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Lets Make A Better World A Better Future - WWG1WGA As A Patriotic Australian 2020

Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

will leave you with these Enlightening and thought provoking messages from Fellow Australians and President Trump and information on is C19 real where is the proof???

Thank you for your patriotism to this blog, I sincerely hope that you have found it interesting thoughtful and educational

Australians We Must Contribute Collectively To Help Our Country Do Better':

As an Australian, If you identify as a patriot, we must know what it means, and how your beliefs translate into actions in your everyday life.

From supporting and being responsible for your family, your community and all levels of government in participating in your willingness to work, to volunteer, to be productive and pay with your life if need be,.as Our legendary ANZACS had done on the shores of Gallipoli. 1915

and the battle of .Beersheba 1917 and as Our Modern Military today.

Our democracy is unique. We must preserve it for ours and future generations. Anyone who is an Australian is entitled to all of the freedoms that were given to us, fought over, died for by those who vigorously supported their country and were prepared to defend it against enemies and detractors. Their lessons and sacrifice have taught me well.

Patriotism means standing up for your country and it's people regardless wether your views are contrary to my own,or other people unlike myself, because diversity is the greatest Australian characteristic and that includes Freedom of Speech.

From the earliest days of colonial settlement, we have been a nation as varied politically as we are geographically. Losing sight of that richness and complexity threatens to undermine the very essence of our national character. We must never let go of the multiculturalism that formed the birth of this great nation.

It means supporting the values in the Original and true Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution (UK)1901, to helping to ensure that everybody – regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion – has the opportunity to enjoy the democratic freedoms of our sovereign nation. It’s about working not just for oneself, but for the good of all. Understanding that equality means everybody, not just a chosen few at the top of the food chain.

In the spirit of being an Australian , regardless of their background, helping people wherever and however. From your neighbor to refugees starting a new life on the Great Southern land down under that we like to call our home. By helping them to feel welcomed, and to deal with everyday issues such as the electricity company to agencies in regards to their residency. Patriotism is a spirit of comradeship for those who share your country, regardless of their background or walk of life.

Patriotism is knowing when your country is faltering, and helping it to do better. We must speak out against social injustices for the vulnerable, importantly the Young, the elderly,disabled and the indigenous first people. As well, to do what is morally right on the world stage in assisting poorer nations and ever watchful of Global tyranny.

Patriotism, means representing what is best about your country by putting its best face forward, working to align the values of tolerance and peace to the rest of the world. it isn’t about believing your country is always right. It means being gracious in apologizing when your country has been wrong, and learning from the mistakes of the past.More than ever in these times of upheaval we must be fearless, loyal and not afraid to question authority. to make a stronger future and showing up to dutifully stand in the face of tyranny in any form.We are living in a lawless society these people have no power over us if we refuse to consent to their corrupt system.

No More lock downs.

No More face masks

No More Social distancing

No More Track and tracing our movements

No More attempts to stop our free speech.

No More denial of our inalienable rights.

No More selling off our national assets

No More unaccountable Politicians

No More Separations

No More tears

No More Heart Break


Wishing You a New Year without fear and based on freedom for all of humanity.


Happening! Chairman of biotech firm selling Covid tests admits the whole thing is a hoax (5 minutes)

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta and Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company SELLING THE COVID-19 TEST:

"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspected public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. This is nothing more than a bad flu season. It's politics playing medicine and that's a very dangerous game.

"There is no action needed...Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence whatsoever they are even effective. It is utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless... [T]he risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000...response is utterly ridiculous."


The meaning of being an Australian,

I love my country, warts and all. But to me patriotism It is more than waving a flag it is keeping the politicians accountable in service to we the people.The Constitution only works for each of us as individuals if we all respect it to the greater good for all of us. It also means defending the values. honor ,privileges in the Commonwealth Of Australia (UK)1901 constitution , I advocate peace and truth and being willing to sacrifice myself for any of my fellow Australian sisters and brothers.

May your Christmas be a wonderful time spent with all of whom you love. The new year will certainly be another adventure full of challenges, but we must work together to continually shape our nations character for the good of all. 2021, May it bring much prosperity and a brighter future for all.

"it’s power through any and every form... the power of love is overcoming the love of power."

(C) IMACOINDEWEELOFLIFE. 2020 All Rights Reserved



make sure to scroll through to view/ find interesting content


Australian Government Department of Health has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated from any human on the planet – Fluoride Free Peel

"Our requests are deliberating worded to weed out fraudulent, irrational claims of “isolation” – of which there are many."


Prior to today (August 24, 2020), 8 institutions had provided their responses, and every institution had indicated the same: that they searched and could locate no record describing the isolation of any “COVID-19 virus” from a diseased patient. Click on the links below to access the response from each institution.

Health Canada has no record of “COVID-19 virus” isolation

Response provided by the Australian Government Department of Health

FOI - EMAIL No attachment or signed letter was provided by the Coordinator, just the unsigned email (forwarded to me by my NZ contact, who prefers to remain anonymous for now), shown in the screenshots below.



There are many good articles here so keep scrolling and lets learn a lot to stay on top of the narrative, LOTS OF VIDEO AND ARTICLES, WWG1 WGA..







Illegal lockdown not valid law

BRILLIANT post by a n Australian barrister>>> COPY/SEND EVERYWHERE>>> * Know this. Lockdown Orders have zero legal standing. Why did Daniel Andrews desperately want the Omibus detention powers? He had the existing fines mechanism to enforce Directions orders which are the basis of the lockdown.

So why the need for new powers? *

This answer is because people are waking up.

Everyone should go and read page 106 of The Public Health and Wellbeing Act Division 1 Section 111. It sates: the spread of an infectious disease should be prevented or minimised with the MINIMUM RESTRICTIONS on the RIGHTS of any person.

Has that been happening? No. Why? The clause doesn't say; the restrictions on the rights of any person will be minimum to contain the spread of an infectious diseases. If the clause's construction read this way, it would attempt to give the Chief Health Officer arbitery power to decided what's minimum to get his job done as he sees fit, and with no consideration or reference to what the person, whose rights being restricted, thinks. This is not how the law works or what they clause says. The legal drafting and clause construction is very clear. It says; the Chief Health Officer can do his job to stop the spread of an infectious disease, BUT a person's rights restrictions must be minimal. He has a qualifier and restraint. He doesn't decide what's minimum. So who does decides what's minimum? If person, whose rights are being restricted, has no say in the matter, there would have been no need to include the clause in the legislation. The Parliament sought to preserve and protect civil liberties. It's a check on unfettered powers. That is the purpose of the clause, otherwise, why have it in the legislation if the Chief Health Officer has unrestrained powers? It's a reminder and constraint on the Chief Health Officer. The Westminster system constrains, separates, checks and contains power, through a mechanism known as the Separation of Powers. This means that legislature (who makes laws), the Executive (Premier and Ministry) who execute law, and the Judiciary who interpret laws, remain separate. This is a check on power so it's not concerntrated as we seem to have in Victoria at the present. The default 'Mentis' (mind) of Parliament, in a liberal democracy, is to preserve freedoms. Particularily the freedom of movement and association which the High Court has protected over and over and now Daniel Andrews thinks he can extinguish. The person who decides what's a minimum restraint on a person's rights is the person who has the rights. If that person has no say on what's a restraint, the person would be deemed to have no rights, so why mention them? In this event, the person at best, has privileges which can be limited or extinguished. Like a driving licence. True rights can only be suspended or limited by the right's holder. These are known as inalienable rights. God given which cannot be extinguished by the State, the Chief Health Officer or Daniel Andrews. Division 1 Section 111 was drafted in acknowledgement of this liberal democratic principle. The Section is even referred to as the Principle of the Act, against which all Directions Orders must be measured. Case closed. What I have just set out is legal argument by a Barrister might make before a Magistrate, who is usually ill equipped to handle such arguments. Now you understand why the last thing Daniel Andrews wants is fines to be challenged in Court. Push the problem into the future. Maybe, even forgive fines so they never see a court room

Victorians don't know or understand the law and Andrews feels omnipotent whilst Victorians are oblivious and kept in the dark.

The average police member in the street is even less well equipped to handle these matter, so don't try to enlighten them or argue whilst being issued with an illegal and worthless fine. They have no idea. They're just following orders. In any event, fines are only allegations and not findings of fact or guilt.

