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The Renaming of our Commonwealth Of Australia and High TREASON - Political Maleficence series

Writer's picture: ImAcogInDewheelImAcogInDewheel

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

A series on this subject and more on What Treason has been created under subterfuge and calculating lies, deliberately changing the Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) to bring about the Political maleficence against the unsuspecting people of This Commonwealth Of Australia.

****There are but two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.****

All information on this blog is important please educate yourself and share widely

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” ~ J. Edgar Hoover

I had finished this blog, but just received some very vital information I will add here

following PDF's of Brian Shaw, please assist Brian, by sharing and participating in his

Challenge to Australia and the truth of the greatest deceptions perpetrated against every Australian

Read Weep, Share and be a part of the Action required to bring justice.

and also look at changing the course of destruction

by supporting these great men and women who share the knowledge of truth and are working to restore our country into the hands of it's people. In Numbers we are the foot soldiers to greatness.

So skim through and learn nothing or read through and share to whom ever you can. It's time to wake up sleeping Australians, your country is burning in the fire of corruption and deceptions only the knowledge of truth can extinguish the flames and ignite the passion for our survival. Australians you are in a war for your wealth, health and freedom. Lift your game and work as a united front, together we are a true force of strength and bright stars of faith throughout adversity. As a family we are love, as a family we win!!!! Without knowledge in truth, you cannot unshackle the chains of ignorance to your entrapment to such an evil, so evil that it has entwined demonstrably into every facet of your daily lives a weight so heavy hanging from every neck, of the unborn through to the elders. Read on and share the following information researched and made available by gifted fellow Australians , information I have been shared or found over time and placed in front of you. Do your own research and wake to the treason, treachery and maleficence against the unsuspecting people of

The Commonwealth Of Australia.

(There are a number of PDF files below in this blog of Brian Shaw and also many Legal and Other Documentation @


TO THE SLEEPING AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC * there are a number of concerned Australian patriots out there that ..without rewards or even recognition working to re-establish our true and legitimate ""Queen's Commonwealth of Australia""....To rid Australians of this corrupt and illegal false parliament... Every Australian is a victim of this ""masquerading ""corporate government ...Many with the simple cost of just living some sadly with their lives ..WAKE UP ....find the true patriots and join and support them .......AUSTRALIA BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE ...NOT AN AMERICAN REGISTERED CORPORATION....***JAIL THE IMPOSTER TRAITORS *


If this blog is a bit heavier than usual, it’s because we are in serious trouble.For When, when freedom of speech and freedom of thought and freedom of choice is handed to a hierarchy of whom believe they are entitled to Control humanity in every aspect of their lives.. Then Humanity has a right to educate themselves and restore Freedom and the very existence of the human family as a free and just society unshackled from the chains of slavery.

British Parliament passed the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK). This connection is maintained by s 128, which requires the people’s vote to amend the Constitution.


Sent by a friend.

Could this be the game changer. I reckon the major parties have had it too good, for too long!!! With all the draconian rules being imposed, I feel like a refugee in my own country.

*(I have extended the information - and content, by adding additional links and pdf files)*

The following Information - Renaming of our Commonwealth Government.

Here is an official Australian Law Journal from 1974, explaining the renaming of our de-jure Federal Parliament and Government of the Commonwealth of Australia. No referendum to sanction this substitution. (This might explain why Gough Whitlam was sacked for making the switch). It appears that all subsequent parliamentary acts and political assemblies post 19th June 1973 may be unlawful and possibly treasonous; not in the true interest of, we, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia. It seems we've all been secretly blindsided by the Whitlam Government. *Palace secret letters revealed* and Here *The Dismissal Updated Files Released*

In any case, the 'Australian Government' has nothing to do with our original Commonwealth Government or Federal Parliament. It is not lawfully recognised and operates outside our Constitution Act 1901. This document can finally explain how our country has been incrementally sold off to the highest bidder and how manufacturing has been systematically dismantled.

This Law Journal might further explain this strange anomaly:

Attached are documents released under a Freedom of Information request seeking access to all documents that confirm the following: registration with the SEC of the Australian Government(Commonwealth of Australia) as a privately owned American company, file number:333-163307 CIK:0000805157.

Answer to Freedom of Information Request 2117

EDGAR Search Results

I've always wondered why the flagpole above the new parliament house never touches the ground and the kangaroo and the emu on the coat of arms, above the door, face us and not the seal. (Looks like the real thing, but it's not).

Pictorial slideshow

It's all starting to show, our nation has been privatised through gradualism. 

That the word "Commonwealth" well conveys the political fact that the Federation of Australia is a union of peoples as distinct from a union of Governments. 

***We, the people, may need to re-open the Old Parliament House in Canberra and kick-start our true Government under its rightful place and lawful banner. Bring back lawful currency that shows "Commonwealth of Australia" printed on it.***

More Here to Learn How YOU have been SCREWED - great information collated

1973 The Birth of Corporate Australia & The Death of the Commonwealth of Australia.


Thankfully, this Australian Law Journal is written proof that a rogue or counterfeit system of governance exists. It cannot be labelled a "conspiracy".

