The storm is upon us! Fight for humanities freedom!

LLinWood2 hours ago·7.6m
Apple is going to do an update on all phones to shut off the emergency broadcast system. This is Nazi Germany 1938 Turn your auto update toggle off.

ROBERT STEELE: While this is not validated by other sources, it tracks with what I have been told by Juan O. Savin (P) and a few others who cannot be named. When I was at Trump Tower at 3 pm today is was under full police lock-down as I drove into the...
ROBERT DAVID STEELE: I predict Hillary Clinton will be arrested publicly soon. Not sure about Obama. My best guess is Clinton and Bannon between 19 January, Obama, Cheney, others afterward.
Archer: Pelosi Arrested, Military Tribunals Open, Sweeping Arrests This Week-End?

Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward.
Trump said at the end if his speech
"To all of my wonderful supporters I know you are disappointed but I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning."
Big things are going down my patriot friends! Since the media refuses to cover any of the things that have happened today, I’m happy to oblige. The FBI is raiding legislative offices and homes in Tennessee as we speak. Stay tuned for that. Google is censoring you from seeing what everyone is talking about on the other side of the world. An affidavit was handed to Congress at 1:12pm Wednesday (just before the breach) that proved our election WAS rigged. If you use DuckDuckGo and search for yourself, it is plastered all over the world. Billions of our tax dollars was sent to Italy to hack dominion and change Trump votes to Biden. ITALY rigged our election. They ADMITTED AND TESTIFIED. Check for yourself #italydidit One hour ago, Lindsey Graham was escorted out of an airport because patriots in the airport were chanting “traitor” at him. Poor Lindsey Lin Wood exposed extremely sensitive information on his Parler yesterday. Some examples include “a treasure trove” of video files that are most likely what got Isaac Kappy killed. He tried exposing everyone with these files, he then was found dead. Also, emails between Pence and Paul discussing Pence’s plot to take over as president. And James Bulger & Hunter Biden making deals with CCP company..a case for the FBI for sure lol But feel free to check those out on Parler. There is video evidence that Trump supporters were trying to stop ANTIFA from breaking into the capital. ANTIFA was trying to smash an emergency door and a patriot stepped in to stop it. There is also video evidence that police were in on the breach. They opened the gates and stepped aside to let “protestors” in. Witnesses all have matching stories of what happened but the media will not share it. A few witnesses heard antifa’s plan to “shake things up”. It was ANTIFA who stormed the capital, they were not Trump supporters. You can find this on Parler or in Facebook groups like ThePatriotParty. It’s all there on video that Facebook and YouTube keep trying to remove. Parler won’t delete them tho, try there. During the breach at the US capital building, 11 laptops were stolen. One of them was Nancy Pelosi’s. Safe to assume that the military and/or Trump has those laptops. Could explain why she’s trying so hard to invoke the 25th amendment and have Trump removed from office. She’s frantic. As soon as the lockdown was over and they realized the laptops were stolen, numerous members of the administration resigned. More continue to resign. With 12 days left, why wouldn’t they wait? That’s curious. Roughly 6000 troops were just deployed to DC. They are there as we speak, for the next 28 days or so. Also curious. None of this is speculation. This is all out there for you to check yourself. Proof. Evidence. But most people are lazy and won’t. The media knows that and takes advantage by covering whatever fits their agenda. MSM is biased and corrupt and fake. They aren’t telling us the truth. Google and social media are censoring what you can see. So it’s easy to believe what they want because they’re controlling what you see. With a little digging, it’s not hard to find the truth. The real truth. Use DuckDuckGo, oann news, RSBN, Parler, etc. (Copied)*

Here's the transcribed Good Morning Tweet. Good Morning Everyone. Here is some update info for you in regards to where all of this stands. No, Our President did not Concede in his statement this morning.
