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SOS Alert! The War Australians never asked for-Tradies Make a stand for Freedom and V*X KILL SHOTS

Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

Updated: Sep 28, 2021


Australia Your Pulse is low and I can't feel your beating Heart.

Can you take the hand of One and link it into Many.

Aussies let's get this country back on it's feet and a future with real purpose.

First Love Thy neighbour and sow the seeds of truth,

lets all pray together and get our country back,

Our elderly, disadvantaged and the children are depending on us

for their Freedom and Future





Enough is Enough!




It's time to look in the mirror people

ask yourself is this the kind of country we want for our future generations.

share this blog today and stop this bullshit!


get out and visit your neighbour, your loved ones

start being a human being with a heart and soul;

Embrace One Another

There is no place for division

for divided we fall

lets fix this together.


This man knows the real issue we will need to come to terms with.

The damage that can never be restored the loss of loved ones who couldn't cope


The Siege of the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance

Michael Gray Griffith testimony

Your words and strength are very powerful and resonate in truth. Thank you for standing up to tyranny with the many on this day. Our ANZACS wouldbe very proud of the men and women that day. The guns were turned upon the innocent Aussies standing for our freedoms. thank you all your are truly heroes of this nation in these tyrannical times. imacogindewheeloflife'

facebook link

Michaels powerful testimony

The Stand off at The Shrine
Stop making me do this, he said as he pounded my head into the ground with his plastic shield. Stop making me do this.
I’m not making you do it, I said, though I don’t know if he heard me above all the yelling and screaming. 
Next  to me, an old Italian man, small and stocky was being pounded too. (He  is in the video.) On the steps of the shrine we had interlinked arms as  they finally came in, and he may have been an old man but he was strong  and he refused to let my arm go forcing the officers to wrench us apart.  
Finally, our link broken I was thrown to the ground and cuffed,  which felt like I’d always thought it would feel. Briefly, as they did  this, I had a knee pinning my upper back which made it very difficult to  breath and allowed me to feel how George Floyd must have felt. I  actually wondered if this is where I would die, for there was nothing I  could do as I heard them ask, “Are you happy now?”
Finally I was  dragged up and led to a grassy area where they sat me on the ground and  took my details before finally setting me free, with the warning that if  I came back I would be jailed. 
This isn’t personal, one officer  kept telling me.  This isn’t personal. Well it feels personal, I told  him, despite knowing I was not meant to speak.
Yeah, well think about your kids huh, he said. Think about your kids.
I  am, that’s why I’m here. That’s why we are all here.  Even those of us  too young to have children had been saying all day, if we don’t try to  beat this tyranny now how would we hold our heads up in the future when  our children were living under it. 
After that the officer chilled  out then asked me what I did, like he was actually interested. Then when  he found out I was a playwright, he looked shocked, then when he asked  if I’d written anything he might know, I told him about Marooned, a  suicide prevention play that the army had once toured to its barracks  for they believed it had the ability to stop men killing themselves. Men  like you, I said.
That was the last thing he asked me. After that he  uncuffed me and left me in the care of other officers. And there were  lots to choose from.  
This may sound dramatic and even scripted but it’s all true. 
But  the moment that saved the soul of the police for me was as we were  walking away. I was now with another man, a young well-built father who  in the struggle had taken a punch to the face. This father wanted to ask  a young police officer, also a father, it turned out, who talked to us  briefly, why they had to be so violent? He claimed that it wasn’t him,  he hadn’t been there. He had been here guarding this road block. Then he  lowered his mask and said, and was clearly frightened as he said it,  “to be honest guys, I admire what you’re doing, I’m on your side.”
But why did we head to the Shrine? 
In  the morning the place we’d been told to meet was surrounded by police  and with no other protestors to be seen it looked like it was going to  be a fizzler. So despondent, we prepared to go home. But then we came  across a few construction workers and joined them in a search for the  large group. 
It was now as we crossed a park that a black armoured  vehicle stopped suddenly and officers dressed like a swat team flew out  of it and started firing rubber bullets and these other things, I’m not  sure what they are. 
Terrified, we ran.


Australian War Crimes. Gather The Evidence. War Crimes committed in Australia, Protect your evidence. it is now time to take the Heads of the Snake.

In the words of Tim Dwyer, please listen


Know your rights. Quick links. PRIVACY ACT 1988 - SECT 94H BIOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 60 BOSECURITY ACT 2015 - SECT 61 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION Australian rights Commission Covid Information.


DO NOT GO PAST THIS MESSAGE Dr. Hodkinson is the CEO and Medical Director of MedMalDoctors. He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK (M.A., M.B., B. Chir.) where he was a scholar at Corpus Christi College. Following a residency at the University of British Columbia he became a Royal College certified general pathologist (FRCPC) and also a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists (FCAP). He is in good Standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, and has been recognized by the Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta as an expert in pathology. He is speaking the truth at great risk to save us all please share and like!!!!!

Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "It's all been a pack of lies"

Biological Medicine Published August 19, 2021 182,204 Views

Robert.F.Kennedy Jr. addresses the world please listen to his important message

New World Order

Agenda 21 became Agenda 2030, to which most of our governments signed up to. This Agenda is the reason why all this is happening, they need to collapse the economy,


The COVID-19 ‘Project’ Is Planned Until 2025

The World Bank shows that COVID-19 is a project that is planned to continue until… end of March 2025! So the intention is to continue it for another FIVE YEARS.