Seen Here

------------------------------ It's all there in black and white Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 No. 114

This Act created the purported Royal Style and Title for the Political Parties Abstract Queen of Australia. SCHEDULE Royal Style and Titles Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth. (Note the Queen of Australia does NOT hold the Title “Most Excellent Majesty” or “Defender of the Faith”.) This Act is 3 pages Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 Proclamation and Gazette 5 pages.          Political Parties created their own private sovereign, independent and federal nation. “God” (not being Our God)                     “Our Sign Manual” “Governor-General of Australia”                        “Great Seal” “Royal Great Seal”                                 “Great Seal of Australia” “Government of Australia”                      “Parliament of Australia” “Queen of Australia”                                        “Our Royal Proclamation” “Elizabeth R”                                         “Our Australian Parliament”                   “Elizabeth R”. (“R” stands for the Latin Regina, meaning “Queen”. This creates “Elizabeth R” for the Political Parties “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia”. UNDER the above there is NO Common Law of England, King James Bible, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus etc, ALL to the benefit of the Political Parties.-

Royal Style and Titles Act 1953

  • C1953A00032

  • No longer in force

Act No. 32 of 1953

Date of Assent03 Apr 1953

Date of Repeal31

Dec 1973 Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1973

Principal + Amendments Displayed here is a link to the Principal item and item(s) that amend the Principal.Principal:

Royal Style and Titles Act 1953 C1953A00032 No. 32, 1953

A very informative site CIRNOW

The following exposes the fraudulent and treasonous behaviour the political party governments have committed in our name!

Commonwealth Numbered Acts

More on Queen in her capacity as the Queen of Australia

ADDED content:

Political Parties Australia = TREASON

“The Constitution”

UNDER the Australia Act 1986

Chapter II—The Executive Government

61 Executive power

The executive power of the Commonwealth is vested in the Queen

and is exercisable by the Governor-General as the Queen’s

representative, and extends to the execution and maintenance of

this Constitution, and of the laws of the Commonwealth.

The Queen in Chapter II—The Executive Government

61 Executive power is the Queen of Australia, writing on paper.

Constitutional Law

Alley v Gillespie

S190/2017: [2018] HCA 11

Judgment delivered: 21 March 2018

Coram: Kiefel CJ, Bell, Gageler, Keane, Nettle, Gordon and Edelman JJ

The Political Parties own private High Court of Australia sits as a coram.

This High Court of Australia is the ultimate appellate court of the private australian sovereign, independent federal nation.

Australian State courts are part of an Australian judicial system.

Therefore all Australian judges, judicial officers or other person acting

judicially act as a coram.

do NOT act as the Constitutional Guardians

of the Constitution of the people “of the Commonwealth of Australia”,

as is in our “Founding and Primary Law of the Commonwealth of Australia”,

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901,

as Proclaimed and Gazetted,

but sit as a Coram, with NO Crown and Constitutional authority,

(Note: Butterworths Concise Australian Legal Dictionary

Coram /koraem/ lat – in the presence of)

do NOT sit in place of the Sovereign in whose name they are to administer justice.

More in,


Australian Constitutional referendums have been part of the Australian political system since federation


John McMillan "Constitutional Reform In Australia"

The Constitutional Commission in 1988, in an impressive 900 page report, took 30 pages to recommend textual alterations on nearly every subject dealt with in the Constitution.[3] The same assessment has been expressed by another major forum, the Australian Constitutional Convention, which included representatives from Federal, State and local government, and from all major political parties.[4]

      The argument for change can be traced briefly by reference to three different subjects of the Constitution: federalism; the institutions of national government; and protection of rights and freedoms.


Final report of the Constitutional Commission 1988


‘Final Report the Australian Constitutional Commission’ 1988 - S51:(26) for Non Citizens (Aboriginal)


Australia's Constitution After Whitlam By Brendan Lim · 2017

Preview 33 pages



House Of Representatives/ Powers Practice and Precedures


Acts no longer in force


Deagel website predicts the Australian Economy will crash from $1.4 trillion in 2017 to $420 billion in 2025.

Our population will drop from 23 million in 2017 to 15 million in 2025.

World figures for the Economy in 2017 are $79 trillion and will crash to $65 trillion in 2025.

World population will drop from 7.4 billion in 2017 to 6.9 billion in 2025.

Rate of world population growth is about 80 million people per year.

To reduce the total population by 500,000,000, it will require more than 500 million plus 8 x 80 million to leave this mortal coil.

That is 500,000.000 plus 640,000,000 or 1.14 billion people!

Annual population growth in Australia is about 350,000 per year.

To reduce Australian population to 15 million, then 8 million plus 8 x 350,000 will need to leave.

That is 8,000,000 plus 2,800,000 or 10.8 million people!

Is Morrison working from Deagel's song book?


PDF of website page



Documents relating to registration with the SEC of the *Australian Government as a privately owned American company

Commonwealth Of Australia

SEC CIK #0000805157

Commonwealth Of Australia is a registered with the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission . Commonwealth Of Australia is primarily in the business of unknown sic - 8880. For financial reporting, their fiscal year ends on June 30th. This page includes all SEC registration details as well as a list of all documents (S-1, Prospectus, Current Reports, 8-K, 10K, Annual Reports) filed by Commonwealth Of Australia.

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CIK#: 0000805157 (see all company filings)

HERE ARE MORE; Commonwealth departments ,registered to do business in Australia.

ABN of any other department of the Commonwealth Government. Each department name is registered as a trading name for the Commonwealth

Entity name:DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ABN status:Active from 01 Nov 1999 Entity type:Commonwealth Government Entity Goods & Services Tax (GST):Registered from 01 Jul 2000 Main business location:

ACT 2603

You can also search for the ABN of any other department of the Commonwealth Government. Each department name is registered as a trading name for the Commonwealth. Also abbreviations like DEEWR ( are registered for business.


QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE, having Australian Business Number 29 409 225 509 and

Dun & Bradstreet DUNS number 759427974..? The Police "Force" - not service - was originally constituted in the Police Act of 1863 in Queensland.

News. The Age (Victorian Police Are not Government) Link;

Police are out of control and the government doesn't seem to care


Australian Government Corporation. registered to the Brigalow Corporation in the USA

political parties have hijacked our government system and installed their own system operating under ABN number as a Corporate entity

*An Overview of the Brigalow Corp Takeover of Australia

The Queensland Constitution 2001 / The Brigalow Corporation / The Removal of all Ownership Rights in QLD & all other states of Australia.



