is not delegated to them. But the people, as the original fountain might take away what they have delegated and intrust to whom they please. ... The sovereignty in every state resides in the people of the state and they may alter and change their form of government at their own pleasure." US Supreme Court in Luther v. Borden, 48 US 1, 12 LEd 581:
Where and when does it End!
PINE GAP - Exposed - video at link sorry couldn't download
YES ! Good people of Australia, Do you want change then take these following steps.
Aussie Patriots Roll
Our Lawful Rebellion Aussie Patriots Roll
Welcome aboard Patriot, You have joined Wayne Glew CPO, Dick Yardley, Author of Australian Political Treason, Treachery & Sabotage, Richard Gunter CPO, and all of Our Aussie Patriots as We Lawfully Rebel to Fully Restore Our Lawful Indissoluble Commonwealth of Australia Constitution. With your help We intend to remove ALL Career Politicians their Corporate Political Parties and their Corporate Governments from Our Parliaments. Our ACT is Indissoluble and is called the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule.Our ACT has only been Lawfully changed 8 times. ALL other changes to Our Lawful Indissoluble Commonweath of Australia Constitution including but not limited to the Australia Act 1986 are Unlawful as they were not given consent, as is required by Our Lawful Indissoluble Commonweath of Australia Constitution chapter VIII #128, by the Australian People via Referenda. Wayne Dick and Richard are in the process of prosecuting Our Lawful Rebellion to the British Monarchy, the Privy Council, House of Lords and UK Parliament. In the meantime We will be providing Constitutional Educaction videos so All Aussie Patriots can study, learn and educate themselves on all and every aspect of Our Lawful Commonwealth of Australia Constitution. We will contact you soon with the first of Our Constitutional Education videos. PLEASE FOLLOW UP ON THESE CONSTITUTIONAL LINKS! Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule. Quick and Garran annotated version The ONLY 8 Lawful changes to Our Commonweaalth Of Australia Constitution. Our Lawful Constitutional time line. Read "Your Will Be Done" booklet by renowned Constitutionalist and Aussie Patriot, Arthur Chresby. Our Constitutional Social Media group: Aussie Patriots Social Media page. SUBSCRIBE to Our Constitutional YouTube channel. Our Lawful Rebellion Website
Australians Magna Carta explained!
Wayne tells it how it is.
If you haven't already done so please join Our Lawful Rebellion enroll as a Bona Fide Australian and declare your Will to Our Lawful Rebellion and the Full Restoration of Our Lawful Indisoulable Commonwealth of Australia Constitution.
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Advance Australia "FAIR"

Mass Starvation - Rice shortage by Christmas
History, which detailed the horrors of the Soviet prison system, and Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944–1956, which analyzed the USSR’s imposition of communism in Eastern Europe, have played their part in bringing to light the full extent of Soviet oppression. Her new book Red Famine—a masterpiece of scholarship, a ground-breaking history, and a heart-wrenching story—turns to the horrors of Soviet policy in Ukraine, specifically Stalin’s mass starvation of Ukraine from 1932 to 1933. Such was the famine’s devastation that Ukrainian émigré publications coined a new word to describe its barbarity: “Holodomor,” a combination of the Ukrainian words for hunger (holod) and extermination (mor).
At least 5 million people died from starvation in the Soviet Union between 1931 and 1934—including 3.9 million Ukrainians. And, despite the contentions of certain historians of the Soviet Union, Applebaum argues that these deaths were no accident. As she notes at the beginning of the book, “The Soviet Union’s disastrous decision to force peasants to give up their land and join collective farms; the eviction of “kulaks,” the wealthier peasants, from their homes; the chaos that followed”—these policies were “all ultimately the responsibility of Joseph Stalin, the General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party.”
Australia Runs Out of Rice as Police Invade Market Protest
Australia will run out of homegrown rice by Christmas, which may help to explain why their police are kettling people at farmers markets (which clearly doesn't help social distancing) and becoming more violent in general -- if the state expects food shortages, they must bolster the police presence and acclimate people to increased totalitarianism, particularly around food. They are preparing -- are you? Start growing food today.