Fines become an admission of guilt when you pay them. That's why the fines can be challenged.

Daniel Andrews' decrees from the podium have zero standing and will never stand up in court when the BS fines are challenged. They're all a big bluff. The lockdown is a bluff.

It's no wonder the Magistrates Court has adjourned all Covid challenged fines well into 2021.

If one illegal fine gets before a court, Andrews will buckle like he did with the Curfew when it was uncovered as a fraud.

The Directions Order will be found to be as illegal as the Curfew. The day before the Curfew was challenged in the Supreme Court, is was quickly ended by Andrews.

The 5klm restraint is equally illegal as an excessive restraint on the rights of Victorians. I remind you. If Victorians have no rights, as Andrews asserts, then why mention them in the Act?

While Andrews can't be removed as Premier, he is subject to the Westminster system Separation of Powers, which means the Parliament or Courts can clip his wings and stop his tyranny. As he has the numbers and Parliament and it's not sitting, it's useless to try a no confidence motion against Andrews, so we're left with the Judiciary and the Courts. Spread this across social media.

Being awake and informed will set you free. With the legal illusion of fines swept away, so is lockdown. We decide when the lockdown ends, not Daniel Andrews. The police will run out of ink in the their pens writing fines if we don't co-operate. It was for this reason Daniel Andrews wanted detention powers in his Omibus Bill. He feared someone would write a post like this, and wake up Victoria.




Streamed 23 December 2020 THIS IS HUGE

"AS PART OF OUR LEGAL ACTION we had been demanding the evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses…


More great articles by investigative journalists Gemma O'doherty

The Great Reset (aka Build Back Better, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, the New Normal, the Green New Deal or the New Deal for Nature) is an attempted global capitalist coup on a scale never before imagined. It is a bid by an ultra-wealthy elite to take total control over every aspect of our world, our lives and our bodies.




  • Stuart C

  • Breaching the Nuremberg Code, the UN declaration of human rights and the UNESCO declaration of human rights and bioethics is one thing, but when the evidence of Serious adverse reactions, anaphylactic shock, facial paralysis, brain inflammation, heart attack, Stroke.... conditions that are (1,000 times worse than could be caused by the weak virus that only effects the nearly dead or unusually ill); Forcing or coercing people to play Russian roulette with these experimental dangerous drugs with severe adverse reactions, has to be seen as a criminal act.


The Australian 25/12/2020 Call from business to bar workers who avoid corona virus vaccine Council of Small Business Organisations Australia chief executive Peter Strong says employers should ‘absolutely’ have the legal ability to stand down workers without pay if they refuse to take the corona virus vaccine. Council of Small Business Organisations Australia chief executive Peter Strong says employers should ‘absolutely’ have the legal ability to stand down workers without pay if they refuse to take the coronavirus vaccine. EXCLUSIVE EWIN HANNAN WORKPLACE EDITOR @EwinHannan 2 HOURS AGO DECEMBER 25, 2020 68 COMMENTS Employers want the power to require workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine and stand them down from work without pay if they refuse, warning that bosses and employees will be left vulnerable if co-workers decline to be vaccinated. As the government examines how the vaccine will be rolled out across workplaces, unions called for at-risk essential workers, including health, aged care, retail and hotel quarantine employees to be among the first recipients of the vaccine. Small business said the government should replicate the guidance issued recently by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The guidance says employers can require workers to get the vaccine and bar them from the workplace if they refuse. READ NEXT Sydney beach party defies distance rules RHIANNON DOWN Council of Small Business Organisations Australia chief executive Peter Strong said employers should “absolutely” have the legal ability to stand down workers without pay if they refuse to take the corona virus vaccine. “If you’ve got four employees and one of them doesn’t get vaccinated and the other three say, ‘I’m not working with that person’, what do you do?” Mr Strong said. “It leaves employers between a rock and a hard place. That’s the dilemma we’ve got. The other dilemma is there are a lot of small business people out there. Some of them might decline the vaccine. Where does the worker go? “That’s an issue we have got to talk about as well. We have got to have black-and-white law here so if someone declines the vaccine we can stand them down. “That’s good because that ­protects the rest of the workforce and the business can continue on. Otherwise it’s going to create too many dilemmas that we can’t ­resolve.” Asked about the government’s position on employer and worker obligations in relation to a vaccine, Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter said the government was examining how the vaccine would be rolled out across different workplaces. “As the Prime Minister has said it would be expected that most Australians would take up the opportunity to be vaccinated against COVID so that we can all get on with our lives safely,” Mr Porter’s spokesman said. “Naturally there will be a number of issues that need to be considered in preparation for the rollout of a vaccination, some of which will be unique to particular workplaces. The government will make any relevant announcements at the appropriate time.” ACTU assistant secretary Liam O’Brien said essential workers including frontline health workers, hotel quarantine, aged care and retail workers had played a vital role in ensuring the community had the resources and services needed to manage the pandemic. “These workers have borne the brunt of this crisis, often risking their own health to keep us safe,” Mr O’Brien said. “When a vaccine is rolled out, the first recipients must include those most at risk.” He said unions supported an approach consistent with the best practices of science and public health management when it came to protecting the community from COVID-19 and the same would apply to the rollout of any vaccine. “The federal government must also focus its efforts in the coming months ahead of any vaccine rollout to build high levels of trust and confidence amongst the community to maximise voluntary take up,” Mr O’Brien said. Mr Strong said he had discussed the workplace implications of the vaccine rollout with ACTU secretary Sally McManus and ACTU president Michele O’Neil during the industrial relations working group process.``



Incompatible with human rights set out in the charter (Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006).

Breach of Section 10 of the Charter. Violation of Section 10. Protection from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment A person must not be—

(a) subjected to torture; or

b) treated or punished in a cruel, inhuman or degrading way; or

c) subjected to medical or scientific experimentation or treatment without his or her full, free and informed consent.

The Australian Constitution s.51(xxiiiA) forbids Commonwealth provision of medical and dental services to require anybody to accept those services. Justice Aickin declared, in relation to the Constitution’s proscription (at s.51[xxiiiA] upon providing medical services in such a way as to authorise civil conscription, that imposing economic pressure through legislation is a form of practical compulsion [1]. Such economic pressure, in penalising the option of non-consent, renders legally valid consent impossible. Justice Kirby declared that the Constitution (s.51[xxiiiA]) forbids the Australian Government from providing medical and dental services in such a way as to oblige parents to accept those services — an obligation that the Constitution and Kirby classify as “civil conscription” [2].

The The 10 th Edition of the Australian Governments’ Immunisation Handbook Section 2.1.3 states: legally valid consent can occur only “in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation”

The 10th Edition of the Australian Governments’ Immunisation Handbook Section 2.1.3 states: VALID CONSENT Valid consent can be defined as the voluntary agreement by an individual to a proposed procedure, given after sufficient, appropriate and reliable information about the procedure, including the potential risks and benefits, has been conveyed to that individual. As part of the consent procedure, persons to be vaccinated and/or their parents/carers would be given sufficient information (preferably written) on the risks and benefits of each vaccine, including what adverse events are possible, how common they are and what they should do about them. For consent to be legally valid, the following elements must be present: 1. It must be given by a person with legal capacity and of sufficient intellectual capacity to understand the implications of being vaccinated. 2. It must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation. 3. It must cover the specific procedure that is to be performed. Social Services Legislation Amendment (No Jab, No Pay) Bill 2015 Submission 31 4. It can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, risks of not having

it and any alternative options have been explained to the individual. The individual must have sufficient opportunity to seek further details or explanations about the vaccines and/or its administration. The information must be provided in a language or by other means the individual can understand. Where appropriate, an interpreter and/or cultural support person should be involved. Consent should be obtained before each vaccination, once it has been established that there are no medical conditions that contraindicate vaccination. Consent can be verbal or written

Section 2.1.3 Valid consent. The Australian Immunisation Handbook, 10th Edition:



Learn what it is What It Isn't You don’t have Covaids, you have been TOLD you have Covaids

They forgot motor oil and Spanish river water also tested positive...but how is this possible?

This year I've made 8 films reaching so far over 2 million people, working with world famous doctors, virologists and citing the work of other virologists and molecular biologists on both sides of germ "theory" and terrain theory, so I can pass on to you what I've learned from them.