*The Queensland Constitution 2001 / The Brigalow Corporation / The Removal of all Ownership Rights in QLD.


* more info to share.


Thu, 12/13/2007 - 09:24 Arthur Cristian


"On Thursday 3rd October 2007, the High Court of Australia made rulings over residential and rural land that effectively removes all land ownership from the people of Queensland and puts it squarely into the hands of our State Government.

The court ruling that fee simple and the common law are now no longer recognised in Queensland means we no longer are part of the Commonwealth and no longer have ownership or say in our land, that Queensland is a separate entity that can make its own laws. " (all other states are to follow )


If you want further info look up Google and type in Brigalow Corporation - apparently they in NSW are going to / if they have not already - implement same absolute bastardy into NSW. None dare call it treason!

Google for Brigalow Corporation: :;q=Brigalow+Corporation+&btnG=Googl...

Lots of information in relation to Land Rights - Fee Simple - Brigalow Corporation etc



Brigalow Corp and The Loss of Ownership Rights in Australia


The Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution, by Cheryl Saunders and Adrienne Stone


Constitutional law provides the legal framework for the Australian political and legal systems, and thus touches almost every aspect of Australian life. The Handbook offers a critical analysis of some of the most significant aspects of Australian constitutional arrangements, setting them against the historical, legal, political, and social contexts in which Australia's constitutional system has developed. It takes care to highlight the distinctive features of the Australian constitutional system by placing the Australian system, where possible, in global perspective. The chapters of the Handbook are arranged in seven thematically-grouped parts. The first, 'Foundations', deals with aspects of Australian history which have influenced constitutional arrangements. The second, 'Constitutional Domain', addresses the interaction between the constitution and other relevant legal systems and orders, including the common law, international law, and state constitutions. The third, 'Themes', identifies themes of special constitutional significance, including the legitimacy of the constitution, citizenship, and republicanism. The fourth, 'Practice and Process', deals with practical issues relevant to constitutional litigation, including the processes, techniques, and authority of the High Court of Australia. The final three parts deal with the structural building blocks of the Australian Constitutional system: 'Separation of Powers', 'Federalism', and the 'Protection of Rights.' Written by a team of experts drawn from academia and practice, the Handbook provides Australian and international readers alike with a reliable source of knowledge, understanding, and insight into the Australian Constitution. (less)

Other - Extracts

Melbourne Legal Studies Research Paper Series No. 812

This chapter traces the way in which freedom of expression is recognised in Australian constitutional law with special attention to the freedom of political communication

Pdf Table Of Contents

AUSTRALIA’S CONSTITUTION With Overview and Notes by the Australian Government Solicitor


“The illusion of Government”

Corporation registered in the DISTRICT

OF COLUMBIA, United States


More information received. Rather*** More of the people being Deceived

Received from John,

It first surfaced in July so I’m only 2.3months behind!!

Needs to be forwarded widely and with haste, given the fact that we have an election in October.

After listening to the facts presented, it is easy to believe that the result has already been decided regardless of how you vote!!

Can you believe this

"How about this for a bombshell, Peta Credlin (Sky News) has just reported on the Queensland government handing a contract for the coding of the Queensland electoral system to be allocated to coding operatives in CHINA!

These people have access to all of the personal details, names, addresses, ages, birthdates, phone numbers, email addresses, of everyone on the Queensland electoral roll.

All of the results of the voting in Queensland, local government and state government, are sent to these coders for verification before they are posted here, these people have the power to change votes, change voting trends, and actually effect the end result of the election.

There will be more to come on this, she is taking it up with the federal government next week.

JUST LET THAT SINK IN! " So much for voting online.

Here’s the youtube link

There is nothing surprising, What, these politicians haven't done behind the Australian Peoples backs!!

What's that about Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Constitutional Law - need they be reminded that the people are sovereign and treason will be punished.


Lock Step, Agenda 21 and Covid 19 - the plans by the NWO (NEW WORLD ORDER ) to cull and enslave humanity ~ The truth of this pandemic/ plandemic is available for all to research..I have placed a few recent events here as I believe it is essential news. That will see the plans of their destructive socialism fall apart as more of the people see through the deceptions of the Elitists, such as the Bill Gates foundation, CDC, World Health Organisation, Political Parties etc, uncovered as people realise they have been duped into an entrapment of new World Order Plans to control every aspect of humanities lives. Via draconian rules of lockdown, social distancing, mask wearing and the implementation of drastic changes in acts of law for controlling measures. such as Drones, facial recognition, cashless society, police states and corporate take over of Sovereignty of the people.

Continue Further through the blog, as you find invaluable information on how the Governments have duped all Australians throughout our Commonwealth History there is a mandate by the United Nations that once we become a republic / If not prevented by the people

to take everything from you. Not that there is much left with sell off of our Minerals, Utilities, manufacturing, Ports, some Air Ports and much more


SPECIAL REPORT: Hotel quarantine ‘cover-up’ buries the truth: Credlin ( where real journalism is a breath of fresh air.)

Sky News host Peta Credlin says there has been an attempt to cover up the truth of who ordered the use of private security in the bungled hotel quarantine inquiry. Ms Credlin has poured through fresh evidence today tendered to the hotel quarantine inquiry and has traced the decision to use private security back to Premier Daniel Andrews’ private office.

Andrews turned ‘beetroot red’ when his ‘cover-ups’ were exposed NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham says Premier Daniel Andrews turned “beetroot red” with embarrassment and humiliation when Sky News host Peta Credlin grilled him on missing hotel quarantine phone records.

NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham says Premier Daniel Andrews turned “beetroot red” with embarrassment and humiliation when Sky News host Peta Credlin grilled him on missing hotel quarantine phone records.


Post by Chris Mazzie

Journalists and politicians who are still standing with the fraudulent, criminals behind the tests, the masks and WHO...This trial lawyer is coming for you. He has been admitted to bar in Germany and California for 25 years and he specializes in fraudulent companies. He and high profile trial lawyers have been collecting evidence of fraud, crimes against humanity and devious lobbyist regarding the narrative by governments and main stream media during this crisis. It’s really really important to look into the committee and it’s work before it’s too late to choose side. Those who hold on to the main stream narrative will have some serious and potentially expensive and very embarrassing realisations to face. Link for Dr Reiner Fullmich s full testimony is here. Below is my video about the topic. Video Video source

Dr Reiner Fullmich s full testimony


THE MOST IMPORTANT Video on Earth Right Now

What if there was a lie so pervasive, so effective, so powerful that almost everyone believed it? What if that lie was destroying people who believed it but mainstream media did nothing to expose it? What if the people who propagated this lie admitted it AFTER major global damage was done? Share this video with everybody you care about.

Read pdf file

By Paul Kirchner Where's the scientific evidence?

Watch, research, learn, educate others and share.

"Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA"

Also Australian Government, Department of Health, Therapeutic Goods Administration.

"The reliability of COVID-19 tests is uncertain due to the limited evidence base. Available evidence mainly comes from symptomatic patients, and their clinical role in detecting asymptomatic carriers is unclear."..


Post shared by George Woods

This is what is been put in place to sue all Victorian politicians and public servants. Maximum sentence of 26yrs and $14.5M in fines under Victorian OH&S laws in regard to manslaughter



Three of the world's leading infectious disease specialists from Stanford, Harvard & Oxford created “The Great Barrington Declaration,” calling for an immediate withdrawal of strict lockdown measures for healthy populations, and “Focused Protection” for our most vulnerable. As we post this segment, almost 18,000 medical practitioners and public health experts have signed the declaration in support.



Please continue**** to learn of the very IMPORTANT Deceptions!!

The Renaming of our Commonwealth Of Australia and High TREASON - Political Maleficence series

Fake "Queen of Australia" and Australia's fake fraud Federal Parliament


Council Tax is Fraud and Every Tax is Fraud

A Reminder on Referendums the people voted no. Politicians didn't give a hoot! they gave your answer the boot. And take from you every pay day and more.

1988 Referendum

The question posed in the referendum was:

The Australian Constitution recognises Government at Federal and State levels, but makes

no mention of local government. Constitution Alteration (Local Government) 1988 proposed

to alter the constitution so as to recognise local government. The proposal was put to a

referendum in the Australian referendum, 1988.


A Proposed Law: To alter the Constitution to recognise local government.

Do you approve this proposed alteration?

State On rolls Ballots


For Against Informal

Local Government[edit]

The Australian Constitution recognises Government at Federal and State levels, but makes no mention of local government. Constitution Alteration (Local Government) 1988 proposed to alter the constitution so as to recognise local government.

The "no" campaign in 1988 argued that this change would undermine States' rights, i.e. that it would move - or make it possible to move - some power from State Governments to Local Governments.

Question and Results[1]

A Proposed Law: To alter the Constitution to recognise local government.

Do you approve this proposed alteration?

Obtained majority in no State and an overall minority of 3,217,670 votes. Not carried.

The referendum drew only 33.61% of voter support and failed. People voted Unanimously,

NO! to local Government.

So many have suffered by loss of property, while others to suicide.


John Andrew, Freedom of Information request and Affidavit



High Court case, Moeliker vs. Chapman seemed to indicate that the ATO was an illegitimate organisation.



High Court of Australia Transcripts

Moeliker v Chapman B8/2000 [2000] HCATrans 242 (17

May 2000)

The Moeliker v Chapman High Court case is often misunderstood or misrepresented; it concerned various taxpayers who argued, among other things, that the Australian Taxation Office is not a legal entity and therefore does not have any authority to collect taxation.

It is important to note that arguments put forward by the taxpayers were rejected by the High Court of Australia, and the High Court confirmed the tax liabilities of all the taxpayers involved.Although the High Court accepted that the Australian Taxation Office is not a legal entity, the High Court explicitly stated that this fact is of no relevance to the tax liabilities that were challenged in that case.

This is because taxes in Australia are collected by the Commissioner of Taxation. The Australian Taxation Office comprises of public servants who assist the Commissioner in his duties of collecting and administering tax, by exercising his powers on his behalf. For this reason, court cases concerning taxation are brought in the name of the Commissioner of Taxation or a Deputy Commissioner.


Section 51(ii) is the key provision in the Australian Constitution which allows the Commonwealth to enact laws in respect of taxation. The Commonwealth Parliament has passed various laws concerning the assessment, imposition and administration of taxation. Some key laws concerning taxation include the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and the Taxation Administration Act 1953.

The office of Commissioner of Taxation is a role established under the Taxation Administration Act 1953, and various laws allow the Commissioner of Taxation to collect taxes. Given the enormity of this task, the Commissioner simply could not do it by himself. The Commissioner is therefore authorised under law to delegate this task to Deputy Commissioners, and other officers. The Commissioner’s exercise of delegation has been approved by the High Court on many occasions (primary case: O’Reilly v State Bank of Victoria Commissioners (1983) 153 CLR 1). Staff at the Australian Taxation Office are authorised by the Commissioner to assist him in his task of administering the Australian taxation system and ensuring revenue is collected so that public services can be delivered.

