"Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience".....C S Lewis.
‘Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’ Benjamin Franklin
Main Stream and many Social Media platforms censor the real news, it is now up to all of us to share the real TRUTH!
SHOUT THIS OUT! AMERICANS ~ Take to the streets of Washington DC ~ President Trump
Main stream don't want this to go out and Facebook have stopped it on live feeds..
VIDEO BY TJ Cummings
Million MAGA March
Million MAGA March

The data shows serious IREGULARITIES and there should be a full investigation into the Dominion system to determine what really happened on election
🚨"Switched did happen for Biden to Trump, as some of you have pointed out, and they also happened from 3rd party to (mainly Biden) both.🚨 The results should disturb everyone.

“TRUMP WILL WIN – HERE’S WHY” An Important Post by Howell Woltz. read full intel @ link to THE RICHARDSON POST
Ladies, Gentlemen & Patriots—let me introduce the man we believe to be ‘Q’—Trump’s secret weapon—
The Man behind Q' ~ this brilliant young man began his career in the only Constitutionally recognised intelligence force in America—Office of Naval Intelligence.
Read full story here pdf, or link to THE RICHARDSON POST
Read about the real warrior, Christopher miller, who will be protecting the president and the American nation from enemies, both foreign and domestic
Read about Attorney Sidney Powell a warrior whose shaking voice warned the Deep State last Thursday night in Trump’s litigation team’s press conference that she would ‘release the Kraken’ on them for what they had done to her country.
Gen Flynn and family pledging the q oath and saying WWG1WGA at the end! Many others on twitter too.
YOUR BALLOT: Trump Campaign Has Webpage to Report an Election Issue — Pass It On…
Reporter Asks Biden If He's Suffered "Cognitive Decline," His Answer Is a DISASTER
Ladies and gentlemen, you simply MUST see this response from the man who wants to be president of the United States. Somewhere, President Trump is laughing his you know what off.

It’s Not an Epidemic, it is An Operation
from Behind the News Network
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (slip of the tongue) tacitly admits in a somewhat contradictory statement that COVID-19 is a “Live Exercise”, an “Operation”: “This is not about retribution… This matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.”
To which president Trump retorted “you should have told us”.
Those words will go down in history.
Go To:

Since the assassination of John F Kennedy, he says that every US President with the exception of Ronald Reagan has been a "Deep State criminal". However, an alliance of military generals has been working on a plan to infiltrate this Globalist power structure to take them out.
Scott McKay
Message for Those Who Threaten Thanksgiving "Come & Take It" with Jimmy & JoAnne Moriarty
Sharing This!
“Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!” november 23, 2020 the marshall report So don’t let spin doctors and fake media tell you lies about the woman who is bringing down the giants in the swamp! And there are a great number of them, more than anyone could have imagined! Powell stated that the ‘New World Order’ has ‘OVERTHROWN The Republican Party’ and that the Republican Party sold its soul to the “New World Order” in return for large cash payments in the form of “enormous bribes.” Sidney Powell warned the GOP risks being “neutered like a bitch” by “the Great Reset” in 2021 if President Trump’s second term is stolen from him by “children of darkness.”
The Procedure to Court Advances MAKE #ArrestMattHancock GO VIRAL
Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good - Listen To The Experts...
"Britain's leading medical author." (The Star)
DR Vernon Coleman
Dr Vernon Coleman’s track record of spotting health dangers is second to none. Since the 1970s, when his first two ground breaking books (The Medicine Men and Paper Doctors) were published, Dr Coleman has been gaining friends among patients and enemies among doctors and drug companies.
Vernon Coleman can now be found on Brand New Tube where you can watch his latest videos
Sunday Times bestselling author Vernon Coleman has written over 100 books which have sold over two million copies in the UK alone
DOWNLOAD: Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good (2020)
DR Vernon - Great reading
‘His message is important.’ –
About masks.a Major New study
In the first comprehensive, peer-reviewed study the efficacy of face masks to prevent the spread of Covid has been called into question. Within the margin of error there is virtually no difference between a masked group and an unmasked group, Danish scientists discovered. Yet this major discovery about the virus is being completely ignored by authoritarian governors who are demanding even MORE intrusive mask mandates. Are we really following "the science"? Or politics
Dr.? Fauci said the masks don't work, and could increase the spread. The CDC originally said the masks are not needed. Then they changed their official stance. Why? Because they are pushing an agenda.
