A series on this subject and more on What Treason has been created under subterfuge and calculating lies, deliberately changing the Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) to bring about the Political maleficence against the unsuspecting people of This Commonwealth Of Australia.
****There are but two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.****
Steps To Christ
"How great Thou Art" ~ with day Star Academy
All information on this blog is important please educate yourself and share widely
Please support Brian Shaw's Grand Jury Application
Our Christian nation is at war! Christianity versus the Evil Satanic realm. please do your own research this post is a compilation of information sourced from shared posts on Social media, as well as Information by Good men who have researched and fighting to educate , inform and fight for our GOD given rights.
I am only a messenger. see disclaimer at end. I suggest you read all content here first, before side tracking to other linked areas.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” ~ J. Edgar Hoover
The One World Government cartel, with
their corrupt banking bedfellows, are gaining confidence by the
day, as they see a world of individuals who have gone to sleep
and cannot see the danger ahead. ~ Omega Times
Australia’s 6 British colonies became one nation on 1 January 1901.
The Constitution sets out the basic rules for the Australian system of government. It provides the political and legal framework for the nation which underpins many aspects of daily life.
The Constitution also established the office of the Governor-General as the Queen’s representative in Australia
The Australian Constitution took 10 years to take shape. The draft Constitution Bill was revised by Griffith, Kingston, Barton and Inglis Clark. This draft was then revived and debated at the 1897–98 Convention, and final changes were made at the 'Secret Premiers' Conference' early in 1899 in order to gain the agreement of all the colonies.Another change was made by the British Parliament when Members insisted on an amendment to enable appeals against decisions of the State Supreme Courts and the proposed High Court of the Commonwealth to be heard in Britain, by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. An Australian delegation (Edmund Barton, Alfred Deakin, James Robert Dickson, Charles Cameron Kingston and Sir Philip Fysh) went to London to witness the passage of the Constitution into law. The Constitution set out the basis for the establishment of the institutions of government of the new nation. The chief institutions are firstly the Parliament, consisting of 'the Queen, a Senate, and a House of Representatives' (Section 1) provided for in the first 60 sections of the Constitution (pages 3–13). Secondly, Section 2 provides for the appointment of a Governor-General as the representative of the Crown, and the ten sections of Chapter II set out the powers of the Governor-General and the Executive Council and the functions of the public service departments. The ten Sections of Chapter III provide for the judicial institutions with the High Court as the superior court of the Commonwealth. The Governor-General, the 'first officer' in the Commonwealth, formally appoints the Ministers of the Crown. Queen Victoria issued Letters Patent establishing the office of Governor-General on 29 October 1900 and on the same day issued Instructions to the first Governor-General, Lord Hopetoun, a former Governor of Victoria.
While the High Court interprets the Constitution, once it became law the Constitution can only be changed according to the amendment provision it contains. This requires a referendum of all Australian voters, and the result must be that the proposed change is agreed by a majority of voters in a majority of States and also by a national majority of voters. This is difficult to achieve and, of the 44 proposals put to referendums in the Commonwealth's first century, only eight amendments have been successful.

Queen Victoria on 29 October 1900 established the office of the governor-general of Australia
The Letters Patent, seen here, established one of the most important offices in the new nation of Australia, that of the monarch's representative, the governor-general. The signing of the Letters Patent by the Queen legally established this office. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, passed by the British Parliament, the royal assent to that Act, the Royal Instructions to the Governor-General, and the Letters Patent are the key documents creating the Commonwealth of Australia.Australia is a constitutional monarchy, with the British monarch as the head of state. All bills passed by Australia's federal parliament require royal assent to become law. This is usually granted by the governor-general as the monarch's representative in Australia. Until the diplomatic post of British High Commissioner was established in 1936, the governor-general also acted as the de facto representative of the British Government in Australia.
Reflecting centuries of royal authority, the language of this document is highly formal and legalistic. It details the powers of the governor-general set out under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900. As well, the Letters Patent outline the procedure for replacing the governor-general in the event of death, incapacity, removal or absence.
This document was made of high-quality durable materials, reflecting its importance as a legal instrument delegating some of the Queen's powers to her representative in the new nation. The document is housed in a wooden box lined with royal purple velvet, and with a red leather cover. In the centre of the lid is the royal coat of arms, embossed in gold. The document bears the name Muir Mackenzie, Permanent Secretary to the Lord Chancellor's office in the United Kingdom.
The signing of this document by Queen Victoria on 29 October 1900 came after she had already appointed Australia’s first governor-general on 14 July 1900. He was the Scottish-born seventh Earl of Hopetoun, John Adrian Louis Hope (1860–1908). Known as Lord Hopetoun, he was sworn in as Governor-General at the Commonwealth of Australia inauguration ceremony in Centennial Park in Sydney on 1 January 1901, when the Letters Patent were read out.
The Constitution is one of the Commonwealth of Australia’s founding documents. After many years of debate and drafting, it was passed by the British Parliament, and given royal assent (approval by the Queen), in July 1900.
The passing of the Constitution enabled Australia’s 6 British colonies to become one nation, the Commonwealth of Australia, on 1 January 1901.
Under the new Constitution, the former colonies (now called states) would retain their own systems of government, but a separate, federal government would be responsible for matters concerning the nation as a whole.
TREASON - Political Maleficence
Political Parties - Both Houses of the Parliament in contempt of the; Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
The Queen is mentioned in the Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution, 47 times, the Governor-General 65 times, but the Prime Minister is not even mentioned once.
John Higgins
We The People of The Commonwealth,Must Unite,As One!! What confronts Us,is Undoubtedly beyond our normal comprehension,Our children,and theirs,are to be enslaved and DNA altered,which means they are Not Gods Creations,they will be Mans Property,with only Man Given Rights and Privileges,which can be removed at Any Time! Blessed Be
‘An Australian Head of State: An Historical and Contemporary Perspective’
Our first Sovereign was Queen Victoria: her first duties were to issue Letters Patent assenting to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900, and to sign two assent copies of the Act itself, on 9 July 1900. On 17 September 1900 she issued a Proclamation declaring the first day of January 1901 to be the day on which the Federal Commonwealth of Australia was to come into being.[9]
On 29 October 1900, Queen Victoria signed another two constitutional documents: Letters Patent constituting the Office of Governor-General,[10] and Instructions to the Governor‑General.[11] Some commentators writing at the time thought that the Letters Patent and the Instructions were superfluous, or even of doubtful legality.[12] However, between 1902 and 1920, King Edward VII and King George V were to issue further Instructions to the Governor-General,[13] and in 1958 Queen Elizabeth II amended the Letters Patent and issued further Instructions.[14]
In 1975 the Commonwealth Solicitor-General provided the Prime Minister with a legal opinion that the Governor-General’s constitutional powers could not properly be the subject of Instructions. Even so, it took another nine years before the matter was resolved. On 21 August 1984, on the advice of Prime Minister Hawke, Queen Elizabeth revoked Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent and the Instructions to the Governor-General, and issued new Letters Patent which, in the words of the Prime Minister, would ‘achieve the objective of modernising the administrative arrangements of the Office of Governor-General and, at the same time, clarify His Excellency’s position under the Constitution’.[15]
The 1958 documents, to which I have already referred, had dealt with matters of minor detail, but they were very significant in the context of the evolution of Australia’s constitutional arrangements. Previously, Australia’s constitutional documents requiring the Sovereign’s signature had been recommended and counter-signed by a British minister of state and sealed with the Royal Great Seal of the United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth was the first Sovereign to sign such documents on the advice of, and bearing the counter-signature of, one of her Australian ministers of state, namely, Prime Minister Menzies, and to have the documents sealed with the Royal Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia. The right to have Australian constitutional documents prepared and issued in this way had existed since 1926, but Menzies was the first Australian Prime Minister to exercise that right.
Queen Victoria’s Letters Patent had ordered that there should be a Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia, and that it should be kept by the Governor-General and used on Commonwealth documents signed by the Governor-General: Australian documents signed by the Sovereign were sealed with the Royal Great Seal of the United Kingdom. On 19 October 1955, on the advice of Menzies, the Queen issued a Royal Warrant whereby she authorised the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia to be used as the Royal Great Seal of Australia whenever she signed a document that was counter-signed by one of her Australian ministers of state.
This was not the first step taken by Menzies to strengthen the role of the Sovereign as Queen of Australia, and to remove British ministers and British processes from Australia’s constitutional arrangements. In 1953, Menzies had introduced two bills into the Australian Parliament which formally designated the Queen as Queen of Australia. The first of these was the Royal Style and Titles Act 1953, which added the word ‘Australia’ to the Queen’s style and titles.
At the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference held in London in December 1952, the prime ministers of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon had agreed that the royal style and titles then in use were no longer in accord with current constitutional relationships within the British Commonwealth, and they decided that each member country would adopt a form that suited its own purposes. And so, by decision of the Australian Parliament in 1953, the Queen became Queen of Australia.
The 1958 documents, to which I have already referred, had dealt with matters of minor detail, but they were very significant in the context of the evolution of Australia’s constitutional arrangements. Previously, Australia’s constitutional documents requiring the Sovereign’s signature had been recommended and counter-signed by a British minister of state and sealed with the Royal Great Seal of the United Kingdom. Queen Elizabeth was the first Sovereign to sign such documents on the advice of, and bearing the counter-signature of, one of her Australian ministers of state, namely, Prime Minister Menzies, and to have the documents sealed with the Royal Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia. The right to have Australian constitutional documents prepared and issued in this way had existed since 1926, but Menzies was the first Australian Prime Minister to exercise that right.
extracts refere
BRIAN SHAW Would like you to download this original GRAND JURY APPLICATION, complete and email to barrypreston98@gmail.com
Upon receipt, you will be inviting to see more of the legal files and statements into the Courts, as well as many other areas, and to have them over a variety of ways as to view & listen with more on Facebook, and other platforms.
Or post signed to ~ POST only to: Gerard Donohue C/- 17 Macqueen Ave Korumburra 3950 Victoria
Thank you

