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WARNING!THE GREAT RESET- What will you do for your childrens future - RED ALERT! DANGER IMMINENT

Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

I ask that you do your own research urgently!!!


America under attack by China - scroll right down blog to read articles and view video

American Naval ships deployed -


scroll to information


World Series News EXPRESS UPDATE - War against China? Dec 18

Trump's last stand. Will war be declared against China for interfering with the US and more?


We are the world! The world was gifted to humanity by our creator. it does not belong to evil.

Only we as Brothers and Sisters can change the narrative to a beautiful future, by asking for forgiveness and acknowledging that the "Lord Jesus Christ", died to free us! from this world of enslavement and tyranny..

I have shared a lot of video content and articles in previous posts that I have found as I travel the rabbit hole in search of truth, so that I may be in the knowledge that will give me the collective power and hope that with my fellow family, friends and readers will be encouraged to research and stand united as one family to stand and fight against the evil ones. Together we can do this! Together we can build a future beyond.... for peace and prosperity, for all ,not as the Elitists believe belongs only to them.


PROMOTION - Please go to website and join


21st at 12noon (your time zone).

Back to Life - New Disclosures - & Why is the USA the Line in the sand?

A 24 Vigil around the globe to unify our actions and take off the masks once and for all. Our Line in the Sand thought leaders consortium we are activating the “Global Reset: Ready, Set, Go” call-out.

"As there is great strength in numbers we encourage people to take bold action together on the 21st and un-mask in groups while live-streaming their group participation in this event. When enough join and free themselves of the fear underlying the “need” to wear a mask we can restore a first bit of sanity in our lives and communities. Certainly, it will only be through we, the people, that any positive change will come about. "

We all know that this is all that ever has changed anything in our world. It always takes courage and willingness to defy cult-programmed “staying inline” , “do not stand out from the crowd” narratives.


For many not living in the United States or Canada, it may not be so obvious the final showdown of the free world is being fought for in the country that was, prior to the 2016 elections, set up to destroy natural freedom for the entire world if you are familiar with the "16-year plan to destroy America".

During the course of the past 6 months, we have highlighted and focused on exposing the truth of the plandemic, and we have brought to light, and to a public stage, many of the seminal voices you are all familiar with today. During our Line in the Sand event who all continue to expose the corporate fraud, the political corruption, the outright treason, and treachery that we the people have been exposed to. continue to website and join the New Earth Project

We each will benefit from continuously expanding our capacity to comprehend “how we got here” so that we as a human family can come through this final showdown (expanding easily into 2021) with a singular heart pulse; “never again”, where #lovewins.



The Great Reset 2030 THE PLAN BEYOND C19

THIS IS WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR YOU IN 2025 TO 2028! WELCOME TO YOUR FUTURE! The 89 page John Hopkins Spars Scenario has been removed from the internet! Send me your email and I will send it to you. Contact me at It's back on the internet, here is the downloadable link,


T H E S P A R S P A N D E M I C 2025 - 2028


Preface A Possible Future in 2025: The “Echo Chamber”

Response Chapter One: The SPARS Outbreak Begins............................................................................................4 Chapter Two: A Possible Cure....................................................................................................................8 Chapter Three: A Potential Vaccine........................................................................................................11 Chapter Four: Users Beware.....................................................................................................................14 Chapter Five: Going Viral..........................................................................................................................19 Chapter Six: The Grass is Always Greener...........................................................................................23 Chapter Seven: The Voice..........................................................................................................................25 Chapter Eight: Are You Talking To Me?..............................................................................................29 Chapter Nine: Changing Horses Midstream.........................................................................................31 Chapter Ten: Head of the Line Privileges..............................................................................................34 Chapter Eleven: Standing in Line, Protesting Online.........................................................................37 Chapter Twelve: Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket................................................................40 Chapter Thirteen: Lovers and Haters.....................................................................................................43 Chapter Fourteen: The Grass is Always Greener, Part II.................................................................49 Chapter Fifteen: Are You Talking to Me, Part II................................................................................52 Chapter Sixteen: Antibiotics, HO!............................................................................................................55

Recovery Chapter Seventeen: Vaccine Injury..........................................................................................................59 Chapter Eighteen: Acknowledging Loss................................................................................................63 Chapter Nineteen: SPARS Aftermath.....................................................................................................66



sharing this story.

The people of NYC have finally begun to shake off their media induced fog and begun to stand up. They are standing up due to a case of City Hall thuggery. It seems the mayor, not getting the cooperation of the NYPD he wants has decided to use the sheriffs department instead. A local pub in Staten Island, nearing bankruptcy decided to ignore the covid lockdown, announce themselves an autonomous zone and provide patrons with beers and hamburgers. This seems too diabolical a thing for the mayor and he sent these goons, sheriffs deputies to arrest the owner, one Danny Presti. He was soon released and reopened the bar and was supported by a huge gathering of neighbors who demonstrated for all the media to see. A few nights later after closing the bar and leaving around midnight he was followed a few blocks by 2 men in plain clothes who accosted him as he neared his parked car. They were deputies but had not announce themselves, Danny, frightened jumped in his car and one deputy decided to jump on the hood to stop him. He says he was injured and they arrested Danny again this time accusing him of assaulting a police officer. Saturday Night Live then did a hit job on the people of Staten Island for demonstrating in support of their freedoms. There is a Go Fund Me page for the owners of the pub, it’s called Mac’s Public House, Lincoln Avenue in Staten Island New York. Video of the demonstrations can be seen on Jason Goodman’s UTube channel. Time to put a stop to the nonsense.