The Taxpayers’ Charter is policy (not legislation) that sets out the way the Australian Taxation Office will conduct itself when dealing with taxpayers, and aims to help taxpayers understand their rights and obligations, what they can expect when they deal with the Australian Taxation Office and what they can do if they are dissatisfied with the way they have been treated by the Australian Taxation Office.

The Taxpayers’ Charter discusses among other things, the Australian Taxation Office’s approach to work cooperatively with taxpayers. Specifically, it reads, “We prefer to work with you cooperatively, providing you with help to meet your obligations voluntarily.”

The compulsory taxation obligations of Australians are not grounded in the Taxpayers’ Charter, they are grounded in taxation laws. The Taxpayers’ Charter does not suggest in any way that taxation obligations are voluntary. Rather, the Charter expresses the Australian Taxation Office’s preference in how it works with taxpayers to ensure taxpayers meet their taxation obligations. Compliance with taxation law in Australia relies largely on self-assessment. Taxpayers ( individuals and non-individuals ) are called upon to self-assess their income in their tax returns. The Australian Taxation Office trust that taxpayers will self-assess accurately and in adherence with taxation law by providing correct information.

The term ‘income’ is not specifically defined in legislation. Where a word is not explicitly defined in legislation, this does not invalidate the use of that word in legislation. Courts have consistently upheld the validity of the use of the term ‘income’ in the taxation legislation. Furthermore, courts can be called upon to interpret the meaning of words, and there are various cases that have been contested before the courts to establish what is and what is not income.

The Australian Taxation Office has information on its website about what constitutes income that must be included in an income tax return.If you have doubts about whether a certain circumstance would involve the derivation of income, you can contact the Australian Taxation Office’s enquiry line for assistance, or you can request a private ruling for the Australian Taxation Office’s view on whether your circumstances would involve the derivation of income.

The requirement to lodge a tax return is a legislative requirement. There is no compensation provided for your time or efforts exerted in lodging a tax return, as the legislation does not provide such compensation.


ATO accused of systemic abuse of power

go to this link for more information

or read here pdf of article.


Pirates of the Suburbs - Destroying Communities

Source:Visit Rena Iliades youtube channel

The removal of Senator Rodney Culleton from parliament was a farce to cover the fraud by the High Court and the government.

The evidence stands clear against the High Court, why? In 2008, and 2010, cases were presented to the High Court, written in Correct-Parse-Syntax-Grammar, to which the High Court judges ALL agreed their case was FLAWLESS, however, "We Are Only Here To Deal With ADVERB-VERB scenarios!" Meaning, whosoever tries taking a CORRECT-GRAMMAR case to the High Court, supposedly the Highest Court in the land, will NOT be heard, why? Simple! ALL AUSTRALIAN JUDGES ARE IN THE CLUB, AND WILL DO WHAT THEY'RE more, no less! EVERY SINGLE COURT IN AUSTRALIA, SINCE DAY ONE, HAVE PROCEEDED UNDER THE NINE-WORD-RULE, INVENTED BY THE FREEMASONS! "NO LAW OR FACT SHALL BE TRIED IN COURT"......operative word being FACT! As the Bible clearly states.."do NOT go to the courts (den of vipers), FIRST go to your brother and sort the matter". Stay away from the snake pit, or get bitten.

Pirates of the Suburbs - Destroying Communities

Source:Visit Rena Iliades youtube channel Thanks to Scott Bartle who inspired this video (What The FUQ?

Video Source )


(Learn more at

Including many others throughout Australia who are dedicated to protecting truth, justice and the rights of their fellow Australians. This is for you. Remember who you are. Occupy your local council - Who are Local Councils or "Local Government"? Can they charge rates, can they issue penalties (and in the case of occupiers, do they have ANY right at all to ask you to move on?) In fact, do Local Councils or "Local Government" have any rights at all in your area? Absolutely not! None whatsoever. It's about time these corporations masquerading as government are exposed for the criminals that they are. Take back your community and stop these pirates from pillaging our Country suburb by suburb. It's up to all Australians to protect their country, council by council! - This video shows Melton residents doing just that!

This video is also related to the article mentioned earlier proving the local media's lies & contempt for their own communities. ( ) Stay tuned for the information we have about the opportunity we gave to Mr. Tori to work with the community to resolve this very important issue. Mr. Tori maintained his position, because it suited him despite the information we gave him before the release of this video. We made it abundantly clear at the conclusion of our one-on-one meeting, that if he would not in the very least investigate our information or question his current position on the matter, then we consider him to be willfully criminal in his actions. He ignored us. These people can no longer ignore the people they claim to serve. If they don't have a process within their system that ensures accountability and transparency, then it's up to us to hold them to account for their actions. I know that many of you are extremely knowledgeable about the constitution and other matters of law, so I hope you can all add your own comments or corrections for others to read. We wanted to create something that keeps things simple and explains to the average Australian who wouldn't normally consider these matters, the gravity of the situation if we allow this to continue -- the point being, ALL laws are in the end THEORY. Don't forget that. You are all that was and all that ever will be and NO MAN MADE LAW can tell you otherwise because of a "legal technicality" -- in any case, that argument ain't ever going to fly with your creator. Remember who you are. If you have a youtube account, please upload it and share this very important information with every Australian. Go to your next council meeting or office and ask them the questions, serve the notices and let them know you are going to take back control of your community out of the hands of these criminals and back into the hands of the people that it belongs to. Let them know you won't put up with a corporate take over of our Communities or our Country. Don't bother writing to them, go there in person. Ask for proof of their authority. You have every right to do so. See if your Council has a Facebook page and make sure they know how unlawful they are. Let your councillors and Mayor know that if they really want to represent you, then they have to stop representing the corporation. NB: Here's Wayne Glews' talk. Only 5 minutes long and he talks about the unlawfulness of councils...and this was two years ago! Oh well, better late than never! Video Source

Wayne Glew -- The Talking Bulldog

important Information

Wayne Glew is an ex Western Australian Police Man (and Prosecutor) who has switched sides because he wanted to stand against wrong doing in the system. Judges hate him because he knows too much... "Note" A copy of the original Australian Constitution with seal can be obtained at the following link for free.