Please take action!!!! then they no longer have an excuse of "I know Nothing"
Please send / email your signed Co-Join document to this list, of all these, Victorian Candidates.
Total candidates 2186
Support Brian Shaw by Nat Ostf Sam
Below is an action by a very brave loyal Australian to charge our Politicians, Media, Police, and Judiciary with CRIMINAL TREASONABLE OFFENCES.
Date: 31st March 2009
From: Brian Shaw
PO Box 800 Werribee Victoria 3030
To: All Councilors Wyndham/Werribee, State of Victoria
Electorate of Julia Gillard, Federal Member, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia
Currently the Deputy Prime Minister of the Commonwealth
The Current Councillors
1. Cr Shane Bourke (Mayor)
2. Cr Heather Marcus (Deputy Mayor)
3. Cr Marie Brittan
4. Cr Mark Rose
5. Cr Cynthia Manson
6. Cr John Menegazzo
7. Cr Bob Fairclough
8. Cr Glenn Goodfellow
9. Cr Kim McAliney
Subject Matter:
The Grand Jury process that has been activated by private prosecution right against Julia Gillard and others involving an organized attack on the Constitution of the Commonwealth and other State Constitutions to impose a United Nations Agenda upon all Australians.
Grand Jury Process:
The legal right to go before a Grand Jury in the State of Victoria exists at section 354 of the Victorian Crimes Act 1958. To activate the right by private prosecution Julia Gillard was charged with a Common Law offence of Concealing Treason. The charge was filed in the Melbourne Magistrates Court during December of 2007 and served 15th January 2008 at the Synnott Street Werribee Electoral Office, returnable to Melbourne Magistrates Court on 29th January 2009
The Others:
On the 29th January 2009 there were other defendants also charged, in addition to 28 other defendants charged heard 15th December 2006, all relating to the same offence
The Problem:
Since 1984 there has been an organized concerted attack on all Constitutions in the Commonwealth of Australia purportedly to achieve a Republic, but, in reality to trap every Australian into a United Nations agenda without their knowledge nor consent
Fee Simple Titles Queensland:
In the State of Queensland a Corporation has been set up to purportedly gather all Fee Simple Titles into this particular Corporation called “The Brigalow Corporation”. To effect this certain laws have been altered or amended in Queensland to achieve this objective
The United Nations Purpose:
“The United Nations has given Federal Government a Mandate of ownership for housing, farms, property and business to Government Control, once the Republic has been proclaimed”.
In Victoria
With total disregard to the Commonwealth Referendum result held during 1999, the Victorian Parliament introduced a Bill titled “Courts and Tribunals Legislation (Further Amendment) Bill” on 24th May 2000.
The purpose of the Bill was to abolish “The oath of Allegiance” from the Legal Practice Act 1996
R. Hulls (Attorney General Victoria)
The Bill was introduced into the Victorian Parliament by Mr R Hulls; the Attorney General for the State of Victoria, the Bill did become an Act without any referendum in full breach of the 1999 Commonwealth referendum result
Western Australia
On 1st January 2004 the Attorney General of Western Australia Mr J McGinty in agreement with the then Governor Mr Sanderson enacted an Act titled “Acts Amendment and Repeal Courts and Legal Practice Act 2003 (WA)”.
The purpose of the Bill/Act was to remove the Crown and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll Her Heirs and Successors and Subjects from specific law within Western Australia in full breach of the 1999 Commonwealth referendum result The Bill/Act did not have any referendum authorizing this legislation
All Attorney Generals
In the period 15th December 2006 and 29th January 2007 when Julia Gillard was charged all current Attorney Generals operating within the Commonwealth of Australia were also charged by private prosecution after which the legal right to the Grand Jury process was also activated in relation to each Attorney General
Damian Bugg (Commonwealth Public Prosecutions)
The Director of Public Prosecutions Mr Damian Bugg was also charged with the other defendants, but, Mr Bugg sent an office delegate to the Court to have his criminal charge dismissed with the other named defendants.
The Retaliation
Because criminal charges for serious indictable offences were filed against “Government Officials”, two Attorney Generals filed civil actions against myself to have their Courts declare “vexatious litigation” in an attempt to conceal the Grand Jury process activated in criminal jurisdiction against themselves
McGinty / Bugg (Co-joined)
The civil suit in Western Australia was originated by Mr J McGinty the then Attorney General for the State of Western Australia co-joined by Mr Damian Bugg the Director of Public Prosecutions Commonwealth
The Matter (WA)
The civil writ was originally heard by Commissioner Braddock (CIV 2264/2004), on appeal by Justice McKechnie (CIV 1128/2005), on appeal (Full Court) by Justices Styler, Buss and Christine Wheeler (CACV 83/2005)
The Arrest
At the appeal (Full Court) the three Supreme Court Judges, Styler, Buss and Christine Wheeler were informed from the bar table that the removal of both the Crown and Monarch from the Supreme Court Act (WA) was an act of Treason and as such the three Judges were primary offenders, accordingly were placed under arrest from the bar table and formally charged for such offence in the Melbourne Magistrates Court, now pending Grand Jury process. (The formal Charge handed up on the day is attached)
Corryn Rayner (Supreme Court Registrar)
Costs have been incurred in Western Australia involving this civil writ instigated by McGinty/Bugg against myself, Corryn Rayner was the registrar who heard the taxing issue relating to the Supreme Court costs. Corryn Rayner was murdered by person/persons unknown and her body buried in Kings Park overlooking Perth, Western Australia.
R Hulls (Attorney General Victoria)
To halt and delay the criminal process activated against specific “Government Officials”, R Hulls, the Victorian Attorney General also issued a civil writ against myself to get “His Courts” to declare Brian Shaw a vexatious litigant in the State of Victoria
His Courts
I say “His Courts” because it was Mr Hulls that introduced the Bill (now Act) titled Courts and Tribunals Legislation (Further Amendment) Act” into the Victorian Parliament removing the Oath of Allegiance without referendum approval in breach of the 1999 referendum result.
The Order
The order sought by Mr Hulls was given by Justice Hansen stating:
“Mr Shaw can only file further process by leave of a Court presided over by an Australian Lawyer”
Australian Lawyer
For any person to sit in any Court within the State of Victoria under the auspices of “An Australian Lawyer” is to agree with the “Oath of Allegiance” being removed from the Legal Practice Act in Victoria, Legislation introduced by Mr Hulls himself.
The Appeal
The appeal of the Hulls writ was heard by Justice Dodds Streeton and Nettle. Both were challenged for bias and after consideration continued the appeal hearing and upheld the decision of Hansen given in the civil judgment
Dodds Streeton (A Defendant Judge)
The challenge of bias concerning Justice Dodds Streeton emanated from the National Bank writ issued against the Walter Family. During the hearing of the Walter matter Dodds Streeton did admit having a financial interest with the National Bank. When asked by Carmen Walter to stand down Dodds Streeton declined, heard the matter resulting in the loss of $4.000.000, (Four Million Dollars) worth of Real Estate at Wodonga Victoria.
Dodds Streeton was formally charged by Carmen Walter and a Grand Jury. Application was also lodged with the Full Court of the Supreme Court of Victoria
Dodds Streeton and Nettle
A number of people have lodged “criminal process” at the Full Court of the Supreme Court of Victoria for Grand Jury hearing after witnessing the conduct and concealment of serious indictable offences by Justices Dodds Streeton and Nettle.
Civil or Criminal Jurisdiction
The fundamental and basic principal of law activates that whenever and wherever indictable offences are discovered in any civil matter, the “criminal matter takes priority” over the civil.
The Criminal Charges
The criminal charges lodged by myself and others involving and discovering serious indictable offences ranging from treason to Judges hearing their own matters have not been withdrawn and remain pending Grand Jury process.
Local Government
If the “United Nations agenda” as revealed by Beasley’s statement is to function within Australia, then Local Government must submit and agree to the United Nations agenda, which is the purpose of informing yourselves (Local Government) via this information. The three tiers of Government are Local, State and Federal.
Grand Jury
The only competent and legal jurisdiction to hear the twin offences of Treason and or Misprision of Treason (Concealment of) is a sitting Grand Jury (23 Electors) this is stated law.
“It is provided now that all the prosecutions shall be by presentment, but preserving the prerogative of the Crown through the Attorney General to proceed by information, except in case of ‘treason’ which has to be by indictment. Now indictment means by Grand Jury and therefore, inasmuch as the statute provides that Treason shall be tried by indictment only. That means that it must be by Grand Jury and no other means is provided for bringing it before a Grand Jury. The finding of the Attorney General is equivalent to the finds of the Grand Jury, but in the case of Treason it must be the finding of the Grand Jury.” [Byrne v Armstrong (1899) 25 VLR 126 at 132]
The Application
Any application applying for a Grand Jury hearing in the State of Victoria under section 354 of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) must be heard by the “Full Court” (Not Appeal Court) of the Supreme Court of Victoria sitting in criminal jurisdiction.
The sitting Judges hearing the application against the named defendants are “limited to hearing the charge only”. They are unable to enter into the evidence of the matter, such jurisdiction is the exclusive jurisdiction of a sitting Grand Jury. “The Section (354) does not place upon the Full Court the task of examining the evidence. Nor of determining whether the prosecutor has established a true bill. The section bearing the interpretation, which was placed upon it many years ago, which has never been questioned by Parliament, gives the Full Court a limited role which is no more than we have described. It requires no more than an affidavit complying with the section, disclosing an indictable offence.” Lorne Campbell 1986 (BC8600228)
The Perverting Process (Freemasonry)
In the year 2001 Carmen Walter and myself (the plaintiffs) attempted to issue a “civil writ” against “Freemasonry Victoria”, the writ was refused by the Supreme Court Prothonotary under verbal instruction of Justice Beach. Following the refusal of the “civil writ” an application was lodged with the Full Court of the Supreme Court Victoria
The Actual Hearing
The events surrounding the actual hearing will be correctly placed into a separate affidavit but, I will state in the correspondence to yourselves that the only intent of the Full Court of the Supreme Court (Five Judges) was to have the Byrne Armstrong judgment overturned because it stated:
“That where the affidavit reveals an indictable offence the Court has no discretionary power but to order the sheriff to form the Grand Jury”
Simply stating that someone is a 'vexatious litigant' won't make the evidence of treason magically disappear.
Either refute the evidence that is still tied up in the court system, or admit that you are trying to smear a man who is standing up to a corrupt corporate system which no longer represents the interests of the Australian people.
The introduction and use of the grand jury in Victoria

Image source
A grand jury is a jury—a group of citizens—empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings and investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges should be brought. A grand jury may subpoena physical evidence or a person to testify. A grand jury is separate from the courts, which do not preside over its functioning.[1]
Grand juries perform both accusatory and investigatory functions. The investigatory functions of grand juries include obtaining and reviewing documents and other evidence, and hearing sworn testimonies of witnesses who appear before it; the accusatory function determines whether there is probable cause to believe that one or more persons committed a particular offense within the venue of a district court.
The function of a grand jury is to accuse persons who may be guilty of a crime, but the institution is also a shield against unfounded and oppressive prosecution. It is a means for lay citizens, representative of the community, to participate in the administration of justice. It can also make presentments on crime and maladministration in its area. Traditionally, a grand jury numbers 23 members.
The mode of accusation is by a written statement of two types: 1) in solemn form (indictment) describing the offense with proper accompaniments of time and circumstances, and certainty of act and person, or 2) by a mode less formal, which is usually the spontaneous act of the grand jury, called presentment.[6] No indictment or presentment can be made except by concurrence of at least twelve of the jurors. The grand jury may accuse upon their own knowledge, but it is generally done upon the testimony of witnesses under oath and other evidence heard before them. The proceedings of grand jury are, in the first instance, at the instigation of the government or other prosecutors, and ex parte and in secret deliberation. The accused has no knowledge nor right to interfere with their proceedings.[7]
If they find the accusation true, which is usually drawn up in form by the prosecutor or an officer of the court, they write upon the indictment the words "a true bill" which is signed by the foreperson of the grand jury and presented to the court publicly in the presence of all the jurors. If the indictment is not proven to the satisfaction of the grand jury, the word "ignoramus"[8] or "not a true bill" is written upon it by the grand jury, or by their foreman and then said to be ignored, and the accusation is dismissed as unfounded. (The potential defendant is said to have been "no-billed" by the grand jury.) If the grand jury returns an indictment as a true bill ("billa vera"), the indictment is said to be founded and the party to stand indicted and required to be put on trial.[9]
The Grand Jury can be said to have "celebrated" its 800th birthday in 2015, because a precursor to the Grand Jury is defined in Article 61, the longest of the 63 articles of Magna Carta, also called Magna Carta Libertatum (Latin: "the Great Charter of Liberties") executed on 15 June 1215 by King John and by the Barons. The document was primarily composed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton (1150–1228). He and Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro developed schemas for the division of the Bible into chapters and it is the system of Archbishop Langton which prevailed.[13][14][15] He was a Bible scholar, and the concept of the Grand Jury may possibly derive from Deuteronomy 25:1: "If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked." (King James Version) Thus the Grand Jury has been described as the "Shield and the Sword" of the People: as a "Shield for the People" from abusive indictments of the government- or malicious indictments of individuals- and as the "Sword of the People" to cut away crime by any private individual; or to cut away crime by any public servant, whether in the Judicial, Executive, or Legislative branches.
The purported Victorian Constitution Act 1975 is unconstitutional this as since federation all colonies now within s106 being States lost their colonial sovereign Parliaments and now only have constitutional Parliaments who cannot amend their own constitutions but require a State referendum to approve a proposed amendment to the State constitution
Constitution Act 1975 ACT NUMBER 8750/1975VERSION 222
The Constitution of each State of the Commonwealth shall, subject to this Constitution, continue as at the establishment of the Commonwealth, or as at the admission or establishment of the State, as the case may be, until altered in accordance with the Constitution of the State.
A lot of Australians don't realise that we have our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1900 (UK)
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 is the single most important piece of legislation in this country and dictates precisely what the State and Federal governments can and cannot lawfully do.
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 has 9 parts and the ninth part contains the Commonwealth Constitution. However, there are some important parts to take note of before you get to part nine - source https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/constitution/
this website is another with a wealth of great information. I highly recommend you go to the site and download a copy of that document and learn much more - click link or read on
@ know Your rights, they also mention that the State of Victoria has Two state constitutions. Did you know that, I didn't!
Apparently the 1855 Victorian Constitution was never repealed, the Victorian Parliament just decided to make a new one in 1975 instead. Unfortunately for them, there is a legal maxim that dictates that “first in time, best in law” applies and, therefore, the 1855 Constitution takes precedence over the 1975 one. Also, Section 106 of the Commonwealth Constitution clearly states that “The constitution of each state ...” – that means that there can only be ONE Constitution for each State. source; https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/constitution/
The Constitution of Australia is the ‘guidebook’ on how the people of Australia are to be governed. The Constitutions of each of the States is subordinate to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution and each State cannot make its own rules about our Common Law rights without our permission via referendum. If they do so, they are actually destroying these laws and leaving us undefended, unprotected and ungoverned democratically. That is EXACTLY what is happening here. Do not sit back – please defend yourselves and all that you thought you safely owned in Australia, in including your freedom.
Australians possess an appalling lack of knowledge about their system of government. The 1994 report on citizenship by the Civics Expert Group(13) found that only 18% of Australians have some understanding of what their Constitution contains, while only 40% could correctly name both Houses of the Federal Parliament. More than a quarter of those surveyed nominated the Supreme Court, rather than the High Court, as the 'top' court in Australia. These results came as no surprise. A 1987 survey conducted for the Australian Constitutional Commission found that 47% of Australians were unaware that Australia has a written Constitution.(14)
I put this here but if you do your research it will show how they have over time changed parts of our dejur Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901 without the peoples knowledge/permission.
A very informative and educational sight. tread carefully it is important to know that some aspects have been changed within our constitution without the peoples mandate
AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION - BEGINNER'S GUIDE - very well set out for the lay person to learn, but I DO STRESS there are changes to some of the constitutional acts, that were not passed by the people. No Referendum....
A. Acts of Parliament (and other official documents): refer;
Australia Act 1986
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - which includes The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia
Flags Act 1953
Flags Amendment Act 1998
Royal Powers Act 1953
Royal Style and Titles Act 1973
Canberra politicians have known about dual citizenship breaches for 30 years
“Section 44 (i) states: ‘Any person who is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power shall be incapable to being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.”
George V Turner, a barrister with pedantic knowledge of constitutional law, sounded the warning in individual letters
“If the Government and the Opposition can succeed in ignoring or suppressing the application of a section of the Australian Constitution, then upon that precedent, the Constitution becomes the instrument of the Government to use how it likes. From such a result develops a dictatorship.”
Among some 1.7 million documents dated 1973-76, there are around 11,000 cables from the US embassy in Canberra and its consulates in Sydney and Melbourne.
They reflect one of this country’s most turbulent periods since federation. There was the constitutional crisis that unseated Whitlam in 1975, the Vietnam War, Indonesia’s invasion of East Timor in 1975, and the Yom Kippur War of 1973, which marked a turning point in Australian-Israeli relations.
It was after that conflict, when Arab nations hiked oil prices, that Whitlam pronounced Canberra’s “even-handed” policy towards Israel and the Arabs, a substantial shift from the support for Israel previous governments had shown.
The “even-handed” policy caused widespread dismay within Australia’s Jewish community in the mid-1970s. But according to WikiLeaks, it irked Hawke, a close friend of Israel, even more deeply than was known. https://ajn.timesofisrael.com/hawke-would-have-quit-over-israel/
Brian Shaw
BANK OF ENGLAND AND FEDERAL RESERVE The Bank of England was allegedly founded and established in 1694, but, under the cover of a “Tonnage Act”.
The companion company, the United States Federal Reserve was established in 1913, in principle to create credit to enable the Socialist Communist Masonic Agenda.
THE WAR DEBT (PURPORTEDLY UNPAID):Because of the successive world wars 1914/1918 and 1939/1945 financed by the two major financial institutions (already mentioned) all countries involved in both wars, inclusive of the Russian revolution owed war debts. Trustees and administrators were placed into the mandated territories to administrate the debts. (UNITED NATIONS)
COMMONWEALTH BANK (SOLD 1991): The formation of the Commonwealth Bank essentially established Australia, but, the nationalization Banking Case in 1948/1949 created a major financial problem and revealed the potential strength of “the bank” existing within Australia. In 1948 the bank fell under the Yalta agreement inclusive of The United Nations Trustee, but, this was concealed from the people of Australia. In the year 1991 under Prime Minister Mr R Hawke an honorary citizen of Israel (a foreign Power) the Commonwealth Bank was sold to the Socialist Communist Masonic Agenda allegedly under the directorship of the trustee/administrator for Australia, the United Nations.
Commonwealth Constitution (Hawke’s Demise) Section 44 of the Constitution sets out restrictions on who can be a candidate for Federal parliament: 44. Any person who (1) “Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power… “…Shall be incapable of being chosen or sitting as a Senator or a member of the House of Representatives”
The Bank’s Articles April 1991 are marked: EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..23..”
More Testimonies
Denis Cooney
I have had Brian Shaw speak to a group of people at my home in Currumbin, 6 years ago. Brian is the real deal and he’s phenomenally legally equipped to do what he is doing. Get behind him in any way that you can. He lives in Werribee Victoria, not far from my brother, who is at the other end of the spectrum in regards to reclaiming his freedom.

