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Those who dont know their CONSTITUTION do not know their rights LOCKDOWN AUSTRALIA a SAFETY HAZARD

Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

Australia.. the land of authoritarian lockdowns

LOCKDOWN AUSTRALIA ITS A SAFE BET you will be enforced with a vaccination and your ultimate entrapment to slavery...Those who do not know their CONSTITUTION do not know their rights


SHARE THIS INFORMATION and be a doer not a dobber or a jabber

YOU MUST ABSOLUTELY GO TO this info towards the end of this blog!!! make sure you click the link to Peters blog and listen to his video message ABSOLUTELY check out this message.

Peter Miller


QRTrue peaceful activist products

Tomorrow when the war quietly began in Sydney. ABC NEWS censored this report! #sydneylockdown

First the police.Now the military.Next the UN armed forces.Because of our complacent ignorance,we are doomed to repeat our mistakes.Russians remember,.Australians are yet to learn

Top physician weighs in on the risks on the virus and how authoritarian rule is burying truth.

Our guests are: Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter Navarro

Stay ahead of the censors - Join us

Very good to listen. They also mention this: The Australian city of Sydney will draft in the army on Monday to enforce its toughest lockdown since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Local authorities have ordered 5 million people to stay at home amid a surge in cases of the delta variant, first discovered in India.

Mask-wearing is mandatory outdoors and residents can only travel 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) from their home for shopping or exercise, according to the New South Wales government website.

These measures are not needed! It is getting scary.


There will be a millions March against mandatory vaccines at Parliament House Canberra on the 18th October. I encourage all who can to attend.

Anti-vaccine protesters take part in a demonstration outside the parliament building after the government announced mandatory vaccinations for certain sectors, in Athens, Greece, July 14, 2021. REUTERS/Vassilis Triandafyllou

Dr. Simone Gold @drsimonegold· 10h Millions are taking to the streets in Paris, Nice, Montpellier, Nantes, Strasbourg, Reims, Toulouse, Marseille, and many more cities across France to protest against vaccine passports and forced mandatory vaccinations. The global pushback is growing. Keep the pressure on.


we must share this information and ensure that the parliamentarians pass this bill



IT MUST BE presented for debate and vote....

Domestic COVID Vaccine Passports Bill 2021 in Australia !!!

Circulated by authority of Craig Kelly MP

see both pdf files below

No Domestic COVID Vaccine Passports Bill 2021 OUTLINE The bill The bill prohibits the Commonwealth, States and Territories and other non-government entities from issuing domestic vaccine passports or certification and also prohibits discrimination on the basis of whether a person has had a COVID vaccination in the provision of goods, services and facilities and also in employment, education, accommodation and sport. The bill supports the inalienable rights and freedoms of all Australians, a lean government that minimises interference in our daily lives and nurtures and encourages its citizens through incentives rather than punishing disincentives and the stifling structures of a large corporate state and bureaucratic red tape. World’s largest medical experiment The rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines should follow the principle of being “freely available to all but mandatory to none.” On 21 February 2021, in an ABC interview with David Speers, the Health Minister Greg Hunt noted, “The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever.” In the USA, COVID vaccines only have ‘emergency use authorisation’, whereas in Australia the equivalent is a ‘provisional approval’ by the TGA. Provisional eligibility criteria require vaccine manufacturers to submit comprehensive clinical data on the safety and efficacy of the medicine within 6 years after the grant of provisional approval. As a vaccine passport is coercive by nature it would also be coercing Australian citizens to participate in a global medical experiment. There is a growing number of doctors worldwide objecting to their patients participating in this global experiment. Dr Walter Wojcik GP said, “Not on my watch. Not with my patients. My patients are living persons with names and families, not laboratory rats to be sacrificed in a global experiment.” Dr Roger Hodkinson MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP stated, “this experimental vaccine should never have been released… [mass vaccination] is so transparently stupid, medical idiocy of a grotesque degree… the bottom line is that mass vaccination of everybody should stop immediately… when it comes to injecting this stuff in to the arms of children, I call this ‘state sanctioned child abuse’.” Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH, FACC, FACP, FAHA, FCCP stated, “I can no longer recommend the vaccines.” Vaccine passports are inherently misleading The concept of a vaccine passport is inherently misleading. There is little evidence to show that any of the COVID vaccines prevent someone from contracting COVID or prevent someone from spreading COVID or prevent someone from being hospitalised or dying from COVID.

A resounding huge thank you to our wonderful MP Craig Kelly

The US CDC compiles data of ‘vaccine breakthrough cases’. A ‘vaccine breakthrough infection’ is defined as the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from a person ≥14 days after they have been injected twice. As at 7 June 2021, the CDC so far has reported 3,459 vaccine breakthrough patients who were either hospitalised or died. The CDC also note that the number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported are likely to be an undercount of all COVID infections amongst people who have been injected twice as the data relies upon passive and voluntary reporting. Growing concern over vaccine safety

There is also a growing concern over vaccine safety and efficacy. Highly respected and credentialed Dr. Tess Lawrie PhD has recently stated, “there is more than enough evidence to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”

Medical coercion via vaccine passports is a violation of human rights

The UN Economic and Social Council has stated that the right to health under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights contains both freedoms and entitlements:

“The freedoms include the right to control one’s health and body, including sexual and reproductive freedom, and the right to be free from interference, such as the right to be free from torture, non-consensual medical treatment and experimentation.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Resolution 2361 (2021) (7.3.1 – 7.3.2) stated: “With respect to ensuring a high vaccine uptake, ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is not mandatory and that no one is under political, social or other pressure to be vaccinated if they do not wish to do so and ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated.”

The Australian Human Rights Commission stated: “Australians have been and continue to be exposed to potentially unnecessary restrictions of their rights and freedoms because of the lack of transparency and accountability and Covid-19 emergency measures must be prescribed by law, be necessary and proportionate, must be justified and regularly scrutinised, must be temporary and must be non-discriminatory.”

In a discussion of the s 51(ix) of the Constitution quarantine power in Attorney-General (Vict) v The Commonwealth (“Pharmaceutical Benefits Case”) (1945) 71 CLR 237 at 257, Latham CJ held in obiter:

“The [Commonwealth] parliament could not pass a law requiring citizens of the States to keep their premises clean or to submit to vaccination or immunization.” Off-patent drugs showing effectiveness as prophylaxis There is growing evidence on an almost daily basis of the effectiveness of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as prophylaxis treatments for COVID.

