‘The Great Reset’ and Vaccine Rollout
“The Great Reset plan involves replacing shareholders of big companies with stakeholders,destroying family businesses and private enterprises with big tech and corporate businesses.
In 2020 the Governments around the world rolled out their fear campaign around the panic of a New Pandemic ie; Covid 19 (coronavirus) spreading fear amongst global populations, in order to reshape the world and achieve net zero emissions an economic reset and changes in laws to form a new world order of new laws under a capitalist governance.
The People fell into their trap, complying with draconian rules and directives of lockdowns, contact tracing, social distancing and other measures. The fall out was catastrophic, Mum and dad businesses closing small enterprize businesses go under or hang on drowning under pressure of little income. Mass loss of jobs, fear, dispossession , suicides and illnesses brought on by fear and loss. All because a few elite decide what is best for the billions of humanity around the globe.
Why you are Here:
There are many who questioned the Pandemic, Not all seemed logical, there are those who were already aware of planned agendas of the globalists, and who have exposed the plan for many years only to be shouted down as conspiracists. The ringing of truth has surfaced and so Millions across the worlds nations have voiced their opinions and shared invaluable information across the many social media platforms as the main stream media heavily and persistantly pushed the advertising of a Global fear campaign COVID19!. NOTHING WILL RETURN TO NORMAL UNTIL all of humanity are vaccinated..
Another push for a new monetary reset for globalists who stand to make billions, whilst the common folk are left to rot and be shot via an experimental vaccine that has not been given time to undergo complete clinical testing for safety and efficacy.
AND Yet! There is no guarantee that life will return to normal as some, Political Identities have stated This is the New Normal? I guess once you have the people under the thumb you can keep switching the rules up and down as much as you keep the fear campaign alive and the people believing....No Crossing Borders, Face Masks, Contact tracing, limiting social Contact and very soon cashless society as they are already removing hundreds of ATM machines . And that NEW WORLD ECONOMIC RESET - where you will be Happy owning nothing and recieving what your masters believe you are entitled too and if your social credit score doesn't meet their criteria you might not be able to withdraw funds . WELCOME TO YOUR NEW WORLD PARADISE...
.BUT They haven't WON!
We are at a critical junction in the NWO senario.. Where The people have awakened to the Tyranny and are talking and gathering numbers. The Gloves are off!
THE CRITICAL TIME IS NOW and WE MUST UNITE as Indivduals and groups under the One Banner
We have to move smart and fast! That is why, You now have a platform in your war chest. A command centre where we can all congregate without the fear of censorship, all built on private servers with a social platform included to bring together all Australian Patriots. Where we are able to collabarate and share knowledge and build strength in numbers. Our time is short but the storm is gathering momentum and the potential to restore our Once magnificant Nation is more than possible as it is our solomn Duty, as the sovereign custodians along with our first nations people and all Australians no matter what ethnic or religious backgrounds... The only racism is what the elitists want us to be.. It helps to have the people seperated and disorganised... BUT! There is no time or place than now to bring all together as did our forefathers from many nations in time past who built this country on blood sweat and tears from many nations, who all fought together in the great world wars to sacrifice the many lives for the peace , prosperity and freedoms for the next generations.. So we are the next custodians and it is our GOD, given Duty to fight for peace and prosperity for our future generations.. STAND IN STRENGTH! UNITED WE WIN! THE CABAL they fall...TRUTH! HONOUR! LOVE! PEACE!
You Have No CHOICE - JOIN and be The Fearless Soldiers Of The Australian, Aussie Patriots Roll.
article by Debra Ann @ (c) www.imacogindewheeloflife.com/blog
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Many thanks, Graeme Let's get Together and get Our Australia back for ALL Australians.
Aussie Patriots Roll
Graeme Patrick Jeffs
Let's get Together and get Our Australia back for ALL Australians
PO Box 724 St Albans. VIC. 3021
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The great reset and the 4th industrial revolution explained
They say The New Normal
If we build back better and reset, does that mean the elitists will give up their million dollar lifestyles, turn in their Jets,expensive cars and million dollar homes. Or is it just a reset for the 99% of the worlds population where you will own nothing and be blissfully happy?
go here to dig down to the Strategic Intelligence for the future of Australia's, FOURTH REVOLUTION
WHO IS behind the government rollout of C19 plandemic None other than Jane Halton, who is head of the committee advising Australian Government on their response. She is also the Chair of CEPI a Gates backed vaccine company of 6 of the largest global vaccine companies,
read here
The World Wide Plan
Matt Hancock's speech in Davos on Reimagining Policy-Making for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
in DavosPublished 25 January 2018
(Transcript of the speech, exactly as it was delivered)
Thank you for the introduction and for inviting me here today.