The Covid-19 Directions adopted by Australia’s governments have the effect of violating the rule of law when they excessively interfere with the life, liberty, and property of the citizen. 
These mandates are imposed either directly, by coercive measures, or indirectly, by extending benefits only to fully vaccinated people.   
This imposition is a gross violation of the rule of law, the ultimate goal of which is to provide “an umbrella concept for a number of legal and institutional instruments to protect citizens against the power of the state”. 
This understanding of the rule of law is generally accepted throughout the Western world. 
In continental Europe, the rule of law is traditionally associated with government that is “bound by the law in its dealings with citizens: its power is in other words limited by the individual rights of the people”.  
In Germany, for example, in the words of the celebrated German constitutional law professor, Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde (1930-2019): 
“The rule of law means primarily recognition of the fundamental rights such as civil liberty (protection of personal freedom, freedom of belief and conscience, freedom of the press, freedom of movement, freedom of contract, and freedom of occupation), equality before the law, and the guarantee of (acquired) property”.
In this sense, Mortimer Sellers, an American jurist and leading exponent on the rule of law, reminds us that:  
“Advocates of rule by law sometimes undermine the rule of law by legitimating the enactments of tyrants. Positive laws may sometimes be an advance on otherwise unregulated tyranny. Promulgations and the other virtues of legal formalism often advance the empire of laws. But they are only secondary and contingent requirements of the rule of law, not the thing itself”.
Ultimately, writes Robin Charlow, in his contribution for a book edited by the then President of the American Bar Association:  
“The goal of the rule of law is to prevent the accretion of broad power in particular individuals or groups of rulers who might be tempted to govern according to their own autocratic policies rather than in the interests of the people generally. Rule of law is rule by pre-set standards, as contrasted with arbitrary and unpredictable rule according to the changing whims of men … Freedom and justice are to be secured by public, fixed, durable laws, uniformly applied”.
In this context, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights openly recognises, in its preamble, the critical role of the rule of law in preserving the inalienable rights of the individual:   
“Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law”.
Public international law recognises that, during extraordinary circumstances, governments may enact emergency powers that suspend ordinary rule-of-law protections, with the exception however of “non-derogable rights”. 
For example, support for the inalienability of “non-derogable rights” is provided by the Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (‘Siracusa Principles’). 
The Siracusa Principles, explicitly declare:
“No state party shall, even in time of emergency threatening the life of the nation, derogate from the Covenant’s guarantees of the right to life; freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and from medical or scientific experimentation without free consent; freedom from slavery or involuntary servitude … the right to recognition as a person before the law; and freedom of thought, conscience and religion. These rights are not derogable under any conditions even for the asserted purpose of preserving the life of the nation”.
The United Nations Human Rights Committee has also explicitly emphasised that this restriction “underlines the great importance of non-derogable rights” in countries such as Australia.  As such, the fundamental importance of protecting these non-derogable rights have been fully affirmed by the international courts. 
As widely reported, Australian governments have communicated that the unvaccinated will be treated differently to the vaccinated.  In practice, this means that the unvaccinated will have fewer freedoms to travel and to get together with their loved ones, or even to find a job or go to restaurants and attend football matches. 
In this context, the Premier of New South Wales has warned that, “Unvaccinated people in New South Wales could be barred from locations and denied movement freedoms even after the state achieves 80% double dose vaccination” and that, “vaccine-hesitant residents … will not be able to “let everybody else do the hard work and then turn up” for equal freedoms.” 
In the same vein, the Deputy Premier of NSW boldly declared that businesses that accept unvaccinated people will be subject to exceptionally heavy fines. Private employers are encouraged to require their workforce to be vaccinated. For example, Qantas has announced that all people who want to fly internationally, including its workforce, will need to be vaccinated. 
These draconian edicts, which will result in a two-tier Australia where some people will be more privileged than others, are entirely unsupported by international law. 
For example, the right to informed consent is the bedrock principle of international ethical standards in medicine.  From the perspective of international law, according to Article 6(1) of UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005):  
“Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice”.
For these and other reasons, Dr Rocco Loiacono, a senior law lecturer at Curtin University, in an excellent article published last month, comments:  
"For any government either by itself or via corporate proxy to attempt to mandate vaccines in circumstances were there has not been adequate testing and analysis of risks as well as benefits would constitute not only a violation of the principle of informed consent … but a violation of Australia’s obligations under international law with respect to medical experimentation".
In summary, international human rights legislation explicitly prohibits the removal of non-derogable rights even in situations of an alleged “emergency”. This legal prohibition encompasses any form of compulsion subjecting individuals to mandatory medical or pharmaceutical service, including vaccination.  
To conclude: Any Australian law that requires vaccine mandates either directly or indirectly, is not only constitutionally invalid, but it also constitutes a violation of Australia’s obligations under public international law. 
Professor Augusto Zimmermann & Emeritus Professor Gabriel Moens AM 
Augusto Zimmermann is professor and head of law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education in Perth. He is also professor of law (adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, president of the Western Australian Legal Theory Association, editor-in-chief of the Western Australian Jurist law journal, and a former law reform commissioner in Western Australia. He is the co-editor of Fundamental Rights in the Age of Covid-19, a book with contributions from leading legal academics and policymakers in the field.
Gabriël A. Moens AM is emeritus professor of law at the University of Queensland and served as pro vice-chancellor and dean of law at Murdoch University. He is the co-author of The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia Annotated (9thEd., LexisNexis, 2016)

Cap on needle. Does Scomo really think were that Stupid.!!!

The Australian Constitution must always be interpreted in a manner that promotes its purposes, values, and principles. That being the case, because one of its provisions explicitly prohibits any form of compulsion subjecting citizens to medical or pharmaceutical services (including mandatory vaccination), any legislation that requires compulsory vaccination, either directly or indirectly, constitutes a form of civil conscription that is constitutionally invalid. 
Similarly, indirectly forcing vaccination under threat of losing rights (including employment rights) is not voluntary consent. When a citizen’s enjoyment of rights become limited as a punishment for refusal, the consent is made under duress and is in affect a form of constitutionally invalid coercion. If governments cannot force something that is unconstitutional, such as forcing everyone to be vaccinated, they “cannot lawfully do it indirectly by creating a situation … in which the individual is left no real choice but compliance” (Justice Webb). 
It was an Irish politician, lawyer and judge, John Philpot Curran (1750-1817), the greatest "people's advocate" of the eighteenth century, who once stated: “The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he breaks, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt”.  
Unless we finally start to be more vigilant and develop a better sense of self-respect and dignity, our country is just about to irreversibly descend into a less open or more disguised form of elected dictatorship.  
Professor Augusto Zimmermann  & Emeritus Professor Gabriël A. Moens AM


Australia, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!

Victoria Police Public Order Response Team

The Public Order Response Team is the full-time riot unit of the Victoria Police. PORT was formed in June 2011 and is part of the Operations Response Unit. The core function of PORT is to respond to demonstrations and public order incidents within metropolitan Melbourne. PORT may be tasked to assist with search warrants and with situations that require a highly visible police presence.Wikipedia

Force’s new non-lethal weapons

Victorian Police have revealed new arsenal of new non-lethal weapons to help its public order squad tame unruly crowds, including guns which fire gel pellets and capsicum dust, as well as paint balls which can help identify criminals involved in public disorder.

UN Agenda 21/30’s vision is coming to fruition. Setting up nations in the UN to allow armies from other nations to be used on their soil against their own people with impunity.

By General Maddox.

Just when we thought the Omnibus Bill (which passed following some amendments) was an overreach of authoritarian power, the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 has been put forward.

This law will allow foreign troops and foreign police forces to be used on Australian soil against the Australian people in times of a declared “emergency”. Most likely under the banner of NATO or the United Nations.

These foreign forces and/or police will be able to act with impunity, immune from all prosecution for any laws they break, damage to persons and private property caused whilst on Australian soil.

If passed the new law will allow foreign troops to be called upon in an emergency. But what constitutes an emergency? Industrial action? Anti-government protests? Civil unrest? Another fake Pandemic? The definition is so broad that it basically can mean anything that they want it to mean.source



Rachel Carbonell and Jeremy Story Carter

There secrecy of the state around the tools, the weapons that it has and is capable of using on its population is something to be really, really concerned about.


Pray 🙏🏻 for Australia

They are Fighting for Freedom


Their Lives

Get Prepared-

This is coming to every Country

If you Want Freedom,

you will have to Fight‼️

Grab Your Pen

or Sharpen Your Pencil

The Sword Of truth and Valour

has just opened

the Gates of Hell

and The devil of Lies

will lose to

The Heavan of Truth

for it will reign upon you and open your minds

You will see that

with all your

might and power

as one!

we are!

heaven and earth

wind and fire

we are





it can no longer exist

in this realm


A reminder of our past

A Dramatic Answer to Prayer The Miracle of Dunkirk

A moving film showing how God miraculously answered the prayers of the Nation.

The Wartime Miracles Leaflet which was posted to 25,000 churches across the British Isles two years ago has now been turned into a free film, ideal for use during the pandemic. This ten minute film initially explains how the Lord answered the prayers of the Nation, bringing about the Miracle of Dunkirk with a calm sea descending upon the English Channel. It then goes on to show how the Nation has turned away from Him and rejected His Commandments. As the film points out, “How can a Holy God bless or protect a Nation from evil, while it rejects His Laws?” This punchy film will cause much soul searching and is a clarion call for both personal and National Repentance. While on the one hand it clearly shows that the Lord is willing and able to deliver a Nation, showing that help is indeed available, it also soberly explains that such Divine help is conditional upon repentance. In short, the film explains that there is hope, but only through repentance. The widespread sharing of this film will both inspire and challenge those with faith and those with none.

“Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save nor His ear heavy that it cannot hear, but your iniquities have separated you from your God so that He will not hear.” Isaiah Ch. 59vs 1, 2 Local residents are baffled as the police show up en masse to patrol shopping centers. FULL REPORT: Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content.



To the Australian people, Our brothers and sisters, Men, women and children of western Sydney are being bullied, ostricised,humiliated, intimidated,, victimized, assulted. Targeted and made to feel like criminals, penned up in their region with all their freedoms curtailed. How is it? that eastern and northern suburbs have more lenient freedoms in this plandemic scenario.

The picture I see, is the powers to be are working to build up tentions amongst the different Australian cultures to divide us and conquer. We must reach out to our western suburb communities and show these people that they are valuable and we are not going to sit back and let tyranny inflict trauma on our people

These people are suffering, having to make the sacrifice not to take the vaccine. A life and death choice they are forced to take. How do they feed and house their families. The lady speaking out

chose her family and health over her nursing career. Their cries for freedom and to be left in peace at boiling point,the children are suffering. Post traumatic stress on communities as lockdowns, police intimidation and Health Officials mandates keep them living in coerced fear and intimidation takes a toll on their sanity , health and well being this is evil and unjustified. Only Tyrants and Narcissists do these atrocities

The NSW Premier should resign now.

The First Video

The Gentleman that said "I don't feel like Australian",

This is the plan of the elite. to divide and conquer by psychcological warfare.

To make you feel un Australian. inferior , desperate to break you down until you concede to the v8xine and living off the Socialist regime.

From the North and East we must acknowledge what is happening. That these poor people are being intimidated by heavy handed tactics to make them look like low life criminals.

Wake up everyone! these are our Brothers and Sisters and their families crying out desperate to protect themselves and feed themselves and live a decent life that we are all entitled too.

They are collectively US. We the people, WE are, YOU are, We are Australians.

Not one of us does not have. an, inherented background of diverse lineage. But! in all, we are Gods creation and we are An Australian nation of diverse people that built this country brick by brick..

The mortar is crumbling.

A once proud Nation. Now full of IGNORANTS and fearful plandemic fools right now.

IF you Do not think that this isn't coming for you. You are a blithering idiot.

Look at Victorians, and our first Nation people, whom are living the atrocities as well.

They are crying out from Wilcannia and the outback regions where right now the Elders are pleading for help as genocide of the first nations people is happening under our noses.


Show your strength and will to Stand up against this Manufactured Tyranny.

Stop listening to the bloody lyers. Full of their own agendas to destroy everything we have built and our forefathers lived and died to give us.

TAKE BACK your Sovereignty. In Peace together UNITE and stand with your Brothers and SISTERs and become one Great Southern Land and show to all what we truly are made of and what Our country can do for not only Australians but the world. who are watching right now and praying that we do not fall into the abyss. for the pack of cards will surely scatter quickly.

Be The Warriors our ANZACS showed us to be. UNITE and reach out to those who are being dealt the first deadly blows of THE NEW WORLD ORDER.. Fact! not Fiction!


And through adversity we still have that Aussie larikin nature, so lets UNITE for What is Right! OUR HOME IS GIRT BY SEA

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross

We’ll toil with hearts and hands;

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Renowned of all the lands;

For those who’ve come across the seas

We’ve boundless plains to share;

With courage let us all combine

To Advance Australia Fair.


The only thing Advanced in 2021 Are weaponised Police tactics against we the people.

compilation video - author unknown

SAVE Victoria or Australia has fallen.


Unarmed Victorians walking peacefully, protesting for their rights and freedom

attacked by Vicstapo

Meanwhile Victorians are in a war, coming soon to every State of Australia

following email circulating by REBEL NEWS

Riot squad fires rubber bullets and tear gas to CRUSH construction worker uprising

Police are escalating their tactics against peaceful protesters in Melbourne, Australia. 
Hundreds of construction workers were out in the streets once again on Wednesday to protest new pandemic restrictions on their industry. 
Since Monday, they've been protesting after the State of Victoria targeted the construction industry with a two-week shutdown and vaccine mandates backed up by harsh penalties for non-compliance. 
It was the final line in the sand for many in the industry.
Protesters have refused to back down, leading to clashes with police, who have routinely tried, and at times struggled, to suppress the dissent. 
Police arrived with an armoured vehicle operated by a counter-terrorism unit supported by a riot squad to gain the upper hand.  
They deployed tear gas and fired rubber bullets at the unarmed protesters, injuring dozens.  
Melbourne is in distress.  
WATCH and SHARE the disturbing images right here. 
Do you feel safe yet? 
The police force we're funding with our tax dollars has been weaponised against the very people they are expected to protect. 
What we're seeing in Melbourne is far from over. I'm going to continue to report from the ground as this situation unfolds — and I hope you can help by donating towards our reporting expenses right here. 
I have more to come from yesterday's protest, so make sure to watch this space if you want to be the first to know the other side of the story. 
Yours truly, 
Avi Yemini
Chief Australia Correspondent
Rebel News
P.S. The situation in Australia is getting dire. People must see what's happening here, so please share this video far and wide so that this report can serve as a warning to others around the world about what can happen when your government is drunk with power. And if you want to support our independent reporting and keep us on the ground in Australia, please click here to donate. 

We are not alone the following email circulating by

The rally organiser asked rally attendees, mostly families plus men and women of all ages to acknowledge the ANZAC's during his address. The response from 30,000 people was overwhelming.

Former members of the ADF, Army, Navy, Air Force and Veterans plus a large number former service personnel and Veterans from the UK and even the French Foreign Legion came together at the rally united in a common cause.

All walked together most in civilian clothing united against tyranny. The camaraderie was spontaneous and the energy electric.


In these times of mass censorship via silicon valley, Social media platforms and main stream news bias and lack of transparency. You will not get the truth from these identities or the stories uncensored.

In these times we would do well to follow the independant news channels and journalists and support them even if it's an amount of a cup of coffee, to help the Independant channels bring the people the uncensored truth as it unfolds, in our time of Great suffering.

while your here a donation to help keep this site online is greatly appreciated thank you.


"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” -Franklin D Roosevelt

LOVE is the ONLY thing that combats FEAR.

One expression of love can bring the WORLD as a whole together.

1 John 4 :18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love”


A Young Man peacefully walking along unaware he is about to be attacked by the Raptors in black just for wearing a High Viz jumper.


The PM / Premiers politicians are major traitors. the SOG are 'just following orders'


BREAKING: Australians Issue Emergency SOS To The World! — Watch Live

Australian activists and former political prisoners issue a dire warning to the world: “The globalists have captured our nation and are trying to break our will. Please help us. You are next.” Share this link to save Australia and save yourself!

Monica Smit of REIGNITE DEMOCRACY AUSTRALIA and Aussie Cossack talk with Alex Jones -

The Telegraph

We’ve been fooled – two jabs won’t buy your holiday freedom after all

Data is proving that the vaccines don’t block transmission, a development that could prompt tighter travel restrictions once more....


Australian Government Covid 19 Vaccine Adverse Events/Reactions Report LEAKED.

This is a big one. Share and spread this information to everyone within your sphere of influence.

Database of Adverse Event Notifications - medicines Medicine summary You searched for the following 3 medicines between 01/01/2019 – 07/08/2021:

COMIRNATY COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b2 (mRNA))

COVID-19 Vaccine (TNS) (COVID-19 Vaccine (Type not specified))

COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca (ChAdOx1-S (Viral vector))


Number of reports (cases): 46438 (Multiple adverse events have been reported for some patients)

Number of cases with a single suspected medicine: 45778 (The TGA thinks there is a possibility that the medicine caused the adverse event)

Number of cases where death was a reported outcome: 448 (These reports of death may or may not have been a result of taking a medicine


Discernable media

Reviewing Melbourne protests and the false police narrative with one of my guests.