Tasmanian Legislative Council is debating Mike Gaffney MLC’s bill to legalise euthanasia.
Mike Gaffney’s closing comments today show why his End-Of-Life Choices (Voluntary Assisted Dying) Bill must be defeated. He rightly points out that it would affect the future of all Tasmanians, not least because the bill proposes a review after two years, to consider extending assisted suicide to children and even to those not terminally ill.
What of our nation? Abortion murder, transgenderism, pedophilia and the embracing of left-wing lunacy and violence. Australia has failed to reject its crimes against children, and if we do not reject these sins and change course for our country, this nation will be destroyed.
New Rockefeller COVID-19 Action Plan & The UN's NWO Website As The CDC Goes Door to Door
The 2010 Rockefeller document, particularly the ‘Lock-Step’ , laid out a scenario involving a global health pandemic. The document ultimately came to the conclusion, that the only way to mitigate a global pandemic, was by implementing China’s hardcore authoritarian police state lockdown as the model world wide.
VIDEO: The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls”
A Parable - The JONES Plantation
The destruction of Australia and the West the result of communist infiltration corrupt politicians.
Is it Lawful States shutting borders_ Class Action
We can create videos of people saying things they never said
ARMED and Dangerous
some very interesting articles
I Came across this website, haven't dived in yet but looks very interesting
Compiled by Alan Fountain
Global elite seek to use these "crises" to reorder society for what they call "The Great Reset."
Abraham Accords A Paradigm Shift Of Biblical Proportions
The signing of normalization agreements between Israel and Muslim-majority Sunni Gulf States the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain represents the end of an era of pan-Arab belligerence towards the Jewish state, and the formal acknowledgment that it is a permanent fixture in the Middle East.
Before boarding a plane to attend the historic signings at the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated, "This is a new era of peace, for which I've worked for 25 years. These agreements will be a fusion of diplomatic and economic peace and will bring in billions of dollars to the Israeli economy."
So, what's the connection between the virus and climate control? Tucker Carlson nails it with these words, "both are pretexts for mass social control."
This "social control" is paving the way for the coming world government. The global warming alarm and the fear generated by COVID-19 are prepping society for the arrival of the antichrist.
By Jonathan Brentner/ September 17, 2020
President Donald Trump and the United States represent their greatest obstacles in achieving their objective, which is why we see the rioting and the nonstop media lies about our President. In 2016, Trump interrupted their march to world dominance, and they cannot allow for another delay in their effort to convince the world of its need for more government control.
Probably my last silver purchase
The white horse of hanover and the reset. How the elite fool us, please also check out justinian deception And here's Gregory manarino, the Robin Hood of wall street. COVID related
Latest estimates on tech blogs claim that Google and Fakebook are banning and deleting THOUSANDS of posts, video clips and even deleting entire Fakebook Pages and YouTube channels EVERY MONTH!!!! - IMACOGINDEWHEEL brings you daily to weekly news from these social media platforms to keep you informed. Sharing the content and knowledge from news sites and every day people, concerned for Australians and Victorians future destiny.
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WTF? Look what I found in Western Australia’s PUBLIC HEALTH ACT 2016! An AUTHORISED OFFICER or POLICE OFFICER can use “reasonable force” to force a person in WA to take a VACCINE! How DARE these politicians! WHO THE HELL DO THESE PEOPLE WORK FOR?
Do Research,
Privacy Act 1988 Sec,4, 28A, 94C is your protection, as you are NOT the birth certificate name by constructive fraud & not a person. Person is a Corporation.

this is the third time my my mate has been harassed by these fucking clowns. He became a person of interest over a few pissy little social media posts.
Seems to me like they’re trying to push people over the edge. Fucking sickening to think something like this can happen in 2020. Officially Lost all faith in the force
When Vic Pol continually Harass without just cause, The people have had enough
if video doesn't paly - direct link
BREAKING NEWS: High Court Writs lodged against The State of Victoria for Constitutional Violations. The constitution watch website is owned and run by one of our legal team, supporting it is supporting us. Source-
The private bankers dream coming true, a one world private military corporate government passing itself off as the real common law government of the people when in fact, it only has governing power over those that have been deceived into acting as debtors (Citizens) of their private foreign corporations acting as governments. Military governance is not a common law governing system, it is governed by "rank" being a master servant style relationship, a form of slavery by consent but did you know how you consented to be a military slave of a private banking system? Did you walk into a military tribunal while assuming you had common law rights? ... If you don't become the alert knowledgeable citizen, your life, liberty and property may be in grave danger. Also comments relating to the Dick Yardley book of Treason and treachery by the Australian corporate government.
Do your own research -
BREAKING: Chinese Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan says on
that the Chinese Communist Party intentionally created & unleashed #COVID19 upon the world as part of biological warfare, particularly targeted at the United States. #coronavirus
I don't know about you but six months has been a life sentence. I miss being able to freely enjoy the gifts of life. Our independence of free choice, You want to party gather with friends see a concert go to the beach, shop till you drop, visit family, celebrate weddings and birthdays , take a holiday. I guess this is a small taste of true slavery because if we don't stop the corruption life will never exist as humanity has come to enjoy in these modern times. Are we going to let the evil satanic cabal take away our dignity and life. I DON"T THINK SO!
If I'm lucky some tickets to
Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds - COME ON THUNDERCHILD!
Jeff Wayne's The War of The Worlds: The Musical Drama | Behind the Scenes
#Audible #AudibleOriginal #TheWaroftheWorlds Jeff Wayne's The War of The Worlds: The Musical Drama | Starring Michael Sheen and Taron Egerton | Behind the Scenes Find out more: H. G. Wells’ The War Of The Worlds established the blueprint for the alien invasion story. Eighty years later, Audible and Jeff Wayne are building on The War Of The Worlds' rich audio legacy, with a new production marrying the suspense, drama and urgency of Wells’ original novel and Jeff’s epic, emotive and sensational score. Prepare to enter a world that’s as thrilling as it is desolate. SUBSCRIBE 🔔: About Audible UK: We Unleash The Power of The Spoken Word. Audible is the world’s largest producer and provider of spoken-word entertainment and audiobooks, and podcasts enriching the lives of our millions of listeners every day. Find Audible UK on: ➡️TWITTER: ➡️INSTAGRAM: h ➡️FACEBOOK: Or visit our website:
HG Wells will be brought to life on stage for the FINAL Arena Tour of The War of The Worlds!
DON’T MISS the FINAL Arena Tour of Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of The War of The Worlds – Alive on Stage! this November and December, in UK arenas and Holland!
Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds - COME ON THUNDERCHILD!