100% of the 18 randomised controlled trials for early treatment and prophylaxis with Ivermectin reported positive effects with an estimated improvement of 70-83%

all here at this link

Please follow MP Craig Kelly

Your voice is being taken away from you, Genocide is happening and you cant talk about it



These are the best places to follow me for videos:

🔻 Youtube Main Account:

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🔷 Facebook: Joel Jammal

Thank you Joel for hosting these videos where Big Tech will not allow me to 🇦🇺


upsetting an elderly sick gentleman

Shocking, Elderly man has medical episode while being arrested We are failing our country. This broke my heart to watch. “I was just following orders” The politicians should never have put police in this position and police should have the intestinal fortitude and moral compass to say “NO! I WILL NOT ENFORCE THAT!” More details about this arrest are coming soon.

Because it’s not about our health.

It’s about power, control and selling the experimental genetic vaccines.

For if it was about health, they’d be mentioning the importance of Vitamin D at every press conference.

Earlier today, the Government released the modelling on which the policy of continued lockdowns and push for 70% and 80% vaccination rates is based.

These models are BASED ON THE MISTAKEN ASSUMPTION that your chances of being infected by Covid are 70% less if you’ve been injected twice.

The just released CDC paper, demonstrates that Morrison’s government modelling is junk - based on completely erroneous assumptions.

* During July 2021, 469 cases of COVID-19 associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings in a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts

* The vaccination coverage among eligible Massachusetts residents was 69%.

* Approximately three quarters (346; 74%) of cases occurred in fully vaccinated persons.

* Overall, 274 (79%) vaccinated patients with breakthrough infection were symptomatic.

* Among five COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized, four were fully vaccinated

* No deaths were reported.

Follow MP Craig Kelly on telegram:


comment:they are doing this because they are all freemasons and this is a push for their new world have heard it mentioned by leaders in australia.this is all being pushed by freemasons and the profane to stupid to open their eyes,the tentacles of the masons has taken control over everything


Jamie McIntyre


WUHAN VIRUS - David Flint and Peter Manuel discuss the rights of people

Rumble — David Flint and Peter Manuel discuss the rights of people in a world afflicted by the Wuhan virus ( or as the Communist Chinese regime persuaded the WHO, COVID -19 ).

They are to be properly informed on the medical and other grounds for government decisions, the principle of informed consent concerning vaccines. the choice of vaccine (if any) , and access to medecines which expert research indicates are effective.

Peter Manuel, knows personaly of one person dying from having the Astrazeneca and 6 others who have become very ill from a covid vaccine injection.

Covid-19 is nothing but a renamed common cold virus, which is why no “novel” covid-19 physical specimen has ever been isolated from a sick human and shown to cause illness by itself. The real sickness is caused by the spike protein bioweapon, and the PCR tests are flagging people as “positive” for having fragments of previous colds or even flu vaccines from previous years. (I’ve confirmed all this with Dr. Judy Mikovitz.)

There are no isolated, quantitative covid-19 reference materials in the real, physical world… they don’t exist

Even as a lab science founder and owner myself, I have been utterly unable to locate any isolated, physical reference standards of the claimed covid-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2). All the companies selling so called “isolated” are admitting they are no such thing, offering bizarre disclaimers such as, “this product is not suitable as a whole cell antigen preparation because the protein content is largely contributed by the host cell and the fetal bovine serum used during virus propagation.” See an example at this link from BEI Resources.

This means it isn’t a covid-19 isolate at all. Essentially, the CDC grabbed a person who was sick with a common cold, harvested some lung snot from them, labeled it “covid” and ever since, they’ve been replicating this lung snot by growing it in cow blood serum and cloned human cells. These are nothing but “snot stew” cocktails of all sorts of viral fragments and genetic material, combining wild type viruses with previous monkey viruses found in flu shots, plus human genetic material and so on. Covid-19 hasn’t been isolated at all.

BEI Resources, which sells this “snot stew” goo, also warns that it cannot state anything about these samples being accurately labeled or confirmed in the least:

BEI Resources makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Citations from scientific literature and patents are provided for informational purposes only. BEI Resources does not warrant that such information has been confirmed to be accurate.

This is far from any legitimate, scientific “Certified Reference Material” (CRM) that’s typically used in legitimate science. For example, in my food science lab, we routinely purchase NIST-traceable CRMs for glyphosate, lead, arsenic, mercury and so on. Yet there are no legitimate, isolated CRMs for any covid-19 virus, and also no such thing for any “Delta” variant which appears to be nothing more than a clever name for spike protein vaccine side effects.

In today’s Situation Update podcast, I discuss my recent conversation with Dr. Judy Mikovitz, the utter lack of legitimate reference materials for covid, and the globalist “nuke from orbit” plan to mass murder billions of humans beings through this faked plandemic that has all been based on outrageous quack science fraud.

Aussie Lawyer Reports Covid Crimes To Police Station

Ricardo Bosi, "its not up to me to save you, it's up to you now." A slight carrot dangled at the end. Retired Lt. Colonel Special Forces. Leader of the Australia One Party.

shared from a telegram post

All call signs with military experience you are requested to apply for enrolment with fellow ex servicemen.

No Walter Mitty’s.

You will be required to prove military experience.

Awakened members only.

Pls get in touch with

Royal Marines @bellzaac

Army @Juliethotel33

Navy @billybob999

RAF @Thelastpeopleonearth

also from telegram

Hey guys,

I have been reaching out to various lawyers and solicitors who are awake to the agenda and see through the lies and deceit. 

I wanted to share a response I received from one of them. 

“Hello Doris.

Nice to meet you. Thanks for reaching out. And thanks for posing me this riddle.

I've thought long and hard about this problem. We have people in the nursing, medical, airlines and police who are all being threatened with loss of their jobs.

The solution ... I think ... is that people need to call the bluff of both government ... and employers.

People, essentially must,


The legal reality is that NO-ONE can be lawfully forced to take any vaccine against their will.

That is 100% legally enshrined in the law of all countries, and within ecclesiastical law, and within spiritual principles.

It is, as they say a "Universal Law".

Please now watch (or offer to your friends) to watch this 6 min video and READ BETWEEN THE LINES.

So those who want you to TAKE a vax have to resort to TRICKERY ... including (in their desperation to vax or kill people) outright fraud, lies, and deceit.

If they can predatorily TRICK you, they have - in fact - gained your CONSENT. 

Just like the bible-people have said ... "Satan becomes the ruler of this world through lies and deceit".

In direct answer to your question. If people are being made "an offer they cant refuse" ... then the time has finally arrived to make decisions based on PRINCIPLES, not on FEAR.

So... they have to learn to forcefully say NO, NO NO!.    Dont sign.


If they've ALREADY SIGNED, then they will need to appreciate what it means to sacrifice...and to be a whistleblower.