NSW Government minister Stuart Ayres contradicts NSW Health advice on coronavirus pandemic
NSW Jobs, Investment and Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres has come under fire for declaring on Q+A that those who take a "precautionary" COVID test do not need to self-isolate.
His statement on testing for the general public caused a stir on the show and saw him lambasted on Twitter.
"If you haven't exhibited any symptoms and you go and get a test you don't have to isolate if you've not exhibited symptoms," he said.
The host pointed out that Mr Ayres appeared to be advocating breaking state health guidelines during a pandemic.
"You must self-isolate if you have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting results. It could not be clearer," Macdonald said as he read directly from the guidelines.
NSW HEALTH Self Isolation Information
If you think you have COVID-19
article source
Mr Ayres was criticised on Twitter for his comments.
Australia’s largest airline is planning to enshrine the mandate in its terms and conditions, which would be amended to say that international travelers must be vaccinated before they can board a Qantas plane. Other airlines are likely to impose similar requirements once health regulators around the world approve a vaccine, according to Joyce.
He said the policies could be enforced by providing travelers with a digital “vaccination passport” that shows what vaccine they’ve received and whether it’s “acceptable to the country you’re traveling to.” He added: “I’m talking to my colleagues in other airlines around the globe and I think it’s going to be a common theme across the board. more here THE SUN
DR Vernon Coleman
The people who manufactured the coronavirus hoax, and who have kept it running for most of 2020 and used it to take complete control of our lives, aren’t going to hand us back our freedom or our democratic rights without a fight.
The evil minds which thought up the coronavirus hoax have a long way to go before they’ll be satisfied, and the low level politicians whose strings are being pulled are enjoying their new power far too much to call `time’ on the biggest fraud in history.
Like pop singers, the promoters of the new world order, the great reset, need a follow-up.
They could claim that the coronavirus has mutated and turned nasty. But that would be a trifle unimaginative. And it would be difficult to claim that it’s suddenly turned dangerous when they’ve been telling us that for months that it’s the greatest threat to mankind since the Black Death or the Eurovision Song Contest.
And if they released a genuinely deadly virus there would be a real danger that it would kill a few billionaires and politicians too. It would, of course, be a tragedy if the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were to be deprived of its two stars.
No, they need something deadly and disruptive and really, really scary in order to keep the huddled masses terrified and panicky. And they need something that will kill millions without endangering the lives of the politicians and administrators who see themselves ruling the world as members of the long-planned new world government.
And thanks to Christian, the always watchable Ice Age Farmer, I think I know what they are planning for an encore. Like the coronavirus, it’s something they’ve been talking about for a while.
In their infamous `smirking’ interview, Bill and Melinda Gates talked about a new crisis that would follow the coronavirus and would really make us sit up and take notice.
And the World Economic Forum has warned us of a new crisis that will be more serious and faster and a greater impact than anything we’ve seen before. They say it will make covid-19 seem to be a small disturbance in comparison.
Incidentally, am I the only person on the planet who feels that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and self-annointed standard bearer for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset, bears a striking resemblance to the Peter Sellers portrayal of Dr Strangelove – though of course Strangelove was a madman whose lunacy leads to the end of the known world and so the resemblance is purely superficial and quite coincidental.
At the World Economic Forum they have been talking about a cyber-attack; a major hack that will cause real chaos.
Now, they’re obviously not talking about two 12-year-old hackers getting into YouTube and taking down all the cat videos.
My big fear at the moment is that the bad eggs who gave us the coronavirus hoax are going to take down the
Read more here
Top Pathologist Claims The Current VIRUS Is The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On The Public!
THIS is a Meeting Privately Recorded in EDMONTON Alberta Canada !
First officially recorded from a formal meeting in City of Edmonton City Hall on extending the mandatory mask bylaw that expires in the city in December.
Edmonton, Alberta last week, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta and Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company SELLING THE COVID-19 TEST:
extra link
It is simply “outrageous” to shut down society for “just another bad flu,” says virology expert. The risk of death for people under the age of 65 is only “one in three hundred thousand.”
