I will keep the name of the person who sent this via email private-
sent from an Independent Scientist & Chairman from one of our Australian states.
The email message starts
I had to do this for a group of people tonight, and I thought you might like a copy.
Note the major changes to our food chain in the last two points.
Patents don’t lie they show intent:
3-2003 following SARS, CDC sees the virus is valuable and easy to manipulate.
2003 priority filed, granted 2010: US-7,776,521-B1 CDC patent: ‘controls coronavirus detection and transfer to humans’. (Priority US46,592,793P & US11/748,359)
4-2004 CDC patents SARS-CoV, 7,220,852 in the USA genome, proteins, nucleic acid encoding, immunogenic compounds and methods of detecting SARS-CoV in sample and human.
12-2006: NIH funds research concluding ‘feasible to reconstruct rare zoonotic SARS-CoV never before cultured as a novel challenge to vaccine testing.'
2007: CDC filed a petition for patents to be marked confidential. (Dr David Martin). They knew in 1-2007 that ADE existed and couldn’t be eliminated.
2013 NIH impairs federal funding for virus ‘gain of function research’ on a ‘voluntary’ basis. (Dr Reiner)
2014-2015 research was then apparently off-shored to Wuhan through various 3rd party contractor US investments. (Dr David Martin names the contractors)
2018 Patents: US7,279,327 and US7,776,521 give CDC control of creating new recombinant coronavirus 1: diseases 2: virus vectors 3: detection of 4: all measurements. Note: this includes infectious nidovirus (a snake virus which causes severe respiratory disease & fatal proliferative pneumonia) RNA and helper RNA for administration into the subject through an aqueous pharmaceutical carrier (vaccine) for introduction to the ‘helper cell’, the helper cell is called ‘one, two, three, four etc separate RNA’s (unspecified) for replication.
20-6-19 Microsoft files the 'cryptocurrency system using body activity data’ adding to previous patents for vaccination, microchips and biofeedback for human body ‘sensors’ (previously quantum dots - invisible) in or on humans as a mining process for biofeedback to and from humans WIPO (PCT) WO2020060606A1. Patent is registered 26-3-2020. Just before vaccine manufacturing is underway. Note: This patent ‘awards' cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity (radiation emitted from user, body fluid flow, brain waves, pulse rate or body heat radiation) is verified it is a two-way so the mainframe can also alter the body activity of the subject/body.
11-5-21 Ginkgo Bioworks (Gates startup) went public $17.5Bn. 26-5-21 he announced it will genetically engineer flavours and scents into yeast and bacteria to create vitamins, enzymes, amino acids for ultra-processed foods; hence why the vitamin industry is being pushed out. Not for consumers and farmers but for chemical, food and pharmaceutical companies (what consumers and farmers rely on). They will create 20,000 engineered cell programs. Various Patents: Bioworks Inc.
11. Impossible Foods Inc (Gates synthetic beef) has 24 patents e.g: US9,700,067 B2 and >100 pending to artificially replicate cheese, beef, chicken and permeate them with Ginkgo’s flavour, scents and textures.
name with held for privacy.
Tyranny set by directions of
NSW Police Commissioner admits increased enforcement is not based on health orders
18,000 fines in six weeks based on - health advice and not a provision of any Public Health Order.
The head of NSW Police has admitted escalated enforcement operations are not directed by any public health order, but rather their own agenda to achieve greater compliance. Mick Fuller recently told NSW Parliament that the force has committed to “treating the virus like a criminal”, encouraging officers to “put community policing to the side”. […Continued] read full news article @ TOTT NEWS
Wow! the gig is up! No credibility just a heavy handed tactic.
You would have to say then, "This would have to render majority of fines null and Void"
Maybe do a return to sender or maybe just ignore since it's not worth the paper it's written on.
bombshell comments by the head of the New South Wales police force prove that inhumane violation of human rights are all based on opinion, not evidence or directives.
‘Operation Stay at Home’ is nothing but psychological and economic warfare against free citizens.
Similar to Victorian Police enforcing curfew orders past a certain time with no basis whatsoever.
Who is questioning the decisions made by these officers?
How are they allowed to go rogue on their own?
What a state of affairs in New South Wales.
It doesn’t end there, either.
On closer examination, we see that these officers are not only enforcing orders on a false basis, but the commissioner himself has given them free reign to fine as they please with no consequences.
Not only has Fuller admitted that police are acting on their own accord, but he also brags to the committee about the levels of infringement notices they have handed out over the last few months.
When speaking on the success of dystopian compliance operations, Fuller revealed that police have issued about 18,000 fines over the past six weeks of enforcement of public health orders:
18,000 fines in six weeks.
Nobody shall do anything that objects The Party in 2021 NSW.
Here is where things get interesting.
Police are not only issuing stunning amounts of infringement notices to citizens for less-than-misdemeanour activities, but they do not even care if they are legal fines or not.
Last month, Fuller told his officers that he won’t hold them to account for wrongly issuing COVID-19 fines in a call to prioritise health order enforcement outside emergency duties.
Read the full breakdown content @ TOTT NEWS
The Hon. WALT SECORD: I do not know if you would be aware, but on 6 August I lodged a question on notice in relation to the public health orders. I asked a specific question about maintaining physical distance or social distancing of 1.5 metres.
The Government reported back—and I am quoting directly: While the NSW Government continues to advise individuals to maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres from others, this is health advice and not a provision of any Public Health Order. How does that play out when police officers are dealing with people on Bondi Beach, or in the community, when in fact the requirement of social distancing of 1.5 metres is actually not the subject of a public health order?
An Interview by Brendan D Murphy with the late Robert David Steele.
Ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele is the world's leading voice on open source intelligence. (#UNRIG)
In this episode of Truthiverse you'll Learn:
Why the world's leading open source intelligence analyst believes the media is more dangerous than any virus.
Who the Australian government reached out to for advice on the convid-19 situation and what Robert told the Prime Minister of Australia which pissed him off.
How this global plandemic scare is creating a repeat of the Great Depression (and why it's unnecessary).
Who announced they were going to "take down" the world economy before the plandemic kicked off!
The 8 core areas we have collectively failed in - and why it's a disaster.
Why Robert believes Trump has allowed things to play out (to some extent) deliberately - and why it may be a smart move.
Why Robert's long-term outlook is ultimately positive.
How we can offer developing countries real help.
About Australia's paedophilia problem at upper levels of government.
Robert's many innovative ideas for solving the world's major challenges with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of ease and grace...
...and much, much more.