The courts and Parliament
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the High Court of Australia Act 1979.
2. This Act shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by Proclamation.
3. The following Acts are repealed:
High Court Procedure Act 1903;
High Court Procedure Amendment Act 1903;
High Court Procedure Act 1915;
High Court Procedure Act 1921;
High Court Procedure Act 1925;
High Court Procedure Act 1933.
No. 7 of 1903.
An Act to regulate the Practice and Procedure of the High Court.
[Assented to 28th August, 1903.]
BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows :—
Part I.—Preliminary.
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the High Court Procedure Act 1903, and is divided into parts as follows :—
Part I.—Preliminary, ss. 1, 2.
in past history of
Third Grand Jury in Victoria: Perjury Charges MELBOURNE, Tuesday.-A surprise development to-day in the case in which charges against three constables had been dismissed by the
Port Mel bourne Court was the granting by the State Full Court of the third applica tion in Victoria's history for the sum moning of a grand jury. The last was 15 years ago. The grand jury's function will be to determine whether there is a prima facie case against the three constables, who had been charged with having sworn falsely in evidence at the Port Melbourne Court on March 15. On that occasion they had given evi dence against Alphonsus Vincent Tobin, vice-president of thp North Melbourne Football Club, who had been charged with offensive behaviour following the club's trip in the Weeroona on March 7. Tobin made the application to the State Full Court to-day through his counsel, Mr. Reynolds, K.C., who con tended that the dismissal of the charges of perjury by the Port Melbourne Court had resulted in a miscarriage of justice. Tobin had called 19 witnesses to support his evidence that he had not conducted himself in an offensive manner. A grand jury may consist of from 12 to 23 men and their decision must be that of at lIast twelve whatever the number empanelled. Its function is to determine not the guilt or innocence of a person but whether there is a true bill or prima facie case justifying a committal for trial. If the jury re turns a "true bill" the accused has to stand his trial.
Jury Service in Victoria
Dec 3, 1997 — On 5 March 1996 the Parliament was dissolved for the State election and the ... The grand jury and the bill of indictment originated from this ...
In January 2000 the Attorney-General of Australia, the Hon Daryl Williams AM QC MP, asked the Commission to review the Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth) and related legislation.
This has been PROVEN by a few Australians.. who usually are BARRED from being In a courtroom, labelled “Vexacious Litigants”!!
One such brave man is BRIAN SHAW, a Farmer from Werribee in Victoria.
He has served Treachery noticed on most Senior Justices and Prime Ministers!
Brian is a Modern Day Legal HERO and CONSTITUTIONALIST!
PART 21- SPIRITUAL AND HUMAN RIGHTS SPIRITUAL RIGHTS New Testament Scriptures But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. From: John & Romans
READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT These are extracts:
The Governor-General, The Federal Executive Council and every Officer of the Commonwealth of Australia are bound to observe all the Laws of the land - Clause 5 Commonwealth Constitution:
Commonwealth Constitution Clause 5: Operation of the Constitution and laws. This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution, shall be binding on the courts, judges, and people of every State and of every part of the Commonwealth, notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State; and the laws of the Commonwealth shall be in force on all British ships, the Queen's ships of war excepted, whose first port of clearance and whose port of destination are in the Commonwealth.
Australia is a member of the Community of Nations and as such subject to the Articles placed into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
T H E*****F O L L O W I N G*****I S*****V E R Y*****I M P O R T A N T
During the year 2018 (February —March) bail-in legislation was introduced into the Australian Parliament and enacted.
Under the title Financial Sector Legislation amendment (Crisis Resolution Powers and other Measures) Act 2018.
The legislation was introduced by political parties (Corporations) for and on behalf of the banks (corporations) into the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (Corporation) to enable the secured creditor (the Federal Reserve) to call in the credit.
The secured party for Australian Banks (Corporation) is the New York Branch of the Federal Reserve (a Private Corporation).
The alleged Legislation introduced and enacted by the interlocking corporations "The Spider's Web" allegedly permits: The Banks" to remove “Customer’s Deposits” and to move these deposits into The Bankers Books to enable the transfer into the coffers of the secured party, The Federal Reserve, the principle banking arm of the Yalta agreement, working within Australia, by Australians, against Australians, but working for and on behalf of the "United Nations Trustee / Administration" placed into Australia in 1948 under the Yalta Agreement 1945, involving and implementing every nation in the world through and because of Mandated Territories.
NOW look at Black's Law Dictionary on the Law, United Nations and Human Rights - The Declaration
This is What I have uncovered ~ Brian Shaw
Australian Politicians on Trial website Elijah's Challenge
PART:20 BANKS & BANKING- Continues: THE SPIDER'S WEB In the Jerome Daly matter within the United States Justice Mahony ruled that the First National Bank was an interlocking corporation together with other Banks because of interconnecting directors and shareholders and as such were seen in law to be one and the same. The ruling excluded an appeal. Within Australia the Socialist Communist Masonic Agenda attack upon the Laws of Australia is occurring under the banner of corporations, in particular, Political Corporations which is the purpose of this litigation In scripture this network of interlocking corporations and directorships is called "the spider's web". The critical issue is to identify the "spider". There are three relevant scriptures: READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT The collapse of the corporate world created on credit has been set up and structured to collapse, which is the principal reason why bail-in legislation was introduced into the Australian Parliament.
PART:20 BANKS & BANKING- Continues: JEROME DALY - FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING This particular ground introduces what termed 'Fractional Reserve Banking' under the umbrella of "credit Creation" which is what the Federal Reserve, a private Corporation was created in 1913.
First National v Jerome Daly jury trial conducted by Justice Mahony and William Drexler revealed the creation of credit "on the books" The jury awarded in favour of Daly
Under the Constitution purportedly created at Federation, Chapter 1 Part 1 General Section 2 purportedly enables the appointment by the Queen (Victoria) for a Public Office appointment of a Governor-General.
The purported commission is obtained by the Letters Patent.
I state that in relation to Letters Patent document (1900), any purported signed document must be exhibited with United Kingdom Hansard Records, or, the document will be challenged as a forgery, in breach of Articles I and Il of the 1688 Bill of Rights, such Articles making the Monarch of the United Kingdom subject to both Houses of the United Kingdom Parliament.
Hawke’s Letters Patent (1984) Mr R Hawke was an Honorary Citizen of Israel, and as such, any document or instrument signed by Mr Hawke is herein challenged, inclusive of the alleged sale of the Commonwealth Bank (1991
Rudd’s Letters Patent (2008)
By the time Mr Rudd became Prime Minister the Queen had been illegally and criminally removed January 2004 from specific Acts within Australia, thereby placing Rudd’s Letters Patent under challenge in this litigation
The Judiciary Act 1903
The Judiciary Act 1903 at Section 78B demands a written notice to all Attorney-Generals,
But, Section 88 (Judiciary Act) compels the Governor-General to do the notice. To all Attorney-General’s
PART 18 - FRAUD Fraud is a knowing misrepresentation of the truth, or concealment of a material fact. Misrepresentation Unconscionable conduct or dealing. Fraud at common law is a false statement, Fraud in the factum occurs when a legal instrument as actually executed differs from the one intended for execution by the person who executes it. Fraud on the Court occurs when a lawyer advocate or party’s misconduct in a judicial proceeding is serious enough to undermine or is intended to undermine the integrity of the proceeding Intrinsic fraud is deception that pertains to an issue involved in an originating action. A fraudulent act is conduct involving bad faith, dishonesty, a lack of integrity or moral turpitude. Fraud vitiates everything.
THE BIBLICAL PROBLEM SOLOMON AND PHARAOH (THE ISRAEL / EGYPTIAN MARRIAGE) Solomon the son of King David and Bathsheba became the King of Israel after the death of David, but made the fatal mistake of returning Israel to Egypt when Solomon married Pharaoh’s daughter.
Please read Isaiah Exodus 1 Kings and Ezekiel under this PART 17 of MY HIGH COURT WRIT
PART 16 - TEMPLE OF SOLOMON KING SOLOMON OF ISRAEL Within the United Kingdom and Australian Freemasonry, each Lodge is opened in the Name of King Solomon of Israel to the absolute exclusion of the name of Jesus Christ, and total disobedience to the Scriptures, in particular; Colossians 3.17: And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. The religion of Freemasonry is Egyptian (the Mother & Pharaoh) The spirit controlling and running Freemasonry is the Spiritual Mother in opposition to the Spiritual Father.
TEMPLE OF SOLOMON Arbitration Court of International Justice a statutory authority and universal jurisdiction under United Nations International laws. The Court recognises the Sovereign Magistrate Order of the Temple of Solomon as a Nation State subject to International law, possessing inherent and inalienable State sovereignty of its internal and external affairs. The Order is accredited to have recourse to the Sovereign Court division, in addition to recourse to the Human Rights Court division The Order does run under the Constitution of the Sovereign Magistrate Order of the Temple of Solomon THIS EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..21..”
I state in this affidavit that the Islamic Party of Australia purportedly has created a draft Islamic Constitution of Australia to bring Australia under Islamic rule and law using the alleged cloak of Freemasonry.
PART 15 - ORDER OF SALADIN Continued: THE MUSLIM OATH Within the structure of Freemasonry, three particular Masonic Orders stand out: The Knights Templars The Knights of St John of Jerusalem, otherwise called "Knights of Malta" The Shriners (Muslim Masonic Order) EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..19..”
Within the Masonic Muslim Oath/obligation/promise the Masonic Muslim declares a Masonic Spiritual allegiance to Allah.
The Templar Sovereignty purportedly is an independent non-territorial principality of Statehood as a Sovereign Subject of International Law
Pontifical protection and full communion from 12th Century ancient Catholic Church, recognised by Vatican papal bulls; as Templar Guardians of the Church.
Continuing the Treaty of Ramla of 1192 A.D. strong Muslim-Templar mutual support through affiliate Knights of Saladin under Templar Sovereign patronage.
Member State of the United Nations Level International
Governmental Organisation (IGO), Ignita Veritas United (IVU) in diplomatic relations with non-aligned movement Countries.
I state in this affidavit that historical research reveals that the modern Order of the Temple of Saladin honours the Treaty of Ramla 1192 A.D., re-confirmed by the Treaty of Acre of 1229 A.D. These treaties purportedly establish peace and cooperation between the Knights Templar and the Muslim Saracen Knights of Arabian Chivalry.
The Order of Saladin serves as the autonomous Muslim Branch of Templar membership under the Treaty of Ramla 1192 A.D
EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..15..” THE CRUSADES (THE KNIGHTS) The Crusades occurred purportedly to protect and defend Jerusalem. But, the concealed intent was to find and remove "Solomon's Gold" and to deliver it to the Bishop of Rome.......This did not happen The Templars failed to deliver Solomon's gold to the Church of Rome and the consequence of such failure was a ban on the Templars by the Bishop of Rome. The first crusade did obtain Jerusalem, but subsequent crusades were repulsed by Saladin, the Muslim General, allegedly a Knights Templar himself. The Crusaders when moving across Europe and conquering cities and towns on the way establishing "Local Government" to serve the "Crusaders Agendas". The same occurs today with the exception that the crusaders work in secret. Knights of St John of Jerusalem, The Queen, The Pope and others. EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..16..” PLEASE CONTINUE READING MY HIGH COURT WRIT
PART 14: CRUSADER KNIGHTS THE KNIGHT: The Knights, in particular the Knights Templars and the Knights of John of Jerusalem were originally brought into being by the Church of Rome (Vatican City) for the purpose of protecting Jerusalem against Muslim infiltration to the extent of a Muslim takeover of Jerusalem In the year 1540 the United Kingdom Parliament placed a ban on the Knights of St John of Jerusalem. EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..15..” THE CRUSADES (THE KNIGHTS) The Crusades occurred purportedly to protect and defend Jerusalem. But, the concealed intent was to find and remove "Solomon's Gold" and to deliver it to the Bishop of Rome.......This did not happen The Templars failed to deliver Solomon's gold to the Church of Rome and the consequence of such failure was a ban on the Templars by the Bishop of Rome. The first crusade did obtain Jerusalem, but subsequent crusades were repulsed by Saladin, the Muslim General, allegedly a Knights Templar himself. The Crusaders when moving across Europe and conquering cities and towns on the way establishing "Local Government" to serve the "Crusaders Agendas". The same occurs today with the exception that the crusaders work in secret. Knights of St John of Jerusalem, The Queen, The Pope and others. EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..16..” PLEASE CONTINUE READING MY HIGH COURT WRIT
PART 13: COLLATERAL BIRTH CERTIFICATES LAND TITLE THE COLLATERAL (HELD AT BOSTON) In relation to Australia the secured party holding all collateral relevant to Australia is the Federal Reserve, New York branch, which is the principle reason why banks operating within Australia must borrow off-shore and are prevented from establishing their own banking structure within Australia. (Fidelity Investments)
BIRTH CERTIFICATES / LAND TITLES & MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES Resulting from the United States bankruptcy of 1932 and the Second World War 1939-1945 resulting in the Yalta Agreement made at Yalta, Russia in 1945, Birth Certificates became part of the 12 collateral demanded.