This was filmed on Mon 20th September before the CFMEU protests which have only produced more divisive rhetoric from the likes of John Setka, Bill Shorten, Victoria Police and dinosaur legacy media channels.

This is a segment from a longform interview with Ps Jesse Newman:



What is NOT being reported by mainstream media is that this afternoon at the Construction Workers protest, the “riot squad” (in the black cars), ran straight over protestors. This caused the protestors to attack the riot squad cars. The police are currently shooting protestors, who have been protesting their rights to freedom of choice, with rubber bullets and tear gas. The mainstream media are reporting that the protest is by “anti vaxxers” and they are violently attacking police . COMPLETE FAKE NEWS!! The protestors are construction workers, some of whom are vaccinated, who are for FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Thank you to all those civilians who are on the ground reporting the truth with evidence from your live footage.


Prep Aussie looks at the Melbourne protests and offers advise


"There are many indications that the Covid -19 pandemic is being used as an

excuse to bring in a world-wide police state.

With lockdowns and rampant censorship our cherished freedoms are being flushed down the memory hole in the name of “staying safe” – while our media remain complicit.

We thought it was time to start a magazine that served up the unvarnished truth.

Welcome to our first issue."

- The Real News



FOR ALL THOSE AT A LOSS AND CONCERNED WITH WHAT YOU CAN DO about accepting a vaccine mandate!

To stand for your rights


Good information here , and letters you can give to employers

TGA’s own documents show that the vaccines are experimental and not approved for use in Australia, only emergency provisional use (in clinic trials upon the population until April 2023).


posted by Tapestry

DISTRIBUTE TO EVERYONE who does not want to be “vaccinated”. All vaccines will no longer be justified from 20.10.2021: verified information. The European Union has approved (

5 therapies that will be available in all hospitals in the Member States for the treatment of Covid. These therapies have been approved by a decree of the European Council (European Parliament) and will be in force from 1/10, so they will be distributed little by little around 20/10. Vaccines were approved on a “temporary experimental basis”. But since the decree will oblige to prescribe these 5 new drugs, the use of the vaccine will cease. So we understand why all the states said “between September it is necessary that …”. They already knew everything. You have to have patience. Do not accept any blackmail. Be patient. Now that ivermectin has been re-approved, there is no need for a vaccine. Great news. The Pasteur Institute recognizes the effectiveness of Ivermectin. One intake could eradicate all SARS covid-19 genetic material in some people. Read and share well. The good news: Ivermectin is now scientifically recognized as an effective drug, in the prophylaxis and treatment of Covid-19 by researchers at the Pasteur Institute in France. The results of their studies were published in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine on July 12, 2021, so it’s recent. Analysis of the results of other research published in the American Journal of Therapeutics strongly urges, with supporting evidence, to bridge the guidelines of health agencies and include Ivermectin as a standard of care. Macron’s government knew about it … Be well and don’t hesitate to cheer up people who don’t want to get vaccinated About the vaccine. I don’t know if you read French, but from October 20, the Covid pass and vaccination will be abolished on the entire territory of the EU. A European Commission decree makes five effective drugs available, and the vaccines are said to have been “experimental and provisional.”

TAP – is that a correct translation? Any linguists around? This is Docteur Dominique Rueff.


‘We built this city!’: Pro-choice tradies bring Melbourne to a standstill

Thousands of blue-collar workers, and their supporters, have once again hit the streets of Melbourne to stand for personal freedom and medical choice. TOTT News has the full timeline of events in the CBD today.

for full some great footage full timeline of events […Continued]

Police paying home visits to people they suspect may attend a protest. Australia has fallen.

The Melbourne police behave abominably: they beat innocent women and children, the elderly, attack random people, shoot rubber bullets at protesters.

As a result, residents of Melbourne are calling on citizens to refuse to provide any services to the police (pharmacies, shops, gyms, newsstands, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, hotels).

"The police no longer serve the people.

The people will not serve the police!


YES! THERE ARE GOOD POLICE questioning these draconian mandates




Serene – what a nice name — has put out an invitation to all Aussies to join a class action. Her website is Her office address is PO Box 7015 Reservoir VIC 3073. (Ah, Victoria…)


Challenging Disproportionate Response to SARS-COV-2 – the National State of Emergency & Victorian State of Disaster