Recommend - You won't be disappointed
Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse
and the June, 2019 Indonesia 2-day Seating:
PUBLIC INTELLIGENCE BLOG The truth at any cost lowers all other costs — curated by former US spy Robert David Steele.
Why do you think these evil Politicians and health Beaurocrats are pushing the narrative so heavily. The Pharmaceutical companies have thus far made billions from this. The Australian Wealth Fund has gained billions also.
Vaxcs passports an incentive to gain back your freedoms, even that is a lie.
We already had freedoms before this scamdemic, nothing is in their plans fo our total future freedoms..NOTHING!
People, don't you get it QR Code tracing is one of their tools of mass surveilance
South Australia are trialling a new concept via an app to be rolled out nationally once approval has been met
see previous blog: https://www.imacogindewheeloflife.com/post/track-trace-the-human-race-covid-smoke-screen-freedom-out-the-door-and-property-theft
I wasn't searching for this but came across the article too important not too share.
Future Fund
https://www.finance.gov.au/government/australian-government-investment-funds/future-fund The Future Fund was established on 3 April 2006 by the Future Fund Act 2006 (Future Fund Act). The Future Fund is a financial asset fund, set up to strengthen the Commonwealth's long-term financial position by making provision for unfunded superannuation liabilities that will become payable during a period when an ageing population is likely to place significant pressure on the Commonwealth's finances.
"Turns out, Australia's sovereign wealthfund is financing our enemies to undermine our sovereignty," he said. "Rather than investing in Australian nation-building companies, the Future Fund is financing Beijing controlled outfits that are actively involved in economic, cyber and information warfare against us." Mr Sheahan also slammed the Future Fund's investment in US tech giants ...
original article link
Will Jefferies Nathan Hondros mercatornet.com
Australia’s sovereign wealth fund sinks $1.5 billion into CCP-controlled companies
What are the ethics of investing in companies which could harm the national interest?
Australia’s Future Fund has sent A$1.5 billion offshore to prop up Chinese companies infamous for surveillance and censorship, prompting accusations it is financing a strategic enemy and undermining sovereignty.
A list of equities owned by the $180 billion sovereign wealth fund revealed it had invested $606 million into Tencent Holdings, which owns the WeChat messaging app.
The fund had also sunk $505 million into Alibaba, the tech giant started by disappeared Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, $195 million into the China Construction Bank Corporation, $98 million into Yum China Holdings, and $94 million into the Ping An Insurance Group Co of China.
The list, which was buried on the Future Fund’s website, detailed its biggest shareholdings and has not been updated since June 2020.
Tencent’s WeChat is before the courts in the United States over allegations the CCP is using it to censor and surveil US citizens and has drawn accusations it is being used by the CCP to control Australian media outlets.
In 2020, Foreign Policy revealed the CIA believed Tencent had received funding from the CCP’s Ministry of State Security when it was building monitoring technology for the so-called Great Firewall.
For the CCP’s 19th National Congress, Tencent released an app called “Clap for Xi Jinping: An Awesome Speech”, in which players had 19 seconds to generate as many claps as possible for the Chinese dictator.
Alibaba – a company that was created by the CCP under “cloak and dagger secrecy” – has drawn criticism for developing facial recognition software so its clients can identify and censor the faces of Uighurs.
The Future Fund has also funnelled $803 million into tech giants Facebook and Alphabet Inc (the conglomerate that owns Google and YouTube), companies that have recently been embroiled in their own censorship controversies.
Political lobby group Advance Australia seized on the revelations to criticise the Commonwealth Government for funding massive offshore corporations to peddle products that are used by the Chinese Communist Party to spy on Australians, while small business struggles amid the pandemic.
Advance Australia chief executive Matthew Sheahan demanded Treasurer Josh Frydenberg immediately order the repatriation of taxpayers’ dollars invested in Chinese companies.
“Turns out, Australia’s sovereign wealth fund is financing our enemies to undermine our sovereignty,” he said.
“Rather than investing in Australian nation-building companies, the Future Fund is financing Beijing controlled outfits that are actively involved in economic, cyber and information warfare against us.”
Mr Sheahan also slammed the Future Fund’s investment in US tech giants with a track record of censorship.
“While Facebook and YouTube have been busy censoring Australians by banning Sky News for a week and deleting the Facebook accounts of every Australian news website, our government has been giving them cash hand over fist,” he said.
“Australians will be outraged that their tax dollars are funding these companies.
“It’s time for Mr Frydenberg to bring these billions home and put them to work on Australian soil, supporting Australian jobs for Australian workers.”
Mr Sheahan demanded that the Future Fund Board of Guardians publish real-time information on all its investments, not just the top 100 direct listed equity holdings.
National Welfare Fund Act 1945
- C1945A00041
No longer in force
Appropriations for purposes of National Welfare Fund
“5.—(1.) There shall be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is hereby appropriated accordingly, for the purposes of the National Welfare Fund, during the first six months of the financial year commencing on the first day of July, One thousand nine hundred and forty-five, the sum of Fifteen million pounds.
“(2.) There shall be payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is hereby appropriated accordingly, for the purposes of the National Welfare Fund—
(a) during the last six months of the financial year commencing on the first day of July, One thousand nine hundred and forty-five—the sum of Twenty million pounds;
(b) in the financial year commencing on the first day of July, One thousand nine hundred and forty-six—the sum of Fifty-one million pounds; and
(c) in each financial year thereafter—the amount of the social services contribution (including provisional social services contribution) which becomes payable under the Social Services Contribution Assessment Act 1945 in that financial year.
“(3.) There shall be payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is hereby appropriated accordingly, for the purposes of the National Welfare Fund, in each financial year, a sum equivalent to the collections of tax in that financial year under the Pay-roll Tax Assessment Act 1941–1942.”.
Application of National Welfare Fund.
5. Section six of the Principal Act is amended by inserting after the word “benefits” the words “, invalid and old-age pensions, widows’ pensions”.
6. Section fifty-three of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1908–1945 is repealed and the following section inserted in its stead:—
Payment of Invalid and old-age pensions.
“53. Payment of pensions shall be made out of the Trust Account established under the National Welfare Fund Act 1943–1945 and known as the National Welfare Fund, and payment shall be made in the prescribed manner.”.
7. Section forty-six of the Widows’ Pensions Act 1942–1944 is repealed and the following section inserted in its stead:—
Payment of widows’ pensions.
“46. Payment of pensions shall be made out of the Trust Account established under the National Welfare Fund Act 1943–1945 and known as the National Welfare Fund.”.