1) What Laws are Valid

(2) Christian or Freemason

3) Why the Queen Can’t Help us

Video - Social Dynamics: Produced in 1984, this remains the best depiction of a truly free society which we once had, and which can be regained. Simple,and practical lectures for schools and church showings.


Please continue**** to eye opening information

Corporations created by Political parties, private all for profit corporation

New and important information revealed Name:PECKER MAROO PTY LTD



Local Government Funding and Constitutional Recognition Constitutional Reform Unit Report No 3, January 2013

By Anne Twomey


Corporations made by Members of Political Parties control all sections of Parliaments, Governments and Courts “of Australia”

whereas from 1st January 1901, the people “of the Commonwealth of Australia” are to live under a Constitutional Monarchy.

Extensive list of Web Links with respect to

“The Commonwealth of Australia” and to “Australia”

small example.

The “Letters Patent constituting the office of Governor-General, 29th October 1900”

Queensland Government Gazette of 1st January 1901, [Vol. LXXV] [No. 2]

The Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 [28 & 29 Vict.] [Ch. 63]

refers to Letters Patent as being under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom

The Promissory Oaths Act 1868 (UK) [31 & 32] [Vic. Cap. 72] of 31st July 1868

“An Act to amend the Law relating to Promissory Oaths”

The Merchant Shipping Act 1894 (UK) [57 & 58 Vict.] [Ch. 60]

The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (UK) [63 & 64 VICT.] [CH. 12],

as Proclaimed and Gazetted

continued many links in pdf file


The Government of AUSTRALIA is not a government elected by the people at all. It is private all for profit corporation

A statute (or act of Parliament): A legislative rule which is given the force of law with your consent. NOTE: a statute or act of Parliament IS NOT LAW. It is a rule or regulation or company policy of the private corporation AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ~ ABN:

For a claim made an act or statute to be valid, then first there must be consent of the governed. This must be obtained by way of a formal contract between AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT and including it's OTHER Government Departments, example Local councils, go to list of all departments with ABN's and you as an individual.

A Contract or agreement: A formal written document which lays out terms offered and accepted by the living parties, which offers full disclosure and is signed in WET INK by all parties. In the instance of a company being one of the parties, either a director in the presence of a witness or two officers of the company must sign in wet ink, and you. The contract must be entered into by all parties whole heartedly and willingly, without coercion, not under duress or under the threat of loss or harm and full disclosure must always be given if these clear requirements for a contract are not adhered to then the contract is null and void from the start. Although it is claimed that verbal contracts stand, nothing can be proved from verbal contracts. Over time, details can be forgotten by the parties and witnesses or the truth can be bent on purpose for whatever reason so they must be recorded in formal documents so there is no doubt.

Signing in wet ink: Literally means a living being must pick up a pen and sign with his own hand. Your Signature is everything. It creates the agreement (contract) and the liability and it also creates all funds. So unless you and the circa 25,499,884 people million other living flesh human beings who live on the land known as Australia, have signed a contract with Parliaments & Government agreeing to adhere to and be bound by all their acts and statutes, then any claim made against you under an act is fraud by default, including Council rates

(Tax )which your liability is claimed eg; under Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation .


  • Australia

  • CTH

  • ACT

  • NSW

  • NT

  • QLD

  • SA

  • TAS

  • VIC

  • WA

  • New Zealand



Table of Provisions


Schedule 1—Power to make rules of owners corporation

Schedule 2—Transitional and savings provisions



The Owners Corporations Act 2006 was assented to on 19th September 2006 and came into operation on 31 December 2007: section 2(2).

Fair Trading and Consumer Acts Further Amendment Act 2008, No. 2/2008

Consumer Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 2010, No. 1/2010 (as amended by Nos 63/2010, 36/2011)

Consumer Affairs Legislation Amendment (Reform) Act 2010, No. 63/2010

Consumer Acts Amendment Act 2011, No. 36/2011

Owners Corporations Amendment Act 2013, No. 78/2013

Sale of Land Amendment Act 2014, No. 33/2014

Victoria Police Amendment (Consequential and Other Matters) Act 2014, No. 37/2014

Veterans and Other Acts Amendment Act 2015, No. 12/2015

Owners Corporations Amendment (Short-stay Accommodation) Act 2018, No. 34/2018

3     Amendments Not in Operation

This version does not contain amendments that are not yet in operation.

    4     Explanatory details

No entries at date of publication.


Database containing consolidated principal Acts of the State of Victoria. Where the legislation has been amended, and an official consolidation is available, amendments have been incorporated.

  • Crimes Act 1958

  • Residential Tenancies Act 1997

  • Criminal Procedure Act 2009

  • Evidence Act 2008

  • Road Safety Act 1986

  • Planning and Environment Act 1987

  • Building Act 1993

  • Wrongs Act 1958

  • Sale of Land Act 1962

  • Sentencing Act 1991

  • Bail Act 1977

  • Family Violence Protection Act 2008

  • Children, Youth and Families Act 2005

  • Owners Corporations Act 2006

  • Transfer of Land Act 1958

  • Retail Leases Act 2003

  • Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998

  • Civil Procedure Act 2010

  • Summary Offences Act 1966

  • Duties Act 2000


Start with any letter.

example N

Victorian Current Acts beginning with N ...