“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians,” Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta. “It’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”
BANNED removed ftom youtube
Video unavailable
Watch here: on Imacogindewheel
The Covid Cult | Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebrating villains and hissing at heroes. And, even — perversely enough — celebrating the destruction of their own lives and their children's lives. Special thanks to Yinon Weiss (@yinonw) and Ian Miller (@ianmSC) for creating the charts. Presented at the Mises Institute's "Symposium with Ron Paul" on Saturday, 7 November 2020, in Angleton, Texas. source MISES MEDIA
Win for Denmark,
Watch "‘Great Reset’ in Davos at the forefront of a ‘great deception’ in the free world"
Reported by Australian Rowan Dean
Guide to the Great Reset
You've all heard by now that The Great Reset is upon us. But what is The Great Reset, exactly, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? Join James for this in-depth exploration of the latest rebranding of the New World Order agenda and its vision of a post-human Fourth Industrial Revolution.
US Military 2020 Election Sting Leading To Trump 2nd Term Landslide"
Release The Kraken Chicago Style
Watch "11.12.20 Post Election UPDATE: US Military 2020 Election Sting Leading To Trump 2nd Term Landslide"
military-grade sting operation to bring down the criminal power structure that has been ruling this country – and every country around the world – for a very long time. He says the Trump presidency is a de facto military presidency that was established and put in place to bring down the Globalist Rothschild-London-central banking enterprise that completely controls every country on the planet.
He says the reason why we’re not seeing the arrests of people like Wray, Haspel, Hillary and Obama is because after Trump won in 2016, Obama moved to preemptively and secretly pardon everybody. The Trump administration has had to record them all committing new crimes – including the attempt to steal the 2020 Election.
more excerpt
So, now moving into 2015, we were truly at a tipping point. It was at that point, in 2015 that Admiral Mike Rogers, a true American hero, a Navy Admiral was named Commander of the NSA. That's when they knew, at that point, when they got control the NSA.
The NSA has been cataloging, logging, recording every single email, every phone call, every text message, every form of communication; everything you've done, NSA has been surveilling and cataloging; everything about your life and everybody's life. That became a weapon. Instead of a defensive weapon, it was an offensive weapon of the National Security Agency, designed to do one thing: to enslave humanity.
The Alliance Powers, the Patriots infiltrated the apparatus; they got control the NSA. So now, that the NSA has shown everything about all of our lives, good and bad it also did one thing: it put every single one of these bad guys, all these criminals in government, in Washington DC, Big Tech, multinational corporations, military industrial complex, the monarchies around the world, the Vatican – go down through the list – this is a massive, corrupt power structure.
Now, what happened was military intelligence intercepted a 16-year plan by the Cabal to take down the United States; eight years of Obama and then eight years of Hillary Clinton to finish us off. Obama took us to the brink. We were basically over the edge. Hillary was mop-up operations
.This is their last Hail Mary; this election, to try to finally get control, regain the power at all costs – at all costs. Regain this power, so they can stop the Trump Presidency and the military from bringing them down, destroying them once and for all, freeing the entire planet up, freeing up all of humanity, to now have the incredible abundance that this entire planet offers and a lifestyle every human could have.
Q - The Plan To Save The World (Remastered)
If you’ve heard it – people call “QAnon”. It’s not. It’s called “Q”. You’ve watched the media attack it. You’ve watched the shills attack it. You’ve watched the people who have not done their homework and the due diligence that we’ve done for three years, dissecting this information, following it, watching events happen in real time, watch proof, after proof, after proof to know we have a legitimate power that has a bulletproof plan to bring this criminal empire down once and for all.
You will Love This!!!!!
WATCH: Sidney Powell: It will be BIBLICAL
We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states,” Powell said on Fox Business, adding that she has enough evidence of election fraud to launch a widespread criminal investigation. “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up.”
Powell claimed that elections software switched “millions of votes” from President Donald Trump to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
Go here for Video: LINK and more news
I decree and declare that President Donald J Trump won the November 3rd 2020 Presidential Election for what God has already done in heaven is done on earth. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 71,000,000 Legal Votes. The most EVER for a sitting President!
888-503-3526 Voter fraud hot line
## BIDEN ADMITS TO VOTER FRAUD! ## @JoeBiden brags about having the “most extensive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history‼️
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) October 24, 2020
11.12.20 Post Election UPDATE: US Military 2020 Election Sting Leading To Trump 2nd Term Landslide ~ Thank you Lance
From Joe Biden's mouth to future litigations.