The Affidavit of the Whistleblower that proves Italy and Obama were involved in the coup to overthrow out government via election fraud was delivered on Christmas eve to he President. How do we know? Marla Maples and Tiffany Trump who Sandy works with sent it all to us (recording) on our WhatsApp group. They are under protection along with Maria Zack whose voice is the one exposing or all on the recording going around. Here is the recording – 50min The most explosive part is the first 10 in or so. President Trump will not get a second term. Because this was the last recorded term of a President who served the American Corporation. He dismantled the Banking Act of 1871 from England. We are going back to a Republic and Trump will be the first President of the New Republic with the Constitution fully intact, which includes a start date of the New President March 4th, 2021. This was the original start date of a new President in 1776 until it was changes in 1933 under FDR. Not only was it a set up yesterday via Antifa & the Traitors to disrupt the day and smear us & the President, when our military was brought in they got a hold of everyone’s laptops and devices while they went through the building as the traitors scurried the tunnels...brilliant!. Many of their devices show they were online in real time with Chinese Operatives. As far as all the people that caved in yesterday goes, we are watching traitors expos their true character. This need to happen. The Georgia Runoff was another military sting to catch them all in act...hence Italy. Now that they have signed and certified the Electoral votes last night, the crimes has been committed. It’s Game On! We are now in the Season for Treason. Everyone who has signed off has committed treason. – we now have moved from “conspiracy to commit treason” to Treason. What makes a good movie? Good Actors. Today begins the meat of the movie and 7-10 days Sidney comes out with her Special Prosecutors Report. They suspended the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the President of the Unites States yesterday. This allows him to communicate through the Emergency Broadcast system, something he has set up and tested to all our cell phones Oct 2018. Once you see the larger picture it makes sense. Don’t get caught up in the emotions of what you are hearing or seeing in the media. Remember they are pushing their narrative to keep people divided and in the dark. Think logically. This is now a Military Operation and the next 14 days may be rough. Trump was in Abeline, TX last might at the DOD Command Center watching all this unfold. Pray for Our Country! Pray for Our Military! Pray for President Trump and his Family! God Bless & Enjoy you Day!
more Intel shared
LATEST NEWS AS OF JANUARY 10, 2021 Judy Note: President Trump was scheduled to make an announcement Sat. midnight – that didn’t happen, and no reason given as to why. Washington DC remained on Lockdown.
On Sat. 9 Jan. our Military Intel Contact said that the current timing of the Tier 4B start was imminent in the coming hours and days. Bond payouts were still being processed this weekend. Arrests of traitors were beginning behind the scenes now that Congress was not in session. Over the next ten days limited military action would be taken during the ongoing Coup, Mass Arrests and as Shotgun Liquidity released while Tier 4B exchanges started globally. Our Military Intel Contact has said to keep phones on, charged and ready for Tier 4B notification as the RV release was being expedited and our start was at any time. Larger bond holders were paid overnight Thurs. 7 Jan. and had access to funds on Fri. 8 Jan. and over the weekend. This would provide liquidity for a Tier 4B start any time through the weekend and into next week. Some would be notified through email of a Safe Link Website used to obtain an appointment to exchange/ redeem. As soon as we obtained that Safe Link Website it would be posted here and on various Dinar websites. Tier 4B would be given at least 7-8 days to do Zim redemption and exchange foreign currencies at special rates, after which the general public would be notified that they could exchange foreign currencies at the new International Rates. Restored Republic: Right now we don't have a US President. We were in a space between closure of US Inc. on Nov. 2 2020 and the restored Republic election some time before March 4 2021. As of Wed. 6 Jan. Washington DC had been under an undetermined Lockdown, the National Guard was called up and Trump flew to the US National Military Command Center in Texas to oversee Disclosure. By Sat. 9 Jan. the Main Stream Fake Media reported Trump to be at the White House, while other verifiable sources said he was at Camp