following - what is on that website

Under both Federal and States and Territories’ legislation, consideration must be given to whether a public health risk is serious and significant enough to necessitate emergency declarations. In doing so, Governments must balance the competing need to protect the public interest, with the need to protect human rights.
Given the initial novel nature of SARS-CoV-2 and the little knowledge we had about its origins and behaviour, initial Government actions may have been justified. However, over the past five months it has become evident that the decision-makers responsible for the management of SARS-COV-2 public health risks have made decisions that are significantly disproportionate to the risks and are targeting the healthy members of our communities, at the risk of neglecting the most vulnerable.
We are empathetic towards families that have lost loved ones to COVID-19, but we also recognise that as a society, we must take equal interest in all public health risks, including the biggest killers in this country being cardiovascular disease, cancer and respiratory illnesses including pneumonia and asthma.
It has become evident that our Prime Minister Scott Morrison is aligning himself with international vaccine companies such as AstraZeneca that are morally bankrupt (having a history of being severely fined for false claims, kickbacks and bribery and unapproved promotion of medical products). Mr Morrison is also working closely with CEPI and its chair Jane Halton (a former Australian public servant) who is now Commissioner of the National COVID-19 Commission.
It is troubling that our Governments have overlooked Australian companies with better records in terms of safety, efficacy and ethical standards.
Meanwhile, the decision-makers at the States and Territories have echoed the troubling trend of focusing on quarantining healthy members of our communities at the risk of denying the most affected members of our community; the elderly, health workers and other vulnerable patients, the successful drug Ivermectin.
Dr Thomas Borody on behalf of The Centre for Digestive Diseases issued on 19 August 2020 a press release titled “Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers.”
Dr Borody provides “The Government could end the pandemic by openly encouraging GPs to prescribe these TGA approved medications. Those who test positive, are identified in contact tracing, as well as those in high-risk groups like the elderly and healthcare workers, can then access the therapy quickly.”
Meanwhile our Australian Hospitals are struggling as a result of our Government’s failure to provide them with appropriate Personal Protecting Equipment. The rest of society is paralysed as a result of the destruction of businesses, loss of income and opportunity, and increase in mental health issues, suicides, family violence, child abuse and police and other officials’ brutality.
It is problematic that massive funds are being directed at controlling and confining the movements of healthy populations whilst our health systems are being denied basic materials.
We have evidence that our Governments are not applying their own laws and are introducing draconian legislation that overrides the Constitution, the Biosecurity Act 2015 and Human Rights legislative frameworks. As a result healthy people are being treated as suspect COVID-19.
This is an invitation for all Australians impacted by these draconian changes to join our Class Action. These are the issues we’ve identified:-
People impacted by all detention issues such as returning travellers, cross-border travellers and other forms of detention where they are healthy.
People impacted by being required to take the Influenza Vaccination to access loved ones at residential care facilities and/or retain their employment.
People impacted by all proposed mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations and/or threats to deny essential benefits, if the vaccination is not taken.
People impacted by all inconsistent business-related closures and restrictions including unreasonable restrictions on self-employment and small business operations.
People impacted, particularly the elderly, by extended detention and isolation at Residential Aged Care Facilities and/or Hospitals leading to elderly abuse in some instances.
People impacted by denial of access to their elderly family member and/or other vulnerable family member or loved one at Residential Aged Cared Facilities, Hospitals and/or any other Facilities.
People impacted by testing requirements which include requiring body samples such as compulsory testing, punitive outcomes for not testing such as extended detention, denial of return to work or denial of benefit such as access to medical services when the person is healthy.
People impacted by unreasonable cross border rules (example being denied travel to funerals etc) by being denied travel to funerals and/or being reunited with families.
People impacted by inappropriate self-isolation requirements when they are healthy.
People impacted by inappropriate contact tracing rules including failure to be provided with prescribed contact information and classification of suspect COVID-19 case with no clinical diagnosis or presentation.
People impacted by inappropriate classification of cause of death as COVID-19.
People impacted by inappropriate requirements to undergo medical examinations or treatment of any kind without their full and informed consent.
People impacted by compulsory requirements for masking.
People impacted by denial of overseas travel.
People impacted by unreasonable complications to return home as a resident from overseas.
People impacted by inappropriate imposition of fines and/or summonses.
People impacted by the unreasonable imposition of directives restricting their movements.
People impacted by removal of their children and/or other dependants by authority.
People impacted by denial of access to medical treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
People impacted by denial of PPE at hospitals and other care facilities for our frontline workers
People impacted by vaccine trials, whether by consent and consequently has suffered injury, or without consent in Residential Care Facilities and/or other facilities.
Before sending you our costs agreement and disclosure statement we wanted to explain thoroughly the process of a class action in Australia and our legal strategy.
Legal Strategy
We started our Class Action with a focus to seek a declaration and prohibition order, through judicial review, that the directives issued by the States and Territories, to require influenza vaccines on visitors of aged care facilities and employees affected by the directives, be declared unlawful and unreasonable and prohibition be granted, so that these directives cannot occur in the future, in the same manner.
As we progressed, we realised that the issues impacting our clients now extend beyond the vaccine issue and involve unlawful detention, testing (including false positives), contact tracing, masks, denial of cross border travel, denial of overseas travel, problems with returning Australians home, failures of diagnosis and recording of deaths, police brutality, fines, and Court summonses, unreasonable business closures and restricting freedom of movement.
We also recognised that there’s an urgent need to stop the Declaration of a State of Disaster in Victoria because it’s not supported by the data and statistics.
We felt the best approach would be to launch a judicial review process in relation to all the directives that are impacting Australians across all States and Territories.
Judicial review means to review a matter to ensure that the power exercised was properly exercised, in accordance with the statute or legislation. Another way of putting this is to determine if the decision was lawful. This can mean a number of things. For example, it could mean that a decision was made ultra vires, or outside the decision maker’s scope of power or authority. Or it could mean that the decision-maker took into account irrelevant factors, or failed to take into consideration relevant factors. In determining whether a decision-maker exercised his or her power within the law, the first place to look is the legislation that grants that decision-maker the power to make the decision.
A decision may also be made unlawfully if the decision maker was biased, acted unreasonably, was dishonest or did not give someone the ability to be heard, or to give evidence before making the decision (denial of natural justice). Finally, it could just mean the decision maker misunderstood the law.
We examined comprehensively all the legislative frameworks applicable including the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Commonwealth), the Constitution and the extensive human rights legislative frameworks. We also examined closely all the respective public health and emergency frameworks that exist within the States and Territories.
We decided that the best way forward is to approach the process through judicial review and in part, a Constitutional challenge on the following basis:
In relation to all States and Territories, a challenge will be made to all these directives and other obligations imposed under the respective public health and/or emergency powers by seeking a declaration or declarations that the directives made in so far as they relate to the management and containment of a human biosecurity risk are inconsistent with the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) and contravene section 109 of the Constitution.
In relation to all States and Territories, a challenge would be made to specific laws that have been passed under some of the States and Territories legislation, including challenge to removal of children from their parents and removal of clothing such as underwear when forcibly detaining individuals for vaccination and/or treatment that go beyond the ambit of both the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) and the Constitution.
Specifically, for Victoria, we will be launching an urgent injunction to stop the current Declaration of a State of Disaster. If you select your state as Victoria, we will automatically put you towards our Injunctive Relief Claim in Victoria against the State of Disaster as well as the National Class Action in relation to the State of Emergency- you will not be required to fill in any further forms.
Consideration will also be given to taking action against the Commonwealth of Australia, for their failure to utilise the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) and act on their quarantine powers, despite principal decisions being made at the Federal level through the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee.
The case will also raise a number of issues with regards to human rights and our medical right for freedom of choice, liberty and self-determination.
Each State and Territory has its own unique judicial review process. We aim to place the matter either before the Federal Court of Australia or the High Court of Australia under what is called its original jurisdiction. Usually such a case will be placed in the respective States and Territories Supreme Courts, however, because the matter is affected by all the States and Territories, we have the ability to consolidate it before the High Court of Australia where the Court provides such approval.
The process of judicial review does not typically have a compensation component, as what we are seeking to do is declare the decision and/or directive invalid and stop the decision-maker from making the same decision and/or directive again. Once we achieve this outcome, then I could look specifically at each individual case with regards to the unique aspects that may invoke compensatory considerations. However, the purpose of the court case will not be to seek compensatory relief, but rather a reaffirmation of our rights and liberties and to stop the States and Territories from continuing with their course of conduct.
In effect, the main purpose of this action is to stop our administrators from taking away our basic rights not to be treated or labelled as sick and having to prove our health. Our administrators do not have the right to restrict our movements in the manner that they have and impose on us restrictions that are unreasonable and disproportionate to the risks. They also cannot medicate, treat, test, examine, detain and vaccinate us without ensuring that the strict processes of the Biosecurity Act 2015 are applied.
We have detailed the concerns of all of our clients to date, by writing to all Governments, States, Territories and Federal, which is available to view below, to show you how serious we are in advancing our actions and that our actions are based on sound evidence. We have also comprehensively set out the processes involved in our class action, in the following links.
Learn About Class Actions
Read Our Open Letter
Please if you can initially complete the form below. Once you complete the form, you will be sent out an email with our costs agreement and disclosure statement for signing and return. You could nominate an amount of costs contribution between $250 and $2000. This is a once off payment and it is capped, so we will not request any further payments from you. If you wish to be an applicant representative, we will contact you in due course to discuss, but we expect you to make a minimum contribution of $100.
We will contact each applicant representative as part of this process. Please indicate in the form below if you would like to be considered as an applicant representative.
A reminder that if you select your state as Victoria, we will automatically put you towards our Injunctive Relief Claim in Victoria against the State of Disaster as well as the National Class Action in relation to the State of Emergency- you will not be required to fill in any further forms.
We can’t wait to rock it out with you!
We are so proud of the family we have built.
Complete the below form to secure your place in this class action.
–end of material from Serene Teffafa.


Sydney! Do not be fooled! Just because restrictions are "only for LGA areas" do not think that industry wide mandates are not around the corner, do not think that vaccine passports are not being passed through and do not think that because your double dosed your freedoms will not be stripped away untill the next booster shots become mandated and once again forced upon you.

The ACA is looking for construction sites where we can host "site meetings" for industry leaders and workers, who will have the ability to network, dialogue and recieve information from ACA lawyers about the options that are available to them regarding site vaccination policies and procedures. All people attending the "site meetings" will be formally inducted onto the site and the ACA staff will work with site managers before any meetings to ensure all site safety policies are adhered to in order to avoid any unwanted attention to the site by authorities or workcover.