8. Section twenty-three of the Child Endowment Act 1941–1945 is repealed and the following section inserted in its stead:—
Payment of child endowment.
“23. Payment of endowments shall be made out of the Trust Account established under the National Welfare Fund Act 1943–1945 and known as the National Welfare Fund.”.
9.—(1.) Section one of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1945 is amended by omitting sub-section (3.).
(2.) The Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1908–1944, as amended by the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1945 and by this Act, may be cited as the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1908–1945.
(3.) The Widows’ Pensions Act 1942–1944, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Widows’ Pensions Act 1942–1945.
(4.) Section one of the Child Endowment Act 1945 is amended by omitting sub-section (2.).
(5.) The Child Endowment Act 1941–1942, as amended by the Child Endowment Act 1945 and by this Act, may be cited as the Child Endowment Act 1941–1945.
Who Is The Board of Guardians
Hon Peter Costello AC (Chairman)
Mr Costello served as a member of the House of Representatives from 1990 to 2009 and was Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia from March 1996 to December 2007. He has been Chair of the G20 Central Bank Governors and Finance Ministers, the OECD Ministerial Council, the APEC Finance Ministers, and a Governor of the IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank.
He has served as Chairman of the Independent Advisory Board to the World Bank. Mr Costello is the Chairman of Nine Entertainment Co. Mr Costello was appointed a Companion of the Order of Australia in 2011 for eminent service to the Parliament of Australia through the development of landmark economic policy reforms.
see board member profiles @ https://www.futurefund.gov.au/about-us/who-we-are/board-of-guardians
Ms Carolyn Kay
Mr John Poynton AO
Mr Michael Wachtel
Mr John Fraser
Mrs Patricia Cross
Now talking about the National welfare fund, how many of you know that it was originally implmented by Treasurer Ben Chifley in February 1943 for the Age Pension a taxed right, and not a charity or ‘welfare’,”
The history of taxpayers funding the Age Pension is not widely known as a Retirement Income.
It involved a 7.5% levy on all taxpayers and was an extra tax to fund Age Pensions. Until 1950 it generated 100 million pounds.
The 7.5% additional tax levied by Ben Chifley was not altered by these changes and continues to be collected to this very day!
“Working Australian taxpayers have been contributing to their own retirement for over 78 years”
"Older people spent their lifetimes paying for their pensions with an early version of the compulsory superannuation scheme. In 1945, the Commonwealth split personal income tax into two components. One of them, the social services contribution, was to be used exclusively to finance Social Security cash payments. The revenue from the contributions was paid into a National Welfare Fund.” https://www.firstlinks.com.au/age-pension-not-welfare/
what people remember
"fact there WAS an EXTRA taxation added in the 1940's that was intended to pay for pensions. Rather than being invested, it was lumped into a do-nothing account and eventually was placed by Malcolm Fraser into general revenue. So much for looking after the pensioners who had paid into a pension fund."
"When I first started work in 1960 my pay slip in deductions had one shilling and sixpence social welfare when I enquired what is was the pay office said it was my pension contribution paid to the government for my retirement benefit"
It said that by 1950, the balance in the fund was £100 million, which would be several trillion dollars in today's money. According to the email, in 1977, Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser transferred the balance to Consolidated Revenue but to this day, the contribution is still coming out of everybody's pay packet.
No. 62. Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Assessment. 1955.
No. 62 of 1955.
An Act to amend the Income Tax andSocial Services Contribution Assessment Act
1936-1954, as amended by the Salaries
Adjustment Act 1955, and for other purposes.
[Assented to 4th November, 1955.]
How the Old Age Pension contributions have been systamaticaly Stolen
January 23, 2017
The first honey eater in the 1940’s was Prime Minister Robert Menzies. In 1949 he introduced Bills into Parliament to amend the Acts that governed the NWF. Firstly, the compulsory contribution (7.5% levy) was no longer shown separately on personal Income Tax Assessments. Secondly, all the taxation money collected by the government went directly into the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) and spent as part of general revenue.
One by one, governments have made changes that see older Australians in the position they are today. In 1974-75 Prime Minister Gough Whitlam abolished the income test for the age pension for all Australians over 70 years. This was short-lived and repealed by the Fraser government in 1975.
By 1977 there was $470,000,000.00 in the NWF account (aka “honey pot”). But it was not long before the politicians got their sticky little fingers on the money and it was transferred into the CRF Account.
It took until 1985 for the National Welfare Fund Acts to be repealed. However, the 7.5% levy continued to be collected as a proportion of the income tax revenue. Then the Income and Assets test was introduced which excluded many from receiving the age pension, even though they had paid the “levy” and taxes for this purpose. It has been reported that since 1985 trillions of dollars that was meant for welfare needs went into the CRF account. Had the 7.5% levy continued to be held in a separate NWF account there would be enough money to pay a non-means tested pension to every retiree over 65 years of more than $500 per week. In addition, all other welfare needs such as unemployment could be met from the fund. But there is no NWF today and something had to be done to refill the Commonwealth’s “honey pot”. The best course of action the government could up come with was to take it from the older Australians “honey pot”.
For the rationale we need look no further than the view of Prime Minister Turnbull. He said “Australians will have to accept policies that create short-term ‘winners and losers’ in the interest of strengthening the economy for all”. Yes, those older people who are or were on a part age pension, are the losers and are the target for “strengthening the economy for all”. Such an attitude and approach to me seems unjust and immoral, particularly targetting older Australians. The irony is that this cohort of older people are the ones who saved more and contributed more through taxation in their working life. In countries like USA and UK the pensions of retirees are higher if they paid more tax, not lower. So, what is happening here in Australia?
The National Commission of Audit report has been handed down in Canberra, containing 86 recommendations aimed at saving the budget up to $70 billion annually.
The full report can be read in full here.
Report of The National Commission of Audit Phase 1.
The Report of The National Commission of Audit Phase 2
"The naked truth is that all older Australians paid for their age pension, through funds via the taxation system. That money ended up in CRF and then others dipped into the honey pot and little by little the honey disappeared! "
Nick Minchin on the Tony Jones ABC TV Program Q & A 11/09/2008 stated quite clearly that funds were not, have not and are not collected and held in a bank account waiting for the government to pay it out in the form of the Old Age Pension, or words that meant, “exactly this.”
As an ex Australian Federal Government Finance Minister, Minchin knows that this statement on that television program, was a blatant lie (and he said it with a look of sincerity on his face, the ability of doing so obviously a political prerequisite).