David. POTUS and the White Hats directed the US Attorney General for Utah, John Huber, to unseal over 220,000 sealed indictments against [D]eep State Rats filed in federal courts across the nation (federal court records PACER.GOV). On Wed. 6 Jan. legal entities said that Congress had committed treason by certifying Joe [B]iden as the “46th President” while knowingly rejecting to look at a massive international voter fraud scheme verified in a 270 page legal report on the issue. On that same date federal and state authorities opened criminal investigations of his business partners James and Hunter [B]iden in DC, Penn, NY, Fla and Dela for alleged crimes ranging from money laundering and securities fraud to tax fraud. By Thurs. 7 Jan. Trump was at Marine One giving the OK for the military to take over. We were in the middle of a Military Operation to take down the Cabal and the next 14 days may be rough. Expect a Communications Blackout. On that Thurs. 7 Jan Trump Attorney Lin Wood Tweeted: “Many traitors to be arrested shortly… final list of confirmed traitors acquired last night during the Congressional vote. Now the crime was complete.” Since early Thurs. 7 Jan. the Military has been performing Mass Arrests of those involved in treason, international child trafficking, pedophilia, or have otherwise acted against the American people and Constitution. On Fri. 8 Jan. the DNI investigation on foreign interference in the 2020 US Election was presented to Congress. Trump and the Alliance were taking down the CIA, rouge elements in the US intelligence community, the US Corp., Crown, Vatican, plus Corporations and Attorneys loyal to the Crown Shadow Government and New World Order. On Nov. 2 2020 the Bankruptcy of US Inc. had been completed. On that same day POTUS signed an Executive Order that activated NESARA. Elections for the new Restored Republic had to take place within 120 days, or by March 2 2021. According to Charlie Ward, on Nov. 3 Trump stepped down as president of the US Corporation and went to being a presidential candidate. Once things were settled with [B]iden/[H]arris gone – the Power House would step in (JF Kennedy Jr.). On Christmas Day 25 Dec. 2020 documents were delivered to President Trump officially proving former US President Barack [O]bama and former PM of Italy Renzi, orchestrated the theft of the U.S. election for Joe [B]iden. Stephan Serafini coordinated with General Claudio Graziano, a board member of Leonardo. On Fri. 1 Jan. 2021 all 209 nations, including the US, were now in the process of implementing the Gold Standard and NESARA/GESARA with it’s debt forgiveness – all having placed their gold/asset-backed currencies at a 1:1 par with each other. The Wed. 6 Jan. False Flag riot at Capitol Hill was done under direction of Speaker of the House Nancy [P]elosi and Democrat gang using Antif

Parler executive speaks out following Google app store ban, threats from Apple
Parler Chief Policy Officer Amy Peikoff discusses a potential ban for Parler following President Trump's Twitter ban on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
Nancy Pelosi's computer was taken with other computers
Nancy Pelosi's Laptop Missing
Entry Submitted by TJ at 7:51 AM EST on November 24, 2020
Kim Goguen, being the Comptroller of the world's assets, is at the top of the food chain. All the governments on Earth accept this as true. Everything she has said has checked out as 100% correct, and her actions have proven that she is on the side of the people and one of our best assets.
WHAT ELSE IS THERE but USA by Barry Cook
Will sleepy Australians wake up?
Nancy Pelosi stopped at the border and has been held for trial. Two of President T's key people: Lin Wood and Sydney Powell in front of Military Judges's all unravelling nicely, with more during the next 7/10 days.
This will frighten the enemy here in Australia, leaving Brian Shaw to get these Political & Judiciary Criminals etc judged by the people sooner rather than later.
A Letter from the Nye County Chairman
aso see futher in this blog more on the subject
l Wonder if sleepy Australians will wake up from this deep sleep?
more from Brian Shaw The Declaration of War The Walls Of Deception Upon All Australians
Brian's website
Urgent - US citizens stand by for Emergency Broadcast System on your cell.
Stay in doors.
Do not go out onto street.
Be prepared for power outages in Some cities...

WATCH: General Thomas Mclnerney speaking at the White House Yesterday. He says the white hats (good guys of special forces) got Nancy Pelosi's laptop during breach on capitol. He says she's frantic and that's why she's pushing to impeach Trump
We donot have time and this is cyber warefare
Thank you General for speaking the truth!!