Tweets by @realDonaldTrump
Data: Trump‘s Anti-Globalism,
Pro-Police Message Wins Over
via @BreitbartNews Great, but
we also won the election!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Other than politics, how do you lose a case where large numbers of voters, far more than you need to flip Pennsylvania, are disenfranchised? Vote Observers thrown out of counting rooms. People going to vote finding out they have already voted through a fake ballot
32 Cabal Puppets submitted to Trump beginning months after inauguration. A comprehensively look at a collage assembled by @3days3nights from the work of Freaksense TV. This video is cutoff ten minutes before completion. YouTube appears to have taken it down so this is an RE-LOAD
Dominion - izing The Votes
What Does Amazing Polly Have To Say
What happens if an election is stolen but no media reports on it?
Sky News Australia ‘Biden apologists’ try to 'deny Trump his legal rights' Sky News host Alan Jones says there is “no such thing under the Constitution as a President-elect” while most of the media try to deny Donald Trump of his legal rights after trying to deny him for four years.
Controversial economic forecaster, Martin Armstrong joins Greg Hunter on Armstrong's computer model was one of the few that predicted Brexit – and two years ago, it also predicted that this year's US presidential election would be the most corrupt in American history.
He says, "The computer doesn't ask my opinion or anybody else's, it just goes on the numbers; from the economic data and it's never been wrong." And some of the information he's receiving suggests that as many as 38 million fraudulent votes were cast for Biden.
He says, "This is - it's just beyond description. I mean, the level of corruption in this and it's all to basically take over the Government. And you heard Pelosi coming out, saying that, 'Oh, we now have a mandate to change the economy'...I personally think that we need a Constitutional Amendment that says that the economic system cannot be changed without a two-thirds majority vote, period. This is ridiculous...
"I testified before Congress, I think it was in '96, the House Ways and Means Committee and they were asking me why no American company got any of the contracts to do the Yellow River Dam in China and I explained to them, I said, 'Look, I mean, we tax worldwide income. Germany does not. So, a German company going in, bidding on the same project is already 40% cheaper. And they just look at you with their mouths open. 'Oh, really?'
"Yes – stop taxing worldwide income and then maybe we do better. But what happens is that, in order to be competitive, companies have to move offshore and they go, 'Oh, it's tax avoidance!' No, it's being competitive on an international scale...
"We've got offices around the world. Fortunately, our products can be downloaded. If we were in a physical type product. we'd be out of business, period."
Greg asks, "Do you think Trump can pull this off?...He's out tweeting, 'Boom. I've got 2.7 million votes just taken away from me!' And that's just the beginning. And then there was all the paper ballot fraud and everything else – and the sharpies and the dead people and blah, blah, blah. Do you think Trump can pull off a win?
Martin says, "Legally, yes I think the Supreme Court can step in, here and actually take it over. I think that would be good for the country. I mean, it would be good for them because, you already have the Democrats saying they're going to completely change the structure of the United States. I mean, they want to pack the Court, they want to actually strip the Supreme Court of any jurisdiction to do rule on certain legislation they pass.
"We have a tripartite government. It's supposed to be the Legislative, the Judicial and the Executive and they simply want to eliminate the Supreme Court, period. I mean, this is outrageous what they're doing...
"That's why I've said, 'Look, this is not a simple election between Republican and Democrat. This is something much more sinister and the exact thing that they're doing – just look to Europe. You have Biden's advisor on Covid: 'Oh, we're going to lock down the country,' and they're going to do that in February. And it's not going to be for 4 to 6 weeks. It's going to be for months - that's if he gets in...I mean, this what they're really doing.
"All you you have to do is look at what these people are up to and it's coming out of the World Economic Forum, with George Soros and Bill Gates. It's the merger of all three of them...In Klaus Schwab's own video, he's telling you his 'Eight Predictions for 2030': You will own nothing and you'll be happy.
"Now, why will you be happy? Because, basically, their idea is to strip everybody of all property, period. That's Communism. And then you're going to be given this guaranteed basic income [UBI] and if you don't do what the government tells you to do, like get a vaccine or whatever, oh well, then your guaranteed basic income will be suspended – and how are you going to eat?
"This is what they're doing. It's the small businesses. If you look closely, Democrats didn't want to bail out any small businesses and that was before.
"Why? They are the 'bourgeoisie' and in Marxism...if you eliminate the small businesses, which another lockdown is going to do, you're going to have serious unemployment, because [small businesses] employ 70% of the population, so what are you going to do?
"I mean, these people are out to really change everything and...I've been consulting with probably more governments than anybody, I think. I've been back and forth with central banks, from everywhere, from China to Europe, Middle East, whatever and I've been going back and forth to Europe on this issue for four years and I've been telling them, 'Look, the real problem is they lowered interest rates in Europe to negative in 2014.