For those who know me and troll me from my current chosen profession over the one I gave up for life satisfaction...what you don't know about me is that I've written Esoteric biochemistry blogs for a decade and used to professionally liaise with medical underwriters and doctors back in my days at United Health Care and large group medical insurance agencies, my job then….to convince them they might be wrong and overcautious based on real facts, not no, I'm not a doctor or virologist...

this information is what the world renown doctors and virologists I worked on these films with have showed me and what I researched painstakingly myself to check if there is any validity to this...and there is. If you’ve seen our films, they speak for themselves. If you haven’t, I’m speaking for them now.

I will put screen shots from the CDC, WHO and Pub Med (the number one peer reviewed medical scientific publishing platform) in the comment section so you can see for yourself what I am about to reveal to you...and not take my word for anything, as I'd never ask you to..this doesn't come from me, it comes from what you and I are not privy to unless we are in the scientific medical circles that know this.

A so called PCR "test" is NOT a test. It's Nobel Prize winning inventor Karry Mullis himself was furious that it was being used for any such it can neither “test” for anything nor prove how much of any detected genetic material is inside anybody, let alone tell anyone if whatever it does detect is the cause of any illness or disease or not.

Firemen are always at the scene of fires, therefore they are the cause of those fires. Windows are always in airplanes and helicopters, therefore windows are how they can fly. NO. FALSE. This is the logical fallacy of virology in a nutshell.

A PCR test is just a chemical and mechanical process that doubles exponentially any given genetic material in a swab sample of body fluids that is normally too small to be seen or even possibly detectable, until everything in that swab sample is exponentially amplified so large it can be a cold penis under a huge magnifying glass.

Put one grain of sand on a chess board square and double that on the next square, and double that on the next and by the 40th square you'll have 68.8 trillion grains of sand on that square, double that on the next and so on and you'll have the Sahara desert by the time you fill the entire 64 squares on the chess board. This is what PCR keeps doubling the genetic material in your saliva or mucous sample until everything they are purposely looking for in that sample is large enough to actually detect.

If you “spin” or double those sand grains or genetic material less than 25 times, the machine can detect nothing, or in other words, gets a negative "test"or genetic material detection result.

If you spin or double it 40 times, you get a close to 100% "positive" result for whatever you are testing for...or in other words, even the invisible contamination rates of the entire procedure show up...but why?

And what are you testing for exactly, and why are so many labs admitting they are spinning or doubling at 40 times, despite being told this is guaranteed to bring a false “positive” result?

First of all, you are trying to detect what they call a "primer"...which is a small expected genetic sequence of nucleotides from an already made computer database of assumed, but not proven, sequence of nucleotides from an alleged "virus" that has never had it’s full nucleotide sequence isolated or proven to exist.

We're looking for corn in your puke because that's what we think made you puke..not the two quarts of Vodka you drank right after dinner. We only patented corn, not Vodka.

A cat and human share an 85% genetic match..we sequenced 0.5% nucleotides from a cat and found that same 0.5% sequence in a human, therefore that human is obviously a cat, not a human.

It was just plugged into the database ahead of time based on a nucleotide pattern sequence that was already patented years before, 2004 and 2015 in the case of Sars Covaids 2.

Really “PCR primers are short single-stranded DNA sequences which help in the amplification of DNA during PCR reaction.”

So they say, “we’re purposely looking for this short sequence that we’ve already patented and put into the data base years and years ago, so we only chemically amplify those nucleotide sequences that we have patented out of the millions of possible sequences that we could look for in the sample. “

“We’re not interested in detecting the millions of nucleotide sequences we haven’t patented, as we make zero money off of those.”

NucleoSides are just 5 carbon sugar molecules and when they attach to various organic or inorganic phosphates, you get a nucleoTide…

So they are testing for a small sequence of 5 carbon sugar molecules attached to phosphates in a row...not a virus, just a small genetic sequence of different sugars and phosphates.

But how then can river water, motor oil, fruits, goats, birds, Coca Cola or even test kits that haven't swabbed any genetic material at all still test positive for these nucleotide sequences?

How can they test for a hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of nucleotide sequence long viruses if they can’t isolate or detect such a long complex sequence?

The CDC is using 12 different computer data base "primer" sequences, varying from 17 to 21 nucleotide sequences in a row to look for Covaids, the same sequence found in goats, papayas, river water, motor oil, etc.

The WHO was using human Chromosome 8 as their test database “primer” sequence to detect Covaids, which was looking for the 18 in a row nucleotide sequence ctccctttgt tgtgttgt, which is found on the 8th out of the 23 pairs of chromosomal trees on all humans...the same small sequence found in goats, papayas, your pyjamas and the wank sock you keep under your bed, etc etc. But keep in mind that chromosome 8 is a chain of 145 million base pairs, so nobody knows how many times this little 18 sequence ctccctttgt tgtgttgt shows up in a sequence of 145 million chained molecules…

Keep in mind we are 85-95 genetically related to cats, pigs, monkeys, earth worms, etc so how many of those things also have this same nucleotide sugar phosphate sequence ctccctttgt tgtgttgt showing up in their own genetic material hundreds of thousands of times in any given nucleotide chain in their own genetic material?

You’re 90% genetically related to an earthworm, therefore, you are an earthworm. Okey dokey.

Take a random large number 145 million numbers long... and how many times do the same sequence of 18 numbers in a row turn up within that large number sequence?

Now take millions of other different large numbers that are also each 145 million numbers long and how many times does that same sequence of 18 numbers in a row turn up in THOSE millions of other large numbers?

Does that mean those other millions of insanely large numbers are the exact same number as or related to the first insanely large number because they all share that same 18 number sequence in a row at some point within them? Do you see how this works?

These same 18 in a row molecule nucleotide sequences are everywhere and in everything, and if you amplify any sample enough times and are looking for a minuscule nucleotide sequence...there's a damn good chance it will turn up, even in Coca Cola, fruits and motor oil.

You don’t have Covaids, you have been TOLD you have Covaids

Yep, if you have the flu any year or time you are actually dying and rightly feel like you are dying while you detox those foreign poisons from your body, otherwise sweating, urination, kidney, liver and diarrhea would have eliminated your body toxins without severely extreme measures, like the worst man flu you’ve ever had in your life. You just forgot how bad your last flu detox was and love the attention of telling people you survived the Covaids, because you are an attention seeking wanker...and that’s fine...aren’t we all?

Now this PCR procedure only tells you if it’s detected your pre-determined, patented, computer nucleotide “primer” sequence, it doesn't tell you how much of that genetic material is actually in your body outside of that saliva or mucous swab sample, or if that material is even the cause of any sickness or disease...

it can only say, “Yep, after amplifying it 68 trillion times we can see it, there it is…exactly what we were looking for...firemen at the scene of a in an airplane.”

“We have no clue how much of this genetic material is there or if it even does anything to actually cause illness, we just know it's in your sample. That's it. “

So now doctors and scientists have been writing to the health authorities of the world and their own countries, saying ok, show me the documentation for this alleged isolated nucleotide sequence of what you are calling the Covaids 19 virus, and claiming is contagious and causing illness.

As you'll see in the comment section, you get a letter back saying “we don't have such a thing, it doesn't exist, it's never been isolated. We have no proof.”

All attempts so far to isolate Covaids have failed all 4 of Koch's postulates and 5 out of 6 of River's postulates.…

1) the alleged virus must be found in abundance (which PCR can’t detect) in ALL organisms suffering from the disease...which means you can’t be asymptomatic…

2) that the alleged virus organism must cause disease, you can’t have it and not have the disease…meaning you can't test positive and not be sick in bed and dying from a disease that allegedly makes you sick and dying.

3) that virus must be completely isolated from all other genetic material in the sample and grown in a pure culture with no other added poisons or genetic material….you should be able to inject that genetic material into other healthy organisms and make every single one of them sick...which has never been done even once in even one subject, let alone all of them,

4) and then you must be able to re-isolate that same material from someone who has been injected with it and made sick.

There are 7.2 million dollars in rewards out there for any Virologist, molecular biologist or janitor who can prove far in 230 years of germ “theory” not one has been able to do so.