Within Australia, a mandatory territory, Australian Collateral Securities are moved into a holding Company Fidelity Investments via Boston in corporate United States as collateral to the secured party the New York branch of the Federal Reserve. The only conclusion to make in relation to trading Australian Birth Certificates is that every Australian has been sold and is traded on a daily basis via 21 stock exchanges. This is human trafficking. It is impossible to have a valid democracy if all of the people “HAVE BEEN SOLD”. Fidelity Investment Bond sold off shore. EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..14”
The purported 'trustee' for the mandated territory of Australia is bound by and to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Part of the preamble to the declaration states:
"Whereas it is essential if man is not to be compelled to have recourse,as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law”
The Declaration consisting of 30 articles is exhibited into the affidavit.
This exhibit is marked EXHIBIT “BWS /..13..”
I IMPLORE YOU TO READ THE 8 PAGES ON THIS SUBJECT. We have either forgotten history or we don't teach it anymore.
PART 12: UNITED NATIONS THE TRUSTEE FROM YALTA, RUSSIA In the period between 1919 (the Versailles Treaty) and 1945 (the Yalta Agreement), the former under the auspices of the League of Nations, the latter under the newly formed United Nations, the world was divided into mandated territories. The Big Three at Yalta EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..12..” In the year 1948 the Commonwealth Parliament created and enacted the Act Titled Nationality and Citizenship Act. Such Act enabled the United Nations to officially become 'the trustee' over the mandated territory of the whole of Australia. Because any referendum required to include this particular trustee was never called or conducted, the people of Australia do not know that we have a trustee, in conflict with a Constitutional Monarch!
PART 11: SENATOR HEATHER HILL The High Court ruling in the matter of the former One Nation Senator Heather Hill is wrong in law, because the principal United Kingdom statutes mentioned were excluded from the litigation. If they had been introduced into the matter they would have placed the High Court of Australia outside the ambit of a Chapter Ill court and unable to make a ruling, or to refuse to hear this litigation Both United Kingdom statutes are introduced into this litigation. The purported ruling making the United Kingdom a foreign power automatically nullifies every Masonic Lodge in Australia, because the originating Masonic warrant is a United Kingdom warrant.
Masonic Allegiance (London) EXHIBIT “BWS /..11.. READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT PART 10 Continued: THE QUEEN The principle step in obtaining the 96 regions within Australia under the Socialist Communist Masonic agenda under the mandated territories Trusteeship / Administration is the removal of the Queen, AND THIS OCCURRED 1st January 2004 THE ORGANISED ATTACK Within Australia the purpose of the organised attack is to trick the people of Australia into removing the principal document - the Constitution of the Commonwealth and inserting a Republic, thereby permitting the United Nations trustee/administrator complete control under a purported banner of a Democratic Republic, but, in reality a socialist Republic or, rather a Socialist-Communist Masonic Republic under the conditions worked out in 1945 at Yalta in Russia. The United Nations Agenda 21 manipulating Local Government (councils) is the principal aim for the regionalisation THE CONSPIRATORS (1973 - 2019) Beginning with the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 purportedly removing the Constitutional title of the Queen of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland into Queen of Australia under Mr G. Whitlam, a Labor Party Corporation person, removed by Governor-General Kerr, every Prime Minister, State Minister, Attorney-General, law firm, Magistrate, and Judge within Australia has contributed to the deception foisted upon the people of the States and Commonwealth The deception stems from England in particular from the 'City of London' and is enabled by the Yalta agreement of 1945, whereby the United Nations became the trustee/administrator over Australia in 1948. The Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 never went to referendum even though it affected the Constitutional framework of the States/Territories and Commonwealth EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..10..” READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT
PART 10 Continued: THE INTENT OF THE UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations relies on "human rights" but, conceals the principle issue of "spiritual rights", even though Article 18 of the Declaration sets out freedom of religion. In the meditation room of the United Nations the spiritual technique of raising "kundalini" is taught under the understanding of "Kundalini - the Mother power". It is for this concealed purpose that the Protestant Constitution has been attacked, "humbly … PART 10 Continued PLEBISCITE OR REFERENDUM I state that the criminal conspiracy active within Australia at the time of this litigation is attempting to use a plebiscite process to substitute a referendum. Where an Act of any Parliament within Australia states 'manner and form', this is mandatory for the activation of a referendum, not a plebiscite. I STATE THAT THE PEOPLE OF AUSTRALIA DO NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT
PART 10 Continued: YARDLEY RESEARCH Mr Dick Yardley book titled: "Australia Political Treason, Treachery and Sabotage" At the bottom of each page Mr Yardley states "Corporations made by members of political parties controls all sections of Parliaments, Governments and Courts "of Australia" whereby from 1 January 1901, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia are to live under a "Constitutional Monarch". Page 106 of Yardley's research sets out numerous acts of parliament to enable the political party corporation structure to dismantle State and Commonwealth Constitutions, effectively making the respective Constitutions nugatory. EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..8...”
I state that the purpose of this originating litigation lodged into the High Court of Australia is to reveal and discover a criminal conspiracy to move 25 million Australians into and under an International Agenda to create a The New World Order under a One World Government ruled from Jerusalem.
READ: Isaiah 28 14/18
THE ENABLING To enable this criminal conspiracy, a large number of formerly existing Acts of various Parliaments have been amended, altered or repealed without referendum input, exhibited in the Yardley document; in particular, page 106.
Mr Dick Yardley compiled excellent research into a book titled:
"Australia Political Treason, Treachery and Sabotage"
READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT PART 9 JUDGES & RULES On the 5th October 2004 seven Judges of the High Court compiled the Rules of the Court under the Judiciary Act 1903, Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, Nauru (High Court Appeals) Act 1976 and High Court of Australia Act 1979.
The seven Judges consisted of Justices Gleeson, McHugh,
Gummow, Kirby, Hayne, Callinan and Heydon.
These particular judges have been criminally charged.
PART 8: ELECTION WRITS: Commonwealth election writs are issued under Chapter 1 of the Principal Act, in particular, Sections 12 and 32 of Chapter 1.........
On January 1st 2004, the Governor of Western Australia committed an Act of treason, but during 2004 did issue the election writ for Senators.........
All Politicians State and Commonwealth purportedly representing Western Australia since the criminal removal of the Queen are liable in both civil and criminal liability. READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT PART 7 Continued: The State Request Acts activated because the then Prime Minister Hawke and six premiers in an endeavour to avoid a Commonwealth referendum under Section 128 of the principal Act, by deception used Section 51 (38) and as such involved all the State Parliaments, excluding the two Territories (Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory). PLEASE READ ON IN THIS MY HIGH COURT WRIT........... MEL GIBSON AND HAWKE: When Gibson was interviewed within America after making the movie "Conspiracy Theory" Gibson stated that Mr Hawke was sent to Australia to undermine and destroy the economy of Australia.
The Australian media published the comments of both men: The Australian Actor and the Honorary Citizen of Israel. PART 7:THE AUSTRALIA ACT 1986
I state that the Australia Act at Section 14 of such Act adds the Western Australian Constitution Act adding sections 50 and 51, but, omitting the statutory and mandatory requirement set out at Section 73 (2) of the State Constitution for Western Australia.
The omission invalidates the Australia Act 1986, inclusive of the State Request Acts and the Letters Patent of 1984.
EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..7..” PART 6: LETTERS PATENT Preceding Federation the originating document was a purported commission "Letters Patent" to enable a Governor-General to act The Letters Patent prior to Federation consists of two pages and is unsigned.HAWKE'S LETTERS PATENT (1984).At the time that Mr Hawke became a Commonwealth Politician, this particular natural person was an Honorary Citizen of Israel and as such disqualified under Section 44 (i) of the principal Act of Australia. Mr Hawke is attainted of treason, as set out in Section 44(ii) of the principal Act for Australia. The Australia Act 1986 is invalid. The Request Acts 1984 are invalid. The Letters Patent 1984 are invalid
THE FABIAN SOCIETY SPEECH (1984)The Fabian Society to my present knowledge is the founder and creator of the United Kingdom Labor Party, and as such the Australian Labor Party. In the year 1984 in the public office of Prime Minister, the disqualified politician, Mr Hawke, was the principal speaker for the Fabian Society at Melbourne during May 1984 (disqualified retrospectively).The speech contained the infamous statement by Hawke, "at the right time we must strike." PART 5: TREASON
The Element for Treason
I state that the criminal element for the criminal act of treason is "breach of allegiance". The element for misprision of treason is the concealment of the discovered treason.
Both statute Law & Common Law apply- Section 80 of the Judiciary Act 1903
PART 4 HIGH COURT The High Court of Australia Act 1979 is binding on all High Court Judges, and their allegiance to the Commonwealth Constitution Clause 5. LAWYERS and JUDGES are also bound by several Old & New Testaments. THE STATUE OF JUSTICE The Statue of Justice that has spread throughout the world correctly. The tarot cards are the perversion of Psalm 119, the Law of Almighty God The Statue of Justice above the Victorian Supreme Court is the counterfeit of the Almighty God and the total perverting of Psalm 119 Refer EXHIBIT BWS ../..5
Read how a State Governor of Western Australia, a Knight of St John of Jerusalem (a Vatican City Masonic Order)John Sanderson, a committed Mason, in Constitutional breach of the 1688 Bill of Rights (UK) and 1701 Act of Settlement (UK) removes our Queen & Constitution with Halsbury's Laws of England confirming this as TREASON, and mentioned in the bible.
PART 2 "THE QUEEN THE CONSTITUTION THE CROWN 1. COMMONWEALTH ALLEGIANCE The Commonwealth Constitution Act 1901 is mandatory and compulsory allegiance to Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors. A binding allegiance for Commonwealth Politicians Section 42 of this Constitution. State of WA committed treason & misprision of treason against the Principal Act when they criminally enacted the Bill/Act: "Acts Amendment and Repeal Courts and Legal Practice Act" enacted 1st January 2004. Please read THE CROWN, THE CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS 1688 and ACT OF SETTLEMENT 1701, BRITISH FREEMASONRY (The people of United Kingdom do not know the difference of Freemasonry (King Solomon) and the Gospel of Jesus Christ THE OBELISK:VATICAN CITY I was Catholic, but at this stage of my life I AM A CHRISTIAN. The Obelisk in front of St Peter's Temple Vatican City Rome Italy originated out of Egypt (Heliopolis)towed across Mediterranean Sea 3rd Century. Read Old Testament Jeremiah Chapter 43 12/13 VERY IMPORTANT TO READ ABOUT: QUEEN VICTORIA, MASONIC FEDERATION & MONARCH, COLONY, INBUILT LAWS and COOK'S COMMISSION.
PART 1 "THE SOUL THE DAUGHTER OF ZION LAMENTATIONS CHAPTER TWO This particular chapter in the law of Almighty God is the most important chapter in the whole context of scripture, it is also the most concealed. The first verse of the chapter reveals the demise of the daughter of Zion. "How has the Lord covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in His anger and cast down from heaven unto the earth the beauty of Israel and remembered not His footstool in the day of His anger." EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..1..” then "BWS /..2.." EZEKIEL Chapter 37 Verse 1-28 The Resurrection of Israel
Read all of PART 1 of "THE SOUL" including:
The Judicial Problem: Judicial officers working within the judicial structure of Australia have no working knowledge of the law of Almighty God
The Muslim Dilemma: The Father has been omitted when the Koran was compiled so that the contents of Revelation Chapter 17 and 19 would be unable to be understood.
THIS AFFIDAVIT:It is the intention of this affidavit to expose the spiritual and physical attack currently active against the people of Australia
For Lawyers: Refer THE SEVEN PRINCES OF BABYLON both Jeremiah and Luke
sourced content and For more information please go to Brian Shaw Werribee facebook social media page or
I am not a lawyer, but very conversant with the Law, the Bible where our Law comes from and our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1st January 1901
Brian Shaw_Werribee · WHO ARE YOU AUSTRALIA?
My statement simply confirms that our JUDICIARY, POLITICIANS, GOVERNOR GENERAL & ELECTORAL COMMISSIONERS never INFORMED YOU & OMITTED REFERENDUMS as below: GO TO HIGH COURT WRIT - Paragraph 195 Page 81 as this link: http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download...
GO TO EXHIBIT VOL 5 Page 1137 & Pdf 182 where 5 Pages cover as this link:
USE this link to find HIGH COURT WRIT 131 Pages http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal...
I SUGGEST YOU PRINT THIS PAGE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE The above takes you to our LEGAL PAGE containing pdf files of High Court Writ 7 Volumes of Exhibits 1 to 7 Index of Exhibits go to this link and a guide to all EXHIBITS: http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download...
I suggest you download both High Court Writ and Index of Exhibits and begin reading. By doing so you will see certain Paragraphs have an Exhibit number eg: BWS 1 through to 116 and by noting a particular Exhibit number, you will find actual Exhibits within the 7 Volumes where all have a front sheet listing the exhibits in each Volume, totalling 1574 pages over the 7 Volumes.
To help, throughout my many posts I will provide details of where to find this information.