Please contact us at 

Dan Andrews has shut down the Victorian construction industry for 2 weeks in response to a protest by roughly 500 "far right extremists". This decision, now effecting the lives of over 200 thousand people and causing billions in further damage to the Australian economy clearly shows these "health orders" have nothing to do with public health and safety, democracy or even general common sense, they do however have more in common with a totalitarian dictatorship whereby the all powerful leader has the capacity to punish his subjects as he deems appropriate. 

Dan Andrews in his attempt impose his will on the people of Victoria has made multiple miscalculations
1. He is not an all powerful leader but a cockroach who has no respect from the people of Victoria. 
2 Australia's democracy can not be undermined by rubber bullets
3.The tradies of Victoria are too powerful and numerous to be bullied by a coward, they build your homes, your government buildings, roads and hospitals, without them there is no Australia!


If in Western and South Western Sydney, fill out this form prepared by Tanya Davies MP. See her post on this as well, she wants as many possible - all personal data we’ll be kept personal.

Google Docs (
Western & South-Western Sydney Survey
As a resident of western or south-western Sydney I want to hear from you. Please take the time to make your voice heard so I can hear what matters

Tanya Davies MP.


Communities must unite join groups like this to get invaluable information on how you can fight back


ATTENTION VIC! It has become increasingly clear that there is no Public Health Order mandating teachers and educators to be vaxed. You are going to receive a lot of emails, texts, and phone calls from your employer telling you that you need to be vaxed.

Please don't succumb to their bullying and harrassment. These are your steps.

1. If you receive a text/phone just say "you are seeking professional medical advice from a preferred family physician and that it's private". 

2. If they continue to persist, ask for it in writing and then send them the Level 1 letter we have pinned to this channel.

3. If you are not personally asked or emailed then do nothing. Even if it's a general email to all staff. By law it has to be addresses to you personally. 

4. Please write to Your local State MP via our Truth Day Question which was posted yesterday and is pinned to this channel. It is a link to thr website that does it all for you. This is very important.

5. Check you have done all the tasks we posted on Monday morning specifically for VIC. It is pinned to this channel.

We haven't forgotten about you and we won't leave you behind but please get on board with these tasks as they all count

National Education United, [22.09.21 07:18]
Good morning Team. Today's task is an important one for our fellow colleagues in Sydney's 12 LGAs of concern who are being discriminated against. There is word that the Mayors of these LGAs are starting to become increasingly frustrated with Gladys and are pushing back. 

We need to write to them and express our disgust at the constant discrimination being levelled at their citizens. We need to write a short email as a concerned citizen (in your own words) asking for the Mayor to stick up for their residents.

These LGA's may not affect you but one day it might and we'll be calling on our brothers and sisters for help. 

We are united. Where one lives, we all live and where one suffers, we all suffer.

Please write from the heart to one of the below or ALL of them ATTENTION TO THE MAYOR and ask them to demand that Gladys lifts the restrictions on their LGA's.

Subject: Lockdown Discrimination

Dear Lord Mayor.....

BCC all of them below;

As we saw yesterday with the construction industry having all their restrictions lifted and no mandatory vaccines for workers outside of these LGA's, there are cracks appearing and we must keep the pressure up. 



Also if you are in those LGAs and a rate payer you are also able to ask 2 questions at the monthly council meetings. Check when the meetings are because they have to take your questions. They all have discrimination policies too. Worth ensuring you reference their own policy

They're coming for the kids. Protect them at all costs 👇

Australian Families United

Shared with permission from their parents. A great campaign spreading on social media

It looks like the Christian Schools Association is pushing back against the vaccine mandate for its schools in Victoria.

This is great news as the CSA has done the same thing in NSW. Watch this space as the pushback starts!


[VIDEO] Aussie Health Chief Just Gave Away The Entire Global Elite Plot With Her Three-Words

Many who have tried to expose this for years have been called conspiracicts and nut jobs, exposing the Globalists plans for the AGENDA21.

Now these pigs, are so emboldened to even mention it on main stream news. Did it go over your heads people. Listen to her spew it out of her mouth. They are telling you!

During a press conference, the Australian Chief Medical Officer, Dr Kerry Chant said, “We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order.”

wake up people....


Telling you, "You got to accept that this is the New World Order"

Health Minister Brad Hazzard

When a meta analysis of 24 observational studies containing 3637 participants finds that low Vitamin D levels are associated with a significantly higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 infections and a higher risk of death, you’d think our health bureaucrats with their daily press conferences would be informing the public of this fact. 

But they worse than hopelessly incompetent, their actions demonstrate that don’t care about people’s health, they only care about injecting people with novel genetic agents, which have zero long term safety data. 


Dr. Judy Mikovits warns Fauci may release MORE deadly bioweapons on the world

Judy Mikovits interviewed by Mike Adams.

Testimony by Dr. Wodarg on the "Corona Panic"

I would like to tell you something about the coronavirus epidemic that we allegedly are having right now. First, I thought this hype is going to end again, but it has increased so much, and we finally have to start taking a closer look.
I worked as a doctor and conducted a health department. I had my own sentinel, my own monitoring system for flu diseases. And every year I observed how many people became sick in an area of 150,000 inhabitants.
Every new year - worldwide - we have new types of viruses because the viruses have to change themselves. If the same viruses just came again in the next year, our immune system would recognize them so they would not be able to make us sick or to multiply - which is what they want. So they regularly have to change a bit and that's why we have new variants of these viruses every year.
There are about 100 different types of viruses that are changing constantly. Up to now, we didn't really care which viruses caused this flu…or disease or however you want to call it. But there have been investigations over several years in Glasgow. There they tried to use the available tests - that means they didn't examine all 100 types, but just the ones they had tests for. So they looked at maybe 8 or10 different viruses and coronaviruses have always been a part of them.
These are the figures from Glasgow. Starting from 2005 to 2013 they checked which viruses occur among respiratory diseases. And these colored columns are the viruses. The green parts refer to the coronavirus that was always in the mix. The coronavirus normally makes up 7% to 15%, maybe 5% to 14%, it always fluctuates a bit. Hence, it's just normal that a big part of viruses are coronaviruses.
So, the following happens: In Wuhan, there is the biggest safety laboratory for viruses in the whole of China. So, there are a lot of experts on the topic, dealing with it all day long. Wuhan is a big city, 11 million inhabitants, big hospitals, big intensive care units, always people being ventilated, people with pneumonia… hundreds of them and they did tests with a few patients, less than 50, looked for the viruses they had and examined their RNA in the laboratory and they found a new type. This attracted their attention.
When a virologist finds something like this he puts it in a global database. And this database is accessible for scientists all over the world, in Berlin for example. In Berlin, they checked and compared this new entry and tried to create a test to measure this new variant of coronavirus. Then Dr. Drosten submitted a protocol to the WHO, and it got admitted really quickly. Then Mr. Drosten submitted a protocol to the WHO, and it got admitted really quickly.
Usually, a test is considered a product of medicine, it has to be validated. That means it has to be checked very precisely. What does the test actually say? What does it measure? The mentioned test is an inhouse-test developed in the Charite-clinic. But because there weren't any validated tests and the great panic arose, it was decided to just us this test everywhere. Then Mr. Drosten provided the test.
Of course, the virologist can say if the virus is dangerous or not. He can only say: "This one is different," or "We have a test for this". But is the virus dangerous, Mr. Drosten? How is he supposed to know? He would need further epidemiological data based on observation of how sick the people are. How fast do they get healthy again? Are there fewer victims than before?
That's why it is important to look at the data from previous years to compare them. To look at the mortality rates to see how many people died of the virus. So while looking for a specific virus, for example, the coronavirus, you can examine the total population. What you will find is that presumably 8% or 10% of the population will have some kind of virus, that makes them sick. But if you examine medical practice, do your tests there, to determine who is sick, then, of course, you would find a lot more positive cases. And if you examine hospitals and take samples there then you would find even more corona-infected people.