NOTE, legally.  Any contract NDA made under duress, technically is voidable at law. Or else do an industrial law claim

The elites, (or "controllers" if you will) are desperate now. Also they will not be satisfied now they have tasted the blood of peoples weakness.

They will not stop with anything less than subjugation.

Tell your people (with love and humour) that now is the time to s#!%, or get off the pot!”

BitChute (
Australian Prime Minister Says Its Your Fault If You Took The Vaccine And Died
Australian Prime Minister openly blames the people who died from coerced vaccines for their own deaths. 

what a lying evil prick!

If we're all responsible for our health why is the traitor extorting Australians to take the untested gene therapy. Why are they are hiding the directly related deaths and serious side effects. Why are their no ingredients or warnings listed on the va((. Why are Australians locked in their homes against their will if we are all responsible for our health Mr Morrison? Nuremberg 2.0 is coming.

as one commented

"That's why we don't have mandatory vaccinations . . . " Sorry ScoMo, my employer has told me I have to get tested if I want to come in to work because I've merely been present in a covid 'hotspot'. My other employer, a government contractor has recently held meetings with staff urging them to take the vaccine as it will 'likely' be mandatory.

and don't forget Sydney airport employees have been told they have to have the vaccine if they want to keep their jobs

The Australian constitution forbids forced medical conscription otherwise these psychopaths would mandate the injection.

The medical services power 3.6

Subsection 51(xxiiiA) (xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowances, widows' pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances 3.7

The medical services power was inserted (following a referendum) by the Constitution Alteration (Social Services) Act 1946.

PCR Testing may be the single biggest falsehood of this debacle. When you consider 99.88% of 23,500,000 covid tests are negative, what is it actually looking for and can it detect it? This is a way of frightening people. To be tested when you do not have symptoms has no scientific basis. Add in lockdowns that quarantine the healthy ruining livelihoods, marriages and more, suddenly quarantining the sick which is something we always did is abandoned. And banning a proven medicine whilst allowing only a brand new untried prevention, nothing else. In a rush. With just 32800 infected ever in the country, 25,767,200 out of 25,800,000 people have not caught this virus. Of those who did, 97.2% survived. Of those who did not make it, 94% were aged over 70. Not one female under 50 has died from covid. And only 5 men who each had co-morbidities that multiply their risk. And none of these people were ever offered experimental or proven medicines. STOP. SHARE.

The True Defender ! ( MUST VIDEO: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: 3-6 Months And The Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working! - The True Defender ! If you wondered what can we do to stop this, this is a good point to start somewhere. Read this article and spread the video. Spread the word

“Good doctors are doing unthinkable things like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathogenic spike protein into pregnant women. I think when these doctors wake up up from their trance, they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people,” he said, echoing what he, and Dr. Harvey Risch, professor at the Yale School of Public Health, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham during an interview last month. “We are at over 5,000 deaths so far, as you know, and I think about 15,000 hospitalizations. In the EU it’s over 10,000 deaths. We are working with the Center for Medicaid (CMS) data, and we have a pretty good lead that the real number is tenfold.”


Note to readers: Please click the share buttons above or below. Follow us on Instagram, @crg_globalresearch. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.


Some of those who already chose to have the experimental injection are doing this.

Australians fully immunised against Covid-19 can now store their digital vaccination certificates in their Apple and Google digital wallets for ease of access.
But those wishing to do so are being warned to switch off cloud backups to ensure the proof of vaccination is not stored on overseas servers.
An update to the Express Plus Medicare app over the weekend allows those who have received two shots of an approved vaccine to add their digital certificate to the wallets.
Until now, the digital certificate – which is automatically generated after two jabs – could be viewed or downloaded from the app and viewed through the Medicare online account.
The certificate shows the date a person received their two does of Pfizer or AstraZeneca, as well as their name, date of birth and a unique document number.
Those who have had only a single jab are not eligible for a certificate, but can view their proof of vaccination through the recently re-platformed Australian Immunisation Register.
Government services minister Linda Reynolds told iTnews that the digital wallet option gave people another alternative to store their optional digital certificate.
“We know Australians are increasingly using digital wallets so people can choose to store their certficate in this way, if it suits them,” she said in a statement.
“It replicates the certificate they’re already able to access through myGov.”
Before a certificate can be added to a wallet, users are warned that “a copy of your certificate will be stored on servers outside of Australia” if cloud backups are enabled on the device.
“If you have iCloud or other cloud backup applications enabled on your device to backup your data, when you select 'Accept', a copy of your certificate will be stored on servers outside of Australia,” a notice reads.
“If you choose to proceed, you acknowledge that Services Australia will not be accountable under the Privacy Act 1988 in relation to… another third-party’s handling of your information.” 
Certificates that are stored in digital wallets also miss out on fraud prevention features applied in the Medicare app such as a parallax effect that allows the Coat of Arms to shimmer when tilted.
Access to vaccination certificates through digital wallets was flagged in February, when the government first revealed plans for a proof of vaccination.
Foreshadowing the availability of certificates in digital wallets last month, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said a future version of the certificate could facilitate international travel.
“Later in the year, about October we estimate, we’ll have a vaccination certificate that will be… internationally recognised to facilitate when people are moving out of the country and into the country, being able to recognise others' certificates,” he said.
"That is something that has been a common feature of the conversations I have been having with other leaders."
The government also plans to develop a My Health Record app that gives Australians access to vaccine certificates, pathology test results and information on vaccination bookings.
In a request for tender issued last month, the Australian Digital Health Agency said the app will display an “animated tick” in green, amber or red to denote an individual’s “Covid-19 digital status”.
article source


Huge about AUSTRALIA On Dave's X22 report Have a listen


Initial plans to open the new vaccination centre at the Fairfield Showground were changed to a more suitable location at Prairiewood so as not to interfere with NSW Health’s 24-hour, 7-day COVID-19 testing clinic which opened at the Showground yesterday.

Use of the COVID Safe Check In will be mandatory at all workplaces and retail businesses from Monday 12 July.

Constitutionally Inoculated to Resist Coercion

Augusto Zimmermann

Dr Augusto Zimmermann is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus. Dr Zimmermann was chair and professor of constitutional law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017. He is also a former Law Reform Commissioner in WA (2012-2017) and President of the Western Australian Legal Theory Association (WALTA).