"After six years, they have been unable to stimulate the economy but they're now trapped. They can't sell debt at negative levels. Pension funds are basically on the on the brink of complete insolvency in Europe. Over 50 of them are basically broke, already in Germany.
"So, I've been arguing that, 'Look, at least convert the debt to a perpetual debt, raise the interest rate to at least 3%,' and my solution is we keep our freedom – and it's government that has to give up some power.
"They don't want that, so they're turning to Schwab. And his solution is with [French economist] Thomas Picketty and if you look at it, it's basically Picketty's number one pet peeve is Communism – basically, to take all assets away from everybody and this is what he's doing.
"It was the French that convinced Marx that Socialism wasn't good enough and had to go to Communism, which was their experiment from the the French Revolution.
"So, you have to see what's happening, here and and these people are looking at, if they um eliminate all debt – there goes your pension funds.
"The Government no longer has to to pay off the debt, doesn't have to keep rolling it, because that is the real problem: they're at the end of the rope on that, so the only way out that they're seeing from Schwab is that it is basically to default. And that's Communism you will own nothing and you'll be happy.
"'So, all debt will disappear and all your personal private debts all disappear. In the backdrop to that, so do banks. This is why you have Big Tech supporting them, because, why? Twitter, alright – what's he got? He has Square. Facebook, what are they doing? They've been trying to put together their own [crypto-] currency [Libra], alright?
"These guys have been you know dangling out in front of them, they're going to get a piece of the action on every transaction in the world and if the government tried censoring YouTube and Twitter, if they'd been actually doing what these guys have been doing, that's a complete violation of the Constitution; it's a violation of our civil rights.
"They stand up and say, 'Oh well, we're not the government. We're allowed to do whatever we want and so this is the problem that we have. I mean, they're violating our civil rights on every-which level from Sunday and you'll have nothing left.
"And if you go to our site and look at that prediction from Schwab, what else does he have in there? The United States will no longer be a superpower. It will be shared among nations. In other words, that this is Soros's Open Society, only the United Nations will be the supreme government.
"And so, what you have are politicians handing this because they feel that the system's broke, Keynesian Economics has failed and their only way to retain power is go authoritarian.
"I've also published internal memos from Germany. They're already proposing to suspend their elections in August.
"So, in other words...there's no way possible this contrived pandemic is going to disappear. Masks, social distancing – this is to prevent civil's really a takeover and it is, I call 'Communism 3.0'...
"We're at at a stage here that government is completely collapsing. I've been warning people that Socialism is collapsing and they all say, 'No, no it's Capitalism!' and [I say], 'No, it's Socialism', because they can't afford the pension funds, they can't afford all the social benefits that they have promised and continue to borrow without ever repaying anybody.
"So, that's what's coming to an end. So, the only way to keep those Socialistic programs going is basically adopting this Modern Monetary Theory, where they're just not going to issue debt anymore they're just going to print money...
"Here they are, once again doing the same stuff, promoting this Great Reset and it's Communism. They may think this is what we have to do for the climate. Well, they're going to find out they are selling out not just themselves, but their families and all posterity."
MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Game Over...
I'll leave you with this...
"It Was All a Distraction"
Max Igan
1. Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy. These words might well sum up the mystery of the Christian faith. Mercy has become living and visible in Jesus of Nazareth, reaching its culmination in him. The Father, “rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4), after having revealed his name to Moses as “a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Ex 34:6), has never ceased to show, in various ways throughout history, his divine nature. In the “fullness of time” (Gal 4:4), when everything had been arranged according to his plan of salvation, he sent his only Son into the world, born of the Virgin Mary, to reveal his love for us in a definitive way. Whoever sees Jesus sees the Father (cf. Jn 14:9). Jesus of Nazareth, by his words, his actions, and his entire person[1] reveals the mercy of God.
2. We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends on it. Mercy: the word reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness.
3. At times we are called to gaze even more attentively on mercy so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father’s action in our lives. For this reason I have proclaimed an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy as a special time for the Church, a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective. read in full @ link
"Here's something that perhaps we can all agree on, the vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don't, the country is safe."
"The common cold may show up on the test kits? Don't force a vaccine for the hidden agenda of corrupt people who funded this vaccine/simulated it/patented it and want to make trillions on vaccines and lower the population by the virus/vaccine."