  • National Australia Bank and Bank of New Zealand Act 1997

  • National Domestic Violence Order R Scheme Act 2016

  • National Electricity (Victoria) Act 2005

  • National Environment Protection Council (Victoria) Act 1995

  • National Gallery of Victoria Act 1966

  • National Gas (Victoria) Act 2008

  • National Parks Act 1975

  • National Rail Corporation (Victoria) Act 1991

  • National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2018

  • National Taxation Reform (Consequential Provisions) Act 2000

  • New Broken Hill Consolidated Limited Act 1971

  • New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Victoria) Act 1999

  • Newhaven Land Act 1971

  • Non-emergency Patient Transport Act 2003

  • North Melbourne Lands Act 1966

  • North Melbourne Lands Act 1996

  • North Melbourne Municipal Buildings Site Act 1963

  • Northcote Trust Fund Act 1975

  • Nuclear Activities (Prohibitions) Act 1983

  • Nudity (Prescribed Areas) Act 1983


Local Government Acts

The principal legislation in Victoria governing the establishment and operation of councils is the Local Government Act 1989, and the Local Government Act 2020, along with various Regulations made under the Acts. They define the purposes and functions of local government as well as providing the legal framework for establishing and administering Councils.

The Act gives the Victorian Parliament the power to make laws it considers necessary for local government, including laws relating to the constitution of councils, council elections and the powers and duties of councilors and council staff. Both Local Government Acts include a preamble or purpose to reflect the recognition given to local government in the Victorian Constitution.

Victorian Constitution Act

Local government has special recognition in the Victorian Constitution Act 1975. The Victorian Constitution recognises local councils as "a distinct and essential tier of government". Under Section 74 of the Constitution Act democratically elected councils are to ensure "the peace, order and good government of each municipal district". Local government is established under State legislation.

The status of local government in the Victorian constitution is protected. Part 2A of the Constitution Act which covers local government, cannot be repealed or amended unless the change is approved by a majority of Victorian electors voting in a referendum.

The people new what they didn't want!! So what did they of whom Government ,not understand (Obtained majority in no State and an overall minority of 3,217,670 votes. Not carried

refer prior entry Council Tax is Fraud and Every Tax is Fraud

Acts and regulations - Local Government Victoria › council-governance › acts-and-re... Regulations made under the Local Government Act 1989 The Local Government (General) Regulations 2015 provides for miscellaneous parts of the Local Government Act 1989, including registers of interests, rate and charge notices and documents which must be provided for public inspection.

The Local Government Act 2020 received Royal Assent on 24 March 2020. ... The Act will improve local government democracy, accountability and service delivery for all Victorians. The Local Government Act 2020 will be proclaimed in 4 stages: Stage 1 - 6 April 2020.

Please provide proof ~ Royal Assent? by the Queen Of Australia, or the "de jure" Queen Of the Commonwealth Of Australia".


Are Local Government the Crown? According to Sydney City Council v Reid. Local Government are not the Crown… If not the Crown are Local Government nothing but a Trading Corporation under Section 51(xx) of the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900?

Can the State Government create Local Government or only Trading Corporations as per Section 51(xx) of the Commonwealth Constitution Act..?

State or Federal? The high court has found that state entities may be corporations and fall under federal legislation


Larry Pickering


If the law bores you then read no further, but if you actually care what you are being asked to vote for then don’t expect either party to explain, they won’t and they haven’t, because they can’t afford to.

No-one in their right mind would want our third tier of spendthrift government (councils) to have yet more power. 

There are enough thieves in jail from the other two tiers.

Julia Gillard will welcome this silly referendum as another diversion but Abbott curiously gives it his blessing. Why?

Well, all Federal governments would love to bypass the States and, in some cases, that would have merit.

But this referendum has a snowflake’s chance in hell of getting up.

Even with bipartisan support it will need an overall majority, plus a majority in four of the six States and that simply won’t happen. Not this time.

The real reason Federal governments want councils to have Constitutional recognition is that councils have historically acted illegally when imposing fines.

They simply do not have the necessary statutory power to impose default judgments.

“Innocent until proven guilty” is not a law, it’s a principle that should be observed but in reality it is not.

In criminal law the alleged offender is jailed while awaiting trial. He is suspected of being, if not assumed to be, guilty.

Under common law you can be summarily punished. The burden of proof is on you to prove the accuser wrong.

Let’s take the ATO and the CSA, both statutory government Agencies with assumed powers to impose default judgments.

If either sends you a bill for $100,000, the burden of proof rests with you to prove their assessment wrong, even tho' it was they who initiated the action.

But how can you prove them wrong when these government Agencies keep all the best law firms on retainer (it’s hard to find a law firm to act for you) and the cost to challenge the judgment would exceed the assessed amount anyway?

If you are fined by a council for a parking offence or for any other “offence” you are assumed liable for a default judgment they have no statutory power under the Constitution to enforce.

That could open a Pandora’s box rendering every council in the country insolvent via class actions.

So, I walked into the chambers of Tony Morris QC who specialises in Constitutional law.

Not only did he agree with me but he suggested that even the default judgments of Government Agencies were unlawful, but no-one had ever challenged them on Constitutional grounds.

Wow! And he was prepared for a Constitutional challenge for a mate’s rate of $50,000.

Crumbs, that’s really appeared a pet subject of his and he gave me reams of files to read up on.

I declined the offer because I didn’t have a lazy 50 grand and I felt sure the cost to re-interpret Constitutional law would escalate closer to a million bucks.

Anyway, ignore the referendum and next time you hear that phrase, “innocent until proven guilty”, better ignore that too.



Following Content. By Brian Shaw , Gerard Donohue and Barry Preston.