One of the most remarkable characteristics of the Australian Constitution is its express limitation on governmental powers. In drafting the Constitution, the framers sought to design an instrument of government intended to distribute and limit the powers of the State. This distribution and limitation upon governmental powers was deliberately chosen because of the proper understanding that unrestrained power is always inimical to the achievement of human freedom and happiness. As such, the Constitution allocates the areas of legislative power to the Commonwealth primarily in sections 51 and 52, with these powers being variously exclusive or concurrent with the Australian States.
The Constitution was slightly amended in 1946 by a referendum in order to include section 51 (xxiiiA). This provision determines that the Parliament, inter alia, can make laws with respect to:
The provision of … pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorise any form of civil conscription) benefits to students and family allowances…
As can be seen, this provision allows for the granting of various services by the federal government but not to the extent of authorising any form of civil conscription. The prohibition of such conscription is directed particularly to the provision of medical services.

In his written judgement Justice Williams stated (emphasis added):

Accordingly, in my opinion, the expression invalidates all legislation which compels medical practitioners or dentists to provide any form of medical service” (emphasis ours). [2]
Similarly, in his written decision Justice Webb commented:

If Parliament cannot lawfully do this directly by legal means it cannot lawfully do it indirectly by creating a situation, as distinct from merely taking advantage of one, in which the individual is left no real choice but compliance” (emphasis ours).[3]

Of course, a doctor who freely performs his or her medical service does not create conscription. However, as Justice Webb explicitly mentioned:
When Parliament comes between patient and doctor and makes the lawful continuance of their relationship as such depend upon a condition, enforceable by fine, that the doctor shall render the patient a special service, unless that service is waived by the patient, it creates a situation that amounts to a form of civil conscription.[4]

The Australian Constitution explicitly prohibits any form of legal compulsion upon the medical profession to carry out any form of medication, including vaccination. In fact, no government, either federal or state, can impose compulsory vaccination in this country, or prevent medical practitioners from remaining entirely free to choose whether or not to provide certain medical services, including vaccination.

Chief Justice Latham argued in the British Medical Association case that civil conscription would include not only legal compulsion to engage in particular conduct but also the imposition by government of a medical duty to perform a service in any particular way.[5] Constitutional limits on legislation which does not acknowledge this important guarantee were more recently acknowledged in Wong v Commonwealth; Selim v Professional Services Review Committee . In this particular ruling the High Court restricted the capacity of both federal and state governments to implement mandatory vaccination, even recommendations from the National Health directives for either federal or state governments.



Do You Know? A person commits an offence if the person requires another person to:

The Australian Privacy Act 1988 Sect 94H. It will tell you the following.

No one can require you to use the Covid Safe app.

• No one can require to sign into a café or restaurant, pub etc using the Covid safe app.

• You cannot be refused entry to a business open to the public due to not having Covid safe installed on your device.

• You cannot be fired from your work for not using the Covid safe app.

• Breaches of this Act are punishable with 5 years imprisonment, or $63,000 fine (300 penalty units).

Or go to: Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

Requiring the use of COVIDSafe

What does the Australian Biosecurity Act Sect 60. say?

No person other than a human biosecurity officer under the authority of a biosecurity control order, can force you to submit to biosecurity measures, such as:

  • Forced vaccination,

  • Coerced or forced RT PCR tests.

  • Quarantine, including social distancing, mask wearing

Imposing a human biosecurity control order on an individual

read @link

This tells You the strict conditions under which a biosecurity control order may be issued.

which includes the following.

• The grounds under which it can be issued and by whom.

• The listed human disease.

• The symptoms (you must be symptomatic)

• The history of your contact with infected people, and more.

• All enforcements have rights of review.

Peter Miller Nails It!


This Guy Peter, nails it! go to the website and learn how you can QR back to these tyrants at their own game

Simply, in the world of humans, there is safety in numbers, Peter Miller

Go Here:

QR code products

Assisting you to communicate to others what's true regarding your rights, everyone's rights, in Australia

The time to educate each other to the real reality of saving our souls is now. Do not waste a moment of truth. Share the knowledge and empower each other to a fairer and just and safe world and a future for the children and their generations to come. Namaste


I came across this letter to employer holding them accountable to coersion,

Here is a template letter You might be able to use -

Notice of Liability to committing Malfeasance

Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal

This document is lawful and not negotiable. Once you have taken it from me, it is taken that you have been served, have possession and have read it in its entirety.

You then have two choices. You either agree and sign it, accepting my terms, or return it to me, unsigned/declined, at which time it will be taken that you agree that you no longer wish to contract with me.

If necessary, this document will be used as evidence against you in a lawfully convened court of law.

I, …………………………………………, employee of ………………………………………………

Name of manager/staff/individual business entity

located at……………………………………………………………in town ……………………………………………. In the state of …………………………….

Indemnity insurance number …………………………………………………….

I am putting you on notice, I do not consent to any procedure to be conducted on my body with lack of sufficient information, evidence and knowledge of the complete efficacy and all adverse events related to them. This does not meet the requirement of full disclosure and is a crime of battery. You are breaching your ‘duty of care’ for me as your ……….. (client, student, etc) and this is a crime of Malfeasance, which you are personally liable for.

Can you confirm that your choice to enforce ….......................(Mandatory masks, PCR tests, vaccines, excessive force, battery, assult, lockdowns, quarantining, isolation etc) has been thoroughly researched by yourself? Can you confirm with 100% confidence that there will be NO adverse events on my or my family’s health, finances or mental wellbeing? Note that falsely reporting incorrect data can lead up to ten years of imprisonment.

Have you heard the phrase inalienable rights? Every human being is born with these rights according to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Here is a link to help you research this -

There is now undeniable proof that adverse events from these types of measures are common. You have a duty of care to me and my family to know the facts and act accordingly. In your position, you either KNOW the facts or you are not lawfully fit for providing/prescribing such procedures. Saying you ‘don’t know’ is not a plausible defence for you in your position. It is your duty.

If I, or my family, experience adverse events on our health, finances or mental wellbeing, we will hold you PERSONALLY liable for crimes of Malfeasance.

Without malice, vexation, argument or merriment, thank you for your time.


Email address/phone number or address………………………….




Latham C.J., Rich, Dixon, McTiernan, Williams and Webb JJ.


(1949) 79 CLR 201

7 October 1949

Constitutional Law (Cth.)
Constitutional Law (Cth.)—Powers of Commonwealth Parliament—"Provision of . . . pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription) . . ."—"Provision" of benefits and services—"Civil conscription"—Provision of free pharmaceutical benefits—Effect of statute—Medical practitioners compelled to write practically all prescriptions on Commonwealth forms—"Medical service"—Validity of statute—The Constitution (63 &64 Vict. c. 12), ss. 51 (xxiiiA.), (xxxi.), (xxxix.), 77 (iii.)—Pharmaceutical Benefits Act 1947-1949 (No. 33 of 1947—No. 26 of 1949), ss. 4 (2), 6, 7, 7A, 8, 11-14, 20 (1) (c), 21, 23—Pharmaceutical Benefits Regulations (S.R. 1948 No. 56—1949 No. 44).