"Asked" each state? I was TOLD, by a tyrannical Government , what to do. No one asked.
"@C B Short memories for short people? How we forget that he went on hydroxychloroquine, and later when he was diagnosed with the China virus they treated him with an experimental drug called Remdesivir and a couple of over the counter supplements, this is well before any vaccine. And for those who are articulate and with good cognitive abilities, and a lot of commonsense would receive the presidents message, that a vaccine is really not needed. But he has to play their role, otherwise the fake news media whores would have a field day of attacking the president on being anti-vaccine."
"The silence is deafening, like we are all locked in a deep, sound proof chamber watching it unfold."
"Cases are not deaths , they could drive that fact home instead of the fear porn they push"
"Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people."
My recommendation
When fake news is actually true
Chris Everard - British author & Film maker What the BBC describe as 'FAKE NEWS' from a man in South Africa, has actually turned out to be real news - and 100% TRUE - but they still threw the man in jail anyway. Durban, South Africa: A man who posted a video about Covid-19 testing kits being contaminated was forced to appear in court in April... Another man making a similar video clip in Australia was also arrested...

Two people are arrested for spreading 'fake news' WHICH IS TRUE - Covid test kits have been found contaminated with, er, Covid! In South Africa, Police spokesperson, Brigadier Mathapelo Peters, confirmed that the man from Durban was arrested for 'making a video about how TEST KITS were contaminated'. Hmmmm... I never heard of a 'law' like that - one where a person makes a video and then has his door kicked-in by police... Peters said "The arrest relates to a video clip purporting contamination of Covid-19 test kits. The suspect has been charged in terms of Regulation 11 (5) (c)of the Disaster Management Act, in relation to "publishing any statement through any medium including social media with the intention to deceive any other person about measures by the government to address Covid-19"...

The Evening Standard has 'blacked out' the story - but the headline still displays on their website. The London Evening Standard is edited by a Bullingdon Club member. Well, this Durban man is due for a MASSIVE PAY-OUT because he was WRONGFULLY ARRESTED - The Telegraph newspaper in London, the Evening Standard and many other newspapers have all reported the circulation of hundreds of thousands of CONTAMINATED SWABS... But it goes deeper than this being just a 'blunder' by the swab manufacturers... In my film SCAMDEMIC, I prove that the contaminated swabs - yes, you guessed it, many were contaminated with Covid19 - these contaminated swabs were made by MANY different manufacturers - one in Finland, one in Luxembourg and one in China... Hmmm... Three manufacturers and they all manufactured hundreds of thousands of swabs infected with Covid! Just a coincidence?

Thousands of contaminated swabs shipped to TRIBAL NATIONS PEOPLE... Just like the old scam by Lord Amerhurst with his blankets... The British royals were the very first people in history to use BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS to kill hundreds of thousands of men, women and children. They ordered Sir Jeffery Amherst to donate blankets infected with smallpox to Native Americans… Lord Amherst led the British to victory over the French in Canada…

Start binge watching high quality films and TV shows now-click here The first book to ever mention Bio-Warfare is the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, which is meant to be a ‘hoax’ according to the Times of London… Britain used biological warfare against the indigenous people as a means of extermination…. And 18 years after the publication of the Protocols, the cousins of the British Royals were using disease as a weapon on the battlefields of World War One…
Like the Protocols claim, a despot will ‘INOCULATE WITH DISEASES’ the world’s population to gain political control… And THAT is EXACTLY what the hateful Adolf Hitler did…
The first book to ever mention Bio-Warfare is the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, which is meant to be a ‘hoax’ according to the Times of London…
THE CONSPIRACY FILES is an all new kind of historical TV series - it is streaming on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL right now. The 2020 season of The Conspiracy Files kicks off with an investigation of how the Nazis invented Chemtrails and the conspiratorial links to the Helter Skelter murders inspired Hollywood film director Edmund Druilhet to make his movie ONCE UPON A TIME TRAVELLER IN HOLLYWOOD…. Enjoy!!
Start binge watching high quality films and TV shows now Not on Netflix. Not on YouTube

As a Christian I believe that sunlight is the best disinfectant for evil. By allowing people to speak freely we can shine a light on darkness and lift people up instead of trying to destroy their lives for having a politically incorrect opinion or sharing an “edgy” meme on the internet.
Andrew Torba CEO, Jesus is King November 21, 2020
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