We need a coming together of grandparents that do give a dam about what they are leaving behind.
Is anyone out there????
Is anyone seeing what is going on????
Is anyone listening????
Is anyone saying anything????
Gerard Donohue
SECTION 44. Any Person who -
Section 44 of the Constitution sets out restrictions on who can be a candidate for Federal parliament. In full it reads:
44. Any person who -
(i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power: or
(ii.) Is attainted of treason, or has been convicted and is under sentence, or subject to be sentenced, for any offence punishable under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State by imprisonment for one year or longer: or
(iii.) Is an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent: or
(iv.) Holds any office of profit under the Crown, or any pension payable during the pleasure of the Crown out of any of the revenues of the Commonwealth: or
(v.) Has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any agreement with the Public Service of the Commonwealth otherwise than as a member and in common with the other members of an incorporated company consisting of more than twenty-five persons:
shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.
Legal Disputes under Section 44
There are at least three ways the High Court (sitting either as the High Court, or as the Court of Disputed Returns under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918) might come to hear a case concerning the qualification or disqualification of a candidate for federal parliament. See Sarah O Brien, Dual citizenship, foreign allegiance and s. 44(i) of the Australian Constitution Background Papers, no. 29, Parliamentary Library, 1992. A case can be initiated by a candidate or voter, through a petition under the Commonwealth Electoral Act, disputing the result. Parliament can put a question before the High Court regarding the validity of someone s election. It is also possible that any person may seek enforcement of a penalty against a person who has taken a seat in the parliament in breach of the Constitution or electoral act. This right to sue is created by the Common Informers (Parliamentary Disqualifications) Act 1975. The first two of these approaches have both been used successfully in the last two decades (for details, see below).
Or Go Here;
Commonwealth Consolidated Acts
Section 46 of the Constitution of Australia provides a penalty for a Senator or member of the House of Representatives who sits while constitutionally ineligible or disqualified from holding that position.
46. Until the Parliament otherwise provides, any person declared by this Constitution to be incapable of sitting as a senator or as a member of the House of Representatives shall, for every day on which he so sits, be liable to pay the sum of one hundred pounds to any person who sues for it in any court of competent jurisdiction.[1]
Political Parties and Non Government Organisations
are under allegiance, obedience and adherence to a foreign power.
The blueprint of the Commonwealth, setting out how the new federation would be established and the guidelines for the way Australians would shape their nation. The Constitution is also the blueprint for the lives of Australians, providing the authority for the powers by which our legislators make laws, our executive government implements them, and our courts operate.
Examples of the Constitution's everyday effect can be seen in the answers it supplies to a range of current questions – such as whether the Queen or the Governor-General is Australia's Head of State (see Sections 1 and 2) or how the Truth about Motorways group could prevent a corporation deceiving ordinary people (through the High Court's ruling on the purpose of Section 52). This document can explain why everyone entitled to vote in the Australian colonies had a part in shaping this law, and why the Constitution can only be altered with the agreement of a majority of voters in a majority of States.
The first two pages of the Act are the nine clauses of the British Act; the remaining 23 pages are the 128 Sections of the original Australian Constitution.
The Governor - General is the command in chief of the naval and military of the Commonwealth as the Queen's representative chapter 2. section 68
Command of naval and military forces.
68. The command in chief of the naval and military forces of the Commonwealth is vested in the Governor-General as the Queen's representative.
61. Executive power
The executive power of the Commonwealth is vested in the Queen and is exercisable by the Governor-General as the Queen's representative, and extends to the execution and maintenance of this Constitution, and of the laws of the Commonwealth.
62. Federal Executive Council
There shall be a Federal Executive Council to advise the Governor-General in the government of the Commonwealth, and the members of the Council shall be chosen and summoned by the Governor-General and sworn as Executive Councillors, and shall hold office during his pleasure.
63. Provisions referring to Governor-General
The provisions of this Constitution referring to the Governor-General in Council shall be construed as referring to the Governor-General acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council.
64. Ministers of State
The Governor-General may appoint officers to administer such departments of State of the Commonwealth as the Governor-General in Council may establish.
Such officers shall hold office during the pleasure of the Governor-General. They shall be members of the Federal Executive Council, and shall be the Queen's Ministers of State for the Commonwealth.
Ministers to sit in Parliament
After the first general election no Minister of State shall hold office for a longer period than three months unless he is or becomes a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.
Under Section 68 of the Constitution, the Governor-General is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force, although in practice he or she acts only on the advice of Ministers of the Government. The Minister for Defence is responsible for Australia's defence policy.
Section 68: Command of naval and military forces[edit]
The command in chief of the naval and military forces of the Commonwealth is vested in the Governor‑General as the Queen's representative.[2]
Section 68 vests command of the Australian Defence Force in the Governor-General.[1] In practice this role is limited to ceremonial duties, including attending military parades and services, and appointing the Chiefs of the Defence Force, Army, Navy, and Air Force, which (along with all decisions made by the Governor-General in his or her capacity as Commander-in-Chief) is done on the advice of the Federal Executive Council.[3] Actual command of the armed forces is wielded by the Minister for Defence, who is responsible for defence policy, and the Chief of the Defence Force, who is responsible for the administration and operation of the military.[3]
Queen’s powers in our democracy are:
Section 59 Disallowance by the Queen The Queen may disallow any law within one year from the Governor‑General’s assent, and such disallowance on being made known by the Governor‑General by speech or message to each of the Houses of the Parliament, or by Proclamation, shall annul the law from the day when the disallowance is so made known.
Mode of altering the Constitution.
128. This Constitution shall not be altered except in the following manner:-
The proposed law for the alteration thereof must be passed by an absolute majority of each House of the Parliament, and not less than two nor more than six months after its passage through both Houses the proposed law shall be submitted in each State and Territory to the electors qualified to vote for the election of members of the House of Representatives.
But if either House passes any such proposed law by an absolute majority, and the other House rejects or fails to pass it, or passes it with any amendment to which the first-mentioned House will not agree, and if after an interval of three months the first-mentioned House in the same or the next session again passes the proposed law by an absolute majority with or without any amendment which has been made or agreed to by the other House, and such other House rejects or fails to pass it or passes it with any amendment to which the first-mentioned House will not agree, the Governor-General may submit the proposed law as last proposed by the first-mentioned House, and either with or without any amendments subsequently agreed to by both Houses, to the electors in each State and Territory qualified to vote for the election of the House of Representatives.
When a proposed law is submitted to the electors the vote shall be taken in such manner as the Parliament prescribes. But until the qualification of electors of members of the House of Representatives becomes uniform throughout the Commonwealth, only one-half the electors voting for and against the proposed law shall be counted in any State in which adult suffrage prevails.
And if in a majority of the States a majority of the electors voting approve the proposed law, and if a majority of all the electors voting also approve the proposed law, it shall be presented to the Governor-General for the Queen's assent.
No alteration diminishing the proportionate representation of any State in either House of the Parliament, or the minimum number of representatives of a State in the House of Representatives, or increasing, diminishing, or otherwise altering the limits of the State, or in any manner affecting the provisions of the Constitution in relation thereto, shall become law unless the majority of the electors voting in that State approve the proposed law.
In this section, "Territory" means any territory referred to in section one hundred and twenty-two of this Constitution in respect of which there is in force a law allowing its representation in the House of Representatives.
Signification of Queen's pleasure on Bills reserved.
60. A proposed law reserved for the Queen's pleasure shall not have any force unless and until within two years from the day on which it was presented to the Governor-General for the Queen's assent the Governor-General makes known, by speech or message to each of the Houses of the Parliament, or by Proclamation, that it has received the Queen's assent.
Legislative power.
1. The legislative power of the Commonwealth shall be vested in a Federal Parliament, which shall consist of the Queen, a Senate, and a House of Representatives, and which is herein-after called ''The Parliament,'' or ''The Parliament of the Commonwealth.''
Executive power.
61. The executive power of the Commonwealth is vested in the Queen and is exercisable by the Governor-General as the Queen's representative, and extends to the execution and maintenance of this Constitution, and of the laws of the Commonwealth.
Sessions of Parliament. Prorogation and dissolution.
5. The Governor-General may appoint such times for holding the sessions of the Parliament as he thinks fit, and may also from time to time, by Proclamation or otherwise, prorogue the Parliament, and may in like manner dissolve the House of Representatives.
Summoning Parliament.
After any general election the Parliament shall be summoned to meet not later than thirty days after the day appointed for the return of the writs.
First session.
The Parliament shall be summoned to meet not later than six months after the establishment of the Commonwealth.
Oath or affirmation of allegiance.
42. Every senator and every member of the House of Representatives shall before taking his seat make and subscribe before the Governor-General, or some person authorised by him, an oath or affirmation of allegiance in the form set forth in the schedule to this Constitution.
A good resource link https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/search/display/display.w3p;db=CONSTITUTION;id=constitution%2Fconstitu%2Fconstitution59.doc;query=Id%3A%22constitution%2Fconstitu%2Fconstitution15.doc%22