Well, it certainly was collected, but it amassed such huge amounts, this government and those preceding, couldn’t help themselves and have spent billions of it over the years in a manner they had no right to. “the money earned by the people themselves through hard work and often deprivation ( as a legislation obligation part thereof was collected by the Tax Department for this very purpose ) was in fact and still is, collected as a tax originally, specifically and intentionally so as to fund, “The Aged Pension.”
To dispel some misinformation currently being promoted by Party Politicians and their spin doctors and lying ex Ministers, listed here are some historical facts every Australian, especially the young who are under the miss-guided belief and/or assumption that they are funding the Aged Pension from their current hard work; They Are Not, they’re funding their own Pension Fund; a fund that governments have no intention of paying and to add insult to injury, legislate to force you to pay into a Super Fund to boot. 1939-1945 WORLD WAR II 1942-1943
As a Wartime measure, the Federal Government gained sole control over Australian Income Tax. Labor Prime Minister ( Ben Chifley ) introduced three bills to establish the National Welfare Fund, to be financed by a Compulsory Contribution (levy) of one and sixpence in the Pound (20/- ) on all personal income. 1946 Opposition Leader (Robert Menzies) stated that the Compulsory Contribution (levy) should be kept completely separate.
That it should be shown separately on the Taxation Assessment and paid straight into a “TRUST” account and not mixed with the General Revenue. Menzies said “The stigma of charity should be removed from the Age Pension.” ”It should be an entitlement earned by the person’s personal contribution to the fund.” Prime Minister Chifley agreed and established
Western Australian correspondent Wayne Glew says Liberals stole the pension fund
The National Welfare fund as at 1/1/1946. A “Trust” Fund with the Parliament as “Trustee.” The Compulsory Contributions (levy) commenced as at 1st January 1946. It was shown separately on the personal Tax Assessments for 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949 and 1950 And the compulsory levy was properly paid straight into the Special “Trust” fund And Welfare claims were paid out of the fund. The balance in the fund in 1950 was almost 100 Million Pounds. 1949 Robert Menzies became Prime Minister and he introduced Bills to amend the acts governing the National Welfare Funds. The Compulsory Contributions (levy) was then grouped with the Taxation Assessment and appeared as one amount on the Taxation Assessments and was paid as one straight into the Consolidated Revenue Account. 1951-1985
The Compulsory levy of 7.5% now included in the tax continued to be collected and placed in the Consolidated Revenue Account treated as General Revenue and spent, until 1985. 1974-1975 Labor Prime Minister (Gough Whitlam) abolished income test for all persons 70 years of age and over and paid pensions to all people over that age.
1975 Liberal Prime Minister (Malcolm Fraser) cancelled the Witham achievement of abolishing the test for all 70 years of age and over.
1977 Liberal Prime Minister (Malcolm Fraser) with Treasurer Philip Lynch) transferred the balance in the Welfare Fund Account (approximately $ 470.000.000) to Consolidated Revenue Account.
1985 The Hawke Labor Government repealed acts No. 39, 40, and 41 of 1945 (The National Welfare Fund Acts). Thus the funds finally ceased to exist yet the 7.5% levy continued to be collected as a proportion of the Income Tax revenue. It also introduced the (much maligned) Income and Asset Tests, thereby excluding millions of levy and tax paying Australians from receiving Social Services Pensions.
This money these self-funded contributions paid as a percentage of the total income tax collections are today worth far more than the amount of means tested pensions paid out. Actuaries have calculated the non-means tested entitlement due to each retiree, today is in excess of $ 500 per week. This surely debunks the politician’s claim that the generation are paying a proportion of their current taxes to cover the payments made to pensioners.
The obvious short fall has been swallowed by the government’s Taxation Black Hole. The historical summary above highlights the fact that politicians of opposing political parties each contributed to the agenda to destroy the entitlement as it was intended why? When it clearly would not have been the will of the people. While Party Politicians are controlled by a few people who are hidden from public view yet are open to Manipulation and Outright
Corruption, there can be no certainty of the payment of pensions. Only a majority of truly Independent representatives can bring about a change from Government under corporate control, to Government for the People, of the People, by the People. Just because a cabal of political miscreants become so GREEDY and they change the way a tax looks in the Ledgers.
The old age pension is not a privilege; Is not a right; Is not a gift;
Is not even welfare; The Old Age Pension is an asset; Owned and accrued by each Australian Citizen who has funded this asset from their very own purse. The governments of the day were employed to amass, secure, invest and manage a fund that in its first 5 years bulged to almost 100.000.000 Pounds (am amount in that day that equated in that day in this day’s dollars and cents, to approximately AU $240 million give or take a million or two).
They did amass, secure, invest and manage and the figures were colossal and frightening to them and hence they conspired to hide them back into the Consolidated Revenue Bucket and to this day, the bucket has been brimming with a 7.5% tax collected specifically and only, for the Old Age Pension. No young Australians!
You are not paying for the welfare of Baby boomers, you are paying for yourselves, new immigrants, the needy in society requiring social services and welfare, dole recipients and the bludgers, BUT YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THE OLD PENSION OF ELDERLY AUSTRALIANS WHO HAVE WORKED ALL THEIR LIVES IN THIS COUNTRY AND PAID THEIR DUE FAIR SHARE OF TAXES.
from Wayne Glew, Western Australia
A recent email letter to
Email: Minister.Hunt@health.gov.au August 31, 2021 Dear Mr Hunt,
From: Dr. Tess Lawrie on behalf of the BiRD Group, and Dr Pierre Kory on behalf of the FLCCC, and affiliated organisatons:
regarding the use of the most effective treatment protocols for covid-19.
E-BMC Ltd has been working together with the FLCCC to encourage governments around the world to adopt re-purposed existing drugs for the early treatment of covid-19. One such drug is ivermectin.
see attached letter
To: The Australian Government Department of Health
The Honourable Greg Hunt MP Federal Minister for Health and Ageing
PO Box 647 Somerville, Vic 3912
Email: Minister.Hunt@health.gov.au August 31, 2021 Dear Mr Hunt,
MEDICAL APARTIED AUSSIE STYLE this is, Medical Malfeasance & Crimes Against Humanity!!!
Unvaccinated Australians only will be locked out of pubs for THREE WEEKS
NON-vaxxed in NSW will only be locked out for three weeks from entering pubs and restaurants under the state's re-opening plan,
The Deputy Premier John Barilaro revealed vaccine passports for venues will only be mandatory when the state's Covid-19 vaccination rate is between 70 and 80 per cent. double dosed,
It will be businesses to decide to let unvaccinated patrons enter if they wish,
So the government is passing the buck onto businesses to mandate their push for the majority to be vaccinated and enjoy some freedoms.