Stan Yeo of Singapore in Conversation with Sacha Stone


Lou Dobbs Tonight 12/17/20 FULL | Fox Business Breaking News Trump Dec 17, 2020



Go to His website, this is true and will bring the cabal to answer for the crimes against humanity

The Greatest Fraud Ever Perpetrated Against Humanity ‘The Covid Hoax’ Yesterday The Entire British CABINET Were Put Under HOUSE ARREST For Criminal Fraud – Genocide And Treason Against the People!



The World Economic Forum, that brought you Event 201, Pandemic simulation.

Now bring you the Great Reset - You will own nothing according to their future model they have planned for humanity

World Economic forum / Great Reset No ownership No freedom

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are saying that after their great economic reset we will all own nothing and be happy, of course Klaus and his buddies will own everything


Bill Gates looks at what's already being done to create a vaccine against coronavirus.

One of the questions I get asked the most these days is when the world will be able to go back to the way things were in December before the coronavirus pandemic. My answer is always the same: when we have an almost perfect drug to treat COVID-19, or when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.

The former is unlikely to happen anytime soon. We’d need a miracle treatment that was at least 95 percent effective to stop the outbreak. Most of the drug candidates right now are nowhere near that powerful. They could save a lot of lives, but they aren’t enough to get us back to normal. source

World Economic Forum International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation

COVID Action Platform


They are using Covid to crash western economies and implement communist policies.

China’s power in an unstable world. References Forum Great Reset initiative. (Financial Times)

The Great Reset is a proposal by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy sustainably following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom's Prince Charles and WEF director Klaus Schwab


"Every country, United States to China, must participate, in short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” - Klaus Schwab - founder of the World Economic Forum. "You will own nothing. And you'll be happy!" - Wef


It is the great reset of the globalist elite, a high-tech dystopia enslaving humanity.

COVID-19: The Great Reset Paperback – 9 July 2020

by Klaus Schwab (Author), Thierry Malleret (Author)

founder of the world economic forum which in turn is related to Blackrock and Vanguard Group, the owners of the world fiat economy.That in turn these two funds are run by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. These funds are owned by Pfizer and Moderna, and in turn by all anti-Trump media, and in turn by Lockheed Martin.

The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

No Privacy, No Property: The World In 2030 According To The World Economic Forum

Read what they have planned for your future

private property and privacy will be abolished during the next decade.

The coming expropriation would go further than even the communist demand to abolish the property of production goods but leave space for private possessions. The WEF projection says that consumer goods, too, would be no longer private property.

If the WEF projection should come true, people would have to rent and borrow their necessities from the state, which would be the sole proprietor of all goods. The supply of goods would be rationed in line with a social credit points system.


Will Sydney Australia, be locked down and out for Christmas....

NSW Health @NSWHealth · Due to increasing COVID-19 case numbers associated with the Avalon cluster and concerns over wider transmission, NSW Health is issuing an urgent call to all residents of NSW – not only those in the Northern Beaches – to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.

Anyone in the state with even the mildest symptoms such as headache, fatigue, cough, sore throat or runny nose, is asked to come forward immediately for testing, then isolate until a negative result is received.

The source of these infections remains under investigation, though genome sequencing points to the strain being of US origin.

Residents of the Northern Beaches have been asked to stay home as much as possible over the next three days to assist with contact tracing and reducing transmission.

Anyone in the Northern Beaches LGA has also been asked today to wear a mask when indoors for at least the next 72 hours, excepting your own home.

NSW Health can now confirm the viral genome sequencing of the Avalon COVID-19 cluster does not match the virus strains seen in recent clusters in Australia. The virus is likely of overseas origin. The source of infection is still being investigated.


Twitter announced today that beginning in 2021, it will remove tweets containing misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines


Copy of The Development of New World Order - Myron Fagan (SHARE IT NOW)

Mirrored from .... which was mirrored from Max Bliss......

"The Crypt" Published on 12 Aug 2013 - THANK YOU

This 3x LP record set documents the activities of a secret society known as The Illuminati, and their New World Order. Mr. Fagan describes with documentary evidence how the ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a "One World Government". Mr. Fagan relentlessly uncovered plots for major historical events. Myron Fagan is considered to be the archetype for the PCT (Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist) This Recording is one of the most interesting and yet horrifying, factual stories of some of the most sensational plots in the history of the world. The findings by Mr. Fagan were split into 6 parts, between these 3 records and are presented to you here, in full. Each record has some descriptive notes on the back of each jacket such as... *Eliminate the Illuminati...see that this message is heard!!! * Play this for the unaware, uninformed and well meaning people who desire to hear the truth. Don't waste your time on the hard core socialists who have already repudiated principle. * Buy Air-time with your club or organization! Get free time! No station is too small! * Use at coffees - Luncheons - meetings - everywhere and often. We must succeed - Our children's liberty is at stake - Freedom has no substitute - America no equal!