It’s a real honour to have been asked to close this session on ‘Reimagining policy making for the fourth industrial revolution’.
We are in the midst of fundamental change, as the cost of storing and transmitting information plunges, perhaps faster than at any time since the invention of the printing press.
Technology is constantly changing how we live, how we work and how we vote and campaign.
Governments now have an opportunity to create an environment that supports digital businesses and creates appropriate norms and rules for the online world.
My case is that responding to populist concerns can’t be done by neglecting technology but only through harnessing it for the good of citizens.
I want to set out three proposals which I believe will apply to governments who want to do this successfully across the world.
1. Adopt digital transformation
Firstly, Governments that put technology at the heart of all their interactions with citizens will thrive.
I worked at a tech business before I became an MP and then a minister. So I’ve long seen how technology can help provide solutions to long-standing policy issues.
In the last decade, getting services online was critical to government efficiency and serving citizens in a way that worked for them.
Our award winning Government Digital Service set the standard for usability online, which was then replicated by other governments across the world.
It transformed the relationship between citizen and state, whilst the digitisation of government has saved billions for taxpayers.
The lesson was loud and clear – put the user journey first and encourage people to adopt technology that will make their lives easier.
Now the task is the next generation of emerging technologies, like the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and Blockchain.
You could call it the fourth industrial revolution for Government and it will be those that adopt this digital technology that will thrive.
2. Make smarter regulations
My second proposition is that economies that make sure regulations are fit for the digital age will also thrive.
Digital transformation cannot take place with outdated legislation, written when if you wanted to tackle ‘trolls’ you’d need to look underneath a bridge.
Just ask startups, who can often find their early years difficult due to compliance requirements written long before the digital age.
Modern businesses require modern regulation – and the UK is leading the way in embracing change.
Our Financial Conduct Authority has adopted what they call a ‘regulatory sandbox’. This allows businesses to test products with real consumers without them having to meet usual requirements for compliance.
This provides a space to do real world trials and engage regulators from the start of development.
It’s win-win; start-ups benefit from better market testing whilst consumers benefit from the safeguards that are built into new products. It is one of many reasons why the UK has now established itself as a FinTech world leader.
Our Information Commissioner is adopting the same approach for big data, and so is our Civil Aviation Authority for drones. The CAA has been engaging with private sector firms on autonomous drone testing and have even been praised by Amazon for their pioneering approach.
We’ve brought in a Regulators’ Pioneer Fund, to incentivise regulators to develop more approaches to support emerging technologies.
This is about innovation friendly regulation. Regulation must support innovation right across the board; this should be a mantra for any Government or regulator.
Only then can a country harness the opportunities of new technology and therefore thrive.
3. Get ethics right
The third and final principle that I want to talk about is the importance of developing strong ethical frameworks.
Because societies that have strong ethical frameworks will thrive.
Digital technology is a powerful force for good. Combined with new technologies such as artificial intelligence, it is set to change society perhaps more than any previous technological revolution – growing the economy, making us more productive, and raising living standards.
But as we all know, alongside these new opportunities comes new challenges and risks.
The internet can be used to spread terrorist material; it can be a tool for abuse and bullying; and, it can undermine civil discourse, objective news and intellectual property.
The digital revolution has changed the way that people behave and interact.
Instead of a piecemeal response to each issue separately, our response is the Digital Charter, which the Prime Minister will be setting out in her speech later today.
This is a rolling programme of work to agree a consistent set of norms and rules for the online world and put them into practice.
In some cases this will be through shifting our expectations of behaviour; in others we may need new laws or regulations.
Our starting point will be that we will have the same rights and expect the same behaviour online as we do offline.
The Charter’s core purpose is to make the internet work for everyone – for citizens, businesses and society as a whole.
It will move the philosophy we apply to the Internet from libertarian to liberal values – to cherish freedom, but not the freedom to harm others.