Of course if they the businesses donot comply they will according to
Deputy Premier John Barilaro if businesses fail to keep an eye on who is coming in they will cop severe penalties.
Businesses which allow unvaccinated customers through their doors or hire staff who are not fully vaccinated against Covid-19 will face 'significant fines,' the NSW government has warned.
Customers and patrons at non-essential venues including pubs, restaurants, cafes, gyms and hair salons, will need to prove their vaccination status via QR code when checking in using the Service NSW app, with anyone who doesn't get the 'green light' refused entry.
The Premier Gladys Berejiklian said that unvaccinated people would still have fewer freedoms because private businesses would decide to shut them out.
'Don't assume that at 80 per cent double-dose vaccination, the unvaccinated are are going to have all the same freedoms,' she said.
'I want to make that point very clear.
'If you're not vaccinated, you will not have the freedom or the freedoms that vaccinated people have even when we get to 80 per cent double dose.
So here we have private businesses choosing wether to only welcome patrons who are vaccinated. Doing the dirty work of State Government and the sneaky Federal Government.
So, as I see it! They are methodically working towards THE BEAST SYSTEM - Where You can't Buy or sell without the number or the name
Mr Barilaro told 2GB radio on Monday.
'If they don't want to do it that's fine, you might have to wait another three to four weeks after that when we get to 80 per cent and above.
So according to that statement If businesses want to open then it looks to me they haven't a choice but comply to allow vaccinated patrons only....
He continues-
'I apologise for that but it will only be a three to four weeks of short inconvenience.
'According to the national road map and to the Doherty Institute report, we'll go and then lift further restrictions including for the unvaccinated.'
The deputy premier made comments on Canberra radio station 2CC.
'We are turning unvaccinated customers away for a period of probably three weeks,' he said.
'For about a three week period after the state hits 70 per cent coverage, we're giving businesses an opportunity to open [for vaccinated customers].'
How will you prove vaccination
Customers will need to prove their vaccination status when they scan in via QR code using the Service NSW app.
What will the gains be @ 80%vaxxed apparently,
Ms Berejiklian said at this mark she wants to restart international travel and now Mr Barilaro has said vaccine passports will be scrapped.
Also on Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce backed vaccine passports, saying the nation 'cannot wait' for the unjabbed.
'If you choose not to get vaccinated, well, that is your choice, but the nation can't wait for you,' he told ABC radio.
'We also want to make sure that people get the liberties and the freedoms that they were born with back, and that's the thing that more and more people want. They're over it.
'Unfortunately, when things open up, then some people will get sick, and very tragically, some people will die. But some people die from the flu.
'We don't want that, we want to avoid that, but we can't stop the nation for it.'
Chief health officer Kerry Chant has described the rule change as a 'baby step' towards completely reopening the state.
'I think that one has to keep them in proportion... we're allowing a household who has been doing it tough in south-western Sydney and western Sydney to sit in the park as a household, if all of the adult members are vaccinated,' she said.
Regardless of location, residents must be fully-vaccinated to enjoy the new freedoms. A border bubble with Queensland has also restarted for 12 regional NSW areas that are being released from lockdown, allowing students and essential workers with one vaccine to enter the Queensland state So what are your freedoms at the 70 percent vaxxed
1. Weddings with a limit with a 50-person cap on guests, along with religious services.Dancing permitted and eating and drinking only while seated.
Up to 50 guests can attend funerals, with eating and drinking while seated.
Churches and places of worship to open subject to one person per 4sqm rule, with no singing
2.Stadiums, theatres and major outdoor recreation facilities:
Major recreation outdoor facilities including stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoos can reopen with one person per 4sqm, capped at 5,000 spectators .
Up to 500 people can attend ticketed and seated outdoor events.
Indoor entertainment and information facilities including cinemas, theatres, music halls, museums and galleries can reopen with one person per 4sqm or 75 per cent fixed seated capacity.
3. Up to five guests will be allowed in the home, with gathering of 20 permitted outdoors.
4. Sporting events will be allowed under the one person per 4sqm rule with a limit of 5,000
5. NSW schools resume in stages between October 25 and November 8.
6. Hospitality venues can reopen subject to one person per 4sqm inside and one person per 2sqm outside, with standing while drinking permitted outside.
7. Retail stores can reopen under the one person per 4sqm rule (unvaccinated people will continue to only be able to access critical retail).
8. Gyms and indoor recreation facilities such as Sporting facilities including swimming pools can open under the one person per 4sqm rule and can offer classes for up to 20 people.
9. Travel:
· Domestic travel, including trips to regional NSW, will be permitted.
· Caravan parks and camping grounds can open.
· Carpooling will be permitted.
Non-vaccinated aged under 16 will be able to access all outdoor settings but will only be able to visit indoor venues with members of their household.
10. Employers:
must continue to allow employees to work from home if the employee is able to do so.
11. Masks:
will remain mandatory for all indoor public venues, including public transport, front-of-house hospitality, retail and business premises, on planes and at airports.
Only hospitality staff will be required to wear a mask when outdoors.
Children aged under 12 will not need to wear a mask indoors.
12. Only fully vaccinated people and those with medical exemptions will have restrictions against them reduced under the Reopening NSW roadmap.
Lesser restrictions for vaccinated people will come into effect on the Monday after NSW hits the 70 per cent double dose target
Meanwhile the oppressors, blind to the brutal and unjust practices sustaining their dominance, simply increase the level of force against any who resist.
And if you refuse to get the jab then find yourself banned from all these places and activities.
only allowing access to essential services like supermarkets. So there you have it! YOUR FREEDOMS are in the hands of the oppressors a road map to the NEW WORLD ORDER where you will feel safe and be happy.....
Gladys Berejiklian 'It is easier to police venues because all retail outlets and other places of hospitality require QR codes,' the premier said.
'That is why we have been speaking about the vaccine passport and the QR code system.
'If you want to go and buy something which is regarded as a non-essential shop, you will put up the QR code and if it is not a green light saying you have been vaccinated, you won't be welcome inside.'
Under the new Liberal/National scheme outlined by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Australians without "certificates of vaccination" will have their freedom to travel, shop and attend events greatly restricted.
When asked point-blank if this scheme is effectively a vaccine passport system the PM response was to say weakly, "that's not how I refer to them...people have certificates of vaccination."