Great Monetary Reset & The Bretton Woods System

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: Do you know what it means when the Managing Director of the IMF warns of a "new Bretton Woods moment?" How about when the head of the BIS revels in the total surveillance power that digital currencies will afford the central bankers? Well, you're about to. Don't miss this info-packed edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James peels back the layers of the great currency reset onion and uncovers the New World (Monetary) Order.





CLARA is an Australian private group formed to deliver a program to change Australia. We seek to undertake a re-balancing of our settlement and deliver new ways of imagining, planning and building cities, transport and infrastructure.


Read: The musings of a Faceless Man, a work inspired by the Black Iron Prison


Who wrote this?

We have no illusions about how far a piece of writing can reach. Sending out new ideas into this world without a multi-million dollar marketing scheme have about as good a chance at reaching their destination as a paper airplane in a hurricane.

But, we take our chances.

For the most part, the people that put this document together agree that the planet that we live on has become a foul place, and we agree that something needs to be done.

But we disagree on damn near everything else.

We disagree on how it has come to this mess, and we disagree on the direction it is all heading to.

What we have observed is that the more people are able to think for themselves, the less willing they become to exhaust themselves at someone else's command. An open-minded person is better able to see past the illusions that have this civilization headed toward what seems to be a fiery demise, and may even do something about it.

We acknowledge that it would be in everybody best interests if there were more creative and critical thinkers analyzing the situation and broadcasting their observations.

Where this would take us, we don't really know. But we have come to a situation where it seems that any change would be a good change.

The history of the entire known universe and a long legacy of philosophical and scientific exploration has resulted in this effort to get you to do some critical thinking. And if you turn it down, you're gonna get left behind. You’ve gotta catch up on your own. Because no one else is turning back to save you.


f Man

Ken Foskey, invented the test that is being used to fool the world, listen to what he says about

Dr Fauci...


Dr Wakefield interviewed by Chef Pete Evans in Australia

ON Vaccines - RNA-DNA - Explains the Mechanations of Vaccines


The ‘goal posts moved’ when a vaccine arrived

Sky News host Paul Murray says we have been told all year a vaccine is our “get out of jail free card”, and now it is here and being administered, the goal posts have of course moved.





Pay attention:

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I have a PhD in computer science my partner has a PhD in Chemistry, based on research in the area of Biological Synthesis of Pharmaceutically Active Molecules

All of those considering taking, or being bribed into taking this vaccine, with the promise of freedoms restored that you already had and have conceded...

1) You do realise this is not a normal vaccine, yes?

2) You recognise that this permanently and irreversibly changes your DNA?

3) You fully understand that this has never been done before in the history of mankind and there is not a single person on this planet who truly knows what the outcome is?

4) You are totally aware, that if anything does go wrong, you have no come back and cannot be treated?

Just checking you know what I know, Also if you still think Covid is real and very dangerous then ask yourself these questions;

Why are GP's not isolating? dying?

Why are frontline staff not isolating? dying?

Why are police officers not isolating? dying?

Why are soldiers not isolating? dying?

Why are bus drivers not isolating? dying?

Why are most hospitals empty?

Why are testing centres empty?

Why is it that 96% of people testing positive are mask wearers?

Why is it bacterial pneumonia is on the rise because of mask wearing? Yet it's kept hush hush.

Why is it that large conglomerates can stay open whilst small businesses of the same industry are bullied into shutting?

Why is it that the BBC was funded by Bill Gates to peddle pro Covid propaganda?

Why is it that the biggest censorship campaign is now in force?

Why is it that the 'Great Reset' is being openly advertised yet people still deny it?

Why is it that in Wuhan people were dropping dead in the streets yet it's happening nowhere else?

Why is it that the mainstream media are using crisis actors and dummies to peddle fear?

Why is it that our police force has undergone a huge militarisation?

Why has police brutality skyrocketed?

Why are the fact-check websites funded by the same elites that are funding the media for pro covid propaganda?

Why is Google blacklisting well documented science that disproves all this pro covid science?

Why is Google blacklisting anything that questions the narrative?

If this virus was so deadly then why;

Would you need a test to tell you that you've got it?

Why are graveyards and crematoriums not overflowing?

Why are hospitals not overwhelmed to the point of everything else is fully cancelled?

Why are people not dropping dead like in Wuhan?

Why do you need an app to tell you to isolate?

Why has China gone back to 'normal' without a vaccine?

Why has Covid-19 never been isolated?

"Hell on earth is looking in the mirror and wondering what could of been"

The next stage of the Covid1984 Operation is to "deploy" the vaccine amongst the public.

The "authorities" know that a lot of people who accept the lockdown measures and who accept wearing masks to "protect the common good" are unhappy about having rushed vaccine injected into them.

So to deter them the media is now in over drive to portray those with reservations as "dangerous anti-vaxxers". Despite the fact that a lot of people with reservations are not anti vax, not anti science, not anti medicine or pharmacetical drugs. They're just anti not having a choice about whether to have this vaccine or not.

By labelling all Covid Vacine hesitant or refusers as crazed anti science conpiracy theorists it creates an US vs Them dialectic that will then be used to create a conflict where those who say no to the vaccine will be blamed by those content to roll up their sleeves and have it for preventing the country from moving out of rolling lockdowns and "back to normal".