If YOU can with your bartender training, PM me and I’ll send you links, I just want a 5% finders fee, if you know something the world’s top Virologists don’t even know. If not, quit trolling me and learn something. What virologists actually do is put a sample of that tiny partial genetic mucous or saliva material, PLUS the rest of the material in the saliva, mucous or whatever sample they swab...ALL of it, into a petri dish full of the living cells of monkey or cow cells that are already acidic, diseased and sick with self-made CANCER…the final stages of cellular bacterial and fungal pleomorphism detoxification defence...

then they pump other poisonous chemicals into that same petri dish, and those already sick and self-healing monkey and cow cancer cells create Exosomes to handle the extra poisons these virologists just pumped into their petri dish and they say...”See! That genetic material we just put into that cell culture started killing or making those cells sick!”

No, those cells were already sick, acidic and cancerous and you just pumped a shitload of poisonous chemicals in them to make them even more sick and now dying, not self healing, plus the extra human genetic material in the mucous and saliva sample that does not come from monkeys or cows, which all bodies reject any non-self material...

Then they claim it was the non-isolated genetic human nucleotide partial material they just put in the petri dish...more specifically the tiny part they already patented…

Never-mind that they just put a shitload of other human genetic material in there along with it, never bothering to isolate the exact nucleotide sequencing they put in there from the god knows how many other human genetic materials were in that saliva or mucous sample, to make sure they ONLY put that into their animal tissue culture petri dish and no other poisons or human genetic material… and then they make the “assumption” that it must be the "virus" partial sequence material they put in and not the other poisons, chemicals and genetic material they also had to put in there to make those cells sick and produce an Exosome cellular defence response to those poisons and other non-self animal genetic material in the sample.

It’s like you kissing your girlfriend, then eating 15 candy bars, drinking two bottles of vodka, snorting two grams of cocaine, eating a loaf of mouldy bread topped with poisoned raw shellfish, chugging down a glass of bacteria ridden milk that’s been sitting on your counter for two months, having an anxiety attack releasing stress hormones that shut down your body’s toxin removal abilities... and then claiming your girlfriend’s kiss must be the reason you are sick now!

That’s “virology” in a nutshell.

“We can’t make cancerous monkey or cow cells even more sick with a kiss or candy bar, so we add all of the others poisonous things and foreign genetic material into the petri dish until it starts an Exosome cellular defensive response… and then we can blame the kiss...and then claim we can vaccinate you against kisses, even though that’s not why you’re really sick.” But what are Exosomes? As Dr. James Hildreth, professor at Johns Hopkins and CEO of Meharry Medical College said “the virus is fully an Exosome in every sense of the word.” You do NOT catch them. Your cells create them to remove all foreign poisons, toxins and any genetic material inside your body that was not made by your body for your body to use. All NON-SELF. 12 people go to a dinner party, eat the same thing and only 8 get food poisoning. You send your kids to a chicken pocks party but they don't all get chicken pox. Some kids are tissue damaged at the same age from growth and it's time to detox and remove dead tissue, some adults have diets abundant in potassium chloride and ferrum phosphate and can't be poisoned that easily. There is nothing contagious going on there.

I’ll give you one guess as to what are exactly the same shape and size as what we are told are contagious viruses? That’s right, pat yourself on the back. Self-made, inter-cellular created, non-contagious Exosomes for removing non-self toxins detected in the body. Germ theory is still a “theory” after 230 years for a reason. It has never been proven for good reason...only disproven time and time Dr. Rosenau showed you in the 1918 Spanish Flu experiments, and many others after him. Why haven’t you been told? We’ll get to that. but big Pharma makes tens of billions a year selling you vaccines, antibiotics to kill your own body's bacteria from trying to heal the tissue YOU damaged by poisoning yourself....and cold and flu medication, so they will stop at nothing to keep you in the dark about Exosomes and bacterial Somatid cleaning cycles going on in your own body. They also think you’re too stupid, distracted and too brainwashed into trusting white lab coated doctors trained by their big Pharma reps, working on huge commissions to pay off their med school and clinic equipment bills to research this yourself. Are they right? It seems to me if you really had proof of a non-fictional virus that was making people ill, you'd be genetically testing for that virus and not a tiny sand grain of patented generic genetic material found in nearly anything and everything, but that's none of my business.

Now the next logical question is: Hang on, if you've never isolated a full multi thousands or millions nucleotide sequence of what you claim is a disease causing Covaids 19 virus..have never proven it either exists, causes illness or even is transmittable, and your test primer is looking for tiny sequences that are found in almost anything, including fruits, motor oil, river water and goats...and your tests are being over-amplified to the point that almost anything will show up in any sample... How on earth can you manufacture a Vaccine to protect people against something you don't even know, nor can’t even prove in 230 years is real or exists...that cannot make other humans in close contact or even by injection from sick people's fluids sick, as Dr Rosenau and others tried and failed to do...cannot make animal cellular tissues in a petri dish sick unless they are already sick cancer cells and you have to add a shitload of other chemical poisons and non-animal genetic material to that petri dish to make it sick? If you’re really smart you might even ask yourself how there can possibly be a new “mutated strand” of pink flying unicorns… if pink flying unicorns don’t even exist in the first place? If you can't possibly make such a vaccine against pink flying unicorns that don't exist, the next logical question is: then what the hell is really going on here and what is the real purpose for this mandatory RNA/DNA modification injection to genetically modify you to protect you from something that doesn’t actually exist? Could there be some other nefarious reason you aren’t being told? If you are still so thick that you cannot figure out the answer to that last question yourself by now, I’m sorry, there is nothing more I haven’t already showed you this last decade that can help you at this point. Some people are just destined to become nothing more than statistics in future history books. You can’t say people didn’t put their necks out on the line to warn you. It is what it is. But hey, you’ll be able to get on an airplane with the last two airlines who haven’t gone out of business and be able to drink or eat in one of the last two pub or restaurant chains that aren’t out of business when the dust settles, if you’re still alive… So aren’t YOU the lucky one?

Written by my friend Steve Falconer - shared from social media


So people if you did read all of the above - I suggest you get back to work/business and life

and while your at it Stand Together and hold these lying bastards accountable for destroying 2020 and everyones lives. while your at it go here and sign

Please join our class action/s against this corrupt government we have a lot of work to do!!!



They lie to you and have for thousands of years, to all those who only get their information via main stream media . WAKE UP! because the truth warriors are getting tired of showing you , warning you, Humanity is on the brink of no return. So Wake Up!!! research, No excuse you haven't got time.. Your've had time to watch years of shit on your telie vision... There is no time left to be lazy and stupid. The criminals at the top are laughing every day at the sheeple.

GOD gave us his love and creation of all things so that we may enjoy our journey on earth. So 2021 is the year of reckoning - Together we can tare down the wall of lies, at least lets do it for the future generations. MASKS OFF!!! 2021 let's own it people!!!


CORRUPTION AUSSIE STYLE Cabinet ministers: reinstate Christine Holgate Communications Minister Paul Fletcher revealed to ABC Insiders on 13 December that the inquiry into Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate’s purchase of Cartier watches is complete, and Cabinet will now consider the report. This saga was based on false and misleading allegations that Christine Holgate had spent taxpayers’ money—when she hadn’t—and that she bought the watches amidst the mass unemployment of the economic crisis of 2020, when she actually bought them two years earlier in 2018 as a reward for four executives who landed the deal of the century. They negotiated a deal that forced banks to pay up to cover the cost of Australia Post providing banking services to their customers—profiting Australia Post, the small business families who run its 3,000 licensed post offices (LPOs), and the taxpayer ($20 million GST). This deal was so successful it proved that Australia Post should become a Post Office “people’s bank” to force the private banks to compete, guarantee financial services to all Australians and communities, and ensure the long-term viability of the LPOs. To support the LPOs’ campaign to reinstate Christine Holgate, email Cabinet Ministers with the message they should tell PM Morrison to withdraw his statement against her and order the Australia Post board to give her back her job. Here is the list of Cabinet Ministers: Scott Morrison; Marise Payne; Greg Hunt; Michael McCormack; Paul Fletcher; Alan Tudge; Josh Frydenberg; Simon Birmingham; David Littleproud; Sussan Ley; Keith Pitt; Christian Porter; Peter Dutton; Dan Tehan; Michaelia Cash; Karen Andrews; Angus Taylor; Linda Reynolds; Darren Chester; Anne Ruston; Stuart Robert; Ken Wyatt. search for the contact details of Cabinet ministers (some don’t have emails and require you to fill out a contact form with a message) Senators and Members – Parliament of Australia WHAT REAL AUSSIES HAVE TO SAY