Treason in Australia - Apostasy & Suicide: Treason in Australia!
with Sacha Stone,Jasmin Gagliardi, Dr Judy Wilyman & Morgan Jonas on behalf of Monica Smit
Treason in Australia - Apostasy & Suicide: Treason in Australia! with Sacha Stone,Jasmin Gagliardi, Dr Judy Wilyman & Morgan Jonas on behalf of Monica Smit.
Arise Homo Sapiens! ❤️ SHARE WIDELY - Visit Sacha's work & research at www.lazarusinitiative.com - follow out iG for important updates and upcoming dialogues https://www.instagram.com/thelazarusinitiative/
The Department of Health website states that one child has died from COVID-19. A male aged 10-19 years. This is the first COVID-19 death in Australia in children, according to official government data.
However, upon further investigation, and as reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, the child did not die from COVID-19. The 15-year-old male tragically passed away from pneumococcal meningitis.
As the boy tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, he was subsequently listed as a COVID-19 death. The hospital has confirmed that the “patient was also COVID-positive, however this was not the reason for his admission and was not the cause of death”.
Even NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant confirmed that “he died from pneumococcal meningitis”.
If his cause of death was confirmed not to be COVID-19, why has he been added to the official death toll for COVID-19?
Furthermore, how many other people have died from other causes and have been listed as COVID-19 deaths?
The government continues the sprout the narrative that we must learn to live with COVID-19, and that we will focus on hospitalisations and deaths rather than case numbers. How can we focus on hospitalisations and deaths when the numbers are not being recorded accurately?
Which begs the question, what other data has been manipulated to instil fear into the population?
In spite of the inaccurate recording of data, it is clear that COVID-19 does not impact children. What does impact children is closing schools and impeding their education.
I have always maintained the importance of taking a balanced view when it comes to making decisions.
That is why I think it is vital that we also look at the costs future generations will be burdened with as a result of our current covid-19 policies. This is what Alan Jones and Adam Creighton discussed last night and I think we would be wise to take these points into consideration.
These costs include, but are not limited to, a massive debt that will take many lifetimes to pay off and a weakening of many of the rights and freedoms older generations took for granted.
Political leaders have a responsibility to look at all sides of an argument and to consider the long term ramifications of their decisions. As I have said many times over the last 18 months, we cannot let the cure be worse than the virus.
I fear too many of our leaders have not taken these responsibilities seriously and it is our children and our grandchildren who will pay the price.
AFL Solicitors’ Matthew Hopkins has filed a historic case in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. The case targets the tyrants responsible for attempting to implement New World Order thuggery, the prototype for the West! He joined Stew Peters last night to discuss the historic case.
This case has been expedited to be heard at the end of the month. This has to be the most important case in Australia's history.
The Directions Hearing streamed live on YouTube had over 400,000 views. There is huge interest in the outcome of this case.
This is a fight against tyranny. we must support AFL Solicitors’ Matthew Hopkins
sharing this by Murry Webber
Steps you can take now.
As a past employer in the construction industry, with experience dealing with WorkSafe, I concur with the gentleman's comments in the video link below.
Most important is to put everything in writing..I cannot stress this enough.
It is mandatory for employers to prepare, provide and train their employees in safe work procedures (SWP) for all tasks they require their employees to undertake and have these available for WorkSafe's review.
These SWPs need to include Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all products that employees are required to use/adopt, including PPE Personal Protective Equipment. i.e. this includes masks and by extension the jab ...so for wearing of masks an Employer would need to provide a MSDS that provides the risks to health from wearing the mask, safety of mask material, etc.
Your employer's SWP for wearing masks would need to address safe fitting, safe durations of wearing... necessary rest breaks, the need to replace masks due to contamination/when no longer serviceabe or fit for purpose after what time or what events etc. (I personally would ask for the Medical evidence showing the measured extent that the mask prevents inhalation/infection of Covid virus particles.)
By extension the same requirements applies to the bosses demands for you to be jabbed.
Ask and keep records of all your employers SWPs and MSDS...these will be helpful should you become physically or mentally unwell (eg develop anxiety, etc).
Your rights to a safe work place are very well protected under the WorkSafe laws.
I advise do not resign...from coercion, it's imperative that you leave it to your employer to either stand you down or fire you and provide their written reasons. Unfair dismissal laws then provide you with possible recourse. P.S.Please remember written records are your best defence should matters escalate to a dispute.
Keep in mind if the jab turns out to be a faulty product...i.e. it doesn't stop you from covid infection, or you have an adverse reaction..it's not returnable.
I would also ask your employer to state in writing all the guaranteed safety/ protection afforded by the jab and the explicit health reasons as to why he is demanding it along with
2 all the health risks associated with the jab and 3 an acknowledgement that the jab is an experimental health procedure.
I sense he will become agitated knowing that he will need to be very very careful in providing you with a response.
Best wishes...and keeping hitting the ball over the net.
more comments
This is "CIVIL CONCSCRIPTION" Australians are protected under the Constitution S51.23A and the Public Health Act Division 1, Section 111 "Principal of the Act"!
as always do your own research.. we are not medical doctors or lawyers here, just sharing content for educational and entertainment. IMACOGINDEWHEELOFLIFE.COM
An email request recieved from
Stop World Control
As you all know, the world renown trial lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is working with 100 lawyers and 100 scientists worldwide, to sue all who are complicit in the crimes against humanity of the planned pandemic.
Dr. Fuellmich wants to come to our studio, along with other experts, to make a unique high quality documentary that will show the world what is going on.
Joke Biden has however closed the borders for all travel from Europa, so Dr. Fuellmich can’t get in. We can however request an exemption.
For this, we need letters of endorsement from professionals: physicians, scientists, lawyers, etc.
If you are one of these, or if you are part of any kind of organization that is helping the world, and you want to write a letter of endorsement for Dr. Fuellmich, then please reply to:
You will then receive info on how to help Reiner enter the USA, so we can make this powerful documentary in our studio, with other high level experts.
OVERVIEW OF FREEDOM ORGANIZATIONS WORLDWIDE I want to create a world map on our website with an overview of freedom organizations worldwide, so people from every nation can find groups they can support or join. This can also help to organize national actions, like protests, legal campaigns, etc. If you know names or websites of organizations that fight for freedom, then please let me know.
Examples are the World Freedom Alliance, World Doctors Alliance, American Frontline Doctors, COMUSAV, Police for Freedom, etc. It can be legal, medical, political organizations, etc.
Please send me every single organization you have ever heard of, that should be on this map, wether they are attorneys, politicians, scientists, journalists, or just activists. Email me here: network@stopworldcontrol.com
We need to let the world know they exist!