Articles like this are programming the minds of people in society to "choose a side" which can then be pitted against each other and via the divide and rule technique ultimately control us all. How about we respect one another's right to choose what we do with our own bodies and decide for ourselves whether we have the vaccine or not rather than force one another's choice on the other instead?

They are called "our own bodies" for a reason.... we own our own bodies. Our bodies are our property and as such no one else has the right to tell us what we should put in or on our bodies. Those claiming that right are saying in not so many words that they own us and have the right to control us against our wishes as that is....slavery.

So ‘Moderna’ have come out with a better vaccine which is 95% effective ....

Remember my prediction back in April? I said out of hundreds of companies across the world, Moderna will be the ones who bring this vaccine to market!! How do we know this?

Because it’s all planned!! Moderna have NEVER brought a human vaccine to market before, they are also using RNA which has NEVER been used in vaccines before and they were bailed out by the bank

Copied and pasted!


UN Forced to Admit that Vaccines from Bill Gates Are Spreading Polio Throughout Africa

Amazingly, the WHO openly admits that the strain of poliovirus currently circulating, known as cVDPV2, is “vaccine-derived.”

This clearly indicates that it is being spread by the very same vaccines that Bill Gates claims are helping to “save lives” and “eradicate polio.”


It is difficult to understand how a man whose vaccine initiatives have injured and killed untold thousands of innocent children all around the world is now being given a platform to push for mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination as a condition for ending the lockdowns.

Bill Gates, in case you had not yet figured out the character in question, is pushing not just for mandatory vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), but also for “digital certificates” that prove vaccination status.

This is the only way people will be allowed to return to work, assuming Gates gets his way.



Shared information.

For those looking for data on the Covid 19 vaccine. I have managed to get ahold of a 1000 page report for the trial issued by Moderna. This report deals only with the following: -45 participants age 18-55 -20 participants age 56-70 -20 participants age 71 or older -Out of 193 potential participants, only 85 were deemed acceptable. To be acceptable you can not have ANY MEDICAL condition, must have perfect BMI, and perfect blood pressure measurements. 56% of the people who applied were rejected. Here's the results of the perfectly healthy ideal 85 people: Age 18-55: 71% OF PARTICIPANTS HAD AN ADVERSE REACTION Age 56-70: 50% OF PARTICIPANTS HAD AN ADVERSE REACTION Age 71+: 70% OF PARTICIPANTS HAD AN ADVERSE REACTION How on earth is the general population (the 56% rejected for not being healthy enough) supposed to get this? I will be more than happy to provide this report for anyone's review, but it is a large 27mb file. I have attached screenshots. EDIT: Original link was removed already. It's a proprietary report. Here's a new link I have hosted on mega, but it's only a matter of time until they remove this one too:


FB share by Paul Kirchener

Not sure of dose effects, but this does not sound good at all. And surely even a low dose would not be good.

Extract. To stop the heart, potassium chloride is administered directly after the vecuronium bromide. Without proper sedation, this stage would be extremely painful. The feeling has been likened to 'liquid fire' entering veins and snaking towards the heart.

This article contains material that some readers may find upsetting


Watch "Interview - We Are Change Melbourne (Evidence - Lockdown Fraud)" on YouTube

Teresa van Lieshout

Recommend Go to her channel and subscribe for up dates

I categorised evidence into FIVE main areas:

1. Coronavirus Patents Worldwide (over 13,240 govt & privately funded patents from 1984 to May 2020)

2. USA Medical Encyclopedia published 1989, coronaviruses as common cold.

3. Global Distribution of Covid19 Test Kits - WITS database, began 2017.

4. Politically Forced & Indoctrinated Mask Wearing.

5. Parliaments & Organisations Promoting Mandatory Vaccinations. Categories 1 - 3 are discussed in this interview. Original interview, Request copies of main cv patents,

Important information on CV-19 Patents with Teresa Van Lieshout Qualified Australian Teacher and Researcher for 25 years, CV Fraud exposed, the evidence speaks for itself



News Video at Link

Melbourne's tower lockdown found 'unlawful'

Victoria's Ombudsman has determined Melbourne's public housing lockdown was in breach of human rights laws.

The Ombudsman has recommended the state government apologise to tower residents acknowledging the impact the lockdown had on their health and wellbeing. “Many of these people came from war torn and deeply troubled backgrounds, there are many refugees are living in those towers, people who came from war torn states, where they had been tortured at the hands of their states,” Ombudsman Deborah Glass said. “The sight of police surrounding the buildings, government officials knocking at the door unexpected was deeply traumatising...for some of the people we spoke to.” Findings have revealed the rushed lockdown was not based on direct health advice and violated human rights laws. The towers in North Melbourne and Flemington were shut down on July 4 amid spiralling coronavirus infections.