The Charter brings together a broad, ongoing programme, with priority areas including protecting people from online harms, sorting out platform liability and leading on data ethics.
And I want us to practise what we preach about agile governance. It will be a ‘living’ document that sits online – and as technology changes, the Charter will evolve too.
The Governments that thrive will themselves harness the best new technologies.
The governments that thrive will themselves harness the best new technologies.
The economies that thrive will have innovation friendly regulations for the digital age.
And the societies that thrive will have strong ethical frameworks to make the internet a force for good.
Now our task is to get on with it and make it happen.
Thank you very much.
The government of Britain has been taken over by 4 men, who have been deciding - without the consent of elected Parliamentary officials - to lockdown the population in preparation for the 'great reset'.
You will see the links between one of the four men and the fascist World Economic Forum, who are pushing for a global 'great reset', and that the media has been in on transmitting lies (propaganda) about hospital bed capacity by saying that the hospitals are over-burdened.
But, thousands of operations and treatments have been cancelled since March. With few patients to treat, it's no wonder that the nurses and doctors have time to choreograph videos for TikTok.
One brave woman decided to video what was going on at her local hospital, and you will see what she recorded. She posted the video on social media and was arrested in her home less than two days later, just after Christmas 2020. Other examples of fascism in the U.K. include London's Metropolitan Police officers arresting people who are peacefully protesting. You will get to see that too.
Is the next phase of the reset about to happen: lockdown 100% of the country - as you will see in the road map at the end of the above video? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9110319/amp/Tory-fury-Matt-Hancock-hints-tougher-lockdown-saying-ruled-out.html?__twitter_impression=true
[1] Hancock's 2017 speech: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/the-4th-industrial-revolution [2] Hancock's 2018 speech: 4th Industrial Revolution: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/reimagining-policy-making-for-4ir-closing-speech [xtra] 2019 Policy Paper on regulation during 4th industrial revolution: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/regulation-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution/regulation-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution [3] Hancock at Davos 2019: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/antimicrobial-resistance-needs-an-urgent-global-response [xtra] Concern about truth from Whitty, Hancock, and Vallance: https://www.christianvoice.org.uk/index.php/messrs-hancock-whitty-vallance-lies-damned-lies-and-statistics/ [4] Number of beds available in UK hospitals statistics: http://www.coviddashboard.live/#beds
[5] Cornoavirus restrictions high for >99% of country: https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-three-quarters-of-england-will-be-in-tier-4-from-tomorrow-as-rules-extended-12175609?dcmp=snt-sf-twitter [6] Gloucester Royal Hospital Empty video: hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTeRkIvF14U [7] Arrest of woman who took video: https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/gloucester-news/woman-arrested-connection-video-filmed-4841311 [8] Arrest footage of Gloucester woman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4ZXaSaRf3w
[9] Man arrested for protesting peacefully after having lost his business: https://twitter.com/punditclass/status/1333111031103582208 [10] Elderly woman arrested and put in police van in front of Member of Parliament: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGRcKiPSH9c [11] Dancing nurses on TikTok: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhUAJRYA3bk For more, search YouTube for: Tik Tok Dancing Nurses [12] British newspaper front pages: https://www.thepaperboy.com/uk/front-pages.cfm [search Nov & Dec 2020]
Dark Australian Forces Refuse To Save The Children
John Adams recounts the results of his recent Parliamentary submission - and highlights the forces which appear to working in the dark to constrain the truth. The interests of the people appears to be at risk.
Interview by - In The Interests Of The People
Premier Andrews To Stand Trial At The International Criminal Court?
A state Treasury economist resigned from the Victorian government after 18 years of service, in protest against being asked to remove social media posts critical of Victoria's tough COVID-19 lockdowns. Sanjeev Sabhlok left the Department of Treasury and Finance after being asked to remove social media posts critical of the Chief Health Officer and the government's continued restrictions on people's liberties. In one of several posts critical of Professor Brett Sutton, he said "Victoria's chief health officer is massively exaggerating and misleading the entire public and politicians". We caught up with Sanjeev to discuss the reasons for his resignation, and his submission to the ICC. You can see more at his blog: https://www.sabhlokcity.com/
Federal Politician Admits That Australians Are Slaves
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