PLEASE READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT PART 2 Entitled THE QUEEN - THE CONSTITUTION - THE CROWN. found on pages 2 to 10. What was given to you 1901 has been taken away. http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download... THIS AMOUNTS TO BIBLICAL FRAUD IN ADDITION TO CONSTITUTIONAL FRAUD

facebook link BrianShaw_Werribee ·
PLEASE READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT PART 2 Entitled THE QUEEN - THE CONSTITUTION - THE CROWN. found on pages 2 to 10. What was given to you 1901 has been taken away. http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download... THIS AMOUNTS TO BIBLICAL FRAUD IN ADDITION TO CONSTITUTIONAL FRAUD
Content resource Brian Shaw
King Solomon ~
Learn the
a simplified story of good versus evil but as we all know its usually never quite that simple. Battles and it’s players are much more complicated and most of it in a Gray area somewhere between what is right & what is wrong. Regardless, we deem it important information for anybody who wishes to know were the world is heading financially and how we actually got to where we are today. We welcome additional input too. • There are important choices to be made in the future.
The History of Banking + were did King Solomon’s treasure go? An Asian perspective
Solomon 930 BC It starts with King Solomon in Jerusalem around 930 B.C. A very successful King who amasses huge wealth. Especially Gold. He has some 600 wives & concubines and thousands of kids. Considering that, he knows his country will fall apart after his death and selects one of his most trusted wives, Queen Shaba or Balquish, to protect the assets, bloodline and traditions. History of world Banking
Go here; download the pdf and read an interesting History of King Solomon and on website, how I found these modern times, almost certainly connect from the present Queen Elizabeth and President Trump to President John F. Kennedy and President Soekarno
Kennedy - was killed by those who are running and messing up this world today,.
Soekarno - His ideas of Peace and freedom from Capitalism got him deposed
Don't forget to watch the video content.
I might also mention that this is the year of
Leviticus 25:8-55 King James Version (KJV) 8 And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years. 9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. 10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.
In Leviticus 25, God commanded the House of Israel to observe a year of Jubilee every 50 years.
The Jubilee year, the Bible explains, was to be a year of rest, including the forgiveness of all debts, and the liberation of slaves and servants to their native lands.
Judicial power and Courts.
71. The judicial power of the Commonwealth shall be vested in a Federal Supreme Court, to be called the High Court of Australia, and in such other federal courts as the Parliament creates, and in such other courts as it invests with federal jurisdiction. The High Court shall consist of a Chief Justice, and so many other Justices, not less than two, as the Parliament prescribes.
STATUTE OF JUSTICE: The statue of Justice that has spread throughout the world correctly, depicts the woman of wickedness revealed in the scriptures.
Zechariah Chapter 5 and Proverbs Chapter 7.
The statue of justice above the Victorian Supreme Court is the counterfeit of the law of Almighty God and the total perverting of Psalm 119.
Link: EXHIBIT BWS 5 found at Vol #1 Page 119/Pdf31 = A 7 Page Exhibits

THESE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT JUDGES IN AUSTRALIA. I have charged each and everyone of them. REFER TO MY HIGH COURT WRIT PARAGRAPH 190 PAGE 80 http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download..
. 8 PAGE OF EXHIBITS IN VOL 5 Page 1080 & Pdf 124 http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download...
"The Australia act is illegal under our Constitution"
Magistrates Court- Magistrate Ross Maxted was arrested by Brian Shaw with 13 Counts on this Magistrate on 26th April 2018 EXHIBIT BWS 100 found in Vol 5 Page 116 / Pdf 160 as this link: http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download...

Every government since Federation has not only moved us towards a republic, they have also done this without Referendum.
Whitlams' introduction of Roman law, without Referendum, took our Common Law rights from us. Lets not talk about what Bob Hawke did, Bob Carr did a deal with Marie Bashir to remove juries from summary offences.It is a sad fact that all government, & their agencies are now Corporations with ABN numbers, money making businesses.
This folder contains the High Court Writ and 7 volumes of exhibits. The Writ consists of
The ex-parte application
Writ Summons
Statement of Claim
Affidavit in Support
Index of Exhibits
Exhibits (7 Volumes)
Use the Index of Exhibits file to navigate the documents.@
Lets not talk about what Bob Hawke did (Australia Act 1986) ...
The following 10 facts of Fraud of the Australia Act 1986 have not been rebutted and therefore they remain facts. SOURCE; CIRNOW WEBSITE
Bob Carr did a deal with Marie Bashir to remove juries from summary offences.
Australian Democracy has been sold down the drain, & the illegal Australian government has us by the balls ... It would take French style revolution to remove them ... The Australian people are a product of their own ignorance ...
Wayne Glew updated his status. POST FOR AUSTRALIA NUMBER 71 The truth of political parties and what they hide from you. First I want to make something very clear, my references to ROME is not to the Catholic and Muslim religions that are and were created by the Church of Rome. What is UNIDROIT....It is private contract law in 1973 Gough Whitlam ( Labour Prime Minister and Head Traitor ) signed Australia over to the Foreign Unidroit Treaty of Rome, handing the Equitable Title of the Mineral and Energy wealth to a "Foreign Power," Head office Rome. Why do so few know about this Criminal Act of Treason and why are there so many lawyers in parliament that pledge their oath to the foreign city of London in order to hide the truth from the masses ? Unidroit uses the all upper case debased corrupt DOG Latin text of Babylon ( Rome ) being foreign to the Common Law English language. Dog Latin is used for foreign Roman ( Vatican ) military accounts ( military dog tag ) The United States was signed over to Unidroit in 1964, just after, Kennedy was shot dead. This fact was and is hidden from the masses. The Police in Australia do not know about the Unidroit Treaty of Rome, and the implications it renders. They don't know that their vehicles are registered as Commercial Registration and now the Councils ( .gov.au ? ) now have to register their own vehicles. They the Police are a non registered entity with an ABN which makes them personally liable for their own actions. Councils in their own acts are liable. "HELLO" IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP ! UNIDROIT is Private Law, dealing with Private Maritime contracts----It is foreign and Blatant Treason. The magistrate and Judges know all about Unidroit and Lie and Cheat to conceal the fact. Next time, you are given notice to attend their company gatherings that they call courts, enter a PLEA OF NO CASE TO ANSWER and ask who assented to their Acts and Statutes. Guess who assented to their Acts and Statutes; "ROME" the Harlet Church in Revelations in the Bible; its called "Mystery Babylon" the city that was then wasn't and now is. WAKE UP PEOPLE ! you are being subjected to ROMAN EMPIRE LAW even though the movie "Gladiator" was fiction, it contained one clear fact, all Roman Citizens had numbers on them so they could buy, sell and trade. UNIDROIT is about setting the same system up now to be called "THE NEW WORLD ORDER". "RING BELLS" new as against setting up another form of government. The first one did not work for long as people woke up as all people throughout the world are at the moment. They have advanced technology to get better control. This is going to fail read on in Revelations; "Babylon the great has fallen, has fallen." WAKE UP LAWYERS, JUDGES AND MAGISTRATES, YOUR TIME OF RECKONING IS COMING VERY FAST; ARE YOU GETTING A TIGHT FEELING AROUND YOUR NECK, "NO" DON'T WORRY ITS COMING. IT IS TIME FOR EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY TO TELL THEIR POLITICIANS TO GOVERN FOR US AND ONLY USE OUR CONSTITUTION NOT YOUR TREASONOUS VERSION. IN SHORT GET OUT OF OUR PARLIAMENT; YOU ARE NOT PEOPLE OF TRUTH. PLEASE SHARE TO EVERYONE....EVERYWHERE !
Introduction to Roman law
What were the 3 important principles of Roman law?
There are three important principles of Roman law. An accused person was presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Secondly, The accused was allowed to face the accuser and offer a defense against the charge. Lastly, guilt had to be established "clearer than daylight" using solid evidence.
What are the three branches of Roman law?
The Romans divided their law into three branches: civil law, the law of peoples, and natural law. Civil law was the law of Rome and its citizens. These laws enumerated the rights and obligations of Roman citizenship.
What are the 12 Roman laws?
The Twelve Tables (aka Law of the Twelve Tables) was a set of laws inscribed on 12 bronze tablets created in ancient Rome in 451 and 450 BCE. They were the beginning of a new approach to laws where they would be passed by government and written down so that all citizens might be treated equally before them
Do you live in a house, townhouse or apartment? Do you ever park your car on the side of the road? Do you own or rent an office or retail space? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then you must go to the www.localgovernmentclassaction.com website and add your name and e-mail address to that page to register your expression of interest in the class action. Why? Because if you live in anything other than a tent or caravan, whether you rent it, own it or are buying it, then you will be in some way, paying for ever-increasing council rates. The same applies to council rates, which will be included in your business figures somewhere along the line as well. And, if you drive a car then you will almost certainly, at one point in time or another, have received a council issued parking fine – which are completely illegal. The Community Law Resources Group are looking to run a class action against local governments to have local councils returned to acting as a department of a State, as opposed to a 3rd tier of government, which is what they are currently doing – completely illegally. If this class action is successful, it would mean a dramatic reduction in council rates and the elimination of council issued parking fines, un-registered dog fines and the like. However, in order to run a successful class action like that, CLRG need your support. They are not asking for any money and they are not asking for any commitment, they are simply asking for your expression of interest in being part of a class action that will benefit you, your family and your community as a whole. So, please take just 30 seconds to register your name and e-mail address at www.localgovernmentclassaction.com and do your part to help bring about some real, positive changes in this country. And then, when you’ve done that, please be sure to pass the details of that class action onto everyone you know via e-mail, Facebook and posting up flyers, such as this, in your local area to help us spread the word about this important class action.
POST FOR AUSTRALIA NUMBER 134 The Official True Law of This Country is; The Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 UK. This act was derived from the draft of the Constitution put together by Australians for Australians. Queen Victoria and the British Parliament added 9 Clauses and several other parts to control the Colonial Parliaments during and after Federation. The extra parts were added by Victoria 28 and 29, which included a Preamble. The People of Six Colonies accepted the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 UK, including the 9 Clauses and the Preamble by Referendum. This Constitution was put in place by a Letters Patent by Queen Victoria and included all State Constitutions in their Original Form and a Letters Patent putting in place the Office of Governor. This took place on the 29th of October 1900, coming into effect on the 1st of January 1901. This document called a Constitution, is a #Covenant between the #Crown and #ThePeople of the New Federated Colony, which is #Indisolvable by way of the Preamble - being as #WeThePeople. The States were created by 107, 108 and 109 of the New Constitution and derive their authority from it. Ref HCA 48 of 1996 at Paragraph 17. "The State Constitutions only continue subject to the constitution with only the authority to Alter NOT Amend, Change or Repeal". Ref 106 also fully explained by HCA 48 of 1996 at paragraph 17. The exercise of any authority throughout the New Commonwealth is by authority granted by Our Covenant without exception. As the Colonies ceased to exist by way of Clause 7 on the Proclamation of the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 UK there was no authorities exercisable at Federation under Section 51 sub section 38 as claimed by the Australia Act 1986. That Act is a #Fraud. There was 4 months and 25 days of only Imperial Common Law for that period of time. "There were only 7 Legislative areas exercisable before Federation by the Australasian Council and even less by the Colonies and all Seven are in Section 51 of the New Covenant Constitution." A quote from Quick & Garran under Section 51 ss 38 explains that, Quick & Garran were fully involved in the drafting of the Constitution and its full meaning. Every Man, Woman and Child that exercises authority granted by the Constitution must state under what section of the constitution that authority comes from and must swear the lawful oath contained in that constitution without exception . What that means everyone granted authority by the Constitution as a Politicians, Judges, Magistrates, Police Officers, Public Servants or Legal Practitioners before swearing an oath of Office must swear the Lawful Oath. There are no exceptions. That oath binds all of them through the British Accreditation Registry, to the Coronation Oath of the Queen. The oath is to uphold, the Faith, the Church of England and the Common Law. The Common Law is - - Magna Carta - Habeas Corpus - 1688 Bill of Rights including; - The Statute of Monopolies, - The Act of Settlement and - The King James Bible. Every member of the B,A,R is required to Comply with the Common Law subject only to the Covenant Constitution. Non Compliance Means No Authority Whatsoever !!! PLEASE SHARE TO EVERYONE....EVERYWHERE !!!
An Act to bring constitutional arrangements affecting the Commonwealth and the States into conformity with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation
1 Termination of power of Parliament of United Kingdom to legislate for Australia
2 Legislative powers of Parliaments of States
3 Termination of restrictions on legislative powers of Parliaments of States
4 Powers of State Parliaments in relation to merchant shipping
6 Manner and form of making certain State laws
7 Powers and functions of Her Majesty and Governors in respect of States
8 State laws not subject to disallowance or suspension of operation
9 State laws not subject to withholding of assent or reservation
10 Termination of responsibility of United Kingdom Government in relation to State matters
11 Termination of appeals to Her Majesty in Council
12 Amendment of Statute of Westminster
13 Amendment of Constitution Act of Queensland
14 Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia
15 Method of repeal or amendment of this Act or Statute of Westminster
Australia Act 1986
BrianShaw_Werribee IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A VALID DEMOCRACY IF ALL OF THE PEOPLE "HAVE BEEN SOLD'! MY HIGH COURT WRIT PART 13 PARAGRAPH 75 & 76 PAGES 28/29 http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download... EXHIBIT #14 VOL 1 Page 167 / Pdf 80 over 5 EXHIBITS http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download... STUDY ACCOMPANYING IMAGE

Our National Print Media is owned by a few, and beyond capital cities all of them also. Except for the odd independent, it one possible reason why Australians do not know about what they should! http://elijahschallenge.net/index.php/legal/download... Using this link visit or download my HIGH COURT WRIT: PART 8 Page 16 29.ELECTION WRITS PART 10 Page 18 34.YARDLEY RESEARCH PART 10 Page 18 35.PLEBISCITE OR REFERENDUM PART 10 Page 18 36 THE INTENT OF THE UNITED NATIONS If we want to have the Australia we once had back again everybody should read all of my HIGH COURT WRIT & EXHIBITS

THEY ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN OUR PRINT MEDIA Why do they continually refer to Commonwealth Constitution when it has been removed, with our Queen and Crown, and the ABC in particular! I MENTION THESE FACTS THROUGHOUT MY HIGH COURT WRIT. HIGH COURT WRIT
click on image to link

Ask the CEO of your local council "WHAT ARE THE INTENTIONS OF UNITED NATIONS"?
Before you do, go to my HIGH COURT WRIT and in the SEARCH AREA put in United Nations and read the segments where it appears & within Parts 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 31
Some may reply to, most won't, then having read the above you will know why!
PDF download

This Affidavit has much all Australians should be aware of. This particular section was established by Senators and Politicians you the Electorate voted for illegally to do on your behalf!