That is to say, depending on which proportions of the population you examine - whether it is the whole population, patients in the waiting room, people in a clinic, or when you examine very ill patients in the intensive care unit that are about to die - you will expectedly find these 7% -15% coronaviruses every time you do a test. However, if they die of the coronavirus or of other viruses while just having also corona can't be determined for sure with this.
So, when you look at the death rates in Italy, you want to know where the tests have been taken. Where and how have these few available tests been used? If they were used in a hospital on serious or terminally ill cases then obviously the corona death rate rises. Just because it looked like it, because of the specific group that was examined.
Mortality, disease-specific mortality, refers to the percentage of dead among the people infected with this disease. And concerning the seasonal acute respiratory disease - commonly known as the flu - there is a mortality of 0.1%, which is already the maximum. That means that one in a thousand flu-infected inhabitants die - every winter. So now we will have to see whether this number increased because of coronaviruses.
The assumption for Germany is that there are 20,000 or 30,000 more deaths than without the flu. This is called excessive mortality. So now that coronaviruses always make up 5% to 14% of all flu viruses - let's say 10%. Let us assume that in the previous years we tested all seriously ill patients in the hospital on the coronavirus - which of course didn't happen - we would have expected to find 2,000 to 3,000 people dying of the flu each year, that also had the coronavirus. And we still are far away from these numbers. Apparently, it is the case that virologists created something very sensational here, and with their creation, they really impressed the Chinese government as well.
The Chinese government made something really big out of it, suddenly this was very important politically - completely exceeding the virological frame. All of a sudden, face recognition was installed everywhere at the airports, fever was being measured. The clinical thermometer controlled the traffic on Chinese streets. And all this was so significant that it led to international consequences, politicians had to heal with it, had to take a stand. Then the virologist came into play again.
The government asked their own virologists and they confirmed that this virus is a thing to worry about and proposed to develop tests to help measure the virus-like in China.
Something was woven around this. A network of information and opinions has been developed in certain expert groups. And the politicians turned to these expert groups, who initially started all this. And they really absorbed this network, moved within it. This lead to politicians who now are just resting on these arguments, while using these arguments to evaluate who has to be helped, to determine safety measures or what has to be permitted.
All these decisions have just been derived from these arguments. This means that now it's going to be very hard for critics to say "Stop. There is nothing going on." And this reminds me of this fairytale about the king without clothes on. And just a small child was able to say "Hey, he is naked!".
All the others on the courtyard - surrounding the government and asking the government for advice because they can't know themselves - they all played along and joined the hype. And like this, politicians are being courted by many scientists. Scientists who want to be important in politics because they need money for their institutions. Scientists who just swim along in this mainstream and also want their part… "We can help too!", "We made an app!", "We have a program for this!"
So many people saying "Hey, we want to help too!", because they want to earn money with it and become important. And what is missing at the moment is a rational way of looking at things.
We should ask questions like "How have you found out that the virus is dangerous?"
"Didn't we have the same thing last year?"
"Is it even something new?"
That's missing.
And, the King is naked.


Australian Quantas Air pilot, Graham Hood Shares His Story With Charlie Ward –

Part 1 – Dr. Charlie Ward

Quantas Air pilot, Graham Hood explosive viral video


Dr Jane Ruby

I’ve said from the beginning that there was something very strange - trying to grasp why they were running this as a multi-dose study by running phase 1/2/3 simultaneously throughout the population...

Now we know… They’re not dose finding… they are psychologically priming people

Using 85% of the jabbed as the “advocates that will try to talk the rest of us into getting it.

The 15% are the ones who get the poison...for now

Diabolical… But makes perfect sense for evil.



go down the rabbit hole

And learn about the background of the coronavirus crisis, the 169-page research paper shows the plan that has been prepared for years, the people involved,the organisations,networks and financiers . A crisis thatis making some billionaires rich and powerful and billions of people around the globe poor and sick.


CEPI - Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations CEPI was founded in Davos by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and the World Economic Forum. To date, CEPI has secured financial support from Australia, Austria, Belgium, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Canada, Denmark, the European Commission, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Switzerland, The Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, USAID, and Wellcome.


ℹ️ A German IT project manager who chooses to stay anonymous has dropped this bombshell document exposing the entire covid criminal network. It connects the complex relationships between Governments, NGOs, big pharma, private companies, documents, universities and key people. The document is 170 pages long. There are 6,500 objects and over 7,200 links, including the financial flows.

read the full169 page report pdf - (english)




State of this! Police just arresting people wearing high-viz tops In Melbourne CBD!



sharing the


As we reported earlier, there has been thousands of StarTrack workers across Australia that have not gone to work today.

Some who live near the Headquarters are making their voices heard out front.

Reports have come in that AusPost, Fastway Courier, Toll and DHL workers are looking to do the same.







I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. I asked to speak with someone experienced and knowledgeable. 

Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.)

He: Well, that's quite a list... But I'd have to easily say that they're all toxic to humans... Used in fertilizers... Pesticides... To stop the heart... To preserve a dead body... They're registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why?

Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I'd put my daughter in harm's way... But what would legally happen to me?

He: Odd question... But you'd likely be charged with criminal negligence... perhaps with intent to kill... and of course child abuse... Your child would be taken away from you... Do you know of someone's who's doing this to their child? This is criminal...

Me: An industry... These are the ingredients used in vaccines... With binding agents to make sure the body won't flush these out... To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely...

He: WHAT?!

The man was beside himself. He asked if I would email him all this information. He wanted to share it with his adult kids who are parents. He was horrified and felt awful he didn't know... his kids are vaccinated and they have health issues...”

~  By  Iris Figueroa 🍃♥️🍃


◾️Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.

◾️Betapropiolactone - Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical. 

◾️Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects. 

◾️Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely. 

◾️Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. 

◾️Polysorbate 80 & 20 - Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain. 

◾️Glutaraldehyde - Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment.

◾️Fetal Bovine Serum - Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter. 

◾️Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells - aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own. 

◾️African Green Monkey Kidney Cells - Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans. 

◾️Acetone - Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage. 

◾️E.Coli - Yes, you read that right. 

◾️DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1

◾️Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)

✳️You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website. I encourage everyone to do their own research. Look up the MSDS on these chemicals. Read the thousands of peer reviewed studies that have evaluated the biological consequences these chemicals can have on the body, especially when being injected. 

✳️Fact check vaccine ingredients here:



a list in progress of very much awake Au lawyers that you may not need right now . . .

🔸G & B Lawyers

🔸Serene Teffaha Lawyer (phone number is on her channel)

🔸Maria Rigoli Lawyer

🔸HRA Human Rights Advocates

If you’ve been discriminated against, make a formal complaint here:

🔸Concerned Lawyers Network

🔸Lawyer: Tony Nikolic of

Ashley Francina Leonard

(afl & Associstes)




Ph: +61282774556 02 82774556

🔸Ashley, Francina, Leonard & Associates Experienced Lawyers Sydney

🔸Researchers, not lawyers

. (

ABOUT US - G&B Lawyers

G&B Lawyers is an innovative law firm based in Sydney. Our focus is on delivering solutions. We work with you to help you achieve your goals.

How China Dan destroyed a world class city

Serene Teffaha



The  deep unease and fear that saturate Australian society have created a  population disposed to governments whose insatiable thirst for power and  control leads to authoritarian measures. 

Significantly, the  political establishment has not acted alone, relying largely on  so-called “chief health advisers” who then become the de facto rulers  over the people as the establishment’s effective enablers.

