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Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel



No abuse or inciting of violence will be tolerated, anyone who does this will be considered a plant for fake news or there to cause the police to attack us as they did May 10th. TROUBLE MAKERS ARE NOT WELCOME - Our purpose is peaceful and is to educate and to provide practical lawful answers to end the tyranny.

WE DO NOT CONSENT TO GOVT tyranny whether it’s in the form of medical tyranny, economic tyranny, environmental tyranny! Please friends, come join us!

Saturday 30 May, 2020 12 noon - 2pm

PROTESTING .Tyranny • The erosion of our human and democratic rights • Gov mobile tracking app • Mandatory vaccines • 5G • Media corruption • Health care/medical options




It is important to be aware the Police have sworn their oaths to protect the people and our basic human rights we must also be respectful towards the Police


This is 100% correct and a matter of urgency that we the 99% all pull together as one to take back our freedom.. it's now or never

Magna Carta is called the most important document in history. So important that people still call upon it 800 years later. But where did it come from and why did people die for it?


Restore the Constitution Act of the Commonwealth of Australia

We the People, being Lawful Subjects of Her Most Excellent Majesty Queen Elizabeth II; Her Heirs and Successors; under the Supreme Authority of Almighty God; by virtue of Our Will and Allegiance to same as loyal Subjects of the Commonwealth of Australia and in Satisfaction and Accordance with Chapter 61 of the Magna Carta and the Constitution Act of the Commonwealth of Australia (1900) including the Preamble; which grants to Us the Authority to act; Do by Our hand make known Our Will to the Unlawful Parliament of Australia; it’s Members and Senators; including  Judges Justices Magistrates and any and all other officers and representatives and any others operating in a role capacity as employees of the Australian Government; Parliament of Australia and the State Parliaments thereof and any and all other Corporate Agency; Entity or Company thereof; through this petition; by Our Resolve; demand the immediate restoration of the Lawful Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia; including New Zealand and all other Territories in Her Majesty’s possession; it’s assets and interests; pecuniary and otherwise; and that all aforementioned Persons under contract to those corporations operating ultra vires and against Our Constitution Act and against Our Will take the Lawful Oath of Allegiance as given in the Schedule of that Lawful Act of the British Parliament or else remove themselves forthwith from their various roles and or occupations under threat of Criminal prosecution in Satisfaction and Accordance with all Federal Commonwealth Laws and Penalties currently operating at this time so help Us God.


IMPORTANT - Article William Bero.

Abandonment. I don't know if everyone realises what the curfew entails.

The threat of man's creation of covid 19 is real but our isolation has hidden agenda's.

The governments intend to call the land as abandoned and apply to the IMF and World Bank for a loan to cover handouts already offered in Stimulation packages and create further debt.

Australia will be forced into recession and will cripple the economy. Recovery, only Lord knows when the country will clear debit.

We need to make a stand as 1 people and fight this or I believe 2 generations after us will still be paying the debt, if we don't unite and fight this together.

Abandon: To desert, surrender, forsake, or cede. To relinquish or give up with of never again RESUMING one"s rights or interests. Burroughs v Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, 220 p 152, 155,109 Or 404. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th edition.

Every Australian needs to take note. The governments call of abandonment, disrespects our ancestors and history of both good and bad of our country.

We must be able to determine our own destiny.

God bless

Legal fiction v reality

Parliamentary legislation cannot impose a duty on anyone without their consent. It is nevertheless worth examining the real meaning behind the definition of ‘person’, to which legislation refers.

In order to include you in the contract law of statute, the government creates a legal ‘person’ with the same name as you but adding a title like ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’ or ‘Dr’. (This is usually done by registering the birth with the authorities in return for a birth certificate). For the purposes of determination under English law, this ‘person’ has ostensibly the same status as a corporation. Since a corporation is usually some form of document or register incorporating individual men and women into a society, you as a person also become a piece of paper with notional rights according to maritime, commercial and contract law as opposed to the Law.

Black’s Law has changed its definition of ‘person’ over the years, which has only served to confuse the issue (although a lack of clarity to a reasonable man in written law means that it cannot have the force of the Law). Black’s 3rd edition defined ‘person’ as ‘legal fiction’. The latest edition offers the following definitions:

1. ‘human being [24] also termed natural person’

2. ‘an entity (such as a corporation) that is recognised by law as having most of the rights and duties of a human being. In this sense the term includes partnerships and other associations, whether incorporated or unincorporated’

3. ‘artificial person’, ‘fictitious person’ defined as ‘an entity, such as a corporation, created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a human being: a being real or imaginary, who for the purposes of legal reasoning is treated more or less as a human being,

4. ‘persona ficta [25] [Latin ‘false mask’] Historical. A fictional person such as a corporation’

Black’s Law, 9th edition

Despite the best efforts of the shysters who draft Black’s Law dictionary to confuse the issue, it is still clear that there is a difference between a real man created by God – whether you choose to call that man a human being or a ‘natural person’ — and the ‘person’, a title created by a state with the intention that a man be judged under the same legislation as a corporation — which Black’s Law defines as a fictitious or artificial person, in other words a legal fiction.

The reason a corporation cannot have all the rights and duties of a human being or man – as conceded by Black’s in the definitions above — is that a corporation cannot reject legislation in favour of its Common Law rights whereas a man or a natural person can.

From historical context cited above, it is also quite clear that the person is a role or fiction – a mask — we adopt by consent to be judged under English statute and contract law. The person is no more you than any mask you adopt to play a role. Once you no longer consent to play that role, you cast off the mask or person in a way that you cannot cast off your status as a real man or woman.


Just like Our Lawful Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 and Our Lawful 1901 annotated version of Our Lawful Constitution, Article 61 of the MagnaCarta is now and shall forever be alive, relevant and the right of every living human being in Our Commonwealth of Australia.

Magna Carta


 Our constitution is legally binding unless it has been changed by a referendum by the citizens of Australia

The Australian people did not agree to the Lima declaration nor did we agree to having our constitution superceded by the Australia Act. It's high time our constitution and a constitutional government were restored

The government has no legal right to do what ever it wants. to or for the people of Australia. It in fact SHOULD as it is really legally bound to do by the constitution, consult the public of australia before making decision on our behalf. IF that is by way of a referendum then so be it. I MEAN a referendum too NOT a plebiscite.

This beautiful country & it's people deserve a true government by the people, for the people, not the continuance of a highly corrupt criminal syndicate masquerading as the Australian Government, that is the least we deserve.

I do not consent to local government or any other unlawful amendments to the constitution of the commonwealth of Australia 1901

The rock of David sits under the Throne of the Queen also she is the last to sit on the Throne and no man will sit on it to be KING except JESUS CHRIST .... King Of Kings I can't find any record of a referendum which the people of Australia voted for which allowed the government to start acting under the 'Australia Act' & not the Constitution 1901. Therefore every legislative change since then (1986 I think) is not lawful or binding. Let's take back OUR country ! the de facto foreign parliament, is destroying all the hard work and sacrifices made by our ancestors. this is spiritual/psychological warfare at it's worst what canberra is doing to this nation. all for a quick buck no future foresight.


"... The governments are but trustees acting under derived authority and have no power to delegate what is not delegated to them. But the people, as the original fountain might take away what they have delegated and intrust to whom they please. ... The sovereignty in every state resides in the people of the state and they may alter and change their form of government at their own pleasure." US Supreme Court in Luther v. Borden, 48 US 1, 12 LEd 581:

It is time to Unite again as our forefathers - for God and Country

GOD DEFEND NEW ZEALAND - National Anthem of New Zealand - FULL LENGTH

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