He says white hats (good guys, part of special forces) got Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the breach of the Capitol on Wednesday. He says she’s frantic, and this is why she’s pushing to impeach Trump. With social media also in panic mode deleting everyone, one wonders exactly what that laptop holds.
Gen Thomas McInerney: Trump Needs to Suspend Habeas Corpus, Inauguration And Electoral College!
BigTech just purged the president of the United States and untold numbers of creators and users. We are working around the clock to keep up,
Time to vacate google. twitter.Facebook, whatsapp, youtube etc.. find more friendly platforms before the tail of the storm hits.. Truth News is mostly now via independants bloggers and news sites.. TURN OFF your TELIE VISION.. Use Duck Duck, mewe, Rumble, Bitchute and any other independant platform that is friendly to the truth.. I am constantly censored so if you find these articles intersting and informative.. please share and educate the people who have no idea what is happening against their Freedoms
Intel: Breaking - shared
I found out last nigh that Parler is closing tonight, @Midnight, January 10th,2021. This morning, just saw it confirmed on Fox & Friends News this morning now
By Myriam Fleurimond
Prayer for Jesus Christ to move in our land
The truth about the 2020 election is far more sinister than you think
NYE GOP Chairman: Expect Trump to be inaugurated on Jan 20th! (and These Other 8 Markers over next 12 days)
excerpts: We do well to remember that for more than four years Donald Trump has been five steps ahead of everyone in every attempt to derail him, impeach him, or confound him. For example, he announced on election night in the early hours of the morning that he “didn’t want a dump of ballots at 4AM.” What happened in just a few short hours at almost exactly 4AM? A huge ballot dump took place
So, what comes next? I don’t have the particulars but I can give you milestones to watch for as the coming days unfold:
Expect the emergency broadcast system to be activated. The FCC just recently released a memorandum speaking to the requirements under Federal law to send messages from the president to the public. See this link
Expect confusion. We are in a battle for our republic against elites that are attempting the very coup that they are accusing Trump of doing. In battle, there will be disinformation but know that plans are being fulfilled.
Expect high profile arrests to take place over the next 12 days and at any time. You may wake one morning to find someone in high office is no longer there.
Expect this to be a bumpy ride to the very end. This is not a television show where things are resolved in 45 minutes.
Expect more bombshell evidence to be released between now and Jan. 20th.
Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail are likely going to be affected. If you don’t have alternate forms of communication established now, it would be a good idea to start forming them even if it’s just checking on your nextdoor neighbors.
Expect Trump to be inaugurated on Jan 20th!
Expect the executive order from 2018 and/or the Insurrection Act to be enacted. This DOES NOT mean martial law. Remember that we have been under a state of emergency since 2018 which gives the president many powers to act.
These things may happen out of the order listed and some may happen multiple times. As I have been watching closely, many things have been and are in play as we speak. Remember that Trump has not and will not give up.

facebook share...