George Christensen calls to Ask President Trump to pardon Julian Assange

Uphold Freedom of Speech - Pardon Julian Assange

📢 📢 I’m appealing directly to President Donald Trump to pardon fellow Australian – Julian Assange – who sits in an English prison awaiting extradition to the US and a potential sentence of 175 years in maximum security. Why would he do so? Because the same people who relentlessly attacked the presidency of Donald Trump are the ones persecuting Julian Assange. This is about upholding freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and delivering a message to the anti-Trump brigade who have consistently undermined those values. You can support that plea and have your message sent direct to the White House at Authorised G Christensen, 2/21 Milton St, MACKAY QLD 4740



The Tipping Point Radio updated news

Scott Macabe

POST ELECTION UPDATE # 10 - TIME TO PREPARE, MILITARY PHASE Latest intelligence is leaning toward military action against the Cabal as troop movements, aircraft flyovers and training ops are highly visible around the country



"Watch the waters - Q"


Military is very very active -

HE SAYS AMERICA IS BEING ATTACKED - ATTACKED IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA ,just a couple of days ago.The World is being quiet about it! China fired on two of our navel vessels on the December 11th 2020 the USS Makin Island (a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship) and the USS Somerset (amphibious transport dock ship) were fired on by the Chinese Navy. He says that they are being deployed on the defence not offence, Everything has been deployed to return for two reasons back home. One has to do with Joe Biden and the United Nations and the other to do with Russia and China and our freedom here in the United States, the other day it was discovered that over 1 million Chinese foreign military exchange students, basically could be operating in our country (USA)... he talks on Navel and Military deployments. and one gets the impression that we are preparing for an invasion.

He has military intel.

2) Biden has lost election.. looks like he is getting ready to ask United Nations to invade and depose Trump as a Dictator.

3) Intelligence information that the states of California, Oregan, Washington, and New York. might possibly try to succede from the Union.

continue to video for much more intel

Beijing is moving on Australia and India

comments from followers

Here is what I have heard from other ex-military people: 1) The US dropped a 30,000 pound bunker buster bomb in Maine killing 50,000 Chinese troops 2) An F16 of ours was shot down in Michigan by China and it basically cut the aircraft in half because they used some kind of a laser energy weapon. 3) Trudeau has been allowing the Chinese to train in Canada. 4) 3 Chinese fleets were obliterated. That's all I've got.


It is confirmed that the Russians and Chinese have moved ships our way. It was also confirmed that Trudeau in Canada invited the Chinese into Canada to train for cold weather.


We lost an F-16 pilot in Michigan. "Rumors" started circulating that he was the only one in the 2 seater and that he might have been shot down. Rumors started about a bunker in Maine being destroyed hours later, but, reported as an earthquake. The story was that the D.U.M.B. That was destroyed killed an estimated 50,000 Chinese troops. Can anyone confirm or dispute anything? Everything is silent now.


Steve Quayle & Doug Hagmann

**Sound on** 5 minutes • first shots of WWIII FIRED!! Media blackout- DO THE RESEARCH!!


F16 shot down -

An investigation into U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.


Intel from Natural news - Mike Adams

America is now operating under communist China (CCP) occupation, and calls are growing for Trump to declare the Insurrection Act and deploy troops across America's cities.

SpecOps sources are telling us that a 10-day lockdown is imminent, during which Special Operations Forces are expected to wage domestic warfare against treasonous enemies who will be rounded up for military tribunals prosecutions.

The timeline for this action is not certain, but two windows appear to be coalescing. Window 1 is Dec. 18th - 24th. Window 2 is immediately after Jan. 6th.

America is now operating under communist China (CCP) occupation, and calls are growing for Trump to declare the Insurrection Act and deploy troops across America's cities.

SpecOps sources are telling us that a 10-day lockdown is imminent, during which Special Operations Forces are expected to wage domestic warfare against treasonous enemies who will be rounded up for military tribunals prosecutions.

The timeline for this action is not certain, but two windows appear to be coalescing. Window 1 is Dec. 18th - 24th. Window 2 is immediately after Jan. 6th.

Natural News) Overview of the Dec. 14th Situation Update:

  • Increasing calls for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, coming from attorney Lin Wood, The Epoch Times, Gen. McInerney and many others.

  • Sidney Powell says clear evidence of foreign interference allows Trump to invoke his 2018 EO and seize all the assets of corporations and individuals who were complicit in the election rigging.

  • Gen. Flynn calls for Trump to invoke the 2018 Executive Order on foreign interference.

  • President Trump declares any swing state electoral votes cast today are cast under conditions of vote fraud.

  • Pennsylvania chooses alternate electors, putting election into contention until at least Jan. 6th.

  • Sources warn of coming “10-day lockdown” with window of likely action appearing to be Dec. 18th – 24th. The next window is right after Jan. 6th, if all other efforts fail.

  • CCP infiltration of Big Pharma, Big Tech, the legacy media, election voting machines, lawmakers, regulators, universities and more. We are living under enemy occupation.

  • Patriots growing restless, about to initiate their own action to defend the republic.

  • Trump must invoke the Insurrection Act, deploy the troops, and arrest the traitors.

Listen to the full podcast here, and read all the additional quotes and notes that follow:

Rumored “10-day lockdown” for Special Forces operations may be imminent, warn sources


These are extracts of information from Natural News - for full intel info go to link

We are all now living under enemy occupation, with the CCP running everything in America, including our elections and corporations and media.