How Western Australia became an elected dictatorship

Professor Augusto Zimmerman at the Freedom Protest in Perth, Western Australia on Sunday 6 December, 2020.

I must thank my dear friend, Michael Darby, for allowing me to speak at the Freedom Protest held this Sunday in the city of Perth, Western Australia.
It was an impressive turnout, with more than 400 people showing up to protest Western Australian Government measures that impede on our basic rights and freedoms, including freedom of movement, expression and privacy.
In Western Australia, the Iron Ore Processing Agreement Amendment Act provides the Premier and his Attorney General exemption from the criminal law and civil liabilities.
Clause 12 of the Act provides that decisions and actions in relation to certain government decisions cannot be appealed.
It adds that “the Rules known as the rules of natural justice (including any duty of procedural fairness) do not apply to; or in relation to, any conduct of the State that is, or is connected with, a disputed matter”.
In addition, this Act prevents citizens from obtaining information about what the Western Australian government is doing to hold it accountable. Indeed, such a legislation seeks to make documents connected to a “disputed matter” exempt from freedom of information association laws and grants criminal immunity to the State and its agents.   
The Premier now has power to make laws without reference to Parliament.
The Western Australian Parliament has also passed the Emergency Management Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Bill.
Under this Act, State authorities can issue directions to a “class” or group of people, rather than an individual, and impose penalties of $12,000 fines and 12 months of imprisonment for non-compliance.
These extraordinary powers may last much longer than that of the duration of the pandemic. While these security powers can be used during a state of emergency, only one of these provisions carries a “sunset clause”, thus not guaranteeing their expiry with the end of the alleged emergency.
In other words, the Act allows for expanded security powers during an unlimited period of time. The Western Australian government can use, for an indefinite period of time, invasive technology to analyse, control and determine everyone’s actions according to a carefully designed plan.
As can be seen, this is not just a concern regarding people’s health during a time of epidemic. It is primarily about power and control by the ruling elites of Western Australia. For nothing can produce a police state more rapidly than such arbitrary measures.
In fact, as a constitutional lawyer I can comfortably state that Western Australia is no longer a truly functional democracy, but currently experiencing a less open or more disguised form elected dictatorship.

Professor Augusto Zimmerman at the Freedom Protest in Perth, Western Australia on Sunday 6 December, 2020.
Dr Augusto Zimmermann PhD, LLM, LLB, DipEd, CertIntArb is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education in Perth/WA, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus. He is President of the Western Australian Legal Theory Association (WALTA), and former Law Reform Commissioner with the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, from 2012-2017 (appointed by then state Attorney-General Christian Porter). Dr Zimmermann was chair and professor of Constitutional Law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017.
Originally posted by Prof. Augusto Zimmermann 8 Dec, 2020, under the title ‘How Western Australia became an elected dictatorship

Fundamental Rights in the Age of COVID-19 Paperback – 28 November 2020

by Augusto Zimmermann (Editor), Joshua Forrester (Editor)

1. Introduction - Fundamental Rights in the Age of Covid-19 -- Augusto Zimmermann & Joshua Forrester 
2. Reflecting upon the Costs of Lockdown -- Rex Ahdar 
3. Politicians, the Press and "Skin in the Game" -- James Allan 
4. An Analysis of Victoria's Public Health Emergency Laws -- Morgan Begg 
5. Only the Australian People Can Clean up the Mess: A Call for People's Constitutional Review -- David Flint AM
6. Covid-19, Border Restrictions and Section 92 of the Australian Constitution -- Anthony Gray
7. Blurred Lines Between Freedom of Religion and Protection of Public Health in Covid-19 Era - Italy and Poland in Comparative Perspective -- Weronika Kudla & Grzegorz Jan Blicharz 
8. The Dictatorship of the Health Bureaucracy: Governments Must Stop Telling Us What Is for Our Own Good -- Rocco Loiacono 
9. The Role of the State in the Protection of Public Health: The Covid-19 Pandemic -- Gabriël A. Moens AM 
10. Corona, Culture, Caesar and Christ -- Bill Muehlenberg 
11. The Age of Covid-19: Protecting Rights Matter -- Monika Nagel 
12. Molinism, Covid-19 and Human Responsibility -- Johnny M. Sakr 
13. Interposition: Magistrates as Shields against Tyranny -- Steven Alan Samson 
14. Destroying Liberty: Government by Decree -- William Wagner 
15. The Virus of Governmental Oppression: How the Australian Ruling Elites are Jeopardising both Democracy and our Health -- Augusto Zimmermann


Australia: Either the government or the numbers are lying. We take a forensic look at the numbers from multiple official sources that reveals a very different take on what is being done to us in the name of compliance against destructive lockdowns that are recklessly destroying individuals, families, businesses, wealth and lives. WORLD SERIES NEWS UNDERGROUND: Fight back Australia: The numbers do not lie.

link to

CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated PUBLISHED FRI, JUL 30 20212:34 PM EDTUPDATED FRI, JUL 30 20218:27 PM EDT

Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BERKELEYJR About three-fourths of people infected in a Massachusetts Covid-19 outbreak were fully vaccinated against the coronavirus with four of them ending up in the hospital, according to new data published Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The new data, published in the U.S. agency’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, also found that fully vaccinated people who get infected carry as much of the virus in their nose as unvaccinated people, and could spread it to other individuals. “This finding is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a statement. “The masking recommendation was updated to ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones.”

On Tuesday, the CDC reversed course on its prior guidance and recommended fully vaccinated Americans who live in areas with high Covid infection rates resume wearing face masks indoors. The guidelines cover about two-thirds of the U.S. population, according to a CNBC analysis.

While the delta variant continues to hit unvaccinated people the hardest, some vaccinated people could be carrying higher levels of the virus than previously understood and are potentially transmitting it to others, Walensky told reporters on a call Tuesday. She added the variant behaves “uniquely differently from past strains of the virus.”

A CDC document that was reviewed by CNBC warned that the delta variant sweeping across the country is as contagious as chickenpox, has a longer transmission window than the original Covid strain and may make older people sicker, even if they’ve been fully vaccinated.

What people are sharing

As a W.A ,LADY, mentions, this vaccine is only presently approved by the FDA and TGA for emergency use. It’s still in the trial phase which doesn’t end until 2023. If they don’t keep finding “cases” and a reason to lock us down then they would eventually have to lift the “state of Emergency” that all states are currently under. If they did that then they could no longer administer the vaccine. I’m in W.A and every time the State of Emergency is due to expire we get another lockdown and Mark McGowan extends it. It’s happened 3 times now so bracing myself for the next one.