I don't post often, so If you do just one thing today, please check out this post and share if you are gob smacked by it. Gerard Donohue has compiled these, and although they centre

around two states, they are applicable to every State and

Territory Australia Wide.

The West Australian Chapter is one of greed and certainly

arrogance by men and women that you elected to run the

Country not to ruin it.

The Victorian Chapter on page 8 ‘Good Man Mark’ asks

Gerard 11 questions. Can any of you help him?

To: Concerned Australians, September News Letter

Regaining Australia Early 2020

Brian Shaw, who has worked for 30 years to bring the governments to account for their treason and treachery. website



The Victorian Police

freemasons Victoria .1

Misprision Of treason .2

Zechariah chapter 5 .3

The masonic Warrant .4


We've just found one private corporation that appears to own nearly every related agency of the Australia Government.

It is also masquerading as the Queen of Australia and the King Of Australia. Now remember, to register, which finds its root in regis (King), means to give to the King. This is important, because we don't own anything anymore (we gave it to a private corporation, unknowingly).

This company below appears to own everything we've registered (inc our  estates, homes, cars... even our children through birth certificates!) and also dictate to us our "rights", because we're under its jurisdiction, like employees, through registration of a unilateral agreement (one sided) and it has the same authority as Bunnings and McDonalds.

We've all been hoodwinked. The Queen of Australia is not a woman, it is a corporation. (See evidence below). And these oaths in parliament are to a corporation, not a protector of a realm.


ACN/ARBN:000 576 492

ABN:93 000 576 492

Regulator:Australian Securities and Investments Commission

It appears it is all owned by two people,

Stephenie Charlton & Stephen Shanks basically own you under this company - Pecker Maroo Pty Ltd (ABN 93000576492)

This website shows the contact information for the alleged owners.

S A Charlton (stephenie), born 1963, phone number (02) 9571 7990,  (02) 9518 9581 Address: Unit 630, 8 Point St, Pyrmont, NSW.

and these are the entities hidden under this corporation:

King Of Australia

Queen Of Australia

Australian Labour Party

Births Deaths & Marriages Office

Check Mate Empire

Liberal Party Of Australia

Registrar General

Registrar General Nsw

The Australian Labor Party

Treasuries Office

The Liberal Party Of Australia

Australian Labor Party

Nsw Office Of Fines And Penalties

The Registrar Generals Office

Stamp Duties Office

Registrar Generals Office

Property Registry Team

Property Registry Nsw

Office Of Sydney Water

Office Of Stamp Duty

Office Of Leichhardt Service Centre

Office Of Fines And Penalties

Office Of Canterbury Bankstown

Nsw Revenue Office

Nsw Property Registry

Nsw Office Of State Revenue

Nsw Fines And Penalties

Leichhardt Service Centre

Office Of Revenue

Office Of Nsw Transport Roads & Maritime Services

Office Of Penalties Enforcement Registry

Office Of Personal Property Securities Register

Office Of Register General

Office Of Service Nsw

Office Of Transport Roads & Maritime Services

Office Of Fair Trading Nsw

Office Of Land And Titles

Office Of Australian Taxation

Nsw Duties Requisition

Land Titles Registry Nsw

Land Titles Office Nsw

Land Titles Office Australia

Land And Titles Registry Australia

Office Of Land And Titles Australia

Office Of Land And Titles Nsw

Office Of Nsw Duties Requisition

Office Of Nsw Revenue

Suellyn Nature's Skincare

All Charm Properties

Pecker Maroo Enterprise

Sunrise 28

Pecker Maroo Services

Ok, so it gets even deeper... Law enforcement, Medicare, Justice and health care.... all these private corporations appear to be under this trust and have nothing to do with the Commonwealth of Australia 1900.

The trustee for Pecker Maroo No. 2 Trust. ABN:  82304752741

owns the following businesses.











Seriously, this changes everything...  It could mean that every fee and fine and Authority of this government is... Voluntary, Negotiable and operating under the legal maxims of Contract Law.

Now, another question to ask, When the police swear an oath to serve our sovereign lady... could they be serving this sovereign lady:

Sovereign Lady Pty Ltd - ABN 65621715115





This brave man was arrested and his personal property kept by the Police.

He has been released and is well, and working with Brian Shaw.









Official Record of Debates of the Australasian Federation Conference, Melbourne 1890


Sealed by King John of England

Magna Carta (1215)


Australian Constitution with Seal


Treason, treachery and other threats to security offences




Australian Tax Office (ATO) is NOT a Legal Entity

ATO operating illegally, thanks to a friend that sent it to me. Much appreciated.

Anything within a box is omitted off the page. Just take a close look at the Tax Forms! I letter in each box. What a joke. Below are just some of the Federal rules they have committed.


If above isn't enough to fill buckets of tears at the crimes against all Australians

I leave you with more maleficence.

THE BASTARDS HAVE sold you out Lock stock and barrel...

HON BOB KATTER - 2016 open letter to the Australian people


On July 14, 1996, investigators working in the archives of the League of Nations, held in Geneva by the Swiss Government, found the original copy of the Leaguer of Nations Covenant. Interspersed among the text is a commentary in italics by Sir Geoffrey Butler, KBE

the Covenant has never been widely understood by the people of Australia, whose future was irrevocably altered by the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919.

By it, the British Dominions, namely New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Canada have their independent nationhood established for the first time

the Dominions will always look to the League of Nations Covenant as their Declaration of Independence.

From October 1st, 1919 the British Monarch became irrelevant to Australia. From October 1st 1919 Australia became a republic. From October 1st, 1919 it has been necessary to create a political and judicial system capable of bridging the legal void created when sovereignty changed from the Parliament of the United Kingdom to the people of Australia. That necessity still exists.

By using UK law to claim power, parliamentarians and others become agents of a foreign power.