WE HAVE FOUND THE WEAK POINT IN THE STATE EMERGENCY ACTS The Kraken Awakes There is no basis for Lockdowns in statistics or science It’s all over red rover The whole Citadel of Covid Corruption is about to collapse into what it really is, bulldust, to be blown away, and Australia will once more be a Free Country Our Australian Law has been utterly corrupted by Foreign powers, the WHO and the UN They have infiltrated via legal stealth into 192 member countries of which Australia is one, overthrowing our Constitution, via the State Emergency Acts, and implementing a One World Government based on the WHO announcement of a false and unfounded pandemic. This is Treason On Tuesday the 9th March, ‘Question of Facts’ were tabled in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court case L12182685 which when answered will destroy all State Emergency Acts in Australia which have been forcing unlawful and illegal Lockdowns and destruction of Australia with no statistical or scientific basis whatsoever See: http://bit.ly/3kSNGAA The truth is, there is no deadly contagious disease. There is a 99.9% survival rate Australians are not dying like flies. Only the elderly are somewhat affected Corona is basically Influenza renamed. Did we lockdown Australia for flu? Asymptomatic transmission does not exist The PCR test is wildly innacurate Goodbye Corona. Goodbye Scamdemic MAHA current Legal Case status https://bit.ly/3cy2fpw PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD
Dr David E. Martin Exposes Anthony Fauci & the CDC for Domestic Terrorism Under the Patriotic Act
Deception is Not True Consent Published 21 days ago | Comments So c’mon everyone, this man has busted his ass to get this evidence and make it publicly available for everyone, so use your god-damned sovereign human power, that we all have and they are afraid we will use, and get in their faces and demand they abide by rule of law and apply rule of law that they’re all violating in their crime against humanity. Download this video, re-upload it to your own platform, post it on forums and social media where possible and do your part to build a tsunami of human thought and will to demand the rule of law is applied on Planet Earth to end this corona hoax and terrorism.
The 205 page Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier can be downloaded at the 2 below links. The first 27 pages are of readable evidence, the further pages are a list of patents.
Revealing the TRUTH behind the LIES
David Martin's dossier is available to the general public for download NOW!
We hope you will share this information with everyone including your local legislators to your federal elected officials, this information MUST be shared WIDELY!
Letter template can be downloaded at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15DrfmirpV1bWEWOdY_wAA0bHa_saBezX/view

WILLIAM BERO 4th May 2020 What does it mean for Australia
Affidavit of truth
SPER, State penalties enforcement registry
International Criminal Court accepts Israeli government’s Nuremberg Code violation complaint
According to an article in Database Italia, the complaint lodged last week in the Hague court accusing the Israeli government of violating the Nuremberg code has been confirmed. A decision is now awaited.
awyer Ruth Makhachovsky told Israel News:
« Pfizer’s experiment in the State of Israel was carried out in violation of the Nuremberg Code, which is part of international criminal law and is under the jurisdiction of the Hague tribunal. We are now awaiting a decision ”.
Link to the cause: https://israel-news.co.il/archives/24845
Link to the observations of the European Council: https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29004/html
PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN Why mass vaccinaton amidst a pandemic creates an irrepressible monster
Author: Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD (March 6, 2021) – https://www.linkedin.com/in/geertvandenbossche/
Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaton. To all authorites, scientsts and experts around the world, to whom this concerns: the entre world populaton.
Very highly connected insider, Juan O Savin, explains what is coming, very soon.
Hold on tight, because it is going to get wild. . But our nation has to fix this terrible mess that we are in , and Juan discloses the only way out. DaveWaterburyPublished March 10, 2021
God Bless America.
3.16.21: The DEEP DARKNESS is slowing being EXPOSED! PRAY!
And We KnowPublished March 16, 2021