From an Ambulance Officer – the truth needs to be told !
This is from an ambo in Orange posted in a FB group
Hi  all, I have only recently been added to this group and have not gone  back through the history of it and also don’t know a lot of the members,  what I do know is from the posts. I don’t need to preach to any of you.  For those who don’t know I work in NSW Ambulance control and have done  for the last 18 years. I personally take up to 120 calls per shift for  ambulance assistance and I am flabbergasted that it appears no hospital  staff in NSW ie doctors or nurses in emergency rooms have come out with  the information as in the last post that Emma shared to this page.
I  am hearing call after call of people having adverse and serious  reactions to these vaccines so much so that I have flagged this with  other staff and managers who agree, one who stated it is absolutely no  coincidence that many cardiac events whether they be cardiac arrest or  heart palpitations etc directly follow these vaccines and callers are  stating that they have never had events like this before and directly  connect it with the vaccines. There are exponentially more people being  hospitalised in NSW due to these adverse reactions than to Covid itself .
I’m  reaching out here not because I’m trying to convince any of you of this  but I’m currently on a few days off as I’m not coping well with knowing  this information first hand and just want to share and have some  support (maybe there are doctors or nurses in this group who agree?)  each time I go to work , although I have declined the vaccinations  officially I am still asked again and again 
The  51 yo woman who died on Monday was Covid positive but she was found  dead by her family at 9.10am and when the paramedics arrived they  pronounced her dead on site ( no attempt to resuscitate), I took this  call and the investigation that followed was completely out of the  ordinary so as the government could add to its Covid death stats and  vaccination propaganda!   There is absolutely no way she had had an  autopsy and the actual reason for death was confirmed by the 6pm news!  Why I need a few days break is that I cannot bear to hear another  beautiful elderly man weeping because his wife is unconscious and has  death breath 3 days post Astra Zeneca and no one is doing a thing to  investigate this!!
Thanks for listening all and sending love to you and yours


New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

over 8,000 signatories

2x Pfizer Deaths in NZ

"The Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring (CARM) told us that there were 551 new Adverse Events after Immunisation (AEFI) in the week ending May 8, 2021 -which is the most up to date information. Of those 551, 12 were serious. And interestingly, they also reported the deaths of what they called “two elderly individuals.”

“There were also two reports of breastfed infants becoming unwell after their mother received the vaccine. One of the infants had an allergic reaction and the other had flu-like symptoms."

"Why also is the possibility of a heart inflammation condition called myocarditis, which has been identified by the MOH deep in its website, also not widely reported?"

The article ( of the above recording was pulled down from Magic's website and social media within 4 hours of being released.

The full recording includes the interview with Dr. Matt Shelton from Doctors Speaking Out With Science (

Video Credit & Full Version: Coronavirus Plushie - Bitchute (

The greater the number of those standing up for the rights of ourselves, our families, our patients and the general public, the harder we will be to ignore.





PANDA’s analysis of the human and economic cost of lockdowns – pandemic data and science that will save lives and livelihoods.


Malcolm Roberts @MRobertsQLD ·Jul 30 The prime minister has just said that even if the country reaches 80% vaccination lockdowns will still be an option, what the? What is the point of getting the country vaccinated?

Craig Kelly MP @CraigKellyMP · Jul 30 WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED Morrison, on behalf of the National Cabinet, has just announced those who exercise their free choice not to be injected with an experimental will be punished & have their freedoms restricted This VIOLATES our Constitutional freedoms WE MUST FIGHT THIS

And yet, choice may no longer be an option with federal and state mandates, private sector business requirements (whether you are an employee or a patron), travel restrictions/passports, and full FDA approval expected .All happening at a breakneck pace

NSW Airport and Quarantine Workers Vaccination Program


@Andrew Blawat RN EMT-P No.  Reactions are being massively under reported.  There appears to be very little interest in reporting and investigating even very serious reactions.  And professionals who try to speak out are being intimidated, threatened with losing licences/jobs, and having their reputations trashed.  No shortage of evidence on THAT!  Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, big tech generally AND MSM censoring and removing even highly qualified international experts who dare to speak out about their findings, and successful treatments making 'vaccine' unnecessary.  Sorry, but this is the most shameful period for the medical profession, with corruption rife.  I don't know anyone who trusts medical professionals anymore.
Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof Dolores Cahill, Dr Peter McCullough, Alex Berenson, Geert Vanden Bossche, Luc Montagnier, Robert W Malone, Dr Roger Hodkinson and VERY MANY others - America's Frontline Doctors, Medical Freedom Alliance, Doctors for Covid Ethics and other similar international organisations have written open letters demanding roll out of 'vaccines' stopped.  But you will have to go to alternative internet sites to see and hear them, their evidence and arguments.  Bitchute, Rumble, brandnewtube, Telegram - although some censorship now being introduced there too.  
And there is the issue of shedding, acknowledged officially in the paperwork, making those who have been vaccinated a threat to those who have not.
All being covered up.
If you do not know any of this because you have not done your research, be ashamed.  If you DO know it, but are too afraid to risk speaking the truth, be ashamed.  Lives are being destroyed, people are dying in their hundreds of thousands globally.  And thanks to ADE etc very many more will die when flu season arrives, and it will be blamed on a 'new variant'.


INCREASED RESTRICTIONS: Residents in the 8 LGAs of concern in Sydney will be subject to increased restrictions including mask rules and limits on travel

300 Australian Defence Force personnel will be brought in to enforce the tough new restrictions across Greater Sydney's eight high-risk local government areas.

Sydney Mayor: ‘The Army’s supposed to defend its people and not be used against them’

Cumberland City Council Mayor Steve Christou says Premier Gladys Berejiklian has just “lost all control” as his community will have “the army rolling in” from tomorrow to maintain COVID compliance. “We’re just trying to come to a conclusion as to how the state government comes up with these moronic decisions,” he told Sky News. “Our people are one of the most poorest demographics in New South Wales. “They’ve suffered lockdown, mounted horseback police, and if that wasn’t enough then they get the army rolling in as of tomorrow I’m informed. “So we’re not happy and it’s not a way you treat a vulnerable community and Glady’s has just lost all control – the army’s there to defend its people not to be used against its own people.”


First Sydney then Melbourne then Adelaide and now Brisbane. Welcome to Australia.. the land of authoritarian lockdowns. When will this madness ever end?

Looking desperate & running out of ideas Mistake after mistake Constant scaremongering Harming people’s mental health with endless lockdowns Raw abuse of Police power Ignoring Israeli experience Destroying lives & NSW economy SHAME Gladys SHAME Time to resign !!