From our friend who knows Mikki of Plandemic. He and Trump share attorneys I just received this.... 1. No, our President did not concede in his statement this morning. 2. The affidavit of the Whistleblower that proves Italy & Obama were involved in the coup to overthrow our government via election official fraud was delivered on Christmas Eve to the President. How do we know? Marla Maples & Tiffany Trump who Sandy works with sent it all to us (recording) on our WhatsApp group. They are now under protection along with Maria whose voice is the one exposing it all on the recording going around. Here is the recording - 50min. The most explosive section is the first 10min or so. EXPLOSIVE: OBAMA AND RENZI FORMER PM OF ITALY ORCHESTRATED THE THEFT OF U.S. ELECTIONS Explosive: Obama and Renzi, former PM of Italy orchestrated the theft of the U.S. election from President Trump. Stephan Serafini coordinated with General Claudio Graziano, a board member of Leonardo. 3. President Trump won't get a 2nd Term. Because this was the last recorded term of a President who served in the America Corporation. He dismantled the Banking Act of 1871 from England. We are going back to a Republic and Trump will be the first President of the new Republic with the Constitution fully intact which includes a start date of the new President of March 4th. This was the original start date of a new President from 1776 until it was changed in 1933 under FDR. 4. Not only was it a set up yesterday via Antifa & the Traitors to disrupt the day to smear us & the President, when our military was brought in they got a hold of everyone's laptops & devices while they went through the building as the traitors scurried to the tunnels ...brilliant! Many of their devices show they were online in real time with Chinese operatives. As far as all the people that caved in yesterday goes, we are watching traitors expose their true characters. This needed to happen. 5. The Georgia Runoff was another military sting to catch them all in the act... hence Italy. Now that they signed and certified the Electoral votes last night, the crime has now been committed. It's Game On! We are now in the season for Treason. Everyone who has signed off has committed treason - we have now moved from "conspiracy to commit treason", to treason. What makes a good movie? Good actors. Today begins the meat of the movie and 7-10 days Sidney comes out with her special prosecutors report. 6. They suspended the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the President of the United States yesterday. This allows him to communicate through the Emergency Broadcast system, something he has set up and tested to all our cell phones Oct 2018. 7. Once you see the larger picture it makes sense. Don't get caught up in the emotions of what you are hearing or seeing in the media. Remember they are pushing their narrative to keep people divided and in the dark. Think logically. This is now a Military Operation & the next 14 days may be rough. Trump was in Abaline, Tx last night at the DOD Command Center watching this all unfold. Pray for our country. Pray for our Military & pray for President Trump & his family. God Bless & enjoy your day!
Explosive: Obama and Renzi, former PM of Italy orchestrated the theft of the U.S. election from President Trump. Stephan Serafini coordinated with General Claudio Graziano, a board member of Leonardo. Italian intelligence provided the U.S. w/ documents, calls/photos of CIA Agents
Do your own research please...
There are reports that a video of the President talking about an "orderly transition to a new administration" which came out earlier this week, may have been a "Deep Fake." The color of the President's hair in that video did NOT match from a day earlier, but it is possible he colored it again to do the video. There were also questions about the President's neck in the video, which seemed to indicate the video COULD have been faked.
I cannot confirm or debunk claims the video was a fake.
There are reports that China President Xi Jinping offered to send 250,000 troops from China to Washington, DC "to assure a peaceful transition of power" to Joe Biden. That report IS ACCURATE; the offer was made. It cannot, however, be accepted by anyone other than a sitting U.S. President and Trump has NOT accepted it and won't. Neither Congress nor the courts can accept such an offer. Neither can the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who seems to deem herself some sort of mini President, which she is not.
`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Morgan C Jonas OtuccauSphtobfrer ds27o, e2son0ss2for0euddft ·
Presentation will cover 3 parts. 1) A deal that brought 10,000,000 PCR tests into Australia and the case for there being a conflict of interest. 2) The corporation behind these kits BGI and their links to crimes against humanity plus the national security threat it poses. 3) The reported ineffectiveness of PCR tests for diagnosing in patients what the world refers to as COVID-19.
Must watch
What a read! NYE County GOP Chairman A Letter from the Chairman – NCRCC
Turn off the television as they have demonstrated they are clearly only falsifying the media to maintain control over your thinking. Do not despair but pray for our country
9,597 views •Streamed live on 9 Jan 2021
Information Coup: Google/Youtube Effectively Admits To Conspiring With FBI & Corporate Media To Stop Criminal Investigations By Independent Journalists
EXCLUSIVE: Emergency Lawsuit Filed Against Google & Youtube To Reverse Massive Election-Meddling Purge [Complaint Attached]
Breaking: Iran Threatens Assassination Of Trump & Attack On Whitehouse – E-Militia News on Hillary Clinton & Ukrainian Oligarch Shipped Steel To Iran, Potentially Used For Enrichment Via Nuclear Centrifuges
If you see uniformed troops from China UNDER ARMS anywhere in the United States,
it is an invasion and those troops are to be attacked and destroyed by force immediately.