AUSTRALIAN GOV. LACK OF TRANSPARENCY After a multi-million dollar investigation Justice Coate could not find the person/department responsible for the Daniel Andrew's administrations Hotel Quarantine Failure. No one is being held responsible for one of the largest industrial manslaughter incidents in the world, that the report itself concluded led to 99% of Victoria's second wave cases/deaths. It's time we start the process of calling for a Royal Commission into the State Labor Governments failure, and demand WorkSafe takes action on behalf of the people against this gross negligence by politicians and the public service. If this is all allowed to be pushed under the rug, we can never have faith in our institutions to be held to the same standards that everyday Victorians are held to for much less. Excerpts from The Australian & Herald Sun "The Andrews government’s decision to use security guards in hotel quarantine was not made by any single person, but was the product of the police commissioner Graham Ashton’s preference, retired judge Jennifer Coate has found." "Retired judge Jennifer Coate says in her final report into the $195 million program that no one took ownership for the decision to use private guards and “all vigorously disputed the possibility they could have played a part in ‘the decision’” “But that is not a total justification for the deficiencies in some of the actions taken, and decisions made, in that first 36 hours, and it does not excuse the deficiencies found in the program.” View Full Reports Here: Tabled Documents Database ( Real Rukshan MORE ON C19 CASES 70,000 tests and 7 cases. They are scary numbers arent they? thousands are getting tested - such small amount of cases. Eventually (one can hope) the penny is going to drop??? Have you noticed the story now is cases and infections, but deaths are hardly mentioned at all anymore. Hello? I hope this entire program will be its own undoing as people realise they (media, authorities etc) are actually proving the percentages are very low, by continuing with all this testing, and then broadcasting it constantly. What correlation does mandatory flue vax have with covid? They are completely different viruses are they not? So why are we being made to have it to see our elderly in homes? We have not had this any other year. Ive been told the flue vax is only effective for 3 months as the flue mutates, are the people who were forced to have it to keep their jobs required to have them over and over? Do you question the inconsistencies of the "rules"? Bunnings and Woolies is fine, food markets, pubs and events are fine. We can touch trolleys and self serve terminals but kfc still has their outdoor seating roped off. You can visit a patient in hospital but not in aged care. You can have thousands at the footy but not at a catered function. And yet we still see this rediculous media reporting on every news story every day. What have you noticed that is stupid? KM Dee UPDATE RE MY POST ON THE #POLICE AT WALLABADAH Wednesday late afternoon Also others whom travelling the NE highway claimed there were no POLICE when they passed through WALLABADAH YES THE PEOPLE RETURNING TO THEIR HOME IN TAMWORTH WERE REQUIRED TO FILL OUT A BORDER PASS.. REMEMBER THIS ...There are NO BORDERS NOR HARD BORDERS. Borders are a fine line on a map and an imaginary line in your minds. Our only Borders are at sea 12 nautical miles Protecting our coastline and YOU Many in the NE area Tamworth are aware Why are you SILENT on your freedoms #TamworthPolice Debbie Sue Owen The Australian 25/12/2020 Call from business to bar workers who avoid coronavirus vaccine Council of Small Business Organisations Australia chief executive Peter Strong says employers should ‘absolutely’ have the legal ability to stand down workers without pay if they refuse to take the coronavirus vaccine. Council of Small Business Organisations Australia chief executive Peter Strong says employers should ‘absolutely’ have the legal ability to stand down workers without pay if they refuse to take the coronavirus vaccine. EXCLUSIVE EWIN HANNAN WORKPLACE EDITOR @EwinHannan 2 HOURS AGO DECEMBER 25, 2020 68 COMMENTS Employers want the power to require workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine and stand them down from work without pay if they refuse, warning that bosses and employees will be left vulnerable if co-workers decline to be vaccinated. As the government examines how the vaccine will be rolled out across workplaces, unions called for at-risk essential workers, including health, aged care, retail and hotel quarantine employees to be among the first recipients of the vaccine. Small business said the government should replicate the guidance issued recently by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The guidance says employers can require workers to get the vaccine and bar them from the workplace if they refuse. READ NEXT Sydney beach party defies distance rules RHIANNON DOWN Council of Small Business Organisations Australia chief executive Peter Strong said employers should “absolutely” have the legal ability to stand down workers without pay if they refuse to take the coronavirus vaccine. “If you’ve got four employees and one of them doesn’t get vaccinated and the other three say, ‘I’m not working with that person’, what do you do?” Mr Strong said. “It leaves employers between a rock and a hard place. That’s the dilemma we’ve got. The other dilemma is there are a lot of small business people out there. Some of them might decline the vaccine. Where does the worker go? “That’s an issue we have got to talk about as well. We have got to have black-and-white law here so if someone declines the vaccine we can stand them down. “That’s good because that ­protects the rest of the workforce and the business can continue on. Otherwise it’s going to create too many dilemmas that we can’t ­resolve.” Asked about the government’s position on employer and worker obligations in relation to a vaccine, Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter said the government was examining how the vaccine would be rolled out across different workplaces. “As the Prime Minister has said it would be expected that most Australians would take up the opportunity to be vaccinated against COVID so that we can all get on with our lives safely,” Mr Porter’s spokesman said. “Naturally there will be a number of issues that need to be considered in preparation for the rollout of a vaccination, some of which will be unique to particular workplaces. The government will make any relevant announcements at the appropriate time.” ACTU assistant secretary Liam O’Brien said essential workers including frontline health workers, hotel quarantine, aged care and retail workers had played a vital role in ensuring the community had the resources and services needed to manage the pandemic. “These workers have borne the brunt of this crisis, often risking their own health to keep us safe,” Mr O’Brien said. “When a vaccine is rolled out, the first recipients must include those most at risk.” He said unions supported an approach consistent with the best practices of science and public health management when it came to protecting the community from COVID-19 and the same would apply to the rollout of any vaccine. “The federal government must also focus its efforts in the coming months ahead of any vaccine rollout to build high levels of trust and confidence amongst the community to maximise voluntary take up,” Mr O’Brien said. Mr Strong said he had discussed the workplace implications of the vaccine rollout with ACTU secretary Sally McManus and ACTU president Michele O’Neil during the industrial relations working group process. Prue Neiberding


Dark Age of Science: Top Doctor Booted from Position After Questioning Lockdowns

Dr. Michael deBoisblanc is no stranger to bucking the trend when it comes to the coronavirus crisis.

In a taste of the kind of intolerance progressives practice when they have the power to do so, a top doctor at a California hospital lost his position last week after having the gall to question the logic behind coronavirus lockdowns.

As Fox News reported last week, deBoisblanc and two other doctors wrote a letter to the Contra Costa County Health Department questioning the county’s lockdown measures — including keeping schools closed — when the evidence doesn’t support them.



As many of you know by now, Google deleted Natural News, owned by Mike Adams, from its listings.

When you type in “Natural News,” you don’t get “,” you get “” instead — a different and tiny site also owned by Mike Adams.

Various people have speculated about Google’s reasons. All Google has to do is print an explanation. Where is it?

Mike Adams on




Shared from a scientist.....Officially its the flu...From natural news .com

“I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples. What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did not have any samples.

We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called Covid and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc. and they then got the flu which further weakened their immune system and they died. I have yet to find a single viable sample of Covid 19 to work with.

We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19 fraud. the CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purifed sample of Covid 19. If they can't or won't send us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is fictitious. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS. A viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place, how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and purified this virus in its entirety? That's because they've never really found the virus, all they've ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway.

So what we're dealing with is just another flu strain like every year, COVID 19 does not exist and is fictitious. I believe China and the globalists orchestrated this COVID hoax (the flu disguised as a novel virus) to bring in global tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance state, and this plot included massive election fraud.”

Reposted 12/10/20 Rob Oswald


Did Fauci Just Admit He Lied About Herd Immunity To Trick Americans Into Vaccine?

by Tyler Durden

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Democrat-approved 'science' in 'trust the science,' appears to have just admitted to lying about COVID-19 herd immunity in order to goad more people into taking the vaccine, according to a new report in the New York Times


Do you trust government agencies like America’s CDC (the Centres for Disease Control & Prevention) with your health?


Trust is vital for me and generally in life.

Do you trust the UN?