Greater Sydney lockdown continues as NSW

Lockdown extended for Greater Sydney, Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong until August 28 - Reasons to leave home include shopping for essential goods (one person only), medical care, getting vaccinated, outdoor exercise in groups of two people maximum, and essential work or education - A singles bubble will be introduced to allow people who live alone to nominate a person to visit - Masks are mandatory in all non-residential indoor settings, including workplaces

Australian Defence Force personnel will assist in the enforcement of restrictions across Greater Sydney

#BREAKING: @nswpolice has requested support from the Australian Defence Force in enforcing COVID-19 measures during #sydneylockdown #COVID19nsw

With an increase in enforcement activity over the coming week, I have now made a formal request to the Prime Minister for ADF personnel to assist with that operation" - NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller.

Australian Defence Force personnel will assist in the enforcement of restrictions across Greater Sydney ENFORCED VACCINATION ROLLOUT

STAY AT HOME ORDER - ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS across Greater Sydney incl. the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour

Parramatta, Georges River and Campbelltown added to the 5 LGAs living under tougher restrictions. 8 LGAs can not leave unless they are on the critical worker list. Construction can NOT resume in these 8 LGAs

- People must stay in their Local Government Area or within 10kms of home for exercise and outdoor recreation, with no carpooling between non-household members - Browsing in shops is prohibited, plus only one person per household, per day may leave the home for shopping

- Funerals limited to ten people in total (this will take effect from Sunday, 11 July)

Stay-at-home orders are now in effect across all of Greater Sydney, including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour. Until 11.59pm on Friday 9 July, everyone in Greater Sydney must stay at home, unless it is for an essential reason such as:

• essential work or education, where you cannot work or study from home. People who have been in the Greater Sydney region (including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour) on or after Monday 21 June must follow the stay-at-home orders for a period

Transmission in workplaces remains a concern. Everyone should work from home if possible. For essential workplaces:

•Limit the interaction and mixing of employees, prevent meetings and gatherings, and reduce the size of the groups. •Masks are mandatory – including indoors and outdoors on construction sites.

When it is essential to leave, only one person should be going shopping per day, and only one person should be making care and compassionate visits.

• shopping for food or other essential goods and services; • compassionate needs or medical care, including being vaccinated for COVID 19 (unless you have been identified as a close contact); • exercise outdoors in groups of 10 or fewer;

10 News First Queensland @10NewsFirstQLD · Jul 22 #Breaking: QLD will shut its borders to the whole of NSW from 1am tomorrow. Masks will remain mandatory for another 7 days, but other restrictions will ease. More to come. #10NewsQueensland #COVID19QLD

The Acting Chief Health Officer has declared that all of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory will become a red zone under Victoria’s travel permit system at 11:59pm Sunday 11 July. See full statement:

Statement: NSW/Victoria Border Closure

The Acting Chief Health Officer has declared that all of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory will become a red zone under Victoria’s travel permit system at 11:59pm Sunday 11 July.

Tasmania closes border to all of New South Wales

#BREAKING: South Australia has closed its border to New South Wales – effective immediately. People who have been in NSW in the past 14 days will not be allowed to enter SA - exemptions for essential travellers, returning residents and others are still available. #9News

Mark McGowan @MarkMcGowanMP ·Jul 14 As a result of the new local cases of COVID-19 recorded in Victoria today, we are upgrading our border controls to keep our State safe. Effective immediately, Victoria has been re-classified as a ‘low risk’ jurisdiction.

Queensland lockdown extended to Sunday after health officials report 13 new locally acquired COVID-19 cases

Queensland's snap lockdown will be extended until 4 pm on August 8

- Local government areas of Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan City, Moreton Bay, Redlands, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Noosa, Somerset, Lockyer Valley and Scenic Rim will remain in lockdown until at least August 8 - Reasons to leave home include for essential goods, essential work, exercise, healthcare, to care for someone, and get vaccinated - No visitors to homes - 10 km travel restriction in place - Funerals and weddings limited to 10 people - Schools will be shut on Monday and Tuesday

South East Queensland's lockdown to be extended until Sunday 4 pm

reshared info -Have just written to the QLD Premier and CHO about the new petition: Evidence required by the people of Queensland from the Queensland Government about the efficacy of PCR tests. Supplementary information was required for it to be sponsored by the Clerk of the Parliament. It is attached for your info. Please take the time to sign this petition :) (QLD Residents only I'm afraid)


The qld health minister is caught bullshitting again

Craig Kelly MP @CraigKellyMP· 1h So @GladysB @NSWCHO we know FULLY vaccinated health worker tested positive at Westmead As a result we know 36 people must now self isolate for 14 days with 24 of them ICU nurses BUT what we really need to know is if any of 36 people were FULLY vaccinated

Fully-vaccinated worker at one of Sydney's busiest hospitals tests positive to Covid – plunging dozens of intensive care nurses into isolation

  • A ward clerk at Sydney's Westmead hospital tests positive for the coronavirus

  • The shock transmission sent 36 staff into isolation including 24 ICU nurses

  • It is suspected the transmission occurred in the community not the ward

  • The worker is fully vaccinated and health authorities say it will 'not impact care'

"NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant on Monday said anyone in the state who has waited more than four weeks since getting their first dose of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine should book in for their second jab immediately."

"Can I stress that August is the month where we all should come forward and get vaccinated,' Ms Berejiklian said. "

'It will be a combination of seeing where the case numbers are in a month's time as well as the rate of vaccination that determines what August 29 looks like.'

The NSW premier said the priority was vaccinating the state's 'mobile' residents aged between 20 and 40


Pauline Hanson

Palmer to launch High Court action against Morrison’s vaccine passport Clive Palmer announced today he would be launching a High Court action against Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s proposal to introduce a vaccine passport.


One Nation Australia @OneNationAus· Jul 30 “No Australian should be punished for their vaccine choices. The personal health choices of all individuals must be respected.” -@OneNationAus NSW leader @RealMarkLatham



Freedom Of Information Request Received From The National Health Service

The FDA document, available from the website, is entitled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel .” The document astonishingly admits: (emphasis ours)

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.

In other words, they had no covid virus from which to develop and calibrate the test, so they mixed up a cocktail of human cells and RNA fragments from a common cold virus, then called it “covid









Census 2021: Here’s what you need to know

Census 2021: Here’s what you need to know

Census night is on August 10, when Australia’s largest survey will go live on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website. The census survey is conducted every five years and involves around 10 million households and over 25 million people, according to the ABS. Census provides the government a snapshot of the population to help state and federal authorities direct billions of dollars in public funding, including to health care, education and infrastructure. For more, visit https://

Key information on the census

- Participation is compulsory for any Australian resident present in the country on August 10, including temporary residents and international students - Households will receive instructions on how to complete the census by post and everyone who is staying in a household on census night must be included - The census can be submitted online or on paper - People can complete their census as soon as they receive instructions if they know who will be home on census night

They are the facts and figures which provide a snapshot of Australia, and this year the census wants to know more about you.