Ok folks, this is going to make your day, I promise! A new letter has been posted online from the Chairman of the GOP in NYE, Nevada. It is posted on their official website here. Trending: Was Trump’s Concession a Deepfake? Skeptics Say Look at the Neck And it is explosive! Here’s a sneak peak of the final line, which sounds a LOT like what I’ve been telling you, doesn’t it? The next 12 days will be something to tell the grandchildren! It’s 1776 all over again!
Let me be clear: Trump will be president for another four years. Biden will not be president. Yes, I know those are shocking words in these crazy days. I have been approached by many saying, “It’s over…” and “Trump conceded the election…”. Nothing of the sort has taken place. Go back and listen to the videos all the way through. At no point does Trump even mention Biden’s name. At no point does he say he concedes. He does say that there will be a peaceful transition to a new administration and he does say that this is only the beginning. Those phrases are important to note. Indeed, we will have a new administration made up of a new vice president and cabinet as the current ones have all made their treason complete. I will touch on this in more detail shortly.
Kim Goguen

Many of you are asking how to reach us if we go dark. We have done a soft launch on our new network and will have an instructional video out in the next day or two for an official launch. We will offer the news for free at
-SHARE THIS BEFORE IT'S BLOCKED!-Kim on KIMS, FED ZERO, the RV, United News, Life Force, Projects!
Smart cities and pledge to new world order
A foreign corporation headquartered in Switzerland with no alegence to Australia .They are setting up city governent to rule those who will comply. A hidden hand of oppression and tyranny and for those people who aren't willing then welcome to your Fema camps and extermination.
Capitol TRUTH, What Now? And did Trump Concede??
Although I defend America on a volunteer basis, many have asked how to send donations. Please send any support to my Venmo account: (@darinsoutham) Or donate to my next movie endeavor: THANK YOU and God bless America! Facial recognition of Antifa Guard let’s them in the capitol Guards let them in from outside: Meet BLM/Antifa PAID "Actor" Jake Angeli. Yeah, Q did NOT send him! He has taken his acting profile down from but I verified it on DuckDuckGo search before posting, confirming he deleted it. I believe he is a full on Luciferian. This guy MUST be arrested!! Airforce Vet: “Supporters of Trump portrayed Babitt online as a martyr to their MAGA cause. Babbitt’s social media featured retweets of bogus conspiracy theories that President-elect Joe Biden stole the election from Trump.” � terrencekwilliams instagram @DanScavino tweet Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Electoral Certification: “Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!” They tried to silence Reagan too: Press Release: Votes Switched throughout U.S. Presidential Race – Institute for Good Governance PREVIOUS VIDEOS: 1-6-21 First-hand TRUTH About the Capitol Protest Today! 12-30-20 Georgia Hearing GAME CHANGER! TRUMP" "Governor Kemp Should Resign" 12-29-20 Something BIG January Sixth... Giuliani: "about to BLOW UP"! 12-23-20 Operation "Pence" Card! 12-20-20 Last Sure Way to SAVE AMERICA! SIGN and SHARE NOW (PETITIONS BELOW)! PETITION 1: / PETITION 2: SIGN AND SHARE NOW. I didn’t create these, just supporting. 12-15-20 Former Overstock CEO, Patrick Byrne, WHISTLE BLOWS “Deep State” Op. With Hillary Clinton Accepting a $20M BRIBE! 12-14-20 Dominion Intentionally Designed to Influence Election: MI Forensics Report! 12-13-20 PREVIOUS VIDEO: Trump's 2018 EO 13848 on Foreign Election Interference Could Save America.
The Georgia Guide stones for inciting genocide!
A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America passed a motion to support the people of Germany, Mexico, Scandinavia, Italy, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom!