Doherty Institute Modelling Report for National Cabinet
The Doherty Institute Modelling Report to advise on the National Plan to transition Australia's National COVID Response is now available.
extract see above link in title for full interview-
PRIME MINISTER: … And I don't, and I don’t think any premier thinks that's the case. We're going to have some states that go into 70 and 80 per cent with low levels of cases. Good, good. And, what the Doherty modelling shows is that for those states, the restrictions that are needed once you go into 70 and 80 per cent, are much, much less than what needs to be in place in cases like New South Wales and in Victoria, where the caseload - and, oh arguably in ACT, but their case numbers are becoming more under control - in those two states - in New South Wales and Victoria - when you go into 70 and 80 per cent, well, obviously they won't have the same level of of eased restrictions that you'd see in Western Australia or Queensland. So, I've accepted and we all know, we all understand every state is coming from a different place. But, this is where we need to end up, Kieran. To enable Australians to travel again, overseas, vaccinated Australians, for vaccinated Australians to come to Australia, for people to be able to move around, then home quarantine needs to work. And, the QR code readers that the states have, they need to work to be able to show whether someone has been vaccinated or not. Now, we're working with the states and territories to enable that. In New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia they have very good systems that can accommodate that.
Doherty Institute refuses to deny interference from Prime Minister Scott Morrison regarding their support of Morrison’s failed Covid plan
There is a powerful prima facie case that Prime Minister Scott Morrison pressured the Doherty Institute to publicly support his Covid strategy which if true is very disturbing. The Doherty Institute produced the Doherty Report which has in effect been the road map that Prime Minister Scott Morrison and all the state premiers agreed to use as the basis for managing the Covid crisis. But Scott Morrison and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian have been selectively quoting from the Doherty Report to support Morrisons Covid plan and NSW’s failed Covid management.
Scott Morrison and Gladys Berejiklian have been under huge pressure for mishandling Covid and out of nowhere on Monday night (23/8/21) the Doherty Institute issued a press release which read like it had been written by Scott Morrison’s media team. So, I sent some questions to the media manager at the Doherty Institute as per the below email.
Messages from Lawyers around the world and Australia
The informed consent campaign
Anna De Buisseret: All The Law Is On Our Side... There Will Be A Second Nuremburg Trial
Statement of the Australian Covid Medical Network Ltd
Monday 5th October 2020
The Victorian government’s response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is now doing more harm than good. These measures will cause more deaths and result in far more negative health effects than the virus itself. Left unchecked, the Victorian government risks creating the state’s worst ever public health crisis.
Many Australian doctors and other health professionals consider the lockdown measures to be disproportionate, unscientific, excessively authoritarian and the cause of widespread suffering for many Victorians.
Thereby, we Australian Doctors and Health Professionals, in solidarity with thousands of international doctors, call for the cessation of all disproportionate measures that contravene the International Siracusa Principles
Statement of the Australian Covid Medical Network www.CovidMedicalNetwork.com ‘Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of a disease or infirmity’. WHO Constitution, 1948
pdf @ above link
For some reason I was unable to access this from the websites download link so found it and placed here for your information.
It seems there are brocken links on the CMN site
Federal Member Russell Broadbent MP
Bravely speaking out for the people.
The distressing calls I have received from constituents who are about to lose their jobs because, for one reason or another, they choose not to accept the current vaccines available are some of the worst calls I have taken in my life as a parliamentarian. I feel powerless in the face of government or employer directives. Some can afford to take a stand and leave their employment, others may be redeployed, or find work elsewhere. Most need the jobs that they love just to survive. Many are the only breadwinners in the household. Even the Americans have health and religious abstentions, but here it is discouraged or flatly refused by doctors. This is wrong. This is not in keeping with the freedom I claim to stand for as an elected representative. It is also heartbreaking to hear the anguish in the voices of those that have been given no choice. Where are we headed? A choice not to be vaccinated means you are out of the airline industry, out of health and aged care, out of childcare. Where does this discrimination end? Will unvaccinated people be refused entry to sporting venues, hospitals, aged care centres? What will be next? Where are the civil libertarians that have stood in solidarity with me in the past? At the very least, you would expect people to be given the opportunity to have the Novavax vaccine that is coming in a few months’ time. Novavax will probably be more acceptable to people like myself. One of the most highly vaccinated countries in the world, Israel - they are now looking to booster shots as their number of cases rise in the vaccinated and unvaccinated. We need to know what the experience of Israel, and the United Kingdom for that matter, is - given they are well ahead of us in this. What can we glean from their experiences? Australians have always been independent thinkers, questioning authority from our birth. But today, where are the people in Australia questioning our current approach to tackling the pandemic? Why is there only one view coming from the government and health officials? Why are we not looking to treatments that are proving effective in countries around the world as we would normally do? My heart aches for my people in distress through lockdowns, job losses and business destruction. It seems to me the upheaval causing anxiety, hopelessness, fear and incalculable economic repercussions may well be worse than the virus itself, with possible long term and deep consequences. That’s just as I see it.
How did we ever let them build walls between us....
Aussies flock to beach
on a hot September day we are only human after all.
Coronavirus crisis: Crowds flock to Sydney beaches despite lockdown | The West Australian
Large crowds gathered at Bondi to beat the heat on Saturday. NCA NewsWire / Flavio Brancaleone. Credit: News Corp Australia
Having fun in the sun.... Maybe people are sick and tired of lockdowns - maybe they are finally seeing through the bullshit!
(From an Aussie...
From we support truckers group
Adam Audino)
This is really interesting
I was already aware of the
x, but the connections to our own government are insidious.
Riddle me this, Batman.
This press conference may make sense now given Andrew Twiggy Forrest mines graphene…
https://youtu.be/x4a05hvrQfc All roads lead back to graphene.
As we already know, graphene is a super conductor.
As Dr Jane Ruby stated on the Stew Peters Show, the blood of a vaccinated person under microscope showed the red blood cells strangely ‘light up’ due to the inclusion of graphene in the vaccines.
Then I found an article on an experiment done at none other than the University of California, which just so happens to include one Professor Robert (Bob) Hunt, who by pure coincidence is Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt’s brother and who receives funding through a foundation called The Hunt Lab, as does his other brother Professor John Hunt at the University of NSW. UNSW has coincidentally received millions in grants from Greg Hunt and the Federal Government.
UCI ‘grant funded’ experiments discovered they could remote control the heartbeat of a mouse, speeding it up or down remotely by way of graphene. https://www.photonics.com/.../Graphene.../a63489
So then I look up what could ‘light up’ or ‘activate’ graphene in respect to ‘light robotics’ and I found an existing remote control technology called LiDAR - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lidar that, like graphene, has many applications.