Providing  discretionary directions, these health advisers are perfectly  positioned to act as the mastermind behind most of the government’s  extra-constitutional schemes. 

Part of such a master plan, of course, involves dismantling the rule of law. 

To  avoid the growing concern of human rights violations and outright  suppression of the constitutional order, the political establishment has  learned about the importance of manipulating public perceptions in  order to win support of what normally would be rejected as oppressive  and undemocratic measures.

Paradoxically, the nation’s political  establishment has managed to undermine the rule of law through  supposedly legal means. The success at sustaining legitimacy to  arbitrary rule and maintaining a façade of legality arises out of a  narrow positivistic justification used to shroud otherwise  unconstitutional exercises of power that violate the most basic  principles of the rule of law and fundamental human rights.

While  these political rulers claim to be “saving” lives, they have set in  motion the gradual accumulation of power in the hands of a few, thus  solidifying their extensive power primarily through the creation of  legal loopholes that hide the invalidity of unconstitutional measures  through a legalistic veneer. 

To begin, the institution of  emergency powers which authorise governments to rule by executive decree  includes measures that engender an unfair system and which do not  guarantee the equality of all citizens before the law, and the  appropriate checks to executive authority.

In his classic text,  The Spirit of Laws, Montesquieu crystallised the more relevant aspects  of despotism: “In despotic government, one alone … draws everything  along by his will and his caprices”. And later: “the principle of  despotic government [is]… fear”. 

One way that despotic  government is manifesting itself in Australia is through the expending  volume of legislative discretions given to the executive, which, in the  words of emeritus law professor Suri Ratnapala, is “a bit like  entrusting the sheep to the wolf”. 

According to him, “[t]he rule  against the delegation of wide law making power to the executive is a  major component of the classical doctrine of separation of powers. When  officials can both legislate and execute their legislation they have the  potential to place themselves above the law, for the ‘law’ is what they  command”.

This dilution of executive and legislative separation  is now having a number of disastrous implications, each of which  Professor Ratnapala views as being key flaws in the Australian  constitutional scheme. 

To make it worse, he observes that, “in  Australia, the High Court, despite having full judicial power has  declined to impose on Parliament any significant constraint on its  competence to delegate its legislative power to the executive”. 

To  avoid the growing concern of outright suppression of basic human  rights, the Australian political establishment has learned about the  necessity of manipulating public perceptions to win support of what  normally would be rejected as unconstitutional measures. 

In  essence, government propaganda, which is disseminated by the mainstream  media, has been deeply successful in justifying these measures, thus  making the media an effective means of censoring anti-establishment  messages. 

Without an alternative view, of course, the public  tend to view reports of human rights violations merely as “excesses” or  “collateral damage” – the price to fight a “deadly virus”.

Importantly,  the arbitrary use of power depends on maintaining public support  through a clearly calculated media campaign that sustains an irrational  level of public fear and anxiety. 

In consultation with carefully  chosen, so-called health advisers, politicians can manipulate a  significant sector of the media which then sensationalise coronavirus  cases and manipulate the masses. 

The carefully carried psychological campaign aims ultimately at instilling great fear in the general public.

This  recipe for despotic rule has re-ordered political and social manners in  Australia, thus creating a culture of fear that perpetuates the  willingness of citizens to surrender their fundamental rights in  exchange for a false sense of security. As such, the average citizen  becomes prone to cede their basic rights for a paternalistic government  in exchange for more safety and protection.

The  legal-institutional structures which have well served to protect the  citizen from external oppression – the sine qua non of democratic  government – tend to disappear in the process. 

Without  constitutional guarantees of the basic rights to freely associate, to  freedom of speech, and to the inviolability of the person’s bodily  autonomy, democratic society shrivels under the threat of  authoritarianism and lawful resistance against political oppression, the  status quo actively contributing to the undermining of the rule of law  and inalienable rights of the individual.

This  institutionalisation of fear allows the political establishment to  control and immobilise civil society. In this context, the label  “anti-vax” becomes an efficient means of silencing any opposition to the  narrative of the status quo, thus undermining one of the primary  pillars of democracy: freedom of speech. The anti-vax slur operates via a  form of “contagion theory” whereby calling anyone a “conspiracy  theorist”, or implying that they oppose all forms vaccination, are  Machiavellian attempts to silence rational debate and democratic  dialogue.

In theory, the use of emergency powers by the ruling  elites should be a temporary departure from constitutional rule, in  which a political leader might need to rule by decree until the  emergency ceases to exist. The Australian political establishment,  however, may never intend these measures to be actually temporary, thus  seeking to conveniently maintain its extraordinary powers indefinitely. 

That  being so, convincing the population of a perpetual state of emergency  gives the ruling elite broad discretionary authority to govern at the  margin of the democratic process, unconstrained by legal-institutional  accountability.

Ultimately, the success of any authoritarian  endeavour requires popular acquiescence. Convincing the population of a  grave health emergency leads to less popular resistance and more  political space in which to expand its arbitrary powers. If the  political establishment can convince the people that a great public  emergency exists, it faces less resistance to continue expanding its  governmental power.

In this sense, the coronavirus phenomenon  shows how easily the rule of law breaks down when an alleged threat taps  into the population’s deepest fears. 

We can only hope  Australians will no longer tolerate any further abdication of their  fundamental rights, as they finally wake up to the disguised efforts of  the political establishment to ensconce itself in power. 

When  this happens, of course, the extraordinary accumulation of unrestrained  power by the ruling classes will no longer be justifiable as a  legitimate measure, thus revealing a deliberate attempt to eliminate the  rule of law via the expansion (and concentration) of such a power in  the hands of an entrenched oligarchy.      


Augusto  Zimmermann LLB, LLM, PhD, CIArb, DipEd, is Professor and Head of Law at  Sheridan Institute of Higher Education in Perth, WA. From 2012 to 2017,  he served as a Law Reform Commissioner in Western Australia. While  teaching constitutional law at Murdoch University, Professor Zimmermann  was awarded the 2012 Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research,  as well as two Law School Dean’s Research Awards, in 2010 and 2011. He  is the author of numerous academic articles on the Rule of Law,  contributing, inter alia, for a seminal book on the subject edited by  the President of the American Bar Association: The Legal Doctrines of  the Rule of Law and the Legal State (Rechtsstaat), Springer, 2014.  Professor Zimmermann is also the co-editor of Fundamental Rights in the  Age of Covid-19, Connor Court Publishing, 2021. 


Please read & pass on to anyone you know aged 12y+ and to parents of any children of that age range.

They mustn’t be vaccinated. They’ll gain nothing & some will be seriously injured, even killed.

Dr Mike Yeadon


COVID-19 vaccines: unnecessary for healthy 12 to 15-year-olds

Vaccines are not required to prevent educational disruption


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RumbleDoctors David Martin and Judy Mikovits summarize the effects of the mRNA molecule injection, dubbed a vaccine. There is no doubt that this is a medical device intended to act as a pathogen factory that challenges the body's immune system. It is a gene therapeutic not a vaccine in the traditional sense of the word.



Posted on February 9, 2021 by State of the Nation Posted by Human Are Free 1. Medical Doctors Declare That The Pandemic Was Planned A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’


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Jab Injured Student Athlete Issues Warning

Student athlete with myocarditis makes plea about mandates from hospital bed. Watch the FULL Video Here:





By Howell Woltz - September 25, 2021

The most evil monopolies and conglomerates of the world have profited handsomely from each ‘jab’, each lockdown, each mandate and false flag operation since this series of events was intentionally put in play in October of 2019. Yes, I said intentionally, and I said October, 2019.

in this time of great censorship, I have downloaded the article as a pdf or go to the posted web link.

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