This is why we are calling for the arrest, prosecution and execution of all Americans found guilty of collusion with the CCP.

This brings us to the Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe op-ed that recently ran in the Wall Street Journal. He stated:

The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically. Many of China’s major public initiatives and prominent companies offer only a layer of camouflage to the activities of the Chinese Communist Party. U.S. intelligence shows that China has even conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities.

This year China engaged in a massive influence campaign that included targeting several dozen members of Congress and congressional aides.

I briefed the House and Senate Intelligence committees that China is targeting members of Congress with six times the frequency of Russia and 12 times the frequency of Iran.


Listen carefully about the EXECUTIVE ORDER that as been extended till January 20th...

But they don’t tell you this on the F@ke News....


shared comment

Note it says "by any methods employed to execute" foreign interference in the election. One method of deliberate foreign interference was the deliberate allowance by the CCP to spread the CCP virus. They knew it would interfere with the election, i.e. mail-in ballots voter fraud, the crashing of Trump's great economy, blaming deaths on Trump, causing fear. CCP put 400 million into Dominion in October 2020, owning those corruptible machines, again suggests foreign interference.


Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party

13/12/2020|7min Breaking News: Leaked Documents Expose Worldwide Members of...

A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson.

Ms Markson said the leak is a register with the details of Communist Party members, including their names, party position, birthday, national ID number and ethnicity. “It is believed to be the first leak of its kind in the world,” the Sky News host said. “What's amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK,” Ms Markson said. “But it's amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping”.

Ms Markson said the leak demonstrates party branches are embedded in some of the world’s biggest companies and even inside government agencies. “Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members - who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,” she said. “Along with the personal identifying details of 1.95 million communist party members, mostly from Shanghai, there are also the details of 79,000 communist party branches, many of them inside companies”.

Ms Markson said the leak is a significant security breach likely to embarrass Xi Jinping. “It is also going to embarrass some global companies who appear to have no plan in place to protect their intellectual property from theft. From economic espionage,” she said.

Ms Markson said the data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes. “It was then leaked in mid-September to the newly-formed international bi-partisan group, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China - and that group is made up of 150 legislators around the world. “It was then provided to an international consortium of four media organisations, The Australian, The Sunday Mail in the UK, De Standaard in Belgium and a Swedish editor, to analyse over the past two months, and that's what we've done".

Ms Markson said it, “is worth noting that there's no suggestion that these members have committed espionage - but the concern is over whether Australia or these companies knew of the CCP members and if so have any steps been taken to protect their data and people”.

Video @ Sky News link



A BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW! PLEASE WATCH this interview about Hi[[ary before you-know-who tries to take it down!

Exposive interview with Patrick Byrne


EMERGENCY REPORT: Trump Planning Mass Arrests, Military Tribunals for Deep State Traitors

DOCUMENTATION to positive truth....See the documents for yourself… this is all posted on the U.S. Federal Register government website

EXTRACT: In this detailed video analysis, I lay out the evidence for President Trump’s plan to issue mass arrests of deep state traitors, then try them for treason under military tribunals. This is justified and lawful because the acts being committed against the United States of America by deep state traitors are acts of treason during a time of declared war. It is no coincidence that President Trump has deliberately funded the U.S. Pentagon with its most massive budgets ever conceived. This is because the Pentagon has agreed to run the military arrests of deep state traitors, under the direction of the Commander-In-Chief, President Trump.

From that document, here is President Trump’s declared national emergency:

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

Comey, McCabe, Clinton and Obama in the administration's crosshairs


THOUSANDS OF Trump Supporters Turn Violent, Dozens Arrested After Weekend March

Trump supporters turned violent after a march to demand a ‘brand-new election that will be overseen by the military’ among other things


From farms and coal mines to airports and water supplies: How China is gobbling up millions of acres of land, vital infrastructure and companies - as part of its 'disturbing' plan to exert greater influence and control over Australia

  • Last week 'disturbing' reports sad that China tried to plant a spy in Parliament

  • Experts warn that China 'will not stop' meddling in Australian domestic politics

  • Over past decade, China has poured billions into Australia to extend influence

  • It owns an airport in Western Australia and nine million hectares of farm land

  • China also owns Port of Darwin and several Australian coalmines and windfarms

PUBLISHED: 20:57 AEDT, 1 December 2019 | UPDATED: 08:33 AEDT, 2 December 2019


map shows some of the companies and places that have been snapped up by Chinese

investors Infrastructure

In 1993, China's biggest airline, state-owned China Southern Airlines, paid the Western Australian government $1 to lease Merredin airport for 100 years to use as a training school for its pilots.

The rural airport, 260km east of Perth, only had two gravel airstrips - but after Chinese investment is now a multimillion-dollar all-weather airfield providing jobs in the region.

However, experts have raised concerns about letting a foreign government control airspace in Australia.

Local pilots say they have never been turned down when they request to land - but in theory China Southern could stop them using the airport at any time.

Entrepreneur Dick Smith, who is also a former chairman of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, was among those who raised concerns.

'It is outrageous that an Aussie pilot can't go to a country airport without getting approval from the Chinese to land there,' he said.

'I've never heard of this happening anywhere.'

In November 2015, the Northern Territory government decided to lease the Port of Darwin - now known as Darwin Port - to a Chinese company for 99 years.