The High Court is correct, there is no excuse of ignorance in not knowing the laws contained in our constitution, every minister in parliament should know the Constitution and the rules we as a nation and they as representatives of the people are bound by. Australia have had the Constitution 1900 (UK) in place since 1 Jan 1901 therefore, all ministers should have at least read our Constitution for there is no other law that we are bound by, therefore, what laws have they been basing their policies on? All policies made and passed by these individuals need to be revoked and that includes the Australia Act 1986 which is unconstitutional and unlawful as there was never a referendum held to implement it. Lyn Bennetts shared a link. In addition, there are many other members of parliament that need to be investigated; so many in fact that this requires a full scale investigation of every member of parliament starting with the Prime Minister and no further laws should be passed and no elections held until this matter has been dealt with. A skeleton ministerial group should be selected to hold office until this matter is cleared up. Then after it has been decided who is eligible to keep their seat it is then that a new election must be held, for very few of even the eligible members even took the correct oath to enter office with way too many members swearing oath of allegiance to Allah, Torah and The Queen of Australia which we have never had; and only one or two actually swearing allegiance to Queen Elizabeth the Second, The People and Country as it so should be and over the years l have written about this many times. "We either have a Constitution or we don't", therefore, it is time everyone was made to abide by it and above all else swear allegiance to The People of the Commonwealth Of Australia who hold Supreme Power according to our Constitution 1900 (UK) and our Monarch from whom we received assent of our Constitution on the 9th of July 1900. Any members of parliament found not eligible to hold office need to face court under the Crimes Act 1914 on the charges of Treachery, Fraud and Treason and those found guilty be made to pay back all income, superannuation and entitlements they were not entitled to receive and under the Crimes Act 1914 they are all liable to life in prison for such crimes. Finally, Referendums Of The People By The People For The People need to be held to update our Constitution 1900 (UK) as should have been done throughout the years to ensure it remained up to date and a viable Constitution for a 20th Century multicultural nation of people. These politicians have been made aware of their ignorance of the Constitution time and time again and each time they have ignored the Constitution, so before you start feeling sorry for them consider this, every time they have implemented a Law and passed a Bill without considering your Rights, Liberties and Freedom they have been deliberately stealing them from you and it has been The People who have suffered. It is time to right all these wrongs. What say you? Regards Lyn Bennetts
Scott Morrison is sworn in as Australia's 30th Prime Minister
Who is “Her Managistry”? Does Scotty need a Speech Therapist, or are we being duped? .
Well, we all know the answer to that!
New Liberal leader Scott Morrison is sworn in after coming out on top following a week of bitter infighting, promising to heal party wounds and outlining their priorities for the country. Read more here: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-24.
take note abc videos expired

Scott Morrison Swearing in to Her Manegsty
"What a Joke" lip service to the people he professors to pledge allegiance.
A Library Of Interesting Australian Content
no28 by Gerard Donohue ~ THE GROUNDS & FACTS
Crown and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth l
“The Brigalow Corporation”.
Never heard of it?
Yes you have. It goes by the name the AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT.
Have you ever wondered why a government needs an ABN? Isn't an ABN an Australian BUSINESS number? And why do they always CAPITALISE the name of the AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT?
What government needs a business licence to govern?
Are you starting to smell a rat?
Here is the proof that the Australia political parties, LIB /LAB /GREENS have conspired to steal our land, impose unlawful "fines" on us, destroy our manufacturing and agriculture, all in the name of their UN master and the international banking conspiracy.
This is no conspiracy theory. It's FACT. Do your research. Start here:
Brigalow Corporation
The whole of Australia is Crown land. The Queen owns the Brigalow Corporation and many corporations besides. The Crown uses its Administration Government to tend to its business. It is very telling that the Brigalow Corp originated in Queensland. And Peter Beattie was very involved. They are servants of Her Majesty. "Who Owns Your Land?
Very Important Information
The Removal of all Ownership Rights in QLD
How the Queensland Government Stole our Democracy
Everyone in Australia should watch this video. Then we might all stop voting for the criminals. This video proves that the political parties have stolen our birthright, our freedoms, and our government. Many thanks to ABPAC (Australian Business and Peoples' Alliance Council Inc.) for permission to reproduce this video. The ABPAC website is no longer active, as their leader has retired. If you are looking for a solution to the illegal political party politics that dictate our lives today, please visit our website at: http://advance-australia.com.au/ Mike Holt
link to video https://youtu.be/7lXYzMFjgPw
“History of Land under Common Law
For the attention of the People living in New South Wales! Sue and Lindsay Meynes
On Thursday 3rd October 2007, the High Court of Australia made rulings over residential and rural land that effectively removes all land ownership from the people of Queensland and puts it squarely into the hands of our State Government. The court ruling that ‘fee simple’ and ‘common law’ are now no longer recognised in Queensland means we no longer are part of the Commonwealth and no longer have ownership or say in our land, Queensland is now a separate entity that can make its own laws.
This is not a conspiracy theory. This is not our personal opinion. This is all FACT, and can be found written in black and white in the law books of Australia and in the continually-being reprinted Constitution of Queensland. The Commonwealth has been watching this for the last 9 years. Our Federal Government has known what is going on and has condoned it by their silence.
They have been watching the former Queensland Premier, Peter Beattie, and seeing if the Australia people will wake up to it.
Under the New Constitution of Queensland 2001 there has been a dramatic shift. Public servants are now servants of the State, not the Crown, which represents the people. If you don’t believe this, please do your own research. The Governor General is now a mere parliamentary secretary to the Premier who conducts the daily business of the corporation of the State. See Section 92 Constitution of Queensland 2001.
Jordan Maxwell said years ago.... we don't ELECT governments, we SELECT from the one's they give us !
"Political parties are unlawful under the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901"
HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA is fake, just as AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT is fake and the ATO is fake. All de facto administration operating a system of usufruct within a limited liability system of Admiralty under Roman Corpus Juris.
We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia, have been lied to, denied our human rights, our Constitutional and Common Law freedoms, and worst of all we have been denied a good future for our children and their children.Mike Holt ~ ADVANCE AUSTRALIA
Her name is Queen Elizabeth the Second (Royal Style and Titles Act 1973, and 1953). If YOU have not voted to remove Queen Elizabeth the Second, then why are they doing it? YOU are still under Her authority because of the Commonwealth Constitution, so how can they make laws that affect you as one of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second's loyal subjects, if they are not standing in Crown authority to do so?
Treason is illegal, and a crime with life imprisonment. Are YOU ok with this? Should we respectfully serve an imposing and bullying Government that has sworn an oath of allegiance to an unknown and unnamed Queen? Or should we point it out and seek remedy and justice to be done? Nothing good comes from Treason.
They are posing as the Victorian Government that YOU think they are, but they are infact not. They are not YOUR public servants.by Shed Gospel