Due to the requests through the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America and The United States of America from the people of Germany, Mexico, Scandinavia, Italy, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom in the past week; The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America passed a motion to support the people of Germany, Mexico, Scandinavia, Italy, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom in their fight for freedom from the oppression of corruption of the NWO.
The first step is a social compact agreement by and between the people of each country and then a new constitution. Going back to their original National currency is a really good step towards communicating intent to the world.
Further, the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America passed a motion to host those National currencies of the aforementioned countries at the Continental Public Bank for the purpose of trade and commerce if so desired by the people of those aforementioned countries.
Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 05-06-2020
National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.
12-17-2020 article link
DEMS order A.N.T.I.F.A. to invade the “Capitol Building” in Washington D.C. city-state to hide election fraud!
Kayleigh McEnany Fan Club

This movie fits 100% with AGENDA 21 & 2030.
This is the most sinister and CRIMINAL movie to release at this time! The reason for it is to psychology TORTURE the people of the world and BREAK their SPIRITS to prevent people from fighting back.
This movie is a documentary of the NWO- (New World Order)- The Great Reset.
Official Songbird Movie Trailer 2021 | Subscribe ➤ | K.J. Apa Movie Trailer | Release: 2021 | More Set two years in the future during a pandemic lockdown, we follow the budding love story between a motorbike courier named Nico, who has rare immunity, and Sara, a young artist. Songbird (2021) is the new thriller starring K.J. Apa, Sofia Carson and Demi Moore.
Iran puts $80m bounty on Donald Trump’s head and threatens to attack the White House
A list from some of my previous blogs
Interview by Gary Franchi -
Watch as DR Rashid.A .Buttar goes all out blasting the CDC, WHO, FAUCHI. The DR. doesn't hold back on The Topic of FAKE PANDEMIC
Covid-19 Stimulation Training Exercise 2019"
Covid -19 The Greatest Lie
All at this link
Message from
Laura Eisenhower ~
At this link
Dr.karladine Graves, Slams Dr. Fauci
Discover What is a Virus?
Virology Lectures 2020 #1:
Professor Vincent Racaniello - Columbia University
The most professional, comprehensive, and valuable video instruction on virology
All at this link
more articles @
The Beginning of the End -- Light at the End of the Tunnel
The Beginning of the End -- Light at the End of the Tunnel (19 January)
Robert David Steele: President of Italy Arrested? US Counterattacks Against NATO? Ten Days of Darkness Begins Today! - Must Video
“Big night! I will update you with what I can, but don’t ask any questions. Trump has it 1,000%!!! In a couple weeks you will be crying tears of joy and cheering at the same. When Trump is ready, he will announce it over the Emergency Broadcasting System. Twitter, FB and other socialist social media groups that think they’ve stopped Trump will look like deer caught in the headlights. The frosting on the cake was last night when the Congresspersons ran out of the House, 15 left their laptops on the tables. Trump supporters picked them up and gave them to the correct authorities, Trumps people. Among those left behind was Nancy Pelosi’s!! Trump will start releasing the Declass. You will be shocked in horror just looking at videos, copies of bank statements, emails and the depths of the evil. Every party, every department, every administration for decades. The reason we had to go through all this drama was for people to become aware, angry and ready to look at the evidence and demand justice. It will take months just to get all the big stories out. You will be glad Trump just moved the two huge Prison Barges to Gitmo. This adds another 12,000 inmates to the already greatly expanded prison. The arrests will include small town mayors to former Presidents and First Ladies including Michael Obama. Judges, police chiefs, billionaires, media, Hollywood and many foreign leaders. I’m telling you this because some of you are worried and I’m concerned about your health and well-being. Trump announced there will be a peaceful transition to the new administration. Some of you read that wrong. The new administration is his, he will be bringing a lot of new people, it will look and run completely different. Trump needed the drama of the last two months to see who he could use. He now knows. Be patient, don’t listening the news, even Christian Conservative programs are clueless on what’s going on. There is no perfect station to go to but the are people in the know you can trust. They are DJT, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Gen Flynn. It’s only a few more days and it will start to roll out. Some of it will be hard to believe, but they have all hard evidence that’s easy to understand. This has taken lot longer than any of us wanted, but every minute was important and worth it. Trump could have stopped it much earlier but he needed you see it, catch all involved and stop these crime families that have been stealing our country for generations. Goodnight and God Bless.” Arch Bonnema TRUTH MESSAGE BROADCAST TO HUMANITY WORLDWIDE! ATTENTION!