I certainly do not. Here are some of the many reasons why not

Malcolm Roberts - Pauline Hanson One Nation

The Top 10 Worst UN Actions of 2020

sample 4. UN’s WHO Names China Booster Helen Clark to Head COVID-19 Inquiry

When former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark was appointed as co-chair of the World Health Organization’s inquiry into the origins and global response to the coronavirus, UN Watch called on Clark to recuse herself on account of her numerous prior statements praising the WHO for the very actions she is meant to investigat—and due to her extensive and close ties with the Chinese regime, dating back four decades.

UN Watch’s letter to Clark sparked media coverage in her home country of New Zealand, as well as in the UK’s Mail on Sunday, Sky News Australia and the Wall Street Journal. Clark was forced to publicly defend herself, which she did mainly by attacking UN Watch. This story is not over.



Interview about my $1 million Coronavirus challenge to the Australian Media and Government to show independent proof they aren’t lying about the inflated Covid deaths.

And yet 3 days later still not one politician or journalists willing to show proof…



Talking about the End Game, Brilliant conversation with Alison Hawver McDowell


Natural news

One of the biggest lies perpetuated during the COVID-19 pandemic is the death toll, as proven again following an analysis of death certificates in Washington state.


Recent Up date NSW Australia

Stay-at-home provisions to remain for Northern Zone of NSW’s Northern Beaches with exception of New Year's Eve

On Tuesday, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian confirmed the state recorded three new locally acquired COVID-19 cases from 16,329 tests in the 24 hours up to 8 pm on Monday night,(?PANDEMIC?) and that three additional cases were recorded after 8 pm. The Avalon cluster on the Northern Beaches now totals 129 cases. Earlier, Berejiklian announced that stay home provisions would remain in place for the North Zone of the Northern Beaches until January 9, but up to five people will be allowed to gather indoors on New Year's Eve, provided they are all from that zone. Outdoor gatherings have been capped across Greater Sydney at 50 people. Berejiklian also said no one will be allowed into Sydney's CBD on New Year's Eve unless they have a permit from Service NSW.

What you need to know

- NSW recorded three new locally acquired COVID-19 cases from 16,329 tests in the 24 hours up to 8 pm Monday night, and three additional cases were recorded after 8 pm - Outdoor gatherings have been capped at 50 people across Greater Sydney - Stay-at-home restrictions for the northern part of the Northern Beaches will extend to January 9 but five people will be allowed indoors on New Year's Eve - Other states closed their borders to Greater Sydney or imposed strict 14-day quarantine restrictions



Situation Update, Dec. 27th – Nashville a data wipeout operation… new details




Scripps Research Institute already proves that mutated viruses are being used against the population In the most recent flu seasons, people have been coming down deathly ill after contracting highly mutated forms of the flu – mutations caused by the annual flu vaccine. These mutations are caused because the flu viruses selected for each year’s flu vaccine rapidly mutate in the chicken egg embryo medium within the vaccine. This phenomenon has been demonstrated by scientists at none other than the The Scripps Research Institute.


Nashville Registered Nurse Takes Covid Vax - Shows The Entire Left Half

Of Her Face Is Now Paralyzed - Listen To Her Warning To All Americans

...'They Do Not Care About Us...Do NOT Take This Vaccination!' - WATCH


12.27.20 Post Election Update #13: DS ON COLLISION COURSE W/ THE PATRIOTS

Apparent DS attack in Nashville has people now asking the right questions. Clarifying where we are in the upcoming battle for the United States of American, good news from the NESARA front. The Patriot Streetfighter warfare platform is taking shape. Check out We will be adding an email list so all will get notifications to upcoming online events. Soon to LIVESTREAM from there so as to protect our message from being censored or blocked. More coming soon. Global Unity Bridge Signup Link:

State of the Nation December 27, 2020

Watch How They Blew Up the Second Largest HCQ Factory in the World (Video)


The American people will now arrest all the traitors who are complicit in stealing the election. Submitted by L

We the American people don’t care what the SCOTUS or anyone else says.

We won the election and Donald J. Trump is our President for at least the coming four years.

We are more than 90 million Americans who chose Donald J Trump as our president, more than double as much as those misled liberals who voted for the criminal Chinese agent Joe Biden.

Of the more than 90 million Trump supporters, many are armed and know how to use guns; many millions are veterans who are armed and have military training.

We are the President’s constitutional militia and together with the President, the police and the military, we will NEVER, EVER allow the election to be stolen from us. We will all together defend our nation against enemies, foreign and domestic.

The SCOTUS has shown its face, and it is the face of a traitor, a domestic enemy, a corrupt agent of a foreign enemy. They are enemy combatants and what do we do with enemy combatants!

They made a huge mistake and are basically already gone. Where it concerns all of them, who committed treason against our Republic, it is not only the right but the duty of every patriot to make a citizen’s arrest of these despicable traitors.

We, the American people, who voted for President Trump, together with the President’s administration, the police and the military represent an overwhelmingly powerful majority and the traitors are few, maybe not much more than 10,000 individuals at the top level or even less.

We have the numbers, we have the power, we have the weapons. It is an easy task for us to arrest all the traitors, dead or alive, and seize all the corporations who are complicit in this coup against the American Republic, and against us, the American people.

We are declaring all these traitors, who own and run Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Fox, Apple, Microsoft, New York Times, Washington Post as well as Democrat and Republican politicians, governors, mayors, congressmen, etc. who are complicit in this treason against our Republic, under citizen’s arrest and order them to give themselves in to nearest police station within 24 hours. If not, they will be hunted down and captured, dead or alive.

Bill Gates must be immediately arrested and his foundation, as well as Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and others, who are complicit in the COVID-19 hoax, must be seized post-haste. All Level 4 biolabs must be closed.


The American people will arrest them as traitors and save the Republic.


Bill Gates caught on video admitting that his ‘experimental’ vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER.





Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in.


EMERGENCY NZ Freedom Fighters Announcement, Billy Te Kahika via Vinny Eastwood

Contact the government and tell them you do NOT want another lockdown on January 15th! BE POLITE! USE FACTS! Don't let them demonise us! Alleged Background 1 We sent in the real paperwork that proves New Zealand is operating as a corporate fiction outside of the crown Monday 28th. 2 The Queen calls Jacinda Ardern on Tuesday 3 The Navy is meeting on 10th January 4 The entire Navy is leaving for England on the 12th 5 Lockdown planned for the 15th The Vinny Eastwood Show


Interesting rumors floating around


Jacquie Dundee - One of our fearless Aussie Warriors, please take notice of her message and go sign the document

WHY are people like this not on MSM!!! Dr Roger Hodkinson listen to his credentials at the beginning- then look at the Barrington Declaration which contains (some) good information. Please join our class action/s against this corrupt government we have a lot of work to do!!!

Dr Roger Hodkinson

was immediately banned from social media and news outlets as he questioned the narrative and science of the establishments.. rating a mention in our Parliament of Australia - refer legislative council Hansard.


Reverend the Hon. FRED NILE (12:04:24): My question without notice is directed to the Minister for Mental Health, Regional Youth and Women, representing the Minister for Health and Medical Research. Is the Minister aware that comments that were critical of the current manner in which the virus situation has been dealt with made by Dr Roger Hodkinson, a former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada's examination committee in pathology and current medical director of Western Medical Assessments, were removed from social media within minutes of their publication? Is that an acceptable environment in which professionals can debate policy? What does that say about the state of our civil society and the integrity of public debate?

The Hon. BRONNIE TAYLOR (Minister for Mental Health, Regional Youth and Women) (12:05:18): I thank the honourable member for his question directed to the Minister for Health and Medical Research whom I represent in this place about Dr Roger Hodkinson, former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada's examination committee in pathology, and comments that he made that were critical of the current manner in which the COVID situation has been dealt with, which were removed from social media within minutes of their publication. I believe in free speech and people being able to say what they need to say, particularly with respect to something as momentous as the pandemic.

Dr Hodkinson is a board certified pathologist in the USA and Canada. He studied at Cambridge University in the UK before emigrating to Canada in 1970. He has held a number of leadership positions in his profession both in his own province of Alberta and nationally. His career has spanned general practice, community hospitals, academia, CEO of a large retail clinical laboratory and various other entrepreneurial activities in private medicine. INFORMATION HERE

Dr Hodkinson has a particular interest in molecular diagnostics – the science of identifying DNA for various cutting edge applications in real world medicine.

He has spent 20+ years in the trenches of public health as an activist tackling head-on the biggest public health crisis of our time before the Covid epidemic, namely the predatory marketing of tobacco and governments reluctance to control it, and for which he was made Citizen of the Year in 1994.