Landbridge Australia, a subsidiary of Shandong Landbridge, won the lease with its bid of $506 million.

The territory's Country Liberal Party government decided to lease the port - a key strategic asset because of its location at the top of the country - because it was desperate for investment in the absence of federal funds.

The controversial deal was called into question by US President Barack Obama at the time, leading former deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage to say Australia had 'blindsided' its ally.

China is buying up Australian land, infrastructure and businesses at an alarming rate as it seeks to project power and influence beyond its shores.

The communist nation of 1.4billion people owns an airport in Western Australia, nine million hectares of Australian land, several Aussie coalmines and wind farms and even the Port of Darwin, a key strategic asset.

China is also the largest foreign owner of Australian water and has projected soft power Down Under by planting Communist Party-approved Mandarin teachers in schools and universities.

Last week 'disturbing' stories emerged that China tried to install a spy as a federal MP - and it is also suspected of carrying out major cyber attacks on Parliament.

As experts warn that China 'will not stop' meddling in Australian politics and its state-sponsored companies lock their sights on more Aussie businesses, here Daily Mail Australia charts which of our precious resources have already been lost.

China is the second largest foreign owner of farmland in Australia with Chinese companies in control of 2.3 per cent of the nation's land. Investors from the the United Kingdom own more with 2.6 per cent. This table is from the 2018 Register Of Foreign Ownership

Report of registrations as at 30 June 2018


John Anderson AO Talking with Andrew Robertson on the Defence of Australia especially keeping China in mind

Rear Admiral (Ret) Andrew Robertson AO, retired senior officer, Royal Australian Navy. Andrew is one of Australia's most distinguished and decorated senior naval officers. He and John discuss military and naval history, defence strategy and the state of Australia's current defence policy.


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YOU KNOW THE ONE THAT SAYS THIS IS YOUR LAND you are the authority, They are just your public servants nothing more only to administer the will of the people. Do YOU KNOW THEY HAVE TO HAVE REFRENDUMS TO CHANGE OUR CONSTITUTION. FORGET DID YOU SHAME ABOUT THAT!













of which one of them was a former Prime Minister(Howard instigated, suppression orders for eighty years) care to know who they are. vast network of pedophiles political, judiciary, teachers, medical professionals, lawyers, police

be scared for your children.

introduced same sex marriage then safe schools, transgenderism, ask yourself what are they doing teaching your very young children sexual orientation in the education system. Did you give consent.. (child grooming)

WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!? Your opportunity to help take back our government from the corrupt political party corporate government. Download the My Will letter by clicking on the link

OLD AGE PENSION QUIETLY CHANGED TO WELFARE PAYMENT The Old Age Pension cheque is now (or soon will be) referred to as a "Low Income Aged Persons Welfare?" I'll be part of the one percent to forward this. I am forwarding it because it touches a nerve in me, and I hope it will in you. Please keep passing it on until everyone in our country has read it. The 7.5% of our wages deducted before tax for the whole of our working lives has been stolen by both sides of politics in collusion. If you averaged $30K per year over your working life, that's close to $120,000 harvested by the government pension fund. If you calculate the future value of your monthly investment in a pension ($375/month at a meager 1% interest rate compounded monthly), after 40 years of working you'd have more than $1.3+ million dollars saved! This is your personal investment. Upon retirement, if you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $39,318 per year, or $3,277 per month. That's almost three times more than today's average Old Age Pension benefit of $1,230 per month. Except I have never met any pensioner who actually gets this much! And your retirement fund would last more than 33 years (until you're 98 if you retire at age 65)! I can only imagine how much better most average-income people could live in retirement if our government had just invested our money in low-risk interest-earning accounts. Instead, the thieves in Canberra pulled off a bigger "Ponzi scheme" than Bernie Madoff ever did. They took our money and used it elsewhere. They forgot (oh yes, they knew) that it was OUR money they were taking. They didn't have a referendum to ask us if we wanted to lend the money to them. And they didn't pay interest on the debt they assumed. And recently they've told us that the money won't support us for very much longer. But is it our fault they misused our investments? And now, to add insult to injury, they're calling it "welfare", as if we never worked to earn every penny of it. Just because they borrowed the money doesn't mean that our investments were a charity! Let's take a stand . We have earned our right to our pensions. Demand that our MP's bring some sense into our government. Find a way to keep Old Age Pension going for the sake of that 92% of our population who need it. Then call it what it is: Our Earned Retirement Income. 99% of people won't SHARE this. Will you?


Indue cards ( CASHLESS DEBIT CARDS) have led to:

- People left without money for food, basic school and baby essentials - Rental breach notices and homelessness - Women pressured into sex work and children becoming victims of predators - Entrenched poverty and joblessness - Increased financial stresses, late and missing rent, bill, utility payments - Massive surge in stigma and 'poverty shaming' - Marriage breakdowns and increased domestic violence - Miscarriage - Schoolyard bullying - Social exclusion - Loss of income - start ups and home businesses - Institutional bullying - JSA's, Parents Next staff using the card as a threat - Loan and banking service rejections - Indue staff dictating where income can be spent - Increased bank fees, $10.00 Indue inbound fees and Visa surcharges - Mental health declines, including completed suicide, suicide attempts and self harm

And these are just some of the negative impacts being dismissed and ignored.