Lin Wood On Parler...
From Lin Wood 6 hours ago on Parler... LLinWood8 hours ago·7.0m @linwood
BE PREPARED FOR AN IMMINENT BLACKOUT. President Trump will be using be using emergency broadcast system. We have a man of courage & faith at the helm. He will be at the helm for 4 more years per the RULE OF LAW. Pray for President, our country & ALL. Steady.
Some form of special forces arriving at the senate just now
Vatican Media Live
LIVE View of The Vatican Blackout/Apparently Pakistan is the same

Vatican in blackout after leaked statement on italians' involvement in U.S. elections. Coincidence?
Officially, there is no confirmation of what has caused Vatican city to go into a blackout. Some reports on social media cite technical power outage while several users are quoting a theory that says, “Vatican in black out after affidavit was leaked of the Italians involvement in US election Interference.”
UPDATE: It appears that Pope Francis tweeted out this morning, however Conservative Beaver has confirmed Pope Francis has a social media team that schedules his posts, and this one was pre-planned. If you click on the tweet, you can see TweetDeck was used to schedule the post.
Pope Francis is still in Federal Custody in Italy, hence, he has not been seen on video. The FBI are enroute for the interrogation, according to sources.
The Italian National Prosecutor’s Office confirmed it ordered the arrests, and filed the charges.
Man arrested on drug charges now facing 63 additional charges including child porn, human trafficking in Limestone County
Military officers, Italian police, and their Sex Crimes Unit went to the pope’s home in the Vatican, they arrested him and several other high ranking officials, and placed them all under arrest without incident. People near the scene have reported hearing gunshots, but the Police would not confirm if they were the ones firing the weapons.
Pope Francis is currently being held in an unknown prison, being interrogated by Federal Agents working for the state of Italy and Interpol. The FBI is reportedly making arrangements to fly in and interrogate him once Interpol is done with him.
Giuseppe Governale, Italy’s chief anti-mafia prosecutor, was called in early into the investigation into Pope Francis and others within the Vatican. He said the group was “underestimated” and particularly dangerous because of its ability to proliferate across nations and infiltrate them.
“These individuals are truly the worst of the worst in society. I can promise you, we will not stop targeting human trafficking until we put a stop to this despicable trade in the Vatican and Italy, as well as surrounding countries around Europe. While I am a lead prosecutor in Italy, my department will strive to protect our citizens, especially those that need us most, our children”. Giuseppe Governale
In order to make the arrest, police and military agents had to cut off the power in the Vatican, as well as dim the live cam. This was noticed by web-sleuths, who quickly became suspicious of what was happening in the Vatican
LLinWood50 minutes ago·2.2m
A great deal of evidence deals with pedophilia & child sex trafficking. Laws prohibit it from being transmitted online. So the evidence can only be brought to light in court.
You will also be shown evidence at the proper time and through proper channels about the conclusive evidence of election fraud & acts of treason by many against our country.
Perhaps most shocking will be the masterful actions of President Trump in ridding our country of debtor-state status. Our financial system is a paper fraud. Time for bankruptcy & a fresh start. Just think - no income taxes!
Good time to own gold, silver, land, etc. Real assets v. paper.
It is 1776 again. Stay tuned.
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LLinWood1 hour ago·3.4m @linwood Over the next 10-14 days, you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials & wealthy elite. Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the worldwide pandemic. Revelations will relate to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, and thousands more. I have seen the evidence. It is conclusive. This truly is the battle between good & evil.