The Queen is suppose to be the defender of the faith, she at her coronation oath promised to uphold Gods Law.
We are protected by Gods Law, and all the common law in Gods name, eg. Magna Carta 1215, Bill of Rights 1688, Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900.
The problem is those who are dictating us are in breech of all above.
The Queen has not upheld her promise.
Under God law with the Queen being the defender of the faith, express what freedoms you loose?
Paul Kirchener
Royal Style and Titles Act 1953(The Royal Style and Titles Act 1953 was repealed
by the Statute Law Revision Act 1973 (No. 216, 1973)
The enactment of the Royal Style and Titles Act 1973)Royal Style and Titles Act 1953No. 32 of 1953.
An Act relating to the Royal Style and Titles
[Reserved for Her Majesty's pleasure, 18th March, 1953.]
[Queen's Assent, 3rd April, 1953.] [Queen's Assent proclaimed, 7th May, 1953,]
WHEREAS it was recited in the preamble to the Statute of Westminster, 1931 that it would be in accord with the established constitutional position of all the members of the British Commonwealth of Nations in relation to one another that any alteration in the law touching the Royal Style and Titles should, after the enactment of that Act, "require the assent as well of the Parliaments of all the Dominions as of the Parliament of the United Kingdom":
AND WHEREAS the Style and Titles appertaining to the Crown at the time of the enactment of the Statute of Westminster, 1931 had been declared by His then Majesty King George V in a Proclamation in pursuance of the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act, 1927 of the United Kingdom, and were, in consequence of the establishment of the Republic of India, subsequently altered with the assent as well of the Parliaments of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa as of the Parliament of the United Kingdom:
AND WHEREAS it was agreed between the Prime Ministers and other representatives of Her Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon assembled in London in the month of December, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-two, that the Style and Titles at present appertaining to the Crown are not in accord with current constitutional relationships within the British Commonwealth and that there is a need for a new form which would, in particular, "reflect the special position of the Sovereign as Head of the Commonwealth":
AND WHEREAS it was concluded by the Prime Ministers and other representatives that, in the present stage of development of the British Commonwealth relationship it would be in accord with the established constitutional position that each member country should use for its own purposes a form of the Royal Style and Titles which suits its own particular circumstances but retains a substantial element which is common to all:
AND WHEREAS it was further agreed by the Prime Ministers and other representatives that the various forms of the Royal Style and Titles should, in addition to the appropriate territorial designation, have as their common element the description of the Sovereign as "Queen of Her other Realms and Territories and Head of the Commonwealth":
AND WHEREAS it was further agreed by the Prime Ministers and other representatives that the procedure of prior consultation between all Governments of the British Commonwealth should be followed in future if occasion arose to propose a change in the form of the Royal Style and Titles used in any country of the British Commonwealth:
Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia as follows:-
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Royal Style and Titles Act 1953.
2. This Act shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
3. In this Act, "the United Kingdom" means the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Assent to adoption of Royal Style and Titles in relation to Australia
(1.) The assent of the Parliament is hereby given to the adoption by Her Majesty, for use in relation to the Commonwealth of Australia and its Territories, in lieu of the Style and Titles at present appertaining to the Crown, of the Style and Titles set forth in the Schedule to this Act, and to the issue for that purpose by Her Majesty of Her Royal Proclamation under such seal as Her Majesty by Warrant appoints.(2.) The Proclamation referred to in the last preceding sub-section shall be published in the Gazette and shall have effect from the date upon which it is so published.
Assent to adoption of Royal Style and Titles in relation to other countries of British Commonwealth
5. The assent of the Parliament is hereby given to the adoption by Her Majesty, for use in relation to Her other Realms and Territories, in lieu of the Style and Titles at present appertaining to the Crown, of such Style and Titles as Her Majesty thinks fit, in accordance with the principles that were formulated by the Prime Ministers and other representatives of British Commonwealth Countries assembled in London, as recited in the Preamble to Act.
The Royal Style and Titles
Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Australia and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
Since Article 61 of Magna Carta was invoked by the Committee of Barons in March 2001, the Queen has been dethroned and all Parliaments in the Commonwealth Nations are dissolved. It is now up to the people to reclaim control. You must understand that "We The People" have the power to Govern, Governments and indeed the Queen are only Administrators for our Will. We now have a Duty to protect the Realm, (Crown).
Peter Davis
Australia Act 1986
The Australia Act has no head of power. The head of Power under the Constitution is the Crown of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
The Australia Act was enacted by the "Parliament of Australia" which is NOT recognised as a legislator under section 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution.
The Australia Act was an attempt to equalise powers exclusive to the Federal Government to that of the States by allowing the States to put aside any obligations to the inherited laws of England and obligations to the Federal Government, this attempt was put to the people in question 2 of the 1984 Federal Referendum and failed.
States Vote in favour and percentage of "Yes" votes.
Interchange of Powers
to enable the Commonwealth and the States voluntarily to refer powers to each other 26 October 19841 December 1984 Not Carried None 47.06
source reference https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/constitution/
They ignored the people and implemented it any way
Australia Act 1986
No. 142, 1985
[Assented to 4 December 1985] The Parliament of Australia enacts: WHEREAS the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth and the Premiers of the States at conferences held in Canberra on 24 and 25 June 1982 and 21 June 1984 agreed on the taking of certain measures to bring constitutional arrangements affecting the Commonwealth and the States into conformity with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation: AND WHEREAS in pursuance of paragraph 51 (xxxviii) of the Constitution the Parliaments of all the States have requested the Parliament of the Commonwealth to enact an Act in the terms of this Act: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Queen, and the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows: 1 Termination of power of Parliament of United Kingdom to legislate for Australia No Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed after the commencement of this Act shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to the Commonwealth, to a State or to a Territory as part of the law of the Commonwealth, of the State or of the Territory. 2 Legislative powers of Parliaments of States (1) It is hereby declared and enacted that the legislative powers of the Parliament of each State include full power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of that State that have extra‑territorial operation. (2) It is hereby further declared and enacted that the legislative powers of the Parliament of each State include all legislative powers that the Parliament of the United Kingdom might have exercised before the commencement of this Act for the peace, order and good government of that State but nothing in this subsection confers on a State any capacity that the State did not have immediately before the commencement of this Act to engage in relations with countries outside Australia. 3 Termination of restrictions on legislative powers of Parliaments of States (1) The Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom known as the Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 shall not apply to any law made after the commencement of this Act by the Parliament of a State. (2) No law and no provision of any law made after the commencement of this Act by the Parliament of a State shall be void or inoperative on the ground that it is repugnant to the law of England, or to the provisions of any existing or future Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, or to any order, rule or regulation made under any such Act, and the powers of the Parliament of a State shall include the power to repeal or amend any such Act, order, rule or regulation in so far as it is part of the law of the State. 4 Powers of State Parliaments in relation to merchant shipping Sections 735 and 736 of the Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom known as the Merchant Shipping Act 1894, in so far as they are part of the law of a State, are hereby repealed. 5 Commonwealth Constitution, Constitution Act and Statute of Westminster not affected Sections 2 and 3(2) above: (a) are subject to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act and to the Constitution of the Commonwealth; and (b) do not operate so as to give any force or effect to a provision of an Act of the Parliament of a State that would repeal, amend or be repugnant to this Act, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, the Constitution of the Commonwealth or the Statute of Westminster 1931 as amended and in force from time to time. 6 Manner and form of making certain State laws Notwithstanding sections 2 and 3(2) above, a law made after the commencement of this Act by the Parliament of a State respecting the constitution, powers or procedure of the Parliament of the State shall be of no force or effect unless it is made in such manner and form as may from time to time be required by a law made by that Parliament, whether made before or after the commencement of this Act. 7 Powers and functions of Her Majesty and Governors in respect of States (1) Her Majesty’s representative in each State shall be the Governor. (2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4) below, all powers and functions of Her Majesty in respect of a State are exercisable only by the Governor of the State. (3) Subsection (2) above does not apply in relation to the power to appoint, and the power to terminate the appointment of, the Governor of a State. (4) While Her Majesty is personally present in a State, Her Majesty is not precluded from exercising any of Her powers and functions in respect of the State that are the subject of subsection (2) above. (5) The advice to Her Majesty in relation to the exercise of the powers and functions of Her Majesty in respect of a State shall be tendered by the Premier of the State. 8 State laws not subject to disallowance or suspension of operation An Act of the Parliament of a State that has been assented to by the Governor of the State shall not, after the commencement of this Act, be subject to disallowance by Her Majesty, nor shall its operation be suspended pending the signification of Her Majesty’s pleasure thereon. 9 State laws not subject to withholding of assent or reservation (1) No law or instrument shall be of any force or effect in so far as it purports to require the Governor of a State to withhold assent from any Bill for an Act of the State that has been passed in such manner and form as may from time to time be required by a law made by the Parliament of the State. (2) No law or instrument shall be of any force or effect in so far as it purports to require the reservation of any Bill for an Act of a State for the signification of Her Majesty’s pleasure thereon. 10 Termination of responsibility of United Kingdom Government in relation to State matters After the commencement of this Act Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom shall have no responsibility for the government of any State. 11 Termination of appeals to Her Majesty in Council (1) Subject to subsection (4) below, no appeal to Her Majesty in Council lies or shall be brought, whether by leave or special leave of any court or of Her Majesty in Council or otherwise, and whether by virtue of any Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the Royal Prerogative or otherwise, from or in respect of any decision of an Australian court. (2) Subject to subsection (4) below: (a) the enactments specified in subsection (3) below and any orders, rules, regulations or other instruments made under, or for the purposes of, those enactments; and (b) any other provisions of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom in force immediately before the commencement of this Act that make provisions for or in relation to appeals to Her Majesty in Council from or in respect of decisions of courts, and any orders, rules, regulations or other instruments made under, or for the purposes of, any such provisions; in so far as they are part of the law of the Commonwealth, of a State or of a Territory, are hereby repealed. (3) The enactments referred to in subsection (2) (a) above are the following Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom or provisions of such Acts: The Australian Courts Act 1828, section 15 The Judicial Committee Act 1833 The Judicial Committee Act 1844 The Australian Constitutions Act 1850, section 28 The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890, section 6. (4) Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this section: (a) affects an appeal instituted before the commencement of this Act to Her Majesty in Council from or in respect of a decision of an Australian court; or (b) precludes the institution after that commencement of an appeal to Her Majesty in Council from or in respect of such a decision where the appeal is instituted: (i) pursuant to leave granted by an Australian court on an application made before that commencement; or (ii) pursuant to special leave granted by Her Majesty in Council on a petition presented before that commencement; but this subsection shall not be construed as permitting or enabling an appeal to Her Majesty in Council to be instituted or continued that could not have been instituted or continued if this section had not been enacted. 12 Amendment of Statute of Westminster Sections 4, 9(2) and (3) and 10(2) of the Statute of Westminster 1931, in so far as they are part of the law of the Commonwealth, of a State or of a Territory, are hereby repealed. 13 Amendment of Constitution Act of Queensland (1) The Constitution Act 1867‑1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. (2) Section 11A of the Principal Act is amended in subsection (3): (a) by omitting from paragraph (a): (i) “and Signet”; and (ii) “constituted under Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom”; and (b) by omitting from paragraph (b): (i) “and Signet”; and (ii) “whenever and so long as the office of Governor is vacant or the Governor is incapable of discharging the duties of administration or has departed from Queensland”. (3) Section 11B of the Principal Act is amended: (a) by omitting “Governor to conform to instructions” and substituting “Definition of Royal Sign Manual”; (b) by omitting subsection (1); and (c) by omitting from subsection (2): (i) “(2)”; (ii) “this section and in”; and (iii) “and the expression ‘Signet’ means the seal commonly used for the sign manual of the Sovereign or the seal with which documents are sealed by the Secretary of State in the United Kingdom on behalf of the Sovereign”. (4) Section 14 of the Principal Act is amended in subsection (2) by omitting “, subject to his performing his duty prescribed by section 11B,”. 14 Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia (1) The Constitution Act 1889 of the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. (2) Section 50 of the Principal Act is amended in subsection (3): (a) by omitting from paragraph (a): (i) “and Signet”; and (ii) “constituted under Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom”; (b) by omitting from paragraph (b): (i) “and Signet”; and (ii) “whenever and so long as the office of Governor is vacant or the Governor is incapable of discharging the duties of administration or has departed from Western Australia”; and (c) by omitting from paragraph (c): (i) “under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom”; and (ii) “during a temporary absence of the Governor for a short period from the seat of Government or from the State”. (3) Section 51 of the Principal Act is amended: (a) by omitting subsection (1); and (b) by omitting from subsection (2): (i) “(2)”; (ii) “this section and in”; and (iii) “and the expression ‘Signet’ means the seal commonly used for the sign manual of the Sovereign or the seal with which documents are sealed by the Secretary of State in the United Kingdom on behalf of the Sovereign”. 15 Method of repeal or amendment of this Act or Statute of Westminster (1) This Act or the Statute of Westminster 1931, as amended and in force from time to time, in so far as it is part of the law of the Commonwealth, of a State or of a Territory, may be repealed or amended by an Act of the Parliament of the Commonwealth passed at the request or with the concurrence of the Parliaments of all the States and, subject to subsection (3) below, only in that manner. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1) above, an Act of the Parliament of the Commonwealth that is repugnant to this Act or the Statute of Westminster 1931, as amended and in force from time to time, or to any provision of this Act or of that Statute as so amended and in force, shall, to the extent of the repugnancy, be deemed an Act to repeal or amend the Act, Statute or provision to which it is repugnant. (3) Nothing in subsection (1) above limits or prevents the exercise by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of any powers that may be conferred upon that Parliament by any alteration to the Constitution of the Commonwealth made in accordance with section 128 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth after the commencement of this Act. 16 Interpretation (1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears: appeal includes a petition of appeal, and a complaint in the nature of an appeal. appeal to Her Majesty in Council includes any appeal to Her Majesty. Australian court means a court of a State or any other court of Australia or of a Territory other than the High Court. court includes a judge, judicial officer or other person acting judicially. decision includes determination, judgment, decree, order or sentence. Governor, in relation to a State, includes any person for the time being administering the government of the State. State means a State of the Commonwealth and includes a new State. the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act means the Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom known as the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act. the Constitution of the Commonwealth means the Constitution of the Commonwealth set forth in section 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, being that Constitution as altered and in force from time to time. the Statute of Westminster 1931 means the Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom known as the Statute of Westminster 1931. (2) The expression a law made by that Parliament in section 6 above and the expression a law made by the Parliament in section 9 above include, in relation to the State of Western Australia, the Constitution Act 1889 of that State. (3) A reference in this Act to the Parliament of a State includes, in relation to the State of New South Wales, a reference to the legislature of that State as constituted from time to time in accordance with the Constitution Act, 1902, or any other Act of that State, whether or not, in relation to any particular legislative act, the consent of the Legislative Council of that State is necessary. 17 Short title and commencement (1) This Act may be cited as the Australia Act 1986. (2) This Act shall come into operation on a day and at a time to be fixed by Proclamation.
BOB HAWKE 1986 - Treason
ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth:
TO ALL to whom these Presents shall come,
WHEREAS by Letters Patent Dated 14 February 1975 We established a society of honour to be known as the “Order of Australia” and made provision with respect to membership and the Constitution of the Order:
AND WHEREAS it is desirable that certain amendments be made to the Constitution of the Order:
KNOW YOU that We do, by these Presents, declare Our pleasure that the above‑mentioned Letters Patent dated 14 February 1975, as amended by Letters Patent dated 24 May 1976 and by Letters Patent dated 14 March 1981, be further amended, but without prejudice to anything lawfully done thereunder, as set out in the Schedule:
AND WE DO ordain that the Order shall henceforth consist of the Sovereign, our Governor‑General of the Commonwealth of Australia, His Royal Highness Charles, Prince of Wales, and such persons as have been appointed, or shall hereafter be appointed, to the Order:
AND WE DO further ordain that, notwithstanding the amendments to be made to the Constitution of the Order, a person who was a member of the Order immediately before the issue of these Our Letters Patent shall, subject to the Constitution of the Order, remain a member of the Order in the class of membership that the person held at that time:
IN WITNESS whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent.
GIVEN under the Great Seal of Australia at our Court at Government House, Canberra on 3 March 1986
By Her Majesty’s Command,
Prime Minister
Section 92 of the Constitution of Australia
The full text of Section 92 is as follows:
On the imposition of uniform duties of customs, trade, commerce, and intercourse among the States, whether by means of internal carriage or ocean navigation, shall be absolutely free. But notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, goods imported before the imposition of uniform duties of customs into any State, or into any Colony which, whilst the goods remain therein, becomes a State, shall, on thence passing into another State within two years after the imposition of such duties, be liable to any duty chargeable on the importation of such goods into the Commonwealth, less any duty paid in respect of the goods on their importation.[1]
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COLONIZATION ACT And other related Constitutional Documents
The Constitution of Australia is the ‘guidebook’ on how the people of Australia are to be governed. The Constitutions of each of the States is subordinate to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution and each State cannot make its own rules about our Common Law rights without our permission via referendum. If they do so, they are actually destroying these laws and leaving us undefended, unprotected and ungoverned democratically. That is EXACTLY what is happening here. Do not sit back – please defend yourselves and all that you thought you safely owned in Australia, in including your freedom.
Sovereigns, Governor-Generals and Prime Ministers
Since Federation (1 January 1901)This article prepared by Nick Hobson https://www.statusquo.org/aru_html/html/sovggpm.html
‘Fee simple’ is the term used to describe your ownership of your freehold land. It is your total right to name yourself as the owner and user of that land, and the Crown or the Sovereign or the Queen has deeded that land to you when you paid for it.
It is a legal right to do whatever you want with your land, without interference from anyone else, including governments. But now, even to repair or maintain property requires a permit (see Wilson v Raddatz and Glasgow v Hall). Judge McPherson in the Queensland Court of Appeal (Bone v Mothershaw) commented, "We have been stripped of virtually all the powers which make ownership of land of any practical utility or value".
Worldwide jurisdiction! Executive Order 13818 - ..... find that the #prevalence and #severity of #human #rights #abuse and #corruption that have their source,in whole or in substantial part,
#outside the United States,
such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have #reached such #scope and #gravity that they #threaten the #stability of international political and economic systems.
#Human #rights #abuse and #corruption #undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies;
have #devastating #impacts on #individuals;
weaken democratic institutions;
degrade the rule of law;
perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets.
The United States seeks to impose #tangible and #significant #consequences on #those #who #commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.
I therefore determine that #serious human rights abuse and