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Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

Chief editor of the pro democracy Chinese Australian news paper The Tiananmen Times, Frank Juan Jie, has given a dire warning to Australians.

In this video Frank goes into detail about the CCP's bio-warfare agenda and how they're using the BRI to advance their ambitions of ethnic cleansing and global domination.

Every Australian should watch this video.



China watch facebook page

Morgan C Jonas has this messsage for all Australians. please share it to phone contacts, emails messenger, groups

This is the video I made prior to cancelling our March 22nd demonstration due to coronavirus, but the message is now more important than ever.

URGENT no time this has to be stopped

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Threats to Australia, World and Humanities -Expose the Truths. -‘Reader Digest’ On CCP. -To Inform the public about our PRESENT DANGER

Daniel Andrews thinks you are stupid.

Victoria: Citizens to protest State Premier Daniel Andrews' involvement in Belt and Road Initiative. go to this page for more information

Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 11 AM

Public · Hosted by Morgan C Jonas

Daniel Andrews new agreement with the Chinese Communist Party (Belt and Road Initative) is anything but transparent. The Chinese Communist Party has a proven track record of lies, deception, theft, economic sabotage, subversion, torture and murder. By deepening Victoria's ties with China and inviting huge Chinese firms into Victoria, Daniel Andrews is putting our security and future at tremendous risk. Despite concerns from the federal government, Andrews has clearly demonstrated his intent to proceed with the deal. Much of Victoria has been sold off already, the time is well overdue for we the people to take a stand.

Daniel Andrews SOLD Victoria to China

Jeff Kennett question Daniel Andrews motives and secrecy.


Dan the Man he had a plan, Sold Victoria down the river into the sea of RED CHINA

Victoria deepens engagement with Beijing's controversial Belt and Road initiative


PINNED POST China Watch - Australia CCP METHOD OF CONTROL (The Chinese Communist Party was founded in July 23, 1921 as a branch of Lenin’s Communist International, socialist movements based on the long discredited concepts of Marxism-Leninism. The group held its first national congress secretly in Shanghai - also now being recognised by people around the world as the LARGEST ILLEGAL organisation against humanities known in human history**’. Operating similar as a organised Criminal Organisation, the illegal* CCP-cult Regime has estimated 50million active members(offical, secretive and associates), of which, approx. twenty thousands upper-offical members are controlling 1.5billion population in China, resources and Assets around the world since year 1949^*. People have suffered numerous oppressive political campaigns and social upheavals under Party rule for over 65 years, resulting in an estimated 60 to 90 million unnatural deaths^. ((Excl. Tiananmen Massacre (1989), Hong Kong Protests murdering-disappeared-population, and CCP Wuhan(Covid19) Virus Deaths^^(2019-Present)) Traditional faiths and principles have been violently destroyed. Original ethical concepts and social structures have been disintegrated by force, Psychological warfare (PSYWAR)and propaganda. Empathy, love, harmony among people, families and communities have been twisted into struggle, hatred, power-seeking and materialistic-atheist society. The result has been a total collapse of social, moral, and ecological systems, and a profound crisis for the Chinese people—and indeed for humanity. Ever since came into power, the Chinese Communist Party Totalitarian Regime Deceived East-Turkestan(1949), invaded Tibet (1950), Deceived United Kingdom and UN on Hong Kong sovereignty (1984-May 2020), life-organs harvests on Falun Gong (1999-present) prisoners, eliminations and imprisonments Uighur Muslims(2018-present), prosecutions of Christians, and elimination of their churches(2007-present), covered up SARS outbreaks(2003), covered up WAHUN Virus(2019-Present), and committed numerous crimes against humanities^**. Since 1940’s, generations of diasporas and survivors escaped from the brutal CCP regime, adopting into their new found places such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, AustraliaAsia, Europe, UK, USA and Canada, to pursue their new identities, nationalities, and most importantly, for most, new found human dignity, liberty, freedom of speech, human rights and choices of Faith for their life^^*. Unfortunately, geopolitical policies biased in the West towards globalisation after the Cold War*^^, accelerated with inclusion of China into W.T.O. in year 2001, gravitate into the most dangerous conditions towards Existential threats to all nations, World Order, Peace, and Humanities**^^. U.S. foreign policies failures^* to address Chinese Communist Party’s hidden agendas, coupled with further coercions to American businesses, elites and alleged corrupted political leaders*’* by CCP apparatus, has helped China grown into a economical Hegemony while weakening United States in previous decades. By using disinformation, misinformation and propaganda as ‘Distraction-Diversions Tactics*^*’, CCP constantly hijacking social media ‘JUST-IN-TIME*’ headlines of breaking international news on Climate Changes and Racism Issues, as means to divert attentions of the real threats posed by CCP media psychological warfare (Ideological Subversion***)into United States and other Liberal-Democratic Nations^*^. CCP China has been seeking ways further coercions with Globalists*, mainstream media, Leftist Elites, Vatican, Chinese-Trolls Migrations*^, multinational corporations, morally corrupted capitalists and individuals to collude other nations, institutions, ‘open-democratic’ systems and governments via Deceiving, Infiltration AND Domination.*^)


Have Victorians cracked the Covid doing detective work as Suspicion Grows

People living near Tullamarine airport were becoming very suspicious as the Daniel Andrews

phased lockdown was implemented, The Airport was suspiciously very busy with inbound air Flights from China as you will hear in the voice message. Sorry I don't know who the speaker is Could be A lady named Lisa this was shared in a messenger group chat,

What were 27 Planes doing landing at Melbourne Airport between 2am and 4am this morning when there was no one about, and why was a mask-less Dictator Dan Andrew out their shaking hands with everyone with no social distancing when you were all in lockdown? What are his dirty secrets and what is this bloody Curfew REALLY ALL ABOUT MELBOURNIANS. THERE WAS A WITNESS WHO SAW IT AND TRIED TO FILM IT.

Why are their plane flying in from China almost every day .... WHAT THEY HELL ARE THEY DOING???

10 PLANES from Guangzhou Southern China near HONG KONG BOARDER (CANTON) During a #Covid19NWOLockDown for Melbourne & it makes you think about 1-WUHAN ORIGIN OF COVID19, 2-HONG KONG PROTESTING CHINAS TOTALITARIAN ANTI DEMOCRATIC PERSECTION, 3-PERSECUTED AFRICIAN MOSLEMS IN CHINA either way its not good for Australia

by Colin Aitken



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