Dr Hodkinson is a passionate admirer of Churchill, and was for a time President of the world’s oldest Sir Winston Spencer Churchill Society.

Dr Hodkinson — On Being Censored and Receiving Death Threats for Claiming Coronavirus “Greatest Hoax”

“It’s no different from last year’s flu. What else do you want to know? There are nuances of difference that are irrelevant. It’s not SARS. It’s not Ebola.” — DR ROGER HODKINSON (CEO and Medical Director at Western Medical Assessments)

The original interview is 32 minutes. I reduced it to 14 minutes.


Dr Hodkinson’s Opinion to Edmonton Committee

Dr Hodkinson is the neighbor of a business colleague. When he spoke in front (actually Zoom audio owing to restrictions) of Alberta’s City of Edmonton, Community and Public Services Committee, I took note. I fully agree with everything he said. Plus he’s qualified to say what he said.

When the aforesaid Committee put the nine-hour meeting up on YouTube, I clipped out the few minutes which contained Dr Roger Hodkinson and reuploaded titled “Dr Hodkinson — ‘This is the Greatest Hoax ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public’”.

YouTube removed it within thirty-minutes and gave me a Community Guideline strike, citing I’d violated their “Terms and policies”.

I appealed citing that it was a public Community meeting, that Dr Roger Hodkinson is a top pathologist and his opinion is a matter of not only public interest, but record. YouTube rejected that appeal also, again only stating “Community Guidelines” violation.

More Real News

James Lyons-Weiler — Pathogenic Priming: Coronavirus Vaccine Safety Warning',


Who Are the Scientists Behind the Great Barrington Declaration?

— All three have advocated against lockdown measures since the start of the pandemic

The Great Barrington Declaration, a statement written by three public health experts from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford, encourages governments to lift lockdown restrictions on young and healthy people while focusing protection measures on the elderly.

Great Barrington Declaration - As infectious disease epidemiologists & public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical & mental

On October 4, 2020, this declaration was authored and signed in Great Barrington, United States,


Huge, Attorney Lin Wood’s Most Important Message of the Year

Google knew that Trump would win without the phony ballot count, so they prepared a disinformation link to be placed underneath any video showing the TRUTH about the election. At 11:15 pm on Nov. 3, the voting machines were shut down in all 5 swing states as the votes for Trump came pouring in. The massive turnout for our president was so immense that it blew up the algorithms. The counting was stopped to give time for the re-programming of the computers and to switch more votes, but their sudden vertical spike was extremely obvious. THEY GOT NAILED!!! THEY UNDERESTIMATED WE THE PEOPLE who do not want to see this country given over to Godless communists! When ever Google/YouTube inserts their little marker/ link or definition under any video it raises a ton of suspicion and a thousand red flags. It just more proof that what the media is telling us is the polar opposite of what is true. Whether it"s a "global warming" definition or a "contrail link, it's just Google/YouTube along with the state controlled global media trying to police the narrative. Their Stalinistic methods will end and they will be brought down when President Trump is vindicated and retains the presidency.The election result flag underneath this video IS NOT MINE, it's their obvious attempt to cover up the massive election fraud across the country. It seems they have some type of A.I. PROGRAM that marks these types of video documentations through either voice or image or word recognition. Why would they try to censor a video like this and many, many others with the same link if we weren't hitting a nerve and exposing their wicked global agenda! It just shows the magnitude of this cover up and how desperate the state controlled media really is! by JJ RIEGER



Antrim County Forensics Report

original document

The purpose of this forensic audit is to test the integrity of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in Antrim County, Michigan for the 2020 election. 2. We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.

Kanekoa @KanekoaTheGreat · Dec 10 DOMINION Watch this demonstration of Dominion's adjudication process Now, ask yourself why did these counties adjudicate so many ballots & how many ballots were adjudicated around the country Fulton: 106,000 Gwinnett: 80,000 Maricopa: 28,000

Replying to @KanekoaTheGreat DOMINION Scan Batches Of Ballots Multiple Times Scan & Vote With Blank Ballots Decide *Voter's Intent*

Do you hear him in the background

"I don't know why they approve such a system." This is *incredible*

Replying to @KanekoaTheGreat DOMINION Watch the full videos here

Dominion Voting Machine Flaws -- 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia Video 1

Dominion Voting Machine Flaws -- 2020 Election Coffee County, Georgia Video 2… Follow @jessiprincey The Dominion voting machines that Georgia and several other states use are unsecure and open to manipulation during the counting process. This first of two videos shows the weaknesses of the system and the ways in which an unscrupulous election official may alter ballots with virtually no chance of being caught. Visit for late breaking news in Douglas, Ga, Coffee County and surrounding South Georgia news areas. Send your news tips, photos and videos to us via our facebook page at or by email at


Rick Wiles explains that a national security agent has evidence of the money that was wired from China to Hunter Biden to Joe Biden and says that Joe Biden will be arrested rather than inaugurated.


Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy Digging! Here you go, please read and pass it on..... These are Clinton’s emails: Index file!


POST FOR AUSTRALIA NUMBER 112 This Post Was Put Together by me Wayne Glew using decisions of the High Court, Our Constitution and Extracts from an article by Larry Hannigan a good friend. Who Owns Your Land? Technically - we do own the Title Deed to the land...But when the Crown's representative (Governor in and over the state) signs the Deed of Grant to the Land the Crown alienates the land from the Crown by the Crown to the conditions of the Deed of Grant. All Land Taxes are Totally Unlawful as Your Land is alienated from the Crown by the Crown and State Laws are under the Crown, but sadly we have our heads in the sand. The Alienated Land is held by You as an Estate in Fee Simple, Free from all control by government. This fact is contained in Fejo v The Northern Territory Government HCA 58 of 1998. In 1973 Whitlam and the Political Parties Changed Unlawfully the; Land Acquision Act 19734 (A) by omitting from sub - section (I) the words "The Governor General" and substituting "The Minister" (2) The Land acquired under this section may be an easement, right, power, privilege other interest that did not previously exist as such, in over or in connection with land. By doing this Political Parties Criminally took Ownership of land by Treason Removed the Governor General. Further to what they did Federally with land they took away the power of State Governors to deal with land, That right was given to them by Letters Patent on the 29th of October 1900 by Queen Victoria. Neither the Federal not the State Parliaments ever had Legislative Authority over Land or the Grant of Titles. The Act, being the Land Acquisition Act 19734 is a Felony Treason against the Crown of England by ignoring the Letters Patents. This is done by the Political Parties under their "Australia". "Their Commonwealth, means their "Commonwealth of Australia" in a geographical sense, not as the Commonwealth of Australia as established under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 Proclaimed and Gazetted. Then under the Totally Corrupt Australia Act 1986 Commonwealth and States were brought into conformity with the Commonwealth of Australia as a Sovereign, Independent and Federal Nation. The States created Companies within the Company Commonwealth of Australia in a geographical sense which is now registered in Washington. After the Totally Corrupt Australia Act 1986 the State Governors become Office holders to the Political Parties and therefore Our Land Ownership become owned by the Totally Corrupt Political Parties. In short the Land and House that you are or have slaved over to own IS NOT YOURS. It belongs to the Political Parties and is controlled by their Companies called Local Governments. That is #Theft and #Treason!!! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE GRASS, YOU ARE WORKING FOR NOTHING!!! Only Fools work for nothing after being told. What Are You Going To Do About It??? PLEASE SHARE TO EVERYONE...EVERYWHERE!!!