The #2021CensusAU is coming this August. It’s a national count of every person and home in Australia. Having the right numbers helps inform where services are needed. There’s lots of support for people who need help to complete the Census.

The Census will include two new topics—one on long-term health conditions, and another on Australian Defence Force service.

Australian census to include a gender non-binary option for the first time. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released new guidelines on sex, gender and sexual orientation seeking to improve data collection on diverse gender identities.… via @SBSNews


Names and addresses will be collected as they have been in every Census, since 1911. The collection of names and addresses in the Census is a critical part of ensuring the quality and value of the Census.

ABS legislation prohibits the sharing of any identifiable information to anyone. You can’t be identified by the information in your Census. Names are deleted after 18 months and address after 3 years.

Australian Bureau of Statistics @ABSStats ·Jul 25 We keep personal information safe and secure. We never release info that can identify you. Organisations can’t access any personal info from your Census. This includes govt departments and direct marketing companies. See

Australian Bureau of Statistics @ABSStats we expect the 2021 Census data to provide valuable insights into how the pandemic has changed life in Australia.

There will be no specific questions about the COVID-19 pandemic, however census chiefs say the widespread effect of the health crisis would be reflected in the survey results. @tom_cowie reports #census #censusnight

Here are five huge questions about Australia right now the census will answer.

1. How many Australians have a mental health issue?

Despite ABS privacy assurances, some Australians will likely do a double-take when they see the census form is asking them to disclose if they’ve ever been diagnosed with conditions such as asthma, Alzheimers, diabetes or depression.

2. Are we losing our religion?

According to Dr Ferdi Botha from Melbourne University, “There is a very real possibility this census will be the first time when the majority of Australians report that they have no religion.

3. How many of us are neither male or female?

This year, all census forms will include an option for non-binary sex, but the framing of the question has been criticised by trans activists, as non-binary sex (identifying as neither male or female) is a completely different concept to being trans.

4. How many of us are veterans?

This year’s census marks the first time respondents will be asked if they are serving, or have ever served, in the ADF or Reserves.

5. How has Covid-19 really affected Australia?

“Census will enable a complete picture of the way Covid-19 has disrupted our lives: whether we’ve moved, the impacts associated with lockdown and so on,” Dr Allen said. “Income, employment hours, education, family – all these indicators will enable analysis of Covid impacts.”

see video at begining of blog

what you all can do STAND UP AUSTRALIANS get onboard and jam their mailbox


𝑨𝒏 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆, 𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒚𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒚. 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰:

𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘀𝘂𝘀 - 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘂𝗹𝘀𝗼𝗿𝘆 An examination of legal issues concerning the census



PROPS to concerned NZ doctors in getting creative to spread the censored word


Spotted on a parking payment machine in London


where you will own nothing and be happy - Klaus Schwab


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America





Brisbane July 2021 - Walk Of Freedom - Freedom - Teaser

Numbers are strong, so is freedom, this is a tease of what happened over Brisbane July 24th, 2021, in the Botanical Gardens. Experience for yourself and relive the joyful and peaceful day that stretched over 15,000 people together to feel in control of their freedom.


Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism | VPRO Documentary

Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism," reveals how the biggest tech companies deal with our data. How do we regain control of our data? What is surveillance capitalism? In this documentary, Zuboff takes the lid off Google and Facebook and reveals a merciless form of capitalism in which no natural resources, but the citizen itself, serves as a raw material. How can citizens regain control of their data? It is 2000, and the crisis has caused deep wounds. How will startup Google survive the bursting of the internet bubble? Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin don't know anymore how to turn the tide. By chance, Google discovers that the "residual data" that people leave behind in their searches on the internet is very precious and tradable. This residual data can be used to predict the behavior of the internet user. Internet advertisements can, therefore, be used in a very targeted and effective way. A completely new business model is born: "surveillance capitalism." Original title: De grote dataroof


The Politicians and

'We're being treated as mugs' by Gladys Berejiklian and her ministers- Alan Jones

maybe bribe money for the covid rollout?


Therese Alfawwal, [29.07.21 10:38]

[Forwarded from Mishy Moo]


My QR code document

is going viral! Tracking it online, it has had nearly 7500 downloads in just over 3 days. IMPORTANT YOU MUST CLICK THIS LINK ABOVE in the first line👆👆👆👆👆 and get your copy. I've not posted this for people to just like. It's essential that it is shared as many times as possible. This document represents a very potent strategy to wake people up. Print it out and, instead of scanning their code, ask them (police, restaurants, pubs, etc) to scan your code instead.

Give them fair warning that you know your rights and you'll take action against them if they proceed with unlawful demands. Tell them that you know the law, and that ALWAYS, Federal laws override state laws, when the two don't agree. This document makes it 'stare you in the face' crystal clear that all lock downs and other measures are illegal, and in implementing them, your state leaders are committing treason.

Scan the codes in the image attached to give it a try.

This little gem of a document, made by me, but inspired by the work of Serene Teffaha, contains all the Australian Govt Acts that tell THEM to bugger off with their quarantine, masks, signing in, tracking, fines, fraudulent PCR tests, va[[een-s etc etc. Print it out and hand it out. The document even has a code that leads the holder of a paper copy back to the original Pdf.

“Copied & shared”


Monday the 18th of October we need everyone from around Australia to come join us at Parliament House in Canberra and really make a stand.

We’ve got one Politician confirmed who will be stepping outside to join us.

How many others will take a stand and join with us?

We’ve given you the notice. Now it’s up to you to get that day off work, plan your travel arrangements and join us.


RIGHT NOW in Miami: Thousands are standing up for the liberation of Cubans. This video was sent to me just now by Yusnaby Pérez, a true journalist on the ground there.

The second clip I’ve posted here shows the Cubans crying out for FREEDOM. They are asking for an end to communism, no more dictatorship, and pleading for free elections, Yusnaby tells me.

That last video clip was filmed before the communist Cuban government put the country into an internet blackout today. Cell phones can make calls, but no one can use internet, let alone social media to communicate and share info with each other, Yusnaby tells me.

He says Cubans are calling on President Biden to take action to help the Cuban people.

Australia your rights

This document shows the reader the Acts of the Australian Constitution relating to Covid mandates download PDF Page (


were not far off if the people don't change the narrative

New World Order: The End Has Come (2013) | Full Movie | Rob Edwards | Erin Runbeck | Melissa Farley

click on watch on youtube to see movie

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