One of the applications of this LiDAR technology includes drones, just like the ones they have in Sydney right now - https://nationaldrones.com.au/drone.../inspections/lidar/
This LiDAR technology is also already in our mobile phones, pulsing out silent and unseen messages -
Lidar is also currently implemented in medical equipment in hospital and various therapies -
And just look at all the LiDAR companies in Australia - https://www.environmental-expert.com/.../location-australia
So in a nutshell, my thought are the COVID-19/Delta variant ‘hot-spots’ are being targeted by LiDAR, activating those who have been vaccinated by way of drones, cameras and satellites to induce a variety of health issues including heart attacks, myocarditis, strokes, tremors and more depending on how your body reacts when the graphene is activated. This of course is then labelled a COVID-19/Delta death and they will then move onto the next ‘COVID-19 ravaged’ suburb and continue. This of course may be along with mind-control (Google graphene and mind medicine).
Google Mind Medicine a ‘foundation’ created by Greg Hunt’s other brother, Peter Hunt and Mind Med, a friend of big pharma.
And his other brother Steven Hunt is the Director of graphene company Sparc https://sparctechnologies.com.au/.../directors-and.../ and sits on the board of the ‘Graphene Enabled Industry Transformation’. https://arcgrapheneresearchhub.com.au/people/stephen-hunt/
Peter Hunt - https://mindmedicineaustralia.org.au/board/
Robert Bob Hunt - http://www.roberthuntlab.org/
John Hunt - https://medicalsciences.med.unsw.edu.au/people/dr-john-hunt
YouTube (https://youtu.be/x4a05hvrQfc)
Health Minister blindsided as Chinese consul-general crashes COVID-19 press conference | ABC News
Diplomatic dispute between China and Australia continues.
Australian businessman Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest has rejected suggestions he blindsided the Health Minister by bringing a Chinese diplomat to their joint press conference yesterday.
The Chinese consul-general in Melbourne appeared alongside Mr Forrest and Greg Hunt announcing the purchase of millions of testing kits from China.
IMPORTANT! Listen to this Powerful and Heartfelt message
Who I am and Why I am Fighting for our Freedom
Lurnpa Lurnpa
3.67K subscribers
Since the last videos of Lurnpa speaking at the freedom rally have been circulating we have seen an overwhelming unity form amongst the human community which we have dreamed of for many years. Seeing this unity being cultivated has brought relief and a new boost of energy to continue this fight that was beginning to take a toll on many of us who have been fighting for years and intergenerational - lifetimes. Yes we are fighting, yes we are at war but we are not just soldiers or warriors, we are human. Lurnpa decided to put a short video together of explaining why he has embarked on this pilgrimage of creating a better world for the children through reasserting our freedom and Soveriegnty as human beings.
If you missed this powerful stand for freedom and sovereignty watch as Lurnpa Lurnpa
stands for
The Power of Sovereignty: Exercised
Clamping down on certain medications but Keep taking authorised experimental Injections
New restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19
10 September 2021
Today, the TGA, acting on the advice of the Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling, has placed new restrictions on the prescribing of oral ivermectin. General practitioners are now only able to prescribe ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions (indications) - scabies and certain parasitic infections. Certain specialists including infectious disease physicians, dermatologists, gastroenterologists and hepatologists (liver disease specialists) will be permitted to prescribe ivermectin for other unapproved indications if they believe it is appropriate for a particular patient.
These changes have been introduced because of concerns with the prescribing of oral ivermectin for the claimed prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia or in other developed countries, and its use by the general public for COVID-19 is currently strongly discouraged by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the World Health Organisation and the US Food and Drug Administration.
read the reasons link here
sharing this again
TGA Full Report of COVID Vaccine Adverse Reactions and Deaths – UAP-Media.com.au
Download report link 73 pages
Malcolm Roberts One Nation
On this page:
What letting the government enforce vaccines means
Mandatory Vaccines, unconstitutional?
Vaccine Safety
Further details on the constitutionality of vaccines
Confused about the Government rules on vaccines?
Informed Consent
Vaccine passports/prisons
Where did COVID come from?
Vaccine approval status
The plan is coercion
Brendan D Murphy
I recently earned my third strike on You(get censored)Tube and thought I should give you the chance to check out the 3 interviews deemed "unfit" for public consumption...
...and draw your own conclusions.
The latest casualty was my interview with intuitive building biologist Gerard Bini - after it had climbed over 9k views.
In reverse order, these are the 3 episodes YT doesn't want you to see:
The second one to bite the dust was myconversation with whistleblower Dr Carrie Madej
I've had constant upload issues between the different platforms, so with BitChute please be aware it can take a little time for the videos to buffer before they play.
...aaaaand finally, the first one YT took down was this must-see chat with the truly epic Dr Robert O. Young (who I'll be having back on soon!). He explains what ACTUALLY causes C19 symptoms (hint: it's not a virus)...
If you still think the lockdowns, m@sks, etc., are about protecting the public health, then these 3 episodes should remedy that misconception for you.
And, why the censorship of ALL alternative points of view, eh? Even the guy who developed the toxic j@b is saying don't get it! There's a major clue right there.
Enjoy - and please share with anyone who needs the knowledge and is ready for it.
Stay free,
see more interviews @ link https://odysee.com/@BrendanDMurphyOfficial:d
Banking Fraud
Follow the story as it shines a light into this racket, revealing facts and events based on a story of one Perth family. Learn how a Perth Finance Broker finds out the ugly truth about banking, compelling him to immediately leave the industry. Four years later, and two years into court matters to get to the bottom of it, have revealed fascinating insights into the biggest fraud humanity is coming to grips with – the illusion of loans and money and the mechanics used by the GLOBAL DEBT SLAVERY gatekeepers, the bankers, lawyers, government departments (all also private corporations), ombudsmen, and the courts, all nicely covered up by their personal mainstream media.
Updates from
Kangaroo Court of Australia
Why rent a lawyer when you can buy a judge
Scott Morrison was sacked as Managing Director of Tourism Australia in 2006 by the John Howard government and since that time no one would say why. But now John Howard is quoted […]
The post Scott Morrison calls on John Howard to lie about why he was sacked from Tourism Australia but the lie doesn’t explain why he was also sacked from Tourism NZ appeared first on Kangaroo Court of Australia.
rorts, neglect, death
NWO Plans Exposed by Insider in 1969
FREE Cell Phone Radiation Shield