Watch "Trump tells UN General Assembly U.S. rejects 'global governance'"


POTUS: “There won’t be a transfer [of power] frankly, there will be a continuation”. (Video)

POTUS: "There won't be a transfer [of power] frankly, there will be a continuation"



Watch "Game Over for the Cabal: The Take down of the Cabal From A to Z"

Source Carlie Freak Cannel

This is, IMO, the BEST presentation done thus far of my "famous" Youtube Video entitled, The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z (now watched by almost 3 million people). Put together by Bonfire Guy (on his Youtube Channel by the same name), this version of my 3 hour presentation on Mark Devlin's Show focuses upon the Big Three Takedowns by US President, Donald J. Trump, on his World Tour that brought down the Cabal and forced every Nation, every major Corporation and every major Private or Public Organization that had Earth wide influences Politically and Economically (including our entire Banking System) to Capitulate and come to their Knees. This Video is incredibly well done as Bonfire Guy used established Mainstream News Sources to verify everything that I alleged happened at the time, making this extremely important Video very watchable (at only 43 minutes long) and easier to believe in by the Masses, because what I alleged has now been corroborated by the "Trusted" Mainstream News Sources...thus, this version of my Presentation becomes the MOST ACCESSIBLE version of them all and a GREAT option to present to those that you care about and who find themselves on the wrong side of all of this... So, SHARE this version of my Video Far and Wide in the hopes that Millions more will finally awaken to this extremely important Truth that the Cabal have been taken down, and that what we are watching is a well-orchestrated MOVIE, in real time, so that the many can wake up to the hell that they have been living within, and finally come to know the Truth. So, sit back, relax, and let God's Holistic Truth wash over both your Body and Mind, and let it cleanse away all the dirt and grime from your Soul...enter into the realm of the ONE where ONLY the Holistic Truth exists...God Bless ALL Life, in the hopes that it may indeed journey to discover the Father and the Mother and create the Holiest of Holies, the Holy Trinity of the Father, Mother and Child!!! Please visit Bonfire Guy's Youtube Channel, And if possible, please remember my Friends to support Colleen and I here in Mexico as we continue daily to expand and grow, through the Vibration of Love, our Animal Rescue Shelter. We have now reached 45 rescued animals (Dogs, Cats, Possums, Birds) and our costs of maintaining this beautiful journey has grown far beyond what Colleen and I can maintain on our own. Only through your kindness and generosity will we be able to continue our vital efforts to give LIFE to all of these precious creations of God! You can donate to us either through PayPal or Buymeacoffee by following the links provided below! Thank you! Charlie's YouTube channel FreakSense TV:


Trump is finishing what JFK started.


NESARA / GESARA -Releasing the Technology (Medbeds)


Attorney Sidney Powell Releases 270 Page Document on Massive 2020 Election Fraud Involving Foreign Interference

The document includes 270 pages of affidavits, evidence and testimony from numerous witnesses and source

The document includes military and alphabet testimony, and details everything from interference, to origins of voting machine fraud, to cybersecurity intrusions into U.S. elections systems and more.

270 Page Document on Massive 2020 Election Fraud Involving Foreign Interference




Article by Prof, Michel Chossudovsky,

The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”


The fear campaign has served as an instrument of disinformation.

In the course of the last eleven months starting in early January, I have analyzed almost on a daily basis the timeline and evolution of the Covid crisis. From the very outset in January 2020, people were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic.

Media lies sustained the image of a killer viruswhich initially contributed to destabilizing US-China trade and disrupting air travel. And then in February “V- the Virus” (which incidentally is similar to seasonal influenza) was held responsible for triggering the most serious financial crisis in World history.

And then on March 11, a lockdown was imposed on 193 member states on the United Nations, leading to the “closure” of national economies Worldwide.

Starting in October, a “second wave” was announced. “The pandemic is not over”.

The fear campaign prevails. And people are now led to believe that the corona vaccine sponsored by their governments is the “solution”. And that “normality” will be restored once the entire population of the planet has been vaccinated.

A Word on the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

Global Research E-Book, Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG




NSW police whistleblowers on board with national COVID class action

By EDITOR, Cairns News

MELBOURNE layer Serene Teffaha has taken NSW police COVID whistleblowers on board with her national class action over human rights abuses under the COVID-19 government responses, particularly Victoria’s Dan Andrews Labor government.

Serene’s Advocate Me Lawyers firm in Melbourne is representing Senior Constable Alexander Cooney and Senior Constable Kevin Dawson, who recently blew the whistle on police being forced to violate human rights as part of COVID regulations enforcement. The police also published a lengthy article debunking the many myths around the COVID-19 narrative being used by governments.

“The aim is to get traction with the NSW Police Commissioner and soon other commissioners across the states and territories as more brave whistleblowers come forward,” Teffaha told Cairns News.

more to read at source


Prime Minister Scott Morrison initially tried to push COVID vaccines by falsely claiming penalties would be involved for refusers. The government’s own Vaccination Handbook states coercion is illegal as does the right at common law to informed consent to medical treatment


Big "Wild" Protest Coming to DC; The 1776 Commission: Patriotic Education Explained | Facts Matter

Video Report by Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

In Washington DC, there is a protest scheduled for January 6th, which President Trump says is going to be "wild."


X22 Report

Published December 29, 2020

The people are now seeing for the first time that congress is not for the people, they are interest in their lobbyist, special interest groups and they are not passing bills to benefit the people. Trump just exposed the economic swamp.

The patriots have now moved the [DS]/MSM into position, everything is about to change, this is not just about a 4 year election it is about taking about the country, breaking the illusion and allowing the people to once again to see clearly. This has been planned out and Trump and the patriots are leading the [DS] to exactly where they want them to be. Durham is on deck, this is checkmate, it has to be done correctly, we only have on shot at this, what is about to unfold will be earth shattering.

Ep. 2365b - What Is About To Unfold Will Be Earth Shattering, Birth Of A New Nation, Checkmate

X22 Report Published December 29, 2020 203,552 Views


Prosperity Funds Info - ARREST WARRANT - Humanity's Freedom.

April 8, 2013 United States Department of Defense 1400 Pentagon Pedestrian Tunnel Washington, DC 20301-1400 Dear Sirs or Madams; As a Natural Law sovereign being, Citizens of the United States of America, and member of the Global Ubuntu party, I order the good Military to begin to arrest of anyone involved in, perpetuating or prolonging the deception and slavery of people of the United States of America and the World. Justification: When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for One people to Free themselves from Slavery which has bound them to foreign entities, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's GOD entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. I hold these truths to be self-evident: that all BEINGS are Created equal, that WE are endowed by SOURCE with complete sovereignty; that whene


Message from Aussie [Patriots

I am Pissed OFF, Fired Up. I Have ZERO TRUST is Any aspect of Government. What About YOU?


George Christensen · Federal MP for Dawson who fights for conservative values & Aussie culture, Nth Qld & local jobs.Authorised G Christensen, 2/21 Milton St, MACKAY QLD 4740

I told The Epoch Times that putting the Chinese Communist Party on the UN Human Rights Council is like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank.


The Nuremberg Code was to protect all people from enduring the exploitation and cruelty that World War II prisoners were forced to endure in the concentration camps.

The Code’s ten elements are:

  1. Voluntary consent is essential.

  2. The results of any experiment must be for the greater good of society.

  3. Human experiments should be based on previous animal experimentation.

  4. Experiments should be conducted by avoiding physical/mental suffering and injury.

  5. No experiments should be conducted if it is believed to cause death/disability.

  6. The risks should never exceed the benefits.

  7. Adequate facilities should be used to protect subjects.

  8. Experiments should be conducted only by qualified scientists.

  9. Subjects should be able to end their participation at any time.

  10. The scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment when injury, disability, or death is likely to occur.

On March 19, 2020, the UK Parliament introduced HC Bill 122, otherwise known as the Coronavirus Bill.

The Bill was fast-tracked and received the Royal Assent (the final stage in the process) on March 25, 2020; thus making it law.

Many details of the new UK law are in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code in a number of highly disturbing ways.

Details of the law reach as such:

  1. Forced detention and isolation can be of anyone, including children, and for any amount of time.

  2. Authorities can FORCEABLY take biological samples from your body. Your body becomes the property of the state.

  3. There’s no clear access to legal rights from as-yet unidentified isolation facilities.

  4. Powers last up to 2 years, with reviews every 6 months.

  5. Lock down powers could prevent protests against measures.

  6. State surveillance safeguards weakened.

  7. Protections from forced detainment and treatment under Mental Health Act drastically lowered.

  8. Cremations can be enforced against personal and religious wishes.

  9. Changes to the court system and death registrations.

  10. No inquests into suspicious deaths. No requirement for any medical certification for burials or cremations.

  11. (The most frightening part) Only one medical “officer” is required to sign off COMPULSORY TREATMENT ORDER which means an individual can be forced to accept medication, or held down and injected with whatever is seen fit. This, in direct violation of Nuremberg Code number one.

As you can clearly see, HC Bill 122 completely disregards 1947’s Nuremberg Code in many significant ways.

Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance


The Rapture of the Church is after the Tribulation





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