BRIAN SHAW ; charged Julia Gillard for treason..


What I have uncovered "BRIAN SHAW"


Elijah's Challenge


BRIAN SHAW Would like you to download this original GRAND JURY APPLICATION, complete and email to Upon receipt, you will be inviting to see more of the legal flies and statements into the Courts, as well as many other areas, and to have them over a variety of ways as to view & listen with more on Facebook, and other platforms

Thank you

PART:20 BANKS & BANKING- Continues: THE SPIDER'S WEB In the Jerome Daly matter within the United States Justice Mahony ruled that the First National Bank was an interlocking corporation together with other Banks because of interconnecting directors and shareholders and as such were seen in law to be one and the same. The ruling excluded an appeal. Within Australia the Socialist Communist Masonic Agenda attack upon the Laws of Australia is occurring under the banner of corporations, in particular, Political Corporations which is the purpose of this litigation In scripture this network of interlocking corporations and directorships is called "the spider's web". The critical issue is to identify the "spider". There are three relevant scriptures: READ MY HIGH COURT WRIT The collapse of the corporate world created on credit has been set up and structured to collapse, which is the principal reason why bail-in legislation was introduced into the Australian Parliament.


BANK OF ENGLAND AND FEDERAL RESERVE The Bank of England was allegedly founded and established in 1694, but, under the cover of a “Tonnage Act”.

The companion company, the United States Federal Reserve was established in 1913, in principle to create credit to enable the Socialist Communist Masonic Agenda.

THE WAR DEBT (PURPORTEDLY UNPAID):Because of the successive world wars 1914/1918 and 1939/1945 financed by the two major financial institutions (already mentioned) all countries involved in both wars, inclusive of the Russian revolution owed war debts. Trustees and administrators were placed into the mandated territories to administrate the debts. (UNITED NATIONS)

COMMONWEALTH BANK (SOLD 1991): The formation of the Commonwealth Bank essentially established Australia, but, the nationalization Banking Case in 1948/1949 created a major financial problem and revealed the potential strength of “the bank” existing within Australia. In 1948 the bank fell under the Yalta agreement inclusive of The United Nations Trustee, but, this was concealed from the people of Australia. In the year 1991 under Prime Minister Mr R Hawke an honorary citizen of Israel (a foreign Power) the Commonwealth Bank was sold to the Socialist Communist Masonic Agenda allegedly under the directorship of the trustee/administrator for Australia, the United Nations.

Commonwealth Constitution (Hawke’s Demise) Section 44 of the Constitution sets out restrictions on who can be a candidate for Federal parliament: 44. Any person who (1) “Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power… “…Shall be incapable of being chosen or sitting as a Senator or a member of the House of Representatives”

The Bank’s Articles April 1991 are marked: EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..23..”

PART:20 BANKS & BANKING- Continues: JEROME DALY - FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING This particular ground introduces what termed 'Fractional Reserve Banking' under the umbrella of "credit Creation" which is what the Federal Reserve, a private Corporation was created in 1913.

First National v Jerome Daly jury trial conducted by Justice Mahony and William Drexler revealed the creation of credit "on the books" The jury awarded in favour of Daly

Justice Mahony was poisoned and died six months after the jury decision (revealed by Drexler). EXHIBIT IS MARKED “BWS /..23..”



The Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020

introduced into parliament by Alex Hawke is due to be voted on in the senate on Monday, 30th November 2020.

Alex Hawke was pleased to introduce the bill and the house of representatives passed it unanimously as through this was great for the Australian people. If this legislation was as innocent as portrayed in the preamble then surely the Australian public would be hastily notified.

Strangely however, there have been no press conferences or media releases by the Government on this fantastic new legislation for Australians and not one media outlet including the ABC has reported on the passage of this bill to date. Submissions made in the out of sight shadows of Canberra and posted on Government websites indicates that this legislation is by far the most significant change to the operation of the ADF inside our borders that has always been constrained by Section 119 of the Constitution that limits a callout to an invasion or domestic violence equivalent to that of an invasion. For the first time since federation, it will be possible for armed soldiers and armed foreign military to be deployed with complete immunity to use force within our borders for emergencies that are undefined.



BREAKING NEWS!!! WELCOME TO THE ORWELLIAN DYSTOPIA! We've arrived at the end game friends. Britain is about ready(within days in fact) to start rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine produced & made ready for use in RECORD time. Britain's population is on the verge of going down by MILLIONS sadly. Good luck Britain & many prayers as you are about to experience this unique RNA vaccine experiment consisting of Brave New World, Artificial Intelligence technology among other nefarious aspects to this evil vaccine including MCR-5 which is aborted fetal cells. "Give me liberty or give me death."-Patrick Henry in 1775.


"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."George Washington


Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long-term?
‘There is a race to get the public vaccinated, so we are willing to take more risk.'

When Moderna was just finishing its Phase I trial, The Independent wrote about the vaccine and described it this way: “It uses a sequence of genetic RNA material produced in a lab that, when injected into your body, must invade your cells and hijack your cells’ protein-making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently train your immune system to fight the virus.”


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